SCP: Secret Laboratory

SCP: Secret Laboratory

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The Doctor Is In: A Guide to Playing SCP-049
By StaticSpark
The good doctor specializes in very... Groundbreaking procedures. A character that relies on converting every player they kill into a teammate, a thankless and incredibly frustrating job. From uncooperative zombies to rage quits, 049 is the most reliant on the players they play with to have a good time. Not to say he doesn't have any good gameplay to go with the social aspects of the character.
General Purpose
As 049, your job is to pick up the scraps and slowly snowball your way into an endgame menace. Your cooperation and communication with the other SCPs is paramount to your survival. You're also a Shepard of a herd of ravenous zombie sheep, so you'll want to keep them in line.

- Use Good Sense of the Doctor to secure hard to reach targets

- If you don't have a mic, don't bother. 049 is one of, if not the most reliant on a microphone to succeed.

- You are the slowest SCP, barely faster than a human walk.

- Stick with other SCPs (Except for 106) when you don't have many zombies.

049 has a health pool of 2000 hp and a base hume shield of 200. This Hume Shield scales to 500 at 20% hp. 049 also benefits from a 20% resistance to bullet damage.

049 moves at a speed of 4.1 m/s, increasing to 5.4 m/s with Good Sense of the Doctor. This makes him the slowest SCP of the roster and the easiest to outrun a majority of the time.

His attack deals no damage but inflicts Cardiac Arrest.
Cardiac Arrest
This effect drains health by 8hp/s and triples stamina consumption. The effect lasts for 20 seconds, and can only be cured three ways.

- Outhealing it (2 well timed medkits, 1 painkiller and 1 medkit)

- SCP-500


049 will instantly kill any player under this status effect.
This passive ability is what the entirety of 049 centers around. This allows you to press and hold E on any fresh (present for less than 10 seconds) human corpse to turn them into SCP-049-2, a zombie follower.

These zombies are played by the same players that the corpses belong to, so be ready for an unpleasant greeting upon revival, which brings us into the biggest problem with the zombies: They're players. Sometimes they're just going to instantly die to tesla or jump into a pit because they don't want to play zombie, and that's really unavoidable, i'm sorry.

However, some tips to discourage this:

- Prioritize the people who ask to be zombie, some people will ask when another SCP corners them to avoid being in spectator

- Be a "fun" doctor! Actively communicate and chat with your zombies and encourage them to work with you. Lie if you have to.

- Shield zombies often, and always do your best to keep them alive.

- Commend your zombies when they do anything to help

These won't guarantee cooperative zombies, but it will increase your chances.
You don't have all the control though, so don't sweat it too much.
SCP 049-2's (Affectionately referred to as Zombies) are your main offensive tool in the late game. While they may be sentient, they are still your main weapon, and they're not half bad ones at that.

049-2's have 400 HP, 600 if you initially killed them using Good Sense of the Doctor. They also have a max Hume Shield of 100, though this is only rechargeable with the Doctor's Call. Their basic swipe attack deals 40 damage with a fairly wide arc, making them more than capable of taking down 1-2 people solo. They move 4.9 m/s by default, but when observing humans, they gain speed over time (0.05 m/s increase per second), capping out at 7.1 m/s!

Zombies are ridiculously good at chasing targets and securing kills the doctor couldn't. They also make excellent scouts and meatshields. Your zombies are your eyes, ears, and hands throughout the facility, (hopefully) enacting your will in your absence. This is why a mic is so important, as an uncoordinated team of zombies gets absolutely nothing done.
Good Sense of the Doctor
This ability is activated with the F key. When activated, the nearest human in 049's field of view is targeted (the ability suffers a 2.5 second cooldown if no human is found). When a human is targeted, 049's movement speed increases to 5.4 m/s and a large icon is present over the target. As soon as 049 attacks any human, this ability ends, otherwise it burns out after 20 seconds. If the ability is successful, it has a cooldown of 40 seconds (20 if the target escapes). If 049 successfully kills the target, he gains several benefits.

- The body of the target decays slower (20s rather than 15s)

- The zombified target will have 600hp instead of 400hp

- Upon Resurrection of the target, 049 will gain 100 hume shield instantly
The Doctor's Call
By pressing the R Key, all SCP-049-2's will get a broadcast of SCP-049's location (a large pink orb), letting them see this orb through walls. This lasts for 20 seconds with a maximum of 100 Hume Shield per Zombie, every SCP-049-2 that is close to SCP-049 will start to slowly generate Hume Shield at a rate of 10 per second. This ability has a 60 second cooldown after it activates.

- Use often, especially when recovering from an attack or pushing forward. A healing beacon can be the perfect edge for zombies

- That 60 second cooldown hurts, try and corral your zombies BEFORE using it to maximize the hume shield distribution
Tips and Tricks
- Despite being slow, you still have quite a nice health pool. Don't be afraid to push an advantage.

- While you attack isn't a guaranteed kill, it's pretty damn hard to beat. When facing a group, don't focus on double tapping everyone. Hit someone once, move on to the next target. This allows you to draw out their deaths and have more time to revive after the threat is eliminated.

- You can't move when reviving and have a very tight window for it, so only go for one when you're sure you can.

- Your footsteps are distinct and fairly loud, so don't be afraid to be still and let targets come to you.

- You are stigmatized as a very weak SCP, so most people shooting at you will give chase. Pretending to run away and closing the door behind you can be a great way to jump an overextending player.
Example of a Good 049 Game
(No Microphone recorded, but it is being used in game)
Note: This is on a Dr Bright's server. 049 is modified to give benefits to zombies the more he revives them (increased speed and healing), The nuke is automatically activated after ~20 mins, and there is an 035 plugin.
While this does change the game more than 106's example, this is still the doctor operating at his best capacity.
youraverageplaugedoc 11 Jun, 2023 @ 1:18pm 
I am scp 049 and I approve this
unforgiven3091 6 Jun, 2023 @ 11:33am 
They really buffed 049 on Dr Brights
Ink 30 May, 2023 @ 12:37pm 
Noice guide
Civiliangineer gaming 28 May, 2023 @ 7:16am 
cool guide