111 ratings
how to get a seizure
By ShadowFlame
(still works pretty well after recent update) want to know the fastest way to get a seizure while playing rounds? then this is the perfect guide for you. this is a comprehensive guide that will teach you the most effective way to have an epilepsy attack in sandbox without any mods.
step 1: open ronds
open runds
step 2: enter sandbox
after successfully opening the game, you must navigate to the sandbox. this can be a tricky step, so I will try my best to thoroughly explain it: enter sandbox.
I would suggest playing on a map with indestructible terrain, otherwise you will nuke the entire map to oblivion.
step 3 - create big nuclaer bomb
once you have opened the game AND entered sandbox, you are almost ready to get a seizure.
the next thing you have to do is create a build that will destroy the game and also your eyesight.
I have compiled a list of cards you should take to give yourself an epileptic attack.
it is not required to read anything that isn't bold past this point, they are just notes and tips.

demonic will ensure that you can fire multiple bullets at a time without an atkspd cooldown. you could also take quick reload for faster reload speed but just take demonic for now. the splash damage is also a good strategy for destroying your eyes. you could also go a totally different route and take spray, because demonic will make it so that spray doesn't rapid fire. if you do take demonic, just know that this problem will be fixed later on in the guide by taking burst.

if you know anything about the game, you know that grow is a broken card and is also one of the essential components to giving yourself a seizure. take a grow, or five, or however many you want.

trickster is the best way to further embiggen your bullet, which is obviously good for the wholesome purposes that this guide is teaching you. you can take as many as you want, just note that the more you take, the longer the bullet will be bouncing around the screen and so it will be hard to see anything. this is good but also bad, because if you take too many the bullet will cover the entire screen and the effects of the other cards will become less prominent than they should be. I would suggest taking around 2-5 tricksters for now, you can always add more later.

the bullets will explode whenever they hit something, which is very useful for making you go blind. take as many as you want, the attack speed wont matter because we have demonic pact.

other ways to increase your bullets size and dmg is by taking anything that gives damage, ideally something like glass cannon. spamming poison is also quite an effective strategy.

if you have kept up with these steps so far, shoot a bullet and see what happens. so far, we have all the essential components for a nuklear bombe, but we can still take things further.

still not satisfied?
here are some optional options which are optional but not necessarily not optimal, even though optional.

at this point, the bullet is already so big that trickster won't do much, it will just add more bounces. and if you want more bounces, take mayhem. mayhem will make the bullet linger on and explode much more often, constantly shaking the entire screen and blowing stuff up. this is possibly the most impactful upgrade of this section.

is your nuke not glamorous enough? need to have a seizure with some more style? well fear not, because the four upgrades listed above will add some colour to your nuklear bombe.
as of now, if you took demonic pact, the bullet should be purple with a yellowish square around it from explosive bullet. each of these cards will give you different new colours for your bullet, and if mixed together, it will give you a spectacular blue and sometimes you will even see each colour individually during the nuking process.

if you want even MORE bullets to be shot at once for maximum chaos and eye damage, take spray and burst. spray on its own will not allow you to rapidly shoot due to all the upgrades we have, but taking burst will allow you to shoot multiple shots at once. if you take multiple bursts, you will have the same effect as spray would before all these upgrades.

want to add an extra radioactive touch to your bullet? want to instantly die every time you spawn for a few seconds? then this is the upgrade for you. stacked on top of everything we have so far, this will create a toxic cloud that covers the entire map and deals insane damage.

this will work best on a map with a lot of room in the upper half of the screen, or just generally a lot of room. after taking spray and multiple bursts, shoot as many bullets as you can and just keep spinning them around. try your best not to let the bullets hit anything, because they will grow and become harder to control. once you have gathered a good amount of bullets and they are spinning around, send them all directly to the ground. although this can be difficult, i have discovered from personal experiences that this is one of the most effective ways to lag the game.
want to ruin the entire build while still having all the upgrades? this upgrade will effectively downgrade every single other card you have. this card sucks.

another thing you could do is just use mods, because mods have the most broken and ridiculous cards (maybe even more so than grow).

if you have any other suggestions leave them in the comments and there is a 3.14159265359% chance I will consider adding it

here is an example of what can be achieved using this build along with the remote strategy. the seizure inducing explosion was so long that I had to trim and speed up this gif, so just know that this isn't nearly as long as the in-game explosion would last.

  • congratulations
no seizure?
still haven't had a seizure? that sounds like a skill issue. thanks for watching and i will see you in the next one.
fwhatyouheard23 17 Mar @ 8:15am 
this is so usefull and inspirational i love this:steamhappy:
Crazy_Flying_Worm_Dude 3 Mar @ 9:31am 
broken and laggier pc's this is literal doom if the opponent get grow there bullet is literal nuke in like 2 secs
notaPRO 3 Feb @ 7:55am 
as i almost died i can confirm this is true
radiotonic 17 Jan @ 8:59pm 
help? don't have ronds or runds. what do?
ShadowFlame  [author] 29 Dec, 2024 @ 3:01pm 
there really do be some wars in the chat
JFK_EVENT 18 Dec, 2024 @ 6:14pm 
i had a seizure and got rushed to the emergency room thanks for this guide and giving me a siezure i appreciate almost killing me it helped me my colon and helped pay college tuition
Sensei Wwu 17 Dec, 2024 @ 3:40pm 
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Sensei Wwu 17 Dec, 2024 @ 3:40pm 
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Sensei Wwu 17 Dec, 2024 @ 3:39pm 
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Sensei Wwu 17 Dec, 2024 @ 3:39pm 
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