Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered

Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered

207 ratings
100% Achievement Guide | Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered
Full list of all 78 Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered Achievements

If you are interested in a specific achievement, then I recommend you to use the search option. Hold down the «Ctrl» key, and then press «F» and write the exact name of the achievement in the search box

This guide contains a lot of spoilers! So, if you want to avoid them, then better use search for a specific achievement or come back after you are done with the story...

Number of missable achievements: 0 - There is free-roam after story to get all achievements & collectibles, nothing is missable (but don’t spend any challenge tokens & base tokens until you can afford all suits as to reduce the grind)

Minimum Playthroughs: 2 - You'll need to complete the game twice to get the NG+ achievement. The New Game+ Mode opens as you complete the story once

Also feel free to go to options > accessibility and select the option to skip puzzles. This will allow you to skip every puzzle without voiding the achievements to make it a bit faster
✦ Story 🕷️
Knocking Down Kingpin

This is the earliest boss battle in the game that you should come across fairly quickly in the story. As Fisk is a big guy, you have to rely on webbing and your surroundings to take him down. The fight scene provides some pretty helpful prompts and hints but the general idea is to only get close when he's stunned. Throw things at him and webbing him

Shock and Awe

The Shocker is the second boss within the game. The fight will begin with a chase sequence, where Spider-Man will need to catch him. This is achieved by getting as close as possible to him. You will need to catch Shocker twice, although during the second phase you'll need to dodge a few attacks he throws at you

Shocker will escape prision again, which Spider-Man will then need to take him down once more. The real boss fight will begin where Spider-Man and Shocker will be fighting inside a bank

Demons Emerge

Once you finish the mission "And the Award Goes to..." which involves you visiting officer Jefferson Davis’ award ceremony, Act 1 will be concluded and this achievement will be yours

The Scientific Method

Upgrades will be available early on during the completion of the story. This achievement will require you to craft your first upgrade, although you will need to craft a total of 15 upgrades for Science FTW! achievement . Check it for more information on how to craft upgrades

The Six Assemble

Unlocks after completing the mission "Out of the Frying Pan..." which involves going to the Queensboro Bridge in the Upper East Side district and getting to the bottom of an urgent situation


Electro and Vulture will be the first group of bosses you'll encounter in the final act of the game. The fight will begin with electro, who will be shooting electrical bots are you, which you'd want to dodge these attacks and get as close a possible to him. Once you are close enough, start webbing him, then a prompt will appear once he's completely webbed depicting you can attack him for a short amount of time. He will then head over to a generator to start releasing large columns of electricity that you'll want to dodge. Spider-Man will want to destroy the generator with his web

Vulture will enter the fight at this point, who will start attacking you immediately. Prompts will appear to dodge his attacks, simply follow the prompts on the screen, then start attacking him when prompt. The fight will then continue with both of them performing the same moves, although both will be attacking you at once to make it more difficult. Rince and repeat each of these methods until you have defeated both of them

Sting and Smash

Scorpion and Rhino will be the second pair of bosses within the game. The main boss fight will begin with Spider-Man taking down Rhino. To achieve this spiderman will need to use his surrounding obstacles to weaken or knock out Rhino for a few moments. During these moments, Spider-Man will need to attack him to inflict damage

Scorpion will then join the fight, who can be defeated by webbing him to drop him to the ground, which will allow you to inflict damage into him. This will make the fight more complicated as you'll need to be able to dodge both Scorpion and Rhino's attacks, while also being able to inflict damage into them to take them down

Staying Positive

Spider-Man will come up against Martin Li a couple times throughout the game, although this achievement will unlock once you have defeated him during Act 3 of the game. This fight will be very similar to the first you encounter Li, although it will contain a variety of new attacks while also containing more phases

To defeat Li during this fight, Spider-Man will need to use his surrounding obstacles to weaken Li by picking up and throwing them at him. The whole fight revolves around this concept, which after each phase Li will start spawning more enemies (which these can be ignored as they keep on spawning depending on the phase you're up to)

End Game

This will be unlocked naturally once you've finished the story

✦ Map Activities 🕷️
You'll need to activate all of the surveillance towers first. All of the markers will be on the map. Markers can also be selected which will cause them to show up on your mini-map, or you can fast-travel if you've been there before. This excludes crimes, which can be detected with your scanner while traversing the city. It may take a bit of luck to come across these but you can hover over districts in the map to see what crimes remain

Amazing Coverage

During one of the earlier missions in the game, Yuri will request assistance in bringing back the police departments surveillance towers, which have gone offline. After completing the mission, the rest of the towers will be marked on your map by small towers emitting signals, but nearby towers will also be visible on your screen as you won't be able to see the rest of the map until you activate them

Each of the 20 towers corresponds to a certain district, which will become visible on the map upon the tower's activation. Every tower is the same in that you'll need to change the frequency to activate it, but the frequencies do vary

Cat Prints

In order to find Black Cat, you'll need to complete all Black Cat Stakeouts, which will appear on the map as you progress in the story. Each marker can be seen on the map or you can search for nearby ones with scanner. To complete them, you'll need to use the cameras at each stakeout to search for a small black cat toy. These are typically near some form of graffiti, sometimes of Black Cat herself, but if you're having trouble the toy's will begin to glow, and your controller will vibrate the closer you aim your camera to them

Tombstone Takedown

Tombstone can be seen in a sequence during Act 2 of the story, although he will not be defeated during the main story of the game. After encountering Tombstone during the main story, a sequence of side missions will become available. Once you have completed each side mission the achievement will pop

Neighborhood Watch

Faction crimes can be viewed in the map by hovering over a district and looking at the bottom of the list to the left. Although most areas involve crimes for every faction, meaning they can’t be finished until Act 3, the achievement can be obtained early by completing Central Park, as this area only has thug crimes which are available from the start

Unlike other district tasks, crimes are not marked on the map constantly as they're not always occurring. Swinging around a district and scanning is the best way to notice crime markers as they appear, but you'll also hear police chatter when one appears


During Act 2 of the game, an ESU student named Philip Chang will ask for your assistance in locating his missing roommate. This triggers a series of side missions that unlock as you complete them, all given by Philip at ESU, which will show up on your map as a blue marker, similar to the one for main missions.

These 5 side missions entail finding locations based on photos (and Spidey's hints) and incapacitating corrupted students there, increasing in numbers as the missions go along

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

Side missions are marked on the map as blue diamonds, similar to those for main missions. These can be done whenever but will have to be unlocked through story progression

Completing all of them will get you this achievement as well as Schooled, Tombstone Takedown and Pigeon Hunter achievements


Locations for Research Stations can be found on the map from early on in the game. They involve a variety of tasks aimed at benefiting the city or protecting civilians from some kind of danger. Simply complete each one to earn this achievement. Some may be locked until you learn a particular move set, in which case you may need to unlock a skill from the skill tree or wait until you've progressed through the story before going back to it

Note: The final Research Station in the Upper West Side won't show up until completing all other Research Stations

Master of Masters

In order to have the Taskmaster show up, you'll need to play the story until you unlock Taskmaster Challenges. One story mission will involve Yuri asking you to check a mysterious box on a roof, leading to a series of challenges appearing across the city. Once you've completed half of the challenges, Taskmaster will attack you but will run away - don't worry, this isn't the battle the achievement alludes to

Complete every challenge at least once (to whatever standard you like, see Challenge Finder achievement for more info) and Taskmaster will fight you once again, earning you the achievement once the battle is over

I Heart Manhattan

First, you will have to finish the story in order to get access to all types of collectibles. Most collectible types are locked at the start and will become available gradually as you progress through the story. After the story you can access everything.
To get 100% completion you must do all side missions and collectibles in each district. They all get marked on the map automatically when you use the Surveillance Towers. These Towers are marked on the map by default after the first few missions. Therefore, no collectible guide is needed. Simply use the towers to reveal all collectibles. You can still grab everything after the story in free-roam. Nothing is missable

  • There are 9 Districts total: Financial District, Chinatown, Greenwich, Hell’s Kitchen, Midtown, Upper West Side, Central Park, Upper East Side, Harlem
  • There are 358 Collectibles / Side Activities in total, divided into 15 categories
✦ Bases 🕷️
Bases are optional locations over the city that involve fighting waves of enemies. The easiest bases are Fisk Hideouts which are unlocked early in the game, but bases also include Demon Warehouses, Sable Outposts, and Prisoner Camps, which are all unlocked as you progress in the story. Each base has optional objectives which can be viewed by hovering over the base in the map.

Ace the Base

All you have to do for this achievement is go to a base of your choosing and complete both of the objectives you're given. The achievement pops when you complete the base

All the King's Men

After you've defeated Fisk and shipped him off to prison, Yuri will collaborate with you in checking out his functioning properties - A series of hideouts masked as construction sites. These are bases in which you'll have to take out waves of Fisk's goons to mark as clear, but you do not have to complete the optional tasks for the achievement - don't worry if you want to, you can replay any hideout. Once you've done the first hideout, the rest will be marked on your map for you to complete. The achievement will pop once you take down the last one

The Untouchable Spider-Man

For this achievement you need to complete an entire enemy base without taking any damage. The best place to do this is the lower Fisk hideout in the Upper West Side district. This hideout is set in a construction zone. You will have to pass six waves of enemies to complete the hideout. You may be tempted to do this stealth, but it cannot be done all in stealth, only the first wave. Once the second wave comes out they will be alerted to you instantly

Your biggest challenge is the flash grenades the enemies throw. You will have to zip away from it when it's thrown at you because you cannot dodge it like a normal attack. Other than the grenades, dodge attacks when Spider-Man's spidey senses kick in. Another helpful thing is to zip to enemies. If you fail the hideout you can just swing away from the area and abandon the mission

Inner Sanctuary

Demon Warehouses are bases marked on your map by small, red demon mask symbols. They're unlocked during the story as the demons' presence grows, and are similar to Fisk's Hideouts. Completing them involves visiting the marked locations and taking down waves of demons inside a building (and those patrolling outside). Each of them will also have optional tasks but these are not required for the achievement

Back in the Slammer

Prisoner camps can be completed during Act 3 (and after) and, like other bases, involve taking down waves of enemies. They're marked by pink barbed wire symbols on your map, or you can check for nearby camps with your scanner

With Sable Outposts, these are some of the tougher bases in the game and will have snipers patrolling. Stealth is your best friend for these bases and taking down the snipers first makes it easier to fight the rest

Mercenary Tactics

Like other bases, these will be marked on your map as you progress through the game. To get the achievement, you must complete every outpost, each marked by the Sable logo on your map. You do not have to complete optional tasks for the achievement, simply defeat the waves of enemies and release the prisoners

Keep in mind, however, that these are some of the hardest bases in the game. Stealth is a good early approach to these, as well as utilising abilities and gadgets
✦ Taskmaster Challenges 🕷️
Challenge Finder

Taskmaster challenges take the form of drone chases, disposing of bombs, stealth and combat scenarios. You will be introduced to these challenges at some point in the story, after which many will appear throughout the city and can be viewed on the map

You only have to meet the minimum requirements for completing the challenge successfully for this achievement. But you still need Spectacular for the next 4 Taskmaster achievements

Fists of Fury

These challenges are perhaps the easiest of the lot. You will already be accustomed to taking on large groups of enemies, so this shouldn't be anything unusual. Try to chain your moves and make use of different gadgets in order to create a high multiplier and build more focus, allowing you more special executions and chances to use your suit power

Short Fuse

Use zip lining tactics in order to quickly push yourself forward as time is definitely of the essence with this challenge. Additionally, purchasing the First Point Launch Boost from the skill tree will allow you to launch quickly from a building

Get ready to hold the button (L1 on ps, LB on xbox) and to throw the bomb just before you arrive, before spamming to destroy it, then quickly moving to the next location. Releasing button (R2 on ps, RT on xbox) before reaching the end of your swing arc can also help you to move faster

As with all of the challenges, some are easier than others so if you're finding it difficult to get a Spectacular score try moving onto a different one in the city

Spy Hunter

Drone challenges can be a little tougher as it's easy to crash face-first into a building and struggle to build your momentum back up to catch up to the drone, since they like to weave between buildings

Swing faster by releasing button (R2 on ps, RT on xbox) before the end of your swing, and perform web zips to quickly get to a specific point of a building or structure. It's also not the end of the world if you miss a couple of the markers as drone challenges are more time-focused. It's still possible to get a Spectacular score as long as you are fast and go through most of the markers


With stealth challenges, you need to avoid the pattern of simply silently taking out each enemy before moving cautiously onto the next. It's crucial that you chain together takedowns so as to add multipliers to your score. This will likely become easier following failed attempts as you become more aware of the layout of the map and where enemies typically stand

Make heavy use of web strikes (Triangle on ps, Y on xbox) to quickly zip over to an enemy and take them out silently. You should use your scanner to check that they are a safe distance away from other enemies first, else you will be overheard

If you're struggling on a particular challenge, you could try unlocking the blur projector suit mod which will allow you some added protection from being detected before making a move on an enemy. Also, as with all taskmaster challenges some are more difficult than others, so try a different one on the map if you're finding it hard.

Master's Education

There are several Taskmaster challenges across the map, and you will only need to achieve Ultimate ranking on one of them. The easiest one to do this in is the Bomb Challenge in Midtown
✦ Collectibles 🕷️
Lost and Found

Backpacks are one of the types of collectibles within the game. Collecting five of them will award you with this achievement, although you will need to find all 55 in order to get Backpacker achievement


All 55 backpacks will be marked on your map after activating the areas Surveillance tower while nearby ones can be located with your scanner. Their specific location can also be seen by marking them on the map. To collect them, simply get close enough to a backpack and press button to pick it up

Cat's Out of the Bag

Black Cat has a total of 12 collectibles within the game. Finding and collecting one of them will award you with this achievement, although you will need to find all 12 in order to get Cat Prints achievement


Landmarks are a type of collectable marked on the map with small blue symbols of buildings. To collect these, pull out your camera then take the shot. It's usually fairly obvious what you'll be photographing as they're noticeable buildings, but the camera view will provide hints to help you, telling you if you're too far or the landmark is obscured. Landmarks will be grayed out on the map once you've gotten them

Pigeon Hunter

Howard's Pigeons is another type of collectable in the game, as well as a side quest. The side mission related to this achievement is called 'Helping Howard', which is located right near F.E.A.S.T. in China Town

Once you've started the side quest, new collectibles will appear on the map similar to the achievement image (as long as you have activated the surveillance tower in the district). There are a total of 12 pigeons that you'll need to collect. To collect the pigeons you'll need to locate each one and get as close as possible to them. You'll know you are close enough when the buttons are prompted near the pigeon. Press both buttons when prompted to collect the pigeon. Once you have collected all 12 pigeons the achievement will pop

A Suit For All Seasons

To purchase all of the suits, you first have to unlock them. The easiest way to do this is by completing the game to 100%, which you'll get if you're going for I Heart Manhattan achievement. Most suits are unlocked for levels, so if you're still missing a few focus on finishing the story and completing map markers, in which time you should reach a high enough level

You'll also need to complete every map marker and crime, then purchase all of the suits in the menu using the tokens you've earned from collectibles and bases. Backpack tokens and landmark tokens have a fixed amount, but the tokens you retrieve from other markers will vary based on how many optional tasks you complete, meaning you may have to replay some if you don't have enough tokens for a suit

There are 27 wearable Suits in Marvel’s Spider-Man. For this achievement only 23/27 are needed, the ones for completing all districts 100%, doing all Black Cat Stakeouts and finding all Backpacks are not required

List of Spider-Man Suits:
  • 1. Advanced Suit - Automatic Story Unlock
  • 2. Classic Suit (Damaged) - Starting Gear
  • 3. Classic Suit (Repaired) - 2 Backpack Tokens, 2 Crime Tokens
  • 4. Noir Suit - 2 Backpack Tokens, 1 Base Tokens
  • 5. Scarlet Spider Suit - 3 Crime Tokens, 2 Landmark Tokens
  • 6. Spider Armour Mk II Suit - 1 Base Tokens, 1 Landmark Tokens, 2 Research Tokens
  • 7. Secret War Suit - 2 Backpack Tokens, 1 Base Tokens, 2 Research Tokens
  • 8. Stark Suit - 1 Base Tokens, 3 Crime Tokens, 1 Research Tokens
  • 9. Negative Suit - 1 Base Tokens, 2 Landmark Tokens, 1 Research Tokens
  • 10. Electrically Insulated Suit - 1 Base Tokens, 3 Crime Tokens, 1 Research Tokens
  • 11. Spider-Punk - 2 Backpack Tokens, 3 Crime Tokens, 2 Landmark Tokens
  • 12. Wrestler Suit - 2 Backpack Tokens, 2 Base Tokens, 2 Research Tokens
  • 13. Fear Itself Suit - 2 Base Tokens, 6 Challenge Tokens, 3 Research Tokens
  • 14. Stealth (“Big Time”) Suit - 2 Base Tokens, 4 Challenge Tokens, 3 Landmark Tokens
  • 15. Spider Armour Mk III Suit - 2 Base Tokens, 4 Challenge Tokens, 4 Crime Tokens
  • 16. Spider-Man 2099 Black Suit - 2 Base Tokens, 4 Crime Tokens, 4 Research Tokens
  • 17. Iron Spider Suit - 3 Base Tokens, 3 Challenge Tokens, 4 Crime Tokens
  • 18. Velocity Suit - 2 Backpack Tokens, 4 Challenge Tokens, 2 Landmark Tokens
  • 19. Spider-Armor Mk IV Suit - 4 Base Tokens, 4 Challenge Tokens, 3 Landmark Tokens
  • 20. Spirit Spider - 6 Base Tokens, 6 Challenge Tokens, 6 Crime Tokens
  • 21. Spider-Man 2099 White Suit - 4 Base Tokens, 4 Challenge Tokens, 4 Crime Tokens
  • 22. Vintage Comic Book Suit - 4 Backpack Tokens, 4 Challenge Tokens, 4 Crime Tokens
  • 23. Last Stand Suit - 20 Crime Tokens
  • 24. Undies - Unlock from completing all districts 100% (not required for the achievement)
  • 25. Homemade Suit - Find all Backpacks to unlock this Suit (not required for the achievement)
  • 26. Anti-Ock Suit - Reward for finishing the Story (not required for the achievement)
  • 27. Dark Suit - Unlock from doing all Black Cat Stakeout Collectibles and tracking her down (not required for the achievement)

Science FTW!

Suit Mods don’t count. Select a gadget to view its upgrades. They cost Tokens which you get from Collectibles and Side Activities, see I Heart Manhattan achievement. It’s advisable that you save up your Tokens until you can afford 15 Upgrades. Then make a manual Save Game, buy 15 for the achievement, reload Save Game to get Tokens back. Now you can reuse those tokens to buy all Suits for the A Suit For All Seasons achievement

Most important are the Challenge Tokens and Base Tokens, don’t waste those on Gadget Upgrades until you have the achievement for buying all Suits

Full Arsenal

There is a total of eight gadgets that you will need to max out, with 34 different upgrades. You will need a ton of tokens for this, which will take a ton of different bases and crimes and challenges. Once you reach 100% completion in game you will be pretty close to all of them, and if you also do the DLCs you will be at the point

Completing the objectives in the different places will get you extra tokens. You can do all of the things any number of times you want. Upgrade all the gadgets fully to earn the achievement

✦ Misc 🕷️
Wing It

The achievement pops after you disturb 500 flocks of pigeons on rooftops. You should get this naturally by swinging closely to rooftops

King of Swing

There are total of 8 Traversal Benchmarks, which can be seen as the blue running man icon (similar to the achievement image but in blue). To unlock it, you must level up one of these benchmarks to level 2


You will firstly need to purchase Perfect Dodge from the Defender skill tree. When your spider sense flashes, wait briefly until the symbol turns blue before pressing button to perform a perfect dodge

And Stay Down!

There are a total of 19 Combat Benchmarks, which can be seen as a green punch icon. To receive this achievement, you must level up one of these benchmarks to level 2

Grinding All the Way

Benchmarks can be found under the "Benchmarks" tab in the pause menu. There are 27 different types of benchmarks in total, and you will just need to max out one of the for the achievement. You will most likely get some of these during regular play and get the achievement without thinking

A very easy benchmark to do is "Free Runner", where you will have to parkour 1000 times. This may seem like a lot, but all you have to do is hold rigth trigger button while running forward and Spider-Man will flip and jump over anything in his way. You can just run down the road and parkour over vehicles until you complete the full benchmark


You can do Stealth Takedowns by aiming at enemies from afar and pressing button (Triangle on ps, Y on xbox). Or you can do a Perch Takedown by sitting above an enemy and pressing (Square on ps, Y on xbox). Both of these count

Snappy Dresser

Can be found in the suits tab of your menu but must be purchased first with tokens. You should start the game with 3 suits so you'll only have to unlock and purchase two more, then wear each one once

Spider-Man About Town

All you need to do is walk on the street and press interaction button (Square on ps, X on xbox) near citizens. You will greet a citizen each time you press it, with some of them asking for high-fives with prompts

Born to Ride

To ride the Subway all you have to do is fast travel to any location, resulting in a cutscene of Spidey on the train. You may have to progress a little in the story to unlock fast travel

Sticky and Tricky

To perform tricks, you first need to have purchased the skill from the Webslinger abilities in the menu. Once unlocked, hold button (Square on ps, X on xbox) while in the air and push the left stick in any direction to pull off some moves. For this achievement, you need to perform 4 different tricks in one go, which is easiest done while jumping off a high building like Avengers Tower. It's best to attempt this while doing Hero for Higher achievement.

There are 3 regular tricks but these will change into new tricks if you chain around 3 of the same trick in one go by holding the left stick. The tricks are as follows:
  • Left Stick Up: Spider-Roll » Dragon-Roll
  • Left Stick Left & Right: Flying Helix » Triple Helix
  • Left Stick Down: Moonsault » Shooting Star
Simply push the stick in every direction and hold last direction to pull off two more tricks

Hero for Higher

Avengers Tower is located in the Upper East Side (to the right of Central Park).
It's pretty hard to miss as you'll see the Avengers 'A' symbol on it. For the achievement you'll need to climb right to the very top and perch atop one of the red lights for a few seconds. While you're up there, it's a good idea to do Sticky and Tricky achievement on your way down


Vehicle takedowns occur as part of crimes throughout the city. When a crime is happening near you a red warning sign will appear. Press scanner button to check the type of crime, as it will specify whether or not it's a car chase. These are categorised as thug chases so you may have more luck in coming across them in districts you haven't done all 5 thug crimes for. You can check this by hovering over a district in the map

Superior Spider-Man

In order to obtain the necessary skill points to unlock all skills, you'll need to play to around level 45-50.

This shouldn't be too difficult if you're completing map markers and fighting enemies but there are other small ways to earn XP:
  • Purchase the Combat Analyser mod for bonus XP when fighting enemies
  • Complete side missions, bases, backpacks, etc.
  • Perform tricks while in the air (skill needs to be purchased first)
When you have enough skill points, simply spend them all in the Skills tab of the menu

So Many Hits...

To get a combo you will have to perform hits and dodges without taking damage. Any damage to you will end your combo, and if you don't add point within a certain amount of time the combo will end. Get a large group of enemies and continually dodge around them. Every single time you dodge an attack you will add one point to your combo. It may take a while to get to 100, but it's very easy

Hug It Out

During Act 2 of the game, you'll be able to create and upgrade trip mines in the gadgets tab of the menu. When triggered, these will pull an enemy in with a web, usually to an object. However, you can also place trip mines on enemies

A Bit of a Fixer-Upper

The first time you visit Otto's lab during the main storyline, you'll go through the two types of optional projects: Synthetic tissue substances and the neural interface. As you go through the game, more of these will unlock for you to complete. The substances are on a desk to the left of the kitchen and the interface is on a worktop opposite where you walk in

At any point in the game you can return to Otto's lab (shown on the map with a logo similar to that in the achievement thumbnail) and complete them once they're unlocked. If the achievement doesn't immediately pop when you finish the last project, go to the other station again and it should come up

With Great Power...

For this achievement you'll need to travel to the very top left corner of the map. This area is a church and cemetery, where you'll be able to find Uncle Ben's grave. Simply walk up to it and press button (Triangle on ps, Y on xbox) to make Peter say some words, giving you the achievement. If you're having trouble finding the exact grave, you can use the scanner which marks the grave with a yellow glow

✦ CTNS: The Heist DLC 🕷️
The Cat Came Back

This achievement pops after finishing the first main mission of the DLC. The mission begins outside of an Art Museum

Here Kitty-Kitty

This achievement pops after you complete the Black Cat Chase on the Subway

Bye Felicia

This achievement pops once you complete the final main mission of the DLC

The Long Con

There are several Stolen Artworks across New York that Spider-Man must hunt down and collect. They are relatively easy to find. Like the Backpacks in the base game, you can use scan, and white lights will reveal the general location of the artwork. When you get close to the location of an Artwork, a compass and distance meter will appear to help guide you to the Artwork. Every piece of Artwork is hidden in some sort of object

Once you collect the final piece, head to the Greenwich Police Department to end the mission and earn this achievement.

Disorganized Crime

Much like the base game, there are several districts in New York that now have new crimes that will appear randomly. There are five in each district. The crimes range from car chases, to bomb threats, and simple muggings. Once you complete all five crimes in one of the districts, this achievement will pop. However, you will need to complete all crimes in all districts for Seduced by the City achievement. If for whatever reason the crimes stop appearing during your playthrough, simply restart the game, the crimes should start appearing once again

Seduced by the City

This achievement pops once you have completed the following:
  • All main missions in The Heist DLC
  • All of the Stolen Artwork, and the Final Cutscene for that sidequest - See The Long Con achievement
  • All Screwball Missions at any level
  • All Maggia Crimes in all Districts


Each Screwball challenge can easily be found on the world map, and you can set custom waypoints to assist you in your travelling to the challenge. In addition, you can use your scan ability to locate the challenges. Pink beams mark the location of the challenge

In each challenge, you only need to earn the "Spectacular" award. This is basically the Silver Medal of the challenge, so it's nice that you don't need to obtain the highest level. You can view the score for each award level before beginning the challenge, but you get bonus points based on time completion, so it is hard to count what score you will end with

The key to earning "Spectacular" is to complete the challenge as quickly as possible but also earning as many "Photobombs" as possible. Photobombs are temporary zones/moments in each challenge where you can earn massive points. When a Photobomb is initiated, you must hit photo button when the OMG meter is in the Green portion of the bar. Try to time your input well, as there is a slight delayed from input to the meter stopping. If you do it properly, you should net roughly 2,400 score for each Photobomb

✦ CTNS: Turf Wars DLC 🕷️
Pulling the Trigger

This is the first mission of the DLC, and so all that must be done is simply to complete the mission! The mission begins with a large amount of enemies fighting Spidey at once, so if your skills are a touch rusty, you may want to warm up or lower the difficulty before starting this mission. This mission also introduces a brand new enemy. This new enemy has a shield which blocks webbing and gadgets, and also has a jetpack which it can use to rush you. Be sure to use dodge to slide underneath the enemy and hit them from behind.

Crossing the Thin Blue Line

In this mission you will need to race around the city to assist the NYPD as they move precious cargo to various safe-houses. There is a mix of combat and car chases in this mission.

Steel Skull, Glass Jaw

This achievement pops after completing the final mission of the DLC. In this mission you will need to protect Maggia Crime Lords from being killed by Hammerhead and his men. Save your gadgets that might instantly take out an enemy (such as Web Trap or Web Impact) for those enemies that are trying to activate the cement truck. Eventually you will need to actively web the cement truck to protect the Crime Lords, so be sure to keep an ear out for Spidey's audio cues.

Afterwords you must do battle with Hammerhead himself


There are four Hammerhead Front locations that you need to complete. They are very similar to the interior Base Takedowns in the base game. You enter the building and are initially in stealth mode, but you will eventually be discovered and will need to fight through several waves of diverse enemies. As long as you make use of your Spider-sense and your gadgets, you'll do just fine.

The locations for each Front are on the map, which can be viewed by using the Touch Pad. Alternatively, you can use R3 to reveal a bright beam of light that will lead you to the Fronts.

The Gang War

Much like the base game, there are several districts in New York that now have new crimes that will appear randomly. There are five in each district. The crimes range from car chases, to witness protections, and simple muggings. Once you complete all five crimes in one of the districts, this achievement will pop. However, you will need to complete all crimes in all districts for Gold ​The City is My Family​​​

If for whatever reason the crimes stop appearing during your playthrough, simply close the application and reload the game, the crimes should start appearing once again. It is also helpful to use R3 to can your environment while swinging. Occasionally you may stumble upon a crime using that method without their being a Police Dispatch call.

The City is My Family

You will earn this achievement after completing all activities the DLC has to offer

You must complete the following:
  • All main story missions
  • All crimes in all districts - 25 Crimes in total
  • All Hammerhead Fronts, see Prohibition Achievement for more information
  • All Screwball challenges, see Turning the Screw Achievement, as well as the side mission that appears after completing all Screwball challenges

Turning the Screw

Each Screwball challenge can easily be found on the world map, and you can set custom waypoints to assist you in your travelling to the challenge. In addition, you can use R3 to scan the environment to locate the challenges. Bright pink beams mark the location of the challenge.

In each challenge, you only need to earn the "Spectacular" award. This is basically the Silver Medal of the challenge, so it's nice that you don't need to obtain the highest level. You can view the score for each award level before beginning the challenge, but you get bonus points based on time completion, so it is hard to gauge what score you will end with.

There are different types of challenges, but again, they are not overly difficult. The key to earning "Spectacular" is to complete the challenge as quickly as possible but also earning as many "Photobombs" as possible. Photobombs are temporary zones/moments in each challenge where you can earn massive points. When a Photobomb is initiated, you must hit R1 on ps or RB on xbox when the OMG meter is in the Green portion of the bar. Try to time your input well, as there is a slight delayed from input to the meter stopping. If you do it properly, you should net roughly 2,400 score for each Photobomb.

New to this DLC are Screwball "Stealth" Challenges, in which you must take out all enemies without being spotted by another enemy or security cameras placed around the area. These challenges were by far the most difficult part of the DLC for me. One slip up and you have to start all over. It's recommended that you take the time to survey the level, enemy pathways, and where the photobombs show up and then devise a plan of attack from there. Be sure to web up any cameras before performing a takedown, while also using your webs to distract and isolate enemies from one another

✦ CTNS: Silver Lining DLC 🕷️

"Old Friends" is the first mission of the DLC, so you will earn this achievement after completing it. This mission introduces a new Jetpack enemy who can be quite annoying, so take the time now to get used to fighting them and learn their quirks, they'll be showing up throughout the DLC.


"One Plus One Equals Win" is the finale of the DLC. You and Sable will team up to take down Hammerhead at Sable's Hideout

The boss fight with Hammerhead is not too difficult, just be sure to dodge his attacks, web him up as much as possible, and defeat his henchmen to fill up your Focus Bar for Health and Instant Takedowns. Once the Maggia man is defeated, you'll earn this achievement


This achievement pops after collecting all 9 Audiotape collectibles, and completing a short side mission after doing so. These collectibles can all be found on the mini map, and also found by scanning the environment. The general location of the audiotape is signified by a bright blue beam of light. Once you've reached the beam, there is a green circle on your mini map indicating that the audiotape is located somewhere within that circle. What you're looking for is yellow and black construction tape that will lead you to the audio tape


After completing all of the Screwball challenges, Spidey will enlist Miles' help in tracking down the notorious narcissist herself. You will need to wait a short while for Miles to track her down, so complete a petty crime or audiotape while you wait, and after that, Miles should contact you with her location

The chase itself is not difficult, albeit a touch annoying. You need to complete every photobomb opportunity that arises, and you need to destroy all of her drones as well. These drones can be frustrating as the only way to destroy them is to tap R1 on ps or RB on xbox repeatedly. This stops all of your momentum as you chase Screwball. Be sure to get in close to all the drones, then fire web like mad, destroying as many as possible, before quickly resuming the chase

The Wages of War

You will earn this achievement after completing the four "Olympus Hideout" missions, as well as a brief side mission after doing so. The hideout missions are basically the base missions from the main game. You will be tasked with taking out some bad guys in the sewers. The missions always start off in stealth mode, but no matter how many enemies you take down, it will eventually change to combat mode. You must take out six waves of enemies to complete the hideout. These should not be overly tough, but the later waves can spawn multiple "bulky" enemies with mini guns, along with jet-pack troopers and grenade launcher enemies. Things can go sideways fairly quickly if you are not careful. I'd recommend staying mobile by swinging around the map, forcing enemies to chase after you

After the waves are defeated, you'll need to locate supplies within the hideout. Use R3 to scan, the supplies will show up in bright yellow. You'll need to interact with the environment in some way to access them, so keep an eye out for the buttons (L1 + R1 on ps, LB + RB on xbox) indicator once you've determined where the supplies are located

All hideouts are already on the mini-map, and each entrance is a manhole cover that you need to interact with

The City Sleeps

You will earn this achievement after completing all activities the DLC has to offer

You must complete the following:
  • All main story missions.
  • All crimes in all districts - 20 Crimes in total
  • All Olympus Hideouts, see The Wages of War achievement for more information
  • All Screwball challenges, see Screwballed achievement , as well as Unplugged achievement for more information
  • Collect all 9 Audiotapes, see Unacceptable achievement for more information

Each Screwball challenge can easily be found on the world map, and you can set custom waypoints to assist you in your travelling to the challenge. In addition, you can use your scanner to locate the challenges. Bright pink beams mark the location of the challenge

In each challenge, you only need to earn the "Spectacular" award. This is basically the Silver Medal of the challenge, so it's nice that you don't need to obtain the highest level. You can view the score for each award level before beginning the challenge, but you get bonus points based on time completion, so it is hard to gauge what score you will end with

There are different types of challenges, but again, they are not overly difficult. The key to earning "Spectacular" is to complete the challenge as quickly as possible but also earning as many "Photobombs" as possible. Photobombs are temporary zones/moments in each challenge where you can earn massive points. When a Photobomb is initiated, you must hit R1 ob ps or RB on xbox when the OMG meter is in the Green portion of the bar. Try to time your input well, as there is a slight delayed from input to the meter stopping. If you do it properly, you should net roughly 2,400 score for each Photobomb

✦ New Game+ 🕷️
One More Time

To unlock New Game+, you'll need to finish the final main story mission "Pax in Bello" for the first time

To start New Game+, go to the main menu, hover over on your save file, and press NG+ button (Square on ps, X on xbox). Once you finish "Pax in Bello" in second playthrough, you'll unlock the achievement

Power and Responsibility

This achievement pops for completing all main story missions on the hardest difficulty: Ultimate difficulty. Ultimate Difficulty only increases the damage you take. Other than that, it's the same to other difficulties

It's highly recommend that you attempt to earn this achievement on New Game+ because you'll be on a higher level, and you will have more health. Also, get all skills on the tree to help with combat, and finally, upgrade some of your gadgets to also help with combat. There are no particular side quests to do for this but you should do all the side quests to get more XP
rory 26 Jan @ 3:48am 
I got Power and Responsibility but I can't get One More time. What should I do?
K$U$HA  [author] 16 Jan @ 2:11pm 
@rory you still have Power and Responsibility achievement left. so give it another try, i've got them both at the same time...
rory 16 Jan @ 3:01am 
I can't get One More Time achievement even though I've already completed 100% of the NG+
pls help me
Orion Pax 17 Apr, 2024 @ 10:00am 
also little tip for the untouchable spiderman achievement. set the difficulty to the most easiest and be max level.
KLBfishey 16 Jan, 2023 @ 10:28pm 
K$U$HA  [author] 26 Oct, 2022 @ 2:59pm 
@Lazy Did u try left mouse button?
Lazy 26 Oct, 2022 @ 11:27am 
whats the button to interact with civilians on pc?
K$U$HA  [author] 7 Oct, 2022 @ 12:00pm 
Good :)
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 7 Oct, 2022 @ 11:28am 
okey yeah my bad for some reason i didnt have he option of the microscope but now i do so thx
K$U$HA  [author] 7 Oct, 2022 @ 4:52am 
Are u sure that u did every puzzle? There are 2 places in lab to check...