Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

133 ratings
How to Survive in a Chinese Lobby
By femboy batak
A quick guide dedicated to helping people communicate with Chinese players in CS:GO!
Picture this,
You just got off from school, you sit down on your $1500 gaming chair.
You boot up CSGO, hoping to ease yourself and brighten your day up.
You get into a competitive match and you are met with players named;
我爱你妈妈, 我讨厌亚齐, 我想去睡觉 and 520.
You try communicating but you don't speak Chinese and they don't speak English.
What do you? Learn the entire language in 4 minutes?
Of course not!
You finding this guide is not a coincidence, You are the destined one.
Go out there and speak Chinese like a native speaker!
Basic Chinese Words (+ Numbers)
Before we continue, we need to explicity say that we are not from China and we do not speak Chinese. To let them know that you don't speak Chinese, simply say:
对不起,我不会说中文 (Duìbùqǐ, wǒ bù huì shuō zhōngwén) (Too-ey bu-chi, wo poo huu-ey shuwo chong-wen.), Sorry, I don't speak Chinese.

After much radio silence, we can continue on with our day but first, we must know a few basic Chinese words as a precaution.
The following are the words most-likely to be heard in CS:GO, you can also use these words as means to communicate.
1. 你好 (Nǐ hǎo) (Knee Hao): Hello! / How are you?
2. 谢谢 (Xièxiè) (Syesye): Thank you!
3. 不客气 (Bù kèqì) (Pu kuh-chi): No problem! / You're welcome!
4. 我要... (Wǒ yào...) (Wo yao): I want...
5. 做的好 (Zuò de hǎo) (Chuwo te hao): Well done! / Good Job!

One: 一 (yī)
Two: 二 (èr)
Three: 三 (sān)
Four: 四 (sì)
Five: 五 (wǔ)
Six: 六 (liù)
Seven: 七 (qī)
Eight: 八 (bā)
Nine: 九 (jiǔ)
Ten: 十 (shí)
Giving Info
In Chinese, You can form very simple sentences with just two words, a subject + verb.
For example: 我死了 (Wǒ sǐle) (Wo see le, I am dead
This can be used to give informations, if you want to say where you died, you can simply add 在 (zài) (chai) to say "in/at".
For example: 我死在Market (Wǒ sǐle zài Market), I died at Market.

With that information, we can also form sentences to let them know how many enemies are there or where the enemies are.
For example: 一个Middle (Yīgè zài Middle), One is at Middle.
As you can see, Zai is once again used to specify the location. There's also a new addition after the number "一" (yi) which is "个" (gè). 个 is used as a universal measure word, it can be used in every context. It is used to quantify the thing you're referring to.
For example: 三个在Middle (Sān gè zài middle), Three people at middle.
Additional Information
狙 (Ju) is commonly used by Chinese CS:GO players to refer to the AWP.
VIP refers to Window or Sniper's Nest (in Mirage)
(To learn more about callouts in Mirage, I suggest you check out this Memrise course,

If there is a mistake on this guide, feel free to point it out on the comment section.
ruin 3 May, 2024 @ 8:33am 
im part chinese and part malay who has been studying chinese for about 10+ years, i saw this guide in a random discord server and decided to check it out and it is really well made. i expected just a shitty joke post but i gotta give it to you, its really well done. i even learned some new stuff, especially about the awp being called 狙 and mirage window being called VIP.
femboy batak  [author] 2 Apr, 2024 @ 1:26am 
skip, gasuka orang jawa
♿ Jekyk 28 Mar, 2024 @ 9:41am 
yg bikin jawir ternyata cok
76561199040299717 11 Nov, 2023 @ 12:46am 
rawr 28 Sep, 2023 @ 6:42am 
i love this guide so much (it sometimes helps me on less raging)
同性愛?PrayForGoodPing 23 Sep, 2023 @ 5:57pm 
Much appreciated
ianky | 安吉 3 Jun, 2023 @ 9:45pm 
Bro, I loved this guide. Make more of these, people will love it hahahah
femboy batak  [author] 3 Feb, 2023 @ 10:45pm 
(the entire server will turn against you, trust me, i tried)
femboy batak  [author] 3 Feb, 2023 @ 10:45pm 
that could also work^^
(head, eyes) 3 Feb, 2023 @ 10:47am 
CONTINGENCY, if all else fails, memorize the CCP's banned phrases