SCP: Secret Laboratory

SCP: Secret Laboratory

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How to Use Every Item in the Game: A Strategy
By tpd1864blake
SCP: Secret Laboratory can be daunting for new players with all of the items and classes and mechanics you have to worry about. But fear not! This guide will teach you what EVERY item in the game does and when it would be wise to take it with you. This guide is meant for version 11.2.1 and may become out of date with future versions.
Keycards are the most important item in the game. Without them, you are practically locked off from everything. Always take the best keycard with you, but remember you can take multiple keycards if each can open different things. Always drop your card and grab an O5 card if you see it.
Useful for communicating with other MTF. You can pick it up as other classes to listen in if you have inventory space. Be careful when using this as other people could be listening in. You can put the radio to Ultra Range to communicate to everyone with an active radio anywhere in the facility, but keep it brief because it rapidly drains power.
See in dark places, that's about it. You're better off getting the light attachment on your gun if you're able to. Use when 079 tries to blind you from 173.
Useless, although some servers let you upgrade this in SCP-914 to get useful items, for example a keycard. You can try to convince an SCP to spare you through a coin flip.
Very useful in a variety of situations. Always grab this if your hands are free.
  • Red candy heals you and works as more powerful painkillers. Use it if you are actively taking damage, such as SCP-939 attacking you or someone shooting you.
  • Yellow candy grants infinite sprint and faster movement speed for a few seconds. Use this if you are trying to escape from an SCP.
  • Green candy makes you immune to all negative status effects for 30 seconds, it also stops SCP-207 from damaging you during that time. The cases where you use this are a bit more niche, such as if you're out of healing items and need to stop 207 from killing you, or if you want to bypass the negative effects of 173's tantrum, grenades, flashbangs, etc.
  • Purple candy gives damage reduction for a short time and HP regeneration for an even shorter time. Best used as a reactive item. In other words, if you're caught off guard and someone gets a few shots in at you, pop this and then return fire.
  • Blue candy gives 30 AHP for an indefinite amount of time until it is removed by taking damage. This is to be taken in advance, so use it just about any time.
  • Rainbow candy gives a variety of short, small bonuses. Such as infinite stamina for only 5 seconds, restoring a small amount of health, and giving AHP for a moderate amount of time. Despite all of its effects being very short, it does have one permanent effect which is an additive 5% bullet damage reduction. If you strike gold and find a ton of rainbow candy it may be worth it to take all of them in advance to give you permanent bullet resistance, but the chances of this happening are incredibly small. It's best used when you get damaged and are trying to escape a threat because of its short regeneration and stamina effect.
  • Pink candy does not spawn by default, but some servers to configure it to spawn. Upon eating it you instantly explode, killing you and damaging any nearby doors or players. You could use this to blow open a door like Micro-HID, you should just find a grenade for that. This is best used as a last resort tool, dealing massive damage to SCPs and for charging a group of enemies. Generally, you should use this in situations you do not expect to survive and want to deal massive damage to the enemy before you are killed.
Body Armor
Good when fighting human classes, but not ideal for fighting SCPs.

  • Light armor is good to grab if you don't have any armor. No movement penalties which means you shouldn't worry about it when being chased by SCPs.
  • Combat armor is the best armor to grab in most cases. It has slight movement debuffs but those are nullified if you are a military class (guard, MTF, chaos). It's a good balance between the other armors
  • Heavy armor is the most cumbersome. It is best suited for fighting human classes because of its extreme movement penalties even for military classes. You should almost never grab heavy armor as a civilian class if there are any SCPs left, as it will leave you crippled and unable to run. Although its high storage capacity allows you to hold tons of medkits or grenades to suit your playstyle. If you spawn with heavy armor (MTF Captain/Chaos Marauder) then you mind as well keep it on, but maybe linger in the back of the group a bit more so you have more buffer to run from SCPs.
Healing Items
Grouping all of these together.
  • Painkillers give a slow, gradual health regeneration over time. It is best used out of combat since it is a cheap and abundant healing item. You could use this just before engaging a target to have some slight regen without needing to switch from your gun to heal.
  • Medkit is the most useful healing item, restoring 60 HP. Use it whenever you drop below 50-60 health or so, or if you have the maximum amount of healing items and there's a medkit nearby you could loot.
  • Adrenaline refills your stamina, gives you infinite sprint for a time, and gives you temporary AHP. This is great for escaping SCPs because of the stamina but it's also useful to pop just before engaging a group of humans because of the AHP it gives.
  • SCP-500 is a last resort if you're really in trouble. It instantly refills all of your health and removes all status effects. Useful if you're about to die (with or without 207). You can survive SCP-939 trapping you in a room for surprisingly long if you move erratically and constantly use up healing items, so don't be afraid to use SCP-500 if this is the case.
I'm going to briefly cover each weapon here.

  • The COM-15 is the worst weapon. It's great to have if you're unarmed, but you should find something else as soon as you can. Only one spawns on the map, which is randomly in Light Containment, so try to find it before the other team does. Then you can use it to kill/intimidate unarmed people. You can kill the stray guard out there trying to detain you if you conceal it and pull it out to immediately shoot at their head, but don't try it if there's multiple guards, they got better guns and protection than you.
  • The COM-18 is better than the COM-15 in every way, but it's only found locked in armories. It's decent as a secondary weapon, but there's probably better options according to your preference. Remember: switching to your secondary is always faster than reloading. Still weak on its own against anyone with a machine gun, but it's more reliable.
  • The FSP-9 is great as a starting weapon. It is great at killing unarmed targets but its flaws begin to show itself once military classes begin spawning. I recommend optimizing your loadout for this for killing unarmed targets, most likely to exterminate Class-D swarms.
  • The Crossvec is a step-up from the FSP-9 with a larger magazine and faster firing speed. A whole group of MTF with Crossvecs can deal some serious damage to SCPs so long as you stick together. As a Class-D you are able to 1v1 or even 1v2 MTF with a Crossvec if you catch them by surprise, but it will probably leave you searching for health. Although it does have the option for a scope, this gun is terrible at long range and is outclassed by even a single MTF with an E-11-SR
  • The MTF-E11-SR is probably the best gun for most of the round. Ammo for the this gun is abundant in just about every armory. With this you have the potential to wipe out entire squads of MTF if you bide your time and pick them off from a distance. I recommend having at least 2 saved loadouts for this, one for long range and one for short range. The short range is best if you have a team to back you up and you're inside the facility, otherwise you should probably go for a long range build.
  • The Shotgun is the king of short range combat. With the right loadout you can one hit kill any human with precision aiming, but it also takes much longer to shoot which is a huge deal in close range and will probably kill you if you're bad at aiming. It's also pretty good at damaging SCPs if you're looking for that. Like all Chaos weapons, ammo doesn't spawn in the level so you have to ration what you have, and probably pick up an MTF weapon that does have disposable ammo.
  • The .44 Revolver is your long range option as a shotgunner. Since you already have a short range option, your revolver should be optimized for long-range attacks. You can press middle mouse click to ready the revolver and allow you to shoot faster and with better accuracy, which is great for lining up your shots long range. If you're lucky then you can land a headshot and kill them with a single bullet, depending on the bullet type you use.
  • The AK is a slightly worse version of the E-11-SR, about on-par with the Crossvec. The AK tends to have worse accuracy and damage at range so you're better off optimizing it for close-quarters. The AK should just be a temporary gun until you can find an E-11-SR or something else better, I would not rely on this for any more than needed.
  • The Logicer is arguably the best weapon in the game sporting the highest DPS. It can shred through SCPs and humans alike with good aim. Just remember to aim down sights, hip firing with this is the most inaccurate weapon in the game. The biggest downside is that the ammo for the Logicer is also the rarest ammo in the game, so once you use up all your ammo you mind as well drop it because you won't be finding any more.
Great for blinding an SCP or a group of MTF/Chaos for a quick escape. If you're being chased, remember to throw it in front of you so that the SCP runs into it. The blinding effect is really short, so be sure to make use of it as soon as it blows up.
High-Explosive Grenade
For when you need to kill an SCP. Even if they don't take much damage from the grenade it will make your shots damage them more. Throw it 1.2 seconds after an elevator is called to kill a group of humans in an elevator. You can slow down SCPs that are chasing you by throwing it ahead of you at the right angle to have it blow up just after you pass the blast radius, it will either damage the pursuing SCP or make them hold back in hesitation.
Very effective at killing SCPs but very hard at using it right. Lure them out into the open then charge it up while running in circles as they try to catch you. You can hold right click to keep it charged which uses a lot less energy than it fully firing, which allows you to pursue them without wasting all its charge. If you do run out of charge and LCZ is still open, you can recharge it in 914 for multiple attempts. Also use a soundboard while holding it out to make them think you're charging it and run away lol
3-X Particle Disruptor
There's a 40% chance to get this when putting a Micro-HID in 914 on Course, but I wouldn't recommend trying to get this. It only deals 200 damage per shot and has 5 bullets, so it's 1000 damage assuming you have perfect aim. It does guarantee damage since it punches through AHP, though. Don't use it against groups, it's mostly meant for SCP hit and runs. But by the time you get the Particle Disruptor from 914 most of the SCPs are probably dead anyways or Chaos has spawned
Bounces around and deals major damage at high speeds. Has the highest chance of landing shots in elevators or tight spaces. Use this if an SCP is in an elevator or if you want to lock down an area. Alternatively you could throw it in an area with every door closed to break all of the doors and weaken 079, but it also makes it harder for you to escape pursuing SCPs. If you keep this on your person and you die, then the ball will drop and start gaining momentum, which has the potential to kill whoever just killed you. Revenge tastes great.
Gives you infinite stamina and faster movement speed, but damages you over time with more damage based on your speed. Use this if you are trying to escape as a civilian class, but probably not a good idea to use it as a military class. SCP-500 can cancel the effects if you want to stop taking damage.
Covers an area with a slow-damaging fog. Good at stopping people from sticking around an area too long. Best if used in choke points or important locations. You could use it as a sightline blocker or to disorient enemies. It is especially good at steering SCPs away from an area, since every SCP received harsh debuffs while in the fog. Remember you can pick it up if you're fast enough if you want to place it elsewhere, but picking it up will damage you quite a bit from the fog. Put two in the same spot to double the damaging effect.
Always grab in any situation. This is never not useful. Turns you invisible which can be vital for flanking or escaping enemies. Just remember that pulling out a gun or interacting with anything cancels the effect. Some limitations with SCPs, though: 939 can still see you if you're making sound, you still block 173 from moving while looking at it, 096 can still see you if you're one of his targets, and 079 can always see you while you have the hat on.
Performance-Enhancing-Drug. Makes you more proficient with guns and makes you pick up items faster. DO NOT USE WITH SCP-207. Only one or the other or you will die rapidly and will need SCP-500 to save yourself. This is best used if you're a military class fighting other humans as it makes you shoot and reload faster, but not so good with SCPs because of the stamina debuff.
A very versatile tool. Locks and blacks out a room like 079, or cancels the effects of a blackout if you just threw another one or if 079 locked it down. You can use 2 of them to force open any door, such as the Micro-HID, by throwing one and then throwing the other after it is blacked out. If an SCP is chasing you, you can throw one into the room behind you to lock them in there for 15 seconds and allow you to escape. You can even use it offensively in some cases, by locking 096 in the same room as you it makes charging the Micro-HID and shooting at him much easier since he can do nothing but sit helplessly.
And that's every item in the game! I hope this help you in your runs to help you make more tactical decisions to improve your chances of survival.
sqoxyh 14 Feb, 2023 @ 11:49pm 
really helped me im horny now
dreezy 12 Feb, 2023 @ 4:29am 
real 9 Feb, 2023 @ 10:57am 
>be class d
>get keycard
sheng shiong owner lee kuan yew 8 Feb, 2023 @ 11:53pm 
btw the heavy armour after the mimicry update doesnt slow you down anymore it just drains your stamina faster
MeargleSchmeargle 29 Jan, 2023 @ 8:57am 
If you want, you can use the ball to open up important rooms as well, particularly micro since you get the micro and there are a lot of other doors in that room which computer could otherwise use, on top of the fact that generators can spawn there. Just be careful to have an escape plan if you use the ball like this so you don't pulverize yourself in the process.

Lastly, you could also pre-use the 500 pill right before you head into an intense gunfight since the pill also gives you extremely powerful regeneration as one of its effects for a short time. If you pop pill just before a gunfight, that regeneration could give you a huge advantage and make certain situations more winnable as a result.
MeargleSchmeargle 29 Jan, 2023 @ 8:56am 
244 also provides a severe debuff to gun handling speed for any human attempting to use guns inside the fog, on top of making it take significantly longer to pick items off the ground. If you can set it up near chokepoints or important locations (especially outside the gate elevator where hostile spawn waves will most likely be coming from), not only do you have a vision advantage, you have weapon handling advantage as well on top of the fact that the fog deals DOT.
MeargleSchmeargle 29 Jan, 2023 @ 8:56am 
A few points I want to bring up:

Green Candy doesn't explicitly protect you from negative status effects, it actually gives you mild regeneration for a quite long period of time. If you're able to get yourself a coke, eating a green candy shortly after drinking the coke is an excellent synergy as the regeneration provided by green candy actually out-paces the damage you receive as a side effect from drinking coke, which effectively extends how long you can safely use coke by roughly a minute. It's also just good to have that gradual healing if you took some damage but aren't in a dangerous situation where using a more immediately potent healing item will be necessary.
MonauralAcorn90 28 Jan, 2023 @ 10:51am 
i was to lazy to read all of it
Exxpl01t 28 Jan, 2023 @ 8:52am 