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OPTIMIZED Highest FPS & VISIBILITY + QUALITY Settings Guide MW2 & Warzone 2
By pizza driver
Eliminate FPS-Eaters and unnecessary settings in Modern Warfare 2.
Very quick showcase of the most optimized graphics settings for the
highest fps possible at the best visual clarity & quality possible!
I have spent a while comparing every single setting visually and
performance wise to optimize everything as much as possible.
This should reduce stuttering and lag a lot on pc as well as on console.
pizza driver  [author] 9 Dec, 2022 @ 1:30pm 
I also tried to test around with that but didn't find anything yet
ArmrDg 9 Dec, 2022 @ 1:22pm 
There's actually settings hidden in the config file or settings you can take lower through the config file that give a good chunk of FPS
pizza driver  [author] 9 Dec, 2022 @ 5:28am 
True sadly.. But when you tweak out everything it runs pretty good, even on my gtx 1060 6gb laptop :) And I think you can't really find any better settings than this here, only other advise would be to close background tabs that u don't need to clear your cpu & ram and you could tweak the game in nvidia control panel but that won't have a real impact
ArmrDg 9 Dec, 2022 @ 2:38am 
Yeh know I wouldn't have to see all these plastered everywhere if the game was actually made well