People Playground

People Playground

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Pacifist: How To Get
By wannabehusk
An easy way to get the 'Pacifist' Achievement in People Playground.
Hello! This guide will show you an easy way to get the Pacifist Achievement in People Playground.

To get this achievement, you must go one hour in game without murdering ANYTHING. That includes robots, humans, or any other entity.
How To Get It
Step 1

Launch the game. I will assume you know how to do this, but just in case:
1. Buy the game and go to 'Library'
2. Find 'People Playground' and click on it
3. Hit the big green button that says 'PLAY'
4. The game is now open!

Good job. You got through the hardest step.

Step 2

Spawn in a new terrain. Again, you probably know how to do this, but just in case:
1. Hit 'Play' inside the game
2. Click any environment (I recommend not to click Void, as I dunno if it'll work.)
3. Hit 'Spawn'


Step 3

Now, before we advance further in the game, let's go into a web browser. I don't care which, just open one. What we are gonna do is install a Macro Recorder. Jitbit, to be exact. The macro is not harmful to your computer, and I used it to get this achievement. However, Jitbit is only available on Windows, so if you somehow are playing on Mac, you'll have to find another way.

You can search 'jitbit macro recorder' and it should be the first thing you see.

Alternatively, if you're lazy like me, click here.[]

Download the file, and open it. You should be allowed a free trial, and accept it. If you believe you aren't gonna macro for anything else, that is. Then buy the program.

After launching the program, you should be presented with this:
Don't be alarmed. It's easier to use than it looks.

On this screen, you should see a record button at the top left corner that says 'RECORD.' Hit the button and alternate between the 'A' and 'D' keys. Once you think you've hit it enough times, stop recording.

Step 4

Now that we got the commands we want it to use, we'll need to go into settings and set an infinite playback, just so we don't do it once and never again.

First, hit 'Tools' at the top, then 'Settings'. You should get this screen:

Go into 'Playback Settings' then under 'Continous replay,' set the value to 0. This will make the playbacks infinite. Close the settings.

You can also set keybinds to make this easier, but I won't be showing it here (they're in settings, too.)

Step 5

Now that we got the hard parts out the way, go back into People Playground and start the macro. Now, just wait one hours and you should get the achievement!
While the whole macro bit seems redundant, it's not. Trying to go AFK to get this achievement will not work. There's a hidden timer that counts to one hour, and if the game detects that you didn't kill anything within that hour, it will get you the achievement. After 5 minutes, this timer would reset, so going AFK is not possible.

You can SPAWN humans and entities, but if they're counted as killed within the one hour, then the timer would get reset.

Anyways, hope this helped!