Portal with RTX

Portal with RTX

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How to play Portal with RTX
By NoX
How to play Portal with RTX
First thing you want to do is to start a new playthrough clicking NEW GAME on the main menu.

Once the game starts you can start pressing the following keys:

  • W = Go forward.
  • A= Strafe left.
  • S = Go backwards.
  • D = Strafe right.

By the time you grow accustomed to these controls, you will realise that no matter what pc you have the game runs like trash.

The next step is to close the game completely, presumably you will need to open the task manager for this since your pc is probably 98% frozen right now, so go ahead and press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to open task manager.

When the task manager pops up (It might take a while), search for the process called hl2.exe, select it and press delete on your keyboard.

Setting things right
Once you break free from the lag jail, the next step is to go to your library.

There, you will go and click the searchbox and search for Portal (without RTX).

Go ahead and open Portal.

Enjoy one of the best games THE BEST GAME of all time.

Even better.
If you choose to have even MORE fun, you can take a slight deviation on one of the last steps and instead open Portal 2.