Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition

Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition

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How to survive Legacy of Bhaal difficulty
By uanime5
A guide explaining how to survive and beat Baldur's Gate 2 while playing the Legacy of Bhaal difficulty.
Purpose of this guide
Legacy of Bhaal difficulty can be very challenging if you're not prepared. That's why I created this guide to explain the best ways to beat this mode.
Key Strategies
Combat general
General combat rules.

Enemies have additional levels and a substantial THAC0 bonus, meaning they'll hit you often and hard. They also have a large AC bonus and massive amounts of HP, so if you try to tank them with one of your characters they will almost certainly kill you before you kill them. Your summons however have many of the same bonuses that enemies do and will survive much longer against them, making them the best tanks for LoB difficulty.

Unlike in BG1 you can only have 5 summons at a time.

Disabling Enemies
Many spells will disable enemies if they don't make a saving throw; meaning they can't attack you and every attack will automatically hit them.
  • Conjurer spells: Grease and the Symbols Death, Fear and Stun.
  • Enchanter spells: Charm Person, Sleep, Ray of Enfeeblement, Dire Charm, Hold Person, Confusion, Emotion: Hopelessness, Chaos, Domination, Feeblemind and Hold Monster.
  • Illusionist spells: Blindness, Spook, and Deafness.
  • Invoker spells: Chromatic Orb, Stinking Cloud, and Web.
  • Transmuter spells: Polymorph Other, Flesh to Stone and Sphere of Chaos.
  • Priest spells: Hold Person or Hold Monster.
Dealing damage
In order to reliably hit enemies you need to get your THAC0 (to hit chance) to 5 or less. Once you get it this low you should focus on increasing the number of attacks per round (APR). This is because once you can hit an enemy having 2 hits per round, instead of 1, doubles your damage.

High strength decreases your THAC0 for melee weapons, while high dexterity decreases your THAC0 for missile weapons.

Slayer form
During chapter 4 the player gains the ability to turn into the Slayer. This form provides many bonuses such as setting strength and dexterity to 25; resulting in increased armour, damage, attacks per round, and to-hit chance. Thus if the player has to engage in physical combat transforming into the Slayer will make it much easier to win.

Combat specific
How to easily defeat the most powerful enemies.

  • Cast the level 9 Wizard spell Shapechange (lets you change form).
  • Cast the level 9 Wizard spell Time Stop.
  • Change into a Mind Flayer.
  • Attack Irenicus to reduce his intellect until he dies.
This can also be done by using the level 7 Wizard spell Limited Wish and selecting the one-time wishes "I wish to be anything I desire" (Shapechange) and "I wish for control over time" (Time Stop).

Below is a list of spells and the order to cast them in. This can be done with only a wizard.
  • Cast the level 5 Priest spell Magic Resistance. A level 9 priest will replace the dragon's high magic resistance (60%) with a lower amount (18%). Though a level 20 priest will change it to 40%.
  • Cast the level 5 Wizard spell Lower Resistance to reduce their magic resistance. Cast it twice if the following spells are resisted.
  • Cast the level 4 Wizard spell Greater Malison to reduce their saving throws.
  • Cast the level 1 Priest spell Doom to reduce their saving throws.
  • Cast either the level 5 Wizard spell Feeblemind or level 7 Wizard spell Finger of Death.
Feeblemind results in the dragon doing nothing while you kill it, while Finger of Death kills it instantly.

This combination of spells works against any enemy. You can also replace Feeblemind/Finger of Death with the level 5 Wizard spell Domination if you want to control a powerful enemy and make it attack other enemies.

A Protection From Undead scroll will prevent all undead from attacking the person it's cast on, even if you attack them. However the spell Dispel Magic will remove this protection.

These scrolls can be purchased from any temple.

Party size
The fewer characters in your party the more experience each party member gets. Thus for quests that don't involve fighting the main character can quickly level by removing all the other party members. This also means a party of 4 may be more effective than one with 6 characters due to the more rapid levelling.

Party recruitment
When you recruit a companion for the first time their level is boosted to that of the main character. Thus it's beneficial to recruit the companions you want to use after levelling up your main character as much as you can. Before this you can use companions who will be less useful.

Using invisibility
By having a character become invisible (spell Invisibility/Improved Invisibility/Mislead, potion, item, hide in shadows) they can sneak around, locate the enemies, and bypass them if this party only has one member. If another mage summons monsters nearby the enemies will rush to attack these monsters, allowing the invisible character to attack the enemies from behind or summon more monsters to encircle them.

Using Clones
The Wizard spells Project Image and Simulacrum (level 7 and 8 respectively) allow the player to create a copy of a character that has their spells. This allows a spellcaster to increase the number of spells they can cast.

Simulacrum also creates a clone with the character's quick slot and inventory items. So if the character has a Wish, Shapechange, or Time Stop scroll their clone will have a copy these scrolls but consuming them won't remove them from the original character. So cloning effectively lets the player use these scrolls more than once.

Simulacrum can also be cast via Vhailor's Helm.

Easy experience
Unlike in BGI in BGII you get experience by picking locks (250-1,550 XP) or disarming traps (1,000-3,250 XP). This will allow you to gain levels safely in the early parts of this game as NPCs only become hostile it you open a chest, not if you disarm or unlock it.

You also get experience by scribing/learning mage spells (1,000-9,000 XP), with the higher level spells providing more experience. You can also remove a spell from your spellbook, then relearn if from a scroll to get additional experience. To avoid failing to learn a spell drink a Potion of Genius to boost your intelligence.

If your character isn't a thief or a mage I recommend recruiting Jan Jansen as your only party member and using him to gain experience.

Infinite Gold
While most merchants won't buy stolen items a few in the Shadow Thief's Guildhall will. So if you sell an item to them you can steal it back, then sell it to them again. By repeating this you can gain enough money to buy everything you can't steal.
Main character's class (mage, multi-class mage)
All mage kits, except Sorcerers and their kits, can gain XP by scribing spells using spell scrolls. This allow easy levelling, especially at low levels.

At level 18 they can also learn the high-level ability Summon Planetar or Summon Dark Planetar; the strongest summon in the game.

Due to their low THAC0 they won't be able to hit any enemies.

A strong class because they can summon monsters, have a great spell flexibility, and don't need to find spell scrolls to teach them new spells.

The Youtuber Михаил П the was able to beat Shadows of Amn on Legacy of Bhaal difficulty using this character type:

Sorcerer: Dragon Disciple
A strong class because they can summon monsters, have a great spell flexibility, and don't need to find spell scrolls to teach them new spells. They have fewer spells than a Sorcerer but have a higher Armour Class (AC) and more constitution.

The Youtuber Qu Amae was able to beat Shadows of Amn on Legacy of Bhaal difficulty using this character type:

Mage: Enchanter
A mage who specialises in enchantments and can learn a wider variety of spells than a sorcerer. Though you do need to find the relevant scrolls to summon the strongest monsters.

The following spells benefit from the improved saving throws: Charm Person, Sleep, Ray of Enfeeblement, Dire Charm, Hold Person, Confusion, Emotion: Hopelessness, Chaos, Domination, Feeblemind and Hold Monster.

Enchanter cannot learn Evocation spells. While most of the combat spells aren't that useful on Legacy of Bhaal difficulty it does prevent them learning Spell Trigger, Spell Sequencer, Contingency, and Chain Contingency; all of which allow the mage to rapidly cast multiple spells.

Mage: Necromancer
A mage who specialises in instant death spells and can learn a wider variety of spells than a sorcerer. Though you do need to find the relevant scrolls to summon the strongest monsters.

The following spells benefit from the improved saving throws: Chill Touch, Ghoul Touch, Horror, Hold Undead, Skull Trap, Contagion, Control Undead, Finger of Death, Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting and the Wail of the Banshee.

The spells Lower Resist and Greater Malison can reduce an enemy's magic resistance and saving throws, making it easier to instantly kill them with Finger of Death or the Wail of the Banshee.

The spell Skull Trap can be used to create multiple exploding skulls that don't disappear after resting. Thus a Necromancer can cast multiple Skull Traps, rest, and cast even more Skull Traps in order to create an area that will deal a high level of damage to multiple opponents.

As Necromancer cannot learn Illusionist spells they cannot learn Invisibility, Improved Invisibility, Mislead, or Simulacrum. Thus they cannot easily hide themselves from enemies.

Mage: Illusionist
A mage who specialises in summoning illusions and can learn a wider variety of spells than a sorcerer. Though you do need to find the relevant scrolls to summon the strongest monsters. Being a Gnome gives +1 to intelligence.

The following spells benefit from the improved saving throws: Blindness, Spook, and Deafness.

Multi-class mages
Only non-humans can multi-class.

I recommend against this as your experience will be shared between another class, reducing the number and level of spells that your character can cast.

All these classes can wear Elven chain mail, which provides a high level of protection while not disabling spellcasting.

Fighter / Illusionist

A gnome gains +1 to intelligence but as a level 24 Fighter / 20 Illusionist they can cast fewer high level spells than a dual classed level 13 Fighter / 28 Mage.

Fighter / Mage / Thief

Though not able to fight, cast, steal as well as a pure Fighter, Mage, or Thief the Youtuber Qu Amae was able to beat Shadows of Amn on Legacy of Bhaal difficulty using a level 1 version of this character type:
Main character's class (Dual class mage)
Only humans can dual class.

I recommend avoiding dual classing as it can be difficult to gain enough experience to regain the abilities you lost, especially if you dual at level 12/13 instead of 7/8/9. The easiest way to gain this experience is to learn spells by scribing scrolls.

All these classes, except Kensai, can wear Elven chain mail, which provides a high level of protection without disabling spell casting.

Though mages can have 14 High-level abilities (HLA) they have 8 options that can only be selected once. So after level 25 mages will not get more HLA.

Fighter / Mage
Each Fighter kit has pros and cons. I recommend taking weapon proficiency in a missile weapon as it is difficult to survive in melee combat.

  • Pro: can become a Grand Master (-3 THAC0) in ranged weapons.
  • Con: lacks special benefits of other kits.
  • Pro: +1 bonus to damage and THAC0 every four levels, higher attack speed, -2 armor class, lack of armor doesn't matter to a mage.
  • Con: only usable ranged weapons are throwing axe/dagger; cannot use helmets or arm protection.
  • Pro: gain an Enrage every 4 levels that provides a -2 bonus to armor class and THAC0, and immunity most the status effects.
  • Con: can only become proficient (0 THAC0) in most ranged weapons.
Wizard Slayer
  • Pro: can become a Grand Master (-3 THAC0) in ranged weapons, gain a 1% bonus to magic resistance per level.
  • Con: cannot use most enchanted gear or potions.

At level 7-12 a fighter has 3 attacks every 2 rounds (3/2), 5/2 with Grand Mastery proficiency.
At level 13 a fighter has 2 attacks every round, 3 with Grand Mastery proficiency.

Some weapons types provide additional attacks per round, such as short/long bows, and darts. Being able to rapidly kill an enemy reduces how much damage they can do.

Dualling at level 7:
  • Creates a level 7 Fighter / 31 Mage.
  • You need 64,000 XP to become a level 7 fighter and 90,000 XP to become a level 8 mage.
  • Quickly regains abilities and an additional level 8 spell.
Dualling at level 9:
  • Creates a level 9 Fighter / 30 Mage.
  • You need 250,000 XP to become a level 9 fighter and 250,000 XP to become a level 10 mage.
  • An additional level 8 spell, a better chance to hit (-2 THAC0, -3 THAC0 for a Kensai), and an additional Weapon Proficiency.
Dualling at level 13:
  • Creates a 13 Fighter / 28 Mage.
  • You need 1,250,000 XP to become a level 13 fighter and 1,500,000 XP to become a level 14 mage.
  • 0.5 more attacks per round, an even better chance to hit (-6 THAC0, -8 THAC0 for a Kensai), and 2 additional Weapon Proficiencies.
All will have a large number of spells and more HP than a normal mage. Their low THAC0 enables them to reliably hit enemies.

Swashbuckler / Mage
The Swashbuckler (Thief kit) is like a fighter/thief and once they dual to a mage they become like a Fighter/Mage/Thief. The Swashbuckler is not as good as a fighter due to their lower THAC0, fewer attacks, and can only specialise in melee weapons and be proficient in missile weapons. However the lower XP threshold for thieves means they gain levels faster than a fighter; especially if they gain XP by unlocking/disarming everything in Athkatla, steal numerous scrolls, dual to a mage, and gain XP by scribing these scrolls.

I recommend becoming proficient in shortbows, rather than crossbows, as they provide more attacks per round. This enables you to fire on enemies more frequently while your summons distract them.

Dualling at level 8:
  • Creates a level 8 Swashbuckler / 31 Mage.
  • You need 70,000 to become a level 8 thief and 135,000 XP to become a level 9 mage.
  • Quickly regain abilities.
Dualling at level 10:
  • Creates a level 10 Swashbuckler / 30 Mage.
  • You need 160,000 to become a level 10 thief and 375,000 XP to become a level 11 mage.
  • More thief skills, a better chance to hit (-2 THAC0).
Dualling at level 12:
  • Creates a 12 Swashbuckler / 30 Mage.
  • You need 440,000 to become a level 12 thief and 1,125,000 XP to become a level 13 mage.
  • More thief skills, an even better chance to hit (-3 THAC0), and an additional Weapon Proficiency.
Dualling at level 13:
  • Creates a 13 Swashbuckler / 29 Mage.
  • You need 660,000 to become a level 13 thief and 1,500,000 XP to become a level 14 mage.
  • More thief skills, an even better chance to hit (-4 THAC0), and an additional Weapon Proficiency.
They have a large number of spells, thief abilities, and more HP than a normal mage.
Main character's class (Single class non-mages)
For melee characters I recommend getting to at minimum Master proficiency in your melee weapon to receive -3 THAC0, then getting at least Specialized in 2 weapon fighting so you can effectively dual wielding weapons. The on-hand weapon should be the one you have the highest proficiency in, while the off-hand should grants a special ability such as Belm (1 extra attack per round) or Crom Faeyr (strength 25). The best melee on-hand weapons are Axe, Flail/Morning Star, Katana, and Long Sword.

For missile weapons I recommend Short Bow or darts due to their high number of attacks per round. The Fighting Style only affects melee weapons so it's of little use for missile users.

Bard: Blade
This Bard kit is like a fighter/mage but not as good as they can only cast level 6 spells, only reach Proficient in weapon proficiency, and have a lower THAC0 than a fighter. Though they lack the temporary weakness caused by dualing a fighter and then having to level up their mage class to regain the fighter's abilities.

Though they can wear Chainmail they can't cast wizard spells while wearing it, however Elven Chain Mail doesn't have this drawback.

They also level up faster than a mage and gain the Rogue high level ability Use Any Item, which lets them wear any armour and use any weapon. They can also learn Enhanced Bard Song to boost companions and summons by THAC0 -4, Damage +4, AC -4.

Ranger: Archer
This Ranger kit is able to surpass a fighter focusing on missile weapons due to the increased damage and to-hit bonuses they receive for ranged weapons every 3 levels up to level 18 and every 5 levels thereafter. This effect is greatest in the early game (levels 7-9) as their lower THAC0 result in them being more frequently able to hit enemies. Though it is less useful around level 10 as most fighters will have a low enough THAC0 to reliably hit enemies due to their higher levels and enchanted equipment.

They can't wear armor heavier than studded leather or hide.

Elves gain a +1 bonus to dexterity.

Fighter: Berserker
The Berserker is superior melee fighter when compared to a Fighter as they can use Enrage to increase their damage, THAC0, and armour; along with providing them with many immunities. They can also use all melee weapons and wear Full Plate Armor.

While they cannot use missile weapons they can use the throwing versions of axes, daggers, and hammers.

Half-Orcs gain a +1 bonus to Strength and Constitution.

Thief: Shadowdancer
This Thief kit provides the ability to scout enemy positions, constantly hide and backstab, and use Shadowstep to avoid damage. This class is useful if you want to solo certain parts of BG2 by running past all the enemies.

They can wear studded leather, hide armor, and Elven Chain Mail. They also gain the Rogue high level ability Use Any Item, which lets them wear any armour and use any weapon.

Elves and halflings gain a +1 bonus to dexterity and bonuses to stealth thief skills.
Main character's class (Dual class non-mages)
Only humans can dual class.

I recommend avoiding dual classing as you will have a very difficult time until you have enough experience to regain the abilities you lost (especially if you dual at level 13 instead of 7/9) as there isn't an easy way to gain experience. These non-mage builds also lack the ability to summon the most powerful monsters.

All will have better THAC0 than a fighter/mage, however the only missile weapon they can use are slings.

Fighter / Druid
The Fighter / Druid has druid spells to buff your character and Enrage to further increase their combat abilities. They can also heal but lack many cleric spells, such as raise dead.

A Fighter can gain grand mastery in slings (-3 THACO), while a Berserker can only be proficient (0 THAC0) and gains -2 THAC0 via enrage. This makes a Fighter better in the early game due to your character's higher THAC0 at low levels.

Due to how druids level they can get to level 11 with 200,000 XP and access level 6 spells, while clerics need 675,000 XP. However clerics get to level 14 slightly sooner, where both gain access to level 7 spells. After level 14 druids level much slower than a cleric, which gives druids an early game advantage but causes problems in the mid game.

They can wear studded leather and hide armor.
  • The spell Hold Animal makes some enemies easier to hit.
  • The spells Summon Insects, Insect Plague, and Creeping Doom increase the chance of an enemy's spells failing.
  • Summoning spells: Call Woodland Beings, Animal Summoning 1-3, Conjure Animals, Conjure Fire Elemental, and Conjure Earth Elemental.
Dualling at level 7:
  • Creates a level 7 Berserker / 30 Druid.
  • You need 64,000 XP to become a level 7 fighter and 60,000 XP to become a level 8 druid.
  • Quickly regains abilities.
Dualling at level 9:
  • Creates a level 9 Berserker / 30 Druid.
  • You need 250,000 XP to become a level 9 fighter and 125,000 XP to become a level 10 druid.
  • A better chance to hit (-2 THAC0), and an additional Weapon Proficiency.
Dualling at level 13:
  • Creates a 13 Berserker / 28 Druid.
  • You need 1,250,000 XP to become a level 13 fighter and 1,500,000 XP to become a level 14 druid.
  • 0.5 more attacks per round, an even better chance to hit (-6 THAC0), and 2 additional Weapon Proficiencies.

Fighter / Cleric
The Fighter kit / Cleric has Cleric spells to buff your character and Enrage to further increase their combat abilities. They can also wear Full Plate Armor.

A Fighter can gain grand mastery in slings (-3 THACO), while a Berserker can only be proficient (0 THAC0) and gains -2 THAC0 via enrage. This makes a Fighter better in the early game due to your character's higher THAC0 at low levels.

  • The spell "Hold Person" makes some enemies easier to hit.
  • The spells "Draw Upon Holy Might", "Holy Power" and "Champion's Strength" give bonuses to the THAC0.
  • Summoning spells: Animate Dead, Animal Summoning 1-3, Aerial Servant, and Conjure Animals.
Dualling at level 7:
  • Creates a level 7 Berserker / 39 Cleric.
  • You need 64,000 XP to become a level 7 fighter and 110,000 XP to become a level 8 cleric.
  • Quickly regains abilities.
Dualling at level 9:
  • Creates a level 9 Berserker / 39 Cleric.
  • You need 250,000 XP to become a level 9 fighter 450,000 XP to become a level 10 cleric.
  • A better chance to hit (-2 THAC0), and an additional Weapon Proficiency.
Dualling at level 13:
  • Creates a 13 Berserker / 38 Cleric.
  • You need 1,250,000 XP to become a level 13 fighter and 1,350,000 XP to become a level 14 cleric.
  • 0.5 more attacks per round, an even better chance to hit (-6 THAC0), and 2 additional Weapon Proficiencies.

Archer / Cleric
The Archer (Ranger kit) / Cleric has powerful healing spells, some druid spells, and ranged attack bonuses. The major downside is that they can only use slings. There are 2 sling with infinite ammo that both be bought Copper Coronet. The Sling of Everard is sold by Joluv, while the Sling of Seeking is sold by the innkeeper Bernard after completing the Free Hendak and the slaves quest.

They can wear studded leather and hide armor.
  • The spell Hold Person makes some enemies easier to hit.
  • Summoning spells: Animate Dead, Animal Summoning 1-3, Aerial Servant, and Conjure Animals.
Dualling at level 7:
  • Creates a level 7 Archer / 39 Cleric.
  • You need 75,000 XP to become a level 7 archer and 110,000 XP to become a level 8 cleric.
  • Quickly regains abilities and an additional level 7 spell.
Dualling at level 9:
  • Creates a level 9 Archer / 39 Cleric.
  • You need 300,000 XP to become a level 9 archer and 450,000 XP to become a level 10 cleric.
  • An additional level 7 spell, a better chance to hit (-3 THAC0), and an additional Weapon Proficiency.
Dualling at level 13:
  • Creates a 13 Archer / 36 Cleric.
  • You need 1,500,000 XP to become a level 13 archer and 1,350,000 XP to become a level 14 cleric.
  • 0.5 more attacks per round, an even better chance to hit (-8 THAC0), and 2 additional Weapon Proficiencies.
Recommended Party
The best option is to create new characters during character creation that possess all the skills you need. I recommend several sorcerers or specialist mages that can constantly summon an army of strong monsters to attack enemies, while casting spells to disable your opponents. It's also helpful to have a fighter with a ranged weapon to target specific enemies.

If you wish to use the existing characters here are my recommendations. Each of these companions starts with the same level of XP as the player's character. So it is advisable to boost this character's XP as much as possible before recruiting them.

They can summon monsters, which benefit from the increased abilities given to every creature in this game. They can also use spells to disable enemies.

Every spell they learn from a scroll grants the party XP and the higher the level spell, the more XP they gain. So if you have a lot of scrolls you can quickly level up the party. Especially if they learn a spell, forget it, then learn it again.

Edwin Odesseiron: as a pure mage he has more spell slots and access to higher level spells, which lets him summon heavy hitters far earlier than any other companions. Though he can only be recruited after doing a Shadow Guild quest.

Jan Jansen: a multiclass mage/thief. Though he will always be a lower level mage that the other characters due to multiclassing he can easily be recruited in the Government district. He can also unlock chests and disarm traps for bonus experience.

Aerie: a multiclass mage/cleric. Though she will always be a lower level mage than the other characters due to multiclassing she can be fairly easily be recruited in the Circus Tent in the Promenade. She can also heal the party.

Nalia de'Arnise: thief duelled to a mage. Though a weaker mage than Edwin she can become powerful. The problem is that you need to agree to Nalia's quest to recruit her and this can be difficult to complete.

Imoen: another thief duelled to a mage. Though a weaker mage than Edwin she can become powerful. The problem is that Imoen is absent for most of the game so will be underleveled and know few spells when you acquire her in chapter 4.

They can summon some monsters, which benefit from the increased abilities given to every creature in this game. They can also heal allies, and buff the player AND these summons.

Anomen: a fighter who duelled to a cleric allowing him to have a large range of cleric spells and wear late armor. Also has specialized proficiency in sling. He can also easily be recruited in the Copper Coronet (Slums District).

Cernd: a shapeshifter druid who gets druid spells that summon strong monsters early on, unfortunately he requires a huge amount of experience to get to level 15 to cast these spells more frequently. He can also transform into a Greater Werewolf, which can endure several hits due to its regeneration abilities. He can be recruited in Trademeet during the Animal trouble in Trademeet quest.

Viconia: a pure cleric who has a large number of cleric spells. Though she has low Constitution/HP she can wear plate armor. She can also easily be recruited in the Government District (near jail) but doesn't work well with Keldorn.

Jaheira: a multiclass Fighter/Druid. Though she will always be a lower level druid than the other characters due to multiclassing she can be fairly easily be recruited in Irenicus' Dungeon. Her shape-shifting abilities are good in the early game but less useful as the enemies get stronger.

These characters starts with at least specialized proficiency (-1 THAC0) in ranged weapons. Though they can't summon monsters they can stand behind them while shooting at enemies and due to their low THAC0 they're able to hit them.

Mazzy Fentan: a fighter with grand master proficiency (-3 THAC0) in short bow. However she's recruited in the Temple Ruins area during the Investigate the Deaths in the Umar Hills quest, which can be difficult to access at low levels.

Keldorn: a paladin who starts with armour that gives him free action (can move through web and grease without being affected), can cast dispel magic, and is specialized in crossbow. He can easily be recruited by going into the Sewers underneath Temple District.

Minsc: a ranger in Irenicus' Dungeon who can easily be recruited and has specialization in Longbow. Unfortunately he doesn't work well with Edwin.

Valygar Corthala: a Stalker (ranger) who can be recruited in the Umar Hills. Able to turn invisible and backstab enemies, also specialized with a longbow. Unfortunately he doesn't work well with Edwin or Viconia.

These characters can deal melee damage while the enemies are attacking a monster or otherwise incapacitated. A thief's backstab is effective at dealing large amounts of damage if it hits.

Haer'Dalis : a Blade (bard) who can be recruited after completing the quest Free Haer'Dalis from Imprisonment by Mekrath. Has access to some mage spells, bard song, and some thief skills; which helps him gain XP.

Korgan: a dwarf berserker who can also easily be recruited in the Copper Coronet (Slums District); though the last part of his book of Kaza quest involves fighting on the roof of the Copper Coronet, which will result in the Cowled Wizards attacking you if you use magic without having bribed them. Unfortunately he doesn't work well with Aerie.

Though there are other characters they are more difficult to recruit, cannot summon monsters, or are less useful than the ones mentioned.
Useful weapons
This are some of the most useful equipment that can be obtained by chapter 2. Class/race restrictions can be overcome using a thief's Use Any Item High-Level Ability.

Melee Weapons
Belm (Scimitar +2, 1 extra attack per round)
Found in a chest in the Ogre's Tower in the northeast corner of the Druid Grove, near Adratha's Cottage. This area is accessible after agreeing to help Trademeet.

Blade of Roses (Long sword +3)
Bernard in the Copper Coronet in the Athkatla Slums, after completing the Free Hendak and the slaves quest in the Copper Coronet.

Blackblood (Club +3, +3 acid damage per hit)
Trademeet Market Merchant after completing the quest Dealing with the Trademeet genies.

Celestial Fury (Katana +3, stuns opponents)
Koshi on the second floor of the Guarded Compound in Athkatla's Temple District drops this item when killed.

Cleric's Staff (Quarterstaff +3)
Mistress Ada in the Temple of Talos in Temple District in Athkatla.

Daystar (Long sword +2, +4 vs evil, +4 vs undead)
In a tomb, in a secret room inhabited by a Lich, inside the Crooked Crane Inn, in Athkatla City Gates.

Defender of Easthaven (Flail +3, +1 armour class bonus)
Sold by Joluv in the Copper Coronet.

Flail of Ages +3
Collect all three flail heads in the De'Arnise Keep, then go to the first floor to forge them together.

Foebane (Bastard sword +3)
1st floor of Watcher's Keep.

Frostreaver (Axe +3)
Found in one of the statues in the chapel in the De'Arnise Keep.

Harmonium Halberd (Halberd +3)
Deidre in Adventurer's Mart in Waukeen's Promenade in Athkatla.

Kundane (Short sword +2, 1 extra attack per round)
A female thrall in the Planar Prison, during the quest to Rescue Raelis and Haer'Dalis from the Planar Prison.

Lilarcor (Two Handed Sword +3, immune to charm)
In the sewers below the Copper Coronet in the Athkatla Slums there are 4 pipes. Insert the 4 unique items in the sewers into these pipes to get this sword.

Mauler's Arm (Mace +2, sets Strength to 18)
Bernard in the Copper Coronet in the Athkatla Slums, after completing the Free Hendak and the slaves quest in the Copper Coronet.

Ninjatō of the Scarlet Brotherhood (Ninja-to +3, 1 extra attack per round, monk only)
Sold by Joluv in the Copper Coronet.

Pixie Prick (Dagger +3)
Bounty Hunter in the Planar Prison, during the quest to Rescue Raelis and Haer'Dalis from the Planar Prison.

Short Sword of Mask +4
Sister Garlena on the top of Watcher's Keep.

Spear of Kuldahar (Spear +3, +8 HP)
Joluv in the Copper Coronet.

Staff of Rhynn (Quarterstaff +4)
Ribald in Adventurer's Mart in Waukeen's Promenade in Athkatla.

Staff of the Magi (Quarterstaff +5, Armor Class: +2, Saving Throws: +2, Invisibility)
Layene of the Twisted Rune in the Bridge's District's Twisted Rune Hideout in Athkatla drop this item when killed.

Stonefire (Axe +3)
Bernard in the Copper Coronet in the Athkatla Slums, after completing the Free Hendak and the slaves quest in the Copper Coronet.

Usuno's Blade (Ninja-to +4)
Statue on the 1st floor of Watcher's Keep.

Wyvern's Tail (Morning Star +2, +5 points of poison damage)
Draug Fea of the Hatchetman's Party in the Temple District's Sewers in Athkatla drop this item when killed.

Ranged Weapons
Army Scythe (Light Crossbow +1, fires 2 bolts per round)
Bernard in the Copper Coronet in the Athkatla Slums.

Azuredge (Throwing axe +3, extra 1d6 +4 damage to undead, infinite ammo, Good only)
Bernard in the Copper Coronet in the Athkatla Slums, after completing the Free Hendak and the slaves quest in the Copper Coronet.

Boomerang Dagger (Throwing dagger +2, infinite ammo)
Captain Dennis in Delosar's Inn at the Bridge District drop this item when killed.

Case of Plenty +1 (unlimited +1 crossbow bolts)
1st floor of Watcher's Keep.

Crimson Dart (Dart +3, infinite ammo)
1st floor of Watcher's Keep.

Dwarven Thrower (War hammer +3, infinite ammo, Dwarf only)
Trademeet Market Merchant after completing the quest Dealing with the Trademeet genies.

Elven Court Bow (Longbow +3)
Found in one of the statues in the chapel in the De'Arnise Keep.

Firetooth +4 (Light Crossbow +4, infinite ammo)
Bought from Sister Garlena on the top of Watcher's Keep.

Hangard's Axe (Throwing axe +2, infinite ammo)
Tarnor the Hatchetman of the Hatchetman's Party in the Temple District's Sewers in Athkatla drop this item when killed.

Quiver of Plenty +1 (unlimited +1 arrows)
1st floor of Watcher's Keep.

Sling of Everard (Sling +2, infinite ammo)
Sold by Joluv in the Copper Coronet.

Sling of Seeking (Sling +2, infinite ammo)
Bernard in the Copper Coronet in the Athkatla Slums, after completing the Free Hendak and the slaves quest in the Copper Coronet.

Tansheron's Bow (Shortbow +3, infinite ammo)
Trademeet Market Merchant after completing the quest Dealing with the Trademeet genies.

Tuigan Bow (Shortbow +1, fires 3 arrows per round)
Dropped by the Beastmaster in the Copper Coronet in the Athkatla Slums, during completing the Free Hendak and the slaves quest in the Copper Coronet.
Useful armour and equipment
This are some of the most useful equipment that can be obtained by chapter 2.

Body armour
Aeger's Hide +3 (Hide armor +3, doesn't lower thief skills)
Armor of Deep Night (Studded leather +4)
Chain Mail +2
Fortress Shield +3 (Large shield +3)
Medium Shield +2
Plate Mail +1
Splint Mail +1
Ribald in Adventurer's Mart in Waukeen's Promenade in Athkatla.

Plate of Balduran (Full plate armour +2)
Robe of Vecna (reduces casting time by 4)
Shield of Balduran (-1 Strength, reflects beholder's rays)
Vhailor's Helm (-1 AC, can cast Simulacrum once per day)
Deidre in Adventurer's Mart in Waukeen's Promenade in Athkatla.

Full Plate Armor
Full Plate Armor +1
Plate Mail
Plate Mail +1
Small Shield +2
The Hatchetman's Party in the Temple District's Sewers in Athkatla drop these items when killed.

Gift of Peace (Helmet +1 to all saving throws)
Large Shield +2
Leather Armor +3
Full Plate Armor +1
Plate Mail +1
Group on the second floor of the Guarded Compound in Athkatla's Temple District drop these items when killed.

Full Plate Armor
Mercenary of Riatavin in Delosar's Inn at the Athkatla's Bridge District drop this item when killed.

Full Plate Armor
Studded Leather +1
Adventuring party in the Den of the Seven Vales in Athkatla's Waukeen's Promenade drop this when killed.

Plate Mail
Splint Mail
Studded Leather
The fanatics in the Government District in Athkatla trying to burn Viconia alive drop these items when killed.

Ankheg Plate Mail (strong as Full Plate but light as Studded Leather)
In a locked chest in the Commoner's House in Athkatla's Bridge District (house is unlabelled on the map) there's an Ankheg Shell (this can more easily be obtained at night). Cromwell in the Athkatla Docks can forge the Ankheg Shell into the Ankheg Plate Mail for 5,000 gold.

Darkmail (Chain mail +3)
Shadow Patrick drops this when killed during the Investigate the Deaths in the Umar Hills quest.

Delver's Plate (Plate Mail +2)
Dropped by Chieftain DigDag at Firkraag's Entrance, during the quest to Rescue Garren's child from Firkraag in the Windspear Hills.

Elven Chain Mail (Spellcasting is not disabled)
Dropped by Lord Alibakkar during the quest to The Dueling Families of Trademeet if you side with one of the dueling families instead of High Merchant Logan Coprith. You can also get it if you side with Lord Alibakkar, give the mantle to Logan, then kill Lord Alibakkar.

Full Plate Mail +2
Using the spell Limited Wish and selecting the one-time wish "I wish for a powerful magical item" gives you this item.

Mail of the Dead (Chain Mail +2)
One of the Duergar in Irenicus' dungeon drops it when killed.

Melodic Chain (Chain mail +3, Spellcasting is not disabled, Bard only)
Dropped by Aawill, leader of the Planar Bounty Hunters, during the quest to Rescue Raelis and Haer'Dalis from the Planar Prison.

Orc Leather (Studded leather +3)
In the cellars of the De'Arnise Keep.

Robe of the Good Archmagi (AC 5, good only)
Blacksmith in Trademeet's Anvil of the Right after resolving the Dealing with the Trademeet genies quest and having over 10 charisma.

Shadow Armor (Studded leather +3, Hide in shadows +15)
Mae'Var in the Dock District in Athkatla drop this item when killed. Can be obtained during the Find Proof of Mae'Var's Treachery quest.

Skin of the Ghoul (leather armor +4)
Dropped by Mayor Theshal in Ghoul Town, accessed via the Pit of the Faithless beneath The Old Tunnels in the Temple District in Athkatla. Can be obtained during the Investigate and Destroy the Cult of the Eyeless quest.

Studded Leather +2
Dropped by Captain Haegan in the Copper Coronet in the Athkatla Slums, during the Free Hendak and the slaves quest in the Copper Coronet.

The Night's Gift (Studded leather +5, Hide in shadows +20)
From the mayor of the Umar Hills after completing the Investigate the Deaths in the Umar Hills quest.

Other armour
Bracers of Defense AC 3
Bracers of Defense AC 4
Girdle of Hill Giant Strength (Strength set to 19)
Ring of Air Control (Improved Invisibility once per day, can charm air elementals)
The Protector +1 (Amulet of Protection +1)
Ribald in Adventurer's Mart in Waukeen's Promenade in Athkatla.

Belt of Inertial Barrier (+5 saving throws vs. breath, 25% resistance missiles, 50% resistance to magical damage)
Trademeet Market Merchant after completing the quest Dealing with the Trademeet genies.

Bracers of Archery (THAC0 -2, missile weapons only)
Troll Mound in the Druid Grove, near Trademeet.

Cloak of the Sewers (AC -1)
A Rakshasa in the center of the Sewers underneath the Athkatla Temple District drops this when killed.

Gauntlets of Dexterity (Dexterity set to 18)
In a pile of bones in Ghoul Town, accessed via the Pit of the Faithless beneath The Old Tunnels in the Temple District in Athkatla.

Gloves of Pickpocketing (Pick Pockets: +20%)
Yarin's room in Copper Coronet in the Athkatla Slums.

Helm of Balduran (AC -1, THAC0 -1)
Irenicus' room on the first level of Irenicus' Dungeon, unless you import a character from BG1.

Pale Green Ioun Stone (+10% HP, THAC0 -1)
Pai'Na in the dungeon underneath Athkatla Graveyard.

Paws of the Cheetah (weak Haste and 200% movement)
A Bounty Hunter Halfling Thief in the Planar Prison, during the quest to Rescue Raelis and Haer'Dalis from the Planar Prison.

Pearly White Ioun Stone (Heals one lost hit point every 30 seconds)
In the Ruined Temple of Amaunator dungeon by the Umar Hills, concealed in a niche in the room with the molten lava floor.

Xarrnous's Second Sword Arm (THAC0 -1)
A female thrall in the Planar Prison, during the quest to Rescue Raelis and Haer'Dalis from the Planar Prison.

Black Spider Figurine (Summon phase spider)
Pai'Na in the dungeon underneath Athkatla Graveyard.

Efreeti Bottle (Summon an efreeti)
Pickpocket Taquee in Trademeet outside of the Dao Djinni Tent.

Golem Manual (Summon a flesh golem)
1st floor of Watcher's Keep.

Potion Case (Store 100 potions)
Bought from Sister Garlena on the top of Watcher's Keep. Unless you have the Tweaks Anthology mod installed this is the only Potion Case available in Shadows of Amn.

Ring of Human Influence (Charisma set to 18)
Investigate the Circus Tent in Waukeen's Promenade and kill Kalah.

Ring of Regeneration (Heals one lost hit point every 6 seconds)
Pickpocket Ribald in Adventurer's Mart in Athkatla's Waukeen's Promenade.

Ring of the Princes (AC -1)
Irenicus' dungeon 2nd Floor.
Two are in the Planar Prison, during the quest to Rescue Raelis and Haer'Dalis from the Planar Prison.

Sandthief's Ring (Invisibility once per day)
Brennan Risling in the Den of the Seven Vales in Athkatla's Waukeen's Promenade drops this when killed.

Silver Horn of Valhalla (summon a level 5 berserker)
Bronze Horn of Valhalla (summon a level 7 berserker)
Iron Horn of Valhalla (summon a level 9 berserker)

The Silver Horn is in a locked chest in the 2nd floor of the Horn House in Athkatla's Bridge District (house is unlabelled on the map). This horn can be upgraded twice by Maheer the Storekeep in Waukeen's Promenade.
Chapter Guide: Shadows of Amn Chapters 1&2
The basic rule is don't fight if you can avoid a battle.

Chapter 1
The weapons you can obtain from the 1st room are: long sword, short sword, 2 handed sword, katana, spear, halberd, quarterstaff, mace, axe, and warhammer. There is also a Dagger +1 hidden behind a picture. If you make a melee character and they don't have a Master proficiency (-3 THAC0) in one of those weapons they won't be able to hit anything. There are other weapon types in other rooms in this dungeon but you may need to use invisibility/hide in plain sight to get to them.

There aren't any missile weapons in the 1st room but you can get shortbows and arrows by killing the nearby goblins. The Duegar carry crossbows and bolts.

Minsc and Jaheira don't have enough proficiency in their weapon to be able to reliably hit anything. Though Jaheira can act as a tank by turning into a bear.

Having Imoen turn you and her invisible means you can skip many battles.

Rest after every encounter to replenish spells and hit points.

If you dismiss your companions before finishing this chapter when you next recruit them they'll gain extra XP based on how much XP you have.

If your party can't get through Irenicus' dungeon then remake it, as they're too weak to survive this difficulty.

Chapter 2
In this chapter you have to level-up and equip your party so they can survive the rest of the game. The more XP your main character has the higher the level your companions will be when you recruit them, so solo levelling before assembling your party is recommended.

Go around the seven districts of Athkatla opening every lock, disarming ever trap, and learning every scroll you find for easy experience. If your character can't do this recruit Jan Jansen (Mage/thief) from the Government District.

The following quests award substantial XP without combat.
Bring the Poisoned Man to his Friends
  • Location: random encounter in Athkatla
  • Reward: 14,550 XP, run from thugs

Solve the "skinner" murders in the Bridge District
  • Location: Bridge District
  • Reward: if you attack Rejiek Hidesman in his Tanner Shop you will receive 23,250 XP even if you don't have any evidence against him. You can also go to Lieutenant Aegisfield and obtain the reward (500GP and 45,000 XP, but no reputation bonus).

Help Jan Jansen
  • Location: Government District
  • Reward: 8,500 XP if you cover for him
The Hunt for Valygar Corthala
  • Location: Government District
  • Reward: 9,500 XP if you let him join your party
Investigate the Deaths in the Umar Hills
  • Location: Government District
  • Reward: 22,500 XP search cabin

Find the kidnappers who buried Tirdir
  • Location: Graveyward
  • Reward: 6,500 XP (start quest)
Locate a Caretaker for the Orphan, Risa
  • Location: Graveyward at early morning or afternoon
  • Reward: 15,250 XP
Put the Spirit of the Child Wellyn to Rest
  • Location: Graveyward at night
  • Reward: 20,500 XP

Gain the services of Sir Sarles for the temple
  • Location: Temple District, from the temple who gave you the Investigate and Destroy the Cult of the Eyeless quest
  • Reward: 10,000 XP using fake illithium

Madulf wants to make a deal with the village
  • Location: Umar Hills
  • Reward: 27,500 XP

A thief, such as Yoshimo or Jan Jansen, who drinks Potions of Master Thievery to raise their pickpocket skill to over 200 is able to steal everything that can be stolen from merchants. The following are the best to steal from, though some only appear at night.
  • Lady Yuth in the Adventurer's Mart in Athkatla's Waukeen's Promenade: scrolls
  • Galoomp the bookkeeper in Athkatla's Waukeen's Promenade: scrolls
  • Jayes in Athkatla's Waukeen's Promenade: scrolls, weapons, armour
  • Mrs Cragmoon in Athkatla's Bridge District: potions
  • Cutpurse in Athkatla's Bridge District: scrolls, potions, weapons
  • Bernard in the Copper Coronet in Athkatla's Slums: scrolls, potions, weapons
  • Black Market thief in Athkatla's Slums: weapons
  • Shady Storekeep in Athkatla's Slums: armour
  • Arledrian in Gaelan Bayle's House in Athkatla's Slums: scrolls, potions, weapons
  • Marina in Shadow Thieves Guildhall in Athkatla's Docks: scrolls, weapons, armour
  • Gorch in Mae'Var's Guildhall in Athkatla's Docks: potions, weapons, armour

You need 20,00 gold to move to the next chapter but if you talk to Bodhi after being invited to meet her this is reduced to 15,000 gold. You can get this gold by selling items you find in Irenicus' dungeon and Athkatla. You can also steal these items back after selling them, especially if the merchant buys stolen goods.

The following quests provide a large amount of gold, XP, or useful items.
Free Hendak and the slaves
  • Location: Copper Coronet
  • Reward: 3,900 gold, 38,000 XP, and 2 reputation
Solve the Riddle of the Sewers
  • Location: Sewers under Copper Coronet
  • Reward: 18,000 XP
Find Proof of Mae'Var's Treachery
  • Location: Shadow Thief Guildhall in Docks
  • Reward: 10,500 gold, 215,000 XP
Investigate and Destroy the Cult of the Eyeless
  • Location: Temple District
  • Reward: 7,000 gold. 121,250 XP: joining the rift device's two halves (26,250 XP), returning it to the Amaunator's Avatar (47,250 XP), complete quest (45,750 XP).
Free Haer'Dalis from Imprisonment by Mekrath
  • Location: Five Flagons Inn in the Bridge District
  • Reward: 1,200 gold from Raelis Shai if you ask for more money; else you only get 1,000 gold
  • Afterwards you can do the Rescue Raelis and Haer'Dalis from the Planar Prison quest to obtain many useful items from the Planar Prison such as the Paws of the Cheetah, Xarrnous's Second Sword Arm, and Ring of the Princes.
  • High XP levels in the 2nd quest result in tougher enemies. 400,000 – 999,999 XP: tougher enemies, 1,000,000 – 1,999,999 XP: even tougher enemies, over 2 million: toughest enemies.

Animal trouble in Trademeet
  • Location: Athkatla City Gates
  • Reward: 18,000 XP from Lord Logan Copirth. You also get 10,750 gold and 25,250 XP if you also completed the genie quest below.
Dealing with the Trademeet genies
  • Location: Trademeet
  • Reward: 7,500 gold from Guildmistress Busya, 10,000 XP

de'Arnise Keep has been Invaded
  • Location: Copper Coronet
  • Trolls regenerate HP and can only be killed with fire or acid, so you need to focus on one at a time.
  • Reward: 10,650 gold if Nalia de'Arnise is in your party, else 650. 29,750 XP open gate, 11,500 XP make dog stew, 22,550 XP remove enchantment from Glaicus, 18,750 XP use dog stew, 45,500 XP complete quest.

Investigate the Deaths in the Umar Hills
  • Location: Government District
  • The Pedestal of Light can instantly kill all shade wolves and shadows including the Jailer. However if will not affect the undead.
  • High XP levels result in tougher enemies. 400,000 – 999,999 XP: tougher enemies, 1,000,000 – 1,999,999 XP: even tougher enemies, over 2 million: toughest enemies.
  • Reward: 12,250 XP Rescue Mazzy, 17,750 XP Amauna's Reward, 45,500 XP 3 Holy Rituals, 21,250 XP 3 Symbol Parts, 28,000 XP complete quest

If you obtain a Protection From Undead scroll you can defeat the undead in the Athkatla Graveyard district without being injured. You can also defeat the Athkatla lichs the Bridge District, Temple District Sewers, and Athkatla City Gates this way. This is much easier if you have the weapons Azuredge or Daystar as they have an additional chance to hit undead.

Once your party is full equipped and high level start chapter 3.
Chapter Guide: Shadows of Amn Chapters 3-7
Chapter 3
Side with the Shadow Thieves as they'll help you fight against Bodhi in chapter 6.
Side with Bodhi and at the start of chapter 4 you avoid a battle.

After chapter 3 you won't be able to return to Athkatla until chapter 6. Ensure you have everything you need before leaving.

Chapter 4
You can go directly to Perth the Adept or Desharik to gain entrance to Spellhold, skipping some fights.

During the Candlekeep dream level your main character has to fight an opponent alone. Make sure they can survive this or have a way to summon help BEFORE they enter Spellhold.

In the section under Spellhold there is a room where you're attacked by goblin archers. You can't summon monsters on their platforms so you'll need ranged attacks to defeat them.

Being polite to the apparitions and getting their riddles right results in easier room and less combat.

Lonk the Sane will release all the inmates for 2,000 gold.

Closing the door during the Irenicus battle will prevent the Murderers attacking you; until you open the door.

Rejecting Saemon Havarian's offer means you can go directly to the Underdark, skipping several fights to get a ship and when escaping the Sahuagin city.

Chapter 5
In the Underdark there are portals that each summon 10 fire, air, and earth elementals one at a time. By summoning many monsters you can kill them all and get 180k experience.

To enter Adalon's lair you need the gem Goldander Blackenrock has. You can complete his quest, pickpocket him, or kill him.

After Adalon transforms the party into drow head to Ust Natha and obtain everything you want. The Staff of Earth +2 is recommended as it can summon 30 Lesser Earth Elementals.

Finally as a drow head to the Western Tunnels. There you can bribe the drow guarding the exit 5000 gold to let you pass (1000 with at least 17 charisma or you can leave for free with 17 or more intelligence). This removes the drow disguise and prevents you from doing any more drow city quests.

Chapter 6
Ask Drizzt to help you fight against Bodhi.

Ask the Shadow Thieves to help you fight against Bodhi. They won't help if in chapter 3 you sided with Bodhi and killed their leader.

Ask Prelate Wessalen of the Order of the Radiant Heart in the Temple District to help you fight against Bodhi.

If you have romanced a companion Bodhi will kidnap them when you go to the graveyard. To avoid this either don't romance anyone or don't bring them in your party the FIRST time you go here in this chapter.

Chapter 7: Suldanessellar
Putting the 3 relics in the Temple of Rillifane will kill the mage in there and many of the stronger golems in Suldanessellar. This avoids some tough battles.

The dragon Nizidramanii'yt will sell you the goblet for 30,000 gold and all the items that aren't in a Bag of Holding. He also won't take any items you put on the ground.

Before fighting Irenicus in the palace it's recommended you have 5 companions. Their help in the following difficult fights offsets any experience reduction due to having a full party.

Chapter 7: Abyss
In the Pride challenge refuse to fight the creature to avoid a fight.

In the Greed challenge give the Blackrazor to the enslaved genie to avoid a fight.

If you plan to take the evil option in the Selfishness challenge then remove everyone from your party so you won't need to permanently sacrifice a companion.

In the Fear challenge you can use the level 2 mage spell Resist Fear to become immune to fear.

During the Fear challenge if you refuse the nymph Cloak you gain immunity to +1 and below weapons. As a result in the Wrath challenge Sarevok is unable to harm you. During the Wrath challenge if you give into hate you gain +2 strength, if you resist you get +1 to Wisdom and Charisma.

Using the spell Limited Wish and selecting the one-time wish "I wish to be anything I desire" allows you to take alternative forms. If you become a Mind Flayer you can reduce enemy intelligence with every hit and once this stat goes below 0 they die instantly. This can also be combined with the one-time wish "I wish for control over time", which activates Time Stop.
Chapter Guide: Throne of Bhaal
Chapter 8
If you completed chapter 7 everyone in your party will automatically have their XP raised to the XP cap in Shadows of Ahm (about 2.9 million).

You get 2,000 experience for each companion you summon and they all have good equipment; so summon all of them and take all the equipment from the ones you don't plan to use.

In the the Arcana Archives Lazarus Librarus will give you the Lazarus' Missing Spellbook quest that can be completed without combat. Completing this quest will let you purchase his items.

The Waukeen-priestess Farielle will give the key to the old prison to a good/neutral party member if they ask and an evil one if they threaten her. The prison can be used to enter Gromnir's castle but is full of vampires.

Chapter 9
The Graveyard Lich quest can be accomplished without fighting the lich. This results in Malla's Soul Stone (+1 dex and con for neutral/evil characters).

In Amkethran speak to Zakee Rafeha, the tavernkeeper, and he will tell you how to enter the monastery via the graveyard.

Chapter 10
During this battle you cannot rest but you can use the spell Wish and the option "Make it as if the entire party has just rested a full night and rememorized all their spells."
Irenicus 23 Nov, 2024 @ 1:56pm 
I made a total cheat character in Keeper. A cavalier with insanely inflated stats and proficiencies. I still couldnt kill the assassin at the friendly arm. loaded a million times and kited and used every possible thing I had even sacrificed multiple party members. Couldnt do it. What an awful way to play xd. I commend you for actually finishing this and trying to help people.
uanime5  [author] 12 Oct, 2023 @ 5:09pm 
I wasn't aware they were still releasing patches for such an old game.

I usually didn't use Cernd, so I was unaware of how strong he could be early game. Early access to level 6 summons would have been helpful.

I wasn't sure when Cernd would get to level 15 in BG2 as 3 million XP was the max, so I assumed it would be late game. Also in my guide I recommend avoiding many quests as fighting is very difficult, so this can result in characters being low level for most of the game. I'm not saying it's impossible to use Cernd but it can be difficult.

I thought multi-class fighters got the same health increases as normal fighters. I'll update the guide.
Zotliatlicor 12 Oct, 2023 @ 4:35pm 
A Fighter Dual at 9 to Mage 30 will land on 150 HP (250.000 XP + 7.750.000 XP)
A Fighter Dual at 13 to Mage 28 will land at 153 HP (1.250.000 XP + 6.750.000 XP)
A Gnome Fighter / Illusionist at 8 million XP is Fighter 24 and Mage 20 and lands at 126 HP.

All have 18 Constitution. After lvl 9 fighter and lvl 10 Mage you get simmply 1 HP when you level up, both as Fighter and as Mage if you are Multi.
Zotliatlicor 12 Oct, 2023 @ 4:28pm 
My game is unmodded too. Newest addition is latest patch/update. Cernd comparison obviously is vs other Druids, so vs Jaheira. Jaheira will level up super slowly also, she get fighters levels at double xp faster, byt she also need "Double" the Druid XP to rise in Druid Power.

Sometime Jaheira is the better choice, i just thought you need to add Cernd in the LOB equation too. Faster Druid progress beats Some lvl 9 Fighter abilities. Have you played with Cernd at LOB? I hadnt and when i did I was shocked at how more efficient my group became.

Jaheira will become Fighter 24 Druid 21, while Cernd reach max lvl as Druid at lvl 31.

After 3 million XP as Druid they (druids) start to level fast again and gain lots of power. Jaheira gets this super late, likely in Late TOB. Cernd gets this in ch. 2 if you do all, or likely in Underdark.
uanime5  [author] 12 Oct, 2023 @ 5:37am 
A Fighter / Illusionist at max level will be a level 24 Fighter / 20 Illusionist, while a dual classed Fighter / Mage will be level 9 Fighter / 30 Mage or 13 Fighter / 28 Mage. So the Fighter / Illusionist will have more HP because they have more levels in fighter, while the Fighter / Mage will be able to cast more higher level spells due to having more levels in mage. I've modified the text to clarify this.

What do you mean by the "newest addition"? This guide is for the unmodded BG2 as I can't make a guide for every mod that exists.

Regarding Cernd he starts at level 10, gets a level 6 spell at 11, a level 7 spell at 14; then requires 1.5 million XP between levels 14 and 15 to get 6 level 6 and 7 spells. This long period when Cernd doesn't improve makes him less useful than other characters. Though I will include him in the list of characters as he is good in the early game and Throne of Bhaal.
Zotliatlicor 12 Oct, 2023 @ 2:14am 
I see you have nailed alot of it, well done sir. But you say Gnome Fighter / Illusionist have more HP than a Dual classed Fighter / Mage. I think you mean more spells, not HP.

And i find it lacking that you not mention Cernd anywhere. Cernd is blissfully good for Legacy of Bhaal, in the newest addition. He can cast spells while Shapeshifting, have Ironskins, 3 APR (better than Jaheira) fast regen, 25 STR / CON and 20+ DEX. And he gets faster access to Heal and Summon Fire Elementals, than Jaheira. He is just great now.
uanime5  [author] 31 Dec, 2022 @ 10:53am 
Looks like I copied that text too often. I've added a multi-class section.
Piotrek 31 Dec, 2022 @ 9:17am 
"A gnome can duel class into the following:
Fighter / Illusionist

Dual at level 9 or 13. All will have a large number of spells and more durability than a normal mage."

gnomes can multiclass NOT dual class. only humans can dual-class.