Cossacks 3

Cossacks 3

Not enough ratings
Broken achievements fix
By Zinnsoldat
Introduction (1/4)
Some achievements in Cossacks 3 doesn't register no matter what you do. Game authors won't fix this problem in near future,as they are busy with the development of STALKER 2.
In this guide I will show you most popular and practical ways to fix this bug.
Method #1 (2/4)
1. Dowload Notepad++ ( )
2.Search for a specific file:

ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ↓↓↓↓
ㅤ ㅤㅤ open profile.dat with Notepad++
ㅤ ㅤㅤ make reserve copy of this file

3. Search for a specific line in code ( see list below)

a. Replace "cur = 0" with "cur = 1".
(If it is already there - do not change it)
b. If "status = 2", replace it with "status = 0" .
c.After save and close files,open game,load random battle.For now your achievements should be unlocked .(Shift+Tab to be sure).

Picture for more understanding

List of most common broken Achievements

Line 3769 - Patron sciences
Line 3778 - To the bowels of Earth
Line 3787 - Sea sickness
Line 4039 - The Thunderer
Line 4174 - Turn the cannons
Line 4210 - Lord of the sea
Line 4336 - It's all about respect
Line 4354 - Conquest of Sicily
Line 4444 - Blitzkrieg ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Lines with achievements begin with 3531 and end around at 5832
Method #2 (3/4)

1.Go to this webite
and install extract this file wherever you want

2. Be sure to not run any game while doing this ,
open SAM.Picker ,search for Cossacks 3 ( 333420 app id)

checked box means that you have this achievement,
unchecked box - you don't have this one
Also you can unlock/lock all items at time by clicking locks icon highlighted with a yellow rectangle

Choose achievements you would like to have and click "Commit changes".
That is all, close the SAM.

The End (4/4)
In general, it took an unreasonable amount of time to create this guide, so if it helped you, please like and comment it .
If you have any ideas or suggestions, write comments under this guide.

MaratonParaliżu 27 Jan, 2024 @ 7:17pm 
This guide helped me a lot, thank you very much and I recommend it to everyone
Ash 15 Jan, 2024 @ 10:48am 
Awesome worked for me thank you, it unlocked all but the following 13,

To Punish The King
There and back again
Field marshal general of the empire
Sharp sight
Noble Spirit
Glory of the French Fleet
Death to the tyrants!
Brothers, raise the crystal chalices
Rule, France!

But those 13 have bbitcoded = true so if you change it to bbitcoded = false (making sure the goal, and current field match with status as 0 as you said), and then load into a mission it will give you those above.
Vitalii900 8 Jun, 2023 @ 12:35am 
Thank you for the guide! This is very helpful. I'm having troubles with many basic achievements like reaching 18th century and it's pretty frustrating. Now I can unlock them :steamthumbsup:
Zinnsoldat  [author] 18 Oct, 2022 @ 7:55am 