

128 ratings
How to go to space
By LukeVadersen
This guide will send you to space. Don't like The planet you're on? Ficsit Corp will recover your body from space and use it as fertiliser on one of their farming worlds.
So. You have decided to leave your current assignment. You're getting a little impatient for ficsit to send a drop pod, and you don't want to fill out mountains of paperwork. Luckily, we here at ficsit unconventional travel have a solution for you.
Resource List
This requires four ladders, some steel, a couple of ficsit coupons, some concrete, four cluster nobelisk and one explosive rebar.

The exact resource list is:

1) 23 Concrete
2) 24 Steel Beams
3) 16 Iron Rods
4) 2 Iron Plates

Launching Mechanism:
1) Four Cluster Nobelisk
2) One Explosive Rebar
3) The ability to jump
4) The ability to shoot

Project Assembly (Pun intended)
You will want a strong, flat base to work off of. Place a foundation, and make sure it does not intersect with the terrain.

Begin construction with painted steel beams and beam connectors, leaving a 1m x 1m space in the middle.

Next, place ladders (double height) on each of the exposed beams.

On the beam supports, place painted beams vertically, 4m in length

Finally, Build another square at the top.

Pioneer Execution
Someone will die in the execution of this launch. Be it you or a friend directly below you serving as a kinetic battery, the person inside the cannon will die and transfer their kinetic energy to whatever it hits directly above it.

Time to go to space!

Step 1: Save
Save your game to avoid loss of resources.

Step 2: BOMBS!
Place your four cluster Nobelisk on the ground inside the cannon

Step 3: Preperation
Take a deep breath and look at the beauties of this planet one last time

Jump into the air, but before you leave the pod, fire the explosive Rebar into the Nobelisk, causing an immense, strong blast that the pod will focus into exclusively vertical momentum

Step 5: SPACE
WITNESS AS YOU GO FLYING INTO SPACE (and you can see the entire map)

Step 6: Ficsit says no
Realise you did not reach escape velocity, so you fall back down to the planet almost as fast as you came up. However, With your newfound power, you are the new god of this universe. You bypass the laws of physics as you hit the ground, and go straight through it. You enter a dimension between dimensions, everything is grey. Are you... Dead? Ficsit declares you a false god, and the tick rules over all. It gives you a choice. Continue existing here, falling through purgatory, or rejoin him. Respawn. Hail his name and you shall be redeemed.

Thank you for reading my guide, it was my first one. If you have any requests for other guides or recommendations on how to write them better, please share your views in the comment section and I will surely spend about an hour of my life reading the five that will get posted!
Titan 19 Jan @ 2:18pm 
use nuke nobilisk more powerful
GoogleSword 7 Jan @ 7:48am 
True, bombs all always better, just showing this method for any people without bombs (It sounds crazy I know) or in the early game. Also you can be alive for almost the entire ride.
LukeVadersen  [author] 6 Jan @ 9:15am 
This is more fun anyway
GoogleSword 6 Jan @ 9:12am 
You can also skip all the work and ride the ship that launches from your hub, just put a observation tower next to the ship and have a buddy launch it
theletter7 29 Sep, 2024 @ 3:03pm 
instructions unclear i am currently outside of the universe admiring the endless darkness :GDNormal:
Jetman1226 27 Sep, 2024 @ 4:54pm 
ayo well bye imna see you in space
Slank 4 Jun, 2024 @ 4:32pm 
i cant wait to try this. this is so funny
Knighthawk 31 May, 2024 @ 12:21pm 
Update: it's been four hours and i'm still going up...
Knighthawk 31 May, 2024 @ 10:57am 
Turns out, if you do 40 it gets you even higher! Who woulda thought...
Slothzilla 19 May, 2024 @ 11:44pm 
ianbeane13 isnt very smart lol