

136 ratings
All Exclusive/Secret items & Cosmetics (How to get them!)
By Lucifer and 1 collaborators
All the special steam Unturned cosmetics. All from Achivement items to "needing to mail Nelson" , to secrets, to owning a virtual reality.

Eary Acess Beret
    • Owned by those who survived the Early Access.

    • The game was released out of early access on July 7, 2017.

    • Not obtainable anymore! ❌

    Experienced Beret
    • Owned by experienced players with more than 2,400 hours in-game.

    • It is automatically given to those with 2,400 hours of playtime.

    • obtainable

    Crimson Beret
    • Given to those who played Unturned before it was released on Steam.

    • Not obtainable anymore! ❌

    Gold Beret
    • Given to those who bought the Gold Upgrade before the game was released on Steam.

    • Not obtainable anymore! ❌

    White Hat
    • Given to those who find a security flaw. (Anti cheat flaw..).

    • Not obtainable anymore! ❌

    Debugger's Beret
    • It was given to those who have helped hunt down troubling bugs. It is no longer rewarded to players in most instances, due to the disruptive behavior by some players attempting to obtain the Debugger's Beret.

    • Not obtainable anymore! ❌
Permanent Gold Upgrade
Buying the Permanent Gold Upgrade will give you access to several new options that are unavailable to normal players. This includes:
    • Gold username.

    • More character customization options.

    • More UI options.

    • Access to use Premium Gold servers.

    • Gold Difficulty for on Classic.

    • Four additional character slots, for a total of five.

    • Gold-exclusive cosmetics.

    • Gold-exclusive skins.

Crossover Event
Korek Machete
    • The korek Machete was avaible during the Dying Light x Unturned crossover event

    • Event lasted 10 days from April 1 - 10, 2020 and it's not obtainable anymore! ❌

    • Dying Light x Unturned Event Info
━━━] 🏆 Achivement Items 🏆 [━━━
Graduation Cap

    • Owned by academically achieved individuals.

    • This was awarded for completing the Educated achievement.

    • Finish the Tutorial
Festive Touque

    • 1. Change Launch Options to following:

    • 2. And then load in Pei singleplayer map

    • 3. Go to this location:
    • You can type /teleport beach in chat to get teleported here

    • 4. Start from this position and follow the lines
    • You have to do this in the correct order, otherwise it will not work.

    • 5. Open the gift and collect the Shovel.

    • 6. Nearby you will find heaps of snow that you have to dig up to get some snowballs.

    • 7. In total you will need:

    • x12 Snowball     (ID: 1132)
    • x10 Metal_Scrap  (ID: 67)
    • x2 Pine_Log      (ID: 41)
    • x4 Carrot         (ID: 329)

    • You can spawn items with Id's by typing /give yourname id/quantity
    • 8. This will unlock the achivement Architect and upon restarting the game give you the item Festive Touque.
Festive Bandolier

    • 1. Keep Launch Options to following:

    • 2. And then load in Washington singleplayer map

    • 3. Go or teleport to Seattle, and go under the Seattle tower on this location:

    • 4. From here you can either mine crystals with Pickaxe or spawn them with Id.In total you will need:

    • x2 Chemicals    (ID: 75)
    • x4 Metal_Scrap  (ID: 67)
    • x5 Ice_Crystals  (ID: 1707)

    • 5. From there pick up the blue canisters and insert them at the bottom of Seattle Tower.
Festive Bow

    • 1. Keep Launch Options to following:

    • 2. And then load in Russia singleplayer map

    • 3. Go or teleport to Liberator, and go under the deck to the Sous-Chef Roman

    • 4. Start quest Gingerbreadbread Army and follow the recipe:

    • x1 Flour      (ID: /)
    • x1 Chocolate (ID: 83)
    • x1 Eggs      (ID: 470)

    • 5. Mix → place cookies → put them in the oven → wait a few second to cook and eat a cookie.
Festive Belt

    • 1. Keep Launch Options to following:

    • 2. And then load in Yukon singleplayer map

    • 3. Go or teleport to Whitehorse on this location on the map:

    • 4. Pick up four presents by the sleigh and deliver them to the specific locations (all locations are in Whitehorse city):

    • Hockey Stick → Deliver to the Hockey Ring

    • Fire Axe → Deliver to the Fire station

    • Daughnut → Deilver to the Daughnuts Store

    • Cobra → Deliver to the Police Station

    • 5. After delivering all the packages, Return back to the Sleigh and claim the reward.
Offbrand Hoodie

    • Load in Elver and finish all main quests on Elver.

    • Or skip all the quest and /teleport credits and just claim the reward.

    • That is it.

Nazar pin

    • 1. Load in Kuwait in singleplayer
    • You can do this achivement and get the item with Flag skips

    • /teleport icarus
    • /flag 26515/1
    • /flag 26609/1
    • /flag 27001/1
    • /flag 25050/1

    • 2. Then reload the map or teleport somewhere else and back to icarus and an NPC by the name Sebastian should spawn right afront of you.

    • When you see Sebastian take his quest and again type these flags:

    • /flag 25050/0
    • /flag 25090/1

    • 3. After that find an NCP named Maria in medical tent and talk to her.
    • After talking to her, you should get an achivement and Nazar Pin item.
Dunce sticker

    • Load in Kuwait and head into Survivor Camp area.

    • Down there you will have to find an NPC named Sebastian. If he is not there, you need to finish some quests for other NPC's for him to spawn.

    • When Sebastian shows you need to take his quest Survivors and find 3 eyes scattered trough out the Kuwait map.

    • Survivor's Camp area and Sebastian Location:

    To collect an Eye Evidence, you need to locatea total of 3 respective blue translucent orbs.

    • 1. The first eye is located right outside the survivors camp. As soon as you exit the camp, look in front of you and you will see a translucent blue orb in the air above a rock.

    • 2. The second eye is located in Hawally, in the center right near the market. You will see an eye graffiti on the wall as well as a floating orb above it.

    • 3. The third and final eye is located in Kuwait City. It is located in the South-Western four story building on the boarded up floor. The way you get there is by going up the stairs, then entering the floor below the boarded up one, and climbing the ladder in the elevator shaft. In there, you will see a bunch of screens on one side, and the orb in the middle of the room. Collect it.

    • To hand in the quest, you need to return to the survivor camp and on top of the camp, on the hills you should see Sebastian laying in sand on a couch.

    • Talk to him and you should get the achivement Eye;Sea;You. and the item.

    Location of Sebastian. For me it was not here anymore because i've completed the quest allready.

    • Complete Bernard Quest on A6 Polaris.

    Originally posted by SnaXD:
    You can find full in-depth guide for A6 Polaris Quest here

    • You need to finish 4 Expeditions for Bernard.

    • 1. Find Bernard.
    • If you are on singleplayer you can do /teleport safe to teleport to Bernard inside Safe-Zone.

    Note: You can skip Expedition 1,2,3 and go directly to the last quest-step, by skiping flags.
    Flag Skips. You can make game think that you made it trough the checkpoint, even if you didn't
    • Expedition 1.: /flag 36029/1

    • Quest-Step 2.: /flag 36552/1
    • Expedition 2.: /flag 36382/1

    • Quest-Step 3.: /flag 36554/1
    • Expedition 3.: /flag 36386/1

    • Quest-Step 4.: /flag 36555/1
    • Go to the Bernard on the boat and start Expedition 4

    "if done successfully you will be teleported to the Lazer-Puzzle Room and successfully skiping almost whole Quest-Line"

    Expedition 1:

    Expedition 2

    • Find 3 Drill components in this location in the mine.

    • You can do /teleport intel to get close to the mine.

    • Once you find them, return to Bernard and continue with the Quest-Line.


    Expedition 3

    • You can go to Pizza vending machine and fix it with some tape, or just spawn yourself 3 slices of pizza with /give 36100/3

    • Return to Bernard and start Expedition 3.


    Expedition 4

    • Find Stealy Wheely or spawn one with /give 1353

    • When you either found or spawned stealy Wheely, return back to Bernard and start the expedition.

    • After that you will be teleported to the room where you will need to solve a laser puzzle like this:

Wheel Hat

  • 1. /teleport adits

  • 2. Talk to "?" to start the quest..

  • 3. You will need to find or spawn via ID the following items:

  • x1 paper        (ID: 25336)
  • x1 glass shard   (ID: give 25319)
  • x1 car tire       (ID: 25407)
    Note: to spawn items, type in chat:     /give id/amount.

  • 4. Place down all three items and finish the quest. You will receive an achievement and wheel hat item in your inventory.

  • Feeling wheely tired?
I heart scorpion-7

  • 1. /teleport lighthouse

  • /flag 24719/1

  • /flag 24744/1
Note: You can skip Same as with Reginald quest, you can skip Expeditions and go directly to the last quest-step, by skiping flags.
Flag Skips. You can make game think that you made it trough the checkpoint, even if you didn't
  • 2. After entering the lighthouse use:
  • /flag 24364/1

  • 3. This will open the Boss-fight room, go inside and kill the Boss zombie.

  • 4. After defeating the Boss you will be teleported to the audio room and you will receive the False Promises achievement and I Heart Sc7 shirt.
Scorpion Clips

  • 1. /teleport ontoni

  • /quest 27de0ed4e6f14758a93e569e3a1b4622
This will skip quests 1 & 2 and will be given "Second love part #3"
  • /flag 24392/1    (..This will finish quest "Second love part #3"..)

  • ..Then go Amber and turn in the quest

  • 2. After that go to the Lighthouse:

  • /teleport lighthouse
  • /flag 24719/1
  • /flag 24747/1

  • 3. Enter the Lighthouse and type:

  • /flag 24350/1

    once inside the Boss Room, collect the Soul Fragment and progress trough all the cutscenes..

  • ..After you're finished will all the cutscenes you will receive an achievement Anomaly-7 and Scorpion Clips cosmetic.
Hush Up Tape
  • You will need to upgrade 18 new weapons with battle kits.

  • /give 51918/18 ..(gives you 18 Baffle kits..)

  • Give yourself all 18 weapons and craft them with Battle Kit upgrade.                   Inventory ➣ Craft ➣ Tools

  • All upgradable weapons ID List:
    /give 51203 /give 51235 /give 51213 /give 51234 /give 51237 /give 51240 /give 51242 /give 51244 /give 51227 /give 51205 /give 51216 /give 51208 /give 51220 /give 51229 /give 51223 /give 51222 /give 51228 /give 51219
  • Note. There are more than 18 new weapons. But only 18 of them are upgradable with baffle kit.

Seppuku Waffles Tee

  • Spawn taco waffle via id: 25709 , and eat it.

  • That's all

  • In some rare cases achivement might not pop up. if that's the case then you need to spawn and eat all type of waffle tacos. ID's bellow:
    25704 Square Waffle 25705 Round Waffle 25706 Triangle Waffle 25707 Hexagon Waffle 25708 Octagon Waffle 25684 Waffle Sandwich
Virtual Reality HMD
    • The HMD resembles a HTC Vive Virtual Reality headset.

    • Was obtainable by playing Unturned VR Version

    • Note.You do not need to own VR headset. Just launch any of these games and you should get the HDM vr goggles
BattleEye & AntiCheat

BattleEye Halo Hat

    • The BattlEye Halo was gifted to players who were falsely banned by the BattlEye anti-cheat software.

    • It's unclear if you would get this item if you were unfairly banned and then unbanned today.

    BattleEye Mask

    • It is only owned by Bastian Suter, the proprietor of BattlEye Anti-Cheat.
Rare Cosmetics and accessories

Early Access T-Shirt

    • The Early Access T-Shirt is a cosmetic item that was gifted to players whom played Unturned while it was still in early access on Steam.

    • The game was released out of early access on July 7, 2017

    Shiny Screenshot Contest Sweater

    • Given to those who have had some of their screenshots added to the game as a loading screen.

    Twitch T-Shirt

    • Given to popular streamers of Unturned

    • This item is still obtainable as of today. If you're a notable Twitch streamer ✅

    Platinum Monocle

    • This is a one-time joke item, Please do not take it too seriously!

    • Obtainable by Mailing Nelson a letter with a joke and your steamId64 in it.

    • Nelson's Mailing address:
    Smartly Dressed Games
    # 1618
    246 Stewart Green SW
    Calgary, AB, T3H-3C8

    Double Experienced Beret

    • It is automatically given to players that have 5,000 hours of playtime in Unturned.

    • There are also Triple Experienced Berets any maybe even more, for more hours but i won't be including those since they're still just Experienced Berets, just with more hours.

    Biohazard & Chef Zombie Plush

    • I think you could get them by buying real life Zombie Plush's but i don't know for sure
Dev & Mod's Items

Nelson's Outfit

    • This shirt was made exclusively for the developer of Unturned, Nelson Sexton, hence its name. This means that it is impossible to obtain this shirt as a normal player.

    Ban Sledgehammer

    • Owned by well-respected forum moderators. Note: Does not actually ban upon contact.

    Mod T-Shirt

    • It is given to all of the game's Steam Discussion moderators.
P9nda eSports June 2019

P9nda eSports June 2019 was an SDG-sponsored tournament for Unturned (version 3). It was hosted by P9nda, and took place through the months of May and June.

    • Prize Pool was 3 Golden, 3 Silver and 3 Bronze items which you would get in your inventory.

    • In inventory these weapons would just appear with either GOLDEN , SILVER or BRONZE text and upon killing someone in-game you would turn them into either Gold, Silver or bronze statue.

    • similar to how 0 Kelvin works.

  • Example Of how the Golden weapon looks in-game:

    I would like to thank you Cherry.K For the help with Golden, Silver and Bronze weapons and provided screenshoots.


    • Invitation to Unturned II private access, sent based on playtime. The requirements will be reduced as the game is polished and further developed. Only available for Windows and Linux, not macOS yet.
Saturn 30 Jan @ 6:07am 
is the joke one real
Matuzalon 23 Oct, 2024 @ 10:43pm 
I need to mail nelson a joke
Lucifer  [author] 21 Sep, 2024 @ 7:43pm 
Plutia 21 Sep, 2024 @ 7:42pm 
nice guide, i have got nearly all the obtainable cosmetics thanks to you
Lucifer  [author] 10 Sep, 2024 @ 12:40pm 
No. if you type: /quest 27de0ed4e6f14758a93e569e3a1b4622
it will skip second love 1 and 2. and it will go directly to "second love 3" , then you finish the quest 3 by typing: /flag 24392/1  and then you turn in the quest with Amber. Then you teleport to lighthouse and type: /flag 24719/1 and
/flag 24747/1 That will open the lighthouse and boss room and then enter the lighthouse and type /flag 24350/1 . Then go in to the bossroom. If you're doing it legit go check other guides on youtube on steam. This guide is only for items. i added steps how to complete it using cheat codes but if you don't know how to do that then go check for other guides, i can't help you anymore.
BenTheGoose 10 Sep, 2024 @ 11:33am 
Do I need to do all the npc's quest to get to second love?
Lucifer  [author] 8 Sep, 2024 @ 7:22am 
yes you need to go to her and turn in the quest.
BenTheGoose 8 Sep, 2024 @ 5:20am 
I mean I typed the flag and it actually skipped the quest but amber is at the tent still
BenTheGoose 8 Sep, 2024 @ 5:19am 
Ok listen so i typed in the /quest command and then it gave me the quest and then i typed the flag in left the map and joined back and NOTHING idk why is this happening but im trying for the 50th time now im pretty sure or am I doing something wrong cus amber is still at the tent
Lucifer  [author] 2 Sep, 2024 @ 11:14am 
ur still struggling with Scorpion Clips ? .I don't know man. For me it worked like i showed in a guide. I know it can happen that she is a in tent, but also my friend done few months ago and it worked exactly as i did. She was on the platform, no problem? .