Saiko no sutoka

Saiko no sutoka

47 ratings
[90%] Achievement Guide
By nightwolfqueen
An Incomplete Achievement Guide

I've looked around a lot, and yet there doesn't seem to be a full achievement guide to help you figure out how to get all the achievements. There are plenty of individual guides for the hardest achievements, but none for all the ones inbetween that might be hard to figure out what conditions unlock it, or how to get to that point reliably.

Now, I can't make a full guide either, for there are some I have unlocked either. But I can put down all the ones I do have, and hopefully help out anybody struggling with those. It's also a bit of a hope of mine that by making this, people will contribute with the knowledge that they have, and maybe we can make a complete one.
This is just an achievement guide
It isn't a survival guide. This guide assumes you already know how to keep yourself alive, so I won't go into all the details about how the game works, except when it has to do with a specific strategy/conditions for an achievement.

For the ins and outs of survival, I recommend this great guide by Darthshy:

And this one by RedLipsAlwaysLie for key, page, and journal locations:
First Time, Huh?

Get killed by Saiko for the first time
Pretty self-explanatory. I'd be surprised if you haven't gotten this one yet.

Get drugged by Saiko

When Saiko hurts you and then switches back to yandere mode, sometimes she will apologize and hand you a medicine bottle. Taking it the first time is okay, and will restore health. Everytime after that will also restore health, but every consecutive time has a greater chance of being sleep medicine. If it is, you will soon get text on the screen that says "you feel dizzy..." and you will soon pass out and wake back up in the infirmary with Saiko.

/!\ However! /!\ If the medicine bottle she hands you does not have a cross on it, it is poison and it will kill you.
You coughed and died

Get gassed by saiko trap or bottle toss and die!

This achievement is only obtainable in Yandere mode. Throughout the level, Saiko will set gas traps at doors and occasionally throw gas bottles at you when chasing. Dying from these will get the achievement. I think you will also get this achievement if you go for the bad ending in Yandere mode.

You waited

Wait for saiko at the start of the office.

In normal/hard mode, at the very beginning, Saiko will leave you in the headmaster's room while she runs off to kill your friend.

Simply wait for her to come back instead of finding the key to get out.
You became a jumpscare

Get bad ending in yandere mode

In Yandere mode, simply follow Saiko around and do everything she says, and you'll get this ending.
Calm Down

Successfully calm down saiko while she is switching into yangire.

The easiest way to get this achievement is to make her mad- push her over, refuse to give her a key, etc. And then, while she is clutching her head and muttering to herself, quickly go over and press 'q' to calm her down. It has a chance of not working, in which case just try again later.
Get poisoned

Gets poisoned by saiko in normal or hard mode.

When Saiko offers you the medicine bottle without the cross on it, take it.
You are not suppose to die like that

Gets killed by saiko inside the kitchen after she lures player

In Yandere mode, push Saiko, steal her key, or otherwise piss her off. She'll instead lead you to the kitchen, where all you need to do is let her kill you.

Get a good ending in normal or hard mode

To get the good ending, get to the door with the key alone.

This is where those survival guides come in handy. But if you need extra tips, in both modes, you can run faster than her. Some semi-easy ways to lose her are to 1) run to the end of a hallway once you have some distance, open/close the last door (say A3) and then walk up/down the steps. Hopefully, she should investigate the door and allow you to keep going down the other hallway.
Another way is to again, make distance and then run to an intersection (I prefer the staircases that go up to the roof). Stop running once you get to the intersection and then start walking. If you have enough distance, she won't be sure exactly which way you went, and might go down the wrong way.

These aren't foolproof, so if she finds you again, rinse and repeat giving yourself more distance until you're free of her.

If you'd like an easier way, you can actually complete both normal and hard modes without needing to run or hide. If you placate Saiko the entire time, she'll just about never go into Yangire mode. Keep her close, keep her in eyesight, play her games with her (rock paper scissors, etc.). If she asks for your key, give it to her. If she locks you in a room, wait until she lets you out. It's pretty slow and methodical, but you can beat the game this way. When you get about halfway through the level, about 2 keys/numbers, she will randomly and occasionally switch into Yangire mode without warning. However it'll typically just be a couple stabs and she'll turn back. She'll offer you medicine though, and you could always stop in to the infirmary. In any case, you should be able to get the rest of the code before she kills you as long as you're quick.
You wanna play game?

win game of death by winning against saiko in rock paper scissor while she gives you the last chance.

After Saiko gets very pissed off, and you're very low on health, she'll get fed up and decide that she's had enough. She'll kick you, leaving you with only 1 health left. She'll suggest to play a game, rock-paper-scissors, and if you win, she'll let you live. If she wins, she'll kill you. Just get lucky and win, and you'll get this achievement. But be ready to run like hell, because she continue chasing after a while.

She can suggest to play this game at other points in the game, and if you lose, you will insta-die, no matter what health you are on (even 100!). I don't know if you'll get the achievement for winning in this scenario though, since it's technically not your "last chance".
Stop looking!

killed by saiko while being in pervert position.

Simple. When Saiko is in Yangire mode (or Yandere mode?), crouch and try to look up her skirt.

She will promptly kill you. As you deserve.
Why did you wake me?

wake saiko up from sleep by making noise.

To be honest, I'm still not entirely sure what exactly are the conditions to trigger this, but I know a lot about what it has to do with.
It has to do with:
* Being in the infirmary (potentially you could trigger this event not being in the infirmary, but the infirmary is the best place for it)
* Hiding in a locker
* Locking the door and having her knock it down/break it open
* Her not having been able to find you for a decent amount of time (seriously, 5-10 mins)
* Her being in yandere state? Potentially?

However, I can detail the steps I took to trigger this event multiple times. Either wait for Saiko or get the headmaster's key and get out, go get the infirmary key (in the dirty sink), opened the infirmary, went inside and locked it. Saiko had sometimes seen me by that point (Yandere mode) and came up to door begging to be let in. I went and hid in the locker. I stayed in the locker for a couple minutes. Saiko eventually knocked the door open. Occasionally she would come in and look around the room and then leave. Sometimes she would come in and seemingly look right at me in the locker. In those cases, I would just duck and she wouldn't open the locker and instead just leave. I waited a good amount for her to leave then stood up again. Eventually she came in and closed the door.

She headed past me to the back of the room. When I came out, she was sleeping on one of the beds. The door was locked again so I just grabbed the key to unlock it (the key was next to her on the bedstand) and woke her up, getting this achievement. Like I said, this can take a while. If for some reason this doesn't work at first, just try again.
Headless Survivor

Get a bad ending in normal or hard mode

In order to get the bad ending, you have to get the exit key and then fumble it at the end. When you have the key, start running to the exit, and then let Saiko grab you right before you get to entryway. She must be in Yangire mode in order for you to get the bad ending! She might have to grab you from behind.
You changed the future

Get a good ending in yandere mode

In Yandere mode, piss Saiko off or otherwise get her to open the kitchen. Dodge her and get the key in the sink. This will take you to the first room where you will find the first number and the second key. This will take you to the second room and so on and so forth. Once you get the fourth number, look around that room, for in there will be the headmaster's key, which you will use to get the exit key and leave. While getting the keys and going to the rooms, pay attention to the boards for the pieces of code. Ta-dah! You're done.

Number 1 Tip for this mode: switch off the power. Saiko's gas traps/bottles are basically death sentences, as there is only one healing item in the level- the little medicine bottle on the kitchen counter. For some reason, Saiko can't use her gas traps if the power is off. (You might need to switch on the power first and then switch it off again?) She will seemingly always throw one, but with the power off, you shouldn't need to worry about any more.

The tricks used before to get rid of Saiko still apply, and they're even more effective here.

You got knifed

killed by saiko while she fake tells the code.

This achievement seems to be specifically triggered by collecting all the pages for the journal, and then, once you give it to sane Saiko, she will either tell you code or decide to kill you. If she decides to kill you, let her and you will get this achievement.

I don't know for sure if it can be triggered other places, but this is specifically when I got it.
Escaped again

Get Best Ending in normal or hard mode.

In order to get the best ending, you need to get the exit key, and then let sane Saiko take the key from you. You might need to go through the game placating her to get to this point. If everything goes well, she will start running towards the exit with it. All you need to do is chase after her and this ending should trigger when you're close to the doors.

Two Pieces

Get bad ending in extreme yangire mode.

To trigger extreme yangire mode, when in regular yangire mode, you need to interact with the photo frame in the headmaster's office. This will spawn a Elissu, a second yangire who will chase you throughout the school. However, this doesn't disable Saiko!

Thankfully, only one will chase you at a time. The one not chasing you will be sitting somewhere in the school. When you come across her, she will stand up and start chasing you, while the other will sit down where she is until you encounter her again. The switch-off seems to take a bit of time so perhaps you can use that to your advantage to get some distance.

When you get the code and finally get the exit key, presumably they will knock you out. When you awake, Elissu will have the key and offer to play rock-paper-scissors. If you lose, you will get the bad ending and this achievement.
(I say presumably because I have only gotten this ending the other way detailed below. I will have to see if this is indeed the case.)

However, this only happens in hard mode.

If you choose to play normal difficulty and trigger extreme yangire mode, you will be knocked out when Elissu breaks in through the window. When you awake, it will cut to both yangires in the headmaster's office, and they will taunt you for choosing normal difficulty before offering you the minigame for the key. Lose, and you'll get this ending/achievement.

! Thank you to Sage for the contribution and letting me know about how to get this achievement. Thank you so much !
You are preserved!

Get a good ending in extreme yangire mode.

In either normal or hard difficulty, when you trigger extreme yangire mode and get offered the rock-paper-scissors minigame by Elissu, you just have to succeed in order to win the key.

When that happens, Elissu will congratulate you and lead you to the exit door, where she will dangle the key in front of you. Take the key, and you will escape and get the good ending, getting this achievement!

! Thank you so much to Sage for contributing and letting me know about this achievement. Thank you so much !
Complete Diary

Collect all pages of saiko diary and get best ending on hard mode.

This one can be a tough one. I will detail the easiest way to get it, although it could still take you a couple tries, and can be kind of tedious.

First, wait for Saiko in the headmaster's room. It would be best to try to piss her off as little as possible. With her following, head around and open every single door and record on a notepad or your phone wherever the pages are. This is where the second guide at the beginning comes in handy to show you possible locations of things, although there are a few places not in the guide. There will never be any pages/the journal in the classrooms, so don't bother opening those. It can be hard to see things when you have to watch Saiko, so look around carefully. One time I missed the journal on the library floor and it took me thirty minutes to find it.

If you tire of Saiko jumping on your back and locking you in rooms, you can instead carry around the headmaster's key from the beginning and if/when she jumps on you, she'll only take the key instead of lock you up, and then you can effectively ignore her for a while as she begs you to play with her. Just throw her a couple glances a couple times so she doesn't get mad. As far as I know, she'll never get mad at you for not playing with her as long as you don't completely ignore her. Eventually she'll either drop the key or run up to you and let you take it. Maybe a bit of pointless advice, but it kept her from constantly locking me in rooms, which was annoying.

There will be four guaranteed locations of pages- the headmaster's room, the rooftop, one in the left side bathrooms, and one in the right side bathrooms. Those bathrooms can really be a death trap, so I recommend opening all the stalls and doors beforehand so you don't have to waste any time later. By the end of this phase, you want all doors open (classroom doors don't matter), locating the journal (but don't pick it up yet! Saiko will demand it back and get pissed at you no matter what you do and we're trying to make use of her kindness rn), have all nine page locations written down, potentially have your shoes (you can get them if you want, but if you do things right, you should never have to be in a room more than 5 seconds), and locate the infirmary key if you want to. Just in case.

Now you want to lose Saiko, using methods described before. It could take a while. Sometimes she was pretty persistent. Then grab the journal wherever it is, and because you have the page locations written down, you should be able to plan the most effective route. My advice- make good use of the rooftop and tall stairways. There are a lot of potential page locations around there, and Saiko is usually patrolling the halls, not the stairs, so it's a relatively safe way to move around quickly. The rooftop is also good, because Saiko rarely checks up there, so if you have to go from one side of the school to the other, the roof is the best bet. That should usually get you 5~ pages easy, so be stealthy, dodge Saiko, and collect the rest.

Once you have all the pages, find Saiko. If she is Yangire, abort. She's not in the mood to talk feelings. Wait for her to change back, or if you're brave, take a hit to try to get her to switch. She'll only switch if she tries to strangle you. Just slashing won't. When you give sane Saiko the diary, she'll thank you and do one of two things: either tell you the code right there, or more likely, try to kill you. If she says "Kill", run away immediately.

Keep running until you see her say "I guess not". Then it's safe to go back. After this, she's mainly mellowed out, her usual shenanigans on the down-low. The best part of this achievement is that you do not specifically have to get the code from Saiko to get it. You can still try to get the code the normal way.

More likely though, Saiko will eventually relent while you two walk around, and tell you the rest of the code. To my knowledge, the code will never be fake. After that, get the key and get the best ending as described before.
You are lucky

Get spared by saiko by winning against rps on her last chance and escape.

Remember the last chance rock-paper-scissors game with Yangire Saiko? This one is related to that one, but in this one you specifically have to escape as well, not just win.

It might have to actually be your last chance and be left with 1 hp. I don't know if it'll work with a normal lethal rock-paper-scissors.

A way to try to maximize your chances of success is to get the exit key, and wait by the central stairs. Piss off Saiko, trigger the last chance game, hope you win, then take the key and run like hell if you do.
Be nice

dont let saiko turn into yangire state and escape in hard mode.

Literally no idea. I just got this one a minute ago, and I still don't know what exactly I did differently.

Simplest answer: Placate her, play her games, don't make her mad, wait for her at the beginning, stay in sight, etc. Apparently her random slips into Yangire don't count towards her turning into a Yangire state?? I say this because in the run I got this achievement, she did slip into it once or twice and hit me but then I still got this achievement anyway.

Some tips for placating her and making your life easier: Keep an eye on her at all times. If you turn your back to her, she will jump on your back and either lock you in a room or steal your key if you have one. If she locks you in a room, don't kick the door more than two times. If you want to avoid getting locked in rooms, you can carry around the headmaster's key, then if/when she jumps on you, she'll only steal the key and you can effectively kind of ignore her as you look around. If you lock her out of a room, let her in. If she says "give me that key" or whatever, don't walk away from her. That'll make her mad. If/when she steals your door keys, you don't actually have to follow after her and let her take you to some random part of the school. Just keep walking towards the door you need to open and she will run after you, begging you to play. When you get to the door, just wait until she lets you take the key/drops it, then open the door. As you get hurt, she will give you medicine when passive. Always take this medicine, even if it makes you pass out, you'll just have to start from the infirmary. If it does end up being poison, you'll just have to try and find the antidote quickly.

What I did: I walked around with her and found all four keys, but unlocked no doors. She then gave me a code. I opened one room, and revealed her code was fake. I brought two keys in front of one locked room. She had a random key and I tried to steal from her. She kicked me and ran away. I took the other key and opened the room. Got digit 2. I came out and she was back, yangire. Stabbed me, then gave me medicine. I walked down the hallway, got the infirmary key, she stabbed me again. While she went "why did I hurt you" I walked away to the infirmary, since she had hidden my other two keys at that point. I opened one room with one key, then the other. She was MIA at this point. I had the full code and went to the headmaster's office. She was there, just chilling. She let me open the locker; I grabbed the key and we went to the exit. I escaped, and got this achievement. No idea.

Theories: I have no idea if these count for the achievement, but I figure I could lay them out anyway, since maybe they have something to do with it. For context: if you collect all four keys without unlocking any doors, Saiko will "give" you the code. Whether it is right or wrong, or if she remembers all (or any) of it varies. And since you can't unlock more than one door without her getting those random slips of Yangire, nor can you pick up the journal without her getting mad, my thought was that you had to either be lucky and have Saiko tell you the correct code in that situation, or you had to guess with the one digit you were allowed to get, plus whatever she told you, then escape. That doesn't seem to be the case, but maybe it is a way to do it?

Alternatively: From what it seems, Saiko has to see you collect all four keys in order to "give" you the code. And when she sees you unlock two doors, it starts her random slips into Yangire. Therefore, if she doesn't see you open that second door, maybe it stops her turning into Yangire? If you could somehow get her to go away (and/or hide one of the keys in the infirmary) without making her angry, you could open one of the doors without her "seeing" you, and stop her turning Yangire. Thus that's why I brought two keys in front of one room and tried stealing one from her so she'd go lock it in the infirmary. I guess it didn't work though. (To bring 2 keys somewhere, let her have one, kind of maneuver her towards where you want them to go, then pick up the second key. She'll drop hers, demand you give her yours, then maneuver her further, then pick the key on the floor again, rinse, repeat)

Or maybe I'm overthinking the hell out of this. That's possible. If anyone knows better, let me know.

Something I found: If she is currently preoccupied with the "keep away" game with a door key, you can keep inputting however many combinations you want. I did basically half of all possible combinations knowing one digit before it crashed, so yeah. Gives you time. So if you're missing just one or two digits, it's a good way to get a bunch of chances. After a while, she'll get tired of playing and go hide the key in the infirmary, in which case it is dangerous to try again. Wait until she comes back, and you can potentially play rock paper scissors for a key. If you lose, just go find one of the other keys and you can start this up again. This will probably get patched eventually, so use it while you can.

Get a bad ending in yangire mode

This one is actually not as hard to get as you might think. In fact, you don't even have to "escape" in order to get it.

Throughout the level, Saiko will put up tripwire traps across the hallways and in doorways. Most of the time, if you trip these, you will just fall over. However, some of these will have gas traps connected to them. You will be able to tell if you look close enough. If you trip one of these gas traps, the protagonist will start feeling faint and getting sick.

All you have to do is wait it out and let yourself pass out. You will wake up, restrained by Saiko, and will get the bad ending.
Kid mode

Steal key from yangire and escape

Okay, I'm stupid. Previously, I had assumed that in order to get this achievement, you needed to steal the key from regular Saiko in yangire mode, since there is a button mash minigame to try and wrestle it from her. Plus the picture implies it's normal Saiko.

However! It's actually stealing the key from Saiko in Yangire difficulty. Surprising, I know. By the way, thanks to Magnesio for helping me get this achievement! You can check out his guide here, but I found an easier way I think:

This was detailed by somebody else on the internet ages ago, and I only now remembered it, so unfortunately I don't remember who it was or where to find it. Let me know, and I'll put it here. [Edit: I'm stupid! It's literally one of the guides on Steam by KDub. Duh!]

First, in Yangire difficulty, when you're in the headmaster's room, grab the page on the wall and open the locker closest to the chair at the desk. Then, hide behind the chair. You want it so that the back of the chair completely hides you. At this point, I also recommend putting mouse sensitivity all the way up, at least for this achievement.

Saiko will come to investigate the room, and since she knows you didn't leave, she will search the room. And as she can see the one locker is empty, she will assume that the other locker is the only place you could be. This is, if you hid well enough and she didn't see you. When she goes over and opens the locker, her back will be to you. Run up and grab the key off of her. The page will stop her from ripping your head off immediately, but it only lasts for about ~10ish seconds that you're stunning her. Once you grab the key, run. Every couple of seconds, spin back to flash Saiko with the page so she doesn't kill you. If she catches up with you while your back is turned, it will be insta death, no matter what health you're on. When you get to the lockers, you should have a decent amount left, and I recommend walking backwards, facing her until you reach the door just to make sure she doesn't get you.

Once you reach the door, turn around and unlock it. And there you go! Escaped.

Theoretically, this should also get you Saiko Survivor and Immortal Senpai, since you can easily do this without getting hit, but it didn't trigger for me. I guess cause it's so cheesy. Perhaps doing this will get you Saiko Speedster as well? It kept saying Saiko Speedster at the bottom of my screen once I'd reached the ending page.

Get a good ending in hard mode without taking any damage

Personally, I think the easiest way to do this is to do it in tandem with the Complete Diary achievement. That's how I did it.

Keep Saiko placid while you set up, effectively ditch her and collect a majority of pages, avoid angry Saiko when you run into her (which is actually not that hard when you're not confined in rooms), give her the journal when she's calm, receive code, let her take the key and follow her to exit.

Achievement get!
Saiko Survivor

Get a good ending in yangire mode

This is a hard achievement to get. And if you're just jumping into yangire mode, you'll probably feel overwhelmed and, being used to the gameplay from other modes, might feel like it could be impossible.

If this is you, I suggest trying to do this achievement alongside Exorcism, or expelling Yangire Saiko via the bunny pages. It will give you a strategy that you can firmly tell if you're improving (by how many pages you get), and gives you an achievable goal to work for. Plus, if you do succeed with that one, this achievement is also guaranteed. If you're doing it that way, head to the Exorcism achievement.

Otherwise, if/when you decide to do it the normal way, know that it's actually not too hard to lose her. A thing Saiko likes to do a lot is when she's chasing you and you enter a hallway (A, B, C, or D) and turn around, it will look like she's gone and you've "lost" her. You have not. She is actually waiting just around the other side of the wall at the end of the hallway, waiting for you to either come back or enter a room. If you know she is waiting at the end of the hall, DO NOT enter a room in that hallway. She will just move to waiting outside the room, and when you try to leave, she will either cut you up or come into the room with you. Generally, you do not want to ever get into a room with her.

If you know she's hiding at the end of the hall, and you know WHICH hallway she's hiding at, (say, you're in A & B), if you're at A and about to go down the stairs at the end of the hall to B when you notice she's not behind you, she might predict that you're going to go down B, and wait for you at the end of that hall.
So determine which hall she's waiting at (typically you can inch close and peek to check), stop running, and go down the hall you know she's NOT at and exit that way. While she is waiting at the end of a hall, you can fairly safely do whatever in that that hallway- open doors, grab pages, check the sink, etc. Just don't go into rooms unless you're ready to face her.

Overall, your biggest enemy is those tripwire traps. They can and will, very easily ruin your run if you trip one of those while you're being chased. So, when you can, if you know she's not around, trip them so you won't hit it during an important moment. Of course, look out for the gas traps. They will have a bottle taped to one of the wooden pegs on the side.

I would recommend opening doors/trying to find the infirmary key while you've lost her/she's hiding at the end of a hallway, then slowly trying to find the keys (but don't pick them up yet, because she can steal them and hide them), once you've found them all, turn on the lights, open the doors and get the code quickly. But maybe you'll find a better strategy.
Saiko Speedster

Get a good ending in hard mode within 5 minutes

This one is very rng based, so it could take a LOT of tries, and potential hours.

There's a whole bunch of different places the pages could be and there's too many to find to complete it reliably in time, so we're gonna go for the code.

When you start, find the headmaster's key as soon as possible. Get out and run to the PC room (next to Power room) and start looking through the cabinets. If you're unlucky, you will have already run into Saiko at this point, and she will be mad, but that's fine. In order to get done in under 5 minutes, we don't have the luxury of avoiding her or being stealthy.

If there is no key in the cabinets, restart. When you find the key, don't pick it up yet. (You can, but I suggest not, unless you're really good at dodging her) At this point, Saiko will have found you- either she will be chill and picking up the key and not giving it to her will only make her mad again, or she will already be mad. Run to the power room and turn on the power. If she locks you in the power room, mess with the power box. She'll go "That?" and come in immediately. Then run back and grab the key. Don't give it to her.

If you're lucky, she'll start getting mad now, clutching her head and muttering. This will give you a couple seconds head start. Head to the room that's on the key. Take a quick look inside at the board. Just try to remember it- writing it down will waste time. Don't bother looking around, there won't be any keys in that room. Try going to the next room in order. There's a 50-50% chance it's there. If it's not, check the other room in that hallway. As far as I know, the keys can't spawn in lockers, so don't bother checking.

At this point, Saiko will likely have caught up to you. I hope you're good at juking, or you'll take some damage. Get the second key and run off to that hallway. Get that number, that hallway's key, and run to the third room. Got the third number? Still remember the other two? Great, because that's all we're getting.

Now, immediately run to the headmaster's room. You're gonna have to try to guess the fourth number, because you're running out of time. I suppose you can try to get the fourth number if you're sure you can be quick, but it is a risk. You'll get about 2-3 tries before Saiko likely gets fed up and gives you the last chance game. Maybe you can try 9 or 6? That's it, basically. If you're lucky, the door will open and you can grab the key. Run to the door and win. Make sure Saiko doesn't catch you so you don't receive the bad ending.

If you manage to get to the headmaster's office and Saiko is chill, trying to input anything will make her mad. However, if she's on your back, you can put in as many codes as you want and she won't get angry. Similarly, if she's locked you in the room, you get one free input where she won't get mad and come in immediately. I don't know if you'll have time to mess around with Saiko, but maybe it'll come in handy if you find yourself in this situation.

So yeah, just a lot of rng. You have to lucky to not run into Saiko right away. Lucky to find a key in the PC room. Lucky to have Saiko chill out at that point. Lucky to get a headstart. Lucky to find the next keys in the first room you check/one of the first cabinets you check. Lucky to dodge/avoid Saiko enough to not die. Lucky to guess the last number.
Inmortal Senpai [?]

Get a good ending in yangire mode without taking any damage

I have not gotten this achievement yet. I'll have to update when I can.

In the meantime, try a specific guide.
You dont need those [?]

complete hard yangire mode without using any items that protects player from saiko.

I have not gotten this achievement yet. I'll have to update when I can.

In the meantime, try a specific guide.

defeat yangire saiko by forcing it to flee using bunny pages.

For this achievement, I would like to recommend this guide:

It's great, and very helpful. Many thanks to the creator!

Very simply: try to sneak around and find out where the pages are. There will always be one on the roof and in the headmaster's office, and usually at least one in one of the bathrooms. There will never be any in classrooms.

There are 9 pages. You only need 8 FULL PAGES to expel her. So make sure you use up the page FULLY before grabbing the next one. Run around, find out where the pages are, and mark them on your map (strongly recommend you download the pics from the original guide). Once you have them all, plan out your route, from the largest distance between pages to smallest distance.

Be aware that every page you grab, she gets faster and faster. So plan your route by doing the ones with the farthest distance away from each other FIRST. By the end, you want a close collection of pages.

With 1-2 pages, she's normal speed. With 3-5 pages, she's faster, but you can still outrun her (mostly). With 6-8, she's extremely fast.

Also I would like to correct something in the original guide- it is actually after you use up the fourth page/grab the fifth page that she will insta-kill you if she catches up to you. Also, generally you won't have to worry about the tripwires, since once she's chasing you, she will pretty much just try to kill you, not set up traps. If you can use the key trick, use that time to look for pages.

She will insta-kill you if she catches up to you for the last four, so that stretch is going to be extremely intense. I recommend setting sensitivity very high, as you will have to spin around and stop her from getting too close.

For the last four, you want a dense collection of them. The winning run for me was one in the meeting room (farthest left room on the second floor looking at the front of the school), second one in the back left hallway, third one in the left bottom hallway opposite the bathrooms, and fourth one in the left bathroom. See picture.

Even if you can't get a good clump of the last four, I recommend just trying it and practicing- you never know how far you'll get. You can use the mask to help you, but it seems that it will ALWAYS take from the mask first, so it's generally not that useful to protect you inbetween pages. Maybe if you need to get a far distance with no pages it'll help, but that's it. Keep in mind that using the mask will stop you from getting the "win yangire mode with no damage" achievement for that run.
God of RNG [?]

Get a no damage good ending on hard extreme mode.

I have not gotten this achievement yet. I'll have to update when I can.

In the meantime, try a specific guide.
Thanks for reading! And if you could, contributing!
Thanks for reading. I know I don't have some of the hardest/rarest achievements to get, but I hope I at least helped somebody out trying to get a specific achievement.

And if you have special knowledge or have one of the achievements I don't have, if you could share that information about how to get it, or what conditions need to be met, or what strategies are best, that would be amazingly helpful. Maybe we'd be able to make it a little more complete.
Corax 10 Sep @ 4:32pm 
I found a way to get a "You are preserved!" ending quite easily.
After you active extreme yangire mode in normal difficulty, go to the corner where Elissu comes out of. She won't be active there. After you move further from her, she will choke you, forcing you to pass out. After that, the two yangires will complain that you play the game on normal difficulty and are willing to give you the key... if you beat them in rps.
After you successfully beat them. they let you have the "good" extreme yangire ending :insanesaiko:
carotta 7 Aug @ 4:58pm 
i think you got it wrong. if im correct, saiko gets on yangire mode when she is EXTREMELY mad and there is nothing you can do to calm her down...i guess, im not sure
Caychayecay 6 Mar @ 12:03pm 
I tried again today and found out something interesting:

If I get her angry after she gets shocked but before she unlocks the breaker room, she gets stuck trying to go in there. This worked whether I went to the kitchen or made her angry some other way (pushed me, "you will regret this" and runs off to get the knife). It prevents the poison bottles, but she also doesn't chase unless I got too close to her. After a bit she just goes back to being stuck at the door. Running or opening doors don't seem to attract her either. The only time really chases is at the very end after I punch in the code, but by then I can just sprint to the exit and win.

I tried again letting her let me fix the breaker, turn it back off, and piss her off (after that I turned it on and back off again). The poison traps were back. I even heard her set one up
I guess it is just a weird glitch on my end.

Well anyway it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things cause it's the easiest difficulty lol.
nightwolfqueen  [author] 1 Mar @ 8:08pm 
That's extremely weird. I don't think it's been patched, as there hasn't been an update since 2021. I just did a couple of runs in Yandere mode, and I could not get her to use a second poison trap on me with the lights off. The only thing I could think of is if maybe if you're avoiding her too much, she goes and turns it back on? Maybe it's a glitch, and the power box appears off when it's actually on? I do usually play on lowest graphical settings, don't know if that could make a difference. I'm not sure. At least you got the achievement.
Caychayecay 1 Mar @ 1:31am 
Update: I got the achievement, but only because she was stuck in the door to the breaker room. I don't know how. Apparently that also made it so there were no traps...
Caychayecay 1 Mar @ 1:09am 
For the yandere mode good ending, has the poison trap thing been patched??

What I did was let her bring me to the breaker room, do the puzzle then turn it back off. This caused her to get mad and begin the chase. But even though the power was off I was still getting the poison traps. I even tried again and turned the power on and off, but it didn't help.

There aren't any other guides on this specific achievement, and this seems impossible to do with only one antidote :/
Sbooki_m7md 7 Jan @ 3:34am 
I am here because of the kid mode achievement i didn't understand what key i am stealing lol
fatpenguin 8 Dec, 2023 @ 7:31pm 
Its good, I ended up getting it awesome guide btw thanks friend
nightwolfqueen  [author] 8 Dec, 2023 @ 9:08am 
@fatpenguin It's just luck, I think. It's unfortunate, but just keep trying, I suppose.
fatpenguin 2 Dec, 2023 @ 11:17pm 
What do I do to win Rps? she always seems to win