565 ratings
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak [DLC] - 100% Achievement Guide
By Brachragon
NO missable achievements - DLC "Sunbreak" required - NO multiplayer required
This Guide is about Sunbreak
This guide will only cover the new achievements added with the Sunbreak DLC.
The majority of them are basically copied from the base game, just applied to the new master rank content...

For a guide about the base game achievements, refer to my other guide:
Complete all Master Rank Quests once
Royal Request for Cooperation
Awarded for collaboration with Elgado Outpost.
An official request for Kamura's hunter.
Long-Distance Binoculars
Awarded to staunch investigators.
Binoculars giving a clear view of far-off targets.
Survey Cape
Awarded for hunting the Garangolm.
Protects the wearer from the harshest environments.
Azure Feather Fountain Pen
Awarded for hunting the Lunagaron.
A fountain pen with a blue feather gifted by Fiorayne.
Majestic Desk Banner
Awarded for slaying Malzeno.
A desk flag proving the owner's distinguished service.
Royal Declaration of Gratitude
For hunters who contributed greatly to the Kingdom's peace.
An official thank-you letter.

These achievements will be unlocked upon completing certain main story quests.

Record of Utmost Valor
- Master
A souvenir from the Guild for completing many Master Rank quests.
Record of Utmost Valor
- Arena
A souvenir from the Guild for completing even more Arena quests.
- Foreign Threads
Awarded for completing many Follower Quests.
To mark deep village-Outpost ties.
- Seicho's Place
Proof of having completed many Support Surveys.
Soar away into a clear blue sky.
- Crimson Nightmare
Awarded for completing numerous Anomaly Quests.
A depiction of the dreadful Qurio.

Well, complete all quests which were added with the launch of Sunbreak.
"Anomaly Quests" will be unlocked upon hitting MR10.
The last quests will only be available, if you're at least MR100.

If a quest contains any of the monsters from the title updates, it is NOT required for the achievements above. If you're not sure which monsters this refers to, check the title update chapter near the end of this guide.

While you clear your way through all the follower quests, you'll also unlock:

Cups of Friendship
Awarded for deepening bonds with many Followers.
Sharing this cup fosters friendship.

Complete Master Rank Quests x Times
Sea-Blue Amulet
Awarded for completing 50 quests in the Jungle.
A talisman to protect you on your travels.
Copal Brooch
Awarded for completing 50 quests in the Citadel.
A charm praying for your good health.


Anomaly Hunt Silver Trophy
Awarded for slaying your first afflicted monster.
Anomaly Hunt Gold Trophy
Awarded for slaying 100 afflicted monsters.

Afflicted monsters can only be encountered in "Anomaly Quests", which are only available starting from MR10.

Hunter's Bronze Shield
Awarded for hunting 100 large master rank monsters.
Hunter's Silver Shield
Awarded for hunting 500 large master rank monsters.
Hunter's Gold Shield
Awarded for hunting 1000 large master rank monsters.

It should come naturally, but make sure to hunt every monster at least 10x, as that's required for the "Solid Padlock" achievement further below.
Also note, that you'll have to complete several hundred Anomaly Investigations, so you want to do the majority of your hunts in those quests.

I don't usually recommend this, but honestly, once you've completed all quests and unlocked all other achievements, just install a damage-modifier mod from or somewhere else and go one-shot monsters in solo quests for a few hours...
Just make sure to remove the mod afterwards, so that you won't crash the game with the next update or accidentally take it into multiplayer later on - which you absolutely should NOT do.

This is the most stupid, time wasting achievement in this game.
There's no "achievement" in hunting a few hundred Arzuros or bird wyverns or sth. to get the missing hunts in a somewhat quick way.
The Iceborne DLC for MH:World only asked for 100... And Sunbreak definitely isn't 10x more engaging than Iceborne.

Captured monsters count for this achievement. But there's no way to check your progress on this one. The counter for completed Master Rank quests is your best bet, but it's gonna be off, because of multi-target quests.

Thanks to LongJohn for providing this video for a rather efficient way to do this requirement legitimately:

Endemic Life
Great Wirebug Medal
Awarded for discovering a lot of Great Wirebug launch points in the
Jungle and the Citadel.

Same as for the base game. Great Wirebugs are given to you by Fran the Stalwart in the Market district of Elgado. Half of them for free, half of them for the photographing request of both Daimyo's claws and Gorongalm's arms.

Remember to check for the white markers on your map and that some can only be activated midair - if that's the case, it'll be illustrated on the mini-map, while you're right next to the starting point, as shown ->
Those NEED to be interacted with.
The spot shown on the right also requires a big barrel bomb to be accessed.
The citadel has 2 Great Wirebug spots, which can only be accessed through some hidden tunnels. Both of them are close to relic records, so check the video for those in the collect stuff section below.

Jewelgrass Planter
Awarded to those who rode various monsters with the power of Morphed

Sunbreak added 2 new Wirebugs, which you need to use once each to unlock this achievement.

Natural Picture Frame
A smart frame awarded for photographing many creatures in the
Citadel and Jungle.

Sunbreak introduced 2 new rare pets. Gamer Guru uploaded 2 videos on how to obtain them:

Beyond those two, Kess posted some locations of the remaining creatures in the comments:
  • Endemic Life
    Gold Wirebug
    Area 3
    Area 2-3
    Ruby Wirebug
    Area 2
    Area 10
    Marionettte Spider
    Area 11
    Area 12
    Starburst Bug
    Area 11
    Area 3-4
    Area 8
    Area 3-10
    Area 13

Palamute / Palico
Flaky Canyne Pie
Awarded for teaching your Canyne lots of techniques.
A tasty treat for hard-working Canynes.

As for the base game; complete the new village request, which rewards Palamute equipment.

Napping Felyne & Canyne
Awarded to avid instructors at the Buddy Dojo.
Toys of a cuddling Felyne and Canyne.

As suggested by TAS in the comments:
All you need to do is get all buddy dojo upgrades. That includes:
5 secret Palico support skill,
Swap support move (lv5/10/15),
Buddy skill lesson

Polychrome Acorn
Awarded for having lots of Buddies with outstanding Skill Memory.
A cute and colorful painted acorn.

Use the new Eurekacorns to unlock all memory skills for a number of Palicos.
Make sure to loot the new Cohoot nest in Elgado after completing each 5th quest and constantly have your Meowcenaries on Master Rank gathering quests, in order to get these Eurekacorns comfortably. You can also rarely get these as rewards from the "optional sidequests".

As has been posted by Kess in the comments:
You need a total of 10 buddies with maxed out skill-memory slots, both Palicos and Palamutes count towards this.
(Personally had 9-1 respectively, so as long as you have a sum of 10 you'll get the achievement)

Sojourn Necklace
Awarded for trading with Letters of Introduction.
A necklace that ended up with your Buddy.

Approach Nagi the Buddy Agent in the market district of Elgado and select 3 buddies to trade/request stuff at the Argosy. Enable the new "backroom deals" for all three and just wait until you've obtained 50 items with those red backgrounds.
Make sure to grab the loot once in a while, or you won't be able to get new items.
Collect / Unlock / Craft Stuff
Immaculate Boomark
Awarded for discovering a lot of Old Messages in the Jungle and Citadel.
An unspoiled antique.

Same as the base game.
If you need help finding them, refer to these videos by Gamer Guru:

Familiar Construction Kit
Awarded for unlocking a lot of camps in the Jungle and Citadel.
An easy-to-deploy camping kit.
Buddy Whistle
Awarded to those who have found a lot of Recon destinations.
A simple flute with far-reaching tones.

Buddy Recon is a new kind of once-per-quest fast travel. You unlock it by finding the fast travel spots on the map, rather similiarly to the camps.
Here's a full overview:
  • (click to enlarge)
If you still struggle to find any of these locations, refer to this video guide by Arekkz Gaming:

Maestro's Trusty Tools
Awarded for helping make new dango, even in far-off Elgado.
Super popular in the Tea Shop!

Well, complete all quests & village requests, which reward new dangos.

Transcender's Red Sash
Awarded for obtaining even more Switch Skills.
Its refinement exceeds human capability.

Obtaining the new switch skills is easier this time around.
You'll obtain your first set of switch skills pretty much immediately after arriving at Elgado.
You'll obtain the remaining switch skills after reaching MR4.

A user by the current name of :D also added this in the comments:
Obtaining the Transcendent's Red Sash also requires having the Master's Black Belt, it will not unlock from receiving the Master Rank Switch Skills if the Black Belt isn't unlocked yet. In this case unlocking the Black Belt will immediately unlock the Red Sash as well.

Great Helmet
Awarded for forging even more valuable weapons and armor.
A pretty great winged helmet.
Gorgeous Helm
Awarded for forging even more valuable layered armor.
A helm with golden hollows and blue wings.

Craft any 5x rarity 10 weapons/armor pieces, as well as 5x rarity 10 layered armor pieces.
For the normal equipment, you need "Afflicted" materials, the layered armor pieces will require "Outfit Voucher+". Both of these can only be obtained by completing "Anomaly Quests", which are only available after you've finished the DLC's main story.

Unbreakable Bag
A whole bag awarded for obtaining samples of items from all over the place.

Confirmed by Logloxan in the comments:
Unbreakable Bag is getting 20 items from Pingarh, the Sailor.
Pingarh, located at the Docks of Elgado, only has a gift for you, if the boxes next to him show any of the three special goods:

Solid Padlock
Awarded for collecting even more trinkets and wall hangings.
Won't budge, no matter what.

Pretty much the same as the base game equivalent.
The full list has been posted by Ch33zBuRg4r_ in the comments:

  • Statues
    Collect 10 relic records in Jungle:
    • Daimyo Hermitaur Statue
    • Astalos Statue

    Collect 10 relic records in Citadel:
    • Lunagaron Statue
    • Garangolm Statue

    • Espinas Statue
    • Malzeno Statue
    • Archfiend Statue
    • *Gargolda Statue

    Lottery (Lucky Prize):
    • Shogun Ceanataur Statue
    • Flag Ornament

    (Buy at Argosy) - Story progression:
    • Sun Princess
    • Valiant Knight
    • Dappled Daytime
    • Deadly Tracker
    • The Oppression
    • The Abyss

    (Buy at Argosy) - Hunt 10x each:
    • Daimyo Hermitaur Scroll
    • Shogun Ceanataur Scroll
    • Blood Orange Bishaten Scroll
    • Aurora Somnacanth Scroll
    • Pyre Rakna-Kadaki Scroll
    • Magma Almudron Scroll
    • Espinas Scroll
    • Astalos Scroll
    • Seregios Scroll
    • Gore Magala Scroll
    • Shagaru Magala Scroll
    • Garangolm Scroll
    • Lunagaron Scroll
    • Malzeno Scroll
    • Scorned Magnamalo Scroll
    • Furious Rajang Scroll
    • "The Archdemon" (Final Boss)
    • Cohootrioshka
    • Gowngoat Bobbler
    • Kingdom Longship
    • Massive Copal
    • Regalfin Pouch
    • Toy Spelunker

*As has been pointed out by clown_from_hell in the comments:
'Gargolda Statue' unlocks in lottery only once you have 'met' the creature in the wild (I assume the actual trigger is that it shows up in the endemic life hunter notes).

**More lottery rewards have been added with the title updates. They are most likely not required for the achievement though.

Snowy Cohoot Mini-Pouch
Awarded for befriending a fledgling Snowy Cohoot from Elgado.
Looks tiny, but has a big appetite.

Apart from the returning Cohoot nest, which you can plunder for loot, there's also a new, white baby cohoot in Elgado.
Keep feeding it inbetween each quest and you'll unlock this achievement after 15-20 quests.

Secret Honey Jar
Awarded to dango connoisseurs for using many Hopping Skewers.
Add honey to sweeten things up!

A new mechanic to the dangos. Will be explained by the game itself.
Minibeau confirmed, how often you need to use it in the comments:
Just got the Secret Honey Jar achievement and had to use Hopping Skewers 20 times for it to unlock

Windbreaker Scarf
Awarded for performing many Switch Skill Swaps.
Ignore wind as you whip through the world.

Requires exactly 100 switch skill swaps. Will probably happen naturally.

Beloved Bouquet
Awarded for fulfilling various requests in Kamura and/or Elgado.

Complete ALL the new villager requests given to you in Elgado.
Given the description, this might also require the Kamura / base game requests.
Optional Subquests do NOT count this time around.

Comfortable Sandals
Awarded for talking with lots of people in the Outpost.
Sandals for exploring.

Talk to all NPCs in Elgado, animals included.
Note that some NPC only join the outpost later in the story.

Thanks to Dawn for the original list posted in the comments.

  • Location
    • Housekeeper
    • Fugashigi the Informant
    Central Plaza
    • Oboro the Merchant
    • Minayle the Blacksmith
    • Chichae the Quest Damsel
    • Arena Master Arlow
    • Pharo the Proud
    • Courier
    • Buddy Smithy Bis
    • Fran the Stalwart
    • Flur the Sailor
    • Phino the Sailor
    • Collen the Sailor
    • Ziretta the Sailor
    • Tartar the Sailor

    • Nagi the Buddy Agent
    • *** Hayate the Brave
    • *** Raiden the Gallant
    • Pingarh the Sailor
    • Russeau the Sailor
    • Tanko the Sailor
    • Paz the Chevalier
    • Rowan the Sailor
    Tea Shop
    • Selva the Chevalier
    • Black Hell Hunter
    • Red Hell Hunter
    • Pasapato the Historian

    • * Bahari the Scientist

    • ** Hinoa
    • ** Minoto
    • ** Master Utsushi
    • Azuki the Cook
    Command Post
    • Admiral Galleus
    • Dame Fiorayne
    • Dame Luchika
    • Sir Ertz
    • Calgo the Researcher
    • Culan the Researcher
    • Gatlyn the Researcher

    • * Doctor Tadori
    • Sue the Researcher
    (Central Plaza or - )
    • Sir Jae
      (- Command Post)
    • Unabara the Rookie
      (- Tea Shop)
    • Wandering Felyne Supy
      (- Docks)

* Bahari the Scientist and Doctor Tadori will only become available later during the story.
** Visitors from Kamura; also only available a bit into the story. Not available most of the time.
*** Requires to press the "Switch Target" button, shown on the left side of your screen when you're close to Nagi the Buddy Agent.

Gold Crowns
Miniature Crown Shield
Awarded for registering almost all miniature crown-sized monsters.
Gold Crown Shield
Awarded for registering almost all gold crown-sized monsters.

Yes, another set of those.

They most likely require all base game monsters as well.
They do NOT require the monsters added with the free title updates. Full list of those in the chapter below.

For more information, check this guide:
Title Updates
These achievements have been added after the initial launch.
The monsters added with these updates are NOT required for the achievements above.
(Complete all quests, collect all gold crowns & 10 hunts for hanging scrolls).

Title Update 1
Added monsters:
  • Golden Rathian
  • Silver Rathalos
  • Seething Bazelgeuse
  • Lucent Nargacuga

All 5 achievements for this title update require you to complete Anomaly Investigations, which unlock upon hitting MR 10. Anything further will be explained by the ingame tutorials, as usual.

Anomaly Research
An extremely detailed report, the result of impressive hard work researching
the Anomaly.
Vermilion Amber
Awarded only to those who have completed tasks designated by the Research
Lab to be the most difficult.

Reach Anomaly Reasearch level 50 and complete a level 100 Anomaly Investigation.

Smithy's Custom-made Gloves
Awarded for Augmenting many weapons via Qurious Crafting.
Specially developed to handle dangerous afflicted materials.
Smithy's Tools of the Trade
Awarded for Augmenting a lot of armor via Qurious Crafting.
These tools can work even the most brittle of materials.

You'll unlock qurious crafting after completing your first anomaly investigation.
You need to enable qurious crafting for 5 weapons and armor pieces each.

Bahari's Hand-Wound Birdie
Proves you frequent the Anomaly Lab.
Bahari's handmade toy that walks when wound up.

Completing Anomaly Investigations will reward you with Investigation Coins.
Completing 10 investigations requested by Bahari will unlock 50 coins at once, later it'll be increased to 100 and eventually 150.
To unlock the achievement, you'll have to spend a total of 3000 coins...

Thanks to :D, Minibeau and 得想想办法娶了弦一郎 for confirming these in the comments, before they had been revealed on steam.

Title Update 2
Added monsters:
  • Flame Espinas
  • Violet Mizutsune
  • Risen Chameleos

Surmounter's Slaying Shield
Awarded for slaying your first Risen monster.
Shining Surmounter's Shield
Awarded for slaying 15 Risen monsters.
Hero's Accolade
The mark of a great hero, who has acquired a large number of

Thanks to Palki and Ch33zBuRg4r_ for confirming these in the comments, before they had been revealed on steam.

Title Update 3
Added monsters:
  • Chaotic Gore Magala
  • Risen Kushala Daora
  • Risen Teostra

No more achievements to be added from this point onwards.

Title Update 4
Added monsters:
  • Velkhana
  • Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax

Title Update 5
Added monsters:
  • Amatsu
  • Risen Shagaru Magala

Title Update 6
Added monster:
  • Primordial Malzeno

  • Thanks to TAS for the input on "Napping Felyne & Canyne".
  • Thanks to Dawn for the complete list of Elgado NPCs.
  • Thanks to Logloxan for the confirmation on how to unlock "Unbreakable Bag".
  • Thanks to Kess for the information on both "Polychrome Acorn" and "Natural Picture Frame".
  • Thanks to Azure79♀ for confirming, that "Gorgeous Helm" requires rarity 10 layered armor.
  • Thanks to :D for adding an condition to "Transcender's Red Sash" and confirming 3 of the 5 new achievements of the 1st title update.
  • Thanks to Minibeau for confirming the 20 hopping skewers usages for "Secret Honey Jar" as well as 1 of the 5 new achievements of the 1st title update.
  • Thanks to 得想想办法娶了弦一郎 for confirming the last of the 5 new achievements of the 1st title update.
  • Thanks to Ch33zBuRg4r_ for the complete list of trinkets needed for "Solid Padlock" and confirming one of the achievements of the 2nd title update.
  • Thanks to Palki for confirming the final 3 achievements of Sunbreak, added with the 2nd title update.
  • Thanks to Ding Chavez for pointing out that additional lottery rewards have been added.
  • Thanks to Bucky The Lucky for confirming, that none of the title update quests are required for the "complete all [type] quests" achievements.
  • Thanks to clown_from_hell for adding a condition on how to obtain the Gargolda Statue.

LongJohn 16 Jul @ 1:04am 
@Vinuura_ Why did a ridiculously useful non cheat achievement mod only came out only a week ago? :meatytears:
Vinuura_ 13 Jul @ 7:58am 
I found this mod that tracks some of the achievements. It's pretty useful if you want to see how many monsters are left for the Hunter's Gold Shield achievement.
Vinuura_ 9 Jul @ 9:59pm 
Wow, the crown hunting in this game is a walk in the park compared to World, thank goodness.
Soulseer Mizutsune 22 Sep, 2023 @ 10:19pm 
best well written guide i‘ve ever seen. thanks mate:marijaonlooker:
HolyFortesque 8 Jul, 2023 @ 10:01am 
to get all the trinkets in the lottery, you had to kill 189 Zinogres in the Arena)
HolyFortesque 8 Jul, 2023 @ 9:59am 
I would add how to get lottery tickets so that there is a better chance of hitting the jackpot.
After the lottery, I bought 91 pieces of any thing. There is a chance to get 3 tickets or a healing powder or a trap. But most of the time nothing happens. Good luck
Brachragon  [author] 27 Jun, 2023 @ 2:17am 
@clown_from_hell - Thanks! Added the condition to the guide :mhwgood:
clown_from_hell 27 Jun, 2023 @ 12:48am 
'Gargolda Statue' unlocks in lottery only once you have 'met' the creature in the wild (I assume the actual trigger is that it shows up in the endemic life hunter notes).

Confirmed recently on 350+ hrs save on PS5 - I was going through a checklist for missing achievements and noticed that it is the only 'trinket' I'm missing, despite lottery consistently showing in the shop, it never included this statue as the reward. Once I unlocked the achievement fot Sunbreak endemic life, it immediately popped up as the lottery reward.
Brachragon  [author] 15 May, 2023 @ 6:21am 
@RUN - Open your map during a quest on these maps. There's an icon for their positions; white if the spot hasn't been assigned a wirebug, orange if it has. The "endemic life" chapter above shows a position in the jungle, where you have to activate a great wirebug mid-air.
Loser Core 15 May, 2023 @ 6:05am 
Is there a full guide for the great wirebugs in both Citadel and Jungle?

Can't seem to find any since you didn't provide anything in the collect section.