King Arthur: Knight's Tale

King Arthur: Knight's Tale

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100% ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE | King Arthur: Knight's Tale
This is a comprehensive guide detailing a way of getting for all achievements in the game. If you have never played this game or are just hunting for achievements, this guide will show you how to get them all.

The search function of a browser may be used to find a specific achievement faster (Ctrl+F).
I wish you success in getting all the in-game achievements

Work in progress: work on this guide is still ongoing. Maybe now it looks like just a list of achievements, but it will not be so for long. Very soon, I will update each achievement with a detailed description and a screenshot or video explaining how to unlock it.

Thank you for you patience!

Achievement info

● Difficulty level of achievements: Medium.
● Total achievements: 59 (100%)
● Offline achievements: 58
● Online Achievements: 1
● Estimated time to complete all achievements: 50+ hours.
● Minimum number of passes for 100%: 2-3
● Glitchy achievements: Yes — Ready to fight.
● Missable Achievements: Yes — Tristan & Isolde.
● Achievements with difficulty levels: Yes.
● Required DLCs for 100% achievements: Pict and Brigands Skirmish Pack DLC are required.

Back from the Dead (Hidden) ✔

Start a game and complete the prologue that serves as a tutorial mission.

This is rather short mission which finishes by defeating Sir Tewelyn for the first time and making decision about the fate of Camelot.

Dawn Before Midnight (Hidden) ✔

King Arthur: Knight's Tall All Story Missions are divided to 4 acts.
Finishing the last act story mission on any difficulty will grand you an achievement.

● Prologue
● Among the Ruins (Level 2)
● Bridge of Sorrow (Level 2)
● The Cursed Ship (Level 4)
● Heart of Midnight (Level 6)
● Fire with Fire (Level 3)
● The Tale of Sir Yvain (Level 3)
● Treachery (Level 3)
● Forbidden Keep (Level 4)
● The Haunted Forest (Level 4)
● Old Monastery (Level 4)
● Thistlewood Ruins (Level 4)
● The Return (Level 5)
● The Ancient Throne (Level 5)
● The Warrior Queen (Level 5)

The abbomination is the final boss for this Act.

The Wounded King (Hidden) ✔

Finishing the last act story mission on any difficulty will grand you an achievement.

● The Besieged Castle (Level 6)
● The Confrontation (Level 7)
● The Excalibur (Level 8)
● The Witch Queen (Level 9)
● The Fisher King (Level 11)
● The Sadness of Sir Tegyr (Level 7)
● The Knight of Thorns (Level 7)
● The Curse of Sir Bors (Level 8)
● The Chosen (Level 8)
● The Horn of the Dauntless (Level 10)
● The Cauldron (Level 10)

His Final Despair (Hidden) ✔

Finishing the last act story mission on any difficulty will grand you an achievement.

● Into the Darkwood (Level 11)
● Beyond the Veil (Level 12)
● The Seelie Court (Level 13)
● The Unseelie Court (Level 14)
● Heart of the Deepwood (Level 16)
● Cave of Shadows (Level 12)
● The Wild Hunt (Level 12)
● The Return of the King (Level 13)
● The Battle of the Chasm (Level 13)
● Hunt of the Damned (Level 14)
● The Artificer (Level 15)

The Dark Lord of Camelot (Hidden) ✔

Finishing the last act story mission on any difficulty will grand you an achievement.

● The Beastmaster (Level 16)
● The Gathering (Level 18)
● The Reckoning (Level 21)
● The Wild Hunt Returns (Level 16)
● Order of the Seraphim (Level 17)
● The Blackthorn Council (Level 18)

See the Consequences ✔

Before starting, you will be asked to decide on the game mode between Сlassic and Roguelite mode.

Classic mode offers you a standard gaming experience, the basis of which will be the ability to save and load the game at any time. During the game, you will often have to make choices that will determine your playthrough: some heroes, perks and abilities will be unavailable depending on your choice, so the ability to correct your mistakes through loading the game is useful for those who are playing the game for the first time.

Roguelite mode differs in that the manual save and load function is disabled, now the game will be automatically saved, depriving the player of the opportunity to correct errors. Heroes killed in battle will also die permanently. If something terrible happened, then you should accept everything that happened as a given and continue to play.

However, this does not mean that playing the game in Roguelite mode is a bad decision for beginners. After choosing a mode, no matter what you choose, you will also be asked to select the difficulty within the mode.

To get the achievement, you must complete the game (complete all story missions) in Roguelite mode on any difficulty. A list of story missions can be found later in the guide.

Demon Slayer ✔

You will defeat Balor during the last mission of Endgame Phase after finishing all story missions in Act IV.

Upon completion of King Arthur, a number of endgame Side missions are unlocked that extend beyond Act IV. Some of these missions must be completed in order to unlock others. The Following are the new missions and their corresponding recommended level.
  • Infernal Triumvirate (21)
  • Forest of the Fallen (21)
  • Forsaken Cathedral (21)
  • Woodland Vermin (21)
  • Besieged by the Undead (21)
  • Cult of Midnight (22)
  • Pillagers (22)
  • The Raid (22)
  • The Cleansing (22)
  • The Traitor (22)
  • The Returned (22)
  • Keep of the Damned (23)
  • The Grovekeeper's Plea (23)
  • Three Sisters (23)
  • Beyond the Veil (24)
  • The Fomordian Menace (24)
  • Infernal Trum
  • The Fomorian King (26)
  • The Great Worm (27)
  • The Dark God (28)

Knights of the Half-Moon Table/Knights of the Round Table ✔

There are up to 30 heroes that can be recruited to the player's party through Story Progression or through the choices you make which contributes to your Morality.

You need to understand, some heroes will join your squad regardless of your actions, but most of the additional heroes require not only the completion of their side mission, but they must also survive it, because his/her death during a mission will deprive you of a companion.

Also, some heroes belong to several factions at once, so they can be repeated in the tables below.

Each achievement will unlock as soon as you fill the bottom bar slot with 6 and 12 heroes.

Neutral Heroes

How to Recruit
Start the game
Recruited by freeing him from his prison cell during the Prologue quest
Recruited in The Cursed Ship Mission. It happens during the first objective "Explore the ship that brought the king here", if you help him lift his curse and if he survives the mission.
Recruited after the side quest Treachery if you choose to duel him instead of battle. If you win, he will join you.
Recruited after completing the Side Mission: Cave of Shadows.
At the end of the Main Mission, Beyond the Veil, you'll be given a choice to recruit him or the Faerie Knight.
Recruited after completing the Side Mission: The Curse of Sir Bors.
Recruited if he survives after completing the mission: The Tale of Sir Yvain.
Rightful Heroes

How to Recruit
Upon starting the third mission, Bridge of Sorrow, Sir Balan rejoins your party alongside Sir Balin, his brother, whom you meet at the gate of the bridge. At the end of the mission, Sir Mordred will be presented with choices: Claim the fortress for yourself by ordering both brothers to obey you or pass on the fortress to Sir Balin. Sir Balan will be officially recruited into the party should the player select option neither options.
Reach Morality Level 13 for Rightful to unlock Lancelot`s side mission and complete it to recruit him.
Recruited after completing the Side Mission: The Rite of the Ones Beneath.
Recruited by completing the Side Mission: The Sadness of Sir Tegyr.
Recruited if he survives and after you complete the Mission: The Haunted Forest.
Joins during the event A new Lady of the Round Table, which occurs after completing The Excalibur Main Mission.
Add 8 points towards the Rightful and Old-Faith morality in order to unlock a unique side mission for Sir Geraint. Complete it to let him join to your party.
Tyrant Heroes

How to Recruit
Recruited by completing the Main Mission: The Witch Queen and choosing to side with Lady Morgawse instead of Merlin.
Black Knight
Reach 7 points of Tyrant morality you will have access to the The Curse of the Black Knight side-mission. Complete it to recruit Black Knight.
Red Knight
Add 13 points towards the Tyrant morality in
At the end of the Bridge of Sorrow mission, Sir Mordred will be presented with three choices: Reward Sir Balin for clearing the dead with the fortress, claim the fortress for yourself by ordering both brothers to obey you, or pass on the fortress to Sir Balan as per his father's will. Sir Balin will be officially recruited into the party should the player select option one or two.
He must survive during the side mission Fire with Fire to join your party.
Once you have 8 Morality in Old-Faith & Tyrant, you'll unlock a Side Mission that once completed allows you to recruit Sir Dagonet.
Brunor le Noir
Recruited after completing the Side Mission: The Knight of Thorns. Sir Brunor le Noir must also survive and you should help him fulfil his revenge in order for him to join you at the Round Table.
Once you have 8 Morality in Christian & Tyrant, you'll unlock a Side Mission that once completed allows you to recruit Sir Damas.
Old-Faith Heroes

How to Recruit
Recruited by completing the Main Mission: The Witch Queen and choosing to side with Merlin instead of Lady Morgawse.
After recruiting Sir Tristan, complete his mission and bring his wife's remains to Camelot. He will be given permissions to bring her remains to the crypt. If you have obtained the Tome of Resurrection in Act 2, you may enter the crypt and find Lady Isolde. She may then be resurrected and recruited as a playable hero.
Once you have 7 Morality in Old-Faith, you'll unlock a Side Mission that once completed allows you to recruit Sir Bedievere.
Morgana le Fay
Once you have 13 Morality in Old-Faith, you'll unlock a Side Mission that once completed allows you to recruit Lady Morgana le Fay.
Upon starting the third mission, Bridge of Sorrow, Sir Balan rejoins your party alongside Sir Balin, his brother, whom you meet at the gate of the bridge. At the end of the mission, Sir Mordred will be presented with choices: Claim the fortress for yourself by ordering both brothers to obey you or pass on the fortress to Sir Balin. Sir Balan will be officially recruited into the party should the player select option neither options.
Once you have 8 Morality in Old-Faith & Tyrant, you'll unlock a Side Mission that once completed allows you to recruit Sir Dagonet.
Faerie Knight
At the end of the Main Mission: Beyond the Veil, you'll be given a choice to recruit him or Sir Gawain.
Joins during the event A new Lady of the Round Table, which occurs after completing The Excalibur Main Mission.
Add 8 points towards the Rightful and Old-Faith morality in order to unlock a unique side mission for Sir Geraint. Complete it to let him join to your party.
Recruited by completing the Main Mission: The Witch Queen and choosing to side with Lady Morgawse instead of Merlin.
Christian Heroes

How to Recruit
Add 13 points towards the Christian morality in order to unlock a unique side mission for the Sir Galahad.
Automatically joins the party after the second enemy encounter in Kingstone during the Main quest: Among the Ruins.
Can be recruited after completing the Side Mission: The Atonement of Sir Lucan.
Recruited by completing the Side Mission: The Sadness of Sir Tegyr.
White Knight
Recruited after completing the Side Mission: The Return of the White Knight. The White Knight must survive upon completing the mission.
Recruited after completing the Side Mission: The Cauldron. Sir Percivale must survive upon completing the mission.
He must survive during the side mission Fire with Fire to join your party.
Once you have 8 Morality in Christian & Tyrant, you'll unlock a Side Mission that once completed allows you to recruit Sir Damas.
At the end of the Bridge of Sorrow mission, Sir Mordred will be presented with three choices: Reward Sir Balin for clearing the dead with the fortress, claim the fortress for yourself by ordering both brothers to obey you, or pass on the fortress to Sir Balan as per his father's will. Sir Balin will be officially recruited into the party should the player select option one or two.

The Very Purpose of a Knight/I Shall Bere Your Noble Fame ✔

Reaching level 25 is a fairly large investment of gold or time. Choosing a party of 4 heroes or less, even if you pick the same characters on a mission, this will not be enough for a second achievement. The training ground and the organization of paid knight tournaments will help you with this, which are guaranteed to increase the level of the hero by one after 1 mission.

There is no need to rush into the issue of leveling heroes, because after completing all the story quests in Act IV, in the endgame phase you can continue to play further by completing new side quests. This will let you upgrade your heroes futher and give you additional time for using training ground.

Also pay attention to additional missions as a reward for which there is a large amount of experience that will allow you to catch up with the low level heroes. In such missions, in the reward column, you can see a book with the XP inscription.

Crypt? What Crypt?/A Second Chance ✔

The Сrypt is one of two buildings already built in Camelot. You can get into it on a global map by going to the camelot menu.

This godforsaken place is where your fallen Heroes resting and rotting away. When you lost somebody during battles, visit this place and click on their tombstones to pay respects to the heroic dead.

Do not let your Heroes die during playthrough and finish all story missions with less than 3 dead heroes to unlock Crypt? What Crypt? achievement.

But if one of your heroes still died, you can resurrect him. But it is a difficult process that requires a rare and unique item known as Tome of Resurrection, which can be acquired through story progression during the Act II. Upon using it, the item grants the player 1 Resurrection Token that can be used to revive a fallen hero in the Crypt.

But keep in mind, that using Tome of Resurrection is the only way to recruit such Hero as Isolde.
If you used it already to revive any other hero, then you cant unlock Tristan & Isolde achievement in this playthrough.

Forever a Trainee ✔

First of all, you will need to build a Training Ground in Camelot.

After that, you need to choose the lowest level hero you have on your character roster.

Choose a free level up and leave this hero for a next 10-15 missions total.

The fact is that the level bar fills up in about 2-3 missions, including story and side ones. If you make improvements to the training ground, the process will take less time. But in any case, your hero must train long enough to get three levels. Leveling heroes through the Knight tournament does not unlock the achievement.

None Shall Pass ✔

During side and story missions, single enemy NPCs may come across in the way of your squad, after meeting with which a dialogue begins. One of the options is the opportunity to challenge him to a knightly duel.

You need to select a special line of dialogue, and then select a character who will participate in the duel. The battle takes place on a small area in 1v1 mode.

To get the achievement, you will need to find 4 of these characters and win a duel with them, playing as different heroes.

Field Day ✔

See that bar of knight helmet icons above each character's head? This is your armor.

When your character takes damage, the first thing that happens is that it decreases, keeping the level of HP and vitality safe. However, the lower it gets, the higher the chance that the armor will not block, but will miss damage, and then the health points bar (brown) will begin to decrease.

To get the achievement, you need from the beginning to the end of any mission, none of your characters should lose even one point of HP. To do this, you can avoid unnecessary battles or use campfires correctly, which allow, depending on the player's choice, to restore armor or health to your squad.

NOTE: This requirement only applies to heroes that are part of your squad. Heroes and characters that you meet during the mission can take damage and this will not affect the conditions for obtaining the achievement even if they join you after the mission is completed.

Disciples of the Four Branches ✔

In King Arthur: Knight's Tale all Heroes divided to 6 diverse classes with different styles of play. Each class has its skills, strengths, weaknesses, and equipment specialization or preference.

Two-handed melee warriors high armour and damage.
Tank hero dealing modest damage in melee that uses sword and shield.
Arcanists cast spells at range, dealing damage and debuffing enemies.
Marksman attack from range with a bows, but are easily killed at melee range.
Support heroes that utilize frost-based magic and excel at providing utility for their team.
Stealthy heroes specializing in melee burst damage and trap deployment.

You can take a maximum of 4 characters for one mission, which means you will need to take one character of a different class. Character class can be viewed by clicking on hero portrait.

Alright… We'll Call It a Draw

First of all you have to reach 7 points of Tyrant morality you will have access to the The Curse of the Black Knight side-mission. Complete it to recruit Black Knight.

After that you have to take some Vitality damage and get 2 injury tokes. Start any mission with damaged and injured Black Knight in party to get this achievement.

Frugal Knights ✔

A fairly simple achievement for which you need to complete the mission without the ability to heal your characters in any way, restore their armor or give positive bonuses. It can be obtained in short side missions where there are not many fights.

Act I Side mission: Treachery (Level 3) is great for it as it is not very big and all the battles in it can be avoided somehow.

Just a Flesh Wound ✔

Okay, let's understand how the wound system works in the game. We have already said that your characters have 3 important indicators: the armor bar, the HP bar and the Vitality bar.

The armor bar is spent first and helps avoid damage. Then, taking more and more damage, the Hero begins to lose health points (brown bar), which can still be restored with potions, campfires or shrines. In addition, with the completion and start of the mission, it is restored by itself.

If your character's HP drops to zero, then the Vitality bar (green) starts to be wasted, and if it drops to zero, then your character will die and end up in the Crypt of Camelot. It will be possible to resurrect him, but this is a rather complicated and problematic ritual.

Each time your hero takes damage to the health bar, your hero can receive a injury token, which will remain with your hero and will bring some kind of negative effect. Vitality is also not restored automatically.

The Vitality bar can be restored by sending the hero to the Hospice for treatment, where he will be unavailable for 1-2 missions. Wounds can only be healed in the Cathedral of Camelot and will also make it impossible to take the hero on a mission for a while.

Thus, in order to get the achievement, you need to have the HP of all characters in the mission drop below zero and affect the vitality bar. Complete the mission once each of your heroes has a injury token.

My Life for Camelot ✔

Given the information from the achievement above, this time you will need to start a mission involving heroes who already have permanent and unhealed injuries. There must be at least three such heroes in your mission party.

By the way, the previous achievement can also be completed by a party of heroes who have already been injured in previous missions, it remains only to bring them together.

Team Arrowhead ✔

Marksman class heroes attack from range with a Bow, dealing good damage but are easily killed and are ineffective at melee range.

For this achievement, you need to form a party of only Marksman class heroes and complete any mission. At the same time, even if a character of another class joins you during the mission, this can disrupt the achievement so pick missions that don`t add any new heroes for your party even for a short time.

Also, you do not have to recruit a full team of Marksmen, the achievement can be obtained even if you complete the missions of teams of one, two or three heroes of this class.

Marksman class heroes available in game listed below.

How to Recruit
Recruited after completing the Side Mission: The Curse of Sir Bors.
Recruited if he survives after completing the mission: The Tale of Sir Yvain.
Add 8 points towards the Rightful and Old-Faith morality in order to unlock a unique side mission for Sir Geraint. Complete it to let him join to your party.
Once you have 8 Morality in Christian & Tyrant, you'll unlock a Side Mission that once completed allows you to recruit Sir Damas.
Automatically joins the party after the second enemy encounter in Kingstone during the Main quest: Among the Ruins.

Explorer of Avalon/Savior of Avalon ✔

Side missions appear on the map after the completion of the last mission and differ from the story missions in their design. Side missions have a purple frame without a helmet (left screenshot), unlike story missions, a golden frame with a helmet (right screenshot).

To get both achievements, you need to complete such missions without skipping any of them.
Hero recruit missions that become available after reaching Morality Chart levels counts for this too.

Valiant Defender ✔

This achievement can be unlocked during Side Mission: Forbidden Keep in Act I.
Almost at the very beginning of the mission, Guardian Spirit will come across on your way to ask for your help.

Further along the mission, among the swamps and fog, you will find a small green island with statues. The spirit will be waiting for you there: he will begin a ritual during which the dead will rise around him, who will want to stop him.

In order to get the achievement, your task is to survive 4 waves of enemy attacks and not let the enemy hit the spirit even once. The difficulty is that the enemy goes first, and therefore, almost immediately, the spirit is surrounded - expose your heroes to enemy attacks.

Another difficulty is that every next turn around you will appear 2 bone crossbowmen who will shoot at the spirit. In order to prevent this from happening, you will have to surround him with your characters, as in the screenshot below.

Melee heroes can switch to overwatch mode to fend off enemy zombies, but Range heroes must deal with crossbowmen to protect themselves and the spirit from possible damage. The enemies killed on the second wave, who will be waiting for the resurrection, can not be finished off, since they will automatically die themselves after the 4th wave.

If the spirit completed the ritual without taking any damage, it will thank you for your help and point the way to the final battle of the mission. After completing the dialogue, you will receive an achievement.

Tristan & Isolde ✔

After recruiting Sir Tristan in Story Mission: The Cursed Ship, one time you can face his event
about bringing remains of Lady Isolde to Camelot. You have to let him do this.

After one mission, you will also receive a message that Tristam found Iseult and placed her remains in the Crypt.

If you have obtained the Tome of Resurrection in Act 2, you may enter the Crypt and find Lady Isolde. She may then be resurrected and recruited as a playable hero.

After that complete any mission with Sir Tristan and Lady Isolde in party.

Just a Rotting Corpse ✔

The first time you meet Ser Tevelyn is in the first mission of the prologue. He will come across to you at the very end.This is the first time you have to kill him.

The second time he comes across to you as an antagonist in Side Mission: The Return.
Here it will also need to be destroyed.

The third time you will meet him during an Side Mission: The Horn of Dauntless. Kill him to sinish the mission.

The last time you will meet him is in another additional mission on the Bridge of Sorrow. Complete the mission and you will unlock the achievement regardless of the choice you make at the end.

Pray for my Soul (Hidden) ✔

This one can be unlocked during Treachery Side Mission which will appear after completing the The Tale of Sir Yvain side mission during Act I.

You can find Forbidden Tomb, which is an optional area for this side mission. As you approach, a spirit will begin speaking to you. It will warn you that Uther Pendragon’s tomb is up ahead, and that a powerful guardian will attack if you try to loot the tomb.

If you are only interested in the achievement, then you will get it by simply entering the room bypassing the ghost. If you need loot, then try to open the chest in the center of the room and defeat its guards

Ready to Fight ✔

During completing missions, you may come across relic items as a reward — they are distinguished by high characteristics, unique effects and orange color. Also, relic items can be bought at the Enchanted Tower, if it is built in Camelot.

Each hero in the game has only 4 slots for equipment: weapon rune, armor rune, ring rune and amulet rune. One hero must have a relic item in each of them, luckily the achievement makes it clear that potion slots don't count.

Conqueror of Avalon ✔

Achievement with a fairly simple condition for which every killed enemy unit counts.

Fortunately, Steam maintains a running counter for this achievement, so you can always figure out how many more kills you have left to complete the achievement.

One Step Ahead ✔

This is a fairly simple achievement, if you understand what is being said in its description. To get started, you'll need any Vanguard class hero. All heroes of this class have the ability to go into stealth and disappear from the sight of the enemy.

Click on the green eye icon on the right side of the hero's ability menu in order to switch to stealth mode. As long as the hero is not revealed by the enemy, he will deal critical damage through a surprise attack.

While in stealth mode, your character must also activate surveillance mode, and then wait for an enemy unit to enter this zone. The achievement will unlock if your hero's attack kills the enemy.

Fortune Favors Fools ✔

There is no way to miss an attack in most cases in the game. This is only possible with certain opponents, such as ghosts.

This achievement can be obtained quite easily in the last mission of Act 1 — Story Mission: Heart of Midnight. Throughout this mission, you will often encounter banshees with the ability to dodge melee and ranged attacks.

To get the achievement, you need the enemy to dodge 3 shots or range magical abilities in one turn. To do this, I took two heroes with ranged abilities and another one will temporarily join your party for of this mission only. Remember that the marksman classes can make several shots in one turn, which increases the number of attempts to miss.

Another easy way to get the achievement is to get the "Blind" debuff from the enemy, which reduces the chance to hit by 80% for several turns. Having such an effect, you are guaranteed to make several misses.

Floor Sweep ✔
Here you will need any heroes in your party that can learn any skill with a knockout effect.
Most often, these are Defender class with their Shield Bash skill as well as Champion classes with the Kick skill.

Then you have to Knockdown 3 enemy units in one turn, so they fall down like on screen below.

Bloodbath ✔

For this achievement, it is enough to take into the party heroes whose abilities or equipment allow you to impose a bleeding effect on the enemy.

Sir Mordred and other heroes can improve their attack with this effect. Also, some Sage heroes can inflict bleeding. Your task is to have 5 or more enemy units with bleeding on the battlefield.

Surprise Party ✔

In order to backstab the enemy, he must stand with his back to your character. If you move the mouse cursor over such an enemy, then he will turn into a sword with dripping blood.

Bakstab deals additional damage to the enemy and after it is done, a special inscription also appears.

Bakstab can also be dealt by heroes with ranged weapons. Heroes that have a lot of action points or their attacking abilities cost a small amount of them are great for this achievement.

Fire Walk With Me ✔

Arcanist class heroes have a fire blast skill in their arsenal. Let's use the clue in the achievement image and take Sir Eсtor to the party for it.

The difficulty is to collect 5 or more enemy opponents side by side in one place. In this case, I lured them with one of my heroes.

Next you need to lower their armor and health levels enough so that they can be killed with one use of the ability. Deal some damage to enemies, but just don't kill them.

Make sure that the power of your ability is enough to kill a group of opponents. And remember that abilities have a range of damage, which means it can be higher than what we see in the screenshot above.

Bully King ✔

This achievement is easy to get when you are facing one strong opponent with a lot of health or armor.

You need to make sure that the enemy is in the attack zone of all members of your team, and then kill him in one turn. If he dies before all members have dealt damage, or it was on the last turn, then the achievement will not pop up.

Overwatcher ✔

Overwatch is a great ability that can allow your characters to attack hordes of enemies with impunity and opens up the possibility of using defensive tactics.

You must have enough action points to use the ability. Сlick on the eye icon next to the end turn button and the action point transfer button.

After that, you need to choose the direction of the ability. Pay attention to the purple fields with the sign of the eye — if during the next turn of the enemy, his units get into the action zone, then your character will attack him.

This is a great way to deal with a lot of weak opponents without armor. To get the achievement, you need to kill or finish off five enemy units with an attack in overwatch mode.

I managed to get this achievement in the mission Bridge of Sorrow while clearing one of the buildings — enemy zombies recklessly threw themselves at the weapons of my heroes, for which they received crushing attacks that brought their death.

Out of My Way! ✔

This achievement will require any Hero of a sufficiently high level, as well as equipment that increases damage. Also, you can give the character a legendary potion, which gives a 10% chance to deal double damage. Also you can take some green bless potions that raise your attack damage +30% for one turn so you can reach 100 dagame limit.

Thus, sooner or later you will get the opportunity to deal at least 100 damage to the enemy with one blow.
Get Lost! ✔

Sometimes in the game you will come across opponents with the ability to resurrect. Most often, this ability will be found in the walking dead: after their health bar drops to zero, they will fall to the ground, but a timer will appear above their head, showing the number of moves after which the unit will rise again.

Such opponents can be destroyed for good by lowering the purple life bar to zero, but to achieve this, we need to do it a little differently.

You need to have 5 or more respawnable opponents in the battle against you, after which you need to disperse the squad so that they can deal with them. Then you need to kill 5 enemy units to start their resurrection timer, and after that, quickly destroy all other the enemies on the level. Then the fight will automatically end and you will get the achievement.

It's a Trap! ✔

Vanguard class heroes can place traps on the battlefield, which can prevent opponents from moving across the battlefield. Traps can be thrown over a fairly long distance and at the same time there can be 5 or more of them with proper pumping of the hero.

To achieve this one, you need to make sure that the enemy unit steps on your traps and it must kill him. The achievement is easy to get by fighting against a large number of weak opponents with low health.

Cleave It To Me ✔

This achievement will require any hero with the Cleave ability, as well as three weak opponents that are standing nearby.

It is necessary that your hero kill all three in one use of the ability. Some enemy units can be weakened by attacks from your other party members.

Master of the Elements ✔

Another simple achievement that requires a bunch of two heroes. First you need a hero that has a freezing ability, like Lady Guinevere and her ice attack, which can turn the enemy into a ice brick for one turn.

In this state, the enemy can still take damage from other heroes without the risk of being unfrozen. But in order to get the achievement, you need to finish off the frozen enemy with a fire ability — a fire arrowshot or a fire blast.

'Tis but a Scratch! ✔

The difficulty of this achievement lies in finding a suitable target that will be convenient to apply all of the listed effects and at the same time it will still be alive. Therefore, bosses or simply large and serious opponents with a large amount of health points and armor are excellent for this.

Next you need to correctly form a party of 4 heroes in order to be able to apply all the effects.
  • Poison can be applied with Marksman's Poisoned Shot.
  • Fire can be applied by an Arcanist's Fire Blast or a Marksman's Shot
  • Chill can be inflicted by Sage's or Arcanist's abilities
  • Slow can be inflicted by Sage's or Arcanist's abilities
  • Bleed is applied by melee attacks of defenders and champions by upgrading their skills.
My party for this achievement looks like this, but you can take some other heroes for it.

Next, you need to impose all the necessary effects on one enemy and so that he remains alive.
To unlock the achievement, I advise you to upgrade the effect duration of your heroes.


This achievement requires you to increase Sir Mordred's HP bar (brown) up to 150 points.
Achieving this effect is quite difficult and requires a number of cumulative factors.
  • Some of Sir Mordred's passive ability perks increase the HP level.
  • The level of HP increases with each new hero level.
  • Equipment effect can increase the amount of HP.
  • Some upgrades to Camelot's buildings increase the maximum HP level of characters of some classes, including Sir Mordred.
  • Some legendary potions can permanently increase a Hero's HP bar.
Treasure Hunter ✔

The locations in the game are quite extensive, but at the same time confusing. If you are curious enough to walk through them, then with high level of your hero's Perception skill, chests can appear at certain points on the map that are initially invisible. These chests will spawn as soon as you get close enough.

A Person of Principle ✔

To get the achievement, you need to maximize any of the 4 possible moral qualities in Morality Chart: Rightful, Christian, Old-Faith, Tyrant.

During dialogues with characters or during missions, both story and additional, you will be offered moral dilemmas and possible solutions that advance you along a certain branch of moral choice.

Progression in each branch will unlock a range of bonuses, perks, and characters to recruit.

It's Only a Model ✔

Buildings are the various structures that can be reconstructed within Camelot. Camelot and its buildings can only be accessed in the World Map of Avalon where you choose which Mission to take and view the stats or change equipment for your Heroes.

You can unlock different buildings to access various services such as purchasing items and recovering a hero's injury. Buildings within Camelot require a certain amount of Gold and Building Resources to unlock them.

In order to unlock the achievement, you will need to have all the listed buildings in Camelot.

Construction price
The Round Table
This is the legendary gathering place of the noble knights of Cameot, the seat of the monarch of Avalon. You can pass laws, issue decrees and give knighthood to heroes, but first you have to unlock its functions.

Already built
The Crypt
When you lost somebody during battles, visit this place and click on their tombstones to pay respects to the heroic dead.

Already built
Avalon can be a harsh and unforgiving place. Your wounded heroes need time and care to recover for the next knightly quest. The Hospice, offering comfortable beds and skilled healers, is the right place for that.
A hidden building in the shadow of the colossal ramparts, where a secretive merchant offers all kinds of rarities arriving from the various corners of the island, ranging from strange fruits or mysterious objects to legendary weapons unearthed from ruined castles.

Required: Hospice
Training Ground
An old saying goes, "rather a thousand drops of sweat in training than one drop of blood in combat." On the Training Grounds, your knights can hone their martial skills and prepare for the next battle.

Required: Merchant
Enchanted Tower
This mysterious tower is an isolated, yet important place dedicated to the mystical arts of magic. By tapping into the arcane energies of Avalon you can remove curses from you knights and gain forbidden knowledge from magical items.

Required: Hospice
Towering above the timbered rooftops, this majestic building preaches the glory of the one true faith. The Cathedral offers salve not only for the soul but also for the body - you can heal the most grievous wounds of your knights here.

Required: Hospice

Master Builder ✔

Each of the buildings in Camelot can be upgraded, but this achievement requires only one of the buildings to be maxed out. You can choose it and purchase upgrades, it is worth saying that it is easier and cheaper to build upgrades for the Merchant or the Enchanting Tower because they have only 6 upgrade slots.

Wisdom is Better ✔

Another cumulative achievement that doesn't require you to hit 10,000 gold in your treasury at once. Just find gold on missions, complete side missions, sell items and equipment to a merchant.

Also remember about the working counter in the incentive, which will show how much is left until the achievement is completed.

One Brick at a Time ✔

Building resources are required to build improvements in Camelot between missions. They can be obtained as a reward for completing main and side missions, as well as for certain decisions during missions and on the global map.

The current amount of building resources can be viewed on the map above the bar of your heroes on the right.

This achievement is cumulative so you still can buy upgrades for Camelot.

It is also worth considering that sometimes you will need to make mandatory expenditures of resources, for example, before opening the opportunity to improve Camelot, you will have to spend a certain amount of resources on its construction.

A Powerful Trinket ✔

This achievement requires you to build the Enchanted Tower in Camelot.

The Enhanted Tower is a shop that sells rare relics of Weapons, Armour, and Trinkets.
By using the Enchanted Tower, you can sacrifice your relic items that you no longer need to exchange it for Relic Dust. Relic Dust is an in-game currency that is used only for buying items at the Enchanted Tower.

Purchasing one relic item will cost you 1000 dust, and disenchanting one item will cost you about 200 dust, which means you need to dismantle 5 unnecessary relic items first.

However, periodically between missions, events can occur that allow you to temporarily increase the amount of dust received. Keep this in mind when getting the achievement.

Decisions, Decisions ✔

Between missions, various events may appear on the map that require your attention. Usually they are limited in time and require a certain decision to be made, which will give certain bonuses or negative effects. Here some examples of such events.

Making this decision grants +1 to the achievement completion counter. The counter can be viewed in the statistics of your Steam achievements.

The Penny Knight ✔

The first step is to build a merchant's shop in Camelot.

After that, the unnecessary contents of your inventory can be sold and receive gold for this. Press RMB on your items to sell them. Remember that you can upgrade the merchant's shop or assign a knight to it in order to receive bonuses such as increasing the cost of goods when sold.

Remember that there is an active steam counter for this achievement.

AvaLAN Party ✔

This is the only MP achievement that reuqires from you to use help of other players.

Click Multiplayer in the Knight's Tale menu to bring up the list of available lobbies and check out the open games. If there's none available, or you're looking to create your own, press the Create Match button, and set up the match the way you want it.

You can choose from four Morality-based team presets, or select Draft, in which players take turns creating their dream team of Heroes. Don't forget to select the map of your choice either - it plays a huge role in which team will be able to come out victorious in the end. When all is set up, click "Ready" on the bottom left, prompt the other player to do so too, and start your epic battle.

You don`t have to win the match against other player — simply finish it.


Please let me know in comments below or add me to ask a question about the guide or the achievements. Also you can get additional achievement if you rate, add to favorite or reward this guide.

御坂美琴 8 Feb @ 10:50pm 
can someone give a guide about skirmish i want to get 35 stars
XEALEEN  [author] 22 Aug, 2024 @ 1:27pm 
It is in WIP status, but not published yet
Loren Ditrih 22 Aug, 2024 @ 6:15am 
XEALEEN, thx for the guide!
Are you planning to make a guide for King Arthur: Legion IX?
jason13 1 Jun, 2024 @ 6:37pm 
awesome guide helped heaps :okey: awarded
Wendek 16 Jul, 2023 @ 5:42am 
Good guide but might want to update it with the Skirmish mode and the 3 associated achievements (which also means that DLCs are now required for the 100%)
Hensome 21 May, 2023 @ 9:20pm 
This is an awesome guide and thank you so much for creating this. Please update the achievement guide as well, since there are few more achievements added lately, which will require DLCs to achieve.
By the way, could someone please add me and help me achieve the PvP achievement?
Jorquay 3 Apr, 2023 @ 11:10pm 
@[GER]Eichohrkatz added for MP achievement. Hope you can help! :praisesun:
[GER]Eichohrkatz 29 Mar, 2023 @ 12:20pm 
someone want the PVP-Achivement? Add me and ill help you :)
maelxp 24 Feb, 2023 @ 11:43am 
Not sure, if it is dynamic or if they changed it, but "The Fomorian King" was only level 22 for me and "The Great Worm" was 23. My chararcters are all level 25.
Ghengis KhanYe 8 Jan, 2023 @ 8:58pm 
@zeratos im down anytime