Light of Alariya

Light of Alariya

28 ratings
Osiągnięcia 100% [ENG] Achievements 100%
By Shadow
Poradnik do gry Light of Alariya czyli jak zdobyć 100% osiągnięć.

UWAGA poradnik ten z oczywistych względów zawiera informacje na temat miejsc, przedmiotów, zagadek i innych elementów gry! Jeżeli zależy Ci na poznaniu historii wróć tu po jej ukończeniu. Wszystkie osiągnięcia należą do łatwych i niewymagają ciągłości - można je wykonać w dowolnej kolejności. Osiągnięcia mogą zaliczyć się długo po wykonaniu określonych rzeczy lub wcale (wtedy niestety trzeba ponownie rozpocząć grę).

[ENG] Guide to the game Light of Alariya - how to get 100% of achievements.

ATTENTION this guide from obvious reasons holds informations about places, items, puzzles and other game elements. If You like to get to know the story come back after You finish the game. All of the achievements are easy to get and do not need to be done in order - You can get them in whatever order You pleased. Achievements might show up with delay or even not show at all (in that case try one more time in new game).
Set Sail
W trakcie rozgrywki (na początku) otrzymamy od Ari łódź na własny użytek. Od tego momentu należy spodziewać się osiągnięcia. Najpóźniej przed pierwszą świątynią.

[ENG] Story related. Just as You leave Alariya for the first time You will get a "boat" from Ari. From that moment achievement should be granted. The latest moment it shows is just before exploring first temple.
Rearrange the skies
Po rozwiązaniu zagadki logicznej (doprowadzeniu obu strumieni świetlnych do kryształów) należy spodziewać się zaliczenia tego osiągnięcia. Najpóźniej do momentu dotarcia do bramy która właśnie się otworzyła (pomiędzy Żółtym a Czerwonym regionem).

[ENG] Story related. After solving a puzzle in first temple (set both light beams at the crystals) the achievement should be granted. The latest moment it shows is just when You reach a gate that just opened (between Yellow and Red region).

Phenomenal Cosmic Power
Po rozwiązaniu zagadki logicznej (doprowadzeniu strumienia świetlnego do kryształu należy spodziewać się zaliczenia tego osiągnięcia. Najpóźniej do momentu dotarcia do bramy która właśnie się otworzyła (pomiędzy Czerwonym a Czarnym regionem).

[ENG] Story related. After solving a puzzle in second temple (set light beam at the crystal) the achievement should be granted. The latest moment it shows is just when You reach a gate that just opened (between Red and Balck region).

Celestial Alignment
Po rozwiązaniu zagadki logicznej (doprowadzeniu obu strumieni świetlnych do kryształów należy spodziewać się zaliczenia tego osiągnięcia. Najpóźniej do momentu dotarcia do bramy która właśnie się otworzyła (pomiędzy Czarnym a Żółtym regionem).

[ENG] Story related. After solving a puzzle in first temple (set both light beams at the crystals) the achievement should be granted. The latest moment it shows is just when You reach a gate that just opened (between Black and Yellow region).

Po rozwiązaniu łamigłówek w każdej z trzech Świątyń i powrocie do Alariyi oraz po rozmowie z Ari należy spodziewać się zaliczenia.

[ENG] Story related. After solving all three temple puzzles and returning to Alariya and after a conversation with Ari the achievement should be granted.
What Will Come to Pass...
Po podniesieniu pierwszego "odłamka" (naciśnij E w celu interakcji).

[ENG] Just after getting first "scrap" (press E to interact).
... Is Not Set in Stone
Po podniesieniu ostatniego (szóstego) "odłamka" (naciśnij E w celu interakcji).

[ENG] Just after getting last (sixth) "scrap" (press E to interact).

Odłamek [ENG] Scrap 1:
Odłamek [ENG] Scrap 2:
Odłamek [ENG] Scrap 3:
Odłamek [ENG] Scrap 4:
Odłamek [ENG] Scrap 5:
Odłamek [ENG] Scrap 6:
Po odwiedzeniu pierwszego obserwatorium (wejście po krętych schodach do momentu "uruchomienia panoramy" pokazującej okolicę).

[ENG] Just after reaching top of the first observatory (getting up on winding stairs till "panorama view starts" showing surroundings).
Po odwiedzeniu ostatniego (trzeciego) obserwatorium (wejście po krętych schodach do momentu "uruchomienia panoramy" pokazującej okolicę).

[ENG] Just after reaching top of the last (third) observatory (getting up on winding stairs till "panorama view starts" showing surroundings).

Obserwatorium [ENG] Observatory 1:
Prosta dobrze oznaczona droga.
[ENG] Simple, well marked way.

Obserwatorium [ENG] Observatory 2:
Początek drogi z boku drogą za chorągwiami. po wejściu na górę skok na linie a następnie skok na kręte schody.
[ENG] To start the way to the top go as banners shows, after climbing up prepare to line jump and next jump straight to winding stairs.

Obserwatorium [ENG] Observatory 3:
Aby dotrzeć do obserwatorium wykorzystaj kolumny.
[ENG] To reach observatory make use of columns.
Divine Memories
Po wysłuchaniu pierwszego wspomnienia Ari (naciśnij E w celu interakcji z kupką kości).

[ENG] Just after the first Ari's memory (press E to interact with bone pile).
A Cosmic Journey
Po wysłuchaniu ostatniego (szóstego) wspomnienia Ari (naciśnij E w celu interakcji z kupką kości).

[ENG] Just after the last (sixth) Ari's memory (press E to interact with bone pile).

Kości [ENG] Bones 1:
Kości [ENG] Bones 2:
Kości [ENG] Bones 3:
Kości [ENG] Bones 4:
droga do Kości 4 z góry [ENG] way to Bones 4 from high ground:
droga do Kości 4 [ENG] way to Bones 4:
Kości [ENG] Bones 5:
Kości [ENG] Bones 6:
Amateur Archeologist
Po odnalezieniu pierwszej kamiennej tabliczki (naciśnij E w celu interakcji).

[ENG] Just after finding the first stone tablet (press E to interact).
Lost and Found
Po odnalezieniu ostatniej (dwunastej) kamiennej tabliczki (naciśnij E w celu interakcji).

[ENG] Just after finding the last (twelfth) stone tablet (press E to interact).

Tabliczka [ENG] Tablet 1:
Tabliczka [ENG] Tablet 2:
Tabliczka [ENG] Tablet 3:
Tabliczka [ENG] Tablet 4:
Tabliczka [ENG] Tablet 5:
Tabliczka [ENG] Tablet 6:
Tabliczka [ENG] Tablet 7:
Tabliczka [ENG] Tablet 8:
Tabliczka [ENG] Tablet 9:
Tabliczka [ENG] Tablet 10:
Tabliczka [ENG] Tablet 11:
droga do tabliczki 11 z góry [ENG] way to tablet 11 from high ground:
droga do tabliczki 11 [ENG] way to tablet 11:
Tabliczka [ENG] Tablet 12:

Shadow  [author] 15 Feb @ 7:40am 
Thanks for sharing.
To be honest, I didn't think you didn't complete the game in one go - restarting the game may explain the problems with proper tracking of progress - the "incorrect incrementation" I mentioned.

Either way, glad you made it :steamhappy:
spyne57480 15 Feb @ 7:09am 
For those of you suffering from the same bug as me (prophecy success not poping once you get the 6 of them) here is how I managed to obtain it after having restart the game from the begining 5x times :-( without success. the 6th one was the good one.

I am suspecting the success to not pop if you retrieve the items in their correct order, so 1 to 6, and so each observatory of a zone before the temple of the same zone. Instead I get the items on the 3 temples and only after that I get the 3 other items from the observatories.

One other precision that could have lead to unblocking the success. the 6th I do it, I do it in one single session. The 5th times before I either quit the game to go to bed, to go to eat, and I also experience 2 times an Unreal engine crash. The 6th time, I get the 6 items in one single run.

Hope this could help
Shadow  [author] 15 Feb @ 5:24am 

Since it has been a long time ago that I have played it, a lot could have changed, but if there was no new patches then maybe it is just one of the standard problems as too much time to process it or incorrect incrementation? It is known that achievements in this game are not poping in time. I myself had to play it twice to get it all so all I could advise, is to play it once again but strictly focusing on this achievement so there be enough time to process it as you do your work to complete the game again.
No one ever reported that problem to me, sorry.
Hope you will get your achievement.
spyne57480 15 Feb @ 3:12am 
I did not even need to following the guide to find all secrets and collectibles.
However I used it afterwards to cross-check I did not miss anything, so thank you very much for time took to write it.

Anyway I completed everything, found all secrets/collectibles and still 1 achievement that do not want to pop. It is the one related to the 6 scraps. I get all of them in the journal but no way, no achievement spawn...

Do anyone else face that ? Do you have an advise for me to fix that ?

Thank you
Shadow  [author] 27 Oct, 2024 @ 11:05am 
:steamhappy: 27 Oct, 2024 @ 6:45am 
OMG. Thank you so much!
Got my 100% achievement with your help! Just needed one little Story that was right next to Alariya XD
不辞 30 Apr, 2024 @ 4:23am 
Thank you!
Shadow  [author] 17 Mar, 2024 @ 1:43am 
If by "god" you meant that I am:
g - great
o - outstanding
d - dope
than I thank you :steamhappy:

No problem, mate :steamhappy:
Jules 16 Mar, 2024 @ 1:00pm 
Thank you so much! That last memory piece was driving me insane! :winter2019happybulb:
M13 13 Mar, 2024 @ 7:59am 
u are a god

thank you