25 ratings
All Notes + Extra Lore Item Locations
By Under_Code
Need the achievement for all notes, or maybe you missed some items of lore interest? This guide covers it all, while avoiding story specific spoilers (some gameplay adjustment is needed, beware!)
This guide will mostly be a slideshow of images, to show you all those note locations for the achievement, however, since they are rich with story details, I decided to add a separate extra section in the end for optional items (not notes) for some juicy story detail and world building.

I made some effort to try and show the locations in chronological order (required notes only) but due to the level design, you may uncover these in a different order, and speaking of order, you have to pay extra heed when you tread the underground / aquatic sections of the game, as it's possible to cancel a note if you play in wrong order (therefore aquatic section, is the only section I will provide you with map indicators to avoid this mistake.)

Edit: Tekknobabblr has pointed out #13 sewer note was not needed to get the achievement, which if true means you don't need to follow my order and gameplay alteration in the whole section, I let you choose how you want to handle the Aquatic section, but at least you know of this note.

Highlighted numbers for potentially optional Notes: 13, 20, 21

Now I will not cover any of the story content found within them, and I even made effort to take screenshots of these locations with the environment as intact as possible, to minimize any spoilers found from the locations. I will also keep map as uncharted as possible, as I think the camera angles and locales of the game are quite distinct from one another. I don't believe you will have a hard time pinpointing a rough estimate location without map data for most of these.

Keep in mind when you uncover notes that you need a specific gameplay altered run to grab all of them (the achievement requires you get all of them in a single run) if you had plans to do multiple achievements during the same run, it's not possible for all of them, from the top of my head these ones will have to be canceled for a NG+ run: Hidden NPC Rescue, All Modifications, Fishing won't be possible.

Be careful! You will need this specific item to grab all those notes, so hold onto it!

CTRL + F Locale Key Words 🚂
Alisa, the next stop is yours.
All Notes
Let's get to it! This Alisa (who gained too much insight) will now stand in the pickup spots for all notes. Remember to keep that Edmiston's Teeth Stone handy, and take extra care what you do in the Aquatic / Underground sections (There will be text and extra images to help you out.)

1. Mansion - Waking Up

2. Mansion - Safe Room Display Case

3. Mansion - Left One of Two Staircases - Upmost Floor with Statues

4. Circus - Left Wing - Medical Room (Three Letter Blocks Needed)

5. Circus - Left Wing - Safe Room (Cage Key Needed)

6. Circus - Right Wing - Black Dress Doll Bedroom

7. Circus - Mid Section Curtains

8. Mansion - Right One of Two Staircases - Entry to Underground Aquatic Section (Green Notes Safe, Red Caution)

9. Jail with Pendulums - 2nd Required Entry (Three Letter Blocks Needed)

10. Mansion - Library (Eye Key Needed)

11. Underground / Aquatic Bathroom (Safe Pick Any Time)

12. Now please note the 5 set of images in Underground / Aquatic sections, entering incorrect areas first will skip a note!

12.1 Underground / Aquatic Maze (Green Notes Safe, Red Caution)

12.2 Underground / Aquatic Maze (leads to 12.5) There is only one Note in this Maze section

12.3 Underground / Aquatic Maze

12.4 Underground / Aquatic Maze it's safe to enter this area for sketching!

12.5 Underground / Aquatic Maze after you take the right turn, alongside the wall, check map dot in 12.3

13. Notice 12.1 Image first, before you enter! Underground / Aquatic Sewer Entry
(Tekknobabblr has pointed out he got the achievement without this one, so this could be entirely optional)

14. Garden - With Pillar Turn Puzzle (Tree Key Needed)

15.1 Use That Teeth Stone Edmiston sells you, you did save it did you? Garden - Near Pillar Puzzle
I have no teeth, and I must grin.

15.2 Beyond the Door (there's more items here than shown, I failed my timing for this one, too many hits to the head.)

16. Garden - After Two-Way Gate Section

17. Garden - Before Last Gate Lowered

18. Garden - After Last Gate Lowered

19. Mansion Chapel - Stealth Section (Discs for Statues Needed)

There's some debate if these next two are needed, but regardless, these are Notes, and there is no harm in reading them.

20. Mansion Chapel - Two Levers After Stealth Section Leading To Chemical Room

21. Mansion Chapel - Hallway Beyond Instrument Room (Right Hand Key Needed)

That should be all folks! I will be hard pressed if you don't get the Achievement at this point, if you don't you either skipped one of these, or didn't get them in the same run. At the time of writing this, I can confirm all the Achievements to be attainable, so I'm not aware of any bugs.
Extra Lore
Now the next section is a very short listing of Items with Lore interest, these are mainly at the start of the game, with one exception right at the end of the game, I don't want to spill the beans so to speak, so I will leave these partly uncovered, you have to discover these yourself for better immersion.

At the start of the game you can open the start menu, take a loot into your items!

Soon after that I suggest you take a look around, like Jean-François (yeah that guy with the toothpick!) you should look for clues in the area, before you follow the tracks JF found.

Did you find anything of interest?

Now when you head over to the town, and it's time to look for more clues, try and find some pictures when you enter a house, you should be able to find them before JF says "I leave you to it then"

Makes you really wonder who the house owner is? 🤔

Okay, fast forwarding here, and I'm sure most notice this one, but make sure to read the description when you find this oddity. It's very interesting!

Special Thanks
Special credit to Zack Vermillion, for whatever was found in that bush! 👀 (can't believe I missed it first time around, and that was before all the hits to my head!)

Also for Tekknobabblr pointing out Note #13 may not be needed for the achievement.
Bonus Meme Reference, Spoilery!

Who are you anyway???

-One of your fans!

Davertonater 3 Nov, 2022 @ 4:59am 
Seems to be bugged, I got all 21 notes and didn't get the achievement.
dragatine_mamich 17 Oct, 2022 @ 10:46pm 
i really hope this part of the game gets a fix, i looked at each note about 3 times at different points and did a final sweep at the end but to no avail
tekknobabblr 28 Sep, 2022 @ 9:13am 
Sweet, thanks! Happy to help!
Under_Code  [author] 27 Sep, 2022 @ 10:11pm 
@tekknobabblr Interesting, I will add #13 as potentially optional in that case and give you credits 👍
tekknobabblr 27 Sep, 2022 @ 12:14pm 
It turns out (unless it was a bug) you do not need the #13 note. I did the little side quest there and thus did not get the note, but still got the achievement. I also did not get the last note (#21) before I got the achievement, but I picked up #20. I got the achievement notification after beating the next boss after note 20 (the... flying one, if we're avoiding spoilers XD).
Under_Code  [author] 27 Sep, 2022 @ 8:18am 
@Elucief Only solution I can think of is if you started a playthrough during the various hotfixes, you need to finish the current one, and then do another, see if that fixes anything. I had an unrelated broken item during one of the runs between hotfixes, new NG+ fixed it for me
Elucief 26 Sep, 2022 @ 6:22pm 
I walked around in a single run to each of these and still no achievement. Probably going to have to start a new file or something.
Nilsera 23 Sep, 2022 @ 10:53pm 
Zack Vermillion 16 Sep, 2022 @ 2:11pm 