80 ratings
On the "Science" of Mods
By アンジェル
A short overview on how "Mods" for Monster Hunter Rise works
Do not use what you do not understand.
Same goes for condemning something you do not understand.

This short guide is about demystifying "mods" and the usage of "mods".
Starting with defining the usage of the the term "mods", which is an abbreviation for "modifications" of all kind for an item, for this guide.

Main goal on the one hand is to provide interested hunters with some basic understandings which help them with "modding their game", while on the other hand addressing false assumptions people often made about mods.

For that matter I will try to explain things by using metaphors. Some might seem more wild than others, but I have faith that by giving you a handy image to visualise it will be easier to determine how things work and why they are good or not so good. Hopefully, that by the end of the guide you have a good idea of the basics to enjoy your time with Monster Hunter Rise, regardless whether you use mods or do not.

Thank you for supporting my Monster Hunter Rise guides and as always ~

Happy Hunting!

The Real Monster Hunter Rise
Have you ever browsed the local files of the game and wondered: where is all the stuff?
The awesome graphics, animations, armours, monsters, etc. ~

All you can find are those few folders with little to no content and that suspiciously large re_chunk_000.pak file. Well, that is actually an archive file. As in "like-a-WinZip-file" or "WinRAR file". Everything about the game is put into that single archive for convenience.

What sort of convenience you ask?
Imagine it somewhat like this: when loading the game the framework which makes the game run checks on the files it has to load. You can have it either check and load one by one, or group all the files as one.

Like, when you are a passenger on an airplane, each passenger gets checked thoroughly one by one. That takes a very long time to verify they belong to that specific flight. But at arrival it suffices when all passengers exit through the same gate from the same plane to verify they belong to the same flight. It goes so much in comparison when seeing them as "one group who did take the same flight" instead of checking if everyone who comes out did take the same flight.

For the framework it is a difference between checking one file instead of 102.080 files within 10.991 folders... Plus some other advantages like those in the creation of cartridges.*

* version PC/Steam

This is what the game files truly look like when unpacked. You have files for textures, animations, movies, etc. distributed in folders alongside all the code which is needed for the game.
I remember the first time I read the terms "datamining" / "dataminers" I was quite confused and mostly irritated. It is certainly not the same as mining cryptocurrency, as the data already exists. And why "mining" to begin with? It is not like you have someone tackling the existing data with a pickaxe.

I would understand it partially if those "dataminers" have to decrypt and make head and tails of encrypted secret mystery information. But in fact it is just actually "data-reading" and "interpretation".
Datamining: Armour
Take for example armours designs
You have files like the textures, which can be seen ingame and also can be easily edited. You paint the textures over, and you have visible changes ingame. Then there are the files which determines how the stuff looks like on the skeleton of your character, and what kind of physics the parts might have.

There is no "mining" to get to that when all you need is just to open the files with the correct apps. Have a look at this video tutorial which I used as source for two images:
Datamining: Tables
Take for example tables
Not the dinner table kind of. More like Excel and Spreadsheet. But where would that matter?

With anything with probabilities and chances. Yes, the game give randomised results on certain matters, like with talismans, monster sizes and Qurio Crafting. However, all those randomised results take values from a limited table. And if you know the table, you can learn the actual probailities and even adjust them.

This snippet shows a part of a modified Qurio Crafting table. I like to take this as example for how easy it is. The whole file consist basically of the three columns of information. An index, a skill identifier and a cost value.

Now knowing that Qurio Crafting give randomised values based on certain costs you can calculate the probability for a certain skill to appear. Or in this case, if you have an editor app at hand: you can even modify it in a very simple way.

As example
The skill Ammo Up is of no use to you because you are using only weapons which make no use of ammo? Set the cost to 100 and the randomiser will never again consider it a fitting skill due to its out of the bound cost. The result: it will never show up again as an option in your Qurio Crafting.

Another example of making use of information from the game's tables can be seen here


Simply knowing such information in detail can help to determine the different probabilities of events to occur and help you picking e.g. a quest where the chances for you to encounter a specific crown sized monster is increased.
Datamining: Conclusion
There is neither actual "mining" nor black(/white/red/blue or any colour for what it matters) magic involved when it comes to what people refer as "datamining".

Whenever someone presents information they got from "datamining" it is mostly all about them having read and checked on game files they got their hands on early, e.g. due to privileges for being an influencer who is provided with a test version of the game.

In most cases "dataminers" are nothing more or less than enthusiasts, checking on everything the very moment they can. It does not need a "leak" or a "sneak preview" to begin with.

The game is going to get a new monster next week. In preparation for that it gets an update and additional files today. While the monster remains a secret and is locked to you as a player, it files might have been added with the update and the additional files.

A "dataminer" would just check on the new files and see the descriptions, textures and other information and interpret: "oh, these files are going to be the new monster X"

It is really that simple, and that was everything you need to know about "datamining" with Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Easy, right?

Like a Food Tray
There are three main kind of mods:




A good metaphor would be a food tray which you know from mess or flights.

You have the basis, the tray, on which the food is put onto in the different forms.
In regards of mods, you may think of the game as food, which is loaded onto the tray and presented to you as it is. REFramework is an alternative food tray to the native one which removes certain limitations.

So, if you have e.g. a larger tray, it allows you to add stuff which would not fit on the default try. Like extra ice cream, or double the amount of food e.g.

Fish or chicken?
Replacements, change the content on the tray. Due to their nature of just being replacements they could fit on the default tray as well. Thankfully the game's architecture allows Replacements to be presented via diversion. So instead of removing the chicken and put fish instead onto your tray, it suffices to tell the game just to use the fish while ignoring the chicken.

That is how mods which requires a mod manager to work, and PAK files (and also possible with a weird tray enlarger) do work. When being presented as whole they got parts of the food replaced, but the replaced food is not thrown away. You just do not get to have them when the tray is served because you ordered custom fish instead of chicken. Cancel your order (uninstalling the mod) and you still have your chicken.

Edits are nasty. That is when instead of having replaced food, the default grilled chicken gets extra seasoning. Those are lasting changes and only reversible via backup. Not something I recommend, and to turn back from metaphor to actual modding it would be specifically save game editing, since most other game changes can be easily done by having Replacements and REFramework additions. So, consider this mention of Edits for completion's sake.
REFramework Example: Extra GUI

What you see on the screenshot is actually a combination of REFramework and an addon to the game which adds an extra GUI and calculation processes to reflect certain information. Some of those information exist already natively with the game, while others are processed extra in different ways, which would not be possible with the "default tray".

Such mods are great when you are checking your hunting setups in regards of performance:
Replacement Example: Layered Armour

A Palico outfit / layered armour which natively does not exist within the game. Someone made a model which can be used in the game, and while the mod is installed it just replaces a specific outfit ID. A video which shows how easy it is to install such a mod can be found here:
Multiplayer Friendly: Replacements
Among all the mods you can find for Monster Hunter Rise only Replacements are mostly multiplayer friendly, as they will not affect any other players. Replacements which affect other players are incredible rare by nature.

Is REFramework bad?
By all means: no.
REFramework is not bad. I even wrote a recommendation for that which earned me a prize.
It is just the wrong usage of REFramework which can cause issues. After all, it allows stuff to be added to the game which do not exist natively. Not only ingame items, like cheated talisman. But also extra / different process variants which can change so much, that when a REFramework user with mods is put together with a vanilla huntress it will lead to certain desynchronisation issues.

Aside from obvious examples, like when the host is accompanied by invisible NPC, you can have also issues with stuff like the extra GUI. Why? you might wonder...

Bad programming of REFramework mods meet unsocial behaviour.

I cannot stress out enough that I have yet to see a REFramework mod which actually needs to be put in the autorun folder. Most are fine, and actually should be started manually, so they will not bother vanilla players who are not agreeing to be affected by mods.

While most people like to think easy and simple:
"a damage meter only reads data from my client which would exist one way or another", "the other player would not even know the mod is there" - it is only half the truth. Monster Hunter Rise has a primitive code where the processing happens on a frame/time basis. Without going into detail, when you have a higher FPS than your fellow players, your client would process information much faster. A desynchronisation in online play becomes likely to happen. It is "primitive" because the game is seemingly lacking an inhibitor module, one like which you would use to emulate old Windows games which uses the CPU to setup the game's speed.

While natively it is balanced out somewhat, REFramework can and will with certain mods remove the limitations which would keep the desynchronisation in check.

In not so bad cases it will result in lag, while in very bad cases you get to see MR-230-* on a frequent basis.

Imagine it like this: in a vanilla game you get asked 18* times per second how much damage you apply to the monster as a client. But without the limiter and a damage meter mod setup badly, you get all of sudden asked 72* times per second while you still have to handle all other stuff like before.

* numbers I have made up for better visualisation of the explaination

In many such cases it have been reliably observed, how proximity to a mod user can lead a vanilla player to have sudden lag.

Thankfully all problems related to REFramework can be avoided with proper usage of the mods.

It is just a misusage of those mods which leads to problems like mentioned above, or the more serious Anomaly Investigation Quests related issue which even got an official news article.
Most mods are safe to use.
Just make sure not to affect other players in negative ways.

For version of the game an issue was addressed which did not look like an issue at all - but now you understand some basics, you can understand why the possible issue got addressed
The issues which can happen with REFramework is one of the reason why it is important to understand how the mods work and what they do before you actually use them. Otherwise you can have quickly a community flooded with desynchronisation issues in online play, or worse - like possible save game corruption - as an unwanted result.

Even a general discouragement of players to play online.

All those issues are not necessary as mods are a great addition to any game to enhance your game experience. Whether with addons, outfit variants or extra levels. Mods exist to make your game better. They are created by enthusiasts for fellow enthusiasts after all!

I hope that these information actually help you to encourage you giving mods a try, now that you have gotten a basic idea how mods for Monster Hunter Rise works.

Thanks for reading and as always ~

Happy Hunting!