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Achievement Guide
By Defalt
This Guide will help you to get your 100% Achievements in Buccaneers
It´s my first Guide i have ever made so Forgive me if the Guide dosent have the highest expactations
Story Related

You will get these Achievements for completing the story
Esay Achievements

After completing or skipping the Tutorial, you must choose wich faction you wont to join.

You can Rename your Ship/s at the shipyard in every town.

Just capture a ship by destroying his Mast with the Chainballs, and bordering them.

You get this with a Story Quest, or later when you have to Conquer The Caribean for your faction.

You can Sail a Three-Decker when you are level 16, buy them at the Shipyards of the Big towns.

To steal a Ship you have to Unlock the (Cutting Out Expedition) Skill at the Opportunist Skilltree.
After that you sail to an enemy harbour and click on the steal ship button. (only Tier4 ships or lower)

Fully Upgrade a Ship at the Shipyard, you have to Unlock the 2 ship upgrades at the Fleet Commander Skilltree.

For Commodore and Admiral, you need to unlock all 3 Fleet Expansions Skills at the Fleet Commander Skilltree. now you can just buy 3 Ships for a full fleet or you Unlock the Requisition skill from the Swashbuckler Skilltree too, so you can add captured Ships to your Fleet.
Level Achievement

The fastest way to get a Level up is to Grind the Bountys at the Governors Office

Even bigger your ship is, bigger Rewards will come with it, and more Escorts will be there.
so this is the fastest way to get Level up, The Story Quests will give much Level too.
The Grind

Well this will be the most boring part of this Game you have to Capture every enemy Town on the Map. so in your first run you have completed the story, got to level 20 have money for repairs.
in the other 3 runs you dont have to complete the Story, and only have to be level 16 to get the Three-Decker, it´s maybe a good idea to complete Act2 of the story so you will reward the legendary Cannons from the Inventor, with these cannons you can destroy forts and Ships very good.
And maybe you wont to have a Fleet at your Back, but Your Allied AI is Dump most of the time so the choice is yours.
And of course you can try to Sneak in an Enemy Harbor to weaken the enemy, Especially for the Big Harbors which can be very hard at some points.
fully Upgrade your Ship.
fully Unlock the Fleet Commander Skilltree
fully Unlock the Opportunist Skilltree, exemt the Bribery Skill which is not so importent

In the End which faction you have chosed this is your result
Red for the Britains
Yellow for the Spains
Blue for the French
Black for the Pirates

Here some advice when you play as the Pirate Faction which is the hardest faction to play in my opinion. You will maybe hove noticed that the pirates have no Big Harbours at the Start.
So if you wont a Two-Decker or a Three_Decker, you have to Sneak in to an Enemy Harbour at Day.
If it´s Night you can skip to Day at a Table in the Tavern, and then you can buy these Ships at the Shipyard. you asking why you have to do this? because i dont think there is a good chance for to capture a Big Harbour with Tier 4 Ships or lower. once you captured one Big Harbour can simply use it for your Two/Three-Deckers.

Well this is the End of the Guide I hope you enjoyed it, it was my first Guide ever.
Have a good Day.
HolzbeinSpielt 1 Jul, 2023 @ 11:07am 
you can easily rank up your ships if you make the quest from the board and go from t4 to t5 ship, shot the enemy crew half down or get boarding help from one of your fleet