鬼谷八荒 Tale of Immortal

鬼谷八荒 Tale of Immortal

66 ratings
Yu Long Mountain Hamlet
By PeacePing
Many people asked over and over again in the game forum.
This is the main reason which I write it as a reference for those who in need.
Hope it help.
- Play as Elder Dragon.
- Main combat art: Spear.
- Special Rewrite Destiny: Following Bug.
- Almost build up from Zero.
- Starting resources: Spear + your highest combat art.
- Unique building: Greenscale Spring. (only usable when you became Sect Leader)
- Difficult at first, but easier later.

Following Bug:
Question: Is it worth to upgrade Following Bug to maximum Destiny?
And the answer is: Yes, it's worth. And you won't regret that you had spent 5 Rewrite Destinies for it.

- If you had no Elder Dragon Aura destiny, you're still able to pick Following Bug I-IV, but your Bug had no special skill and ability.
- If you had Elder Dragon Aura destiny, you had 100% chance to pick the Bug and your Bug had special skills and abilities according to each upgrade by each region (realm), if you joined in Long Mountain Hamlet and became its Sect Leader. 4 realms, 4 upgrades your Bug. The 5th upgrade, you have to reach to the last realm (Chi You).

- The final Rewrite Destiny Dragon Awakening (Following Bug's true form): you may choose your Bug as male or female. After the Bug transformed, the Rewrite Destiny will change to High Dragon Birth. Following Bug had full potential now. No further upgrade.

Disciple Recruitment
How to get more people?
- First thing first: money (spirit stone). If your Sect was not able to pay out Disciples, people won't come in.
- Loyalty: always keep it high.

Method 1 - Natural (Automatically):

- Every year-end - new year, Sect will hold a Try-out. People joined your Sect by taking part in this contest. This is the method which game automatically recruit new members for you, you don't need to do anything.

- You might dislike it. It takes all year long to recruit randomly new members. And new members may not be your desire. They're all strangers to you and low level.

Method 2 - You (Manually):
- You were Sect Leader, go by yourself recruit whoever you want. In order to recruit someone, you have to make friend first (Cultivator had at least an Affinity to you). You can not recruit a stranger.

- There're several ways to make a stranger closer to you by talking, debating, or go to Tavern and treat everyone wine. Gifting is the fastest and easiest way. Use your Sect resources and gift to whom you like or love.
- NPC may decline your invitation, save before you take your action.

Another method: if you saved a fainted cultivator in a dungeon. He/she may join your Sect when he/she encounters you again somewhere else. But it's rarely.

- You were a Sect Leader, you should take good care to your Disciples.
- Don't recruit too many people, it's not enough Sect resources to pay out. Just keep core Disciples.
- Don't recruit Heaven Chosen Cultivator at first meeting. You will have a very hard time to deal with them. And it's the same, if NPC was in a Sect already.
- When you're about to recruit someone, just pick a Rogue Cultivator (had no Sect) for great successful chance.
- Recruiting them to Grand Elder, Elder, True Disciple is great successful chance too.

How to make your people become Heaven Chosen?
- Your character is always Heaven Chosen when you started your game. Making your character as strong as Heaven Chosen NPC is your decision and your way.

- Requirement: Your Taoist Mind at maximum (100%), NPC must be a normal Cultivator.
- You can make your relatives (master, parents, spouses, children), your friends, or even a stranger be a Heaven Chosen by transferring your Taoist Seed to them.
- Once you transferred your Seed to someone, it will take several months for him/her to become a true Heaven Chosen. He/she needs more training. During this time, you have to protect him/her (your beloved). He/she may get Last Breath or be killed by his/her enemies.
- There is a revert way. Making Heaven Chosen NPC be a normal Cultivator. Fight them, beat them, and break their Taoist Seed. This is an evil-doing, I won't recommend to do so.
Disciple Assignment
There are 2 Types Sect member: Visible Disciples and Invisible Disciples.

- Visible Disciples: All Cultivators, NPCs in your Sect (Grand Elders, Elders, all Disciples). You could see them, you know who they are(male, female), talk to them, spar them,...
- Invisible Disciples: Backup Disciples, you can not see them, you don't even know who they are.

- Visible Sect members take money monthly from your Sect, they don't work much for your Sect. They may die and leave at anytime.
- In other-hand, invisible Sect members take a very crucial role in your Sect. They work hard for your Sect, they live for your Sect and die for your Sect every month. They are your manpower.

Go to Mission Hall > Assign Mission.
- Recruitment : your Sect workforce, if you set it too low, you don't enough people.
- Patrol : Sect Stability, you don't need it if it's an old branch of your Sect. Or you don't want more people join in your Sect branch.
- External Affair : Sect Prestige, more rarity and skill book in Sect Library, the higher, the better.
- Construction : materials and breakthrough materials, elixirs. If you don't want to grind endlessly, set it high.
- Treasure Department : Sect income in order to pay all Sect members wage every month (include backup members). Overtime, you certainly have enough Sect spirit stone to do something else (Sect relocation, Sect war,...)

- This recruitment deals nothing to visible NPCs, Cultivators.
- Mission difficulty doesn't matter, let game set it for you. Just send out your people, then go.
- Backup Disciples got pay too (both alive and dead).

Here's my setup for the best it means to be. Once you had setup what I've shown you.
You're worry-free and don't need to come back.

Turn off Auto-assign.
- Go to Council Hall > Member > Dispatch

Visible Disciples:
You should leave them which rank they were. If you made change their position, they may leave your Sect in the next month. And you put more effort to hire someone else. Let them determine their position, you don't need to touch them.
Sect Relocation
- Requirement: be a Sect Leader.
- Go to Council Hall > Sect Relocation

- Your Sect must have enough Sect spirit stones (not your spirit stones) to build a Flying Canoe first. Take the flag. Then go to the next region, choose a spot of your choice.
- MuXian is the dead end. You no longer need to relocate your Sect. (game updated)

Chi You - Relocate your Sect to the final destination:
- Requirement: Do not join any Sect in Chi You, keep staying at your Sect.
- Upon reaching Chi You, keep following the story (main quest) until Miss Luoying talks to you about Sect relocation.

- And you start your Sect from Zero again.

- The final relocation will randomize your Sect location in Chi You. You can not decide which place you want.

- Starting from the first Realm Yong Ning. It's recommended to conquest at least 1 Sect before moving on to the next Realm. Otherwise, you make yourself more difficult at later game.
- Upon capturing a Sect, you loot all resources from enemies. All those resources will be yours and they will be carried on to the next Realm.
- Obtained resources will be counted the first battle. Make the right choice which Sect you are about to attack first.
PeacePing  [author] 8 Mar @ 8:46pm 
That's the true form of the Following Bug.
So it's true. You must live with your Bug.
Daniel_Zabojca 8 Mar @ 4:31am 
Crap so High Dragon Birth is also reliant on the Following Bug, huh?

I can live with that.
PeacePing  [author] 7 Mar @ 9:50pm 
Short answer is No.
All Rewrite Destinies of the Following Bug were bound altogether.
If you altered any of them, you had to choose another Destinies, and then you lost your Bug benefits.
Daniel_Zabojca 7 Mar @ 6:25pm 
After Transforming the following bug, Can you change your realm 1-5 destinies?
PeacePing  [author] 3 Mar, 2024 @ 5:11pm 
If you declare war another Sect, a battle will take place in the next month.

- In YongNing, HuaFeng, YunMo, you have to beat their Elder or Grand Elder only.
- In MuXian, you will officially fight their Sect Leader.

In YongNing, HuaFeng, YunMo, you only capture their Sect Branches. MuXian is the last Branch of their Sect.

The Last Realm Chi You is different. This region does not connect any Sect in lower Realm.
Beware if you conquest a Sect Branch, they have their allies, make sure you could beat their allies also.

Sect War is the big topic, I don't tend to cover everything. But I might update if I had times.
ZeroNoPocky 17 Feb, 2024 @ 1:00am 
How do I conquest a sec on the first real Yong Ning? their sect leader is way overpowered
PeacePing  [author] 11 Dec, 2023 @ 3:37pm 
Thanks for your comment. Sounds amazing.
I never know this.
I will try cause I always hire new disciples when I go to upper Realm.
UnDreamer 10 Dec, 2023 @ 6:58pm 
If you picked Mithic Gourge at start of game, you can fill your sect ranks with transformed Beasts (some can take human form and leave Gourge). Transformed beasts ALWAYS have 5 hearts, have better stats then most cultivators (and you can make them HC by sharing Tao seed) and they will always join your sect.
TutungZO 14 Feb, 2023 @ 10:54pm 
You can't enter tournaments as a menber of Yulong faction it's so gay, hope they fix it soon.
PeacePing  [author] 11 Sep, 2022 @ 11:23am 
In MuXian and upper Realm, you must fight their true Sect Leader to win a Sect war.
In lower Realms, you can fight their Sect's representative. It's their Grand Elder.
So you may scout your enemy before making your move.