The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

293 ratings
100% Achievements: A Comprehensive Guide
By ErickaUnlimited
An accurate, detailed and complete guide on how to unlock every achievement in The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky.

Here's a detailed list of every achievement in the game and the method(s) I went to obtaining them. The game itself has a plethora of missable content and achievements, so this guide will be structured a little bit different than my usual guide format. The first portion will be dedicated to a walkthrough of what to get and when to get it so you avoid having to do a NG+ run.

The second part will be a breakdown of each achievement in an easy-to-digest checklist. For those not interested in a full blown walkthrough, you can refer to the checklist at the end of the prologue and each subsequent chapter for quick snips of information on what to do and what is missable.

If you have any further questions or need additional help, feel free to post in the comments below and I'll address them the best that I can.

Happy hunting!
Walkthrough - Prologue
The game doesn't truly start until after the tutorial portion and explanations by Scherazard. If you're anything like me, the beginning can be a bit overwhelming with everything thrown at you and the worry of all the missable items and achievements that lay at your feet. This is especially true if you want to earn every achievement in one playthrough (which we will).

Once you reach the Rolent Sewers, your achievement tracking will officially commence. We'll break down the achievements for the following in easy to digest tables as follows:

  • Bracer Points -- For achievement "In Justice We Trust!"
  • Weapons -- For achievement "Weapon Connoisseur"
  • Armor -- For achievement "Armor Connoisseur"
  • Books -- For achievement "Worldly Reader" & "What Happens Next?"
  • Recipes -- For achievement "The True Wonder Chef "
  • Quartz -- For achievement "That's a Lot of Balls"
  • Treasure Chests -- For achievement "Patient Plunderer"
  • Shiny Pom -- For achievement "Shiny, Shiny!"
  • Big Monsters -- For achievement "Police Patrol"

The table will look as such:

Bracer Points
Treasure Chests
Shiny Poms
Big Monsters

Now, the other achievements will be detailed when key moments or events come up, but this will at least help us track what we should have at any given time. Keep in mind that if you're using Steam's achievement tracking, it can be delayed when calculating where you are at, so keep that in mind if the numbers don't add up at first.

With all that preliminary information out of the way, let's get started...
Walkthrough - Prologue
Nothing important happens until you reach the Rolent Sewers; you'll be introduced to the mechanism that allows you to heal HP/EP. Continue until you see a second pathway branching to your right and a bridge on your left. Head right for your first treasure chest.

Do note that, while there are two treasure chests in this area, the one for your first quest does not count, as that is a mandatory one for the main story. Once you gather the chest, head out of the sewer to complete your training.

One thing to remember from this point moving forward is to open EVERY treasure chest twice. As the achievement states, you need to obtain not only the loot inside it, but the "phrase" as well:

"Open all non-story-related treasure chests and get every chest phrase."

Every time you open an empty chest, you will be prompted with a statement, phrase, joke...etc. You need to do this on every chest to earn the achievement. The phrase is just something you read in passing, such as this one on the first chest you find in the Rolent Sewers:
Once you can free roam, head to Rinon's General Store to collect your recipe book and the first recipe you'll learn: "Maple Cookies". You'll also buy your dad his requested book, "Liberl News - Issue #1". Before handing it over to him, make sure to read it, as reading all ten issues is part of the achievement, "Worldly Reader", then head to the back-end of the bar for the first chapter of Carnelia; talk to Rhett to obtain it.

Now head to the main bar and speak to the shop owner. Buy and consume the "Wholesome Pasta" to learn the recipe, then buy the three remaining items for later: "French Fries", Flowery Soda" and "Carmine Eye". Once you consume them, you'll learn how to make them and they'll be added to the recipe book.

If you farmed a bit of Sepith in the sewers, feel free to trade some of it in for the "Armor Vest" at the weapons and armor shop. If you're having a hard time navigating the map due to the camera view, you can find them here:

Once you head out of Rolent through the south entrance, you'll be stopped and told two young boys, Pat and Luke, have gone to Esmelas Tower. You're tasked with rescuing them and bringing them back to Rolent safe and sound.

Head out the north exit to the Malga Trail. Here you should find three treasure chests. Once you head inside Esmelas Tower, there will be five chests you'll need to make sure you gather on your next visit, as you'll only have access to the first two floors at first. There's one on the third floor, two on the fourth floor and two on the fifth floor.

When you reach the second floor, you'll be given your first branching prompt. Picking the correct one earns additional Bracer Points (BP). Select "Run Simultaneously with Joshua!"
Once you rescue the pair, head back to the general store and pick up another copy of "Liberl News - Issue #1", as one of them goes to your father and the other is yours to read for the achievement. Once you're done, head home and deliver the letter and the news to him.

After the cutscene, once Cassius leaves on business, you can finally start to explore on your own. Head back to the Guild and speak to Aina to receive your next side-quest, then visit the bulletin board and collect the two others there.

While you're still in the prologue, you should complete everything listed in the checklist portion of this guide. Do note some of it was detailed above, some not yet. Before crossing the Verte Bridge to Bose, you have to finish everything except one side quest, "Letter Carrier". Once you cross it, you temporarily lose access to Rolent. Anything with a is something that you can miss. Make sure you have all of them before crossing the bridge.

Your next step is to complete all the recipes you can gather thus far, or at least buying one of the items to use later to learn it. If you just want to learn the recipes immediately to better keep track, you can consume any food item even at full HP/EP. See the Prologue Checklist (Recipes) for more, but you should have a total of eight that you can obtain in this portion of the game.

Once you acquire the quest "Find the Shiny Rock" from the Bracer Hall, talk to Charles (the kid behind the Melders Orbal Factory (orange building in the map). He'll ask you to find the rock he lost. Go to the grate in front of the shop to spot it, then head back to the sewers to the star (see above map) to locate it. Return it to collect the Drill Meatballs as a...reward?
Now, head to the Perzel Farm through the Milch Main Road to complete the quest there. When you locate the monster in the field (prior to battling it), approach it from the rear to get a surprise attack and +2BP for the action. Once you complete the quest, report it with the Bracer Guild, but do not accept the next quest.

The way quests appear on the bulletin board is connected to how you progress the main story. Every time you complete a main quest and turn it in, check the Bracer Guild's board for new side quests. Always do this to avoid missing any unnecessarily. So check for any additional ones that came up after completing the one at Perzel Farm, or whenever you complete a mainline story-driven quest. Rinse and repeat this method throughout the entire game.

Once you completed any additional side quests after clearing out Perzel Farm, from the bulletin board (see checklist), your next task after will be another mainline quest, "The Liberl Media", which will take you back to Esmelas tower and give you a chance to collect all five treasure chests from within.

If you haven't already, collect the three treasure chests on your way through the Malga Trail:


Next, you need to go to Mistwald and and pick up the "High Jumpsuit" treasure chest. Once you finish "The Liberl Media" escort quest and start the "Mayoral Theft" main questline, this treasure chest will disappear and you will not be able to obtain it (see checklist for a notice as well). You can find both treasure chests here:

Once you reach the tower, you can find the treasure chests in the following areas:
Once you turn in that quest into the Bracer Guild, check the bulletin board for more side quests.
Walkthrough - Prologue
By the time you get the main quest "Mayoral Theft", the last mainline quest in Rolent, your quest notebook should look like this:
The only one missing is "Letter Carrier", which we'll do after this quest, so not to worry. If you're wondering how to tell if a quest is done, you can see by the red mark on the left-hand side of the page. Mainline quests are always in [GREEN] to help differentiate.

Now is the time to collect the Shiny Pom. If you've already collected all the treasure chests, you're in good shape.

Let's take the Shiny Pom next. It is recommended that you save just prior to engaging them, as they like to run. Try to get a sneak attack and, if you have S-Attacks already built up, just use those to take them out quickly. The Shiny Pom is located alongside the main drag of Milch Road, along with four additional treasure chests. They can all be found here:
Once you tackle the quest "Mayoral Theft", there is a chance to earn bonus Bracer Points during the investigation of the Mayor's house and subsequent field trip, so adhere to the following list:

  • In the Mayor's house for searching - Examine the safe.
  • In the Mayor's house for searching - Exanime the balcony.
  • In the Mayor's house for searching - Speak to the Mayor's wife
  • In the Mayor's house for searching - Speak to the Mayor's maid.
  • In the Mayor's house for searching - Examine the front door.
  • In the Mayor's house for searching - Retrieve the "servals leaf" from the attic.
  • In the Mayor's house for questioning - "The Septium in the safe."
  • In the Mayor's house for questioning - "There were group of 3 or 4."
  • In the Mayor's house for questioning - "From the terrace on the 2nd floor."
  • In the Mayor's house for questioning - "A traveler who visited recently."
  • In Mistwald Forest - Choose "F-fine But i'm not happy about this!"

Technically, only the questioning portion will net extra points (+5 in total), but make sure you do them regardless. Once you've completed this quest and gone through the various cutscenes, it'll soon be time to leave Rolent.

Before you do, you should be at these totals (except for quartz, which can be either a total of "15" or "16" depending on if "Poison" dropped from the boss) before crossing Verte Bridge:
Bracer Points
Treasure Chests
Shiny Poms
Big Monsters
Now, head to the bulletin board one more time, grab the quest "Letter Carrier" and talk to Father Divine to pick up the letter for Father Holstein in Bose. This should be your only pending quest alongside the airliner one. Now on to Chapter 1!

For the prologue, the following achievement should be earned:

"Why Is My Present a BOY?!"
Complete the Prologue.
Walkthrough - Prologue Checklist
Book Title
Method & Availability
Liberl News - Issue #1
City of Rolent - Rinon General Goods
When you first visit Rolent, buy one for 100 mira. After rescuing Luke and Pat from Esmelas Tower, buy a second one, as you give one to your father.
Carnelia - Chapter #1
City of Rolent - Home on the side of Abend Bar (upstairs)
Speak to Rhett after completing your first quest -"Training: Retrival". This is also obtainable in Bose from the marketplace vendor (Chapter 1) if you missed it.

Method & Availability
Maple Cookie
Rolent - Rinon General Goods
You'll learn this when you talk to Rinon and acquire the Recipe Book.
Wholesome Pasta
Rolent - Abend Bar
Served at the bar. Eat it to learn the recipe. They cost 100 mira.
French Fries
Rolent - Abend Bar
Purchasable at the bar. Eat it to learn the recipe. They cost 200 mira.
Flowery Soda
Rolent - Abend Bar
Purchasable at the bar. Eat it to learn the recipe. They cost 100 mira.
Carmine Eye
Rolent - Abend Bar
Purchasable at the bar. Eat it to learn the recipe. They cost 250 mira.
Vegetable Sandwich
Gerune Gate - Mess Hall
The Mess Hall is opposite the main desk when you first walk in. They cost 150 mira.
Drill Meatballs
Given to you after completing "Find the Shiny Rock" Quest
Potluck in a Shell
Esmelas Tower - 5th Floor
Treasure Chest

Method & Availability
(1) Treasure Chest
Rolent Sewers
There are two in the Rolent Sewers (see dungeon map). The quest-related one does not count, as it is mandatory.
(3) Treasure Chests
Malga Trail
No requirements.
(3) Treasure Chests
Milch Main Road
No requirements.
(2) Treasure Chests
Mistwald Forest
Must be opened prior to accepting the quest "Mayoral Theft" from the bulletin board.
(5) Treasure Chests
Esmeldas Tower
(1) on the 3rd floor, (2) on the 4th floor and (2) on the 5th floor (see dungeon map)

Weapon Name
Method & Availability
Birch Staff
Starting Weapon
Unlocked and available from the start of the game.
Pile Rod
Rolent Weapons & Armor Shop
Buy it for 600 Mira.
Tin Staff
Treasure Chest - Esmelas Tower
Located on the 5th Floor. The chest is guarded by monsters.
Twin Dirks
Starting Weapon
Unlocked and available from the start of the game.
Rolent Weapons & Armor Shop
Buy it for 800 Mira.
Starting Weapon
Unlocked and available once Scherazard joins your party at the end of the Prologue.

Armor Name
Method & Availability
Leather Vest
Starting Armor
This is your default armor that you start the game with for both characters.
Armor Vest
Rolent Weapons & Armor Shop
Purchasable for 800 Mira.
Hide Jumpsuit
Mistwald Forest (Treasure Chest)
Must be opened before accepting the "Mayoral Theft" main quest. This chest is missable!

Quartz Name
Method & Availability
Attack 1
Rolent - Melders Orbal Factory
Unlocked and available from the start of the game.
Action 1
Rolent - Melders Orbal Factory
Unlocked and available from the start of the game.
Defense 1
Rolent - Melders Orbal Factory
Unlocked and available from the start of the game.
Evade 1
Rolent - Melders Orbal Factory
Unlocked and available from the start of the game.
HP 1
Rolent - Melders Orbal Factory
Unlocked and available from the start of the game.
Impede 1
Rolent - Melders Orbal Factory
Complete the tutorial quest "Training: Retrival" to unlock access to this quartz.
Blind 1
Rolent - Melders Orbal Factory
Complete the tutorial quest "Training: Retrival" to unlock access to this quartz.
Cast 1
Rolent - Melders Orbal Factory
Complete the tutorial quest "Training: Retrival" to unlock access to this quartz.
EP Cut 1
Rolent - Melders Orbal Factory
Complete the tutorial quest "Training: Retrival" to unlock access to this quartz.
EP 1
Rolent - Melders Orbal Factory
Complete the tutorial quest "Training: Retrival" to unlock access to this quartz.
Hit 1
Rolent - Melders Orbal Factory
Complete the tutorial quest "Training: Retrival" to unlock access to this quartz.
Shield 1
Starter Quartz
When Scherazard joins your party, she'll have this on hand.
Impede 2
Reward - Side Quest
Complete the side quest "Orbment Replacement". This quartz is given as a reward for completing it.
Gift - Bracer Guild
Bracer Rank 8 - Requires 10BP
Eagle Vision
Gift - Bracer Guild
Bracer Rank 7 - Requires 40BP
"Sky Bandit" - Enemy Reward
Dropped when you defeat the boss in the Mistwald Forest as part of the main quest "Mayoral Theft".

If it does not drop, it is also obtainable in Chapter 2.
Walkthrough - Prologue Checklist
Quest Name
Length & Expiry Time
Method & Avalibilty
Bracer Points & Reward
Training: Retrieval
Main quest: No expiry time
First main quest you do and given to you by Scherazard.
+1BP & 500 Mira.
Child Rescue
Main quest: No expiry time
Second main quest you do once you try to leave town back home.

you'll find the two kids at the Esmalas Tower on the 2nd floor.
+3BP (+1 Additional) if you choose "Run Simultaneously with Joshua!" & 1,000 Mira.
Perzel Farm Monsters
Main quest: No expiry time
Third main quest. Perzel Farm is located off the Milch Main Road before the Verte Bridge.

Speak to Tio at the farm, then the parents when they return.
+1BP (+2 Additional) if you sneak up on the monster you find in the crop field from behind for a preemptive attack.
Mayor Klaus' Request
Main quest: No expiry time
Fourth main quest. The mine is located off the Malga Trail.

Navigate the mine, acquire the item, save the five miners and return to the Mayor's house to complete this quest.
+4BP & 1,500 Mira
Find the Shiny Rock
Side quest: Long, expires after venturing into the Malga Mines.
Talk to Charles behind the Orbal Factory, then examine the grate in the front of the store.

Head back down to the sewers to the star (see above dungeon map for location). Return the orb to Charles.
+2BP, 30 Mira & 5 Drill Meatballs.
Milch Main Road Monster
Side quest: Long, expires after Nial joins your party during The Liberl News side quest.
Find the pine cone shaped monster with tentacles along the main road before the Verte Bridge. Defeat it and return to complete this quest. The first large monster of 14 has been defeated!
+3BP & 600 Mira.
Soldier Training
Side quest: Long, expires after Nial joins your party during The Liberl News
Head over to the Verte Bridge and talk to Sergeant Ashton. He'll ask you to spar with two soldiers for training purposes.

Defeat them both without any incapacitation.
+3BP (+2 Additional) if nobody is incapacitated & 700 Mira.
Mushroom Hunt
Side quest: Long, expires after going to Esmalas Tower
Speak to Orvid at the airship facility. Head back to the Malga Trail where you obtained the White Bracelet from the treasure chest.

The lighter, olive green patch contains the mushroom you seek. Defeat the monsters that arrive and return it to him.
+3BP & 700 Mira.
Lost Kitten
Side quest: Medium, expires after going to Esmalas Tower.
Speak to Ida outside the bar by the tables with the umbrellas to get started. Roam by the clock tower to trigger the first encounter, then over and around the general store for two more. Eventually you'll corner the cat in the chapel before returning the cat to Ida.
+2BP & 500 Mira.
Medical Necessities
Side quest: Long, expires after crossing the Verte Bridge and into Chapter 1.
Go north, keep going straight until you see a crossroad that splits north and east and take the east path. Locate the treasure chest nearby and go north and you should see the Bear Claw nearby.

You should have the other ingredient already from fighting the red Insectos around Rolent.
+3BP & 250 Mira
Orbment Replacement
Side quest:
Head down the Milch Main Road to the sixth pillar-like structure and interact with it.

When you try to fix it, monsters will show up. Choose Estelle and dispatch the monsters while Joshua fixes the light.
+3BP (+1 Additional) if you defeat the monsters by yourself, or if you have Joshua fight them, if you enter the combination correctly (544818) & 600 Mira.
Elize Highway Monster
Side quest: Medium, does not expire.
Located on the Elize Highway heading south. It blocks the bridge so it is impossible to miss. Defeat it to complete the quest. The second large monster of 14 has been defeated!
+4BP & 1,000 Mira
Letter Carrier
Side quest: Short, expires after passing through Haken Gate.
Technically in Chapter 1, right as the Prologue ends, but before crossing the Verte Bridge, speak to Father Divine who will give you a letter for Father Holstein in Bose.
+2BP & 800 Mira
Mayoral Theft
Main quest: No expiry time
Follow these questions and search criteria:
  • In the Mayor's house for searching - Examine the safe.
  • In the Mayor's house for searching - Exanime the balcony.
  • In the Mayor's house for searching - Speak to the Mayor's wife
  • In the Mayor's house for searching - Speak to the Mayor's maid.
  • In the Mayor's house for searching - Examine the front door.
  • In the Mayor's house for searching - Retrieve the "servals leaf" from the attic.
  • In the Mayor's house for questioning - "The Septium in the safe."
  • In the Mayor's house for questioning - "There were group of 3 or 4."
  • In the Mayor's house for questioning - "From the terrace on the 2nd floor."
  • In the Mayor's house for questioning - "A traveler who visited recently."
  • In Mistwald Forest - Choose "F-fine But i'm not happy about this!"
+6BP (+5 Additional) if you & 3,000 Mira
The Liberl Media
Main quest: No expiry time
Escort Mission - Bring them both to the roof of Esmelas Tower
+4BP & 2,000 Mira
Walkthrough - Chapter 1
Before you go crossing the Verte Bridge, make a stop at the Abend Bar one more time and pick up a "Milk Crepe" to add it to your recipe list. If you forgot, no worries, you can pick it up again in Chapter 2.

Now head to Verte Bridge via the Milch Main Road and obtain a pass to cross. Talk to Private Harold one more time at the Verte Gate to obtain Carnelia - Chapter #2 to earn it for free. If not, you can buy it in the city of Bose once you get there.

Once you cross, the gate will close and you'll be temporarily cut off from Rolent until further notice. Make your way to Bose and deliver the letter first thing when you arrive. The chapel will be the purple building on the map. Note, the "Bear Claw Survey" (hidden side quest) will not appear on the bulletin board until you turn in this letter, so do it right when you enter Bose.
Next, head to the Bose Bracer Guild and speak to Lugran. Before leaving, grab the three side quests currently available on the bulletin board. Once you do, head to the Bose Market and pick up a copy of "Liberl News - Issue 2" and "Carnelia - Chapter 2". Make sure to read both issues for it to count towards the achievement.

While you're there, stock up on some of the new food items to learn their recipes (once eaten). If you already have the five "tender poultry", turn it in to the cook in the back of Anterose Restaurant to learn a new omelette recipe. Make sure to go turn it into the Bracer's Guild, then head back down East Bose Highway. In the center screen, you'll find the King Scorpion. You can find it here:
Make sure you finish off the King Scorpion and tun it in before completing the "Missing Airliner" mainline quest, otherwise it will become unavailable after speaking to Nial at the Kirsche Bar. The last quest we have takes us to Ravennue Village via the West Bose Highway. There is one treasure chest there when you first exit:
Now head to Ravennue Village. Once you gain access to the trail past the village by speaking to the Village Elder, make your way toward the abandoned mine now that you have the key to the gate.

Eventually you'll come face-to-face with what has been ailing the village. Upon your success, board the airship for some additional bracer points. Examine the following:

  • Forklift in the 1st floor.
  • Control panel in the 1st floor.
  • Captain's seat in the 2nd floor.
  • Pilot's seat in the 2nd floor.
  • Front window in the 3rd floor.
  • Potted plant in the 3rd floor.

Once you're done, Estelle will come to several different conclusions. You should pick:

"Ditch the Linde, because their hideout is somewhere weird. (+3 BP)"

You'll earn 1-2 BP for the other responses, but this one gives you the most. Now head back to Bose to turn in the quest. Don't worry, we'll be back for any leftover treasure chests later.

Now that you have completed all the available jobs from the bulletin board, speak to the mayor of Bose, which will have you speaking to General Morgan, then returning to the Bracer's Guild. When you head to the Haken Gate, you'll learn the general is away and be told to wait at the bar.

When the soldier returns to inform you that General Morgan has returned, before speaking to him, talk to Marco (he is sitting at the table) and he'll give you his finished copy of "Carnelia - Chapter #3"
When your business is concluded at Haken Gate, speak to Lugran at the guild about what you've learned and collect the three new jobs from the board. Time for some more side quests!

The first one we'll tackle is the West Bose Monster, found on, well, the West Bose Highway of course. Head down the highway towards the Krone Trail and you'll see it on your left. It is quite large, so it is very hard to miss. Just in case, you can find the creature here:

Next we'll tackle the "Bear Claw Survey" as well as the "Nebel Valley Monster" quest at the same time, as they are very near one another. When you first enter Nebel Valley; the left branch if you're doing both quests or the right side if you're just doing the "Bear Claw Survey" side quest. There will be two treasure chests to collect as indicated on the map, as well as the stars to indicate the location of the Bear Claw (east side) and the monster (west side).
The bear claw will be against a few dead trees and, depending on how you have your camera, can be missed. It'll look a little bit like a oversized dandelion.
Once you've acquired the bear claw, continue heading forward to collect the treasure chest before backtracking to the monster. The monster is located just before the west treasure chest. The creature is accompanied by four others and they are very heavy arts casters that also self-destruct on death, so keep your distance.

Once you defeat the monster, you should see a path just to the side that has a tunnel leading underneath the main roadway. Take it to collect the other bear claw on the other side. Once you have, return to Bose to head to the market to turn in your bear claws to Mr. Spence, then head to the guild to turn both of them in.

Now to advance the plot a bit, head the Kirsche Bar and talk to a very downtrodden Nial. You'll exchange information before he runs off to write his story. Now, go back to the Bracer Guild and pick up two more side quests. Before we head to Ravennue, we're going to complete these.

Head to the hotel and enter the first room on the first floor and speak to Mr. Hardt to start the quest "
As you traverse the trail, you'll come to a bridge and be ambushed. [Charge through the front!] to earn an additional +1BP when you turn it in later. Make sure you collect the two treasure chests on your way, or get them on the way back. You can find the both of them here:
Return to the guild and turn it in to complete the job. Now on to the "New Ansel Path Monster". Head to South Bose and take the Ansel Path exit, then head toward the Valleria Lakeshore. It'll be blocking the path there so it is easy to spot. Defeat it, then return and turn it in at the guild. Head back the way you came and make your way down the path once again, but this time make a detour to Amberl Tower for a secret side quest. Head to the top of the tower and make sure to grab the chests while you ascend the floors.
Walkthrough - Chapter 1
Once you clear the tower, we'll go back to the main quest and head to Ravennue. When there, go to the newly opened restaurant and to the 2nd floor for two new recipes. Buy them for now or later, then head behind the village to the Ravennue Trail. Make sure to collect the treasure chests if you haven't already:
Once you complete your tour of the mine and subsequent battles/cutscenes, you'll eventually end up back in Bose, where a series of burglaries have plagued the South Block of Bose. Before heading there, stop at the Bracer Guild and pick up a new side quest for a lost ring. We can't do it now, but we'll get to it.

Investigate the southern block, then head to the Bose Market and pick up a copy of "Liberl News - Issue #3" for 100 Mira. Speak to the man next to the stand and he'll give you Carnelia - Chapter #4, as he is finished reading it.
If you haven't already, head over to the West Bose Highway and just before you reach the Krone Pass, you'll find this chapter's Shiny Pom. Defeat at least one of the three to get credit for defeating them. This one is substantially heftier than its predecessor, so tackle it with S-Crafts the best you can, then head back to Nebel Valley and speak to the lone citizen in the house on the east end of the area. Speak to him to share a meal and learn the recipe "Abbadon Potluck".

Once you're done, it is time to go over the checklist and gather up anything you happen to be missing.

Here's where we should be standing. Keep in mind that for [Quartz], the number can be between 19-22, depending if you lucked out on the drops for [HP 2] which is dropped from the monster "Wisdom", [Evade 2] which is dropped by the Big Monster "Thunder Quake" or [Poison] which is dropped from the fight in the Abandoned Mines. If you missed any of these, they are available to craft in chapter 2.

The rest of the counters should match unless you have recipes you haven't ate. As long as you have the items to eat, you'll be fine, but I highly recommend eating one to learn it just in case and to keep better track of your total. Here is where we stand before going to Valleria Lakeshore:

Bracer Points
Treasure Chests
Shiny Poms
Big Monsters

Once you've collected everything you need, head to Valleria and talk to the cook in the kitchen and he'll direct you to speak to the man on the pier, Lloyd. Once you do talk to Lloyd, head back to the kitchen and buy all the new items for future recipes, then ask for a room and it is time to do some fishing to pass the time until nightfall.
You have up to ten chances to fish, so make sure to fish all ten times to unlock the achievement. This is the only time to earn it and if you don't, you'll have to come back on another playthrough, or reload from an earlier save. Once you fish for the 10th time, night will fall and you'll automatically continue the main story, so just do it until that happens. For this, you'll earn your second achievement:

Opt to fish all ten times at Valleria.

Once you're done, follow the main plot until you reach the stronghold; time to check off some treasure chests. The layout is as follows:
Once you clear out the stronghold and collect the six treasure chests, continue on to a boss fight and some intriguing plot twists.

Before heading back out the way you came, make your way to the star on the map on basement level 2 and locate a certain vacuum cleaner that is just sitting in the corner. Go have a look and collect the contents.
Now you can head back out the stronghold the way you came for various cutscenes and the eventual end of Chapter #1. Now onward to Chapter #2! You should have now unlocked the following achievement:

"That's Love and Peace, Baby"
Complete Chapter 1.
Walkthrough - Chapter 1 Checklist
Book Title
Method & Avalibilty
Liberl News - Issue #2
City of Bose - Bose market vendor
Purchasable for 100 Mira.
Carnelia - Chapter #2
City of Bose - Bose market vendor or from Private Harold.
Purchasable for 1,000 Mira. This is also obtainable by talking to Private Harold at the Verte Bridge prior to crossing if you wanted to get it for free.
Carnelia - Chapter #3
Haken Gate
Prior to meeting the general, but after being told he is available to meet you, speak to Marco to obtain this book. Read it to add it to the achievement count.
Liberl News - Issue #3
City of Bose - Bose market vendor
Available after the South Bose incident before heading to Valleria Lakeshore. Purchasable for 100 Mira.
Carnelia - Chapter #4
City of Bose - Bose market vendor
Available after the South Bose incident before heading to Valleria Lakeshore. Talk to the man next to the news stand and he'll provide you a copy.

Method & Availability
Milk Crepe
Rolent - Abend Bar
At the beginning of Chapter 1, but prior to actually crossing Verte Bridge. You can buy them for 200 Mira.

If you miss it, you can buy it later on in Chapter 2.
Liberl Omelet
Bose - Anterose Restaurant
Given as a reward for delivering x5 tender poultry to the chef there.

If you don't already have the items, you can obtain them from the bird monsters on Eisen Road once you have access to it.
Sweet Sponge Cake
Bose - Bose Market
Purchasable for 250 Mira.
Floral Jelly
Bose - Bose Market
Purchasable for 300 Mira.
Cheese Risotto
Bose - Kirsche Bar
Purchasable for 300 Mira.
Mouthful Soup
Bose - Kirsche Bar
Purchasable for 350 Mira.
Red Tail Soup
Bose - Kirsche Bar
Purchasable for 350 Mira.
Beast Steak
Ravennue Trail
Located in a treasure chest on the Ravennue Trail.
Abaddon Potluck
Nebel Valley
Speak to Whemler inside the lone house in Nebel Valley after unlocking the "Missing Airliner 2" mainline quest. Select "share a meal" to learn the recipe.
Fried Eyes & Eggs
Amberl Tower
Located in a treasure chest inside Amberl Tower.
Apple Ice Cream
Ravennue Village - Restaurant
The restaurant will open up on your second visit once you unlock the "Missing Airliner 2" mainline quest. It becomes purchasable for 250 Mira.
Fresh Juice
Ravennue Village - Restaurant
The restaurant will open up on your second visit once you unlock the "Missing Airliner 2" mainline quest. It becomes purchasable for 250 Mira.
Salmon Meuniere
Valleria Shore - The Kingfisher Inn
Purchasable at the inn.
Rockfish Skewer
Valleria Shore - The Kingfisher Inn
Purchasable at the inn.
Grilled Rainbow
Valleria Shore - The Kingfisher Inn
Purchasable at the inn.
Boiled Miso Carp
Valleria Shore - The Kingfisher Inn
Purchasable at the inn.
Deep-Fried Smelt
Valleria Shore - The Kingfisher Inn
Purchasable at the inn.

Method & Availability
(1) Treasure Chest
West Bose Highway
Just outside Bose, about midway through the first screen.
(4) Treasure Chests
Ravennue Trail
Ravennue Trail, specifically the part on your way to the abandoned mines.
(2) Treasure Chests
Nebel Valley
Nebel Valley is located off East Bose Highway before the city of Bose itself.
(6) Treasure Chests
Amberl Tower
Amberl Tower is located through the trail connected to South Bose before Valleria Lakeshore at the junction.

(1) on the 2nd floor, (3) on the 4th floor and (2) on the 5th floor. No requirements.
(2) Treasure Chests
Krone Trail
Past West Bose Highway on the Krone Trail before the checkpoint. No requirements.
(6) Treasure Chests
Sky Bandit Stronghold
See the above layout of the stronghold for a map and all chest locations.

Weapon Name
Method & Availability
Laundry Pole
North Bose - Bose Market
Purchasable from inside the Bose Market in North Bose for 500 Mira.
Stun Rod
South Bose Weapons & Armor Shop
Purchasable from the armor shop in South Bose for 2,000 Mira.
Paring Knives
North Bose - Bose Market
Purchasable from inside the Bose Market in North Bose for 500 Mira.
Dual Razors
South Bose Weapons & Armor Shop
Purchasable from the armor shop in South Bose for 2,500 Mira
Nebel Valley
Located in a treasure chest inside Nebel Valley. No requirements to obtain it.
South Bose Weapons & Armor Shop
Purchasable from the armor shop in South Bose for 2,000 Mira.
Starting Weapon
Unlocked and available once Oliver joins your party at the end of Chapter 1.

Weapon Name
Method & Availability
Leather Jacket
South Bose Weapons & Armor Shop
Purchasable from the armor shop in South Bose for 2,000 Mira.
Chain Mail
Amberl Tower
Located inside in Amberl Tower in a treasure chest.
Walkthrough - Chapter 1 Checklist
Quartz Name
Method & Availability
Mind 1
South Bose - Orbal Factory
No requirements.
Move 1
South Bose - Orbal Factory
No requirements.
Bracer Guild
Acquire +80BP points and be promoted to Junior Bracer - Rank 6.
HP 2
Monster Loot
Acquired as a drop from the Wisdom monsters in the area. If you don't get it, you can craft it when you reach Chapter 2.
Evade 2
Monster Loot
Acquired as a drop from the Big Monster "Thunder Quake". If you don't get it, you can craft it when you reach Chapter 2.
Deathblow 2
Ravennue Trail - Treasure Chest
No requirements.
Monster Loot
Acquired as a drop from the Sky Bandits during the boss encounter in the Abandoned Mines. If you don't get it, you can craft it when you reach Chapter 2.

Quest Name
Length & Expiry Time
Method & Avalibilty
Bracer Points & Reward
Missing Airliner
Main quest: No expiry time
Main quest. Given as you continue the mainline story.
+5BP (+3 Additional) if you select "Ditch the Linde, Because their hideout is somewhere weird" & 6,000 Mira.
Missing Airliner 2
Main quest: No expiry time
Main quest. Given as you continue the mainline story.
South Block Burglary
Main quest: No expiry time
Main quest. Given as you continue the mainline story.
South Block Burglary 2
Main quest: No expiry time
Main quest. Given as you continue the mainline story.
Ravennue Monster
Side Quest: Long; expires after talking to Nial at Kirsche Bar.
Speak to the Elder in Ravennue on your first visit to learn about the monster and its whereabouts.
+4BP & 1,500 Mira.
Amberl Tower Mystery
*Secret* Side Quest: Short; expires after you explore the Abandoned Mine.
After meeting General Morgan at Haken Gate.
+4BP & 2,000 Mira.
Escort Request
Side Quest: Medium; expires after you explore the Abandoned Mines.
Talk to Hardt in the hotel (first room when you enter) and escort him to the Krone Checkpoint west of Bose.
+4BP (+1 Additional) if you select "Charge through the front!" when ambushed & 1,200 Mira.
Bear Claw Survey
Side Quest: Medium; expires after your search of the South Bose incident.
See above map for location of two Bear Claws.
+4BP & 1,000 Mira.
Ingredient Seeker
Side Quest: Long; expires after crossing the Bose checkpoint from Krone Pass.
Should have enough from fighting in Rolent, but if not you can find (5) tender poultry on Eisen Pass towards Haken Gate.
+3BP & 800 Mira.
East Bose Monster
Side Quest: Long; expires after your discovery in the Abandoned Mines.
See above map for monster location.
+4BP & 1,000 Mira
West Bose Monster
Side Quest: Medium; expires after your search of the South Bose incident.
See above map for monster location.
+4BP & 1,200 Mira.
Nebel Valley monster
Side Quest: Long; expires after you visit Valleria Shore.
See Nebel Valley map above for location.
+5BP & 2,000 Mira.
New Ansel Path Monster
Side Quest: Medium; no expiration.
You'll be forced to clear out this monster before accessing part of the main story.
+5BP & 1,500 Mira
Stolen Ring
Side Quest: Medium; expires after crossing the checkpoint at Krone Pass.
After the South Bose incident and before heading to Valleria Lakeshore.
+3BP & 2,000 Mira
Walkthrough - Chapter 2
Now that you're back in Bose, your main story will progress through reaching and passing through Krone Pass. However, we have a few things to do before doing that. Namely, picking up a copy of the Liberl News - Issue #4 from the Bose Market, returning that stolen ring and solving the mystery of the black notebook that we found in the Sky Bandit Stronghold.

Once you buy a copy of the newspaper's fourth issue, head to South Bose and to the house behind the Orbal shop. Talk to Launa just inside to turn in the lost ring you found.
Now, head to Haken Gate and down to the prison cells below; speak to the guards there to turn in the black book you recovered. This is the secret ledger that they were looking for to tie Nigel to the crime. Once you turn it in, your last stop should be the Bracer Guild in Bose to collect on the above two jobs you just completed.
Now everything prior to passing the checkpoint at Krone Pass has been completed. Time to head to Ruan! Once you pass the checkpoint, on the Ruan side of Krone Trail, you'll find two hidden treasure chests, as well as one on the Manoria Byroad. You can find them here:

The two on the Ruan side of the Krone Trail are hidden behind trees and since you can't adjust the camera angle there, you'll have to search behind them in their respective areas.

The one on the The Manoria Byroad is a monster chest, but they aren't difficult to defeat; this is the only treasure chest in the area.

When you come to a fork in the Byroad, take the road to the Varenne Lighthouse for a hidden side quest. Speak to Vogt, the lighthouse keeper to get started.

Once you finish, head back the way you came and to the other side of the fork. Speak to the residence there and make sure you collect the new recipes from the inn/tavern in Manoria before heading before you leave.

On your way to the orphanage, make sure to hit the beach and collect the two treasure chests there on opposite corners (one being all the way in the water). As you make you're way to Ruan, pick up the remaining treasure chests along the way. They can be found in the following areas:
When you reach the area with the star marker as shown above, make sure you save the surrounded man, Jimmy. You must do this prior to entering Ruan for the first time.

Continue to Ruan down the seaside road, making sure to stop and defeat the Shiny Pom that is playing around the waves of the beach. Follow the beach and the shallow waters to a barrel (does not count towards your total treasure chests) that contains a torn map and some new daggers.
Once you reach Ruan, head to the Bracer's Guild and talk to Carna; she'll have you kill some time before you can register to work at the Ruan branch, so use this time to buy new orbments, weapons/armor and recipes at the local shops dotted around the city.

Once you have perused the shops, head to the southern block of Ruan across the draw bridge, head to the warehouse district and speak to the man with the red bandana, then return to the bridge. Once the scene is over, head back to the guild to register for the Ruan branch, then head to the hotel and speak to the receptionist.

After your stay at the hotel, head back to the guild and collect the jobs from the bulletin board, turn in any existing completed ones and then head back to the Mercia Orphanage outside of Ruan. Once your investigation is concluded, select the following options for additional brace points:

"Someone set the fire on purpose" (+2BP)

Head to the Manoria Inn next to speak to everyone. After you leave the inn, select the option:

"The gang at the warehouse" (+2BP)

Head back to Ruan, then talk to the hotel receptionist, then head downstairs and borrow the boat. When you reach the southern side, head back to the warehouse you saw the Raven gang member in front of previously.

Once you are done with these events, head back to the Bracer Guild and collect all the new available jobs. These all expire once you reach the Jenis Royal Academy, so do all of these first before attempting the main quest "Festival Help".
Walkthrough - Chapter 2
Now that you have additional jobs to do before reaching the academy, we'll go down them in order:

  • "Warehouse Key" - Speak to Harg by the crane in the warehouse district and he'll tell you he lost is somewhere near the cafe. You can find it by going to the lower level of the docks; you'll see something shiny down below:
    Go back to the cafe and speak to the cook behind the counter to rent a fishing rod. Fish out the key, return the rod to the cafe and then return the key to Harg to complete this job.

  • "Maintenance Delivery" - Speak to Tobias at the orbal factory in town to collect the kit. Once you do, Tobias will mention that Vogt enjoyed drinking, but due to his responsibilities, he hasn't been able to come to town. Head over to the bar (Lavantar Casino & Bar) and pick up some "Azelia Rose". On your way there, stop by the Fiore General Goods and pick up some "salted anchovies" if you haven't any already. Return to Vogt with these two items to retrieve some goodies.

  • "Secret of the Old Map" - Remember Jimmy from the beach? The one we saved from the monsters? Well, this is his request. Meet him at the chapel to go over the details. If you already acquired the "torn map" from the washed-up barrel shown above, then turn it over to Jimmy to continue.

    If not, see the first section of Chapter 2 for the map and subsequent location of the torn map and daggers.

  • "Aurian Road Monster" & "Find the Prototype!" - Head to the Aurian Causeway via the southern block of Ruan. Make sure (if you haven't already), to collect the treasure chest as you pass by.

    Make a detour to Sapphirl Tower and you'll run into two things: the monster in question on the left and a treasure chest on the right. Collect the chest and engage the monster.

    You'll engage several monsters called Helmet Crabs, which are immune to physical attacks, can deflect it back at you and summon additional help in the form of poms to the battlefield.

    Utilize Chloe's superior magic to deal massive damage along with Joshua & Estelle's magic as well.

    They aren't too difficult if you keep your distance and keep food or medical supplies that cure mute, as well as any accessories that prevent it in the first place.

    Once you defeat them, you'll find the missing prototype weapon; return it to the armory in town and then talk to the bracer guild to collect on both of these jobs.

  • "Make Him Leave!" - Head to the Air-Letten - Checkpoint and head upstairs to speak with the Chief Warrant Officer Hahn. Make your way into the Dinning Hall and pick the following dialogue options:

    "Greetings, Your Grace. I'm here to collect you."
    "The mayor's estate."
    "At this junky old place?"
    "Your Grace, by your foot..."

    This will net you an additional +2BP when you inevitably turn it in. Once you finish, head back to town and take a detour to the Sapphirl Tower so we can clear it out and collect the ten treasure chests inside. Do note that there is an 11th chest, but it is outside the tower just before entering. Make sure to snap that one up as well!

    For their locations, see the map below:

  • "Candelabrum Theft" - Head to the Air-Letten -

  • "Escort Job" - Make your way back to Manoria and speak with Amelia, who will be just outside her house to the northern entrance/exit. She'll task you with protecting her uncle along the Krone Trail.
    Head back towards the Krone Trail and make your way about half way through it. You'll find her uncle running from some local monsters. Dispatch them and return him unharmed to town to complete this quest.

  • "Candelabrum Theft" - First, speak to Gilbert inside the Mayor's residence in the southeastern part of Ruan. Clue #1 is the lighthouse. Examine the plaque on the side to obtain clue number two.
    Clue #2 is the roulette board in the casino.
    Clue #3 is Haulage motorbike in the Ruan Landing Port (left side). You may need to pan the camera around if you can't find it.
    Afterwards, head to the warehouse district and exanime the large orange crane.
    Speak to Harg and if you already completed the "Warehouse Key" job from earlier, then you will have the candelabrum in your possession by the end of the conversation.

Now that you've completed all the jobs in Ruan, head out through the north exit and make your way to the Jensen Royal Academy via the Vista Forest Road. There are no treasure chests on your way to the academy, so no need to look. Once you make it there, head to the Dean's office on the first floor of the main building.
Walkthrough - Chapter 2
Once you speak to the Dean for the first time, head into the Clubhouse and to the second floor to the Student Council Room to speak with Jill and Hans. After the play rehearsal and BEFORE meeting up with Joshua and Jill for dinner in the Clubhouse, we need to tackle some hidden quests.

Quest #1 - Speak to Janitor Parkes in the school's central courtyard of the school that evening before the festival begins. To help him decorate the school, check the right wall of the Auditorium (right side of the door), the front wall of the Boy's Dormitory (above the main door), and the back of the covered walkway between the school and the clubhouse (back side, by the gate to the road leading to the Old Schoolhouse) and he'll come decorate the bare areas.

Quest #2 - Once you complete this quest, head to the Old Schoolhouse (opposite to the main entrance). Once you arrive, you'll be tasked with clearing out all the monsters from within. There are four groups of spiders and they can be rather tricky with just two people. If you have it, equip some accessories that prevent poison to help ease the difficulty.
There are two treasure chests in the Old Schoolhouse. The first one is on the first floor, right side, through one of the two rooms and out the small hole in the wall that leads outside. The second is upstairs on the left, through the hallway and in one of the side rooms. Once you kill all the spiders, you can leave the building.
Quest #3 - - Talk to Logic in the Material Archives on the 2nd floor of the Clubhouse. He'll ask you to locate three missing books. They are located the Boy's Locker Room, the room on the right on 1F of Boy's Dormitory, and the Faculty Lounge in the main building (on the right by the Dean's Office).

Boy's Locker Room (2nd Fl Clubhouse) holds volume I:

Faculty Lounge holds volume II:

Boy's Dormitory holds volume III:
"School Spirit"
Complete all quests at the school campus.

Once you complete all three quests, you'll earn the "School Spirit" achievement. Now you can continue the main story. Once the following day comes and the festival starts, make sure to buy some of the new recipes that are available, or any older ones you may have missed:
  • Jenis Lunch - Clubhouse - Academy Cafetaria
  • Coffee Ice Cream (Festival Vendor)
  • Orange Ice Cream (Festival Vendor)
  • Apple Ice Cream (Festival Vendor)
  • Rainbow Jellybeans (Festival Vendor)
  • Royal Crepe (Festival Vendor)
  • Milk Crepe (Festival Vendor)
  • Holey Popcorn (Festival Vendor)
  • Floral Jelly (Festival Vendor)
Once you collect all the necessary food stuffs, speak to Professor Alba in the Clubhouse, then head downstairs. After the festival concludes, head back to Ruan before going to Manoria. Collect the new job from the board and speak to Matilda on the bridge right next to the entrance to Ruan for Carnelia - Chapter 5. Make sure to read it!

Now, head towards Manoria and you'll run into the highway monster from the job board. Defeat the group of monsters and return to claim your reward. Return to Manoria's inn (2nd floor) to get an update on what is going on, then travel to the lighthouse nearby.

Once you're back in Ruan, after speaking with Jean at the guild, head next door to the O'Neil Duty Free Shop and pick up Issue #5 of the Liberl News. Make sure to read it! Now head to the Mayor's Estate. At the conclusion of the events there, you'll have completed Chapter 2 and earned the achievement for doing so.

"If You're Gonna Puke, Do It Off Stage"
Complete Chapter 2.

Now to assess our checklist to make sure we're on track with our achievements. Do note that the Bracer Points are enveloped within 48 different jobs at this point. We should be at the following:
Bracer Points
Treasure Chests
Shiny Poms
Big Monsters
Walkthrough - Chapter 2 Checklist
Book Title
Method & Avalibilty
Liberl News - Issue #4
City of Bose - Bose Market
Before Passing Krone Pass, stop by the market to pick this issue up.
Liberl News - Issue #5
City of Ruan - O'Neil Duty Free Shop
After you complete the events at the academy and at the Varenne Lighthouse, stop by the shop prior to going to the mayor's estate.
Carnelia - Chapter #5
City of Ruan
After the events at the Jenis Academy, avoid going to Manoria first to check on the children. Instead, return to Ruan and talk to the girl (Matilda) that is sitting on the wall of the bridge just upon entering. She'll give you a copy.

Method & Availability
Diehard Paella
Manoria Village - The White Magnolia Inn & Restaurant
Purchasable for 500 mira.
Plucked Herb Tea
Manoria Village - The White Magnolia Inn & Restaurant
Purchasable for 150 mira.
Azelia Rose
City of Ruan - Lavantar Casino & Bar
Purchasable for 450 Mira.
Salmon Mueniere
City of Ruan - Lavantar Casino & Bar
Purchasable for 400 Mira.
Salubrious Oatmeal
City of Ruan - Aqua Rossa Bar
Purchasable for 500 Mira.
Wine-Steamed Egg
City of Ruan - Aqua Rossa Bar
Purchasable for 500 Mira.
Hot Fried Chicken
Sapphirl Tower
Item within one of the chests in the tower. See the above tower map in the walkthrough portion for treasure chest locations.
Briny Delight
Air-Letten - Mess Hall

Method & Availability
(2) Treasure Chests
Krone Trail
See the above area map in the walkthrough portion for treasure chest locations.
(1) Treasure Chest
Manoria Byroad
See the above area map in the walkthrough portion for treasure chest locations.
(8) Treasure Chests
Gull Seaside Way
Nebel Valley is located off East Bose Highway before the city of Bose itself.
(6) Treasure Chests
Amberl Tower
See the above area map in the walkthrough portion for treasure chest locations.
(1) Treasure Chest
Aurian Causeway
See the above area map in the walkthrough portion for treasure chest locations.
(11) Treasure Chest
Sapphirl Tower
See the above tower map in the walkthrough portion for treasure chest locations.

Weapon Name
Method & Availability
Hex Stave
Ruan Weapons & Armor Shop
Purchasable for 5,000 Mira.
Ruan Weapons & Armor Shop
Purchasable for 5,000 Mira.
Skull Daggers
Gull Seaside Way
Part of the quest "Secret of the Old Map". See the above map in the walkthrough portion for the location information.
Zero Shot X
Sapphirl Tower (Outside Steps)
Part of the "Find the Prototype" quest from defeating the monster outside the tower. See that quest for more details.
Kloe's starting weapon.
Ruan Weapons & Armor Shop
Purchasable for 3,000 Mira.
Sapphirl Tower
Located in one of the treasure chests within the tower. See the above tower map in the walkthrough portion for the location information.

Armor Name
Method & Availability
Shield Vest
Ruan Weapons & Armor Shop
Purchasable for XXXX
Battle Suit
Gull Seaside Way & Sapphirl Tower
Located in two places. A treasure chest within the Seaside Way and a treasure chest within Sapphirl Tower.
Walkthrough - Chapter 2 Checklist
Quartz Name
Method & Availability
Bracer Guild
You'll earn this as a reward for reaching Rank 4.
Attack 2
Joan's Arm and Guards
Reward for completing the job "Find the Prototype".
Defense 2
Starter quartz
This quartz item is a starter item for when Khloe joins the party.
Mind 2
Starter quartz
This quartz item is a starter item for when Khloe joins the party.
Starter quartz
This quartz item is a starter item for when Khloe joins the party.
Range 1
Sapphirl Tower
Located within the tower in one of the treasure chests.
Sapphirl Tower
Located within the tower in one of the treasure chests.
Ruan Orbal Factory
Purchasable within the orbal shop in Ruan.
Ruan Orbal Factory
Purchasable within the orbal shop in Ruan.
HP 2
Ruan Orbal Factory
Purchasable within the orbal shop in Ruan.
Ruan Orbal Factory
Purchasable within the orbal shop in Ruan.
Evade 2
Ruan Orbal Factory
Purchasable within the orbal shop in Ruan.
Action 2
Ruan Orbal Factory
Purchasable within the orbal shop in Ruan.
Cast 2
Ruan Orbal Factory
Purchasable within the orbal shop in Ruan.
Move 2
Ruan Orbal Factory
Purchasable within the orbal shop in Ruan.
EP 2
Ruan Orbal Factory
Purchasable within the orbal shop in Ruan.
Hit 2
Ruan Orbal Factory
Purchasable within the orbal shop in Ruan.

Quest Name
Length & Expiry Time
Method & Availability
Bracer Points & Reward
Black Notebook!
Side Quest: Small, expires after crossing the Bose Checkpoint upon reaching the Krone Trail.
Sky Bandit's Hideout (see above map for details). Return it to Haken Gate inside the cell rooms.
+5BP & 2,000 Mira
Lighthouse Monsters!
Side Quest: Small, expires once you reach Ruan for the very first time.
Before entering Ruan for the first time, take a detour to the lighthouse and speak with Vogt to help exterminate some monsters for him inside.
+4BP & 1,500 Mira
Gull Seaway Monster
Side Quest: No expiry time.
Large monster battle on Gull Seaway just outside Ruan. Impossible to avoid.
+4BP & 1,500 Mira
Warehouse Key
Side Quest: Large, expires after staying overnight at the Jenis Academy.
See the Chapter 2 walkthrough for more details on how to complete this job in detail.
+2 BP & 1,000 Mira
Aurion Road Monster
Side Quest: Large, expires after staying overnight at the Jenis Academy.
Head to Sapphirl Tower. At the entrance to the tower is the monster.
+4BP & 1,500 Mira
Find the Prototype
Side Quest: Medium, expires after staying overnight at the Jenis Academy.
See the Chapter 2 walkthrough for more details on how to complete this job in detail.
+3BP & 1,000 Mira
Escort Job
Side Quest: Small, expires after the Jenis Academy festival.
In Manoria, head to the northern portion of the city and speak to Amelia outside her home.

Her Uncle traveled alone into the Krone Trail and you'll need to rescue him.
+5BP & 1,500 Mira
Candelabrium Theft
Side Quest: Small, expires after the Jenis Academy festival.
See the Chapter 2 walkthrough for more details on how to complete this job in detail.
+7BP & 5,000 Mira
Make Him Leave
Side Quest: Small, expires after the Jenis Academy festival.
See the Chapter 2 walkthrough for more details on how to complete this job in detail.
+3BP (+2 Additional) & 1,000 Mira
Maintenance Delivery
Side Quest: Small, expires after the Jenis Academy festival.
See the Chapter 2 walkthrough for more details on how to complete this job in detail.
+4BP & 1,000 Mira
Secret of the Old Map
Side Quest: Small, expires after the Jenis Academy festival.
See the Chapter 2 walkthrough for more details on how to complete this job in detail.

The additional points are from saving Jimmy before entering Ruan for the first time.
+3BP (+2 Additional) & 2,000 Mira
1)Decorate the campus!
2)Research Material Hunt!
3)Clear out the Old School Building!
Side Quest: Small, expires after the festival day arrives.
See the Chapter 2 walkthrough for more details on how to complete all three secret jobs.
Additional BP per completed job at the end of the festival.
Gull Seaway Monster 2
Side Quest: Medium, no expiry time.
Large monster battle on Gull Seaway just outside Ruan. Impossible to avoid.

Unlocks on the job board after the Jenis Academy festival. Do it before heading to Manoria after the festival.
+5BP & 2,000 Mira
Walkthrough - Chapter 3
At the start of Chapter 3, before going to the Air-Letten Checkpoint, you'll need to make two stops. In Ruan, go to the general store for the next issue of the Liberl News (Issue 6) and then head back to the Jenis Royal Academy. Make your way to the Clubhouse and to the second floor; speak to the woman in the Material Archives for Carnelia (Chapter #6).

With those two items acquired, head to the checkpoint and speak to the chef there for one new recipe if you didn't get it at the end of Chapter 2 - Briny Delight. Once you sign the paperwork at the front desk, you'll be barred from leaving. When you're ready, head upstairs.

Once you enter The Kaldia Tunnel, you'll come across several branching pathways. Each one contains one treasure chest, so make sure you go down each one. There are four in total here. When you come upon the two branching paths, take the left one. There are three chests on that side, one on the right. For a visual aid:

When you reach a second branch, you'll stop a sign for Limestone Cave. The enemies are tougher, but there are an additional treasure chests within. However, I'd recommend coming back later once your party is bigger and more well equipped.

First, gather the three additional ones in this area before heading inside. They are located here:

For now, forgo going into the cave and collect all seven in the Kaldia Tunnel; leave the seven additional ones in the Limestone Cave for later on. Once you reach Zeiss and can free roam, head down the escalator and to the Bell Station General Goods to pick up Issue #6 of the Liberl News. Make sure to read it!

Head to the Bracer Guild, change your affiliation and collect the two jobs currently on the board. Head to the armory next door to buy any new weapons and armor, and the new recipes at the cafe. I would, however, hold off on using your accumulated sepith to buy any new orbments for the time being. Once Tita joins the party, this area has some good farming spots to help earn the achievement for having 1,000 of every sepith. For more, see further down this guide.

"Temp Librarian" - Now head back to the Central Factory and go to the 2nd floor - Archives. Talk to the librarian there to start your first job by collecting two books for her. They are located on the 3rd floor of the Design Room, the 4th floor Clinic and the 4th floor lab. Return all three books, then make sure to read the cook book to learn a new recipe "Bouillabaisse Plus".

Once you return all the books, Constance will ask you to locate a hidden book, leading you down a rabbit hole of three hidden quests. They are explained further down the guide in Chapter 3, but you'll have to get these further down the road as the story progresses. For now, head to the first floor and speak with the receptionist.

After meeting with the Chief Murdock and Professor R, head back to the Bracer Guild to report what occurred. Head back to the Central Factory (4th Floor), then gather the necessary tools (5th Floor) for the professor's experiment. The gasoline is on B1 and the engine is at the Zeiss Landing Port.

Once you return the equipment to the professor, you'll be tasked with heading to the village of Elmo. However, before going there, stop by the Bracer Guild and collect all the new jobs. Several of these will expire once you reach Elmo, so let's tackle some first:

"Smoker's Revolt" - For this, we'll need to locate someone who has been stealing cigarettes from the Clinic on the 4th floor, but first, head to the Bell Station General Goods and buy some milk for a cat. The logical first step of course.

You can head to the 5th floor Operations to speak to Travis and the 1st floor lobby to speak to Hugo, or go directly to the 2nd floor and talk to Chief Murdock. You can find the incriminating evidence in the back room.

"Potent Ingredient" - If you haven't done so already when you first arrived, head to the greenhouse located on the 4th floor. Go inside and examine one of the plants to acquire a tasty little tomato. Take it to Ben at the bar in town and he'll whip you up a new dish. East it to learn the recipe.

"Ritter Road Monster" - Take the Ritter Roadway out of town. On the second screen, near the crossroads, you'll locate the monster in question.

This large monster can be a bit tough; it comes with several minions who enjoy calling for backup and they all inflict copious amounts of poison, so have something equipped to help negate that, or supplies to remove it.

The main monster hits hard and often, so having enough CP to use special moves to either dispose of it quickly, or of the smaller threats is critical. Once you defeat the group, make sure to check the opposite end of the crossroads for a lone treasure chest.

Walkthrough - Chapter 3
"Tratt Plains Monster" - Head through the south exist to the Tratt Plains Road. Along the way we can check off a few requirements along the way. There are several treasure chests in this region as well as this chapter's shiny pom. Refer to the maps for their respective locations, but do not go to Elmo Village just yet.

Once you make it to the third screen, the large monster will be just alongside the road. You can't miss'em.
You'll engage four of them at once; they love casting Golden Armor to boot their defense and strength. They also have no real weaknesses outside of S-Arts, so either rely on those, or use Tita's smokescreen ability to keep them blind while you whittle away at their health.

Either way, dispose of them and return to the Bracer Guild to collect your reward.

"Product Testing" - Go to the 4th floor Lab. Speak to Terry, who will give you some shoes. Equip Estelle with said shoes. If you remember what he said, we now need to do some traveling. However, despite him saying the Elmo Spa, we're going to ignore that one. Instead, head to the following and collect any treasure chests you come upon (see maps below and above):

  • Leiston Fortress
  • Air-Letten Checkpoint
  • Sanktheim Gate
  • Wolf Fort

"Messenger of Love!" (Hidden) - While doing the "Product Testing" job, speak to Brahm at the gate of Wolf Fort. He'll ask you to deliver a letter to Faye, the pink-haired girl back in town, along with an additional task of finding her a gift to accompany said letter. When you arrive back in Zeiss, stop by the shops and pick up a Wolly Knit Hat for an additional (+4BP). On your war back, stop by the side of the road and talk to Bruno by the broken down vehicle...

"Haulage Vehicle Repair" (Hidden) - After the ambush, head back to the 3rd floor Design Room to speak with Prometheus, then to the 5th floor Operations Room. Access the database and search for "Haulage Vehicle" under "Related Topics".

You'll find the drive orbment in B1 in Kaldia Tunnel. Just outside the elevator; speak to Rudi to obtain it. Return it to Bruno to fix the vehicle.
After obtained the orbital drive, head to B1 and talk to Faye after you bought the hat, then go back up and talk to Terry on the 4th floor Lab to give him the test results of the shoes. He'll give you a gift for all your running around. Now, turn in these last two jobs and you should have the board cleared. If not, see above for any jobs you might have skipped over.

If you haven't done so already, the Kaldia Tunnel and more difficult Limestone Cave, are great places to farm sepith. Before buying any orbments in Zeiss, there are two mobs just before the Limestone Cave that, when defeated, contain all variants of sepith upon their defeat. While the amount earned isn't substantial, if you're close, it works for the achievement:

"You Can Trade Those for Money, You Know..."
Collect 1,000 of each Sepith.

Once you have 1,000 of each type, head into town and pick up some of your missing orbments and unlock any remaining ones for Tita. Head to Elmo Village, then to the Inn to obtain the key to the pump shed.

Tita will begin working on it, so head back to the inn, buy the one lone dish available (Wild Veggie Pot). Head back out of Elmo Village due west to locate the missing guest. Return to the pump shed and talk to Tita, then back to the inn. Buy the three new recipes.

Go behind the inn to the outdoor bath, then down and around it, under the walkway to find the first hidden book for the "Temp Librarian" hidden quests.
Once the morning arrives, head back to Zeiss and go to the Bracer Guild to turn in the job, then up the escalator.
Walkthrough - Chapter 3
Once you learn what's going on, head inside. The task at had is to find the professor, but we also can earn extra BP for putting out the various smoke canisters thrown into the building.
You want to look for a stream of smoke as shown here. Go up to it to dismantle the canister.

There are a total of five canisters to locate in various areas of the facility. There is one in the main entrance, bottom-left of the receptionist's desk, one down in B1 by the conveyor belt in the back, one on the 2F, in the hallway near the elevator, one in the 3F Design Room at the south corner and finally one in the Lab on the 4F.

Now head the the 3F to locate the professor, then up to the 5F, then back out the main entrance of the building. Once you regain control, head the Bracer's Guild.

Before leaving the town, do some shopping and pick up any missing weapons (such as Agate's sword) or any that you are still missing. Also check with the orbment seller and open the two missing slots for Agate as well, while picking up any missing quartz you haven't yet purchased/obtained.

Now, before we go storming off to the tower, head off towards Wolf Tower and talk to Bruno by the cart you helped repair. He'll give you Carnelia - Chapter 7. Now, time to head to Carnelia Tower. Prepare for an ambush when you arrive, then select the option:

"They're tied somehow to the men in black clothes?"

Once you survive the ambush, head inside and make sure you collect all the available chests. They can be found in the following areas:

Once you clear the tower and return to town, head to the Zeiss Chapel next. You won't be able to leave town until you do. Now it is on to the Limestone Caves! Here is a map layout to make it easy to navigate and make sure to collect the treasure chests along the way:

Now that you're able to leave town, head into the general store and pick up Liberl News Issue 7 (make sure to read it). Now go to the bracer's guild and pick up the new job. Head outside East Zeiss (only way you can for now) and you'll run into "Ritter Road Monster 2". You can't miss it, so when you're ready, engage it in a fight.

This monster (well, group) hits extremely hard, heals as it hits you and has several lesser beasts to help keep you tied up healing. Make sure you're fully stocked on healing items (ones that do 1,000HP) and you have your S-Breaks ready on the first strike.

Once you return from the fortress, select "The Royal Guardsmen are being set up?" as your answer to earn an additional +4BP.

Now we're going to start tying up some loose ends with the job "Temp Librarian Plus". If you're following along, you should have the book "The Erbe Woodpecker". If not, look towards the beginning of Chapter 3 for instructions. At this point, it is still accessible.

Take the south exit of Zeiss, then head east towards Wolf Fort. There is a center pathway to a dead end. Here you'll see four pillars and one taller one in the middle. Exam it to find the book "Hertz's Adventure II".
Return the book to Constance for the clue to number three.

Now take the east exit in Zeiss towards Sanktheim Gate. Here, you'll find the third book, "31 Cypress Trees". Head inside and immediately go to the back and up the stairs, then all the way around and to the third floor. Inspect the barrel to find the missing book. Before you go, head to the mess hall and talk to the cook there. Sample their "Pot O' Meat" to learn the recipe.

After this, you should be done with everything pressing and all side jobs, weapons, orbments, slots and newspaper articles in this area, as well as weapons, armor and recipes. Now, head to the Professor's House to fetch the necessary gear from his lab and head back to the Bracer Guild.

Once you reach Leiston Fortress, you'll need to follow these directions:

  • First, choose the Research Wing.
  • Follow the wall North, North-West to another cut scene.
  • Avoid the soldiers at the door and keep heading north to the wall on the otherside, then access the building through the window.
  • After the cutscene, attack the guards at the entrance of the building.
  • Now, save before leaving the building (Being caught loses BP). Follow the east wall, through the opening you came in for a cutscene.
  • Take your immediate left towards the stairs and take the door to the east. The west door will be locked. This will lead you into the Command Center. Go left and down the stairs.
  • Next, head back outside; that will trigger someone telling you to follow them. Head the opposite way of the stairwell now.

After the end of all the cutscenes, you should should now be in the final chapter, be promoted and have a total of 290 BP and 65 jobs done. You'll also unlock the next achievement:

"I Get Worse Injuries Than This From Shaving"
Complete Chapter 3.

Bracer Points
Treasure Chests
Shiny Poms
Big Monsters
Walkthrough - Chapter 3 Checklist
Book Title
Method & Availability
Liberl News - Issue #6
City of Ruan - O'Neil Duty-Free Shop
Purchase for 100 mira. This is before Passing Air-Latten.
Carnelia - Chapter #6
Jenis Royal Academy (2nd Fl) of the clubhouse
Speak to Purity. This is before Passing Air-Latten.
Carnelia - Chapter #7
Outside of Wolf Fort
Speak to Bruno, the person you helped out with the broken transport carrier. This is before Going to Carnelia Tower.
Liberl News - Issue #7
City of Zeiss - Bell Station General Goods
After Carnelia Tower, when you give Agate the cure for his illness.

Method & Availability
Black Pepper Soup
City of Zeiss - Forgel Bar in Central City
Purchasable at the bar for 300 mira.
Rotini Pasta
City of Zeiss - Forgel Bar in Central City
Purchasable at the bar for 350 mira.
Seasonal Tart
City of Zeiss - Forgel Bar in Central City
Purchasable at the bar for 200 mira.
Tomato Sandwich
City of Zeiss - Forgel Bar in Central City
Complete the job "Potent Ingredient" for this recipe. See the walkthrough for further details.
Bouillabaisse Plus
City of Zeiss - Main Factory
Located on the 2nd floor in the Archives. Read the book "Tomorrow's Cooking".
Pot O' Meat
Sanktheim Gate
Purchasable in the Mess Hall for 700 mira.
Monster Sushi
Elmo Village - Mapple Leaf Inn
Purchasable at the counter in the inn for 650 mira.
Specialty Eggnog
Elmo Village - Mapple Leaf Inn
Purchasable at the counter in the inn for 450 mira.
Fruity Milk
Elmo Village - Mapple Leaf Inn
Purchasable at the counter in the inn for 350 mira.
Wild Veggie Pot
Elmo Village - Mapple Leaf Inn
Purchasable at the counter in the inn for 700 mira.
Fluffy Spring Egg
Elmo Village - Autumn Souvenirs
Purchasable at the counter for 200 mira.
Hellfire Eggs
Carnelia Tower
Located in Carnelia Tower, inside treasure chest on the 4th floor.

Method & Availability
(7) Treasure Chests
Kaldia Tunnel
See the above area map in the walkthrough portion for treasure chest locations.
(1) Treasure Chest
Ritter Roadway
See the above area map in the walkthrough portion for treasure chest locations.
(9) Treasure Chests
Tratt Plains Rd
See the above area map in the walkthrough portion for treasure chest locations.
(4) Treasure Chests
Soldat Army Road
See the above area map in the walkthrough portion for treasure chest locations.
(15) Treasure Chests
Carnelia Tower
See the above area map in the walkthrough portion for treasure chest locations.
(7) Treasure Chests
Kaldia Limbstone Cave
See the above area map in the walkthrough portion for treasure chest locations.

Walkthrough - Chapter 3 Checklist
Weapon Name
Method & Availability
Spike Rod
City of Zeiss - Stain Arms & Guards
Purchasable for 7,000 mira.
Gurkha Knives
City of Zeiss - Stain Arms & Guards
Purchasable for 8,000 mira.
Tita's default weapon.
Craft Cannon
City of Zeiss - Stain Arms & Guards
Purchasable for 7,000 mira.
Agate's default weapon.
Bas'tard Edge
City of Zeiss - Stain Arms & Guards
Once Agate joins your party in Zeiss.
Octavian Stave
Carnelia Tower
Located in a treasure chest within the tower. See above map for chest locations.
Carnelia Tower
Located in a treasure chest within the tower. See above map for chest locations.
Kaldia Limestone Cave
Located in a treasure chest within Kaldia Limestone Cave. See above map for chest locations.
Brass Knuckles
Default weapon of Zin
Cavalier Killer
Carnelia Tower
Located in a treasure chest within the tower. See above map for chest locations.

Armor Name
Method & Availability
Work Jumpsuit
City of Zeiss - Stain Arms & Guards
Purchasable for 1,500 mira.
Metal Jacket
City of Zeiss - Stain Arms & Guards
Purchasable for 10,000 mira.
Black Coat
Carnelia Tower - 1st Floor
Located in a treasure chest within the tower. See above map for chest locations.

Quartz Name
Method & Availability
Mind 3
Carnelia Tower - 2nd Floor
Located in a treasure chest within the tower. See above map for chest locations.
Attack 3
Carnelia Tower - 5th Floor
Located in a treasure chest within the tower. See above map for chest locations.
HP 3
City of Zeiss - Repairs Desk
Purchasable on the 1st floor of the Central Factory in Zeiss (right side of front desk).
City of Zeiss - Repairs Desk
Purchasable on the 1st floor of the Central Factory in Zeiss (right side of front desk).
Shield 2
City of Zeiss - Repairs Desk
Purchasable on the 1st floor of the Central Factory in Zeiss (right side of front desk).
Evade 3
City of Zeiss - Repairs Desk
Purchasable on the 1st floor of the Central Factory in Zeiss (right side of front desk).
City of Zeiss - Repairs Desk
Purchasable on the 1st floor of the Central Factory in Zeiss (right side of front desk).
EP Cut 2
City of Zeiss - Repairs Desk
Purchasable on the 1st floor of the Central Factory in Zeiss (right side of front desk).
EP 3
City of Zeiss - Repairs Desk
Purchasable on the 1st floor of the Central Factory in Zeiss (right side of front desk).
Hit 3
City of Zeiss - Repairs Desk
Purchasable on the 1st floor of the Central Factory in Zeiss (right side of front desk).
Impede 3
Secret quest reward
Complete the hidden quest "Temp Librarian Plus 3". See above walkthrough for steps on how to complete this hidden quest.
Walkthrough - Chapter 4
Now that you're back in Zeiss, head over to the landing port and talk to the receptionist to pick up your tickets for the airship. Head to the loading zone and try to board. After the cutscene and before going to Sanktheim Gate, backtrack all the way to the Air-Letten Checkpoint and talk to Private Orta to pick up Chapter 8 of Carnelia.

Now that you have the issue, head back to Sanktheim Gate and speak to the guard at the counter to fill out your paperwork, then leave. There is a place to rest and buy food, but none of them are new recipes unless you missed the "Pot O' Meat" earlier.

Continue onward to Grancel City, then take a right to Gurune Gate, then head up to the 2nd floor, then take the first door on and head down the top of the wall to the end and you'll see Private Selbourne.
Once you reach Grancel, you'll be free to roam the city, so use this time go shopping for any new items towards your totals. The stand, operated by Nonna, to your immediate right has a new food item "Gorgeous Crepe", but there are other foods in case you missed any.

Remember to visit every store in the north, east and west block. You'll find new armor, several new recipes, and in the east block department store in the top-right corner is a vendor selling the next issue of the Liberl News.

Head to the guild and during the conversation, select [The letter would just get crumbled up] for +1BP. Now time to head to the castle to speak with the gate guards. Once you're done, head to the east block to the arena and pick up tickets to the event. The arena will be the eastern-most entrance of the block.

Once the preliminaries are over, head downstairs to the locker room and meet up with Carna, then back to the bracer guild and then to the bar up the street, then to the Calvard Embassy in the east block. Once you're done there, head to the Erbe Scenic Route for some treasure chests and your last Shiny Pom! Once you defeat this one, your achievement should show up.

"Shiny, Shiny!"
Defeat one type of Shining Pom for each chapter.

Continue through the path east. Before you head south to the next part of the main story, collect the last two chests as shown below. If you go south, you can always return once you get a chance to free roam again, but it is best to cover any loose ends beforehand (so you don't forget).

Click to increase size (it's a big map)

Once you've collected all the chests, head back to the area you skipped (marked by the star). Once you go through all the necessary plot cutscenes and regain control, stop by the orbment shop and weapons/armor dealer to deck out everyone in new gear and orbments.

Once you're ready, head to the arena in the eastern block and pick up tickets from the ticket counter. Talk to everyone in the waiting room to start the bout! Once you finish the tournament, head back to your hotel for more cutscenes.

Use the newly obtained sewer key to access the Grancel sewers in the western block of the city behind the coffee shop. There are multiple entrances dotted around the city, but use that ones as a point of reference for now. The sewers span the whole city and are littered with treasure chests, so make sure to collect them all!

Make sure to collect the one chest on the lower floor when you enter the sewers. This should be the last recipe you need for the achievement once you eat it. All 58 learned!

"The True Wonder Chef"
Fill the Recipe Book.

Make sure to defeat the monster in the western block as well (marked above) and then return to the guild to turn it in once you collect all the chests in the western entrance of the sewers. Now head back to the arena for the next round. Once you've won, go meet Nial in the Liberl News building in the western block.

Head to the 2nd floor and meet with Nial; he'll hand you a black folder with intel. Select "Colonel Richard for +2BP when you get to the wedding discussion. When you're done speaking with Nial, head to the guild, then back to your hotel room. Once you're there, make your way to the cathedral in the western block. Before you go out, save it. Not getting caught will net you +5BP.

Once you're outside, head north, then to the east block. Follow the north wall immediately upon entering, then make your way to the Landing Port. Head to the docks and onto the lone airship. You should see a man named Ralph. He'll give you Carnelia - Chapter 10.
Walkthrough - Chapter 4
Now return to the east block and follow the wall to the arena, then past it and into the south block. Follow behind the guards patrolling around the Liberl News building, then head into the cathedral. Once you're done, morning will come. Before heading to the arena, use the sewer key to the entrance in the east block, north of the arena. Follow the above map for treasure chest locations as before and make sure to defeat the large monster in this portion of the sewers!

Once you have, leave the way you came. Now, in the eastern block, go to the southern entrance of the department store and speak to Anton.
The girl's name is Marsha, and she will walk by Anton, which is your queue to talk to her, then talk to Anton, then to Marsha when she circles past, then to Anton. Marsha will stop up top, just shy of Anton the third time. Talk to her to calm her down and she'll continue.
Once she passes by, talk to Anton to get the final chapter of Carnelia. Read it to earn your achievement for finding all the chapters. Well done!

"What Happens Next?"
Purchase and read all chapters of Carnelia.

Now that you've collected all the chapters of Carnelia, head to the guild and turn in the large monster you exterminated from the east sewers. Once you do, you'll earn the achievement for dispatching all 14 of them in game. Excellent!

"Police Patrol"
Exterminate all 'Big Monsters' along the roads.

Head to the arena when you're ready for the championship fight. You'll arrive early so talk to the spectators on the 2nd floor and the visitors in the main lobby, then head back to your starting room. After the fight, if you've tied up all the loose ends up to this point, head to the castle.

Once you're shown your room, head to the room directly across from yours and speak to both individuals there. The room to the right of yours will also house someone you'll need to speak with. Then head to the wing opposite yours, first door on the right. Speak to the gentleman inside. Once you're done, head down the wing and up the stairs to your left, then up to the Royal Keep, then back to your room until the party starts.

After the dinner party, head out to the main foyer, then to the maid's quarters downstairs. then back up to the roof to the Royal Keep. Once you're back from the castle and at the guild, pick up a copy of Liberl News #9 from the Sundries Corner shop in the eastern block, then head to the western block to the Liberl News building (2nd floor). Choose the following two options for +4BP:

"Someone had just called him"
"An arranged marriage for Princess Klaudia"


Next, speak with Baral at the coffee shop next door to trade your full set of Carnelia for Joshua's final weapon (Twin Plovers). Once you do, reload and do it for Estelle's final weapon (Mystic Stave).

Now speak to all four bracer groups in town: Grant in the cafe (south block), Anelace at the department store (east block) at your hotel you'll find Kurt on the 2nd floor and Karna is on the upper floor of the weapon shop.

Make your way to the cathedral, right corner, up the stairs and speak with Archbishop Currant, then speak to Elnan. Once the assault begins on the villa, the direct route (if you want it) is the door to your immediate left which leads to the courtyard, then the third door on the left (bar room), then the door to the right of the larger, locked door; search the large, red vase in the corner.

Once the event at the villa is over and you're returned to town, pick up any missing orbment slots, quartz or weapons/armor and head to the sewers in the eastern block. Head to the secret entrance marked on your map that was shown:
Once you reach the end of the north sewers and have collected all the treasure chests, have your team wait. The next part with Estelle will begin. If you've unlocked all the orbment slots already, switching to Estelle's team will bring up the achievement. If not, you can finish once you're back into town.

"Slot Happy"
Open all orbment slots for each character.

Once you're geared up from Payton, take off and you'll take control of Joshua's team inside the castle, then you'll switch to Estelle's group and fight four battles while you make your way to the royal keep. Choose not to kill the Duke for +2BP.

Before you head up to the keep to the queen, save it.
Walkthrough - Chapter 4
Once again, save it before this fight.

Coming up is a very difficult battle, so make sure to stock yourself with supplies, gear to prevent confusion and seal. It is a good idea to equip Cast 2, Impede 3 and Action 3. If you followed the ultimate weapon guide and gave it to Estelle as mentioned above, combine all these with party member's ability to increase their speed, Schera's ability to move party members up in the attack rotation and hold your S-crafts until you have a critical hit lined up can make this rather difficult fight possible.

Once you defeat him, you'll be rewarded with an achievement for doing so.

"Preemptive Powerhouse"
Defeat 2nd Lieutenant Lorence during the battle before the final dungeon.

After the cutscene you'll descend to the final dungeon. here you'll need to select two teams. Select the following:

  • Agate, Olivier or Zin to Join Joshua and Estelle
  • Tita, Kloe or Scherazard to Join Joshua and Estelle

Once you pick your first team, save it on a separate save file (not over the one prior to fighting the Lieutenant). Select one of the above teams, then reload the save before fighting Lt. Lorence, let him win since you already have the achievement and select the other team for the secondary achievement. This will allow you to get both:

"Reverse Harem"
Choose Agate, Olivier and/or Zin to join Joshua and Estelle in the final dungeon.

"Ladies' Man"
Choose Tita, Kloe and/or Schera to join Joshua and Estelle in the Final Dungeon.

Make your way through the dungeon using the map below. Use this as a reference for the rest of the following until you complete the dungeon:

Before you reach the next waypoint (level 3) and fight another boss, save it just in case. By the time you reach level 3 and set up a new forward base, you should have enough sepith to buy the last quartz you need from Professor Russell. If you're missing any others from Grancel, he also sells those. Also use this opportunity to finish unlocking any slots for any characters if you didn't do it when mentioned above. For now, you should be able to unlock:

"That's a Lot of Balls"
Collect every Quartz available in the game.

Once you reach the 4th floor, the chest containing the "Valkyrie Dress" will be the final piece of armor you needed to collect and will unlock the corresponding achievement. The "Arc Rod" will be the final weapon for the weapon achievement as well:

"Armor Connoisseur"
Collect every armor available in the game.

"Weapon Connoisseur"
Collect every weapon available in the game.

If you collected all the treasure chests in order of their availability in the final dungeon, you should have located the final treasure chest, number 163, and earned yourself one of the more difficult achievements:

"Patient Plunderer"
Open all non-story-related treasure chests and get every chest phrase.

If you haven't earned it already, you'll need to farm for the 3,000 sepith in the final dungeon before facing the end boss. Sepith is plentiful down there, but the monsters are a little spaced apart, so it will take a bit of back and forth depending on how much you still need. Once you have it, you'll clear another end-game achievement:

"Why Do You Have This Many?!"
Collect 3,000 of each Sepith.

Now, head to the bottom floor and rest up prior to entering. You'll need to finish this final boss without using any S-craft abilities to unlock another hidden achievement. Personally, I completed the fight at level 40, stocked up on heal-alls and brought Estelle, Joshua, Zin and Oliver. Zin makes a solid tank while Oliver can mass heal, as well as others if need be via items.

I kept Str/Spd buffs on as much as I could and found that area-of-effect spells worked best, as you could typically wear down the main boss along with the little drones that constantly spawn during the battle. It made dealing with the monster far, far easier than just ignoring the drones altogether.
Walkthrough - Chapter 4
Regardless, there are all manner of teams you can create, so make what works best in your eyes, as there are many ways to defeat the final boss. Once you do it without using any S-Crafts, you'll unlock another end-game achievement:

"S-Craft? What S-Craft?"
Opt to fight the final battle without any use of S-Crafts.

Once the boss is defeated and you regain control during the festival celebrations, head back to the castle and go to the 2nd floor, right hallway and at the very end enter the bar and talk to Olivier. Return to the bracer guild and collect the final job from the bulletin board and return to Oliver once more.

Return to the bracer guild to complete this final job. Elnan will update your notebook, which will unlock three achievements at once:
"The Perfect Package, Brace(r) Yourself For Adventure!, In Justice We Trust!
Return a certain blond-haired idiot to his boon companion, Complete all requests from the Bracer Guild, & Obtain the maximum amount of Bracer Points and achieve the highest Bracer Rank.

Now head to the department store in the eastern block and pick up the final copy of Liberl News, marked as a "Special Edition". Once you read it, you'll earn your next achievement:

"Worldly Reader'
Read every issue of the Liberl News.

Once you finish the final chapter, head to the rest area in town and talk to Joshua. After the events unfold, head to the room (left side) of Castle Grancel for the ending and once the credits have rolled, you'll earn your last two achievements:

"I've Always Loved You" & "Pizza Cake"
Complete Chapter 4 & Complete all achievements.

Congratulations on completing the game and collecting all the achievements in one run!
Frogeroo 14 Mar @ 9:39pm 
amazing guide! managed to get everything in one playthrough too. Had to start chapter 1 a few times until I realised how specific and tight some of these requirements and windows are but we got there in the end!

thanks for this and now onto SC!
ErickaUnlimited  [author] 12 Mar @ 7:33am 
@Kyuzo - Could be, as each spot adds [BP] to the side quest when you turn it in.
Kyuzo 12 Mar @ 5:58am 
Hey! Love your guide it's been a great help to me! I seemed to have missed 2 bp in chapter three, but can't entirely figure it out. Perhaps I didn't visit enough spots in the prototype shoes? Are each spot visited with +1 bp?
Iron 25 Feb @ 9:01am 
Good afternoon, thank you so much for such a great job and good leadership. It helps me a lot during the passage of this game. Even though this is my first jrpg game, it really got me hooked.

Is it possible to contact you with a question about using the maps from your manual to write your own, indicating your authorship. I was very excited about the idea of translating your guide into my native language and adding features that were convenient for me personally during the passage.
Sarun 21 Feb @ 9:24am 
Agg... I think I've messed up already! Part of it is why this game has to have so many missable and small window things, the other is that it feel like parts of this guide aren't specific enough about what exactly to do and when.
I'm on Chapter 1 and defeated the village monster but went back to village, but checked guide about an airship? Went back to that area and looked around couldn't find any airship? So thought I had to go after the main quest.
While going after the quest I slipped up and missed my window for the 3rd book, but what confuses me is that you are able to have bought book 1 if you missed it sooner, which I did.
I'm trying my best to keep following the guide, but getting confused and leading to slip ups revolving around the timing and order of everything, since some of is narrow window and some is bigger window.
If I fail I fail, since it feels more like poor design choices one would not be aware of in the first place with all these hidden elements.
ErickaUnlimited  [author] 24 Jan @ 1:06pm 
@lordmatthewjones - Yay! Glad to hear you got 100%!
lordmatthewjones 24 Jan @ 1:01pm 
100%! Thank you very much. Dynamite guide. I made a few mistakes which I was able to correct by going back to old saves. Save early and often. All the mistakes had to do with Carnelia and me not reading closely enough. Damn Carnelia! I was terrified of having missed a treasure chest here or there, but lo and behold I got the chest and message achievement in the final dungeon. Hallelujah!
Calad 9 Nov, 2024 @ 7:03am 
Thanks for the guide, I just hit 100% using it! One callout I'd like to make is after doing the two harem achievements, to make sure to rebuild your team using all available team members. This gives you credit for their chapter 4 starting weapons towards the weapon achievement. If anyone finds they're missing a handful, load up a save that lets you backtrack to one of the party camps in the final dungeon. You can just grab them there and it'll count on your main save as well.
Floor 31 Oct, 2024 @ 7:02pm 
Onto chapter 4. Seems I missed my first achievement: Bracer Points. While you mentioned visiting 4 areas with the Strega testing quest, you did not mention it gave bonus BP for doing so. The game tells you to visit Elmo village, but you don't have to, so I assumed there were slight difference between your guide and the game. I happened to be in the area and the quest giver accepted the quest when I only visited 3 locations, so I thought I was good.

Could you add a note that this gives bonus BP? Overall, still happy with this guide even if I'm missing 1 achievement so far
Black Frost 31 Aug, 2024 @ 7:37am 
Well that's unfortunate, but okay. 😞