The Last Campfire

The Last Campfire

344 ratings
The Last Campfire Walkthrough
By Sonder
This guide includes a detailed walkthrough on completing every puzzle and the game and unlocking all achievements!
❤️ Intro (Please read first)
The Last Campfire is a puzzle adventure game.
There are three zones throughout the game where you can freely explore and complete puzzles in any order you find.
I've listed all the puzzles in order, as shown in the puzzle select menu in the main menu.
  • 🌲 The Forest
  • 🌀 The Marsh
  • 🐻 The Caves
Each section describes how to get to the mystery from the overworld and complete the puzzle itself.

To improve your readability,
I've spent much time putting each puzzle into a separate section to improve the sidebar navigation.
Besides that, I've also manually compressed the images to reduce the loading time.
I appreciate the awards or your thoughts in the comments section.

📌 If you're looking to unlock every achievement:
if you fill the optional dots and progress through campfires to save everyone in that area, you will have all the achievements upon completion.
💤 Wake Up
A Journey Begins 🏆 As we get out of the boat at the start of the game and wake up, we'll unlock the "A Journey Begins" achievement.

Let's begin our journey by following the path to the right.
We can inspect a painting on the wall along the way.
Head down the steps and check the body slumped up against the wall.
You'll find that it has a suitcase with a golden figure in it. We'll need this for a puzzle shortly.
Now let's continue to the right.

The Forlorn: I 🏆 Getting the golden statue will unlock the "The Forlorn: I" achievement.

We'll run into this tile on the floor that we can inspect.
You'll notice that the flame is pointing away from you; this will be our hint for the first puzzle.
Head up the stairs beyond this tile towards the door and interact with it.

We have to spin this medallion on the door until the flame points upwards, just like the tile we ran into earlier!
Then, turn it to flip the fire around to instantly complete this puzzle, unlocking another mystery from underneath the tile at the bottom of the stairs.

Use the golden figure to place within this puzzle. It's a simple sliding puzzle.
You can move any of these pieces, provided there is a space to slide them to a new position.
You'll have to move the trees into the side slots, as shown in the second image above, and then we can easily slide the golden figure to the end, opening the door with the flame.
Let's head up the stairs to enter the Forest.

Continue ahead until we reach an ember trapped in a cage.
Interact with it to begin our first puzzle stage, The Guiding Light.
🌲 The Forest
⠀🔹 The Guiding Light
This puzzle will begin from The Forest.
You'll run into this ember in a cage very early.
Try to open it, and we'll start The Guiding Light.

Begin this puzzle by picking up the golden statue from the right and placing it on the switch to the left.; this will raise the platform behind the left button.
Climb up the rock wall to the left and up the stairs ahead.
We'll find a chain to pull down. Pull it to move the staircase you're standing on top of it.

Climb down the stairs towards the chain. Interact with it to drop it down below and climb down the chain.
Now move the statue back onto the switch to the right.
Now climb back up the chain and walk onto the platform that just rose from the figure.
Pull the chain here to move the back staircase.

We can now run up the stairs to free the ember forlorn at the top.
Run up to it and release it to complete this puzzle!
Follow the flame when you return to the Forest, leading to a campfire; this is a hub in The Forest.
We will refer to how to reach each puzzle from that campfire.
They can be completed in any order and will be listed in the order shown in the Select Puzzle menu.
⠀🔸 The Forsaken

From the campfire, go to the right until you reach a pond.
Hug the bottom of the screen, so the camera tilts, revealing a hidden pathway in the image above.
Go to the left here and climb the stone wall. Interact with the forlorn here to begin this puzzle.

You'll see three statues with a spinning lever in the middle of this room.
There are switches in front of each figure, with a golden statue on the rightmost button.
The golden statue placed on any button will prevent you from spinning that one statue.
You have to turn the figures in the proper order with the spinning lever in the middle so they're all facing you to unlock the flame in this puzzle.

First, pick up the golden statue and place it in front of the leftmost figure.
Spin the lever counterclockwise so the left and middle statues will look forward while the figure on the right will look to the left.
Please pick up the golden statue and place it in front of the rightmost figure.
Now spin the lever clockwise, forcing all the figures to look to the left.
Next, please pick up the golden statue and place it on the ground so it's not on any switches.
Spin the lever counterclockwise again so all three figures will face straight ahead!
We can now run back to get the flame from the cage.
⠀🔹 Unhindered

This puzzle will require a step in The Forest before we gain access.
First, go to the left of the campfire.
When you run into the other Ember, head south, and we'll reach this area with lily pads.
You'll see a frog jump across the lily pads, left and right, one at a time.
Every time you jump, it'll bounce.
Just keep moving until you can exit to the left.
You may have to move back and forth several times to get the frog out of your way.
Once you reach the end, you'll see a worm, three holes, and two statues.
Please pick up the two statues and put them over two holes; this will force the worm to only go to one of the holes.
Please walk up to it and pick it up.
You may also want to grab the fishing net from the cave with A Fragile Flame.
To get to it, grab a torch from the fire just before these lily pads and go up the hill to the right of the fire.
Burn through the vines to the right and enter the cave.
Pick up the net off the skeleton inside.

Now return to the campfire and go to the right.
Circle the southern side of this pond and go right again for the pond where we found the Congested puzzle.
Run up the hill to the right of this pond and follow the path to the left to the next screen.
You'll find the fisherman here.
Interact with him to enter a puzzle called A Sorrowful Soul.
The mystery is straightforward; you can view how to complete it here if you need assistance with that puzzle.
Speak to him until you exhaust all your dialogue options.
Then, he'll tell you about a frog.
He'll also fix your net.

Making Reparations 🏆 When the fisherman fixes your net, you will unlock the Making Reparations achievement.

Now push down the tree to the right, and you'll make a bridge you can cross to the lake below the fisherman.
Walk to the small dock leading to the flower in the middle of the pond, and the giant frog will appear.
Give him your worm, and he'll eat you! Don't worry, he won't eat you; he'll bring you to a hidden cave!

A Pond Devoured 🏆 Giving the frog the worm will unlock the A Pond Devoured achievement.

You'll find a single Forlorn here when you emerge in a cave.
Interact with it to finally begin the Unhindered puzzle.

Start this puzzle by pushing the first cylinder to the left, so it falls into the water.
Now we need to grab the next cylinder ahead.
Pull it down as far as you can and walk around it.
Then, follow the path to the left until you climb the stairs.

You'll find another cylinder here.
Push it as far to the right as you can.
You can now go down the right set of stairs.
Push the lower cylinder to the left so it falls into the water.
Now push the remaining cylinder north until it falls into the water.
Return to where you start this puzzle for the cylinder you pulled earlier and make it to the north until it also falls in the water.
We should have this area appear as in the second image shown above.

Now head back to the far north side and pull this cylinder to the left, between the two flights of stairs.
Climb down the left flight and walk to the correct flight of stairs.
We can now head straight for the Ember in the cage.
⠀🔸 Congested

You'll find this puzzle in a cave, two screens to the right of the campfire.
First, you'll find a stone frog statue on a small island in the middle of this pond.
Then, there's another stone frog statue up the hill to the right of the pond.
Please pick it up and place it on the small island to the right at the end of the wooden bridge to reveal a hidden cave nearby.
Enter it to begin this puzzle.

Begin this puzzle by pushing the two stone cylinders to the right to create a bridge.
Then, cross it to the right.

Once you reach here, this is where you can solve the majority of this puzzle.
Begin by rotating the spinning lever, so the lever is pointing to the left.
Next, cross the rotating platform on the right and pull the cylinder so it's on the rotating platform, as shown in the middle image above.
Next, spin the spinning lever at the bottom again, pointing to the right.
You should arrange the platforms based on the third image above.
Finally, push the stone cylinder to the right on the golden squares.

Climb the ladder to the right and follow the path until you reach the stone cylinder.
Then, push it onto the stone cylinder below to the left.
Now climb back down to them and pull them onto the rotating platform as shown in the second image above.

Rotate the spinning lever so the rotating platform on the right will be pointing to the left now.
Push the stone cylinders to the left, so it's on the lone stone platform shown in the middle image above.
Climb the stairs to the left and pull the stone cylinder onto the rotating platform.
Head back down to the spinning lever and spin it so the left rotating platform with the stone cylinder will now be pointing to the left, as shown in the third image above.

Now the rest may seem very obvious!
Climb the stairs to push the next two stone cylinders to the left to form pathways.
Follow this path to the end and make the stone cylinder at the end to the right so it drops below the ladder, as shown in the left image above.
Return to the spinning lever to rotate the right platform, pointing upwards, as shown in the right image above.
Cross it and climb the ladder here to complete this puzzle.

The Forlorn: V 🏆 If you have completed the puzzles in order, as shown in this guide, you will unlock the "The Forlorn: V" achievement.
⠀🔹 A Solitary Way

You can find this by going to the right of the campfire until you reach a pond.
Circle around the southern side of this pond and exit this screen to the right.
We'll be at the pond shown in the image above.
Hug the south side of this area until you find an opening in the brush.
Go down here and circle to the right until you climb a stone wall and reach this puzzle.

The puzzle will begin as shown in the first image above.
But, first, pick up the statue on the left switch and place it on the right button.; this will raise a bridge to the other figure to the far right.

Pick the far right statue up and place it on the left switch.
Both switches should now have a statue on them.
Next, please pick up the figure on the right and carry it to the far right so it's on the lone stone platform shown in the second image above.

Now return to the main island at the start of this puzzle and pick up the statue on the left switch. Move it onto the button to the right.
Cross the bridge on the right and climb the short ladder.
We should now access the statue we left on the top stone platform.
Please pick it up and place it on the switch at the top to reveal a bridge leading to the flame at the end of this puzzle.
⠀🔸 Submerged

This puzzle will require a step in The Forest before we gain access.
First, go to the left of the campfire.
When you run into the other Ember, head south, and we'll reach this area with lily pads.
You'll see a frog jump across the lily pads, left and right, one at a time.
Every time you jump, it'll bounce.
Just keep moving until you can exit to the left.
You may have to move back and forth several times to get the frog out of your way.
Once you reach the end, you'll see a worm, three holes, and two statues.
Please pick up the two statues and put them over two holes; this will force the worm to only go to one of the holes.
Please walk up to it and pick it up.
You may also want to grab the fishing net from the cave with A Fragile Flame.
To get to it, grab a torch from the fire just before these lily pads and go up the hill to the right of the fire. Burn through the vines to the right and enter the cave.
Pick up the net off the skeleton inside.

Now return to the campfire and go to the right.
Circle the southern side of this pond and go right again for the pond where we found the Congested puzzle.
Run up the hill to the right of this pond and follow the path to the left to the next screen.
You'll find the fisherman here; interact with him to enter a puzzle called A Sorrowful Soul.
The mystery is straightforward.
You can view how to complete it here if you need assistance with that puzzle.
Speak to him until you exhaust all your dialogue options.
He'll tell you about a frog.
He'll also fix your net.

Making Reparations 🏆 When the fisherman fixes your net, you will unlock the Making Reparations achievement.

Now let's take the fixed fishnet to the west of the campfire.
You'll see this bird with a key above a gate.
The puzzle is inside the entrance.
Climb the hill to the left of this prison cell and walk along the wall towards the bird.
Try to take the key from it.
It will fly off and drop a Key in the water to the northwest.
Follow it and use your fixed fishing net to get the key out of the lake!

Start this puzzle by moving the golden statue onto the switch to the left.
Then, after the water level lowers, please pick up the figure and place it back on the platform to the right, as shown in the second image above.

Climb down the stone wall here and spin the lever, so the platform with the statue lowers.
Please pick it up and place it on the switch to the right next.
Spin the lever again to raise the platform to the south and put the golden statue on it, as shown in the third image above.

Rotate the lever again to lower the platform with the statue on it.
Climb down the stone wall to the left.
Head towards the gold statue and pick it up.
Please move to the left and place it on the switch to lower the last water level.
Climb down the stone wall to the south, and you can free the Ember cage here.
⠀🔹 A Fragile Flame

To reach this puzzle, go left from the campfire in the middle of The Forest until you get a fire with flaming sticks.
Take one and walk up the hill to the right of the fire.
There are some vines here blocking a cave entrance, burning them with your stick to enter.
Burn through the spider webs and get the broken fishing net from the skeleton in front of you.
Circle to the left through the cave to find a Forlorn to begin this puzzle.

This puzzle room is relatively small compared to the first puzzle.
Circle around to the lever at the top.
Turn it to the left to bring the bundle of sticks on the chain to the far left platform.
We can now pick up one of the torches in the lower left area of this puzzle.

Grab it and light the bundle of sticks on the chain on fire.
Now turn the lever again so the flaming bundle of sticks will return to the top right corner of the map.
Go back to get another burning stick from the lower left.
Run to the top right corner of the map. The face statue up here will blow your rod out but don't drop it!

Carry the stick to the fire in the top right, and you can relight it here.
Then, walk south towards the vines in the bottom right corner to burn them all down and give yourself access to the ember in the cage.
⠀🔸 A Sorrowful Soul

This puzzle will require a step in The Forest before we gain access.
First, go to the left of the campfire.
When you run into the other Ember, head south, and we'll reach this area with lily pads.
You'll see a frog jump across the lily pads, left and right, one at a time.
Every time you jump, it'll bounce. Just keep moving until you can exit to the left.
You may have to move back and forth several times to get the frog out of your way.
Once you reach the end, you'll see a worm, three holes, and two statues.
Please pick up the two statues and put them over two holes; this will force the worm to only go to one of the holes.
Please walk up to it and pick it up.
Now return to the campfire and go to the right.
Circle the southern side of this pond and go right again for the pond where we found the Congested puzzle.
Run up the hill to the right of this pond and follow the path to the left to the next screen.
You'll find the fisherman here.
Interact with him to enter this puzzle.

Run down the stairs, and we'll see a face statue.
Turn it to the side, so it's not facing forward.
Continue down the stairs, and you'll run into another face statue.
Again, we want to turn it facing the side or backward.
Now run down the last flight of stairs, and we'll find a crystal.

When you pick up the crystal, run back up all the stairs.
Since you turned all the statues earlier, none of them will blow the light out.
Bring the crystal to the fisherman to complete this puzzle.

Fisherman's Awakening 🏆 Upon completing this puzzle, you will unlock the Fisherman's Awakening achievement.

After you awaken the fisherman, talk to him about the net you found in the cave earlier.
Then, he will fix it for you.

Making Reparations 🏆 When the fisherman fixes your net, you will unlock the Making Reparations achievement.
🌀 The Marsh
Below I'll show you five ways to access the Marsh.
  • The Crossroads
  • The East Marsh
  • The Map
  • The Pig Marsh
  • The Wallow
⠀⠀🔹 The Crossroads

After you find at least four Forlorn, we can activate the campfire in the middle of The Forest and leave it.
You'll see this journal entry to the left through the door behind the campfire.
Ride up the elevator to enter The Crossroad.

Start by moving to this back area and speaking with the Forest King.
You'll have to talk with the guards before the door, and they'll let you right in.
After speaking with the Forest King, we'll acquire the red feather. After you exit, go to the right and see another large bird in the lower right corner.
Speak with it and show it the red feather so it'll leave.
Now climb down the rock wall here and follow the path until you reach The East Marsh.
We'll be able to complete more puzzles down here!
⠀⠀🔸 The East Marsh
The path is really straightforward down here. You can go to the left at the bottom of the very first hill for a journal entry. At the next split, you'll find another journal entry to the right. Ultimately, we want to head to the left. You'll reach a room called "The Map."
⠀⠀🔹 The Map

Inspect the map, and you'll see we can move the tile; this is the map we're currently in; moving the tiles will allow you to reach other sections in the map's borders.
Move the only tile you have to the left, as shown in the first image above. Now exit this room to the north.
You'll see you're in the same room as before.
Follow it to the left for a new map tile.
Please pick it up and return it to the map. Then, place the new piece to your room's right and move the other tile to the right, as shown in the second image above.
Follow that path for another puzzle piece.
You have to pull the cylinder back to access it. Bring this new tile back to the map.

Please place it on the map to the right of the map room, as shown in the images above. Exit to the right, and you'll find a journal entry here. Now we can return to the map.

Place the vertical tile directly north of you and go up to a new room called "The Solemn End."

We'll find an area with two statues just north of a switch.
There's a golden statue on the Platform to the left. So head left here and climb the stone wall.
Please pick up the gold statue and place it on the wooden Plaplatformst north.
Climb the next rock wall and spin the spinning lever to raise the Platforms, as shown in the image above.
Carry the gold statue to the wooden Platform on the right and turn the spinning lever again to lower them.
Next, climb the ladder on the right to pick up the gold statue and bring it down to the switch at the bottom of the stairs in front of the two significant figures; this will open the two statues up, allowing you entry to The Melody Cave.

Run to the end of this cave to get the Lanthorn; this can move specific platforms in the World, even if you're standing on them!
Then, practice by moving the Platform closest to you back towards you.
Stand on it and then move it around in here.
There's a journal entry in the northwest here to get.
When ready, move back to the south and exit this cave as you enter.
You can move the Platform to the left in the first bridge area to get the journal entry here.
Then, head back to the map when ready.

We want to position the tiles as shown in the map above.
Go left and move the bridge north with your Lanthorn.
Go north through the next bridge area and exit the following screen to the left.
You'll find a journal entry here. Exit back to the right and rotate this bridge with your Lanthorn.
Exit this room to the north.
We'll be in The Pig Marsh.
⠀⠀🔸 The Pig Marsh

Use your lanthorn, and the only highlighted object is the ladder to the left.
To move it, you must hold it and move up and down quickly a few times to break the ladder off the wall.
First, move it to the right, as shown in the image above.
Then, climb up it and slide down the ladder to the right.

Head to the far right here and grab a plant from the tree.
Please bring it back to the left until you reach the pig and try to feed it to the pig.
You'll notice you can't drop it.
Instead, carry it back to the northeast and place it in the plant.
The pig will rip the plant apart, granting you access to the next room to your north.
⠀⠀🔹 The Wallow

Climb the small set of stairs here and use the lanthorn.
You'll see two gold blocks here.
Hold them with your lanthorn and shake your analog stick to break them loose from the mud.
Move them to bridge a gap to the next set of stairs.
Slide down the slide after the stairs.

Once you go down the slide, jump across the lily pads to the south for a journal entry.

We have to feed the pig.
We can provide him with a TV on the right side and fruit on the left.
Feed him both, and he'll ask for more!
There's nothing else in this room to feed him, so climb the stairs to the right and exit this room to the north.
We will then reach the campfire in The Marsh!
⠀🔸 High Expectations

You'll see this forlorn before you even reach the campfire.
It's to the right of the pig.
We'll have to head towards the campfire and down the stairs to the right to get it.
After that, follow the path south until you exit this screen and enter a new screen.
The Forlorn will be up the steps to your left.

Start this puzzle by moving the two blocks with your lanthorn.
You'll notice the Platform that is half the size of the blocks you can use as a step for the blocks.
Move one Block to form a bridge from the stairs to the next Platform on the left.
As shown in the image above, you can place the other Block between the top left Platform and the half-step platform.
Now move up towards the next Platform.
This middle block is a switch that will raise the Platform to the right when pressed.

While leaving one Block on the switch, move the other Block onto the small Platform in the upper left, as shown in the first image above.
Next, walk onto the middle Platform and move the switch's Block up. Finally, you'll lower with the two blocks, as shown in the center image above.
Now grab the higher Block with your lanthorn and move it onto the Block to the right, then up to the more elevated Platform, as shown in the third image above.

Now we can move this Block to the right switch.
Please don't put it on there yet.
While standing on the middle Platform, move the Block from the left button onto the center platform you're on.
Now move the Block on the right to the switch on the right Platform, as shown in the second image above; this will raise your Platform.
Climb the stairs to the right and then use your lanthorn to make a bridge from the left side of the next gap.

Climb the steps on the left and go on and step across the two blocks so you're on the second Block.
Now use your lanthorn to move another Block around you to form a bridge the rest of the way to the right.
Cross it and climb the stairs to release the Ember from the cage.
⠀🔹 Kindling

Climb the steps on the left and go on and step across the two blocks so you're on the second Block.
Now use your lanthorn to move the other Block around you to form a bridge the rest of the way to the right.
Cross it and climb the stairs to release the ember from the cage.

This puzzle is about lighting all the braziers in the room.
First, you must use your lanthorn to rotate the Block with the torch.
You'll notice the torch on the Block will stay on that one side, and you can only flip the Block in directions, so the torch doesn't get crushed under the Block.
To solve this puzzle, move the Block in the following tips.
Note: The highlighted trends will light a brazier.
  1. Left
  2. Right
  3. Down
  4. Left
  5. Up
  6. Right
  7. Down
  8. Left
  9. Down
  10. Up
  11. Right
  12. Down
  13. Left
  14. Up
  15. Right
  16. Down
  17. Right

After all the braziers are on fire, you'll see the staircase complete towards the cage with the ember. Follow the path to the left and up to the cell to release the ember.
⠀🔸 Path of Ruin

To reach this, we'll have to feed the pig to the south of the campfire until he becomes full.
There are three items to provide it, all seen in the images above.
You can find the items in the following locations:
  • Fruit - Growing on the tree to the left of the pig.
  • TV - On the ground to the pig's right.
  • Skull - On some rocks to the right of the campfire.

You'll see the pig roll backward and follow it north to the next screen.
Approach the water, and the pig will appear out of it.
Follow the path to the right after you speak with it and push the barrel blocking your way to the north. Then, the head left and hopped over the pig's head.
Go south once you cross this bridge.

Go down the slide when you reach it, and you'll see you can spin in the middle of the fall.
Spin it so it'll push you out to the right.
Then, head back to the left and climb up the stone wall to go back down the slide.
You'll come out in a new area.
Follow the path to the right to interact with a forlorn to begin this puzzle.

This puzzle is relatively easy.
You can move these pipes in any direction with your lanthorn.
Yes, you can move them all left, right, up, or down, even though it doesn't look like they can roll that way.
There's a staircase to the right.
To free up a track, you must clear a path to move to all the pipes, as shown in the image above.
Again, it's straightforward; go left to right until you clear away.

Climb the stairs to the right and move the closest pipe to you towards the stairs.
You can now run onto the tube. Use your lanthorn to move it upwards towards the ember in the cage while standing on the line.
Don't worry.
You won't fall off while you drive it.
From here, we can run across the other pipe and head straight for the cage to free the ember!
⠀🔹 A Linear Road

To reach this, we'll have to feed the pig to the south of the campfire until he becomes full. There are three items to provide it, all seen in the images above. You can find the items in the following locations:
  • Fruit - Growing on the tree to the left of the pig.
  • TV - On the ground to the pig's right.
  • Skull - On some rocks to the right of the campfire.

You'll see the pig roll backward and follow it north to the next screen.
Approach the water, and the pig will appear out of it.
Follow the path to the right after you speak with it and push the barrel blocking your way to the north. Then, the head left and hopped over the pig's head.
Go to the left from here to the next screen, and you'll run into a large door.
This door will head to the Obscurity puzzle.
Ignore it to reach this puzzle and head south.
Follow this path to the west and head towards the cook at the bottom of the hill.
Interact with him to begin the Lost in Thought puzzle.
That puzzle is very straightforward, but for more info on how to complete it, you can view the guide here.

Cook's Awakening 🏆 Upon completing this puzzle, you will unlock the Cook's Awakening achievement.

Completing the Lost in Thought puzzle will reward you with the orchard key!
We have to head back to the campfire in the center of The Marsh.
Continue to the right along the upper path until you reach the water wheel.
Climb up the stone wall and up the stairs to the orchard gate.
Open it up with the key and enter The Dying Orchard.
Head to the left inside, grab a fruit from the tree, and wake up the pig.
Please bring it to the plant blocking the path to the north and use the fruit on the plant, so the pig destroys it.
Now head north through the opening.
Walk on the dock for a giant frog to appear.
Speak to it to get Lotus Seeds to give to the cook.
Before returning to the cook, the puzzle is just on the right side of this frog.
Use the lily pad to the south of it to reach the Forlorn.

There are three blocks here.
Each one only has one of the six sides as a solid platform, so we'll need to rotate them all correctly and correctly to form this bridge.
First, we want to move the block on the right. Move it up, left, then down in that order.
Now we want to move the upper left block.
We want to keep spinning it clockwise in a tight area.
Go right, down, left, right, and down; this will be your second block.
Now take the lower left block and move it to the end of the bridge by going up twice, right, up, and right one more time.

When you form the bridge, cross it and release the Ember from the cage.
⠀🔸 Obscurity

To reach this, we'll have to feed the pig to the south of the campfire until he becomes full. There are three items to provide it, all seen in the images above. You can find the items in the following locations:
  • Fruit - Growing on the tree to the left of the pig.
  • TV - On the ground to the pig's right.
  • Skull - On some rocks to the right of the campfire.

You'll see the pig roll backward and follow it north to the next screen. Approach the water, and the pig will appear out of it. Follow the path to the right after you speak with it and push the barrel blocking your way to the north. Head left and hopped over the pig's head. Go to the left from here to the next screen, and you'll run into a large door.

Use your lanthorn to slide the two horizontal blocks in the middle of the door to the outside. Now grab the top piece of the door and pull it down to open up this cave.

You'll notice the door frame at the cave entrance showed pictures of frogs and turtles. More specifically, the pattern was a turtle, frog, frog, turtle, frog, frog, etc. That means we must start with a turtle tile and touch two frog tiles, then a turtle tile; this is how we solve this bridge puzzle as we head to the Forlorn. There are multiple paths you can take to cross this bridge. The image above is an example you call to follow to cross the bridge and reach this Forlorn so you can begin this puzzle.

This puzzle is about moving a set of mirrors to reflect the light into the end mirror to the far right. You'll need to use your lanthorn. Every time the mirror turns a corner, it will rotate. The first portion is straightforward. Then, keep moving the piece the only way you can until the light reflects the right.

Next, we'll have to make a figure 8 pattern.
Move the mirror clockwise around the left pillar and then counterclockwise around the right post.
Just pull the mirror to the light beam from here until it reflects the light to the right.

This last portion will require you to move around the pillar in the lower left in a counterclockwise pattern. You'll have to circle and use the open area in the top left to turn around to start traveling counterclockwise. Once the block you're moving is directly north of the center pillar, move north again and turn this mirror to reflect the right.; this will raise the bridge so you can reach the ember in the cage.
⠀🔹 Compound Choices

Go down the stairs to the right of the campfire and down the small hill immediately to the right.
You'll see a single frog statue with four dirt patches around it.
There are four more frog statues scattered around this area.
We must bring them to the four dirt patches around the single frog statue.
You can see the locations of each frog in the images above.
They will be in the following areas:
  • Behind the area right next to the cliff, you need to place the four frog statues.
  • Go right from the campfire and straight north once you go down the stairs. This statue is next to the dock.
  • From the campfire, go to the right and then further right north of the hill leading down to this area. Go to the next screen and see this frog statue before the water wheel.
  • Behind the campfire in the center of The Marsh.

After you bring them all to the frog statue on the small peninsula, please place them in the dirt patches to reveal a hidden cave to the north.
Enter it and interact with the forlorn to begin this puzzle.

You'll notice four switches.
We must have a block on every switch to solve this puzzle.
So first, we'll need to get a block on the top right button. Start by moving the upper left block just north of the southeastern block.
Now move the southeastern block onto the block you just moved, up again, and then to the right, forming a staircase as shown in the center image above. Finally, there's one more block to the far left.
Grab it and walk it up the stairs you just made so it stops on the switch in the top right.

Next, let's work on the top left switch.
It doesn't matter what blocks we move here.
Just carry two, so we can make a bridge from the lower right part of the upper left platform to the half block just east of it, as shown in the first image above.
Move the last block onto the half block.
Then onto the blocks, you move until you roll it onto the switch.

Now we can head towards the bottom right switch.
Roll one block over the right to form a bridge from the half block in the southeast towards the platform with the button, as shown in the first image above.
Now roll the other block up the half block, up the block you just moved, and onto the switch.

Finally, let's move the final block onto the switch in the lower left; this will raise the platform ahead, creating a bridge to the ember!
Cross it and release the ember from the cage!
⠀🔸 Avoidance

To reach this, we'll have to feed the pig to the south of the campfire until he becomes full. There are three items to provide it, all seen in the images above. You can find the items in the following locations:

  • Fruit - Growing on the tree to the left of the pig.
  • TV - On the ground to the pig's right.
  • Skull - On some rocks to the right of the campfire.

You'll see the pig roll backward and follow it north to the next screen.
Approach the water, and the pig will appear out of it.
Follow the path to the right after you speak with it and push the barrel blocking your way to the north.
Head left and hopped over the pig's head.
Go to the left from here to the next screen, and you'll run into a large door.
This door will head to the Obscurity puzzle.
Ignore it to reach this puzzle and head south.
Follow this path to the west and head towards the cook at the bottom of the hill.
Interact with him to begin the Lost in Thought puzzle.
That puzzle is very straightforward, but for more info on how to complete it, you can view the guide here.

Cook's Awakening 🏆 Upon completing this puzzle, you will unlock the Cook's Awakening achievement.

Completing the Lost in Thought puzzle will reward you with the orchard key!
We have to head back to the campfire in the center of The Marsh.
Continue to the right along the upper path until you reach the water wheel. Climb up the stone wall and up the stairs to the orchard gate.
Open it up with the key and enter The Dying Orchard.
You'll find a slide to the left of the Dying Orchard. Go down it.

You'll reach this area with a platform attached to a pulley system and wheel.
Head to the right and go through a cave.
You'll find a gold statue here.
Please pick it up and place it on the wooden platform.
Next, climb up the stone wall and grab a piece of fruit.
Wake the pig up with it and put the fruit on the slide; this will cause the pig to follow it down the slide.
Next, head down and grab another fruit by the cave entrance to the wheel's right.
Use it again to lure the pig but this time, bring the pig to the wheel to the right of the platform.
Place the fruit in the wheel to make the pig raise the platform.

Bring the statue towards the start of the Dying Orchard and place it on the switch up the stairs; this will open up the temple here, where you can find a forlorn.
Then, interact with it to begin this puzzle.

This puzzle is all about rolling a block around to hit the switches.
The trick to this puzzle is that one side has air vents blocking the braziers.
Each button will raise the closest bridge, so we'll need to use the switches to cross to the ember in the cage.
You can press the first switch quickly by moving the block down once.
Then, cross the bridge when it rises.

Now we must move the block right once and up until it stops on the switch. Then, cross the next bridge that forms.

The last switch is tricky to get to and requires many movements.
You can get to it by using the following actions:

  1. Down
  2. Down
  3. Left
  4. Up
  5. Right
  6. Up
  7. Left
  8. Left
  9. Up
  10. Left
  11. Up
  12. Right
  13. Right
  14. Right
  15. Up
  16. Up
  17. Up
  18. Left
  19. Left
  20. Down

This will press the final switch without putting out any braziers.
We can cross the last bridge and run right up to the ember in the cage.
⠀🔹 Lost in Thought

To reach this, we'll have to feed the pig to the south of the campfire until he becomes full. There are three items to provide it, all seen in the images above. You can find the items in the following locations:
  • Fruit - Growing on the tree to the left of the pig.
  • TV - On the ground to the pig's right.
  • Skull - On some rocks to the right of the campfire.

You'll see the pig roll backward and follow it north to the next screen. Approach the water, and the pig will appear out of it. Follow the path to the right after you speak with it and push the barrel blocking your way to the north. Head left and hopped over the pig's head. Go to the left from here to the next screen, and you'll run into a large door. This door will head to the Obscurity puzzle. Ignore it to reach this puzzle and head south. Follow this path to the west and head towards the cook at the bottom of the hill. Interact with him to begin the Lost in Thought puzzle.

Head down all the stairs, and you'll see those face statues again that will try to blow out a flame. This time, they'll move and only blow air when you step in front of them. Follow the path to the very end and get the flame. Now we have to get back. The first statue you run into on your way around will spin, so pass it when it's looking away. The rest will all slide back and forth. Use the walls in front of them to hide from them as they slide until you return to the cook. Give him the ember, and you'll get the Orchard Key!

Cook's Awakening 🏆 Upon completing this puzzle, you will unlock the Cook's Awakening achievement.
🐻 The Caves
⠀🔸 Accessing the Caves

Leave the marsh through the cave to the left of the campfire after you light the campfire.
You'll be inside a temple of sorts.
Follow the Forlorn outside to the left. Before crossing the bridge, climb down the stone walls and grab the frog statue to the right.
Carry it to the water to the left to create a bridge, granting access to a journal entry up the stone wall on the other side of the water.
Climb back onto the bridge and proceed to the left. First, we'll speak with some birds which guard an elevator back to the crossroads.
Next, we'll have to talk with the Forest King, who will give us the Crossroads key.

Exit the cave with the Forest King and go south down the steps, then west. The key will open up this gate. Please open it and move into the small opening to the left. Use your lanthorn to move the large block to the right, as shown in the image above; this will grant you access to the stairs to the left. This path is very linear. Just follow the way down and then across some lily pads until you reach the next screen called The Dam. Cross the bridge ahead and climb the stone wall. Exit this screen to the left.

Speak with the Forlorn here, and you'll have to trap the iron claw crab. Head to the chum bucket that will appear on the platforms to the south, and you'll be able to throw it to lure the crab out. Every time you throw a piece of chum in front of the crab, it'll turn and scuttle to the right until it reaches it. We must lure it to the top right corner while keeping in mind that it turns every time it moves. The solution shows in the image above. Just throw chum in the locations marked above in that order to have the crab reach the top right corner. After you get it out, you can grab the journal entry here. Pick the crab up and head back to the previous screen to the right. Cross the large bridge and use the crab to cut the rope, lowering the bridge.

Cross the bridge and go north. You'll see a platform on a rope. Stand on it and use your lanthorn to lower the block to the right, so the Platform raises all the way. There's a journal entry to the right up here. Now get back on the Platform and lower it so you can step off to the left along the wooden platforms.

Follow this path to the end until you reach a set of raising and lowering platforms. Use the blocks to drop the left Platform as low as it can. Line up the Platform on the right side, so it's in line with you. Stand on the Platform and lower it to find a journal entry here. Now get back on it and raise it as high as you can. Step onto the Platform to the left and raise this Platform as high as you can. Head to the right from here and go down the elevator.

You'll be underground. Head to the left and see a lanthorn symbol on the ground. Use your lanthorn to open and close the bellows until the fire ignites under the boiler. There's still more work to do to get it going. Go down the stone wall to the left and see a pipe in the lower right. Please pick it up and carry it to the break in the line by the stone wall you climbed down. Please place it in there. Now cross the bridge to the right. Rotate the angled pipe at the top so the steam goes to the right to raise a ladder in the lower right. Climb up it and grab this angled pipe. Please place it in the lower left of this section to connect these pipes. Now go back to the angle pipe you turned and rotate it so the steam goes back to the left; this will open up the dam and flood the area outside the caves! Go back up the elevator. Slide down the slide to the right and follow the path to the lower right to exit to the next screen. Push the cylinder out of the way and hop on the boat to the south. There's a journal in the northeast section here you can pick up. Enter the cave when you're ready. Paddle the boat through the cave until you can dock it at the end inside.

Follow the path to the right and then loop down. Please pick up the lens and carry it back up the hill to put in the frame; this will cast light toward the crystal ball below. Turn the ball to the left to the receiver first to reveal a path to a journal entry, then aim it to the receiver to the right to open the gate. Use your boat to paddle more profoundly into the cave. You'll find the campfire in The Caves up ahead!
⠀🔹 Carried Away

Head to the right of the campfire, past the empty lens, and the next room.
Push the tree down to the north to form a bridge and pick up the lens.
Please bring it back to the previous room and place it in the frame.
You'll see a cutscene that will send a beam of light to the left of the campfire.
Follow the light and push the bridge down.
Cross the bridge and go north here.
Follow the path to the left in the next room to find this Forlorn to begin this puzzle.

This puzzle is about moving a snake in the water like a boat and maneuvering it around the map so we can access the end.
First, we must move the snake to the west and then south.
Next, look further to the west, and you'll see a large block.
Place it on the snake platform, as shown in the image above.

Next, we want to circle the snake back, so the block on the tail end of the snake forms a bridge to the northern Platform with the golden statue.
Use it to cross to the Platform and pick the figure.
Then, carry it down the small flight of stairs on the left and place it on the other Platform of the snake, the one without the block.

Now we deeply move the snake back to the lower left so the Platform with the golden statue can form a bridge between the left and right Platforms.
Cross it and pick up the golden statue as you do.
Place it on the switch to the left to lower a platform, revealing a hidden stone wall we can climb up to free the ember from the cage.
⠀🔸 A Brief Journey

You will need to get the spindle arm from the robot to the north.
You will find it on the way to the Turned Around puzzle.
Go to the right from the campfire and climb down the stone wall.
Cross the bridge to the south and use the spindle arm on the spinning lever.
Spin it to open up the bridge and go back to the left.
Push the barrels out of the way as you return to your boat, get on and paddle to the right, and dock on the next screen on the southeast side of the room.
Roll the cylinder out of your way with your lanthorn and exit to the right.

Climb up the stone wall and grab the lens to the right.
Please place it in the frame up the northern stairs.
You can spin the light receiver to the left through the hole in the wall.
Climb back down the stone wall and head to the left.

You'll see the light reflecting into this room now.
Climb the chain to the next reflector and aim it to the upper left so it hits another mirror and goes down.
Now head to the other mirror and seek it to the left; this will lure the snake away from the Forlorn.
Get back in the boat and paddle north to the Forlorn to begin this puzzle.

You'll need to rotate the Block around this puzzle to light the brazier on top of the Block and roll it onto the vines blocking your path to the cage.
Move the Block in the following directions to solve this:
  1. Down
  2. Left
  3. Left
  4. Up
  5. Up
  6. Right
  7. Down
  8. Left
  9. Up
  10. Right
  11. Down
  12. Right
  13. Right
  14. Right
  15. Right
  16. Right
  17. Right
The vines will burn, allowing you to run straight to the cage and free the Ember.
⠀🔹 Turned Around

Head to the right of the campfire, past the empty lens, and the next room.
Push the tree down to the north to form a bridge and pick up the lens.
Please bring it back to the previous room and place it in the frame.
You'll see a cutscene that will send a beam of Light to the left of the campfire.
Follow the Light and push the bridge down.
Cross the bridge and spin the mirror to reflect the Light to the southwest, as shown in the second image above.

Now head back to the right of the campfire and go south to hop back in your Boat that you used to enter the Caves.
Paddle to the west towards the gate you just opened, and you'll reach a cutscene, sending you to a new location.
Interact with the giant robot and head to the north to begin the Broken Down puzzle.
It's straightforward, but for more information, you can view the guide on how to complete it here.

Builder's Awakenin 🏆 Completing the Broken Down puzzle will unlock the Builder's Awakening achievement.

After you awaken the robot, it'll move to reveal a path through a wooden bridge.
Push the barrels ahead to form bridges, and you will soon reach a rotating lever.
Keep spinning it to raise this platform to a higher platform.
Open the door by moving the horizontal bars outwards and lowering the top with your lanthorn. Head outside.
Grab the spindle arm from the tree trunk here.

Look to the north and see a gap we have to cross here.
Use your lanthorn.
There are two blocks we need to move.
First, move the solid Block down twice.
Then move the Block with only one side to the left, down, and right.
Then move the solid Block up again to form a bridge. Grab the metal eye across the way here. There's also a journal entry along the cliffside that we can get from this side of the gap if we move the solid Block to form a bridge. When ready, return the metal eye to the robot. Follow it across the bridge and speak to it again to make a boat to your design! The choices are all cosmetic so pick whatever you prefer!

Reconstruction 🏆 Your new Boat will unlock the Reconstruction achievement.

Hop in your new Boat and paddle to the south.
You'll return to the room with the campfire.
A bridge will block your path. Dock your Boat to the right, spin the lever to open the bridge, paddle south, and then to the west, where the snake robot wrecks your Boat.
The path will be clear this time. Dock your Boat at the end of this path.

Head to the top left and shake this ladder off the wall.
Move it to the left and climb up it.
There's another stone wall just ahead to climb up.
Grab the lever of the rock in the top right corner of this platform.
This puzzle will be through the lit-up cave to the north.

This puzzle is relatively simple.
But, first, we must reflect the Light around the mirrors to the top right.
There are three mirrors in total we can move and a rotating bridge.
Place mirrors on the bridge and rotates the bridge to rotate the mirrors.
We can circle the bridges while rotating them back and forth to turn the mirrors until they face the desired directions.

Start this puzzle by moving one mirror towards the light beam in the top left.
We need it to be in the middle of the leading left platform, as shown in the first image above.
Next, place the other two mirrors on the bridge and rotate the bridge to the right.
In the second image above, you'll see that this will rotate the mirror next, circle the mirrors around back to the lower left without turning the bridge, and then rotate the bridge.
Finally, place the mirrors on the bridge again and turn it again.

As shown in the image above, we can now place the next mirror in the lower left to reflect the Light to the right.
Next, circle the last mirror around the platforms to the lower left and rotate the bridge.
Finally, place it on the bridge to turn it one more time.
Now we can put it in the lower right to reflect the light beam up to the upper right corner of the map.

Hitting the receiver in the top right corner will raise a platform.
Cross it and climb the stairs to free the Ember from the cage in the top right corner of the map.
⠀🔸 Abundance

Cross the bridge to the left of the campfire and follow the path south.
Climb down a rock wall to reach this spinning lever.
Spin it so the bridge to the south will extend.
Cross it to find the Forlorn sitting on a rock here.

Head to the left side of this puzzle room, and we'll see a snake bridge we can move with the lanthorn.
Stand on it and move it to the right.
Go up your second chance to the left and up one more time, as shown in the second image above; this will form a bridge between the upper two platforms.
Step onto the platform to the left and climb the stairs onto the snake set of platforms there.
Move it across the bridge to the right, and you'll see a set of 4 red squares here.

Move the snake you're standing on to cover all four blocks, as shown in the image above; this will open up the gate to the right, revealing another snake bridge you can move.

Start by taking the snake bridge out of the open gate and moving it to form a bridge, as shown in the first image above.
Now move the other snake bridge we've moved at the start of the puzzle; as shown in the second image above, this will allow you to move the snake platforms you're moving across them to the next platform to the far right.

Use this series of platforms you're on to get onto the upper platform here, granting access to the cage with the ember to the south.
⠀🔹 Into the Dark

You will need to get the spindle arm from the robot to the north. You will find it on the way to the Turned Around puzzle. Go to the right from the campfire and climb down the stone wall. Cross the bridge to the south and use the spindle arm on the spinning lever. Spin it to open up the bridge and go back to the left. Push the barrels out of the way as you return to your boat, get on the paddle to the right, and dock on the next screen on the southeast side of the room. Roll the cylinder out of your way with your lanthorn and exit to the right.

Climb up the stone wall and grab the lens to the right. Please place it in the frame up the northern stairs. You can spin the light receiver to the left for another puzzle. Grab the golden statue and put it on the square block to the right of the wheel. Climb down the stone wall, spin the wheel to lower this Platform, and move the Platform to the south, as shown in the middle image above. Place the golden statue on the southern Platform. Please return to the spinning wheel and spin it again, so the south of the Platform returns to the right. Climb the stone wall and then down the stone wall to your right side. Place the golden statue in the hole in the wall, as shown in the third image above.; this will raise a set of platforms to the northeast that will grant you access to the forlorn up here to begin this puzzle.

This puzzle is straightforward. We have to reflect the light to the left. Start by grabbing the head of the lower snake and going left, then up and right the first chance you get. Next, you need to position the snake, as shown in the image above.

Next, we need to position the upper snake, as shown in the image above. Move the head straight south and west until the tail touches the far south side. Then, you can grab the bottom and pull it to the right until it gets into the above position; this will raise the Platform to the left, granting access to the ember in the cage.
⠀🔸 A Complex Machine
Head to the right of the campfire, past the empty lens, and the next room.
Push the tree down to the north to form a bridge and pick up the lens.
Please bring it back to the previous room and place it in the frame.
You'll see a cutscene that will send a beam of Light to the left of the campfire.
Follow the Light and push the bridge down.
Cross the bridge and spin the mirror to reflect the Light to the southwest, as shown in the second image above.
Now head back to the right of the campfire and go south to hop back in your Boat that you used to enter the Caves.
Paddle to the west towards the gate you just opened, and you'll reach a cutscene, sending you to a new location.
Interact with the giant robot and head to the north to begin the Broken Down puzzle.
It's straightforward, but for more information, you can view the guide on how to complete it here.
Builder's Awakenin 🏆 Completing the Broken Down puzzle will unlock the Builder's Awakening achievement.
After you awaken the robot, it'll move to reveal a path through a wooden bridge.
Push the barrels ahead to form bridges, and you will soon reach a rotating lever.
Keep spinning it to raise this platform to a higher platform.
Open the door by moving the horizontal bars outwards and lowering the top with your lanthorn. Head outside.
Grab the spindle arm from the tree trunk here.
Look to the north and see a gap we have to cross here.
Use your lanthorn.
There are two blocks we need to move.
First, move the solid block down twice.
Then move the block with only one side to the left, down, and right.
Then move the solid block up again to form a bridge.
Grab the metal eye across the way here.
There's also a journal entry along the cliffside that we can get from this side of the gap if we move the solid block to form a bridge.
When ready, return the metal eye to the robot.
Follow it across the bridge and speak to it again to make a boat to your design!
The choices are all cosmetic so pick whatever you prefer!
Reconstruction 🏆 Your new Boat will unlock the Reconstruction achievement.
Hop in your new Boat and paddle to the south. You'll return to the room with the campfire. A bridge will block your path. Dock your Boat to the right and spin the lever to open the bridge. Paddle south and then to the west again, where the snake robot wrecked your Boat. The path will be clear this time. Dock your Boat at the end of this path.
Head to the top left and shake this ladder off the wall.
Move it to the left and climb up it.
There's another stone wall just ahead to climb up.
Grab the lever of the rock in the top right corner of this platform.
You can go down the slide and circle to the lower right area.
Place the lever on the floor slot and turn it to raise the platform with the crystal light reflector.
We'll have to climb down the ladder south of the lever to reach it.
Push the barrel to the right and then push the next barrel to the right.
Then, get around it so you can move it to the left to fill the next gap.
Circle around the platforms and up towards the ladder.
Follow the wooden bridge to the crystal light reflector and angle it to the east to Light up the beacon.
A Serpent's Calling 🏆 Lighting up the beacon will lure the serpent away, unlocking the A Serpent's Calling achievement.
Now you'll see the path to the Forlorn in the northeast opens up. Head towards it to finally begin this puzzle.
Begin this puzzle by heading south and climbing down the stone wall.
You'll find a straight pipe further ahead.
Place it in the pipe's opening, and you'll open up a staircase to the south. Cross it. You'll find another straight line next to the stairs.
Please pick it up and bring it to the green pipe to the northwest of where you saw this pipe.
Climb the stairs next to where you found the straight pipe, and you'll find an angled tube to the left.
Please place it in the pipes opening up here and turn it, so the line goes up and right.
It needs to go into a pipe that doesn't have any color.
Next, you'll see a staircase rise to the right.
Climb up it to grab the angled tube up here.
Carry the angled pipe down all the flights of stairs here, so you're at the very southern edge of this puzzle. Please place it in the opening, so it's angled down and to the right, connecting the blue pipe to the unmarked line. Now climb up one flight of stairs and move towards the straight pipe you had connected to the green pipe. As shown in the middle image above, please pick it up and bring it to the straight line between the stairs. Now climb up the stairs to grab the angled pipe and place it where you just took the straight pipe, going left and up to bring steam through the blue tube. You'll see a staircase open to the far south. Head down there to get the pipe on top of it.
Grab that T-shaped pipe and bring it up the flight of stairs.
You can drop it here for now.
Next, grab the angled pipe in the top left connecting the blue tube and move it to connect the two red lines close to the stairs.
Now place the T-shaped pipe in the top left so the steam will go to the green and blue tubes.
You should set up both tubes, as shown in the image above.
Now grab the straight pipe from between the two blue lines to the far right; this is the one between the blue pipes between the stairs.
Carry it up the stairs and place it vertically in this section to connect the green and red lines.
Next, the vertical pipe to the left becomes accessible, as highlighted in the image above.
Climb down to it and pick it up.
We want to move this straight pipe to the far right between the two blue lines; this is the set between the stairs where we just took the previous one to raise the stairs.
Now go down the stairs, rotating the pipe to aim down and left.
Then please orient the tubes based on the image above.
Finally, we need to grab the angled pipe between the two red tubes in the middle and bring it up to the top flight of stairs.
Remove the straight line in there right now and angle this pipe, aiming left and up between the yellow and green tubes; this will raise the platform so we can finally reach the ember in the cage!
Return to the start of the puzzle.
You'll have to take the straight pipe out to get it out of your way and then place it back in from the north side.
Climb the stone wall when you do and head up the stairs to free this ember.
⠀🔹 Fractured Mind
Head to the right of the campfire and go down the stone wall before you exit the main room. Continue to the right to climb another stone wall. Finally, enter the cave to find this Forlorn at the end of a short cave.

We'll enter a puzzle with three different snake platforms we can move around. For the sake of this guide, we will name each snake based on its length of the snake.
For example, there's a snake that is three blocks long, one that is five blocks long, and one that is six blocks long. We include the head and tail in those counts. So you can locate them in the image above based on the numbers on their head.

Start by grabbing the head of the three snakes. Move it down twice, left twice, and then up once. It'll be in the three dark squares in the lower left, as shown in the first image above. Now grab the head of the five snakes and move it left three times. Next, grab the tail of the five snakes and drag it right once, up once, and left once, as shown in the second image above.

Next, grab the head of the six snakes. Pull it right once, down three times, exactly three times, up twice, right three times, and up once more; this will tuck it in the top right corner, as shown in the first image above. Now we can move the three snakes into the complete set of three light tiles. Grab its head and move it right twice, up three times, and right once to fill up the three tiles in the top left, as shown in the second image above.

Grab the head of the five snakes and move it straight to the left six times, up once, and right once, as shown in the first image above. Now grab the tail of the six snakes and move it down once, left twice, and up once. We can now move the head to the upper left to the corner. Grab the head of the six snakes and move it left once, then up earlier, as shown in the middle image above. Finally, grab the head of the five snakes and drag it right twice, down once, and left once to fill up all the lit tiles. We'll see the final solution in the third image above. Use the stairs on the right to swing around the puzzle itself and run up to the cage at the top of the room to free the ember.
⠀🔸 Broken Down

Head to the right of the campfire, past the empty lens, and the next room.
Push the tree down to the north to form a bridge and pick up the lens.
Please bring it back to the previous room and place it in the frame.
You'll see a cutscene that will send a beam of Light to the left of the campfire.
Follow the Light and push the bridge down.
Cross the bridge and spin the mirror to reflect the Light to the southwest, as shown in the second image above.

Now head back to the right of the campfire and go south to hop back in your boat that you used to enter the Caves.
Paddle to the west towards the gate you just opened, and you'll reach a cutscene, sending you to a new location.
Interact with the giant robot and head to the north to begin this puzzle.

You'll see face statues that blow air at you as you pass.
There is a block on each one of these platforms. Move the block in front of the face on all the platforms, as shown in the image above.
They're all very straightforward; there's only one way to roll these blocks to cover the faces.
After you cover four faces on three platforms, you'll reach an ember to pick up.
Please bring it back up the stairs to give to the robot to complete this puzzle.

Builder's Awakenin 🏆 Completing this puzzle will unlock the Builder's Awakening achievement.
🎏 Ending
When you're ready to leave the caves and accessible at least four Forlorn, interact with the campfire to open the door below it. Then, please get back in your Boat and paddle through it to the end. Ride up the elevator when you get off your Boat. Go down the stairs to the right and enter the Forest Throne to the north.

When you approach the throne, move the blocks to the left to climb down a stone wall in the southwest corner of this room for the final journal entry in the game. Move the blocks back to the right and pull the chain to the right of the Forest King. Enter the hidden door under the throne. Interact with the controls to find that the Forest King isn't real! After a brief cutscene, a rope with a red string will hang below you. Pull it down, and go through the door you just opened. Follow the path to the end and interact with the campfire. The spirit will direct you to the right, where you'll find another Ember to complete The Last Hope. After you complete that puzzle, you will enter a cutscene for the end of the game.
🙏🏻 The Last Hope

This puzzle is straightforward. Go down the stairs and block all the face statues. For the first two, you can tip the block under them and twist it so they don't blow the ember away. After that, you can turn the second form a bridge.

The third will require you to drop a block from above and place it in front of the face. The last is on a chain; lower the block on the chain to raise the statue, so it doesn't blow the ember out. Then, grab it at the bottom and carry it to the top to complete this puzzle.
❤️ Support reminder
📌 Note:
I've spent a lot of time preparing the content of this guide.
Please click on the Rate and Favorite buttons; I would be grateful if you give this guide an Award and also let us know what you think down below.
John Lenin 25 Aug @ 6:22pm 
There an issue with the guide, you get the Forlorn V: Achievement AFTER the “A Solitary Way” puzzle, not the puzzle before it. Also, you seem to have copied and pasted some sections more than once and it doesn’t make the guide flow as well as it could, but I still do very much appreciate the time you took to make this
Mari 21 Aug @ 9:19pm 
Guide is a little off here and there, but still does a good job in helping you achieve all there is in the game.
KneeHiChaos 2 Jun @ 2:09pm 
I'm really confused on the Forlorn: v achievement. You say that you just have to do the puzzles in order of the guide but right before that you have in the guide to do A sorrowful soul before Unhindered. and then you have A sorrowful soul in the guide again. Am I supposed to do it twice???
suburan 23 Apr @ 12:02pm 
So awesome. Thank you men. My lifesaver for the last 3 days. The guide looks good and help a lot. Feel you like a hug on you. My englisch is bad.
dfg 31 Dec, 2023 @ 4:00pm 
I don't know if the game updated since this guide was written or updated, but the descriptions of when the first two achievements trigger are wrong. "A Journey Begins" doesn't trigger when you get out of the boat; it unlocks once you complete the sliding piece puzzle and progress to the forest. "The Forlorn: I" doesn't trigger once you get the golden statue; it unlocks after completing The Guiding Light puzzle.
In any case, thanks for the guide!
SAS 21 Oct, 2023 @ 10:03am 
THX! :ss13ok:
Bossanii 9 Sep, 2023 @ 10:15am 
Thank you!
maruca 8 Aug, 2023 @ 9:43am 
Thanks so much! Great walkthrough!
Kata 12 Jul, 2023 @ 4:27pm 
Very helpful, Thank you
+ Danielle + Burger Cat + 7 Jul, 2023 @ 2:48am 