Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

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100% ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE | Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales 🏆
This is a comprehensive guide detailing a way of getting for all achievements in the game. If you have never played this game or are just hunting for achievements, this guide will show you how to get them all.

The search function of a browser may be used to find a specific achievement faster (Ctrl+F).
I wish you success in getting all the in-game achievements

Achievement info
● Difficulty level of achievements: Medium. ● Total achievements: 50 (100%). ● Offline achievements: 50 (100%). ● Online Achievements: 0. ● Estimated time to complete all achievements: 20-30 hours. ● Minimum number of passes for 100%: 2. ● Glitchy achievements: None. ● Missable Achievements: None. ● Achievements with difficulty levels: None. ● Required DLCs for 100% achievements: None.
Rhino Rodeo/Like a Rhino In A China Shop

The first achievement is story related so you can unlock it during the first story Mission: "Hold onto your web-shooters". To get the second one, instead of avoiding the obstacles, just steer the villain right through 15 of them, but be careful, as smashing objects deals some damage to you.

You can switch to Friendly Neighbourhood difficulty during this section if you are struggling to stay alive long enough to break the requisite number of objects (you cannot die when playing in this mode).

A Gift from Pete

Unlocked during the 2nd Story Mission: "Parting Gift".

After defeating Rhino, Miles contacts Ganke Lee and informs him about the gift he received from Spider-Man. He decides to meet him at the amphitheatre in Central Park. He changes behinds some boxes while Ganke hides him from the public.

The Harlem Express

Unlocked after completing the mandatory FNSM App Request in 6th story mission: "Harlem Trains Out of Service".

Unlike every main missions, this mission can only be restarted via FNSM App instead of pausing at Map menu’s Mission catalog, similar to the side missions.

Hanging By A Thread

Unlocked during the 8th story Mission: "Time to Rally".

While walking across the rally’s festival, both Miles and Ganke meet most of their neighborhood who are present before the rally starts:
  • Hailey Cooper is seen doing a street painting.
  • Gloria Davila is revealed to have a girlfriend name Steff, while advertising F.E.A.S.T. North.
  • Aaron Davis is temporarily seen almost close to the rally’s stage before leaving the festival at a same time when Rio begin her campaign rally.
After Tinkerer and her enemies reveal themselves, defeat them and then travel to the waypoint where the explosion occurred. After defeating the enemies there, swing to the areas where civilians are trapped. Use the water tank to extinguish the flames, and then save the passengers on the bus.

Afterwards, web the portions of the bridge together and pull the platform towards yourself. After that failed, repeatedly tap the square button to pull the bridge together.

The Core of the Problem

Unlocked during the 10th story Mission: "Corporate Espionage".

Go to the waypoint and defeat the enemies, absorb the energy from the generator then head inside, after doing so crawl through the vents and turn left to continue the mission. Defeat the enemies in the proceeding rooms until you reach the room with the Nuform reactor, break the wires above the fan to reach Phin's phone. Once the shielding to the recto is unlocked by Davis absorb it and continue to move forward. Crawl upwards then defeat the enemies until Davis blows a hole through the wall, allowing you to complete the mission.

True Deception

Unlocked at the end of the 11th story Mission: "Underground Undercover".

Travel to the waypoint, follow Phin on the rooftop then head to the crane to leap to the balcony. Once inside, investigate the area to gather information on the location of Nuform. After Phin returns and Miles sneaks away to put on his Spider-Man attire, crawl through the vents. Defeat the enemies in the room and then pull the weapon from the samurai statue to reveal the hidden elevator.

Crawl on the ceiling and follow the Underground members to the saferoom, after discovering the Venom Dash move use it against sword-wielded Underground enemies and defeat the remaining enemies to complete the mission.


Unlocked during the 12th story Mission: "Curtain Call".

Head to the waypoint and defeat the enemies, use the Venom Energy to charge the generators in the area, afterwards venom smash the roof to access the building. Pull the gears, web it in place and then crawl through the space available until you access the room where the Nuform is kept. To pull back curtain, charge the generators by connecting tethers together. Once during the chase segment of the mission simply follow Tinkerer throughout Manhattan while dodging explosions until you've caught up with her.

Exploding Bulldozer

This achievement can be unlocked by defeating the boss during the 14th story Mission: "Tinker Tailor Spider Spy".

Call Phin to meet at Trinity Church, after Miles is attacked by Rhino you wake up at a Roxxon lab. At this point take down the security guards in the area after doing so head towards the way-pointed computer. Power u the nearby generator and then pull the crane above towards the engine. Pull the engine again towards the middle of the room tether the powered generator to the crane, then once again pull the crane to the right of the room, after this create another tether.

Doing this powers the engine enough to break in the control room. Once there, take out the guards then go towards the way-pointed door. After Rhino comes bursting in ride the back of him and run him into the tanks, follow this up by melee attacks to destroy his Venom-proof armor. Rhino begins throwing the tacks avoid them, charge the engine, throw it towards Rhino and then follow up with melee attacks. Doing this finally destroys his armor and you're able to defeat him by using venom attacks.

Family Drama

Unlocked after completing the 15th story Mission: "Thicker Than Blood".

The battle with the Prowler is as follows: In his first phase the Prowler can charge at you and turn invisible, similar to Miles' camouflage. While it is possible to beat him with his cloaking, Venom Attacks can short out his cloak and allow the player to get more hits in. Prowler can also use mines that can disable Venom if Miles gets hit by them, Similar to a Roxxon Guards weapons.

In the second phase, Prowler charges up a laser with a wide range that can be countered with Perfect Counter. In this phase, there are also junction boxes that can fill up a full Venom bar, though this is not recommended as you are completely vulnerable this way.

During the third and final phase, Prowler can summon three holograms of himself to attack Miles. The holograms usually take four hits to defeat, although Venom can kill them instantly. It is recommended that the player takes down the holograms first as they can prove to be a nuisance. Once the player has dealt enough damage, the end cutscene plays and they earn the "Family Drama" achievement.

Shared History/Competitive Spirit

The fisrt on unlocked after completing the 16th story Mission: "Like Real Scientists".

As you get close to the mission indicator, the game will warn you that after this point, there will be no free-roaming or purchasing of Skills, Mods or Gadget Upgrades until you complete the story. Once you have all the upgrades you think you need, say "Ready to go" to start the last mission.

To unlock Competitive Spirit achievement you have to play a little mini-game during the Oscorp Science Fair flashback section of this mission. Opposite to the elevator, in the far corner of the hall, is a large station with pairs of small Oscorp toy-rockets. Walk up to the station and talk to Phin to start a friendly competition. The objective is to make your rocket fly higher than hers and as long as you do this the achievement should pop up.

This mission can be replayed via mission select (once you have completed the main story), or during New Game+ if you missed this during your first playthrough.

Ultimate Sacrifice

Unlocked after finishing the final boss fight and final 17th story Mission: "The Battle for Harlem". This mission immediately starts after completing the story Mission: "Like Real Scientists".

After leaving the museum, head to Harlem and go to each area where Underground and Roxxon are fighting. Defeat both the Roxxon guards and Underground thugs. Once they are dealt with, go to the Roxxon HQ where you will battle Phin one last time. Depending on what weapons she uses, dodge them and use your venom power to defeat her. The advantage for Miles is that Phin's sword gets stuck to the ground. Next wave, she will set up turrets.

Use them against her which would weaken her. Last, she will use spinning blades similar to the ones used during the Manhattan chase. Dodge them and attack Phin after. The final task is to stop the reactor. Use Miles to absorb the energy and then Phin will help the player, causing the energy to be absorbed.

Plus Plus

After you have completed the main story during your first playthrough, you will have the option to start New Game+ which you will need to complete in order to unlock this one. New Game+ is a mode where you effectively start the game all over again while retaining all of the unlocked skills, suit purchases, mods, and gadget upgrades from your previous playthrough. The option to play New Game+ is unlocked after you have completed all main story missions during your first playthrough.

Come at the King

This achievement unlocks after completing a series of side missions in Harlem, where you investigate a string of strange, targeted robberies.
  • Complete the Side Mission: "Looters!!!" (Unlocks after finishing "Harlem Trains Out of Service" story mission).
  • Complete both new unlocked side missions for this line — "Robbers Target Local Biz" and "Harlem F.E.A.S.T. Shut Down" (Unlocks after finishing "Time to Rally" story mission).
  • Complete the final Side Mission: "We've Got a Lead!" (Unlocks after finishing "Corporate Espionage" story mission).

Launch, Swing and Dive/Punching Pixels/Dodging Light/Spider-Training: Complete

After completing the story mission: "New Thwip", a series of activities will unlock, called Spider-Training Challenges. There are three training categories: traversal, combat, and stealth, and each category has 3 seperate challenges to complete.

There are a total of nine Spider-Training Challenges, with three of each type, located across the nine districts.

Challenge Type
Score info
Combat Challenge 1.0
Amazing: 5 hits
Spectacular: 10 hits
Ultimate: 25 hits
Combat Challenge 2.0
Amazing: 3 hits
Spectacular: 2 hits
Ultimate: 1 hit
Combat Challenge 3.0
Amazing: 3 Air KOs
Spectacular: 5 Air KOs
Ultimate: 8 Air KOs

Challenge Type
Score info
Upper West Side
Traversal Challenge 1.0
Amazing: > 60 seconds
Spectacular: < 60 seconds
Ultimate: < 45 seconds
Hell's Kitchen
Traversal Challenge 2.0
Amazing: > 60 seconds
Spectacular: < 60 seconds
Ultimate: < 45 seconds
Central Park
Traversal Challenge 3.0
Amazing: > 75 seconds
Spectacular: < 75 seconds
Ultimate: < 60 seconds

Challenge Type
Score info
Upper East Side
Stealth Challenge 1.0
Amazing: > 480 seconds
Spectacular: < 480 seconds
Ultimate: < 240 seconds
Stealth Challenge 2.0
Amazing: > 480 seconds
Spectacular: < 480 seconds
Ultimate: < 240 seconds
Financial District
Stealth Challenge 3.0
Amazing: > 480 seconds
Spectacular: < 480 seconds
Ultimate: < 240 seconds
Pete’s First Villain

After completing all of the challenges above, the Final Test side mission will be unlocked where Spider-Man must defeat a holographic Vulture as the hologram Peter Parker tells the story of how he first encountered the villain.

Five Star Review

The FNSM App Requests are not marked on the map by default. To access the list of available FNSM App Requests, open the FNSM app, upon selecting one, it will be marked on your map and mini-map by a Spider-Man head icon, as long as you are tracking the request.

There are 10 requests total available initially, and each request rewards you with Activity Tokens. Completing all nine will unlock a final one, where you just have to get to the marked location to receive your gift from the people of New York.

Emergency Comms Down
South side of Harlem
Speak with the EMT then go to both locations, taking out the enemies and powering the generators then return to the EMT
Upper West Side
My Car’s Gone!
North East side of the Upper West Side
Speak with the NPC then head to the Scrapyard, take out every enemy there. Once done, find the car (back of the building)
Upper East Side
Stuck On Skyscraper
North side of the Upper East Side
Speak with the NPC stuck on the platform go to the top of the building and deal with the enemies then restore the power
Hell's Kitchen
Ice Breaking My Crane!
North side of Hell’s Kitchen
Speak to the engineer then head across to the building opposite, use your web shooters to break the ice. Swing the crane then break the pipe
Can’t Find My Pigeons
North side of Midtown
Follow the scent trails to the coop then follow each of the 3 trails to retrieve the pigeons. Afterwards, take out all of the enemies
F.E.A.S.T. Toys Stolen
North West side of Chinatown
Take pictures of the licence plates until you find the right truck then take photos of the targets (use your Camouflage to make this easier). Take out all of the enemies
My Truck’s Stuck
West side of Chinatown
Yank the truck, power it up then deliver the address list
Financial District
Lost Cat
East side of the Financial District
Follow the scent trail until you find the cat, return the cat
Financial District
Can I Get A Photo?
South West side of the Financial District
Make your way around the building webbing up the pipes then yank the fire hydrant to put out the car fire
Financial District
Thank You, Spiderman
North side of the Financial District after you have completed the other 9 missions
Get to the location and read the postcard
Crime Master

Crimes are random world events happening around the city. They marked on the mini-map by a black shield with a red exclamation point, but you can also access the list of available Crimes via the FNSM app.

In order to unlock the achievement, you have to complete both bonus objectives of each activity once. Keep in mind, that each bonus objective only needs to be completed once, and you can complete the 2 bonus objectives in separate activity sessions as well. You can check your current standing in the FNSM app at any time.

Crime Activity
Bonus Obj 1
Bonus Obj 2
Armed Robbery
Web Throw 3 objects at enemies
Web 3 enemies to a wall
Arms Deal
Stealth Takedown 3 enemies
Achieve a 10x Combo
Web Throw 3 objects at enemies
Achieve a 10x Combo
Air Launch 4* enemies
*note: Altho the text says 3 enemies, the counter is for 4
Web Throw 3 enemies
Chopper Malfunction
Swing Kick 6 enemies
Defeat 4 enemies while camouflaged
Air Yank 5 enemies
Stealth Takedown 3 enemies
Achieve 10x Combo
Air Launch 3 enemies
Raft Escapees
Don't allow any vehicles to be stolen
Venom attack 5 enemies
Stolen Vehicle
Stop the car without taking damage
Force the car to stop safely
Street Shootout
Use the Gravity Well gadget to pull in 8 enemies
Use Venom attacks on 4 enemies
Supply Theft
Perfect Dodge 5 times
Achieve a 30x Combo

The crime that arguably gives people the most trouble is the Stolen Vehicle crime, as this has a bonus objective where you cannot take damage before you have stopped the car. This is easily one of the most frustrating challenges in the game, as it is very hard to avoid getting hit even on the Friendly Neighbourhood difficulty. It will likely take you several attempts before you get this, so, If you are hit, it's best to jump off the car and let the crime activity fail. This will allow you to find another Stolen Vehicle crime more quickly using the FNSM app. While mounting the car, you can dodge bullets; also, you can jump on the bonnet of the car which can help with avoiding shots from certain enemies. Something that helps substantially is using your camouflage while in the air chasing after the car so they won't shoot at you.

If you are really struggling, the Suit Mod Venom Shield can be used to grant temporary invulnerability when you convert a full Venom bar into health. Additionally, when the Threat Sensors and Perfect Sight Visor Mods are combined, you will have a larger perfect dodge window and perfect dodging will cause time to slow down for longer afterwards thus allowing you to better react to enemy fire. The only problem with this load out is that most of these mods are only available in New Game+, so If you are aiming for 100% in you first playthrough, these cannot be used. In any case, keep trying, keep calm, it's not impossible, you will eventually get it.
Deep Cuts

In order to unlock this achievement you need to record the 9 Sound Samples scattered across the city. Sound Sample activities are unlocked after completing the story mission: "Breaking through the noise" and are marked on your Map by a Prowler mask.

Your task is to find the same sound source as the original sound (shown when the two wave forms on screen are matching) and record it.

Story related during the mission "Breaking Through The Noise"
Head over to the right side of the area then look up to the train tracks with the basketball courts on your left.
Upper West Side
Head to the outside of the open garage with the fire truck inside and scan the audio.
Central Park
Camouflage and get close to the Pigeons near the water tower to scan the audio.
Upper East Side
Head up to the left side of the buildings behind the Christmas Tree, stand on the edge of the building and aim for the edge of the building just next to the water tower.
Jump up onto the building on the left side of the area with the electric billboards then look to the small building with the orange lights then record the audio.
Get on top of the small circular building with the white stripes then look up to the left to the clocktower.
Look to the Chinese archway across the street and scan the lower the part of the white sign.
Financial District
Web up to the roof of the circular building, go to the left side then look out across the bay to the Ferry and scan the Audi.

Once you have collected these 9 Sound Samples, you will then need to head to Harlem and complete short Back To The Beginning side mission to unlock your achievement.

Urban Explorers

Collecting all 16 Time Capsules is one of the Activities in the City you have to complete. Time Capsules become available after completing the Story Mission: "Reconnecting", and all Capsule locations will be marked on your map by a stopwatch icon.

Memory Lane

Collecting all 8 Postcards is one of the Activities in the City you have to complete, and it becomes available after completing the Side Mission: "Memory Lane" in Harlem (Miles' home), which is playable after completing the main storyline.

This is a scavenge hunt, where each Postcard contains the clue for the location of the next one. The first Postcard will be marked on your map by a purple postcard icon, and, as you get near the location, you will have to solve the riddle to find the exact location of the Postcard. That postcard will have a short riddle on it, and the next Postcard will get marked on your Map.


Finding and opening all 35 Underground Caches is one of the Activities in the City you have to complete, and it becomes available during the FNSM App Request: "Harlem Trains Out of Service" which is a mandatory side mission.. All caches are marked on your map by a teal chest icon.

As you get near the location of an Underground Cache, you have to bring up a compass. This will have the direction and the distance towards the cache, which is usually behind a small door-opening puzzle. Opening an Underground Cache gives you one of the Tech Parts, needed to craft upgrades and suits. Underground Caches mostly available in the overworld to be collected at any time, however, some are hidden inside Underground Hideout and Roxxon Labs.

NOTE: Pay particular attention to the Underground Hideout/Rexxon Lab map icons when clearing these out. Some will also have Underground Weapons caches hidden within the base (shown by a cache symbol in the bottom left). These can only be obtained while doing each of these activities, and if you miss a weapons cache, you may need to replay through that entire base activity again. The caches inside the enemy territories (Hideouts and Labs) have no compass pointing towards them, so you have to find them by actually looking around within the zone.

Under Their Noses

Roxxon Lab Activities are available after completing the Story Mission: "Corporate Espionage".There are 3 Roxxon Labs in total, each Lab has 1 Underground Cache hidden inside, and they are marked on your Map by a Roxxon logo (same as in the achievement icon).

Underground Undone

Underground Hideout Activities are available after completing the Story Mission: "Underground Undercover". There are 3 Underground Hideouts in total, each Hideout has 1 Underground Cache hidden inside, and they are marked on your Map by a Tinkerer Mask icon (same as in the achievement icon).

Ready for Anything

There are 20 suits are available total, so 19 Suits in the game that has to be unlocked to get this achievement. Most of them have to be crafted by spending Activity Tokens and Tech Parts, but others are unlocked by completing story and side missions. Please note that this achievement can be unlocked only during a New Game+ playthrough.

Sportswear Suit
Mission: Parting Gift
Great Responsibility Suit
Mission: Parting Gift
Homemade Suit
Power Pitcher
8 Activity Tokens
1 Tech Part
Unlocked at level 5
T.R.A.C.K. Suit
10 Activity Tokens
1 Tech Part
Unlocked at level 6
Animated Suit
Stronger Webs
20 Activity Tokens
4 Tech Parts
Unlocked at level 7
Brooklyn Visions Academy Suit
Trick Master
12 Activity Tokens
1 Tech Part
Unlocked at level 8
Purchasable after completing Time to Rally mission
Crimson Cowl Suit
Ghost Strike
14 Activity Tokens
2 Tech Parts
Unlocked at level 9
S.T.R.I.K.E. Suit
Venom Overclock
16 Activity Tokens
2 Tech Parts
Unlocked at level 10
The End Suit
Steady Focus
16 Activity Tokens
2 Tech Parts
Unlocked at level 11
Miles Morales 2099 Suit
Venom Suppression Resistance
14 Activity Tokens
3 Tech Parts
Unlocked at level 12
Into the Spider-Verse Suit
Bam! Pow! Wham!
Vibe the Verse
18 Activity Tokens
4 Tech Parts
Unlocked at level 13
Classic Suit
Zap Slap
Mission: Time to Rally
Uptown Pride Suit
Complete all FNSM App activities
Winter Suit
Mission: We've Got a Lead!
Miles Morales 2020 Suit
Complete all Spider-Training Challenges
Mission: Final Test
Programmable Matter Suit
Complete all Underground Hideouts and Roxxon Labs
Mission: Matter Up
Purple Reign Suit
Collect all Sound Samples
Mission: Back to the Beginning
Bodega Cat Suit
Finish the campaign
Mission: Cat's Pyjamas
Spider-Training Suit
Power Transfer
20 Activity Tokens
1 Tech Part
Unlocked in New Game+
Advanced Tech Suit
Update Suit
Never Saw It Coming

To unlock this achievement, you have to complete an enemy base — either a Roxxon Lab or an Underground Hideout without ever raising the alarm. Once you have unlocked all your gadgets and powers, it should not be a problem.

Recommended Mod Loadout:
  • Optic Triangulation (VISOR)
  • Eyes in the back of my head (VISOR)
  • Steady Focus (SUIT)
Stay high, hidden, and only use Stealth Takedowns (preferably Wall, Perch or Ceiling Takedowns). Make sure the enemy you are targeting is not being looked at by other enemies. The text "safe" should appear next to the takedown prompt when this can be done without alerting enemies.

If you are detected, you can press Options and then Reload from Checkpoint, instead of completing the base and then trying again (saving you a lot of time). However, this will only work if you were not discovered before the most recent checkpoint.

Just the Beginning

There are 33 skills in total that have to be unlocked to unlock this achievement:
  • 21 skills are available during Normal playthrough
  • The 3 final skills in the skill tree are only available in New Game+, and the required levels for them are 21, 22, and 23.
  • The 9 Challenge skills are unlocked by completing Spider-Training
The challenge skills require no skill points, and the maximum level currently is 30, this means you will have 12 unspent skill points at the end.

A New Home

There are 9 districts in total, each of them has multiple different Activities to complete:
  • 9 Spider Training (See Spider-Training: Complete achievement)
  • 10 FNSM App Requests (See Five Star Review achievement)
  • 16 Time Capsules (See Urban Explorers achievement)
  • 35 Underground Caches (See Salvager achievement)
  • 8 Postcards (See Memory Lane achievement)
  • 9 Side Missions
  • 10 Sound Samples (See Deep Cuts achievement)
  • 3 Underground Hideouts (See Underground Undone achievement)
  • 3 Roxxon Labs (See Under Their Noses achievement)
You can always check your current completion percentage on the map, by hovering over a district. The details are shown in the upper left corner, including the percentage, the type, and the number of missing Activities.

100x Combo!!!

In order to unlock this achievement, you must get the combo counter which is in the upper-left corner up to at least 100. There are two main approaches that can be taken in order to achieve this.

Approach 1: Defeating a Large Number of Enemies (Hard Way)
The best place to rack up your combo count in against a large group of enemies is to replay the Rexxon Lab West base activity. Here are some tips that may assist with this approach:
  • Focus on dodging
  • Utilize Camouflage to avoid getting hit, but do not idle for too long as the counter will reset after a certain amount of inactivity.
  • Prioritize the Snipers and the Shieldmen as these can easily break your combo if you are not careful.
  • Avoid using Venom attacks and takedowns as this will defeat enemies more quickly and will not allow you to get as many hits in.
  • Increasing the difficulty can also help as this will increase all enemy health thus allowing you to get a few extra hits on some enemies before they are defeated. However, this is a tradeoff as enemies attack more often in higher difficulties meaning you are more likely to have your counter reset.
  • Alternatively, you can change to Friendly Neighbourhood difficulty, where getting hit will not reset your Combo counter. However, enemies will be defeated more easily due to having less health.
Approach 2: Spamming Dodges on a Small Group of Enemies (Easy Way)
Alternatively, you can take the easier (and definitely cheesier) approach of spamming dodges on a small group of enemies. Every time you perform a dodge or perfect dodge this will increase the combo counter by 1. This addresses the two main issues with the previous approach, as you are unlikely to get hit which may cause you to die or reset your combo, and secondly, your enemies will not be taking damage and thus will not be defeated before you reach the target of 100.
  • Change to Friendly Neighbourhood difficulty, as this will ensure that getting hit will not reset your combo counter.
  • Take out any enemies that you are struggling to dodge effectively. This approach can be used against all enemies, so choose a group of enemy types that works best for you.

Gadget Upgrades can be crafted in the "Gadgets" menu. There are four gadgets in total, and each can be upgraded four times, by spending Activity Tokens and Tech Parts.

Tokens can be acquired by completing missions, activities, and bonus objectives, while Tech Parts can be found in Underground Caches. You have to purchase 10 upgrades out of the 16, in any combination, to unlock the achievement.

From the Rafters

You can perform Ceiling Takedowns when the enemy is unaware of you. The 25 takedowns do not have to be consecutive and can be done during missions and/or free-roam as well.

Climbing the Walls

You can use Wall Takedowns when the enemy is unaware of you. The 25 takedowns do not have to be consecutive and can be done during missions and/or free-roam as well.

Invisible Spider

You can defeat enemies however you want to, as long as you are camouflaged when they go down.

Activate your Camouflage ability while the Camouflage bar (top right corner) is full, and coloured blue. The easiest way to defeat enemies while invisible, is to walk up to them while stealthed and perform a Stealth Takedown. After this you should quickly get out of sight again, as takedowns cost a lot from your Camouflage bar.


At various points in the story you will unlock Venom attacks. You will need to use to defeat 100 enemies in order to unlock this one. It is not clear whether you need to land the final hit as a Venom attack or not. In any case, this should just occur naturally during either of your two playthroughs.
Use any of these attacks in any combination as the last hit on 100 enemies:
  • Venom Punch
  • Venom Smash
  • Venom Dash
  • Venom Jump
  • Venom Dash Launcher
  • Mega Venom Blast
Each of them cost 1 Venom bar except Mega Venom Blast, which costs 3.

Up and Over

In order to unlock this achievement, you will need to perform a Venom Jump and then a Venom Dash combo on the same enemy. The Venom Jump Combo will cause Miles to jump in the air, and It's best to follow up with the Venom Dash Combo while you and the enemy are still in the air (as the fall damage may defeat the enemy first). If you find that enemies keep being defeated before you can land to the Venom Dash Combo, try increasing the game difficulty (as this will increase the health of all enemies).

From Downtown

You will unlock Venom Dash later in the story. While executing Venom Dash, Miles will grab his initial target, charge them with Venom Power and hurl them away from himself. Just find a large bunch of opponents, and throw one of them into a nearby group.


You unlock the Remote Mine gadget halfway through the Story Mission: "Corporate Espionage".

To use the Remote Mines, select the gadget from the gadget wheel. You can aim, shoot and attach the mines to fuse boxes to increase their effectiveness, or just drop them to the ground; alternatively, with the Remote Mines selected in your gadget wheel, you can quick-fire mines at nearby enemies. With the Remote Mine attached to the desired location and when one or more enemies are in range, you can then activate it.

Nowhere to Hide

Any takedown during stealth combat (while enemies unaware of your position) counts towards this achievement, however, Ceiling and Wall Takedowns while camouflaged are preferred, as they will also allow you to make progress on Invisible Spider, Climbing the Walls, and From the Rafters achievements at the same time. You do not have to complete the 100 takedowns consecutively, and you can do them in missions and/or free-roaming as well.

Replaying Rexxon Lab activities can be a great way to farm these (just make sure to restart the checkpoint before you have taken out the last enemy); however, the main story and side missions provides plenty of opportunities to perform steal take downs. If you adapt your play style during both playthroughs then farming these shouldn't be necessary.

Mod that Suit/Look with Better Eyes

To craft a Suit or Visor Mod go to the "Suits" screen, go down to Suit/Visor Mods, and select an un-crafted mod to craft it. Each Mod requires Activity Tokens and Tech Parts to craft, while some of the mods are also locked until you craft a specific Suit to unlock it.

Never Give Up

This achievement unlocks by visiting the grave of Mile's late father Jefferson Davis. The grave can be found in the cemetery located in the North West section of Harlem. Once you found the grave, press Triangle to interact with it, and let Miles pay his respects. After this solemn has finished, this achievement should pop.

I’m On A Boat

There is a small fishing boat at the southern end of Chinatown, just follow the stopwatch icon. You will automatically unlock this achievement as soon as you land on the boat.

Socially Acceptable

After completing the story, open the menu and navigate to the "Social Feed" tab, then keep scrolling down until you get to the bottom, and then the achievement should pop.

Best Fries in Town

To unlock this one, you have to find and interact with the statue of Mick (the in-game depiction of Stan Lee). You can find his statue right next to Mick's restaurant, in the southern part of the Upper West Side district. Walk up to the statue and pay your respects.

JJJ Would Be Proud

To open Photo Mode, press Options and select "Photo Mode". There are many different settings you can change to the photo, starting from the camera angles through skins, poses, faces to lighting, and stickers. The latter two are what you have to change to unlock the achievement.

Be Yourself

This achievement should be the last in your collection.
Thunder_846 17 Aug, 2024 @ 7:47pm 
where is competitive spirit? That's the one achievement I need other than the new game + one.
jaimehenche1998 28 Jul, 2024 @ 7:52am 
jaimehenche1998 28 Jul, 2024 @ 7:52am 
So helpfull
pilot_xoan 1 Jul, 2024 @ 3:54pm 
The trapped trophy doesn´t work for me, I have over 100, probably close to 200 kills with the mines but still no trophy.:steamsad:
spacesvr209 17 Jun, 2024 @ 3:20pm 
XEALEEN  [author] 7 Feb, 2024 @ 11:30pm 
There are only 50 achievements in the game, and you only got 47, you still need to get two achievements.
✪Hannes 7 Feb, 2024 @ 9:35am 
Can you help me? I got 47 Achievment but ,Be Yourself, dont come. It´s the last one i need but i dont get it.
Relyks2000 13 Jan, 2024 @ 6:23am 
Not sure if it has been suggested, but it would be nice to note under the 100% districts achievement that this can't be finished until post game. I was worried for a while I had missed two side missions somehow.
Weli 7 Jul, 2023 @ 11:16am 
@Hunter Biden breakfast : no
John Yakuza 30 Jun, 2023 @ 10:30pm 
If im connecting my psn account with steam, will my platinum pop up on steam directly ? (just like xbox game on steam )??