Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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CS:GO Pickem - How to do it?
By dm
Are you new to CS:GO? Or simply new to Pickems in-game? Check out this guide, to understand how to pick and get medals!
What is a CS:GO Pickem?
The CS:GO Pick'em Challenge is an event that takes place during major CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) tournaments. It allows players to make predictions about the outcome of matches and win prizes if they make correct predictions.
How do I take part in the pickem?
To join the CS:GO Pick'em Challenge, players can purchase a Pick'em Challenge Pass from either the in-game store or the Steam marketplace. Cost of the pass is around 10$, converted to your local currency! This pass enables them to make predictions on the results of different matches throughout the tournament. They are required to select the team they believe will emerge victorious in each match, and their accuracy in these predictions determines the number of points they receive.

This screenshot was taken in-game, when the last major (Rio 2022) was taking place. It will probably look similar next event (Paris 2023).
How do I know which teams to pick?
If you're participating in the Pick'em Challenge for the Paris 2023 major, there are several sources you can use to help inform your picks. One popular resource is the CS:GO subreddit, where users often discuss upcoming matches and provide insights into team performances. You can also find analysis and predictions on various esports news sites, such as and Another way to gather information is by watching previous matches and tournaments, paying attention to which teams and players have been performing well. It's also a good idea to keep an eye on any roster changes or player injuries, as these can significantly affect team performance. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which teams you believe will perform the best, so make sure to do your research and use all available resources to make informed choices.

What perks do I get for participating in pickem?
Each CS:GO Major's Viewer Pass typically comprises the same features. Below are some things included in the IEM Rio Major Viewer Pass.

  • Upgradeable Event Coin - After activating your Viewer Pass, you'll receive a Rio Major Event Coin that you can upgrade via the Pick'Em Challenge and redeem for Souvenir Packages.
  • Souvenir Packages - You can earn up to three Souvenir Tokens with your Viewer Pass; these you can redeem for a Souvenir from any match of your choice. You can redeem a Souvenir Package when you upgrade your Event Coin or purchase a Souvenir Package redemption in-game.
  • The Major Pick'Em Challenge - After redeeming your Viewer Pass on Steam, you can play the Pick'Em Challenge through the Watch tab in-game, completing various challenges. Participating in the Rio Major Pick'Em will earn you Souvenir Tokens that you can redeem for Rio 2022 Souvenirs!
  • Unlimited Team Graffiti (available for use for the entire duration of the Major).
  • Steam Chat Flair - Show your support by using the Steam Chat Flair while watching the IEM Rio Major 2022 Livestream on Steam (available for use for the entire duration of the Major).

Frequently Asked Questions
[Q] I activated a Viewer Pass, and then purchased a Viewer Pass +3. Can I activate the Viewer Pass +3 to get the included Souvenir Tokens?
[A] No. Only one Viewer Pass can be activated on an account. Additional Viewer Passes can be traded (one week after purchase) or sold on the Steam Community Market.

[Q] Can I activate more than one Viewer Pass?
[A] No. You can only activate one Viewer Pass on your CS:GO account.

[Q] How do I upgrade my Event Coin?
[A] You can upgrade your event coin by activating your pass and completing Pick'Em challenges. Complete three challenges to upgrade your coin from Bronze to Silver. Complete six challenges to upgrade your coin from Silver to Gold. If you complete all nine challenges, you'll upgrade your coin to Diamond! Each time you upgrade your coin, you'll receive a Souvenir Token.

[Q] How do I get Souvenir Tokens?
[A] There are three ways to get Souvenir Tokens: Purchase the "Viewer Pass +3" to start with 3 Souvenir Tokens, Complete challenges to upgrade your coin and earn up to 3 Souvenir Tokens, or purchase Souvenir Tokens directly once you have an activated Viewer Pass.

[Q] How many Souvenir Tokens can I earn with the Viewer Pass?
[A] You can earn up to three Souvenir Tokens, one each time your Event Coin is upgraded. You can redeem your Souvenir Tokens immediately on any completed match, or hold on to them and make your decision before time that Valve provides on Pickem start.

[Q] How do I redeem a Souvenir Token for a Souvenir Package?
[A] You can redeem a Souvenir Token by inspecting your Event Coin and visiting the Match Lister. From there, you can select any completed match to redeem it for a Souvenir Package. The souvenir you receive will feature the teams that competed in that match.

[Q] How much time do I have to redeem Souvenir Tokens for Souvenir Packages?
[A] Souvenir Tokens can be redeemed in time that Valve provides on Pickem start.

[Q] How do I participate in the Pick'Em Challenge?
[A] The Pick'Em Challenge is part of the Viewer Pass and unlocks after your Viewer Pass has been activated.

[Q] How do I complete challenges in the Pick'Em game?
[A] To complete challenges in the Pick'Em game and earn progress toward upgrading your coin, you'll have to make a certain number of correct picks for each stage. In the Challengers and Legends stages, you'll have to pick five out of the nine results correctly. You can complete up to three challenges for the Champions stage: set up your bracket and correctly pick at least two of the winning Quarterfinalists, at least one winning Semi-Finalist, and the winner of the Grand Final.

[Q] Can I submit picks for the Pick'Em Challenge after a stage has begun?
[A] No.
Kalb 14 Dec, 2023 @ 4:12pm 
Very Cool! :D
Alex Eu 16 May, 2023 @ 1:41pm 
anyone got gold at paris?
PizgamWnogi 13 May, 2023 @ 6:19am 
Schoko 11 May, 2023 @ 8:55am 
Anyone can answer me, why my picks didnt update? I changed a few picks before the major started.. But my picks wasnt updated
lepszym 7 May, 2023 @ 3:51pm 
Pretty good job dude ! Nice guide with useful tips. Everything is clear and so easy in your words haha
Cookie9 5 May, 2023 @ 10:42am 
So i have all of my pickems done but my challenges still say i have to choose them and im confused because there seems to be no way to submit it
Вечно побеждаю 2 May, 2023 @ 2:56am 
Nice work
скинни грушка 30 Apr, 2023 @ 11:49am 
good man
くそったれ 30 Apr, 2023 @ 7:13am 
so good
Onyc 30 Apr, 2023 @ 7:06am 
rated! good work