Dying Light

Dying Light

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Stutter Fix with Ultra Setting
By ovd_masterkey
Stutter Fix
The Problem

FPS and monitor refresh rate are not directly corresponding quantities, they are only indirectly related. Both are set separately. At 144Hz, all FPS that are greater than 144FPS are discarded, so you should always limit the FPS via the driver to fit the driver to protect the CPU and GPU and to save energy, because it doesn't help to calculate more than 144FPS. (Limit to 150 FPS)

Now the question is whether you can really generate more than 70-80FPS in this game, but I'm rather skeptical, but the tests at NVIDIA were also made with old CPUs!
Check out my link to NVIDIA.

"In many other games a View Distance setting would reduce the overall visibility of the world, adding fog to hide detail, to improve the framerate. In Dying Light, however, the world is permanently visible as the player needs to plan their parkour route from A to B. With the removal of key geometry off the table, View Distance's attentions are instead turned towards extra, non-essential building detail, zombies, vehicles, objects, trees, and cliffs. Many of these features also fail to cast shadows at lower qualities, which in some scenes can greatly diminish image quality."

With 100% View Distance You will only get 25FPS with a i7-2600K.

  • Usually you use the latest driver because you get 30-50% more power and bugfix for games.

  • Sometimes an old game can have a problem with new drivers, but that's not the normal case.

  • Always use Nvidia Super Resolution DSR for better AA and Sharpness.

  • Always use Nvidia "low latency" on "Ultra" (or amd "anti lag" on "on") with VSync "adaptive".

  • If your FPS falls to 50 fps, it is better with a monitor rate of 60Hz than 120Hz or 144Hz, since a drop from 120/144 to 55 is more noticeable than a drop from 60 to 55.

  • Limit your FPS in the driver to 65 FPS if you play with 60 Hz (or 120 Hz).

  • Limit your FPS and/or the View Distance, don't limit "eye CANDY" this game only looks good, if all effects are on.

  • If you get a lot of drops below 60 fps, if you don´t get a smooth stutter free Game with 60FPS (=60Hz/120Hz), you can play with 2x30FPS (=60Hz), with a limit to 35 FPS and VSYNC on "Adaptive Half" so that you can get stable 60 FPS from a doubling of 30 fps to get a monitor rate of 60Hz.

  • If you get stable 60fps or 72fps, you can play with 2x60FPS (=120Hz) or 2x72FPS (=144Hz)with a limit to 65 FPS or 75 FPS and VSYNC on "Adaptive Half" so that you can get stable 120 FPS or 144 FPS from a doubling of 60 fps or 72 fps.

    Try my setting, because I have tested it and with my old CPU from 2012 (Core i5 3570K 3.8GHz) and a GTX1080 I have a 100% stutter free Game.

InGame Setting 60FPS / 60Hz(120Hz):

  • Resolution: 1920 x 1080 or 2560 x 1440 (Nativ or NVIDIA DSR)

  • Graphics Preset: Custom

  • Window Mode: FullScreen
  • Fullscreen-Window Mode: Off
  • VSYNC: On
  • Framerate Limit: Off
  • Texture Quality: High
  • Shadow Map Size: High
  • Tree Quality: High
  • Draw Distance: 70-80% (30-50%)
  • Ambient Occlusion: On
  • NVIDIA Depth of Field: On
  • Motion Blur: Off or On
  • Antialiasing Mode: On
  • Film Grain: On
  • Chromatic Aberration: On

NVIDIA Graphic Driver Setup 60FPS / 60Hz(120Hz):

  • Ambient Occlusion / Off
  • Anisotropic filtering / 16x
  • Antialiasing - FXAA / OFF
  • Antialiasing - Mode / Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - Setting / Off - Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - Gamma correction / On
  • Antialiasing - Transparency / Off
  • Background Application Max Frame Rate / 65
  • Max Frame Rate / 65
  • Triple buffering / Off
  • Power management mode / Prefer maximum performance
  • Sharpening / Off
  • Low Latency Mode / Ultra -----------------------------> = AMD Anti/Low-Lag
  • Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization / On
  • Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias / Clamp
  • Texture filtering - Quality / High performance
  • Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization / On
  • Threaded optimization / Auto
  • Vertical sync / if using 60Hz:Adaptive or if 120Hz: Adaptive half refresh rate

I use the 2x30FPS / 60Hz Method with Limit to 35FPS and Vsync "Adaptive half refresh rate" and a NVIDIA Dynamic Super Resolution with 2560x1440!
-----------> Best Graphic with best AA and smooth.

InGame Setting 2x30FPS / 60Hz:

  • Resolution: 1920 x 1080 or 2560 x 1440 (Nativ or NVIDIA DSR)

  • Graphics Preset: Custom

  • Window Mode: FullScreen
  • Fullscreen-Window Mode: Off
  • VSYNC: On
  • Framerate Limit: Off
  • Texture Quality: High
  • Shadow Map Size: High
  • Tree Quality: High
  • Draw Distance: 70-80% (30-50%)
  • Ambient Occlusion: On
  • NVIDIA Depth of Field: On
  • Motion Blur: Off or On
  • Antialiasing Mode: On
  • Film Grain: On
  • Chromatic Aberration: On

NVIDIA Graphic Driver Setup 2x30FPS / 60Hz

  • Ambient Occlusion / Off
  • Anisotropic filtering / 16x
  • Antialiasing - FXAA / OFF
  • Antialiasing - Mode / Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - Setting / Off - Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - Gamma correction / On
  • Antialiasing - Transparency / Off
  • Background Application Max Frame Rate / 35
  • Max Frame Rate / 35
  • Triple buffering / Off
  • Power management mode / Prefer maximum performance
  • Sharpening / Off
  • Low Latency Mode / Ultra -----------------------------> = AMD Anti/Low-Lag
  • Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization / On
  • Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias / Clamp
  • Texture filtering - Quality / High performance
  • Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization / On
  • Threaded optimization / Auto
  • Vertical sync / Adaptive half refresh rate

Here is a Game with the same Problems, same Setup:

ovd_masterkey  [author] 22 Mar, 2023 @ 1:28pm 
"I don't have any stuttering, I never had. My pc is in good condition and can average create 120+ fps ultra 1440p. My peak FPS goes well over 140 so that's why I use all of my monitors refreshrate."


"can average create 120+ fps ultra 1440p. My peak FPS goes well over 140...."

------> and this is not smooth!!!!

I just don't get it, if you don't have problems then why do you need a guide.
But gsync or no if you have 120+ fps then it's just stupid to play at 144hz because that's always worse than 120hz but you just don't understand and that's your problem. :steamthumbsdown:
Damien 22 Mar, 2023 @ 1:16pm 
I don't have any stuttering, I never had. My pc is in good condition and can average create 120+ fps ultra 1440p. My peak FPS goes well over 140 so that's why I use all of my monitors refreshrate. That's the beauty of dynamic syncing you can play between 50-140 fps and not have any problems with the picture quality. You just don't understand why Gsync or adaptive sync should be used over Vsync everytime if possible with the hardware you are playing with.
ovd_masterkey  [author] 22 Mar, 2023 @ 1:09pm 
There it is folks, no need to argue about this, can't disagree with a guy who admits he doesn't understand how things work. I've tried to enlighten him on this matter, but he's stubborn.

I'm sorry but you are confusing different terms between input lag and stuttering or drop and refresh rate and frames.
if you get 120+ then you should play at 120hz and set a limit of 125fps and use my settings with vsync adaptive and g-sync off if that doesn't work. :steamfacepalm:
Damien 22 Mar, 2023 @ 1:06pm 
There it is folks, no need to argue this, can't argue a guy who admits that doesn't understand how things work. I tried to educate him on this matter but he is stubborn. Just a PSA that this dudes advice isn't all good, there are mistakes like I pointed out.
ovd_masterkey  [author] 22 Mar, 2023 @ 12:54pm 
LOL, the Problem is the Problem!

And again this guide doesn't mention GSync and I can't test it because I don't have it, but I can promise you 100% that capping your FPS at 141 FPS when you need 144 FPS is total bullshit.
I find it unlikely that GSync will turn on and off based on FPS, but as I said I'm not a G-Sync specialist, but if it doesn't work with my settings then I'd rather turn it off than set a limit of 141 FPS , which definitely causes input lag and stuttering. :cta_emo1:
Damien 22 Mar, 2023 @ 12:45pm 
Just change your synopsis "The problem" . I game this with my settings get avg 120+ frames. I've limited my fps to 142 because I keep my monitor at 144hz. If I cap the game at 150 like you suggested, I will get more latency and lag because Gsyns is turned on and off again every time FPS goes over the refresh rate. Rest of the guide is fine, just not the beginning of it.
ovd_masterkey  [author] 22 Mar, 2023 @ 12:43pm 
No! This Guide is not well over 100!?

This guide will show you how to configure the game and driver to get a smooth gaming experience without any DROP.
Tearing isn't a problem since I'm using VSync (if GSync is also on, it shouldn't be a problem). The limitation of the FPS has nothing to do with tearing, because that is already regulated by VSync/GSync, input lag is not discussed at all because it is negligible because of Nvidia "low latency".
Damien 22 Mar, 2023 @ 12:23pm 
Your guide is fps well over 100, anyone who games over at 100fps is using a dynamic sync display. Your guide is flawed on this matter. It's your guide, I'm just correcting you. You don't have to change anything, this is why this conversation is here so people can read how flawed you are with your advice.
ovd_masterkey  [author] 22 Mar, 2023 @ 12:15pm 
LOL!! :steamfacepalm:

Again, you're not addressing my answer, your insistence on G-Sync monitors is off-topic.

My guide is not about G-Sync monitors or input lag.

I already said below, but you can't seem to read:

"Since the introduction of Nvidia "low latency" with Ultra and VSync Adaptive, input lag is no longer a problem.

Especially in this game, input lag doesn't matter at all, the problem is a smooth game without DROP."

This Guide is about:

[h1]Stutter Fix with Ultra Setting [/h1]
Damien 22 Mar, 2023 @ 12:08pm 
I just did. I explained to you how Gsync monitors work and how they should be setup for least amount of input lag. Always have your game capped 3 frames under your monitors refresh rate. This way Gsync is always active and you get the most out of your monitor. This is my only point that I argue and you need to understand this because it's the truth. Otherwise stop writing guides.