Killing Floor

Killing Floor

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Team Survival Competition (TSC) - Game Mode
By [ScrN]PooSH
This guide introduces you to new game mode for Killing Floor: Team Survival Competition (TSC), where two teams (old-school British survivors and new-generation Steampunks) are fighting specimen invasion on the same map at the same time. Cooperate, fight against or just ignore the other team - the choice is up to you...
  • Year 2009. Remains of British military forces, policemen and survived civilians have entered Horzine's facility to fight the Specimen Outbreak.
  • Year 2012. Bunch of steampunks, chickens and robots entered Moonbase to fight elves and nutcrackers.
  • Year 2014. Both teams met together. Two Teams, One Floor. Killing Floor!
Game Type
There are three main things you need to know about this mod first:
  • This is NOT Versus, Team Deathmatch or any kind of PvP. Your primary objective still is fighting Specimen Invasion like in regular KF. Just there is another team on the map, which is supposed to do the same.
  • There are no Winners or Losers. There are Survivors and Dead Meat. Your squad needs to survive, no matter what other squad is doing. Getting other squad wiped out doesn't grant you a win. You still need to kill ZEDs and survive. Surviving doesn't grant you a win too. Surviving grants you a life, which you can spend on something else rather than feeding hungry ZEDs with the remains of your dead body.
  • You don't have to fight the other team. Sometimes you would need to unleash SCAR's magazine into other team's player. But it is more an exception rather than a rule. If you want other team wiped, just stay away and leave this job to the ZEDs.
Basic Rules
Generally, basic gameplay is similar to regular KF game: killing ZEDs earns you money, which you spend on weapons and ammo to kill more ZEDs and earn more money, which again, you spend on another weapons etc. etc. But, as you can guess, some things differ, or why would I be wasting my time on writing this thread in other case? :)

Here is a list of differences between TSC and KF:
  • There are two teams or, in KF language speaking, squads. Both teams have the same objective: "kill->money->shop->kill->...->survive".
  • Each team has own trader. Players can't trade with other team's trader.
  • Each team has own set up characters. You can't play as Steampunk Medic in British Squad or as Foundry worker in Steampunk Squad.
  • There is Friendly Fire enabled (and hard-coded) during some periods of the game. I'll explain this later.
  • Friendly Fire controls every player-to-player damage in the game, no matter if attacker and victim are from the same team or not. That means, when Friendly Fire is disabled, you can not hurt players from the other team (and your teammates too, of course).
  • Each team can set up a Base, i.e. place where are planning to stay during the next wave. Other team's players can't stay at your Base, meaning that each team needs to hold different places on the map.
  • Setting up a Base is optional: you can roam/kite too, but in that case you'll be a subject of Friendly Fire and easy victim for the other team (if they will want to shoot you).
  • Wave auto-ends in 30 seconds after <10 ZEDs are remaining. You can not kite last Clot forever.
  • There is no Boss wave. Instead of that there are Overtime and Sudden Death waves in cases when both squads have survived regular waves.
  • There are 4 possible endings of the game:
    a) Both squads wiped out;

    b) British squad survived;
    c) Steampunk squad survived;

    d) Both squads survived.

  • Game ends, if one of the squads survived the wave while another one got wiped. Or if both squads survived the entire game.
As you can see, it is not necessary to fight the other team. Unless you wish to end game faster or just being a ♥♥♥♥. But keep in mind that killing other team will make all ZEDs turn on you.

Team Base
Team Base provides 2 cool features:
  • Base protects the team from Friendly Fire. You can't be killed by other player while staying at own Base.
  • Base prevents other team's members from staying at it by damaging them (5hp/s). Helps to keep Scrake naders and Fleshpound ragers at distance (unless they aren't your teammates or even it is you ;))
Team can set up a Base at any point of the map, except other Base, if it is set up earlier.

Here is the Base setup procedure:
  • At the end of each wave Trader puts Base Guardian (Gnome) next to her doors:

  • Player picks up the Gnome by pressing USE key ('E' by default) on it:

  • Players takes Gnome to the place where he wants his Team's Base to be and presses SECONDARY FIRE key (Middle Mouse Button by default):

  • When put, Gnome enters Base Guarding state, protecting teammates from Friendly Fire and damaging other players.
  • Gnome's range or Base Radius is 25 meters around the Gnome, at the same floor.
  • Base vertical range: 4 meters up and 1 meter down from the Gnome's location.
  • Hiding around the corner doesn't protect you from mighty Gnome: if you're in 25m range, he will hit you anyway.

Base rules:
  • Once set, players shouldn't leave the Base. If all players leave the Base, Base will be lost, and players will have to survive without it until the end of the wave.
  • Base can be set only during Trader Time. If waves starts without Base being set up, Gnome will be taken away.
  • Base is automatically lost at the end of each wave by moving Gnome to the next Trader.
  • Base Guardian doesn't give you any protection from the ZEDs.
  • Gnome may not be put on enemy base, but bases may intersect. For example, if two Gnomes are put 40m away from each other, then 10m in the middle will be an intersection zone, where both effects will be applied: you'll be protected from Friendly Fire by own Guardian and hit by other Guardian at the same time!

Friendly Fire / Human Damage
Friendly Fire is hard-coded to 10% of weapon base damage. Friendly Fire is applied on both your and the enemy team members. That's why Friendly Fire is called also Human Damage. Friendly Fire is turned on or off depending on the current conditions and player locations.

Friendly Fire is OFF if ANY of conditions below are met:
a) during the first wave;
b) during the Trader Time;
c) when <10 zeds are remaining in wave;
d) while players are staying at their own Base.

Friendly Fire is ON if ALL conditions below are met:
a) during the wave, except the first wave, if >=10 zeds are remaining;
b) a player is not at their own Base.

For example, if player A during the wave stays at the Base and meets the enemy player (B). In this case, A can hit B while B cannot hurt A, because A is protected by the Base Guardian.
Friendly Fire is not applying to the Base Guardian's damage. Base Guardian can hurt enemy players even during the Trader Time.
Game Length
Game can be played with usual length: Short (4 waves), Medium (7) and Long (10). There is no boss wave, but there are Overtime and Sudden Death waves, amount of which can be configured by a server admin. Default is Medium game with 2 Overtime waves followed by 1 Sudden Death wave.

Overtime. If both squads survived regular waves, Overtime wave(-s) will be played. Overtime is a regular wave with 2 differences:
  • Overtime wave always consists from Long game's Wave 10 zed squads, no matter of selected game length.
  • Team Budget is cut off by 25% per each Overtime wave (the money you get at the end of the wave).

Sudden Death is an overtime wave, where player's death means wipe of the entire squad. Survive all or none.
Gameplay Hints
  • Setting up the Base in the best place as possible is a key to success.
  • You need to do shopping as fast as possible to get best place for the Base before the other team.
  • Berserker and Medics are the best Gnome carriers, because they need to buy less and can run faster.
  • Best camping places in regular KF are not necessary the best in TSC. For example, classic spawn camping at Biotics usually makes all Fleshpounds coming at you while the other squad staying downstairs are dealing with small stuff only.
  • In early waves try to set up the Base next to close spawns to get yourself as many ZEDs as possible (more kills = more money).
  • In later waves try to set up the Base in more safe regions, further from ZED spawn locations.
  • Trying to wipe other team by stealing or intersecting Bases usually ends up lethal for both of you.

Where Can I Play This?

* Keep in mind that most servers run in mixed KF/TSC mode! You can switch modes via the map voting menu.
[ScrN]PooSH  [author] 19 Mar, 2018 @ 1:03pm 
That list is deprecated. Use the following link to browse active servers:
[ScrN]PooSH  [author] 18 Mar, 2018 @ 6:36am 
@Boltte where did you find that IP?
Blehh..... 16 Mar, 2018 @ 11:33pm 
Is dead?
Malina 1 Sep, 2014 @ 8:20am 
not bad