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DOOM II: Hell on Earth - The Bikini Bottom Massacre - GZDoom Mod
By Madmonkey68
This is a guide on how to install and play "The Bikini Bottom Massacre" mod though GZDoom in DOOM II: Hell on Earth.

I am not the creator of any of the mods/fixes found in this guide, all rights go to their original creators sourced below.
I cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that may arise as a result of the use of this guide, use at your own risk.

UPDATED: 07/11/2022
Getting Started

Install a fresh copy of DOOM II: Hell on Earth and run the game at least once.
Installing GZDoom
Visit the following link:
Download the file by clicking on "Windows (64-bit) ".

Copy and extract the downloaded file "gzdoom-4-8-2-Windows-64bit" to a folder on desktop, rename the folder to your liking.

Navigate to your DOOM II: Hell on Earth directory in steam.
Copy over the file named "DOOM 2.wad" into your GZDoom file directory on desktop.
Path should be: E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Doom 2\base

GZDoom mod by Pascal vd Heiden
The Bikini Bottom Massacre Mod
Due to some legal reasons I will not share where you can download this mod but you should be able to find it with a bit of clicking around.

Visit the creator's mod and forum pages here to read about the mod ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°):

Once you have "The Bikini Bottom Massacre" mod, copy and extract it to a folder on desktop.
Copy over a file named "The Bikini Bottom Massacre 1,3.wad" into your GZDoom directory on desktop.

Your GZDoom directory should look like this.

The Bikini Bottom Massacre mod by ContrastSaturation
Test Launch
In order to run the Bikini Bottom Massacre mod, we will need to launch it using GZDoom.

Go to your GZDoom directory on desktop and launch the file named "The Bikini Bottom Massacre 1,3.wad" by right clicking and pressing "open with" and selecting GZDoom g4.8.2".
Also select "Always use this app to open .wad files".

If you cannot find GZDoom g4.8.2 in the quick selection menu, scroll down until you see "Look for other app on this PC" and click it.

Navigate to your GZDoom directory on desktop and select "gzdoom" and press "Open".

When you test launch a second time, you should be able to select "GZDoom g4.8.2" in the quick selection menu. Don't forget to have "Always use this app to open .wad files" checked off.
Steam Launch Options
In Steam Library, right click Doom 2: Hell on Earth and go Properties then General, go down until you see Launch Options and paste in the path to your GZDoom desktop game directory with the following modifications at the end (\The Bikini Bottom Massacre 1,3.wad" %command%).

Mine looks like the following:

"C:\Users\crist\Desktop\GZDoom\The Bikini Bottom Massacre 1,3.wad" %command%

Input your exact game path there making sure it looks the same with BOTH beginning/ending quotations and spaces included.

Tip! You can find the exact game path by going to your GZDoom desktop game directory and copy pasting the path from here.

When you are ready to play the game, make sure you select "Play Doom II: Hell on Earth".

This will make sure the Bikini Bottom Massacre mod loads when you press play through Steam. (Remove the launch options if you want to load up other .wad file mods into Doom II)
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[TMI]RastaMan 13 Sep, 2024 @ 3:10pm 
Lads, copyright bootlickers got this TC down...
Madmonkey68  [author] 7 Apr, 2023 @ 5:14pm 
cheiften98 7 Apr, 2023 @ 12:28pm 
great guide. used it again to figure out the Launch Options. thank you.
MelonHead269 31 Dec, 2022 @ 3:40pm 
This isn't my clarinet