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Half-Adder using logic gates
By Maodaifu
A detail guide to help you to understand what is an adder and how to build a half adder. This guide will include some theories and basic knowledge.
This guide will include some theories that help you to understand the principle behind an half adder. The contents including:

  • Binary number
  • Binary Addition and truth table
  • Transforming truth table to logic gates using K-map
  • Building the circuit

*Note: This guide might require some basic knowledge of mathematics and boolean algebra
Binary number
What is a binary number?
Binary number is a number expressed in base-2 numeral system. While the number that we use daily is expressed in base-10 numeral system.

For a quick example, the table below shows binary number representing the base-10 number from 0 to 10.

*Note: MSB = most significant bit, LSB = least significant bit

The binary number is the foundation of the digital system that we use today. It is good to know how to the digital system being developed using the binary number.
Binary Addition and Truth Table
How can we interpret addition in binary and how can we turn them into the transistors/logic gates? The simplest way to do it, is introducing the truth table.

Assuming you already have an idea of what binary number is. The following examples show how can we do a simple addition using binary number.

Let's say we have the equation
A + B = Sum


So what about 1+1?
There is no "2" in binary number. So, we have a carry output of 1

By doing 1 bit addition, we can record them into the table which we call them the truth table. For better understanding, I added some extra info beside the table.

Transforming truth table to logic gates using K-map
So now we have a truth table, but how can we turn them into logic gates?
The truth table that we derived above is the truth table of a half adder which means there are only input A and B.
For a full adder, there are 3 inputs which are input A, B and carry (from previous adder).

Logic gates

Before we start drawing the logic diagram, we can go through quickly some logic gates. There are a few logic gates that currently available on the market such as AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR gates. The picture below shows the truth table of each logic gate and their symbols.



As you can see there are 2 inputs and 1 output. Each of the logic gate behave differently according to the operation of each logic gate.

Transforming Truth Table to Logic Gates

Starts from the half adder truth table, we can see there are 2 outputs, Sum and Carry.

We can turn the table into 2 separate tables which is easier for us to do K-map and prevent careless mistake.

Karnaugh Maps (K-map)

Starts from the Sum output. The simplest and easy way to turn the truth table into logic gate is K-map. K-map is a method of simplifying the boolean algebra and turn the truth table into boolean expression.

The picture below shows a 2-variable K-map.

Each of the slot in the K-map represents the combination of A and B.

Now we can insert the output value into the K-map based on the inputs.
Step 1: Insert value

Step 2: Circle the interested value (in this case, value 1)

Step 3: Write the boolean expression according to the circle
Now we focus on the red circle. As we can see that the red circle located at A=0 row and B=1 column. So that red circle represents A'B

The second red circle located at A=1 row and B=0 column. So it is AB'

So the complete expression for Sum is
Sum = A'B + AB'

*Note: A' is the inverted A which means if A=1, then A'=0.

If you repeat the same steps for Carry, the complete expression would be
Carry = AB

Ok done!. You got the expressions for Sum and Carry. Time for turning them into logic diagram.

Logic diagram
The expression that we got
Sum = A'B + AB'
Carry = AB

Did you notice something in the Sum expression? Yes, Sum expression can be simplified into only using 1 logic gate, which is XOR gate! You can compare the XOR gate truth table with the Sum truth table, you can see that they are the same. So, instead of using 2 NOT, 2 AND and 1 OR gates, we can just use 1 XOR gate!

So the logic diagram for the Half Adder is

Building the circuit
So now we got the logic diagram, we can now build the half-adder.

First we need to setup the input pins and power supply first. The picture below is my setup. I use DIP switches as inputs. I only require 2 inputs so only connected terminal 1 and 2 of the DIP switches.

You might notice the 2 resistors connected to the DIP switches. These 2 resistors is to prevent the floating 1 or 0 state while using the DIP switches. When the DIP switch is ON, it will supply HIGH aka logic state 1 aka 5V in this case. (220ohm resistor is used)

Now we can see that only 2 Integrated circuit (IC) are needed which is 74HC86 (Quad XOR) and 74HC08 (Quad AND). Each of the IC will contain 4 logic gates for you to use. We need to place them in the middle of the breadboard to isolated each pin.

So what now? How can i use the logic gate? First we need to go through a simple picture. The picture below is how we read the pin of the IC.

Firstly, we need to find where is the notch. In the picture we can see there is a semicircle on top of the IC, that is the notch we are looking for. In some cases, it might be a black dot.

The pin 1 of the IC starts from the left side of the notch. Then it follows the anti-clockwise direction from pin 1 to pin 14.

In the simple datasheet given, we see that pin 7 is GROUND pin, pin 14 is VCC pin. We need to connect VCC to 5V and GROUND pin to 0V.

Then we can see other pins like 1A, 1B, 1Y, 2A, 2B, 2Y and etc. Those are the inputs and outputs of the logic gates in this case. 1Y = 1A ⊕ 1B. You can use any logic gates without affecting one another.

Now you can start connecting the pins. The complete circuit should look similar to this. I added 2 LEDs to show the results (330ohm resistor is used).

Now you can turn on the power supply and flip the DIP switch to see how it works. =)
I hope you will enjoy this guide. Please leave a comment if you have any doubts or questions. Thanks. =)
kenpeter 12 Nov, 2024 @ 3:16pm 
We lack DPDT or 4Way MUX to sim this. HC157 works, but total spaghetti.
I'm having some difficulty linking the schematic.
Maodaifu  [author] 29 Aug, 2023 @ 7:15pm 
@Arktaos sorry i didn't notice there is a notification. Do you still need help?
Arktaos 2 Aug, 2023 @ 10:21am 
I get to try it again some other day because when I tried to save the file it crashed.
Arktaos 2 Aug, 2023 @ 10:10am 
I'm sorry this went over so many comments but 1000 characters doesn't really allow anyone to get a message through.
Arktaos 2 Aug, 2023 @ 10:10am 
All jumpers on both LEDs are dark and the power supply reads 5v and -799ma with an error that the jumper wire exceeded 7A. It seems to be the same jumper wire connecting the power rails.

I'd upload a screen shot of what I've put together but I don't see there is a way to do that.

Arktaos 2 Aug, 2023 @ 10:10am 
I'm guessing 3 and 4 shouldn't ever be on because when I flip those to on things get weird.

1, 2, 3 on and 4 off both LEDs are off and power supply reads 5v 3199ma and I get a warning that "jumper wire current rating exceeds 7A - the highlighted wire seems to be only the big jumper connecting the power rails.
Arktaos 2 Aug, 2023 @ 10:09am 
With 1,2,3,4 off the LEDs are off and power supply reads 5v 0ma.
With 1 on and 2, 3, 4 off LEDs are both on and power supply reads 5v 39ma.
With 1 and 2 on 3 and 4 off LEDs are both off and power supply reads 5v 45ma.
Arktaos 2 Aug, 2023 @ 10:08am 
Hello I can't figure out what I've done wrong when I attempted build this circuit. I caught several errors with orientation of resistors in mine and fixed those but the switches either turn everything on or everything off.
klikhtarovich 2 Jan, 2023 @ 1:47pm 
Great tutorial! Thank you Qahnaarin for your work :steamhappy:
Maodaifu  [author] 3 Dec, 2022 @ 5:31am 
For Sum, you get Sum=1 when A=0,B=1 (A'B) or A=1,B=0 (AB') . So without doing the Kmap, you can still know that the expression is Sum=A'B + AB'. But it might not be as simplify as what you can get from Kmap sometimes, especially when go up to 3/4 variables.