Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered (2010)

Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered (2010)

97 ratings
Full guide - Walkthrough, Achievements, Story, Trivia, Easter Eggs, Basics
By Mare
This guide contains a full walkthrough with all achievements in one playthrough. It also includes unraveled storyline as well as logic and reasoning behind actions for puzzles.
The recent update of the Remaster of this point-and-click gem pushed me to pay my respects to the Revolution and the game I played a long time ago, by investing time to write this comprehensive guide.

Growing up in the golden era of the genre, games like the original BS2: the Smoking Mirror added to my already huge P'n'C enthusiasm. The original game, released in 1997, is one of the four games that were build on the Revolution's Virtual Theatre engine, that featured roaming NPCs adding to the immersiveness of the in-game world, and a great advantage against the competing LucasArt's SCUMM and Sierra's Creative Interpreter engines.
Even though this game is not the best of the best, it is a representative of the genre and an old time classic. After it was given a new life, in the form of the Remastered version in 2010, the recent huge update made it eternal.

The big update, among other quality of life updates, brought cloud saves and achievements.

This guide contains some spoilers! The walkthrough itself is spoiler free, and it is written in a narration form, so the story unfolds along with the in-game progress, but other content may contain spoilers.
The puzzles in the game are interesting, usually not the hardest to figure out, but there are some that potentially require very "outside-of-the-box" thinking. How stuff is done? "Impulse, mainly, with a dash of irrational intuition", George Stobbart, 1997.
Achievements Info
There are twenty-seven (27) achievements for this game. Most of them are story achievements which you receive as you progress through the adventure. To be precise, there are nineteen (19) story achievements which you cannot miss after completing the playthrough.

All achievements can be collected in one playthrough though, with two requirements:
  1. not to use hints, required for { Hardcore } achievement, and
  2. save/load of the game for four (4) of the missable achievements.
The missable achievements lead to death of the main character (and a game over), so if you save the game at the point marked with SAVE GAME in this guide, you can proceed with getting the achievement and, after GAME OVER happens, safely load the game to continue the adventure afterwards.
Missable achievements have their own section after the walkthrough, but all are pointed out through the walkthrough.
Game Basics
Moving around
You move your character by clicking the left mouse button on any part of the scene, and the character will move to that location or try to move as close as possible.
Walk action will be indicated by the footsteps appearing after the mouse click.

A character is moved from scene to scene by using an indicator of exit hotspot, the animated pointing hand. The character will move toward the hotspot and the scene will change.

If a scene is larger than it can fit on a screen, it can be observer in full without moving of the character, by using navigational arrows on the keyboard (, , , )

Each scene has points of interest to the character called hotspots. When a mouse is hovered around, they are revealed, and, like in all old-school P'n'C games, the player has to scan the scene when enters it for the first time, or when something happens and the scene is changed.
By default, the hotspot indicator is enabled, and the blue circles show when a mouse cursor is close to a hotspot. With updates, a configuration setting is added so this aid can be turned on/off for players that like additional challenge.

It can be found in the Options menu.

All in-game interaction is done using the mouse. Left mouse button click is action on an object or character, and right mouse button click is "detailed examination" or "inspect" always. You can right mouse click everything, and you should, even the exit hotspots to learn about the path it leads to.

Left mouse click is always the action indicated by the current mouse cursor.
Spinning cog wheels mouse cursor is an indicator of various different actions among which are: Use, Open, Look at, approach, Peek, Climb, Take,..

Pickup action

Talk action

Inventory becomes available after the first item is obtained, and it contains all items that the character holds on them.
Clicking the suitcase icon, in the lower left part of the screen, will open/close inventory.

Inventory items can be:
  • inspected, with the right mouse button click,
  • combined, by dragging one item over the other using the left mouse button click and releaseing it when an indicator text is shown, like in an example below,

  • and used outside the inventory, by dragging an item outside the inventory, placing it over a hotspot and releasing the left mouse button when a text indicator is like in an example below.

Diary is the place where you can find the story covered as you progress throughout the adventure. Usually, diary get new entries when the area changes. Both playable characters keep separate diaries.
All diary entries are available from the main menu screen after the game is finished for the first time.

When talking to someone and there are multiple options or topics you can discuss with the interlocutor, they will be displayed at the bottom center of the screen as icons.

For example, the picture above shows two possible conversation topics: Nicole and Lobineau.
Tips for playing
Some tips for playing the game:
  1. When a new item is acquired and put into the inventory, always take a closer look at it with the right mouse click to get more info on it.
  2. After entering a new area/scene, first things to do are:
    • Use directional keys on the keyboard (, , , ) to get yourself familiar with the whole area
    • Use detailed examination of all objects/characters/exists (right mouse click), to get more info on them, sometimes valuable clues lie in these details
    • If you use Hotspots, scan the area with your mouse pointer to reveal all hotspots. Not all of them are of the interest, but they can provide ideas, also
    • note all standout objects that are not hotspots, they can also provide ideas for solving puzzles, yes "camel back" I'm looking at you!
  3. When having a conversation with someone, always exhaust all conversation topics, if possible. You'll learn about additional background story as well as maybe hints for potential puzzle solutions.
  4. Everytime an action or dialog option that progress the story is chosen, distinct traditional tunes will be played in the background, so you know you did something right and should revisit objects or npc's.
  5. When you are stuck and do not know what to do, take a look at the Puzzle Hint question. Even the question itself, without revealing the hint, can provide a valuable clue for next steps.
Walkthrough Intro
The walkthrough is written in the narration style, which includes the background story and the thinking/reasoning for some of the puzzles.
Lifeless walkthroughs with a list of to-do actions tend to look like a chore and do not include the player in the story, so this guide offers a different approach. Even though the story isn't the one of the things this game can brag about, the voice acting and execution are, and everyone is encouraged to explore additional dialogues, and examine areas/scenes in detail which can deeply engage the player in its world.

For people that want a quickly run through the game, you can skip the whole sentences and paragraphs where the text is not formatted and focus just on the bolded actions, underlined objects and italic inventory items.

Walkthrough text formatting guide:
  • Intractable object in the area/scene
  • Action on an object
  • Inventory item
  • [Character]
  • { Achievement }
Actions on an object, bolded text, almost always mean performing a left mouse click. In very rare circumstances, it's a right mouse click, and it is noted in the walkthrough. Right mouse click is reserved for detailed examination of the object/character/item/exit.
Paris - Professor Oubier's house (Oubier's Room)
(Diary, page 1)

You start as [Gorge Stobbart] tied to a chair with a giant spider coming at you.

Optional achievement: { Angry Spider } Try to stomp the [Spider] two times and wait for it to jump onto you. It will result in a game over and the achievement will pop up. You can start a new game afterwards.
Please refer to Missable Achievements section of this guide for more details.

Use the Bookcase and you will notice a block of wood supporting it. Use the Block of Wood, [George] will kick it and bookcase will crush the spider. This is where you get your first story achievement.

{ Heavy Handed }

After the bookcase falls, it reveals a Metal Bracket with jagged metal edge. After you use and [George] will be set free, you now need to deal with the fire in the left part of the scene.

To the left there is a Writing Bureau, a Drawer, a Bag and a Dart. Left click action to open the Drawer and acquire a Mayan Pot. Open the inventory and examine (right mouse click) the Mayan Pot to find a key (Oubier’s Key). Use the Writing Bureau to open its lid and reveal a bottle of Tequila. Try to pick up the Tequila, and [George] will proceed to take a sip from the bottle. A Worm will fall down to the floor, so pick up the Worm. Move a bit to the left and pick up the Bag from the floor. In it, you will find: a Lipstick, a Note and a pair of Exotic Panties. Open the inventory and examine the Note to find that it is from Andrea Lobineau to Nicole, and that it contains his telephone number. Pick up a Dart from the floor as well.

Move to the far-left side of the scene, near the fire. Pick up the Syphon, and [George] will test it to find that there is no pressure inside due to the lack of gas. Try to open the Cabinet, and you’ll find out that it is locked. Use Dart with the Cabinet to pick the lock and open it. If you examine the Cabinet, [George] will notice a small metal object with a round end and a valve at the other end. Pick up the Cylinder from within the cabinet, to find that it is hot and cannot be picked up with bare hands. Take Exotic Panties from the inventory and use it on the Cylinder to pick it up the Gas Cylinder. That is exactly what you need to transform the nearby cylinder into a fire extinguisher, so put the Gas Cylinder in the Syphon and use the newly created fire extinguisher with the Flames in front of the door to put out the fire. If you use the syphon with any other object, [George] will put it down, so you’ll have to pick it up again.

Now it is time to start looking for Nicole. Open the Door, and proceed to the entry hallway.

Paris – Professor Oubier’s house (Oubier’s Hall)
{ Fire Escape }

You’ll take the stairs down and find yourself in the Oubier’s Hall with two doors, a Telephone and a Newscutting. Pick up the Newscutting, which in turn is a folded newspaper, to learn about the forthcoming eclipse of the sun and how it will be the best visible from Mexico. Open the inventory and examine (right mouse click) the News Cutting, to reveal another small piece of paper inside. It is Oubier’s Bank Statement, which shows several transactions, all made from Marseille.

Pick up the Telephone, and [George] will call [Lobineau], using the phone number from the Note, to inquire about Nicole. They arrange a meeting at a Café at Montfaucon, well known to both of them. The door to the right is locked tight and not of importance. When you try to head out through the door on the left, George will say that they are locked also, so use the Oubier’s key on the front Door on the left to unlock them and open them to proceed to the next area. [George] is not happy he will meet the [Lobineau] again, but he is the only way to find [Nicole] again.
Paris - Café
(Diary, pages 2,3)

Arriving at the small café, [George] notices that there is no sign of [Lobineau], so he decides to sit down, order a coffee and wait for him.

There is a [Man] sitting at the nearing table and a [Waiter] occasionally popping out of the Café and serving the [Man] what seems to be a wine.

Talk to the man just to recognize him from before. It’s the [Gendarme]. Talk with him about [Nicole] and [Lobineau]. He discloses that he is forced into retirement as the scapegoat to cover up for his department inefficiencies. He never heard of the Professor Oubier. Exhaust all conversation options with him. After the conversation is over, pick up his Flask, and [George] will note that he cannot fetch the flask while the man is looking.

When the Waiter comes out of the Café to serve the [Gendarme], talk to him, and he will completely ignore you. Second time, when [George] talks to the waiter, he will request a coffee. The waiter will then enter the Café and bring back a coffee for [George] thus starting a conversation. Explore all conversation topics: Gendarme’s flask with Absinthe, Lobineau, Professor Oubier, Oubier’s wife, stage name Carol Kleimachs which dies under suspicious circumstances, rumors say Oubier shot her and got away with a murder; Gendarme, and the poison dart.

After the conversation with the [Waiter] ends, a cutscene will start where [Lobineau] will enter the area and join [George] at the table. They talk about [Nicole] and [Lobineau] shows the Mayan stone that was given by Nicole to him to safeguard. The stone has a Coyote carved on its face. Continue the conversation with [Lobineau] and explore all conversation topics: Mayan stone (George will ask for the stone, and the stone’s origin – smuggled), Professor Oubier (why she didn’t take the stone to Oubier), Guy from Central America, Worm, Pot (Lobineau says it’s from South or Central America, and he has a friend who owns the Glease gallery on the Left Bank and will know more about it), Bank Statement (5 large cache withdrawals from Marseille in the past couple of days).

Exhaust all conversation for [Lobineau] to leave.

"Meanwhile, several hundred kilometers away..."

A cutscene with Nico starts. She is being interrogated while tied up to a chair by an old military looking guy [Karzac] and the Guy from Central America [Pablo]. They are requesting to know what happened to the Mayan stone, and Nico refuses to tell them.

The cutscene ends and focus returns to [George] sitting at the Café. Talk to [Gendarme] and ask him about himself twice. He will tell you that he misses being a gendarme, and he will put his head down and afterwards he’ll cover his eyes. This is the right time to pick up his Flask with absinthe.

{ Borrowed Booze }

Use all other conversation topics with the [Gendarme] for more additional info on the story, and he will eventually tell you to leave him alone.

Now you have another clue which points towards the Glease gallery. Exit the area through a path to the right and pick the gallery from options presented on the screen.
Paris – Glease gallery
(Diary page 4)

[George] enters the gallery at the front. You can scroll the screen to the left (using arrow keys /) to reveal the whole area. Explore and examine the front area with a couple of girls, Mayan pots, pictures on the wall and a [Man] in a gray suit, standing next to glass shelves and having a drink. Then go to the left, where the gallery’s back area is.

The man in yellow jacked is [Glease], looking like an older version of Lobineau as George keenly notices. Talk to him. Inquire about the Mayan stone, Professor Oubier, Oubier’s wife, Pot relics (George learns that the professor arranges the shipping of artifacts and the Glease just collects them from the docks, but he cannot reveal through which docks are artifacts shipped), Central American Indians, Pots (Mexican pots on display in the gallery), Wine (that the man in the gray suit is drinking, Glease says that it is very cheap), and the newspaper.

When the conversation with Glease is over, move next to the [Man] in gray suite standing between the shelves. Talk to him about Professor Oubier, his drink, and the Pot (he will break the pot). Exhaust all conversation options and use the [Absinthe flask] with Glass that he is holding two times. The [Man] will fall over and break the display case behind him.

Talk to [Glease] and proceed to the back of the gallery (to the left). You’ll find a Credit Card Machine on the table and a Packing Case behind a screen. Look at the Packing Case to find that it contains nothing, but on the side, there are remains of a Label. Pick up the Label. [George] will closely examine it to find the words ‘Kondor Transglobal, Mars…’ with the rest of the label missing.

Combining two and two, George realizes that Oubier organized Nico’s abduction and withdrew money from Marseilles and that he is connected with Trans Global while shipping goods from a warehouse in Marseilles! That is George's next destination.
Marseilles - Docks
"A few hours later..."

A cutscene will trigger where George arrives at the desolate dockside in Marseilles at dawn. Entrance to the docks is barred with chained fence.

Approach the Hut, and the scene will zoom in showing the Fence with a [Dog] behind them, and a small wooden hut with a glowing Window and a smoking Chimney. Approach the Fence and the [Dog] will bark, altering the [Guard] who comes out of the hut and engages a short conversation with [Gorge]. Fence has a Padlock, but if you try to mess with it, the [Dog] starts to bark and [George] states that he cannot break it with his bare hands.

Go to the left of the hut and [George] will take the stairs down to the water level docks. Pick up the Hook from the water. It’s actually a stick with a hook on one end – a Boathook. Look up the Trapdoor, which are bolted, and go back up to the front of the hut.

Approach the Window. [George] will catch the [Guard] dropping a bottle down the Trapdoor, and start the conversation with him. Politely ask the [Guard] about the current time and the time when the docks open. He tells you that it won’t be soon due to the month-long holiday that is just about to start. Ask about the dog and his name (Security dog number twenty). Exhaust all conversation topics: Kondor Transglobal (George tries to trick the guard about a delivery for the Transglobal to let him in), Nico (and her abduction), Exotic Panties, Professor Oubier, stove (and beans/peas), the poison dart, and the letter. The conversation ends, so now go to get the bottle the [Guard] dropped. Go back to the lower area of docks, on the left of the hut, and use the Boathook with the Bottle in the water, that the guard threw a couple of minutes ago, to fetch it. If you peek through the Trapdoor, [George] will have access to the inside of the hut, but all things are out of reach because the [Guard] is inside cooking his meal. Head back again to the hut's front side.

Notice the Chimney next to the Window. Maybe you could mess with the chimenty so the hut fills with smoke and the guard will heave to go out? Try to touch the Chimney and [Gorge] will note that it is very hot. Use the Bottle, which is half filled with water, with the Chimney to cool it down. Try to touch the Chimney again, and [George] will remove its top and leave the chimney pipe exposed. Use the Bottle again with the Chimney to block it. This will fill up the hut with smoke and the [Guard] will come out. With the [Guard] out of the hut, head back down below it and through the Trapdoor into the hut. [George] will climb into the hut this time.

You cannot get out of the hut through the door, since the [Dog] is out to get you. Take from the Coal Scuttle (Coal for luck), and dog Biscuits from the table. Coal is not needed for the storyline, instead it is used for the achievements and some easter eggs. Biscuits will come handy to get rid of the dog. Lower yourself through the Trapdoor, and notice the Platform in front of the barking [Dog]. Lure the [Dog], by using Biscuits with the Platform. With the [Dog] now on the Platform, use Boathook with it to get the [Dog] swimming.

{ Dog Dunk }

Dog is now out of the picture, and you can go back to the front and climb the Fence. George quickly climbs the fence and proceeds to the front of the warehouse.
Marseilles – Warehouse (Exterior)
(Diary page 5, 6)

The warehouse front area is larger than the previous ones, and you can explore it using directional arrows on the keyboard.

Examine all details and notice two Signs. One marks the warehouse of the Pont du Nord, wine producing company and the other one is Kondor Transglobal, the one George is after. Knocking on the warehouse Door doesn’t do much, since there is so much noise that the knocking is “drowned in it”, so proceed to climb the ladder just left to the door. The metal fan, for which the duct is just next to the window, is producing noise, and you have to disable it somehow. Look through the Window, and use the Boathook to jam the Fan. In the background you can see the [Pablo], the Central American guy, arguing with another person who is hiding among the crates. If you look at the room, you can see that it is filled with Transglobal crates. Now you need to get rid of the goon in order to access the warehouse. Go back, climb down the ladder and go in front of the warehouse Door.

Optional achievement: { Henchmen } SAVE GAME at this point. Knock on the Door and talk to the Central American guy, and repeat those two actions until he agrees to come out. Wait for him to come out and shoot [George] resulting in a game over, and the game awards the achievement.
Please refer to Missable Achievements section of this guide for more details.

Knock on the warehouse Door and the Central American goon will open the Grill. Pick any conversation option and be persistent in knocking and annoying him until he agrees to come out. Then quickly climb the ladder to the higher platform. Goon will come out and look for George. In order to get rid of him, use the Barrel on the higher platform, just above the Kondor Transglobal sign. [George] will use the Clamp to take and drop the Barrel to the lower ground, making noise and distracting the goon. He’ll proceed to check what is happening, so use the Barrel again to knock the goon into the water.

{ Sneaky Sneak }

Climb down the ladder and go inside the warehouse through, now open, Doors.
Marseilles – Warehouse (Interior)
Once inside the Transglobal warehouse, you notice that there no sign of the person that was previously hiding among the creates.

Approach the desk, the goon was sitting at earlier. Open the Drawer to find a small bras key. Look at the Noticeboard, and [George] will stumble upon a delivery note from Kondor Transglobal with an address in Quaramonte City. Nice new hint! Try to open the Filing Cabinet to find that it is locked.

Continue walking to the right to the green elevator doors. When you reach the crates, the [little guy], that was hiding before, will jump up and engage in conversation. He has a blowpipe, so George deduces, how Nicole was abducted. Talk to the little fella. He starts repeating Quaramonte. Inquire about Nicole, Chimney Cone, Poisonous Dart and the bras key. Once George shows the small brass key, the [little guy] will come out to reveal that he has a set of manacles around his ankles, so [George] uses the key to set the [little guy] free who will quickly run away into the dark side of the boxes.

With him gone, [George] can now proceed to the upper floor elevator to the right. Use the Button to call the elevator and go up.
Marseilles – Warehouse (Upstairs)
Arriving at the upper floor, [George] get an idea of blocking the elevator so no one can get to him that way and quickly uses his hand to block the Photoelectric cell which prevents closing of elevator doors if obstructed. Use the nearby big Crate to block the doors, so the elevator stays on this floor.

Explore the floor and notice the Switch on the right of the elevator, just above the elevator call button. Press the Switch to turn on the wall lamp in the other part of the room. The light will reveal a Scratch Marks on the floor near a wall. Look at the arch shaped Scratch Marks, and [George] will spot the hidden Door in the wall. Open the Door and enter the secret room.

Additional content unlocked. On the game's main menu, an awesome comic book appears! It's a story on how Nico came into possession of the Mayan Stone.

Surprise, you find [Nico]! Talk with her and [George] will remove a trip of Masking Tape from her mouth and she requests to be untied. Untie the Rope from her hands and the conversation will start. She briefly explains on how she came into possession of the Mayan Stone.

{ Rescued Nico }

The conversation is rather short and when it ends, pick up the Fetish statue from the floor and get back to the previous room. Talk to [Nico] again, but this time there are a lot of conversation topics to choose from. Go through all of them to find out more about the background of the events. Kondor Transglobal (company that exports good from Central America to Europe, Nico suspects that it is a cover for drug smuggling, they are based in Quaramonte, Central America), Karzac, Oubier’s wife, Inspector Moue (Sargent from BS1), Pablo and Titipoco, The Dart, Exotic Panties, Little statue, and manacles.

Now you have to find a way out, but not using the elevator. Masking tape can be used as a replacement for the Photoelectric cell blockade, so use it and push the big crate back in the initial position. Move the small Crate over to the big crate you just pushed back, and push the large Crate sitting next to the Pallet Carrier. Now you have access to the Pallet carrier, so use it to lift the statue, so it sits right below the Pulley. Tie the Rope around the Statue, and use the Rope with the Pulley, so the rope firmly attaches the Statue to the Pulley. Now, lower the Pallet Carrier cart and try to push the Statue. It is too heavy for [George], so talk to [Nico] about helping with the statue. They both push the statue and make an escape route.

Proceed through the broken doors, and you’ll find yourself on the wooden balcony with a Cable attached to its roof. Use the Manacles with the Cable to finally get away in style!

"Back in Paris..."

A cutscene follows with Nico and George back in Paris, meeting Lobineau and Glease at his gallery. Nico tells Lobineau to give the Mayan Stone to George, and they talk about Quaramonte City, the best lead that George has. Glease reveals that place is in Central America and where Oubier gets his artifacts. It’s set, Nico and George are set to Quaramonte City!
Quaramonte - Market (part 1)
“A few days later… “
(Diary page 7)

{ Coyote Stone }

Cutscene with Nico and George arriving at Quaramonte. They set to search for the offices of the Transglobal, while being vigilant about any signs pointing towards Transglobal company.

It’s market day at Quaramonte and a there are a lot of locals out in the open. Get familiar with the new area. Talk to all the locals at the market, including the [Guard] and the [Band]. Ask them about Kondor Transglobal and the statue. You’ll learn that the little statue is the Tezcatlipoca (The Hungry Chief, bringer of death and which brings bad luck), while the [Guard] will elaborate on exit visas and restriction of music in Quaramonte. From the [Band] you’ll learn that Miguel in jail for playing folk music, there was also an accident in the mines, and talk to them about the Mayan Stone, worm, Kondor Transglobal label and their ship, total eclipse and the Tezcatlipoca statue.

Optional achievement: { I Hate Marzipan } Give the lump of Coal to the Goat standing in front of the Quaramonte Mine co. building. It will trigger the short conversation with the goat, and the game will award the achievement.
Please refer to Missable Achievements section of this guide for more details.

Right in front of the Police station is [Pearl] Henderson. George notes that the last time he saw her was in a market in Syria. Go talk to her and ask about: Duane, their purpose of visiting Quaramonte, Mayan stone, Tezcatlipoca statue, worm and the solar eclipse. After you finish talking to her, proceed more to the right to find her husband [Duane] Henderson sitting in a truck. Talk to him about ‘you-know-who’, Karzac, traditional music ban and Miguel, the truck, lucky piece of coal, Kondor Transglobal, and panties. Move more right and talk to the legless man. Inquire about the mining company and the accident, Mayan stone, Kondor Transglobal shipping company, solar eclipse, and the panties. After finishing the conversation with the two of them, walk back to [Pearl] and talk to her about the truck.

Now go up the stairs to the top floor of the Quaramonte Mining Co. Entering the large office space a conversation between [George], [Nico] and [Conchita] Garcia, the owner of the mining company starts. [Nico] introduces herself as an investor seeking some info and [George] as her assistant who has some questions. From her, you'll learn that there was no accident at the mines, it was a sabotage and the local are talking about the curse. She'll also tell you where the site of the mine is, that she never heard of the man named Korzac and that Kondor Transglobal opearte an old container ship, The Mayan Princess.

After the conversation, head back to the street and enter the Police station. Nico will come along once again. Entering the office, you overhear the talk between [General Grasiento] and an old man, standing in front of a map, about their intentions to close down the mine so there is no one around to observer some excavation done by the old man. The old man then walks out and [George] and [Nico] engage in a conversation with [Grasiento] who positions himself in his chair behind a desk. Talk about: ruins around the city (Renaldo can be a guide), The Old Man (It’s Professor Oubier, the old man Grasiento was talking to, his business in Quaramonte, Organizing an expedition to a Mayan ruin and came to Grasiento for an excavation permit), Tourist office/Police, Korzac (says that he knows nothing of the guy), Accident in the mine, music ban, exit visa (points towards Renaldo), dog buiscuits, Mayan Stone, panties, Kondor Transglobal (Know nothing of their offices and “neither does Renaldo”), Solar eclipse. [Grasiento] looks quite suspicious as his story doesn’t sound very convincing as most of the answers do not add up. As general suggests, talk to [Renaldo] next. Inquire about [Miguel] (visiting prisoner, but prisoner is awaiting execution), Ancient Pyramids new Quaramonte (guided tour, he can’t leave paperwork), exiting visa (for getting out of Quaramonte, he plays dumb), dog biscuits, statue and solar eclipse.

Before heading out, look at the map, where General and Professor Oubier stood earlier, and General will stop George before he can look at it fully. At the back of the Police station is a room with cells, and George makes a remark that it cannot be accessed while the General Grasiento is sitting at his desk.

When both of them are outside, Nico will ask the George for why did he show the stone to the General and the conversation will begin. Talk to Nico about all conversation topics. Chart on the wall that looks like a map, General Grasiento, Lobineau (George is jealous), Professor Oubier, dog biscuits, chimney cone, worm, solar eclipse, Oubier’s bank statement and the Mayan Stone. When the conversation ends, move right to find [Professor Oubier], and talk to him. Conversation topics: Korzac (financing Oubiers expedition), his wife, Nico’s abduction (he hasn’t been home for several months), Central American employee (he didn’t employ anyone), dog biscuits, Mayan Stone (asking about the origin and how much George wants for it, it is not for sale), Tezcatlipoca (the lord of darkness, supreme deity, translates to ‘smoking mirror’, holding a mirror shield in his left hand, he could look into the mirror and see into the hearts of men, thousands of sacrifices in his name so much that the steps of his Temple ran red with blood, a Mayan legend says that will return one day), Kondor Transglobal (they went bankrupt recently, used them for shipping artifacts to Paris), Solar Eclipse (interest in the eclipse, marked the end of the fifth age for the Mayans, end of each age brings destruction on a global scale, the fifth is the final age, ending in the total destruction of the earth) and the bank statement. Oubier concludes that both of them are victims of the devious plot.
Quaramonte - Market (part 2)
Now go to Mining company offices and talk to [Conchita] about [Professor Oubier] to find that he hired some equipment from her today and George makes an assumption that Professor and General are plotting something together. Head out and go talk to [Duane]. You will also notice that [Professor] is no longer near the truck. Ask Duane about: Kondor Transglobal (evidence of drug smuggling? cover for illegal export of Mayan artifacts), General Grasiento (he thinks that the General is a pawn in the front, His mother La Presidenta is the key player), and Miguel (Duane was trying to make contact, but he was imprisoned, needs a detonator which Pearl packed, and he cannot find it).

Go and talk to [Pearl] again. She is still standing in front of the Police station. Inquire about General Grasiento and the detonator, but she doesn’t know much. The best person to ask for something like that is, you guessed correctly, the head of the Mining company, Conchita. Go to her office, this time without Nico, and inquire about a detonator. She’ll reveal that there are spare detonators in the nearby cupboard, but she cannot give you one without a very good reason. Reveal to her that the General has a chart in his office, but it cannot be accessed while he is near it. Head out and talk to [Nico] about the chart, and they conceive a plan: Nico distracts the General while George looks at the chart.

Both of you head inside the police station, so now talk to the [General Grasiento] about a map of Quaramonte and [Nico]. He’ll note that the map on the wall is an archeological map, not suitable for tourists. [Nico] asks a favor from the General, about an interview, so both of them head out to General's apartment. Try to look at the Chart and [Renaldo] will stop you, so now you have to get rid of him as well. Talk to [Renaldo] about the Pyramid, and he gladly accepts to show George’s friend (Pearl) the Pyramid since General is gone. Head out and talk to the [Pearl] about the Pyramid and after a short cutscene Pearl and Renaldo will set foot for the Pyramid and the station is left empty.

Optional achievement: { Black screen of Death } Interact with the Monitor several times until the achievement pops up.
Please refer to Missable Achievements section of this guide for more details.

You can finally examine the Chart on the wall. Sixty miles SE of the Quaramonte City is a marked area named Teoculcan. Prisoner cells area, where [Miguel] is being held, is accessible now, but there is no business there at the moment, so head back to [Conchita] and tell her about the chart and your new clew Teoculcan. She will be unpleasantly surprised since that is the location of the mine as well, and she instructs you to bring Miguel to her for a chat.

Open the Cupboard and [George] will take the detonator. Take the detonator and give it to [Duane] in the truck. He instructs you to go and warn [Miguel], so go inside the police station and to the back and talk to [Miguel]. During the conversation, [Renaldo] will appear, and you’ll end up trapped in a cell.

The scene changes to General's apartment, and now you control Nico. The General is quite fond of Nico, but she isn’t thrilled about the situation.

Explore the room and examine (right mouse click): Portrait, Lava Lamp, Tigerskin, Television, and the Sword Fish. Talk to [General Grasiento] about all those things, and his mother will enter the room following a cutscene.

The scene will revert to [George] and [Duane] will appear to save the day but he finds out that he wasn’t carrying the explosives in the truck. [George] is now left to tend for himself. There is a Noose in the Miguel’s, so talk to [Miguel] about Karzac (Says that Oubier knows him) and the Noose (Renaldo put it up, so Miguel can hang himself, and George will ask [Miguel] to give him the rope). Use the Noose with the Cell Window, then pick up the hanging Noose, and give it to [Duane] so [George] instructs him to tie the other end of the rope to the truck and to drive forward.

At that moment the scene changes to General Grasiento apartment where General, under the pressure from his mother, begins the proposing of Nico. Luckily, his act is interrupted by a loud crash of collapsing wall, and he rushes toward the terrace to check it out, while Nico quickly runs out.

Duane and Pearl successfully managed to collapse the prison wall and clear up a path for prisoners. Once free, George and Miguel quickly start to run towards the river, where a boat was waiting, stumbling upon Nico, so she comes along with them.

Cutscene follows… Nico and George join Miguel on the boat as it starts moving up the river. Later in the night, a helicopter attacked the boat, completely trashing it. The story now focuses on George, who washed up on the river bank and was unconscious and alone. He recovered and following a music he discovered a nearby tree house.
Jungle – Tree House
(Diary 8, 9, 10, 11)

{ Jailbreak }

Examine the area and get yourself familiar with it. There is an inaccessible Tree House with an air pump below it. George calls to see if there is anyone in the house, but no one answers; but something seems odd. You have to somehow get yourself access to that Tree House.

Walk to the left, examine the Waterwheel and the Pump and notice how it pumps air into the Tree House. Maybe if you manage to start pumping something else into the house, whoever is inside will have to come out, so first place the News Cutting (newspaper from the Oubier’s house) on the pile of damp Leaves. You now need a fire or just a spark, so use Fetish Statue on the Waterwheel. A shower of sparks falls onto the leaves, setting them on fire, and the smoke starts pumping into the house. [Father Hubert] comes out and informs George that there is a sick Frenchwoman laying inside. He found her that morning by the river and ever since she is only speaking French. Father lowers the ladder and George now has access to the Tree House.

Speak to [Hubert] about him (his business in the jungle, his boat capsized in the river, and he is stuck here for 11 years), and Nico (she was bitten by the venomous snake, there is a root that will cure the poison, shaman in the village can tell you more, but father’s collar is creased and heeds to be pressed, gives the collar to George).

When you try to go into the Tree House, [Father Hubert] will stop you because the girl must not be disturbed, so you first must find the cure. The traditional Press on the left, with two heavy round stones, looks exactly like something you need to straighten the collar, but it is not working. If you didn’t already, pick up the Vine rope on a broken Washing Machine. Use Vine rope on the Press, as a connection belt, and pick up the Cross and use it on the Press as the lever. Now the Press is operational, so go and use the Collar on the Press and pick up the Cross and use it on the Press as well. Pick up the pressed Collar below the Press and give the Collar to [Father Hubert]. Continue the conversation about father's last visit to the village and the root for the cure.

Father Hubert is embarrassed of his last village visit due to him performing the Monkey Dance. George thinks of it as a euphemism for something else, but he insists of taking him to the village to save Nico, so they set foot towards the village, so they can arrive before the nightfall.
Jungle – Village
Father and George arrive at the guarded village entrance at sunset. Two guards are standing in their positions, and Father Hubert engages in a conversation with them, introducing George along the way. Shortly after the conversation begins, Father returns to the Tree House, leaving George to continue the conversation.

Explain to the guards that Nico was bitten by a snake and ask to speak to the Shaman. He requests a gift, so chose dog biscuits conversation option and the guard will take them to shaman. Upon return, the guard says that the Shaman liked the biscuits, especially the black ones, and requests more, but unfortunately you do not have any. Put Coyote Stone (Mayan Stone), which is black, in the empty Dog Biscuits box and talk again to the guard, choosing the Dog Biscuits option. He’ll take the box to the Shaman and now the Shaman wants to see you, and you gain access to the Village.

Walk to the left into the native tribe village, and you’ll see the [Shaman] sitting at the center with a Fire in front of him. Not much else to do here, so talk to the [Shaman].

George introduces himself and joins the Shaman by the fire, with the remark that “It has long been foretold that a white man would bring the coyote stone to the village” by the shaman. Talk about all conversation topics with the Shaman. At first, George requests a root for the cure for Nico and the Shaman discloses about it being a secret only known to the members of the tribe, but the George insists on it. That is when the Shaman starts to elaborate on “why” is George summoned to the village before he gives you the root.

Adventure unveils further with Shaman’s story about the Tezcatlipoca (the evil god), and how priests trapped him temporary until the closing of the Fifth Age, marked by the solar eclipse. They built a pyramid with a huge mirror of perfectly smooth obsidian, at its center, and after luring the Tezcatlipoca into the pyramid, they used sorcery to ensnare him in the mirror. Priests then fashioned three obsidian stones which contained the power to seal the mirror permanently. Unfortunately, the stones were seized by the invading Spanish, with only one reaching Spain, the other two were snatched by the buccaneers. The Jaguar stone was captured by an English captain, El Draco; The Eagle stone was taken by a pirate called Ketch, and the Coyote stone, in George’s possession, is the one that reached Spain. Discussing further about the stones, Shaman reveals that the Jaguar stone is taken to England and the Eagle stone, stolen by the pirate captain Ketch who later retired on his island in the Caribbean. Shaman instructs George to bring him all three stones, so he can prepare George, to venture into the pyramid to seal the gate, so Tezcatlipoca cannot return to this world.

The solar eclipse that permeates through the story so far, is the one that will mark the end of the Fifth age, and it is due in less two weeks, so George is set foot to find the other two stones to seal the mirror. Faith of the human race rests upon his shoulders!

When talking about Father Hubert, you learn that he has a lot of children, three girls and five boys, all conceived during the feast of the Monkey Dance.

At the end, the Shaman gives George the root and tells him that, later that night, they will be holding a party for the night of the Monkey Dance.
Jungle - Tree House
“A little later…”

George returns to the Tree House, through the jungle. Put the Medicinal Root into the Press, and place the Chimney Cone, at the Press as well, so it acts as a container. Pick up the Cross and use it to activate the Press, so the liquid is squeezed into the cone. Pick up the Cone and use it on the Tree House, so George takes the antidote inside.

The cutscene occurs, George gives the antidote to Nico and as she recovers, starts to explain what has happened and that they have to find two additional stones.

They decided to split up, to save time, and look for each stone independently.
Caribbean - Ketch Landing (Beach)
“After flying across the Caribbean Sea…”
(Diary 12, 13)

{ Medicine Man }

George is after the pirate Ketch and manages to trace Ketch to a remote island in the Caribbean, specifically to a place that was later called Ketch’s Landing.

At the beach, there is a man who is studying a large document that appears to be something that looks like a plan. Talk to him, and he presents himself as the surveyor named [Bronson]. Ask about the theodolite and the stone, and try to sneak a peek at the plans. You can also take a look through the nearby Theodolite, to notice the flagpoles which [Bronson] uses as reference points. Go more to the right, and you’ll find a [Boy] sitting at the pier, fishing. Talk to the [Boy]. He introduces himself as [Rio]. Ask about captain Ketch, the museum, his education, plans, and pirate treasure. He'll explain that the house on the hill belonged to Captain ketch, and that it is a museum now. It is closed at the moment due to planned renovations. He also tells you that Bronson is redeveloping the Museum and that it is a bad idea.

It looks like the museum is the right place to search for the missing Eagle stone. Let’s check out the museum, so head up the stairs to the museum front yard.

After arriving at the front of the old looking museum building, you can see two old [Ladies] sitting and talking, and a white [Cat] playing with a red ball.

Optional achievement: { Cat and Worm } Show Tequila Worm to the [Cat].
Please refer to Missable Achievements section of this guide for more details.

Talk to the old [Ladies] to learn that those two are the Ketch sisters, [Frost] and [Mina], direct descendants of the Captain Frederick Ketch. Ask them about Rio, Captain Ketch and Emily, their niece whose parents were killed in the typhoon, so the old ladies took upon themselves to raise the kid. Mina tries to speak about Rio and Emily, but Frost cuts her off, forbidding George to inquire about their family privacy. Mina also mentions that Bronson likes spherical shapes.

They will also provide additional insight on Captain Ketch if you say that you are interested in history. Ketch was a privateer who amassed wealth during his privateer days. He eventually settled in the very house next to them and was hung on the beach near the house.

Go back to [Rio] and ask him about Bronson and Emily, and learn that it is Emily Ketch, a descendant of Captain Ketch. It appears that Bronson is trying to deceive the Ketch Sisters. Now go back to the museum and try to open the Door. The [Ketch Sisters] will inform you that it is locked due to undergoing refurbishment done by the Mr. [Bronson] and that the museum is unavailable. It is going to become ‘The Frederick ketch Memorial Museum’. Now, use the nearby Ladder to extend them and try to climb them, only to be disallowed by the [Ketch Sisters]. Talk to them about cat and Emily, and they will rush towards the beach to find Emily, leaving the museum unattended.

At the upper flat of the museum are two flagpoles. One of them has a round reflective target the Bronson is using. Maybe you can force Bronson to leave the plans if you mess with the Theodolite’s target at the flagpole. Maybe you can take the red ball from the cat and use it to take down the target, but the cat is not leaving the ball out of her eyesight. Rio is fishing, maybe he can get you a fish for the cat, so you can take the red ball.

Head to [Rio] and talk to him about Ketch Sisters and a fish. Rio also explains that the Ketch Sisters closed the museum, because Bronson requested it, so he can do the redevelopment. George asks for a fish, but Rio requests a payment, so offer him a worm from the conversation options, and he’ll agree to catch a fish for you, but it might take a while.

While waiting for Rio to catch a fish for George, you can head to [Bronson] for additional chat. Talk to him about the plans, Rio, and the Ketch Sisters. George asks to look at the plans, but Bronson refuses. He also notes that the Ketch Sisters passed by there not that long ago, looking for Rio.

It should be enough of waiting, so go back to [Rio] and ask for the fish. He’ll say that he hadn't had any luck because of the coming storm, but he’ll immediately get a bite. He’ll reel out a Bicycle, so tell him that you really need a fish, and he’ll try again. Take the Bicycle and [George] will pick up a rubber inner-tube. Talk to [Rio] again, and he will provide you with a fish.

Now you have a fish for the cat, so get back to the Museum front and give the Fish to the [Cat]. The cat will eat it almost instantly, but it won’t leave the ball, so you have to find another plan for the Cat to leave the ball. If you try to play with the [Cat], George will note that it has very sharp claws. This one was very interesting to figure out, but if you notice the empty flagpole with the ladder leading up to it, you can use it to create a temporary distraction for the cat. Climb the Ladder and use Innertube with the Flagpole. [George] will attach the innertube to the flagpole on one end and the other end will be left loose, so now climb down from the ladder and use Fish with the Inner Tube to create a perfect distraction toy for the cat. The cat moves away from the ball and focuses the fish and now go and pick up the red Ball. Climb up the Ladder and take the Inner Tube and George will toss the fish to the cat.

Standing in front of the museum, note a “U” shaped Tree, just to the left of the table where Ketch Sisters were sitting earlier. You can use the Innertube with the Tree to create an improvised catapult.

Optional achievement: { Lucky Coal } part 1, use the lump of Coal with Inner Tube as catapult to launch the coal.
Please refer to Missable Achievements section of this guide for more details.

The improvised catapult and the ball are everything you need to try to take down the theodolite target off the flagpole, so use the Ball on the Inner Tube, and George will put the ball into the catapult, aim a bit and successfully shoot down the target. That triggers a cutscene where Bronson climbs up the stairs and stresses over the missing flagpole target. Eventually he’ll climb the ladder and onto the flagpole to set up a spare target. That’s your queue, so remove the Ladder and [Bronson] will be left hanging from the flagpole with the theodolite target falling down on the ground. Pick up the Marker and go down to the beach to pick up the Theodolite and Plans. That is where you find out that Bronson was planning to build a five story, luxury pirate-themed hotel with two hundred rooms!

Return back up to the museum and the [Ketch Sisters] will once again be present in the scene. They inquire about [Bronson] hanging, so show them the Bronson’s Plans. Once they learn that Bronson is a trickster, and since they didn’t sign anything with him; they declare him persona non grata and evict him from the property. They are both most grateful to George for exposing the scoundrel, so [Mina] unlocks the museum and George heads on inside.
London – Museum
“Meanwhile, in London …”
… adventure switches to Nico …
(Nico’s Diary, pages 1 - 6)

Nico went to London to search for the Jaguar stone that was captured by an English sea captain known as El Draco. Her idea was to look for it at the British Museum among the Aztec exhibition.

Look around the room and examine it, especially examine (right mouse click) the Cabinet on the far left, and the Cabineton the far right. The left cabinet contains the ‘Scrying Mirror’ and the cabinet to the right contains ‘The Jaguar Stone’. Talk to the [Attendant] about Sir Francis Drake, The Scrying Mirror and The Jaguar Stone. He’ll elaborate that ‘El Draco’ is actually Sir Francis Drake and that there are several artifacts of his on the display. Also, he’ll take you to the display cabinet where ‘Scrying Mirror’ is shown, at which point Nico asks about Tezcatlipoca. Attendant know noting about it and takes you to meet [Professor Oubier]. Talk to [Professor Oubier] and ask about the Jaguar stone. In the meantime, the phone will ring and the [Attendant] will go to answer it. Once he finishes the phone call and returns Professor Oubier will excuse himself and proceed to exit the museum since the taxi is waiting for him. Continue the conversation with the [Attendant] and ask about the Jaguar stone. He’ll proceed to show you the stone only to find that it is gone. Attendant will tell you that the silent alarm is tripped and no one can get out. That probably does not include employees. It’s super suspicious that Professor Oubier was here at the same time the stone is stolen.

Talk to the [Attendant] again about the name of the Professor Oubeir’s ship. It’s the Xibalba Princess. Pick up the Key from the Jaguar Stone display case, and talk to [Attendant] about it so he proceeds to call the police. With the Key you can try to open other two cases. It won’t fit the lock for the mirror case, but it will unlock the obsidian dagger Cabinet (just left from the phone where Attendant is talking). With the key inside, open the Cabinet and Nico will take the obsidian dagger. Pick up the Key from the Cabinet back, it may come in handy.

While opening the Nico’s inventory, you notice a red Handbag. Examine it (right mouse click) and you’ll find a hairclip (Hairlock).

But, Oubier is getting away and you have to catch up with him. Walk to the far right and move the Curtain. There is an Exit behind but it is locked. Use Ancient Dagger with the Exit to leave the exhibit.
Caribbean – Ketch Museum
“Meanwhile, back at Ketch’s Landing”
… adventure switches to George …
(Diary, page 14)

George enters the museum, which interior is decorated to resemble a ship. Wealthy in content, the museum offers a lot on the story of Captain Frederick Ketch.

Examine things around the room, especially Ship’s Log, Sea Chest, Chart, Table, and Ketch’s Portrait on the wall to the right. George will notice a cross on the portrait. Read the Ship’s Log, for George to notice the phrase ‘tis easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.’. The desk has a large recess area, an ink well, and a hole with a feather in it. Pick up the Chart and put it on the Desk, which will fit perfectly into the recess at the top of the desk. Now, pick up the Lantern and place it in the Ink Well on top of the desk. Pick up the Quill from the desk, and you can not that a shadow is being cast onto the map. Looks like you maybe need something to point you towards a place on the map?

Now, proceed to open the Sea Chest. You’ll find [Emily] inside, and a dialog will trigger. Ask her about Captain Ketch, Rio, Mayan Stone, Dart, Cross and Theodolite. The cross looks exactly like the one Captain Ketch is wearing on the portrait, and she wants something in return for the cross, but she asks for a puppy. Unfortunately, you do not have one.

Who knows the best Emily than Rio, so go and talk to Rio what you may give to her. He suggests a conch, and when you ask him to give you one, he says that he promised it to his sister. Ask about the sister to learn that she wants a tiger fish and to catch a tiger Rio need a ‘real fancy fly’. You only have a feather (Quill Pen) which won’t do. What if you could take a piece of that feather, which could potentially look like a fly? Noticed earlier how the white cat has razor sharp claws? Go to the [Cat], at the front of the museum, and give her Quill Pen. The cat will shred the feather to pieces, so pick up the Feather Shreds and go talk to [Rio] about those shreds, and he’ll give you the Conch Shell.

Nice now you have something for Emily, so go back into the Museum and give the Conch Shell to [Emily] to swap for the Ornate Cross, exactly like the one from the portrait. Maybe it can be used with the feather hole on the desk? Use Ornate Cross on the Pen Holder on the table. Cross clipped snugly into it. The lantern will cast a shadow of the cross onto the map. The shadow perfectly marked the Ketch’s Treasure Island in the shape of a skull. It’s the Zombie Island and George's next destination to look for the Ketch’s Eagle stone.

{ Captain Ketch }

To get there George will going to need a boat, and the only one you saw was the one next to Rio. Go to [Rio] on the pier and talk to him about pirate treasure to get him to take you to the Zombie Island. Cinematic starts where Rio and George set sail towards the Zombie Island while Ketch Sisters force Bronson into the water.
Caribbean - Zombie Island (Lagoon)
(Diary, page 15)

Arriving at the Zombie Island, George takes the beach, while Rio stays in the boat.

Optional achievement: { Lucky Coal } part 2, pick up the Coal from the beach and the achievement will pop up.
Please refer to Missable Achievements section of this guide for more details.

Talk to [Rio] about [Emily Ketch]. Examine boat (right mouse click) and try to climb on the Rock Outcrop. Talk to [Rio] again, and ask to borrow the fishing net. He’ll give it to you, so use the Net on the Rock Outcrop and George will start to climb the cliff.
London – Tube Station (Underground)
“Meanwhile, back in London…”
… adventure switches to Nico …
(Nico’s Diary, pages 7, 8)

{ Going Underground }

Nico was trying to escape the British Museum through the back door and going down the dark stairs she ends up in an abandoned London Underground station.

Examine the surrounding train station. Occasionally a train will pass by. Hopefully you can board the train, so it can get you to where you want to go but, how to stop the train?

Try to operate Weighing Machine to find that it needs coins. Examine the old green ticket machine and the old purple chocolate vending machine. It has three slots: Coin Slot, Coin Reject Slot, and Vending Slot. Something is stuck in the coin slot, so use Hairgrip with the Coin Slot, and a pick up an old English penny coin from the Coin Reject Slot.

Optional achievement: { Really Bad idea } Insert the Coin in the Coin Slot and pick up the chocolate bar from the Vending Slot. Walk a bit to the right and give the Chocolate Bar to the [Ghost]. Go to the far left to the new Exit that will appear.
Please refer to Missable Achievements section of this guide for more details.

You now have a coin for the weighing machine. Go to the right and use the Coin with the Weighing Machine, and it will produce a card. Just below the railway map is the maintenance cupboard. Maybe it can be used to stop the train? Try to open it, and you’ll find out that it is locked. Try to open it by force using the Ancient Dagger on it, and it will give in just a little, enough for a Crack to appear. It is just enough for you to squeeze in the Weigh Card in the Crack to fully open the maintenance cupboard. By opening the latch, a big red Button is revealed. Press the Button and the signal light changes to red, stopping the next train. Nico enters the train and sets off to the docks.
Caribbean – Zombie Island (Jungle)
… adventure switches to George …
(Diary, page 16)

After climbing the steep, tall cliff, George finds himself in front of the jungle maze.

The maze is quite difficult, and a lot depends on which exit you take. Here is a list of steps to take in order to successfully exit the maze.

Standing at the cliff edge, [George] has two exit options: a top path that leads into the forest, and a bottom path that leads towards the center of the island. Take top exit path. You can examine an exit, using right mouse click, to get additional details as well.

You arrive at the first jungle area with a Swamp. Pick up Reed and proceed to exit the first jungle area at top right to arrive at the second jungle area at bottom left. Insert Reed into the Lair to bet part of it bitten off, and return to the first jungle area through an exit at bottom left. Proceed to get back to the cliff through the exit at bottom left in the first Jungle area.

Now you are back at the cliff edge, and take the bottom right exit towards the center of the island. Walk more to the right to find an ugly and extremely dangerous looking [Boar] in your path.

George cannot proceed until he gets rid of the Boar. Remember how George once noted that he cannot use Dart since he has nothing to fire it from, well now he has bitten off Reed. Combine Blow Dart and Reed, and then use Reed and Dart on the [Boar].

{ Matador }

Wild boar will rampage pass George and into the jungle, so your path is clear to proceed. There are two exit paths at the far right: the top one, and the right one. They both lead to the same are with very strange rock formation in the middle of a clearing, the Rock Needle.

It doesn’t look natural and when you examine it, George will remember a ship’s log entry from Ketch’s Museum “For is it not writ that tis easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle…”. Top of the rock is obviously the “eye of the needle”. A “camel”? Maybe a nearby hill, at the back just to the right of the needle rock, looks like a camel’s back? Looks like Captain Ketch used a riddle to remind himself of the place where he hid the treasure, and you need to take a look at the Rock Needle from the nearby hill plateau, but there may be other rock similar to the one next to you. How will you know that you are looking at this precise rock formation? Looking at the inventory, [George] has just the right tools, theodolite and the marker. If you can mark this rock formation with the Surveyor’s Marker, you can use theodolite at hills plateau to identify this exact rock needle and maybe figure out where Captain Frederick Ketch hid his treasure.

First task is to set up the marker at the rock needle top. Pick up Creeper that is surrounding the rock, and it will fall down to the ground. Since the Creeper looks like it couldn’t hold much weight, combine Net with it, and then the Surveyor’s Marker with the Creeper with Net. It’s all set up, so use Creeper with Net and Marker with Rock Needle to get the marker into the top of the rock formation.

Here comes the second part of the maze to get to the hill plateau.

With the marker in place, head to the top center exit, just behind and the left of the rock needle, and you’ll enter the first jungle area (swamp) at the top left. Exit the first jungle area at the top right to appear at the second jungle area (lair) at the bottom left. Exit the second jungle area at the top left, behind a tree where the dirt road takes you, to appear at the third jungle area (dense jungle) at the bottom right. There is only one other exit, to the bottom left, so take it to enter the first jungle area (swamp) at the bottom right. Again, take the dirt road and exit behind a tree at the top right to enter the second jungle area (lair) at the top right. Exit the second jungle area through the middle right exit, and George will end up at the third jungle area at the middle left. [George] will notice that he has been there before. There is only one other exit, the middle right, so take it to get to the mountain plateau.

Ok, you got to the plateau at the hill’s summit. Scrolling with and on the keyboard gives you the complete picture of the seaside. Look at the Initials for [George] to read ‘FK’, Frederick Ketch. Examine the Holes to find that they form a perfect equilateral triangle, a perfect place for a theodolite, so place the Theodolite into the Holes and take a look through it. At this point, [George] notes that the hill below reminds of a camel’s hump.

You start surveying the area from the left end and turn the focus towards the right end. As you scroll to the right, you can see all potential places where treasure could be hidden, including other rock formations in the form of a needle. Eventually, while scrolling right, you’ll notice a marker shining in the jungle in the lower part of the focus. It should be visible after the 11th scroll to the right.

Look at the Pillar directly above the Marker. That has to be where Ketch hid his treasure. Stop looking through Theodolite and proceed to the newly opened exit to the right side of the summit.
London – Thames Dock
“As George prepares to return to the Shaman’s village, Nico finds herself below London’s Tower Bridge…”
… adventure switches to Nico …
(Nico’s Diary, page 9)

In pursuit for Professor Oubier and the Jaguar stone, Nico ends up at the docks hiding among the crates with a docked boat behind. You can clearly see Pablo on the boat, as well as another guard patrolling the deck. Nico is certain that this boar is the Xibalba Princess. Is Professor Oubier on board?

Examine the objects in the area (right mouse click) and note the [Guard] patrolling the deck and that [Pablo] at the rail in the back. At one point the [Guard] disappears on the other side, and it takes some time for him to make the full circle. How to get on board and inspect the ship?

First, move [Nico] to a bit smaller Crate just next to the Gangplank.

Optional achievement: { Bad Timing } SAVE GAME at this point. Just proceed onboard the ship and wait for the patrolling [Guard] to notice you. After you are awarded the achievement, you can load the save and continue the adventure.
Please refer to Missable Achievements section of this guide for more details.

Wait for the patrolling [Guard] to reach [Pablo], where he will make a quick stop. From behind the crate, click to climb the Ladder and [Nico] will quickly climb onto the top platform and lay down. Now to get rid of the [Guard]. Noticed how [Nico] commented that the Cupboard has metal hooks that can seal the door, a perfect place to trap someone? Let’s get him interested into the utility locker, so when the [Guard] circles behind the ship, open the Cupboard door and climb back onto the top platform using the Ladder. When he comes around, he’ll notice the open cupboard and get inside, not so smart (?!). Quickly close the Cupboard door, pick up the Mop and use it on the Cupboard to seal the door.

The patrolling guard is out of the picture, and you have small room to inspect the ship and not be seen by [Pedro], so go and take a look at the Porthole to the main cabin. Cutscene starts, featuring Nico eavesdropping a conversation between Professor Oubier and Karzac.

Oubier brings the Jaguar stone to Karzac asking to get him out of the country since the police will be looking for him. Karzac then shows his true intentions to get rid of the stone, so Mayan priests cannot destroy Tezcatlipoca. Professor Oubier tries to dissuade the Karzac and his beliefs but, deluded, Karzac states that Tezcatlipoca is real and, talking about Oubier’s wife, reveals that it was him who shot her dead. Surprised and frightened, Professor Oubier tries to make some sense into fanatical Karzac, but he pulls out the gun and shoots the Professor. The cinematic ends with Karzac rushing out to talk to Pablo and Nico sneaking inside the cabin.

If you try to take the Jaguar Stone, Nico says that she needs to be sure that the Professor is dead, so speak to [Oubier] to make sure he is dead and the pick up the Jaguar Stone from his hand. Another short cinematic starts where Karzac ties a rope around Nico’s neck and starts to strangle her.

{ Jaguar Stone }

Optional achievement: { Meddle No More } SAVE GAME and let Karzac kill Nico.
Please refer to Missable Achievements section of this guide for more details.

To avoid being killed by Karzac, open the inventory and use Ancient Dagger on [Karzac]. Nico will shove the dagger into his thigh and run out and away from the ship.
Caribbean – Zombie Island (Film set)
“After battling through the jungle, George approaches the beach below the Pillar Rock, when…”
… adventure switches to George …
(Diary, page 17)

Going towards the place where Captain Ketch may have hidden his treasure, George stumbles upon a filming set. The director interrupts the filming once he sees George and gets back to his chair, starting a short conversation with George.

Maybe you can ask around about the Eagle Stone?

As always, with a new area, examine everything and everyone (right mouse click). You see a director in his chair, a cameraman behind a mounted camera, a stuntman who devours pancakes, an actress with huge ... boots and an impressive cleavage, a teenage movie star and a huge bush which resonates buzzing sound. Talk to [Hawks] about, the movie, the actress (Sharon Kowalski) and zombies. They are filming Treasure Island, a box office slightly modified version of the book.

Talk to [Man] behind the Camera, to learn that his name is Harris, but most people call him ‘Flash’. Then proceed to the left and talk to the [Man] behind the catering table. That is an Englishman named Bert Savage. He is a stuntman with lots of experience, and he is focused on the table eating pancakes. Ask him about: his career, Oubier’s actress wife, Professor Oubier and the Eagle stone. Once the conversation ends, pick up Pancakes, Buns, and Maple Syrup from the table. Buns are so stale they can pass for a small rock. Talk to [Sharon] next. Ask about: the movie, her part in the movie, and the Eagle stone. The last is the [Boy] leading actor, Haiku McEwan, talk to him. Ask about: his name, his career. During the conversation, Hawks makes an interruption and calls continuation of the filming.

A cutscene happens and at the end of it, stuntman Bert Savage replaces the actor. If you didn’t already, look at the Bush to find out that there is a hornet’s nest inside. Bert likes pancakes, maybe you can somehow arrange for you to take part in the movie if the current stuntman gets injured. Hornets are attracted to the maple syrup, and Bert likes pancakes. Can hornets injure Berth if he is covered with syrup?

Open the inventory and combine Syrup with Plain Pancake and give Syrup Pancake to [Bert]. He’ll gladly eat it and be left covered in syrup. You can talk to him about the hornets, syrup and the buns, but he hasn’t yet done his stunt, so throw the Bun into the Bush. There will be loud buzzing, but hornets won’t come out, so go pick up another Bun and throw it into the Bush. Hornets will attack [Bert], finishing his stunt, while the director orders for the whole thing to be filmed.

The next scene is down by the beach, in which the movie protagonist finds the treasure.

George tries to walk towards the needle rock with a cave, but he is stopped by the director ordering him to stay nearby, because the movie company has rented this island and George is trespassing, so he cannot go where he wants. Hawks will also disallow you to go into the wardrobe tent (green on the right). Now you need to find a way to get to the cave.

Examine the surroundings. Note that the truck carrying the camera is stuck in the sand. Talking to Bert, he mentions that he injured his back on the stockade when the hornets chased him.

Talk to [Hawks] about: stuntman, the pillar and the movie. Hawks complains about the cave (on the left) and how it is not attractive enough, so George suggests the cave on the top of the rock pillar and offers himself to be the stuntman, but the idea fails since the camera is stuck and cannot be moved. Look at the Handheld camera just next to [Flash] and a new idea will be born; to use the portable camera. Talk to [Hawks] again about the cameraman, and George presents the new idea, which is an instant hit with the director. Cutscene follows where George changes clothes, followed by a cinematic with stuntman George climbs up the pillar. At the top, there is a chest with the Eagle stone inside!

Quaramonte – Village Fire
“Returning to the Shaman’s village, Nico finds the village burning, but no sign of George…”
… adventure switches to Nico …
(Nico’s diary, pages 10, 11)

Nico returned to Quaramonte and found a message George left with Conchita. He left for the Indian village, so Nico hurries to catch up with him. Arriving at the village, she finds that it was burned to the ground, with some flames still being hot. She proceeds to walk towards the center of the village, picking up George’s sunglasses along the way. She calls out for George, but from the debris, Titipoco showed himself. He takes out a lighter gun and scares Nico, for fun. Nico interrogates him about George’s whereabouts and events at the village, and he points out towards a burnt hut.

{ Eagle Stone }

Examine the debris of the village. You’ll find the source of the fire, a smashed lantern, a Mayan stone covered in hot ashes, and a Barrel with cold water. Try to pick up the Mayan Stone, and Nico will say that it is too hot to be picked up. A barrel with cold water is right next to it. Try to push the Barrel, onto the hot Mayan stone, but it is too much for Nico alone. Talk to [Titipoco] and pick George’s Sunglasses as the conversation topic. Titipoco will show you the Eagle Stone from his pocket. Now pick ‘George’ conversation option and [Titipoco] will point towards the remains of the hut on the left. Finally, pick ‘barrel’ conversation topic, so [Nico] asks for the help with the barrel.

Together they tip the barrel over and scattered the ashes and the stone. Pick up the Mayan Stone, it’s the Coyote Stone! Now all three stones are in possession of Nice and Titipoco. [Titipoco] comes over and starts pointing to the left. He is pointing towards an exit path to the left which led out of the village. Proceed to the exit on the left.
Pyramid - Base
“After following the jungle path for a few hours…”
(Nico’s Diary, page 12)

Cinematic starts where Nico and Titipoco arrive at the pyramid and see George being led up the central stairs imprisoned by Pablo and General Grasiento.

After the cinematic ends, Nico and Titipoco find themselves on the side of the pyramid not far from central staircase. Walk to the front of the pyramid only to be stopped by a [Sargent] who will block you from using the staircase. There must be some other way up.

Examine the gantry to find that it goes up all the way to the top of the pyramid. Nice, that is your way up but, after you examine or try to operate it, it appears that the Engine is not working, and it is missing a transmission belt to move the wooden platform. Next to the Engine is a Generator; it must have some fuel in it. Pick up the Cylinder, from the generator and use Ancient Dagger to cut the Fuel Line. Fuel will start to flow from the engine, so use Metal Cylinder with Fuel Line to fill it up with the fuel and pour it into the Fuel Cap of the Engine. That should be enough to make the engine operational, but it is missing the transmission belt, so it can elevate the platform. Pick up the Rope lying on the ground and give it to [Titipoco]. Conversation will trigger and pick the Rope conversation option. He’ll take the rope, climb up and loop it over the scaffolding. Finally, tie up the Rope with the Engine to complete the pulley system.

Press the red engine Button and it will start running. Pull the Lever down to test the gantry, and push the Lever up to lower the wooden platform. Obviously, you could not stand on the platform and operate the engine by yourself, so talk to [Titipoco] about the lever and instruct him to copy your steps. [Nico] will show him how to operate the engine, so you can use the Elevator, and Nico will stand on the wooden platform and give the signal to [Titipoco] to pull the lever.

At the top of the pyramid, a cutscene plays out, where Nico overhears the General Grasiento and Pablo holding George on the sacrificial table waiting for Karzac and La Presidenta to arrive. There is not much to do at this point since Pablo will detect you if you try anything. Take Ammunition Belt and lower yourself down the elevator.

If you can create a distraction, maybe Pablo will leave his spot? Can newly acquired Ammo Belt help in that endeavor? Notice the fuel spilled on the ground from when Nico cut the fuel line, just right to it is a Torch. The torch needs to be lit before it can be used to light up the fuel. Remember [Titipoco’s] lighter gun? Take the Torch and give it to [Titipoco]. You can get a hint for that action by frame moving to the right to include Titipoco once Nico picks up the torch. Titipoco lights up the torch and Nico throws it into the fuel. Sergeant inquires about the fire, but Nico dissuades him from coming over. To spice up the distraction, throw Ammunition Belt into the Fire.

On top of the pyramid, the cutscene shows [Pablo] leaving his place to check what is going on and [Nico] climbs the elevator. Talk to General Grasiento to disarm him with fake gun which [Nico] will create using her hands. Weak-minded as he is, [General Grasiento] will be confused, so [Nico] asks [Titipoco] to keep him at gun point. Examine (right mouse click) the George on Sacrificial Slab to free George, and the three of the heroes run into the pyramid to find themselves in a dead end.

{ Rescued George }

Notice two levers on the back wall. Try to operate both Levers and talk to [George] about lever conversation topic, and he’ll help you to pull the both levers at the same time.

The party stands in front of the door, Nico and George pull the levers synchronously and, to their surprise, a trap door opens below them, making them lose their ground and fall downwards.

Outside, madam la Presidente arrives and after a short argue with her son, she instructs Pablo to kill General Grasiento and place him as a sacrifice for the incoming solar eclipse.

Pyramid – Wheel Room
(Nico’s diary, page 13, 14)

Falling down the tunnel, Nico ends up in a big room with two large wheels and two sets of tiles to the right. This is the final puzzle of the game.

Take a look at the four (4) tiles at the very right end, that a monkey status is holding. They appear to have a bit more complex picture. You need to press all four (4) of these to proceed. Left of the four (4) tiles that monkey holds, are ten (10) tiles on the wall that are a bit simpler than the other four (4) tiles. If you take a closer look, the tiles that monkey is holding appear to be a composite of two (2) of the tiles from the left.

Tiles are divided into two groups. Left group had ten (10) tiles that appear to have a simpler picture on them, we’ll mark them as “simple tiles”. The right group of four (4) tiles, that are being held be a monkey status, appear to have a more complex picture, and we’ll mark them as “complex tiles”. Furthermore, if you take a closer look, the picture on complex tiles is composed of two pictures from simple tiles.

Now look at the two large disks. You’ll notice how there are symbols on both of them and that they can be rotated, as well as that pictures from simple tiles are formed from two pictures from disks, one from each disk.

If you try to experiment with the whole machine, you’ll notice that to activate (push inwards) simple tiles, large disks need to be aligned, so they have two pictures, that forms a picture on a tile, in the closest disks slots, in the middle. You can also notice that only two simple tiles can be active at the time, so to solve the puzzle, you have to rotate the disks, activate two simple tiles, one at a time, and then activate a complex tile. Once activated, the complex tile stays active until all four (4) of them are active.

Solution to the puzzle:
- Turn disks, so pictures form a picture from simple tile,
- Activate simple tile,
- Turn disks, so pictures form a picture from second simple tile,
- Activate second simple tile,
- Activate complex tile.
Repeat steps four (4) times to activate all four (4) complex tiles.

Complex tile 1 (Simple tile 2 + Simple tile 5)

Complex tile 2 (Simple tile 3 + Simple tile 10)

Complex tile 3 (Simple tile 1 + Simple tile 8)

Complex tile 4 (Simple tile 6 + Simple tile 9)

Tip: Large disks rotate in a direction depending on where Nico stands when you click to rotate them. If Nico stands left from the center of the disk, the disk turns anticlockwise, and if she stands right of the center and clicks the center to rotate the disk, the disk rotates clockwise.

After all four (4) complex tiles have been activated, a secret exit will be revealed at the far right part of the room.
{ Ancient Puzzle }

There is a way to bypass the puzzle. If interested, please take a look at the easter eggs section of the guide.

Proceed through the secret exit.
Pyramid – Statue Room
.. adventure switches to George ..
(Diary, pages 18, 19, 20)

George and Titipoco ended up in a dark room. [Titipoco] will sit at a statue. There is something in the dark to the left, but it is too dark for George to figure it out. Once again, pick up a Torch and give it to [Titipoco], for him to light it up with his lighter gun. Now you can see that it is a Lever in the dark corner. As George notices, since there is nothing to do, pull the Lever. Both of them fall through yet another set of traps.
Pyramid – Linked Rooms
George wakes up in several connected rooms. To pass through them, George needs to pull levers so the correct doors are opened/closed and the secret passage in the first room is unsealed.

It’s not a hard task, you just need to pay attention to which doors are being opened/closed for each lever. If you make a mistake by pulling a lever, pulling the lever again will reverse the action.

The correct levers top pull are: Lever in the first room, both Levers in the second room, and left Lever in the third room (the one that is further from the Stone Head).

Once you are back in the first room, the secret passageway to the right will be opened, but it is dark and the torch on the floor is nearing its end. Pick up the Torch from the floor and use it to light the Torch on the far-right wall. Take the wall Torch and cinematic will occur where George enters the secret passage.
Pyramid - Stairs
George starts to take the stairs down deeper into the pyramid and stops at one small resting holding the torch. There is a hidden lever near him and a false floor as well.

You can also see below the false floor if you use the on the keyboard.

To open the false floor and reveal another flight of stairs, pull or examine the Lever and proceed down the stairs.

Now you can sit back and enjoy the ending!

(Diary, pages 21, 22)
(Nico’s diary, pages 15, 16)
{ Game Completed }
{ Hardcore }


Both diaries, George's and Nico's, are now available in the game's main menu.
Missable Achievements
Following achievements can be missed during the playthrough. Two (2) of these achievements require a Coal from the Marseilles Docks Guard hut, and four (4) of these achievements result in a game over.

If we take out the { Angry Spider } achievement, since it is right at the beginning of the game and saving of the progress is pointless, the rest three (3) achievements that result in a game over ({ Henchman }, { Bad Timing } and { Meddle No More }) require a save game before the achievements are awarded. You can safely load the game after you are back at the main screen and continue the playthrough. When you read SAVE GAME, please save the game, so you do not lose your progress.

All of these missable achievements are pointed out in the walkthrough.

{ Angry Spider }
Location: Paris - Professor Oubier's House

In the first scene where George is tied up to a chair with an angry spider trying to get him, if you try to stomp the [Spider] two times, by using the left mouse click on the [Spider], and wait a bit (~40 seconds), a spider will jump to George’s face and kill him. This will result in a game over, and the achievement will pop up.

You can start a new game to get this achievement any time since it is right at the beginning.

{ Henchmen }
Location: Marseilles – Warehouse (Exterior)


Knock on the warehouse Door and talk to [Pablo]. Pick any conversation topic. Keep doing that until he agrees to come out. Then wait for him to come out wearing a gun and shoot you.

{ I Hate Marzipan }
Location: Quaramonte Market

After arriving to the Quaramonte city, you can find a Goat standing in front of the Quaramonte Mining Co. building. Give the lump of Coal to the [Goat]. It will trigger a short conversation with the goat and the game will award the achievement.

{ Black Screen of Death }
Location: Quaramonte Market

When General Grasiento and Renaldo are out of the office, mess with the computer (Monitor) several times (3-5) and it will go blank, and you will get the achievement.

{ Cat and Worm }
Location: Ketch Museum

Use the Tequila Worm on the white [Cat] in front of the museum and the achievement will pop up.

{ Lucky Coal }
Part 1
Location: Ketch Museum

After obtaining the Innertube from [Rio], use it on the “U” shaped Tree, just left from the table where Ketch Sisters were sitting earlier, to create an improvised catapult. Then use the lucky lump of Coal with the Inner Tube, and it will be launched into the orbit.
Part 2
Location: Zombie Island

After arriving at the Zombie Island beach with [Rio], there will be your lucky Coal. Pick it up for achievement to pop up.

{ Really Bad Idea }
Location: London – Underground Station

After getting the Coin from the old purple chocolate vending machine, insert the Coin into the Coin Slot again. Pick up the ancient bar of chocolate from the Vending Slot and do not forget to pick up the coin from the Coin Reject Slot. Now walk right, to about the beginning of the stairs, and stop. A [Ghost] will appear on the right, towards the train platform.

From where you are standing give the [Ghost] the Chocolate Bar. Nico will start walking towards the [Ghost] but it will disappear. This action opens a secret exit to the far left, beyond sleepers.

A cutscene start with [Robert Foster], a hero from the older Revolution game ‘Beneath a Steel Sky’. Quite powerful homage to another classic, dating back to 1994.
After the cutscene ends, Nico is taken back to the train platform, and you are awarded the achievement.

{ Bad Timing }
Location: London – Docks


At the start of the scene, where [Nico] hides behind the crates in front of the docked Xibalba Princess ship, just go onto the ship and wait for the patrolling [Guard] to notice you. He’ll shout you on sight and after a short cinematic, the game ends, and you are awarded the achievement.

{ Meddle No More }
Location: London – Dock (Ships Cabin)


When Karzac starts to strangle Nico, just do nothing and let Nico die. After the endgame cinematic, the achievement will pop up.

Nicole “Nico” Collard
Professor Bertrand Oubier
Café Waiter
Andre Lobineau
Glease (Gallery owner)
Pablo (central-american henchman)
Marseilles Docks Guard
Quaramonte Docks Guard
Quaramonte Market Vendor
Quaramonte Market Fish Seller
Band Player #1
Band Player #2
Injured Miner
Conchita Garcia
Conchita’s Assistant
Conchita's Secretary 1
Conchita's Secretary 2
Conchita's Secretary 3
General Raul Grasiento
La Presidenta
Father Hubert
Native Village guard 1
Native Village guard 2
Mina Ketch
Frost Ketch
Emily Ketch
London Museum Attendant
Robert Foster
Carlton Hawks
Harris ‘Flash’
Bert Savege
Sharon Kowalski
Haiku McEwan
Easter Eggs
What is a P'n'C game without any easter eggs.
  • Location: Quaramonte, Mining Co office. If you talk to Conchita about the lump of Coal, her assistant on the left will stand up and walk to the cupboard, showing that his is not wearing any pants. Nico will comment, "Nice buns!"

  • Location: Zombie Island, Boar. After you shoot the [Boar] with Reed and Dart, you can have a small timeframe to click on the Branch above [George], and he will jump and hold onto the branch diverting the boar who will open a shortcut through the jungle to the summit. Boar usually rampages to the left of the area, but this way he is diverted to the top of the area. This shortcut bypasses the Rock needle puzzle and jungle maze. Quite convenient! There is a hint in the form of "camel's back" mountain being in the back of the landscape, just above the shortcut.

  • Famous easter egg, and a quick way to open the secret doors in the pyramid, is to push a hidden button (green circle) which will bypass the whole disks/tiles puzzle and the secret doors will be opened like a man's mouth in front of whom a Nico does this wiggle.

    In the original version of the game, the button is in a different place.

  • Location: Quaramonte City. In the market there is a goat that will engage in intelligible conversation when give a lump pf Coal. This easter egg rewards the achievement { I Hate Marzipan }. For more details, please take a look at the achievement description in the Missable Achievements section of this guide.

  • Location: Quaramonte City, Mining Co. office. When George needs a detonator, if you inquire about it with the Conchita's secretary in the far right corner, he will start talking about an accounting software and if you answer his question with 'Yes' he'll mention that it is called LINC. It is another reference to Beneath the Steel Sky game.

  • Location: Jungle, Needle Rock. When George tries to climb the rock and fails, he'll comment that he is not the Spider-man.

  • James Bond. On several occasion through the game George intriduces himself in James Bond style."My name is Stobbart, George Stobbart."
    On one occasion, when talking to the movie set director, he even says that his name is spelled with "Two B's and two T's".

  • Location: Quaramonte, Jail. The song that George "sings" while talking to Miguel is "Psycho Killer" by Talking Heads.
End words & legal
Thank you for using my guide! Hope you like it and enjoyed the game as much as I did. Constructive critique is always welcome.

Anyone is free to use this guide in any form, in whole or partially, text or images, without any repercussions, since all text and pictures were entirely created/taken by me.

Please feel free to rate and leave any comments you might have. It will be most appreciated!
Shalbatana 28 Oct, 2024 @ 2:36am 
Hello everyone!

I just went through this guide after finishing the game and realized that the "hardcore" achievement is only unlocked if you haven't asked for any hints... Problem is, I used this function for the final puzzle. By any chance, does anyone have a save file from the end of the game without having used hints?
Himitsu 7 Oct, 2024 @ 12:48pm 
Superb guide! The end still freaks me out a bit! :SpectreSmile:
T9 27 Jul, 2024 @ 3:20am 
Good guide
Trent 13 Jul, 2024 @ 12:17pm 
@Cyber-Freak: Thank you! I never encountered the hand at the right edge of the screen and could never move the Theodolite! I don't know why, but I tried arrow keys, the mouse, the right side of the circle, but not the far right edge into the blackness. Whew.
Tich me bad thangz 4 Apr, 2024 @ 2:07pm 
london docks - timing to lock the guy in locker When the guard is talking to the guy in the red shirt, quickly climb down and open the cupboard. Then quickly climb back up the ladder.
Battleknabe 10 Oct, 2023 @ 8:06am 
I dont get the Jaguar Stone achievement, i just does not pop up may be because the cutscene already starts.
magic22s 31 Dec, 2022 @ 3:51am 
Thank you for the guide. It's really helpful.
alenjenny 25 Dec, 2022 @ 8:22am 
Thank you for this comprehensive walkthrough + achievement guide! Got everything in one go using my steam deck. Top notch quality!
Cyber-Freak 20 Dec, 2022 @ 2:54pm 
Thanks for the guide.
One correction to be made is "Not you are back at the cliff edge" should be "Now you are back at the cliff edge".
I would also like to add that the controls for the Theodolite are at the edge of the screen, left + right, and bottom to exit.
Vilion von Sqrt(-1) 10 Nov, 2022 @ 2:36pm 
Top quality guide.