

133 ratings
Psychonauts Achievement Guide
By Bmash13
There are 37 achievements in the Steam release of Psychonauts, and in this guide, I'll tell you how to earn each one. Obviously, this guide will contain spoilers, so turn back if you just want to enjoy the game without spoilers.
Hello and references
Welcome to the psychic shenanigans of Psychonauts. Before we start, here are the references I used to write this guide, if that's something you're interested in.

Once again, I would like to reiterate that this guide will go over the entire game, so if you don't want spoilers, please turn back.

With that out of the way, let's begin.
Missable Achievements
Psychonauts has 6 missable achievements (more achievements are missable if you don't earn them prior to The Point of No Return), so we'll want to take care of those as soon as possible. Here's the missable achievements, and the best time to get them.

  • 1. Once you complete Sasha's Shooting Gallery, save your game and go earn Made Man.
  • 2. Once you complete Milla's Dance Party, save your game and go earn Wolpaw Says Thanks and Maybe It's the Hair. Also, go earn Holiday Dinner if you haven't already earned it, as you will be unable to do so after this point in the story.
  • 3. Once you enter Black Velvetopia, save your game and be on the lookout for the missable Golden Helmet. It's required for I'm Gonna Live Forever, and if you give all the queen cards to Edgar without the missable Golden Helmet, you won't be able to collect it, and, by extension, earn this achievement.
  • 4. Once you collect Mr. Pokeylope at the top of the asylum, save your game, use the bacon and teleport back to Ford's Sanctuary. Assuming you have re-brained all the children, equip Mr. Pokeylope, and show him to every child to earn I Think They Were Impressed.

Giving Mr. Pokeylope to Sheegor will send you to The Point of No Return. DO NOT give Mr. Pokeylope to Sheegor just yet. Instead, save your game, use the bacon, and teleport back to Ford's Sanctuary, then go take care of any unfinished business.

More detailed explanations on how to earn each achievement is listed below.
Your Last Chance to Chicken Out
Complete Coach Oleander's Basic Braining to earn this achievement.
A Victory for Good Taste
Complete Sasha's Shooting Gallery to earn this achievement.
Rolling Rock Star
Complete Milla's Dance Party to earn this achievement.
For Insurance Reasons
Complete Lungfishopolis to earn this achievement.
Time to Deliver the Milk
Complete The Milkman Conspiracy to earn this achievement.
You're All So Kind
Complete Gloria's Theater to earn this achievement.
Thanks for All the Snails
Complete Waterloo World to earn this achievement.
I Always Loved You More
Complete Black Velvetopia to earn this achievement.
Height of Insanity
Complete The Asylum to earn this achievement.
I Thought That Was Unbeatable!
Complete Meat Circus to earn this achievement.
Junior PSI Cadet
Achieve Rank 20 to earn this achievement.

Refer to Math is Hard for more information on gaining Ranks.
Regular PSI Cadet
Achieve Rank 40 to earn this achievement.

Refer to Math is Hard for more information on gaining Ranks.
Advanced PSI Cadet
Achieve Rank 60 to earn this achievement.

Refer to Math is Hard for more information on gaining Ranks.
Super PSI Cadet
Achieve Rank 80 to earn this achievement.

Refer to Math is Hard for more information on gaining Ranks.
Math is Hard
Achieve Rank 101 to earn this achievement.

Achieving Rank 101 is basically 100% completing Psychonauts. You must collect literally every single collectible in both the Real World and the Mental Worlds. To achieve Rank 101, you must:
  • Complete all 5 rounds in the punching mini-game in Coach Oleander's Basic Braining to advance 1 Rank (refer to I LOVE PUNCHING!).
  • Collect all 117 PSI Cards found in both the camp and asylum, then combine 9 each with PSI cores (you will need 20 PSI Cores in total) at Agent Cruller's lab in Ford's Sanctuary.*
  • Collect all 9 PSI Challenge markers found in both the camp and the asylum. Each PSI Challenge is worth 1 Rank, so by doing this, you will advance 9 Ranks.
  • Collect all 16 Scavenger Hunt Items and turn them in to Ranger Cruller, who is located in the GPC and Wilderness Area. Every 8 Scavenger Hunt Items is worth 4 Ranks, so by collecting every Scavenger Hunt Item, you will advance 8 Ranks.
  • Collect all 19 brains, and turn them in to Agent Cruller, who is located in Ford's Sanctuary, to re-brain the children. Each re-brained child is worth 1 Rank, so by doing this, you will advance 19 Ranks.
  • Collect all 1,600 points worth of Figments (Some are worth more than 1). Every 100 points is worth 1 Rank, so by doing this, you will advance 16 Ranks.
  • Crack open all 19 Memory Vaults. Each Memory Vault is worth 1 Rank, so by doing this, you will advance 19 Ranks.
  • Sort out all 50 Emotional Baggage. There are 5 Emotional Baggage in each of the 10 Mental Worlds, so by doing this, you will advance 10 Ranks.
  • Collect all 54 Mental Cobwebs and weave them in Agent Cruller's lab. Each Mental Cobweb is worth 1 PSI Card.*
  • *(117 PSI Cards + 54 Mental Cobwebs = 171 PSI Cards) / 9 = 19 Ranks. The remaining Mental Cobwebs and PSI cards found in Meat Circus can be redeemed at the fortune teller in that Mental World.
The grand total is Rank 101 (hence, why this achievement is named Math is Hard).

All of this must be collected before heading to The Point of No Return.

If you've done everything listed above prior to The Point of No Return, you should have 18/19 Memory Vaults, 45/50 Emotional Baggage, 6 PSI cards, 1 PSI Core (buy one from Chef Cruller at the Main Lodge if you don't have one), and be at Rank 98. The final 3 Ranks can be obtained in Meat Circus (make sure you visit the fortune teller after collecting the 3 cobwebs in this Mental World to redeem them for a PSI Challenge Marker).

The Figments, Emotional Baggage, and Memory Vault should be taken care of before leaving the Tunnel of Love in Meat Circus. If you aren't careful, you may accidentally progress to the final boss fights of Psychonauts.

For a specific collectible's location (if you're looking for an individual Figment, see the guide I've linked for Figgy Piggy), use this guide to find it.
They Should Totally Sell Those
Earn all 11 Merit Badges to earn this achievement.

Basic Braining: This Merit Badge is acquired once you complete Coach Oleander's Basic Braining.

Oarsman: Speak with Agent Cruller once you have received the Marksmanship Merit Badge to acquire this Merit Badge.

Mental Magnet: This Merit Badge can be purchased from Chef Cruller for 400 Arrowheads.

Marksmanship: This Merit Badge is acquired once you complete Sasha's Shooting Gallery.

Levitation: This Merit Badge is acquired once you complete Milla's Dance Party.

Shield: This Merit Badge is acquired once you free the Lungfish in the first prison in Lungfishopolis.

Clairvoyance: This Merit Badge is acquired at the beginning of The Milkman Conspiracy.

Confusion: This Merit Badge is acquired when you first meet Dingo in Black Velvetopia.

Pyrokinesis: This Merit Badge is acquired once you reach Rank 10. Speak with Agent Cruller to claim your Merit Badge.

Telekinesis: This Merit Badge is acquired once you reach Rank 20. Speak with Agent Cruller to claim your Merit Badge.

Invisibility: This Merit Badge is acquired once you reach Rank 30. Speak with Agent Cruller to claim your Merit Badge.
I'm Gonna Live Forever (MISSABLE)
Find all 6 Golden Helmets to earn this achievement.

Every Golden Helmet, with one exception, can be obtained at any given time in the locations listed below.

Brain Tumbler Experiment: After you kill the monster on your second visit, you can find this Golden Helmet behind the thorn tower in the center of the area.

Lungfishopolis: Once you've progressed though the Monorail Tunnel, this Golden Helmet can be found atop one of the skyscrapers.

The Milkman Conspiracy: Once you've obtained the telephone, use it to get by the agent holding a telephone and climb up the telephone pole located shorty after the Road Crew, where a Golden Helmet, among other collectibles, can be found.

Waterloo World: This Golden Helmet is found on the pink bridge near the unarmed peasant.

Black Velvetopia #1: Hang the Window painting on the upper ledge at the alley's dead end near the entrance to the Queen of Diamonds, then enter it to claim this Golden Helmet.

Black Velvetopia #2 (MISSABLE): If you have given all of the queen cards to Edgar without obtaining this Golden Helmet beforehand, then you have missed this achievement. Once you receive the Confusion Merit Badge, Dingo will want you to complete his advertisement. Talk to the dog, and use Confusion on El Odio so the dog can finish the painting. Return to Dingo to claim your prize: the missable Golden Helmet.
They Call Me The Hunter
Redeem all 16 Scavenger Hunt Items to earn this achievement.

Here's a guide for the Scavenger Hunt Items.
No Solid Food for Six Hours
Re-brain the Children to earn this achievement.

All 19 brains are located somewhere in the asylum. When you've retrieved them all, give them to Agent Cruller, who is found at the bright hallway in Ford's Sanctuary.

See Math is Hard and use ZomB Turtle's All Important Collectibles Guide for a specific collectible's location.
No More Secrets
Crack all 19 Memory Vaults to earn this achievement.

There are 2 Memory Vaults in each Mental World, with the exception of Meat Circus, which only has 1 Memory Vault.

See Math is Hard and use ZomB Turtle's All Important Collectibles Guide for a specific collectible's location.
Happy Bags
Sort all 50 Emotional Baggage to earn this achievement.

Each of the 10 Mental Worlds have 5 Emotional Baggage to sort out. You'll need to first find the tag, then return it to the appropriate bag to sort out an Emotional Baggage.

See Math is Hard and use ZomB Turtle's All Important Collectibles Guide for a specific collectible's location.
Figgy Piggy
Gather all Figments to earn this achievement.

This is probably the most annoying achievement in the entirety of Psychonauts. I can't tell you where each individual Figment is located, but I can direct you to someone who can.

All Figment locations:
Holiday Dinner (MISSABLE)
Cook and consume two different kinds of roast in one sitting to earn this achievement.

Once you reach Rank 10, you will earn the Pyrokinesis Merit Badge. Once you have that Merit Badge, set both a squirrel and a bird ablaze and consume their roasts without leaving the area.

If you've completed the third Brain Tumbler Experiment without earning this achievement beforehand, then you have missed this one.
Christmas Shopping (hidden achievement)
Buy an item from the Camp Store on Christmas to earn this achievement.

To earn this achievement, you must purchase any item on December 25. If you don't feel like waiting for Christmas Day, just set your computer's date to December 25, then purchase an item at the Main Lodge.
Witness Maloof's transformation to earn this achievement.

Once you complete Sasha's Shooting Gallery, don't start the second Brain Tumbler Experiment yet. Instead, go to the parking lot and speak with Maloof to start a cutscene. After the cutscene, you will be awarded this achievement.

If you've completed the second Brain Tumbler Experiment without earning this achievement beforehand, then you have missed this one.
I'm Sure She's Over It
Uncover Milla's Secret to earn this achievement.

When you begin ascending the first vertical climb area in Milla's Dance Party, find the balcony to the side and enter it to discover some Figments, a Memory Vault, and a dark secret. If you're having trouble finding it, the YouTube video shown below should help.

Wolpaw Says Thanks (MISSABLE)
Hear Vernon's Ghost Story to earn this achievement.

Once you complete Milla's Dance Party, proceed to the TV room in the Main Lodge. You will find Vernon, among 3 other children, who will tell one of his mindless stories. Do not leave, and instead stick around and listen to his whole story to earn this achievement.

If you've completed the third Brain Tumbler Experiment without earning this achievement beforehand, then you have missed this one.
Maybe It's The Hair (MISSABLE)
Spy on Bobby's love life to earn this achievement.

Also once you complete Milla's Dance Party, head to the GPC and Wilderness Area to find Nils and Chloe. Go ahead and speak with them to trigger a cutscene. When the cutscene concludes, you should have earned this achievement.

If you've completed the third Brain Tumbler Experiment without earning this achievement beforehand, then you have missed this one.
Look at those Pansies!
Find Edgar Secret Garden to earn this achievement.

In Black Velvetopia, you'll first need to purchase the Vine painting located in the diamond alley. Once you have it, head to the sewer and find a locked gate. Use Telekinesis to open the gate, and climb out of the sewer. After that, hang the Vine painting at the end of this alleyway, and climb the vine. After following the path, you will reach Edgar's Secret Garden, where you will not only earn this achievement, but find a few extra collectibles as well.
I Think They Were Impressed (MISSABLE)
Introduce all Camp Kids to Mr. Pokeylope to earn this achievement.

Assuming you've re-brained all the children (refer to No Solid Food for Six Hours). Once you've obtained Mr. Pokeylope, DO NOT hand him back to Sheegor. Instead, use the bacon to return to Ford's Sanctuary, and head to a multitude of locations on the campgrounds to find the children, then show them Mr. Pokeylope (talk to them while holding him). If you need some help finding all the children, the YouTube video below shows their locations after they've been re-brained.

Now would be the best time to earn every achievement you can prior to The Point of No Return. If you've already earned every achievement you can, head back to Ford's Sanctuary and ask Ford to send you back to the top of the asylum.
Victory Tour
Revisit all brains after completion to earn this achievement.

Once you've completed Black Velvetopia, head to the Collective Unconscious. From there, enter the 9 Mental Worlds available to you in order to earn this achievement. The closed off Mental World, Meat Circus, is not required for this achievement.
Camp Gossip
Read many bulletin board messages to earn this achievement.

There are several bulletin boards on the campgrounds. Find one, and keep interacting with it until you earn the achievement.
Mmm... Bacon!
Use the bacon a lot to earn this achievement.

Use the bacon, ask Ford if he has any advice on the current situation, after that, say there's nothing more to report at this time, rinse and repeat until you earn the achievement.
A Slice of History
Discover the secret history of Whispering Rock to earn this achievement.

Located in the center of the parking lot is a chopped down tree with notes on it. Keep interacting with it until you earn the achievement.
Stump Speech
Give the Coach's speech on the stump to earn this achievement.

Located in the Reception Area is where Coach Oleander gave his long speech at the start of the game. Stand on the stump and keep hitting the F key on keyboard or the Y button on controller until you earn the achievement.
Self Aware
See yourself through the eyes of many others to earn this achievement.

At the beginning of The Milkman Conspiracy, you'll acquire the Clairvoyance Merit Badge. Keep using it on non-hostile characters until you earn the achievement.
Complete the Punchy Target mini-game to earn this achievement.

Midway through Coach Oleander's Basic Braining, you'll come across the Punchy Target mini-game. When you complete the first round, the path ahead will open, allowing you to progress. Instead of progressing, complete 4 more rounds of the Punchy Target mini-game to advance 1 Rank and earn the achievement.
Thanks for using this guide
Hopefully this guide has proved useful to you. If I made any mistakes, whether incorrect information was used or just a grammatical mistake, please don't hesitate to let me know, and I'll fix it as soon as I can.

4rl0ng 9 Dec, 2024 @ 9:32am 
Banake 17 Jun, 2024 @ 10:40pm 
Thanks. \o
oskarmatematika 27 Aug, 2023 @ 2:44am 
ty for making this