Space Giraffe

Space Giraffe

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Space Giraffe: Important info & FAQ
By avie!!
Things to know before hopping into Llamasoft's Xbox 360 masterpiece. AKA a guide that is 10 years too late.
The official manual (or, the actual guide)

This is a link to the official Space Giraffe site on the Llamasoft webpage. It's a bit janky looking and needs some love, for sure, but peep the links on the right hand side. Everything here will give you some important tips and info on playing the game and how to play it better.

Some key things to know if you can't be bothered:
  • Every enemy has a unique sound effect for everything it does. Learn them through play.
  • The bull meter is represented on screen for the first few levels before disappearing. Note the moving line on each level and how it moves up and down depending on if you shoot enemies or not; seem familiar?
  • Use bull attacks wherever possible, they are key to amassing big points.
  • Avoid using pods if you can, they're a last minute save sort of thing.
  • If you get caught by an enemy at the top of the level, there's a short pause before it kills you properly; use your Superzapper if you have it at this moment to continue playing without losing a life.
Overview of the default control mappings
Just for convenience sake here's the complete game controls.

On Keyboard (less ideal, don't use if you can help it)
Q = Move left
W = Move right
O = Shoot to the left
P = Shoot to the right
Space = Jump (If you have Pods)
D = Superzapper/Super Bomb*
T = Pause
Y = Speed (Makes level transitions quicker)

On Controller (XBOX assumed)
Left Analog = Moves left/right
Right Analog = Shoot to the left/right
A = Superzapper/Super Bomb
Right Trigger = Jump
Start = Pause
Left Trigger = Speed

Special keys (cannot be rebound, keyboard only)
Esc = Quits menus without saving changes
Alt + Enter = Windowed/Fullscreen toggle; can't be done in-game.
Enter = Acts as "Confirm" (Any button on controller will work also)
Cursor keys = Menu navigation (Controller Dpad can be used here also)

*The Super Bomb and the Superzapper are one and the same; the voiceover refers to it as the latter whilst the manual refers to it as the former.
Running Space Giraffe on Steam Deck
Good news! It mostly works out of the box. The only mild obstacles in your way for smooth playing are the pre-launch windows which require the usage of a mouse. Due to the issue this game has with Steam's input system, I've cooked up a special Deck-specific controller profile which is merely just the default gamepad profile but I've made the right touchpad function as a mouse with the L4 paddle acting as left click. This will allow you to easily get through the language+mode selection windows and start playing the game properly with the gamepad.

Just hop into controller configuration and get the profile titled "Fuss-free Steam Deck".

Other important notes:

  • Thanks to the way the Deck handles windowed applications, the Alt+enter trick to enter fullscreen mode isn't really needed anymore. Simply turn it on in the settings along with hi-res objects, change the resolution to 1280x800 at 60hz and you're good to go!
  • The game will launch a DirectX installer window the first time you run it on the Deck; simply click through it and let it do it's thing.
  • According to user Dampelefant, there's reportedly an issue with the default Proton version Steam picks out for this game which causes sound effects to not consistently play. Switching to Proton Experimental supposedly helps with this, but I've not experienced the issue first hand. Proton-GE might also help but I can't personally say as such. It is unfortunate but the nature of the Deck running on Linux does mean this sort of futsing around is sometimes required.
  • I didn't notice any issues with my controller profile in testing, but please let me know if there's any tweaks you think should be made to it. AFAIK, hitting the touchpad during gameplay shouldn't affect anything other than perhaps making the cursor show up on screen for a brief moment.
Unfrequently asked questions (and their answers)
I mean I guess they're technically not frequently asked are they but whatever

Q: What's the meter in the top right labelled "M"?
A: That's your bonus multiplier meter. Increase it by performing Bull attacks to get more points. Hitting x9 (i think) with a "Rinsin'" bonus - i.e. when it literally shows the word "RINSIN'!" on screen - will get you an extra life, which are indicated to the left of the bonus multiplier.

Q: Why does the game play a sneeze sound effect or say "Yes" in a weird way multiple times when I end a level sometimes?
A: The sneeze sound effect is triggered by your ship (harmlessly) hitting a leftover bullet that was floating around when the level ended. It will give you a few points for your trouble. The person saying "Yes" is caused by collecting a Pod as the level ends; doing this will give you the "fast bullets" powerup at the start of the next level, so it's something you wanna aim for.

Q: What's the purpose of the bonus mini-game? How did I even trigger it?
A: The bonus mini-game is triggered by collecting basically just a hell of a lot of pods over the course of a few levels. If you have 5 pods on you and you start picking up extra ones, you'll start to accumulate a few bonuses. One of which is an "OX Warp token", which is gained once you've picked up a 3rd extra pod (the first one gives you a 1UP and the second gives you the fast bullets powerup.)

The manual does not give a specific number regarding how many Warp tokens are needed to get to the bonus round, but the game will let you know when you're just one token away from activating it. Once you've gotten it, the bonus round will start after the current level ends. As for the purpose, it's meant to bolster your score to increase your "Restart Bonus" on the next stage. The goal is to collect as many flowers as you possibly can, with a whole number of things adding to your score. Read more about these mechanics in the manual.[]

Q: How do I make it go properly fullscreen? I selected it in the menu but it just made a big window...
A: Once you've chosen Fullscreen in the options and selected your resolution, hit the apply button and once it turns into the large window, hit Alt+Enter. It will then go into a proper (exclusive) fullscreen mode at your desired resolution.
TO REITERATE: This is not required if playing on Steam Deck.

Q: The description says it reacts to music, does that mean I can put in my own tunes?
A: No, unfortunately. I believe this did used to be a feature but only on the 360 version as the game is basically built on top of its audio visualiser engine, Neon (which Llamasoft also made.) There's no way to change the music and have it react to it in the PC version.

Okay a quick check of the other manual that is supplied on Steam says that it is possible but (a) it only affects a few background elements and (b) it ONLY uses the default audio capture device, i.e. your microphone. If you're lucky you might have the ability to set it to whatever is being output of your speakers, in which case you're in business; all you need to do is turn off the background music in the game settings and play something of your own.

Q: What are the differences between the two modes?
A: NUXX is a reduced intensity mode, built to scale back the psychedelia and make it a bit easier to see and thus a bit easier to get into. If it's your first time playing Space Giraffe, it's generally advised to play NUXX mode. Acid Mix is the same experience as the original 360 version of the game; it includes more visual distractions such as the first level containing a hidden image of J Allard or the infamous "Cube (Is Not For Yiffing)" background image.

Q: Does this game cause motion sickness? Or trigger any kind of visual based condition?
A: It doesn't trigger motion sickness for me and I'm quite sensitive to it. But it's worth noting that this kind of this is completely different for literally everyone and it's gonna be a case of you having to try it for yourself to find out. As for other conditions, I can't recommend anyone who has photosensitive epilepsy even in the reduced intensity NUXX mode. Take precautions when viewing any work by Jeff Minter/Llamasoft and especially don't watch any videos of their game "Polybius" if you're epileptic.

Q: How do I activate the Superzapper? It keeps saying it's recharged even though I've never used it.
A: The Superzapper (referred to as the "Super Bomb" in the manual) is a once-per-level utility that destroys every enemy on screen, and regardless of if you've used it, it'll be recharged upon entry of the next level. To use it, press the A button (or equivalent) on your controller.

Q: Is there a complete list detailing what each noise corresponds to?
A: I wish, but it's such a huge undertaking that no one seems to have done it yet. If I were better at the game then I'd absolutely start work on it... Here is what I've figured out, at least:
  • Quiet clicking noise = generic enemy moving along top of level.
  • A chorus singing "Mu! Mu!" (sounds like "Moo moo" or "Mau mau") = A pod has been collected.
  • Telephone tones = The player having shot down an enemy bullet.
  • High pitched sheep noises = I think it's the noise of shooting generic enemies?
  • Bells = the noises associated with Flower enemies. When the noise ascends in pitch it means the player shooting them, and a large "Ding" indicates the flower has been shot out as a projectile, leaving behind the stem as a potential obstacle once the level is completed.
  • A donkey going "heehaw" = A flower (with stem) has been destroyed.
  • A man shouting "Ni!" = An enemy spawner has been shot. This will cause lots of the generic enemies to appear immediately and shoot up to the top of the level, so be prepared.

Q: The library page on Steam for this game looks so ugly!
A: Correct. Fix it by visiting this handy dandy little site[] and downloading yourself a nice banner and logo to put on it instead. I recommend using Chaotic Viral's hero image combined with Lotus Assassin's white-outline logo image. They look quite lovely together!

Q: Why is this guide, scant on information as it is, being made in 2023, more than 10 years after it's release and thus beyond the point of usefulness?
A: ...Hm, yeah, you have a point. Ah well.
Continuing your Llamaventure
So, you've had your fill of Space Giraffe, but you want to delve further into the trippy world of Yak & Giles' works. Welcome to the fanclub!

Here's some links to the games they have available on Steam, in chronological order:

It's also worth pointing out that Minter's old game, Tempest 2000, is available via the excellent Atari 50 collection:

And also here you can find 5 fun lil minigames for Android and their classic Gridrunner++ , all for completely free:

That's not all, of course. Minter himself has been making games for decades prior to Space Giraffe, with no clear sign of slowing down at all. It'll take some work but he has a wealth of games on old home computer systems of the 80s as well; Attack of the Mutant Camels, Trip-a-Tron, Llamatron 2112...


Digital Eclipse will be making playing those old 80s titles far far easier in 2024 thanks to the release of a brand new shiny collection which you should 100% wishlist right away because holy sh*t this thing looks amazing! This thing will include Tempest 2000 as well, if you weren't particularly interested in the rest of what Atari 50 has to offer for whatever reason.


So go on, get stuck in, and join the Llamasoft Cult!
avie!!  [author] 14 Apr @ 5:35pm 
something happened to my install of the game on deck thats caused it to just not render anything on screen in acid or nuxx mode and i have no clue why that is but im gonna try and get to the bottom of it and slap it into the relevant section.
VanAlphen 8 Dec, 2023 @ 6:18am 
Unless I chose that profile and forgot about it haha I can't remember.
VanAlphen 8 Dec, 2023 @ 6:16am 
You could add a bit on how to check what input profile has been selected if the controller doesn't work and how to change it. It had defaulted back to mouse/keyboard for me after not having played for 2 years. I've encountered that before but it might be new to others.
avie!!  [author] 8 Dec, 2023 @ 6:10am 
Did a litle comb over of the text to replace most instances of mentioning just Jeff to something more plural since Llamasoft has been both Jeff and Giles for a while now and the amount of work he contributes to the games needs to stop being understated already. Also just fixed up some grammar here and there too.
avie!!  [author] 8 Dec, 2023 @ 6:02am 
Okay yeah, re-reviewing it I have no idea why I even included that bit so it's gone now. Doubly baffling given I talk about a special Steam Input profile that I made for use on Deck haha.

Added link to recently announced Digital Eclipse collection as well because that thing is very very important for Jeffheads new and old
VanAlphen 8 Dec, 2023 @ 2:10am 
Helpful guide, but no reason to turn off Steam input, just change the profile from Mouse/keyboard to Gamepad using the controller configurator.
avie!!  [author] 20 Jun, 2023 @ 7:54am 
Updated the guide today (thanks for reminding me it exists with your comment, Arganoid!) to include some extra information about running the game on Steam Deck along with a few extra bits here and there added or changed for clarity's sake.
Arganoid 20 Jun, 2023 @ 6:32am 
Very good guide