System Shock

System Shock

119 ratings
100% Achievement Guide [System Shock (2023)] 💯✅
By Division
This is a 100% comprehensive walkthrough of all 46 achievements for new players and will cover everything about this game in details from the basic, walkthrough, and step by step. I hope achievements you miss can be replicated by such from this guide.

Currently reworking this guide as well as my checklist.
 Image Logo (1).png]
Total Achievements: (46)
100% completion time: ~20-30 hours (Varies).
Difficulty modes:
  • Easy (1111)
  • Normal (2222)
  • Hard (3333)
New Game+: No
Missables: No (With saves etc)
Mode: Single-Player

Achievement Types:
1) Story Related: (17)
2) Weapon: (4)
5) Collectable: (4)
6) Kill: (9)
7) Miscellaneous: (12)

We will earn almost all achievements in one playthrough, the second is doing this game on 3333 aka pure hard mode. Do the game on easy or normal if you care to earn all the collectable and learning game knowledge as I think there is a heavy exploration.

Luckily the game is not that hard to earn for achievements but it is still a hard game via mechanics and the devs did a great job at making it playable, learn many mechanics and locations to minimise 3333 stress playthrough. 3333 basically makes puzzles randomised, increased damage and health points on enemies and you solely rely on the restoration bay if you die but you can always reload save.

As for collecting and finding things, always refer to your map in-game to check and see which are you missing, especially the obvious security cameras which I listed. Unlike my other guides, this formatting is kind of weird but in context to the structure of the levels each I like it this way, as I will state after this that there is a heavy spoiler territory so refer back to this if you need to, otherwise if you don't mind then proceed further.

I cannot stress this enough but even in easy you just need a lot of ammo, health, and items and then just in case to another floor drop them to where you can easily find them as you have limited space and items tend to roll without you placing them safely. There is only a limited amount of dermals you can buy and keep recycling one that has credits. Also find your best loadout and ditch weapons you won't be using, what's the strongest are ones you upgraded and conserve ammo usee as many energy weapons as you can, I used the Laser Rapier, Magnum, Grenade launcher Railgun, Skorpion and Mark III Assault Rifle with all mod upgrades but these are on easy playthrough so consider your options in hard.

Lastly, the Grove Beta will be gone after completing the Virus mission so make sure to explore every nook and crannies. As long as you got previous saves you can redo and try finding audio logs and some secrets which is what I did.

For people who are stuck, look and refer to these walkthrough of texts.
Website to show specifics on all five mission:[]
1st Mission: Laser - Research/Reactor
2nd Mission: Virus - Executive/Maintenance
3rd Mission: Antenna - Engineering
4th Mission: Meltdown - Reactor/Flight Deck
5th Mission: Bridge - Security/Bridge
 Citadel Station.png]

Check my other guide where I draft, put in my findings on collectables, enemy types and of course weapons. This is where I basically have a checklist in case I miss everything at least it's finished.

1. Date of this guide is the published and creation of guide

2. 2023/08/29 @ 15:50:
New Patch 2 upcoming, keep in mind the #x# sizes changed such as the Skorpion:
- On Modkit 9, Assault Rifle damage from 24 to 25 but still > 30.
- The Skorpion grid size changes from 4x2 to 3x2.
- New ending overhauled.

3. 2024/03/12 @ 10:03:
The Console release is finally revealed to be released at the 21st of May, meaning Patch 2 for PC included since those same upcoming features is present

4. 2024/03/28 @ 11:32:
I will consider to revamping this guide and restructuring it.

5. 2024/04/08 @ 14:00:
Finished restructuring the guide.

!! Warning: Spoilers ahead !!
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Part 01: Awaken, Hacker
1) Levels: Medical
2) Firearms: 1/11
3) Wares: 4/24
4) Audio Logs: 4/119
5) Data Sticks: 3/13
6) Cameras: 6/151
7) Cyberspaces: 1/10
8) Achievements: 3/46

Lv. 1 – Medical:
 Map - Level 1 - Medical (2) #1 Edit #1-1.png]

Healing Suite:
In this one level, explore a lot of areas to find and begin destroying cameras and node which I won't mark them in here (refer to my checklist if you are stuck) as well as finding early weapons such as the Magnum which is a good handgun as you use it against strong enemies. Immediately you will get briefed that the laser must be stopped, this is a simple mission.

Do not forget about keycards, we need multiple to access locked rooms as the game will let you know which ones. There are also secret rooms so if you see something odd or walls intereact with them but after finding one secret that's it for an achievement.

For junk informations, check this guide.

Ware #1 – Navigation and Mapping Unit V1: Both are on the briefcase. This is essentially a UI ware including access to map, you can disable it which are also for saving energies but since we are on easy we won't need to worry about managing energy.

Ware #2 – Multimedia Data Reader V1: Both are on the briefcase. This gives you access to Media to which are used for collectables we will find.

Now grab your first weapon, a Lead Pipe. This does not count for the firearm Achievement so no need to worry. Grab also your first access keycard: STD; We will be finding better access keycards for rooms to unlock.

I won't list all the security and node locations, it's on the checklist but essentially you will be seeing these markers automatically along with the cyberspace and puzzles, check your map frequently and clear each areas to ensure you won't miss anything.

Ware #3 – Head-Mounted Vision Unit V1: Near the power station is another ware, this gives you the tool to light up ahead with a headlamp.

Data Stick #1 – New Code: This is needed as we will find a code in this data stick, get inside the room via the duct hole and grab your first data stick on the table.

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Through The Looking Glass
Exit the Medical Healing Suites
Achievement #1: Story Related. Exit out the Healing Suite after your first coded locked door and one mutant entering, you get this achievement also after entering the code 451.

Maintenance Tunnel:
Audio Log #1 – Cyborg Conversion: When you enter to another room you will be greeted by a window outside is a Saturn planet, go grab the audio log on the seat beside the skeleton corpse.

Find the hidden Wrench. This looks familiar…
Achievement #2: This is where you obtain a new weapon. Proceed further where you find a room of repair-bot, radioactive room, and of course a corpse. Pick up the wrench near the corpse and you will get this achievement.

Audio Log #2 – Final Assault: Grab the next audio log at the same spot of the Wrench.

Before going back, leave some items in here near the door but we have a lead pipe and others only because we will backtrack many times; We will need some more space.

Delta Quadrant:
Audio Log #3 – SHODAN's Presence: Near the Group-1 keycard inside the room with the cyborg surgeon is an audio log

Ware #4 – Biological Systems Monitor V1: Enter the left door where you will fight few mutants one inside and one outside coming. Grab the ware at the middle table. This lets you see the top left UI which is determined how much stamina you could use to take actions.

Data Stick #2 – Medical Report: Same room, now grab the data stick to your right entering at the table.

Discover a Hidden Door
Achievement #3: There are numerous areas to find hidden, as you click a hidden door you can get this achievement. In this case, the left wall upon going to the next room has items on it since you interact with the odd lined wall to which the secret door will open.

Audio Log #4 – Join Us!: On the corpse with the mutant standing is an audio log

Data Stick #3 – Engineer's Report: At the end you will find a data stick near the cyberspace room, grab it at bed platform.

Cyberspace #1: Initiate a cyberspace journey on the middle now at the terminal, this will allow us to unlock an armoury room to which stocks of needed supplies is for you to take.

In Cyberspace, you can recall via ability inside the Cyber Core after destroying each core to unlock various locked areas, it's better if you reach to the exit or see one. Another one is for weapons, do not forget to unload for ammos we need them more.

The goal is to find the core to which locks us from entering the room, we need to avoid cyber enemies who are replicants of cyborg enemies but inside cyberspace. We will follow a linear path until we reach to Core #1; Destroy it to get access to Medical Armoury. After that, proceed to find the exit.

Get inside the armoury room, we need to also save up as much coins, remember there is no achievements tied to buying all dermals in another dispenser, only ammos so buy them until we get an achievement for it.

Firearm #1 – JW-76 Mag Pulse Rifle: Now get the weapon near the ammo dispenser, this will be essential in destroying robot enemies. There will be plenty of ammos to find it.
Part 02: Realisation of Isolation
1) Levels: Medical
2) Firearms: 3/11
3) Wares: 5/24
4) Audio Logs: 12/119
5) Data Sticks: 4/13
6) Cameras: 12/151
7) Cyberspaces: 1/10
8) Modkits: 1/15
9) Achievements: 6/46

Lv. 1 – Medical:
 Map - Level 1 - Medical (2) #2 Edit.png]

Firearm #2 – KE-41 Minipistol: Go to the left to which you go down the ramp. Grab the minipistol near the mutant on the ground but do not kill him yet.

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TV Dinner
Kill an enemy with an Overhead Monitor
Achievement #4: Make sure to save the game, lure one mutant you can hit him. You need to stand between where the overhead monitor near the Central Hub falls down, shoot the monitor and it should kill the Mutant, earning you the achievement. You will find these on this level some more so keep an eye on them.

Central Hub:
Audio Log #5 – Medical CPUs: Get inside Althea Grossman's room, you will find an audio log just on the table near the corpse at top.

Firearm #3 – TB-05 Sparqbeam Sidearm: Proceed inside to Dr. Nathan D'Arcy's room, from there are few items we need to collect, one is this weapon in the table.

Grab the Personal-1 (PER1) access card.

Ware #5 – System Analyzer: This is going to give you access to the status on the tab.

Audio Log #6 – Destroying the Laser: Grab the audio log on the ground beside the headless corpse.

Gamma Quadrant:
Audio Log #7 – KS-Hiding: Once you enter a new area, use the access card onto the left metal door and grab the audio log on the left upon entering.

Data Stick #4 – Recycling and You!: Exit out from where you grabbed audio log #7, then go straight to the next seat near the leaves decoration metal hole plate wall slanted, the data stick is at the left seat.

Audio Log #8 – Last Resort: Go down the hallway from the Southeast where the windows are, go to the corpse near to it is an audio log to grab.

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Asunder The Influence
Kill 10 enemies while under the effects of the Berserk Combat Booster
Achievement #5: Naturally you'd get this later but since I like to do this early I tested that no loading save will accumulate the numbers killed even junk number tracker so I did it in this level. You will have enough enemies to fight.

More info on the route I take:

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Garbage Collection
Salvage 100 Junk Items at Salvage Stations
Achievement #6: Get rid of items one by one if you have too much to explore, naturally you'd gain this as you explore more. Make sure to not include scraps and more items inside the salvage bin as it will take a while to recycle to 100, scraps never is a junk as I tested. The only way to know if it's a junk is before looting you can read the top name of the item and it will say Junk. You will get this later on do not worry missing them early on.

Beta Quadrant:
Audio Log #9 – KS-Good Money: You will see a bridge with the puzzle, solve it and cross the bridge only to turn left. Once you unlock the door back to Central Hub you will see the audio log near the stair on the corner.

Audio Log #10 – Human Resistance: Where you solved the bridge puzzle, the room you see on top of it at the window is your next destination. After going around to the right from the middle you will go into that room where an audio log is on the table

Audio Log #11 – Another Bad Day: Next, go to the area where you will click the switch to activate the bridge, the audio log is there on the surgical tray wheeler cart.

Audio Log #12 – Many Paths: You will cross the bridge, be careful with the enemy being Cyborg Assassin, they deploy proximity mines so get rid of them first. You will follow and find an audio log few meters up close before you go down the stairs on the corner.

Go back to the armoury, we have the code from an audio log titled Many Paths, in this case my code was 705. Begin entering and then you will once again stock up on supplies needed for our journey in the Citadel Station. Once again, save as many snacks and drinks for an achievement.

Modkit #1 – KE-41 Capacity: This will be our first Modkit to use on upgrading of our minipistol inside the armoury. Make sure to place your weapons at a convenient spot if you loot as much to avoid losing it, otherwise reload save. After using modkit upgrade on your weapon the achievement counts it as trackable. The Modkit marker will be on the map automatically.
Part 03: I feel thee presence
1) Levels: Medical, Research
2) Firearms: 4/11
3) Wares: 7/24
4) Audio Logs: 21/119
5) Data Sticks: 7/13
6) Cameras: 21/151
7) Nodes: 1/8
8) Cyberspaces: 2/10
9) Modkits: 1/15
10) Achievements: 9/46

Lv. 1 – Medical:
 Map - Level 1 - Medical (2) #3-1.png]

Alpha Quadrant:
Audio Log #13 – Regen Override: Drop down to which SHODAN begins to talk, then do some work around to activate the pad. After you fly up, you will see an audio log near the camera.

Audio Log #14 – Strike Against Earth: Go to the place where an elevator leading up to Research is, SHODAN will start talking but you can pick up the audio log on the ground.

Audio Log #15 – Mutants: Proceed to the next area, you will see three doors, one on the right is your next stop where the Cyborg Surgeon is. Grab the audio log on the right upon entering inside.

Audio Log #16 – Mutagen Transfer: On to the next room where you will access a switch unlocking the shortcut for the Maintenance Tunnels, the audio log is near the corner and the switch.

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Somebody Set Up Us The Bomb
Kill three or more enemies with a single explosive weapon
Achievement #7: Easy way is inside the room where four cyborgs are

Audio Log #17 – A Better God for Earth: At the same area we are in, we will see four cyborgs on the corners, instead go inside to where our second cyberspace will take place. Pick up the audio log in there on the left upon entering.

Cyberspace #2: In this cyberspace our goal is to unlock the way inside the node room. We need to find the core to destroy so we can access the locked room. After that we can exit out the area it is easy to navigate. You can ignore enemies as long as the way is clear and open.

You should be around 20% security before the node room.

Ware #6 – Sensaround Radar Unit V1: Facing the node room, turn left to another area. You will see a metal door to which you can enter inside. Be quick as the radioactive is in effect and the ware should be at the human corpse on the right. This is a useful feature as it detects objects around you.

Destroy the Medical CPU Nodes
Achievement #8: Story Related. Once you destroyed all of the 4 nodes in Alpha Quadrant then you will unlock this achievement.

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Look At You, Snacker
Consume 30 Food and Drink items
Achievement #9: 30 foods and drinks adds up together but you may have enough to get this achievement. If you are missing few, go to any vending machines and buy them there at least we have enough credits from recycling and searching for more.

Firearm #4 – Magnum 2100 Pistol: Go back to Gamma Quadrant, you will see on the southeast corner there will be a gap where you can interact with the wall near the oxygen vents, go straight and interact with the wall which will open, after that you can grab the Magnum on the left side of the ground.

Before leaving, we should have 0% on all levels. Feel free to come back here but we searched everything so there is no need to.

Lv. 2 – Research:
 Map - Level 2 - Research (2) #1 Edit.png]

It is no secret that you'd find duplicates of wares and weapons which is fine you don't need them again, which is why I will list something new on the map only, lower levels have vending machines of foods so keep that in mind if you miss the achievement.

Delta Quadrant:
Data Stick #5 – Engineer's Report: Go to the room where one humanoid mutant is there, the data stick is on the corner left table.

Audio Log #18 – Computer Malfunction: Now exit and go straight to the room with a briefcase, inside is an audio log at the table along with a mutant inside.

Audio Log #19 – Gas Grenades: Gett inside the Lounge room and the audio log will be on the seat at the right.

Audio Log #20 – D'Arcys Death: Get inside the room passing the elevator room where you will find an audio log near the window showing the Saturn planet.

Ware #7 – Energy/Projectile Shield V1: Get to the area where two mutants are there, go to the door on the right where it's radiated but you will find few battery packs and of course a ware. This ware gives you shield to protect yourself.

Data Stick #6 – Negotiations: Go straight right exiting the radiated room to the table where you will find both collectables, one is on the corner.

Audio Log #21 – Power Outages: The same table along with the data stick.

Data Stick #7 – Robot Production: Proceed to the next area passing the system status monitor, two circle doors will be on your view, we go to the right side not the one leading to the power station.

A broken duct door forces you to find a way so do that, climb up the ladder and turn right to follow a linear path, now you will be in a room which has the view for Gamma Quadrant radiated room and of course near you is a data stick on the switch that opens the door back to where you got the two collectables. This one tells you the code, mine is 623 in this case but maybe yours is randomised.
Part 04: Levels to levels
1) Levels: Research
2) Firearms: 5/11
3) Wares: 8/24
4) Audio Logs: 34/119
5) Data Sticks: 8/13
6) Cameras: 22/151
7) Nodes: 2/8
8) Cyberspaces: 4/10
9) Modkits: 2/15
10) Achievements: 10/46

Lv. 2 – Research:
 Map - Level 2 - Research (2) #2 Edit.png]

Alpha Quadrant:
Firearm #5 – SK-27 Shotgun: You will need to enter inside passing where you got audio log #20, if you find a linear tunnel with laser ray firing (which kills you) that is the right way and we will be in Alpha Quadrant, watch out for robots shooting to you. After crouch walking your way, you will find a corpse along with a pump shotgun and Cyborg Assassin in there. These will also be everywhere in other levels.

Audio Log #22 – Block laser with Shields?: Use the PER1 access card inside to Dr. Nathan D'Arcy's room, we will find two collectables, one is on the middle table.

Audio Log #23 – Nanobot Research: On the shelf at the same room.

Move to the next area where you will need to flip the second circuit breaker lever switch so the central will have some access to areas which are locked.

Audio Log #24 – Outages: Where you saw another room through the hole from Dr. Nathan D'Arcy's room that is where you need to go. Head to the next room where you find an audio log on the table.

Beta Quadrant:
Audio Log #25 – Exec Level Security: You will be in a room on the left passing by after the teleporter room, you will see an audio log before your next dermal patch on the table.

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All Patched Up
Use every type of Dermal Patch
Achievement #10: Enter inside the backroom where it's radiated but you will find your last dermal patch to use. In total, it should be all 6 with the last one needed to be accessed after turning on the powers from the other side (Alpha 2). Then you should find the room where the green dermal is only there and then use all dermals you collected. If you want we can save the radiation dermal for the reactor level.
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Audio Log #26 – Humanity: Get inside a huge room where you will find an audio log on the middle inverted L shaped table at the corner of it.

Audio Log #27 – Mines: Get inside the room where a glass tube (radiated) and a hazard electrical wire is, an audio log is straight up the ramp on the table.

Audio Log #28 – Audio Log Firmware #28: Go to the room you passed by it, the audio log is on the right table, of course it's titled with #28.

Grab one access card; Science. You will have 4 access cards as of now but for some reason there's two science access cards in here.

Audio Log #29 – KS-Miss You Bro: On your way straight, enter right inside a small room and you will find an audio log on the top shelf.

Data Stick #8 – Always a Maze!: Enter to the room with your science access card used twice, now there will be few items to collect and a cyberspace inside, one data stick is on the right shelf.

Ware #8 – Target Identifier V1: Next, this ware is on the middle shelf ahead. This ware shows enemy's HP and type of class they are in (robot, cyborg, mutant).

Audio Log #30 – Wormhole: Along with the ware #8 is an audio log beside it.

Audio Log #31 – Results: Near the cyberspace terminal is an audio log on your left side.

Cyberspace #3: Our objective is to destroy the core to get access to our Reactor code for later. A new weapon is an ice drill which is useful for ice shield from enemies, once done we can move on from there. My code in this case 199, yours may be randomised.

Modkit #2 – TB-05 Cooling: Enter inside the teleporter room and get through it. You will be in a small room where a modkit station is, buy it if you earn enough credits remember to keep looting.

Now go down to access another room, there is a corpse with Engineering (ENG) access card.

Gamma Quadrant:
Audio Log #32 – Radiation Leak: Use your science access card to enter Gamma Quadrant. Turn right to the door where a machine is operating and the audio log should be on the end middle.

Audio Log #33 – Suit shortage over?: Now go straight to the next door which is marked radioactive, use your science access card to open the door. Immediately go straight to another room to which an audio log is on the table.

Cyberspace #4: Our main objective is to destroy a core to disable the Gamma Radiation Trench.

Upon finishing a cyberspace dying or not, we no longer get radiated outside but there is also a secret door on the bottom middle which are explosives, better than nothing. Go to the door that needs science access card to open this is where we grab the Isotope X-22 from the briefcase after opening the shield via lever switch, keep it with you for the next level. Remember, it's okay to die as long as the Cyborg conversion is "cancelled".

Audio Log #34 – Something Lurking: While exiting, we will find the audio log near the elevator beside the corpse.

While exploring, we will see a puzzle and logic probes, you also looted one logic probe before. We will not use this if we want the achievement early which may not take long fortunately.

You should be around 96% security before the node room. Inside the node room, there should be a Group-3 access card on the back middle at the human corpse so consider grabbing it.

Before leaving, we should have 0% on all levels. Feel free to come back here but we searched everything so there is no need to. Also, we will need to come back here story-wise it will not take long.
Part 05: Laser Overdrive
1) Levels: Reactor
2) Firearms: 5/11
3) Wares: 9/24
4) Audio Logs: 43/119
5) Data Sticks: 9/13
6) Cameras: 32/151
7) Nodes: 2/8
8) Cyberspaces: 5/10
9) Modkits: 3/15
10) Achievements: 14/46

Lv. R – Reactor:
 Map - Level R - Reactor (2) #1 Edit.png]

We can access the middle huge room of the central hub with our science access card which consists of a switch to destroy Earth, so we must go down first to the Reactor level first, enable the shield and then go back to Research. We will come back to it since it also has collectables.

Audio Log #35 – Destroying SHODAN: Go left after exiting the elevator, you will see a duct door near the radiation shield controls room which you enter inside. The audio log is on the top from the corpse.

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Shields Up!
Deploy Isotope X-22 and enable the Radiation Shields
Achievement #11: Story Related. Enter inside the radiation shield controls room. You will find a middle control where you can then insert the Isotope X-22 in it, after doing that activate the switch to unlock the achievement.

Audio Log #36 – Low-G Experiment: Exit out the room and go left, the first door on the left is where you enter to then find an audio log on the shelf.

Audio Log #37 – Our Work: Exit out the room to the left, follow through until you reach to the room where it has drawings on the wall, get the audio log near the corpse on top.

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Override Superposition
Disable the Safety Override for the Mining Laser
Achievement #12: Story Related. Go to the room where 4 cameras are along with two hopper robots (before the hopper room there is a secret door at the red wall). Make your way after the security-1 robot to the room where the reactor core (watch out it's radiated) and safety overdrive is. Since we have the code from the Research we should enter it here and then flip the safety interlock switch to unlock the achievement.

Make your way through the radiation area quickly, this is where we backtrack back shortly into the main area but you still need to watch out for the radiation. If you do not wish to go to the long way we can make a save here, we also will find a collectable in here. The security-2 robots will be a bigger threat early on but we got our Magnum and grenades, only if you

Audio Log #38 – Radiation Leaks?: While quickly going back to the main area near the elevator of course which needs the group access card, we will be floating upwards to then turn left twice, the audio log is on the end.

Make your way to the other side where an auto roomba bomber is and of course there will be an ammo-depot to use.

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System Shocked
Recharge 20 times at a Power Station
Achievement #13: Whether you unlock this early or not it will always be there, after 20 times using the power station you unlock the achievement.

Audio Log #39 – Scheduling: Facing the power station, turn left to a room with the puzzle panel. The audio log is on the left side at the corner.

Audio Log #40 – KS-Alone: At the end where you need cyberspace to unlock a door, enter left. You will find the audio log under the stairs beside the corpse.

If you drop down to where you can't get back up, there is a secret wall (look at cyberspace area and audio log #41 for reference), keep interacting with the red walls.

Audio Log #41 – Cyborg Conversion: Go to the cyberspace terminal room to which an audio log will be on the right side.

Cyberspace #5: The goal is to unlock both the Northern Blast Door and the Reactor Armory. This one is straightforward with stronger enemies but it is not hard, follow the red line and linearly until you destroy all two cores.

Modkit #3 – KE-41 Damage: We have unlocked the access to armoury, make your way there and stock up on supplies. The modkit here is for the minipistol

Data Stick #9 – Citadel Station Overview: The data stick is close to the modkit just on the ground.

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Load ‘em Up!
Buy 10 Ammo Items from Ammo Depots
Achievement #14: During your next 3rd armory, you will almost buy them all because the achievement triggered before choosing your 4th purchase regardless you will have enough to buy. It is not worth buying the expensive ammos such as the railgun projectiles costing 20 credits for simply 1 projectile case on Security.

Audio Log #42 – KS-Premiere Station: Going back near the door where cyberspace is needed to unlock the door, navigate through the tunnels where Cyborg Assassins will be there, find the lift and the audio log will be there on the ground along with the door leading back to the area near the hopper room

Audio Log #43 – Sickness: Use your Medical (MED) access card to get inside the room. You will find this audio log in the shelf at the left side facing the Transderm Dispenser.

Ware #9 – Biological Systems Monitor V2: Solve the puzzle, we will get inside to see the 2nd surgery machine and on the shelf is a ware.
Part 06: The Resolution
1) Levels: Research, Maintenance, Storage
2) Firearms: 5/11
3) Wares: 12/24
4) Audio Logs: 56/119
5) Data Sticks: 10/13
6) Cameras: 48/151
7) Nodes: 3/8
8) Cyberspaces: 5/10
9) Modkits: 3/15
10) Achievements: 16/46

Lv. 2 – Research:
 Map - Level 2 - Research (2) #3 Edit.png]

Central Hub:
Audio Log #44 – KS-Chicago: Enter inside the huge room with tubes, you will find this audio log straight going down.

Audio Log #45 – SHODAN Charging Laser: On the top where the table and lever to fire the laser is, an audio log is there.

Data Stick #10 – Chapter 3 Section 5.2.1: Beside the audio log is a data stick.

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Thermal BOOMing
Destroy the Mining Laser
Achievement #15: Story Related. Back to Research after obtaining Shields, Up! Achievement you must make sure to not forget that you have disabled safety interlock. Fight your way back and then press the button.

Move on to Maintenance by the elevator if you are done with the first mission, the second mission is to get rid of the Virus.

Lv. 3 – Maintenance:
 Map - Level 3 - Maintenance (2) #1-1.png]

Audio Log #46 – New Viewing Room: Move down south to the area after passing the sign saying Repair Bay where two robots will be present, kill them and grab the audio log in front of you on the right.

Audio Log #47 – Storage List: Back to the elevator, there is a ladder which you climb up to then find an audio log in there.

Gamma Maintenance:
Audio Log #48 – KS-Love Dad: Turn left to the new area, climb up the ladder to follow linearly until you see the audio log on the ground but watch out for security-1 robot.

DG-04 Laser Rapier: After the audio log #48, proceed to the shelf in front of you to pick up the new best weapon.

 En Garde!.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
En Garde!
Acquire a Laser Rapier
Achievement #16: After picking the Laser Rapier, immediately you unlock this achievement.

Audio Log #49 – Isolinear Chipset: Near your 4th security camera is a door, go to the ladder up to find battery packs, items, and fried isolinear chipsets as well as an audio log on top.

Audio Log #50 – Execs Only: Move further to the next hallway where you will find a hazardous wiring dangling around, move around it to the corner where the audio log is along with a power station and a corpse on it.

Delta Maintenance:
Audio Log #51 – Personal Log #2: To get inside Delta Maintenance room, we will do a work-around, aka get inside a door and then through the duct door after the relay analyzer room. A Magnum is on the ground if you missed this from Medical there will be few more later. After the puzzle you solved, immediately this audio log is on the ground beside the corpse of a supposed dead Abe Ghiran, grab his head also.

Audio Log #52 – Personal Log #1: Now move forward to the end where the audio log is on the next table.

Ware #10 – Sensaround Radar Unit V2: Go to the corner where the locked door is, a ware is on the ground with the severed arm.

Audio Log #53 – Sickness: To get to the top, go to the door to open it. Climb up the ladder and follow linearly until you see an audio log ahead. Watch out for Alpha-Strain Mutants after this.

Beta Maintenance:
Ware #11 – Navigation and Mapping Unit V2: Go up the ladder, we will find few of the numerous demodulator cartirdges, six to be exact but I recommend holding on one of them. After that, we will find our next upgraded version ware in here and more supplies.

Before leaving, we should have 55% on all levels. Feel free to come back here but we searched everything so there is no need to. For now we will worry about other levels then we come back here.

Lv. 4 – Storage:
 Map - Level 4 - Storage (2) #1 Edit.png]

A lot of things will be in this level so search diligently. Once we get the boots ware we can finally pick up all Skully Masks.

Audio Log #54 – New Moving Schedule: Look left, go down the ramp twice to reach the end on the bottom where the audio log is.

Audio Log #55 – KS-My Wife: Now move back to the elevator start but to the opposite, there will be another ramp twice to go down into. The audio log is on the right from the door you're facing, with the corpse of course.

Ware #12 – Turbo-Motion Boots V1: The Cyborg Enforcer should be dead, inside the room ahead is the turbo boots at the end. We can use this ware for the Skully Masks but only if we have another upgrade for it aka Jump Jets.

Audio Log #56 – Bridges Damaged: Go to the next area where the nearest power station is, a corpse with the audio log is there beside the node room.

Unlike before, we can access the node room in here right away so destroy it to not worry, for reference I am at 93% before this. After the node room, the result is going to end up at 21% security level.
Part 07: Cargo Overload
1) Levels: Storage
2) Firearms: 7/11
3) Wares: 16/24
4) Audio Logs: 66/119
5) Data Sticks: 10/13
6) Cameras: 60/151
7) Nodes: 3/8
8) Cyberspaces: 5/10
9) Modkits: 5/15
10) Skully Masks: 1/10
11) Achievements: 17/46

Lv. 4 – Storage:
 Map - Level 4 - Storage (2) #2-1.png]

Proceed to Storage 5, we will be looting what we get to find in that area.

Storage Room #5:
You will be able to find an inventory upgrade, assuming this counts as a ware we collect it just in case regardless I won't doubt it I don't want to change something big once again.

Ware #13 – Micro Pocket Dimension V1: To get this ware, do not go pass the room but enter inside it through the bulkhead door. Once inside, you will find switches and a repulsor lift to allow yourself reaching the top which is straightforward. Facing and going toward the end and to the right is an inventory upgrade that increases by six slots.

Audio Log #57 – KS-Strange Device: Along with ware #13 is an audio log in here.

Puzzle: If you want, refer to my video if you wish but otherwise you can use EMP or turbo boots to skip it. This is essential for 3333.

Audio Log #58 – New Home for Plastique: Whether you solved the puzzle room or not, either way get inside to another area, before we grab our new gun we grab the audio log on the right facing to it.

Firearm #6 – KF-18 Skorpion: After audio log #58, you can then grab the gun on the ground. This is a good upgrade from the minipistol.

Storage Room #6:
Audio Log #59 – Enviro-packs: Enter inside this room, once in you will find the audio log on the right near the shotgun. This one gives you the code, it's 8 in this case.

Storage Room #7:
Audio Log #60 – Storage 5 Layout: Enter inside the Storage 7 room, on the right straight is an audio log.

Storage Room #2:
Audio Log #61 – Mystery Crate: On the next room after the repulsor lift, you will be inside as opposed to outside where it's locked hence why we enter through Storage Room 6, watch out for two hoppers. After taking care of them you will find two items, one is an audio log.

Ware #14 – Target Identifier V2: Near audio log #62 is on the crate a ware. We have the ability to scan and hack for an achievement, do not worry if you miss getting this early just keep hacking enemies until you get this achievement. It can be the same enemy type as long as it's not one only.

Audio Log #62 – Stashed Pack: Watch out for another hopper also, after that near the bulkhead door is an audio log on the corpse. We finally get the last number for the code numbered 8, which we will use.

Audio Log #63 – KS-Data Rewrite: On North upon exiting Storage Room 2 we turn left, ahead after that is a corpse with the audio log.

Storage Room #1:
Audio Log #64 – CPU Mystery: Enter inside Storage Room 1 which is big, watch out for the big guys whom are Security-1 bots. Take care of the enemies while you are down and after that you can find an audio log at the corpse.

Firearm #7 – EM-63 Grenade Launcher: Just near the switch you will get up on the platform to which an opened metal shutter door has the grenade launcher in there. This is also the best weapon if you have saved too many grenades.

Audio Log #65 – KS-In the Closet: With all enemies taken care of, we can access to all rooms. Watch out for Security-1 robots, enter inside the second room after leaping through platforms and the audio log is on the shelf.

Enter inside surveillance to which we find stocks of supplies and Z-44 Plastiques, grab at least four of them for later.

 The Longest Jump.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
The Longest Jump
Jump across the big ramp in the Storage level
Achievement #17: The running boots will be useful for such secret like the Skully Masks and traversing areas faster. Make sure to save before doing this but however the way you jump does not matter so if you jump even if you mess up, you should only reach to the top so that Shodan will start to say something, that is when the achievement unlocks.
 The Longest Jump (1) (1).gif]
 The Longest Jump (2) (1).gif]

Modkit #4 – SK-27 Choke: There will be a bridge that's inaccessible to your side, watch our for Cyborg Assassins. Bring yourself down by the lift and watch out for the two enemies, then move up by lift and you will find the station.

If you go back to the Central you will find Storage Room 9, this will be what we use our codes from Enviro-packs and Stashed Pack logs for. The final code piece is 838, also our security should be 1% before entering inside.

Ware #15 – Environmental Protection Pack V1: You will find this ware inside the Storage Room 9 on the middle desk. This ware is essential for the most radioactive levels or less but the last upgrade for this one is later.

Modkit #5 – M-2100 Damage: The station is on your right side just near inside Storage Room 9.

Storage Room #6:
Ware #16 – Turbo-Motion Boots V2: Go back to this room, since we hit 0% on all security cameras, we can access this now. The ware is on the shelf on top.

Audio Log #66 – Project Cortex: This one audio log is on the bottom after ware #16.

Skully Mask #1: We have our Boots V2 so we can find our first Skully Mask, go back to the elevator start, look ahead and go right, around there is a blood stained on the wall at the duct door, remember to crouch when flying up to it just imagine crouch jumping. Once you are inside, interact the mask inside and it'll glow red.

Before leaving, we should have 0% on all levels. Feel free to come back here but we searched everything so there is no need to.
Part 08: Beyond the Control
1) Levels: Flight Deck
2) Firearms: 8/11
3) Wares: 16/24
4) Audio Logs: 75/119
5) Data Sticks: 10/13
6) Cameras: 72/151
7) Nodes: 4/8
8) Cyberspaces: 6/10
9) Modkits: 7/15
10) Skully Masks: 2/10
11) Achievements: 19/46

Lv. 5 – Flight Deck:
 Map - Level 5 - Flight Deck (2) #1-1.png]

Audio Log #67 – Disturbing News: Get down from the elevator area to open the bulkhead door though watch out for the radiation. Once you pass it, make your way towards the hangar where the Avian Mutants are, to the right is where the next room is and an audio log is inside.

Audio Log #68 – Service Bridge: Make your way up via repulsor lift, before turning left take care of the roomba bomber enemy and then after that you will see levers on front the platform you will jump later, the audio log is on the right of the desk terminal.

Modkit #6 – TB-05 Cooling: Go straight pass the bulkhead door to the left side, there will be repulsor lifts in there. When hovering up both sides will have two security-1 robots in total you will go left and find one robot and a modkit station for our Sparqbeam.

Firearm #8 – Mark III Assault Rifle: Straight ahead after the loader bot destroyed, there are two crates small and large and between them is a square wall which if you interact will have a secret.

Next, there is a button on the right end you will need to use your speed boots to sprint after pressing it on the door pass it. After that, there will be a new firearm and few enemies inside, making use of those spare rounds we stored.

Audio Log #69 – Convection Shaft: Destroy one camera and a door will open, one more enemy to take care of inside though easy to dispatch. Once done, you will find an audio log in the desk on the small room.

Audio Log #70 – Diego: On the North is an Executive themed hallway (very fancy), turn left near the camera where the Executive door is, on the bottom of the desk is an audio log.

 Remote Control.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Remote Control
Hack 20 enemies which have been acquired by the Target ID Hardware
Achievement #18: By pressing your (alt but mine is X binded) button and holding it you can hack certain robot/cyborg enemies which makes them scramble along with your energy used up but there are enemies I encountered such as the Cyborg Assassins who cannot be hacked as well as the Elite due to them resisting when I test on them numerous times.

Note from Storage: An identifier v.2 implant is found in this level. Throughout the run, you can scan as many cyborgs and robots as possible. There are probably more here so I assume 20 enemies even the same type you can scan them. Save-scumming does not work which I tried.
20 Hacks I did on the following enemies from Storage:
  • x2 Flier-Bot
  • x1 Cyborg Mantis
  • x9 Security Camera
  • x2 Repair Bot
  • x3 Security-1 Robot
  • x1 Mobile Laser
  • x1 Loader Bot
  • x1 Cyborg Drone

Audio Log #71 – Access Corridors: Go straight to where the hangar is, corpses and few enemies are inside but the audio log is located inside the end of the transport shuttle.

Skully Mask #2: Bring yourself up the roof of the transport shuttle, use your boots to boost up to the upper second floor where you will land. Once landed, proceed around until you get to the green dot lit door where the transport shuttle is facing towards it, the Skilly Mask is inside.

Audio Log #72 – Beta Grove Security: Get to the room where there will be cyborg enemies, a trap by SHODAN. Next, go right to the table near the window where the audio log is.

Audio Log #73 – Discovery: Enter inside the next room to where the cyberspace will be, there is an audio log on the left of the terminal.

Cyberspace #6: Our goal is to unlock both Flight Bay 2 Door and the Flight Bay Armoury. The first one is pretty straightforward, go to the left after the first core and make your way fighting cyber enemies until you find the last core which will not take long, remember you can speed up the process by skipping enemy fights there is no penalty for doing so.

Audio Log #74 – Investigation: Go up where the sign says Flight Bay 2, enter inside an executive themed room where the audio log is on the desk.

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Hacking Skillz
Solve 15 Circuit or Wire Panels without using a Logic Probe
Achievement #19: Fortunately, more junction box on the way even after this level so keep solving some complex puzzles. There are rarely any Logic Probes which are viable and important so save them when you need to.

Audio Log #75 – Trust no one: Go to the stairs where you go around to the bottom after passing the bulkhead door puzzle. An audio log will be at the shelf.

Modkit #7 – KF-18 Damage: Go up the ladder and we will end up to the upper floor at the West where the platforms are, use your boots to sprint and hover towards the modkit station just straight.
Part 09: Price over Courage
1) Levels: Flight Deck, Executive
2) Firearms: 8/11
3) Wares: 18/24
4) Audio Logs: 84/119
5) Data Sticks: 12/13
6) Cameras: 76/151
7) Nodes: 4/8
8) Cyberspaces: 7/10
9) Modkits: 8/15
10) Skully Masks: 2/10
11) Achievements: 20/46

Lv. 5 – Flight Deck:
 Map - Level 5 - Flight Deck (2) #2 Edit.png]

Audio Log #76 – Ambush: Pass the wall that says Gray or the other way via bulkhead door to enter Eastern, you will see numerous corpses in a big hangar area and the audio log is located at the corpse sitting on the crate.

Audio Log #77 – Lifepods: Next is on the middle at the bottom floor, grab the audio log on the desk terminal. Keep this area in mind when we backtrack.

Proceed to the South where we will need to clear our way through.

Audio Log #78 – Defense System: This is located inside the node room while radiated, before going u

You should be around 44% security before the node room. Unlike the other nodes, we will only see one here. Destroying one will bring security level to 0%, keep it up hacker and do not forget to record the code for Reactor.

Cortex Reaver #1: You will fight your first Cortex Reaver in a medium-sized room, if on easy you can easily use your arsenal to destroy the Cortex Reaver and after this you can loot whatever areas you search. Remember to use EMP grenade on the Cortex Reaver and quickly use your strongest weapons to destroy it, use dermals and save your game before fighting.

Audio Log #79 – Too Late for Us: The audio log is actually inside the Cortex Reaver so after defeating it, you can grab it inside.

Modkit #8 – EM-83 Damage: Go straight to the next room where there is a service lift to go down, another assault rifle along with the modkit station is there.

There is a middle button, press it and go to the door that is now lit-green to go back with the shortcut. This will lead you back to the area where the modkit station was going there.

Before leaving, we should have 0% on all levels. Feel free to come back here but we searched everything so there is no need to.

Lv. 6 – Executive:
 Map - Level 6 - Executive (2) #1 Edit.png]

Delta Quadrant:
Data Stick #11 – TriOptimum Security Report: After the elevator, we turn left twice following the path through the small hallway until you reach to a big room with Exec-Bots and a dining table, grab the data stick on your left near the corpse.

Audio Log #80 – Betrayal: Go straight to the corner through the opened door to find an audio log on the left corner beside the corpses.

Grab the Admin (ADM) Access Card, we will need it for this level.

Ware #17 – Head-Mounted Vision Unit V2: This ware is located on the Delta Grove section on the three seats.

Ware #18 – Target Identifier V3: Proceed Southwest to the next room where on the table is a new ware upgrade.

Audio Log #81 – Screen Malfunction: On the end table of the same room after ware #18

Audio Log #82 – Where are we?: Get out of the room through the broken glass where the plants are, we will be in a room with the theatre. To get the secret audio log here is what we need to do with just our V2 boots.

Find a fluorescent lights to stand on top while hovering boosting onto it and save your game in case if you mess up, you can immediately boost yourself to the theatre screen on top either way works. When you reach to the top of the theatre screen, hover yourself to the second floor where you can finally grab the audio log, make sure to tap and hold space to bring yourself slightly down until you hit the second floor of the theatre.

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In the Not Too Distant Future
Find the hidden Audio Log
Achievement #20: This audio log when grabbed will unlock the achievement, now you can listen to the references of Mystery Science Theater 3000/RiffTrax.

Audio Log #83 – Diego's Bargain: Before you go back, there is a blast door to which has a cyberspace, in it has an audio log on the left side.

Cyberspace #7: Our main goal is to unlock Edward Diego's Storage Room and the Beta Grove transit. This is also a very non-complicated cyberspace just do what you normally do in order to destroy two cores, one thing to not miss is a turbo dash.

The first core will have enemies spawned upon destroying it with the cyber Cortex Reaver enemy spawning so destroy them all. After the second core destroyed, immediately proceed to the exit or recall.

Audio Log #84 – Jettison Controls: Go to the next area where two Executive doors are, go left instead. You will find security cameras and Exec-Bot but the audio log is on the right side.

Data Stick #12 – Need to Relax?: Move to where the Exec-Bot was that you destroyed along with two cameras, the data stick is kind of hard to miss but it's on the ground.

There will be four codes to enter for the next area, this follows in order: 232, 711, 692, 137 (These codes will be randomised when starting a new save). Also there is an elevator behind the codes leading back to Maintenance so keep that in mind. Once you are done here, proceed to the next right door.
Part 10: Fancy this, boss
1) Levels: Executive
2) Firearms: 9/11
3) Wares: 18/24
4) Audio Logs: 92/119
5) Data Sticks: 13/13
6) Cameras: 80/151
7) Nodes: 5/8
8) Cyberspaces: 7/10
9) Modkits: 10/15
10) Skully Masks: 3/10
11) Achievements: 23/46

Lv. 6 – Executive:
 Map - Level 6 - Executive (2) #2-1.png]

Delta and Gamma Quadrant:
 Enjoy Your Purchase.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Enjoy Your Purchase
Buy a Grenade from a Vending Machine
Achievement #21: There is only one vending machine that is the grenade in this level. Purchase the grenade and it will explode in few seconds to get the achievement, get away from it.

Audio Log #85 – Grove Jettison: After buying a grenade from the vending machine, you will need to go to the right which will lead straight to the Gamma Grove section, inside the room where the Jettison switch is, the audio log is on the seat end at the window frame.

Audio Log #86 – Virus Experiment: Go back and this time go to the middle where you will go around until you reach to the new area, a bunch of Gold Serv-Bots (do not kill them yet) are there and of course when you go by left there is an audio log on the seat at the mutant corpse.

Firearm #9 – MK-84 Accelerator Railgun: Go in a clockwise direction and the new firearm will be there by the seat, although strong the ammo is very scarce and those ammo vending machines are sort of expensive.

Kill two or more enemies with a single Railgun Projectile
Achievement #22: There are multiple ways to do this but weaker enemies luckily there are few Gold Serv-Bots and cameras.

Beta Quadrant:
Audio Log #87 – Beta Grove Locked: Pass through the room which is the Central Hub and go to the door that says Beta. After using the access card on them, you will find a Cyborg Warrior and a corpse with the audio log beside it.

Audio Log #88 – New Jettison Procedure: Get inside the Beta Grove section, watch out for the Virus Mutant. The audio log is on the white seat when going downstairs to the right.

Skully Mask #3: Go back to the hallway and use your access card on the first left door, once inside the book library you will see a big gap on the left to hover over to which first you must stand on a coffee table then while flying to the big gap you must spam the crouch to then touch the next ground, after that a Skully Mask is there in front of you.

Audio Log #89 – Gold-Exec Bots: Exit straight to the next door (which was the right side) and once in you will find the audio log on the desk at the right.

On the second right door side, there will be another laser rapier after another door, if you miss it then pick it up. This laser rapier will allow you to see your UI colour laser which is cool.

Audio Log #90 – Personal Log: On the third left door of the hallway, there will be Gorilla Tiger and a Virus Mutant, kill them and make your way inside the duct vent. Once on the next room, take care of the Cyborg Elite Assassins inside Diego's office. The audio log will be on his desk.

Audio Log #91 – I Got Tickets!: Exit out and enter to the last two doors either way is another big room resembling entertainment while enemies are inside, you will find this audio log on the middle part where the black sofa seats are.

We will now enter the possible four codes on the service door to get inside, since we wrote down those codes we can enter it on the keypad panel. The code I entered is 711.

Maintenance Conduit:
Modkit #9 – Mark III Full-Auto: Move further through crouch walking until you can go left, there will be few robots to deal with and the modkit station is on your left entering.

You should be around 79% security before the node room. Watch out for the Loader-Bot from the bulkhead gate. After that, destroy the nodes and type down the code.

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I’ll Be Back
Defeat Edward Diego
Achievement #23: Story Related. This is your first Diego boss fight, he is at the southern section. Since this is on easy you can defeat him easily but you will die easily so pack your heals, dermals, and weapons with enough ammo for his phase 1.

Data Stick #13 – Construction Completed: Immediately, enter inside a room and the last data stick will be on the coffee table.

Audio Log #92 – A Pact: Next, go to the big room and grab the audio log on the desk. Note: Press the button on the side of the desk and the secret door will open

Modkit #10 – M-2100 Capacity: Since we did the cyberspace, we can now unlock the storage room right near the desk. The modkit is there inside, although an upgrade it's kind of useless since reloading ain't an issue but we need this for an achievement.

Before leaving, we should have 0% on all levels. Feel free to come back here but we searched everything so there is no need to.
Part 11: Three Groves, one mission
1) Levels: Grove – Alpha. Beta, Delta
2) Firearms: 10/11
3) Wares: 20/24
4) Audio Logs: 92/119
5) Cameras: 104/151
6) Nodes: 5/8
7) Cyberspaces: 7/10
8) Modkits: 11/15
9) Skully Masks: 3/10
10) Achievements: 25/46

To find the Groves in order:
1. Alpha: Located in Delta Quadrant of East, just after the two of set door.
2. Beta: Located in Beta Quadrant of South, at the hallway.
3. Delta: Located in Delta Quadrant of North, just near where you've started on this level.

Each Groves will have 8 cameras. In the Groves, we must find all three switches in total so after one it's time to move on to the other Grove. The Groves are very straightforward, you can explore but one Grove will be dangerous so keep that in mind later on when we enter it.

Lv. G – Alpha:
 Map - Level G - Alpha Grove (2) #1-1.png]

Firearm #10 – RW-45 Ion Pulse Rifle: Go follow the bridge path until you see two close (L shape), to which you cross through it and then find inside is two service lifts and a corpse beside it is a new weapon.

 Goldberg’s Ricochet.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Goldberg’s Ricochet
Kill an enemy by bouncing a shot from the Ion Rifle
Achievement #24: Easy against Gold Serv-Bots as always you can do charged or not, the chance of hitting them from wall bounce is kind of low but the ground shot will be shot upward against an enemy. Make sure the mode is set to the middle so it can bounce shots.

Pull the lever to open the other door. After that, enter inside to then kill Security-1 Robot and then pull the Enable Switch to complete this Grove.

Before leaving, we should have 0% on all levels. Feel free to come back here but we searched everything so there is no need to.

Lv. G – Beta:
 Map - Level G - Beta Grove (2) #1 Edit.png]

Unlike other Groves, this grove may have the highest radiation but you can do this as long as you pack enough healing items and radiation dermal, you need enviro-suit v1 if you wish to make your life easy. Destroy all cameras before proceeding to disable safety interlock like other groves.

Modkit #11 – JW-76 Damage: Upon entering, destroy all eight cameras, this of course will unlock the Safety Interlocks door to inside. Kill the Security-1 Robot inside, once that is done you will be able to get the 11th modkit station upgrade available.

Enter down to then after traversing shortly we then pull the Enable Switch to complete this Grove, do not worry about dying because we got a power station close. Immediately, go back to the start and we can move on.

Before leaving, we should have 0% on all levels. Feel free to come back here but we searched everything so there is no need to.

Lv. G – Delta:
 Map - Level G - Delta Grove (2 #1 Edit.png]
 En Passant.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
En Passant
Solve the Chess Puzzle in Delta Grove
Achievement #25: Disclaimer: The chess layout you have will be randomised as I see different of the same chess pieces with quantities.

This is basically real life chess game but with game pieces, since I am not good at chess but love them, I would also add this so you can use it to solve the chess game:

Make sure it's whites, your own piece to move as the game says so. I will show my own layout but the website will guarantee your best next move.

1) Set up the exact way you need it to be.
 Delta Grove Chess (1).png]
2) Automatically, the website will detect the best next move, I moved the Pawn from D5 to E6 according to it. Delta Grove Chess (2).png]
3) Lastly, I moved the knight from G5 to F7.
 Delta Grove Chess (3).png]

That's it, you will get an inventory upgrade assuming you got the first one in Storage.

Ware #19 – Micro Pocket Dimension V2: After you solve the chess puzzle, you will be greeted with the door opening and inside are two health dermals and also your last upgrade for this ware. Once again, it grants you six slots.

Ware #20 – Energy/Projectile Shield V2: Find a way to activate the bridge switch, then go to the blast door where a Security-1 Robot will be. After taking care of the robot, proceed further until you find few supplies at the end and this ware being there.

Proceed inside to kill the Security-1 Robot and interacting with the Enable Switch. After all of the activation panels, go back to the Executive and then to Maintenance.

Before leaving, we should have 0% on all levels. Feel free to come back here but we searched everything so there is no need to.
Part 12: Work around the Problem
1) Levels: Maintenance, Executive, Systems Engineering
2) Firearms: 10/11
3) Wares: 22/24
4) Audio Logs: 103/119
5) Cameras: 116/151
6) Nodes: 6/8
7) Cyberspaces: 8/10
8) Modkits: 12/15
9) Skully Masks: 4/10
10) Achievements: 27/46

Lv. 3 – Maintenance:
 Map - Level 3 - Maintenance (2) #2 Edit.png]

Now you can access the doors since you took care of the groves.

One needs an interface demodulator, in this case it's on Delta for me.

Delta Maintenance:
Weapon, camera and loot

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Jargon Cypher
Replace the Interface Demodulator and fix Subsystem Relay 428
Achievement #26: Story Related. Located during Virus mission, this is a randomised part of it so someone got it done on a different Maintenance area. Achievement description has the number 428 so perhaps you can use it on the analyzer near Delta.

The Relay Analyzer still close to Delta Maintenance can now be entered, the achievement description gives you the answer, 428.

Alpha Maintenance
Weapon, camera and loot

Beta Maintenance
Weapon, camera, log and loot.

Audio Log #93 – KS-Waiting Outside: While entering in Beta Maintenance after you passed the formerly locked door, look to the left and go there. After turning right, you will find a set of Interface Demodulators and at the middle 3rd is an audio log.

Gamma Maintenance
Weapon, camera, loot.

Skully Mask #4: Enter through the blast door, now inside you will need to turn right to the end where there is a big gap, hover over and remember to crouch when doing so. Then the Skully Mask is there for you to interact with.

Audio Log #94 – Repair Diagnostic: Revisiting this area, we also can go to the Diagnosis Machine which will give us an audio log in few seconds.

We also have Ghiran's head, use it on the biometric retinal scanner.

Audio Log #95 – Unleashed: Entering inside, there are two audio logs, once is on your left.

Audio Log #96 – Need CPUs: The next audio log is on the middle counter.

Ware #21 – Environmental Protection Pack V2: There will be a button to press, inside will be an upgraded ware of the hazmat.

Cyberspace #8: The goal is to open the CPU Node room, this is straightforward to clear but still watch out for cyber enemies. After destroying one core we can exit out the Cyberspace.

You should be around 36% security before the node room. Watch out for the robots guarding the CPU Node room.

Before leaving, we should have 0% on all levels. Feel free to come back here but we searched everything so there is no need to.

Lv. 6 – Executive:
First, we need to get inside the room with the master control switch, this will enable us to jettisson the Beta Grove.

Then when you reach the switch for the Beta Grove do note: before doing that, make sure to not jettison it IF you do not destroy cameras inside the Grove and collect loots, this is the only missable section of the whole Citadel Station (as of noted for Patch 1.2, the Security will be updated with one button to go back to the previous levels).

Jettison Beta Grove on the Executive level
Achievement #27: Story Related. The only one that needs to be jettisoned, second mission to complete but after jettison of Beta Grove you unlock this achievement and dialogues will play out.

Proceed now to Systems Engineering via the elevator.

Lv. 7 – Systems Engineering:
 Map - Level 7 - Engineering (2) #1-1.png]

Delta Quadrant:
Audio Log #97 – Antenna Stations: When you get out of the elevator, look to your right for an audio log at the counter.

Audio Log #98 – Isolinear Chipset: Go to the next area where two set of blast doors and a Security-2 Robot appear. Go up the ladder to find an audio log on top.

Audio Log #99 – Capture: Go inside through the blast door at the bottom of the ladder, make your way straight to find an audio log near the modkit station.

Modkit #12 – KF-18 Capacity: Near where you attained audio log #100 is an upgrade station, there is a hidden power station just near you also.

Audio Log #100 – Escape: Get to the top where the service bridge is, go to the left after hovering over to the top the audio log is on the counter.

Alpha Quadrant:
Audio Log #101 – Fortress: Go to the next blast door where you will drop down, take care of the Sentry-Bots and the audio log will be on the counter.

Ware #22 – Turbo-Motion Boots V3: Move through the duct doors until you reach to the next room with the service bridge and a Security-1 Robot. This final boots ware upgrade is near the power station.

Audio Log #102 – Blowing the Station: Follow North where you use your access cards few times, a hallway with a Cyborg Enforcer patrolling will be present but look to your right, that is the audio log you will proceed to, plus an Engineering card if you want it.

Audio Log #103 – Security: Make your way to the Northeast until you see a camera and an autobomb, you will see a ladder leading you straight to the end of where Sentry-Bot is as well as an audio log at the counter with a Magnum.
Part 13: One way or another
1) Levels: Systems Engineering, Research, Medical, Reactor
2) Firearms: 10/11
3) Wares: 24/24
4) Audio Logs: 119/119
5) Cameras: 130/151
6) Nodes: 7/8
7) Cyberspaces: 9/10
8) Modkits: 13/15
9) Skully Masks: 8/10
10) Achievements: 30/46

Lv. 7 – Systems Engineering:
 Map - Level 7 - Engineering (2) #2 Edit.png]

Beta Quadrant:
Modkit #13 – RW-45 Energy Efficiency: Make your way down into the hallway until you find a button that will open the armoury room with a modkit station included.

To better start somewhere since this is a larger level, we must go into the Core area.

Skully Mask #5: Using your boots V3, we can hover upwards while facing the Gamma center blast door, if you reach to the very top where you face the fluorescent light panel you will find the Skully Mask.

Gamma Quadrant:
Ware #23 – Energy/Projectile Shield V3: Enter inside through the Beta Quadrant, radiation are present and so are the dangerous security-2 robots and a cyborg warrior, you will find this ware on the counter.

You should be around 74% security before the node room. It will become 8% if you destroyed all CPU Nodes.

Audio Log #104 – System Code: Get inside the Administrator room, we will find two audio logs, one on the ground. There is also an Engineering keycard in here.

Audio Log #105 – Perception of the Crew: The same room but this is on the desk terminal

Cyberspace #9: The goal is to unlock the follow rooms: Eastern, Southern, Western, and Northern Antenna room doors. This is straightforward so just follow what the available routes are and you will get it done after destroying all four cores, if you see a force barrier on the bottom it means you didn't complete that one.

Ware #24 – Sensaround Radar Unit V3: Last one is on the Mutated Cyborg located at the elevator that will send you straight to Security and this Mutated Cyborg will have the last ware, kill and grab it.

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Maxed Out
Find the final version of all Hardware Attachments
Achievement #28: After colllecting all of the wares, you will unlock the achievement. As it turns out, I got this achievement without ever collecting the Micro Pocket Dimension V2 but just in case I will leave that in here.

Audio Log #106 – Access to Core: Just near where you grabbed the last ware is an audio log.

Now proceed to all antennaes, destroying each one until you get to the last one. If you have bought the Z-44 Plastiques with you then this should be done right away, watch out for Security-1 Robots.

 No Reception.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
No Reception
Destroy the Antenna Relays on the Systems Engineering level
Achievement #29: Story Related. this one is straight-forward with the nodes and cyberspace together but cyberspace unlocks antennaes door at least. The blast ain't too strong so don't sweat when SHODAN appears to do a little trolling. Lansing will tell you the code which is 001 the key for later mission to progress further.

Before moving to the next mission and floor level that is Security, it is important to make sure you do not miss any cams and all of collectables before but you save where you want.

After your third mission here, go to the Reactor and make sure to have all 6 numbers from your notes.

Before leaving, we should have 0% on all levels. Feel free to come back here but we searched everything so there is no need to.

Lv. 2 – Research:
 Map - Level 2 - Research (2) #4 Edit.png]

Skully Mask #6: In Gamma Quadrant, go to the room where radiation was formerly, near the door to cyberspace terminal room is on the top a big gap to hover over, use your boots v3 to get to the top until you reach to it, a Skully Mask will be there.

Lv. 1 – Medical:
 Map - Level 1 - Medical (2) #4 Edit.png]

Skully Mask #7: Go to the Maintenance Tunnels where you found the Wrench, at the top is a big gap, go hover and crouch to hit the ground level. You will find a Skully Mask on the front.

Lv. R – Reactor:
 Map - Level R - Reactor (2) #2 Edit.png]

Skully Mask #8: While Edward Diego is talking, go to the middle East on the map, you will see a big gap to which you hover over to the top and find a Skully Mask in there.

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Can’t Turn Back Now
Start the Reactor Self-Destruct Countdown
Achievement #30: Story Related. After doing your antennae mission from Engineering, go down immediately and enter your numbers into the 6-digit panel, they are found on the CPU node computers from level 1-6 so screenshot or write them down but they will be randomised no matter what if you start new save. In this case my code is 245108.
  • Medical 2
  • Research 4
  • Maintenance 5
  • Storage 1
  • Flight Deck 0
  • Executive 8
You can keep exploring even after initiating the meltdown, just be ready before entering the Security door. This is key to your 4th mission after Lansing tells you the next objective.
 Reactor Code.png]
Part 14: A New World
1) Levels: Flight Deck, Security
2) Firearms: 11/11
3) Audio Logs: 119/119
4) Cameras: 143/151
5) Nodes: 8/8
6) Cyberspaces: 10/10
7) Modkits: 14/15
8) Skully Masks: 9/10
9) Achievements: 35/46

Lv. 5 – Flight Deck:
 Déjà Vu.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Déjà Vu
Defeat Edward Diego while en route to the Life Pods
Achievement #31: Story Related. Second Diego-2 fight, he is found from this level at Flight Bay 2 or 3 in the middle of the lifepod route, after defeating him for the second time you earn this achievement. Also remember when Lansing tells you about the number (001) for the lifepod?

Complete your first part of the Reactor meltdown mission by entering the lifepod attempting to escape because we will now move on to Engineering for the second part of this mission. Lansing will brief you next on what is the objective.

Lv. 8 – Security:
 Map - Level 8 - Security (2) #1 Edit.png]

Outer Tower:
Audio Log #107 – Security Level: This audio log will be found on the ground before entering the Security.

There is an audio log bug on Security but it can be grabbed if you lean against the wall. If it gets fixed then this is a useless information to be in here so to consider. Refer to my Checklist for specific details further. Post Patch 1.2 moved the audio log to the ground.

No point of return: Here after entering through the door, you will fight enemies until you reach the Bridge. Note that on the first area before entering no point zone you need to lean against the wall and adjust to get the first audio log, you can't miss this otherwise you'd further lose progress so get that first (post-patch 1).

Central Tower:
Audio Log #108 – Charging Robots: Go around the central tower structure to a blast door, you will find a power station and on the desk is the audio log on it.

First Floor:
Audio Log #109 – Patch Research: On the first floor, grab the audio log on room where the Cyborg Enforcer is.

Now grab the GPB access card on the corpse.

Second Floor:
Audio Log #110 – Schuler Captured: Enter inside Surveillance room and the audio log is found on the counter table at the center.

Third Floor:
Audio Log #111 – KS-Saturn Hope: Enter inside the room where you will find the briefcase. The briefcase will have the SEC access card and an audio log.

Audio Log #112 – KS-Worrying: This is located at the corner where the Perk-Master Coffee Machine and Vending Machine are between, on the eating bar table is an audio log.

You should be around 85% security before the node room. After destroying four CPU Nodes, you will be at 9% security level.

Audio Log #113 – Epiphany: Found on the table in front near the cyberspace terminal room.

Audio Log #114 – Construction Order: Same room but on the cabinet.

Audio Log #115 – Capture Schuler: Same room but on the cabinet.

Cyberspace #10: The goal is to unlock the detention cells door. It is very straightforward as you fight cyber enemies one by one, after one cyber core destroyed you can freely exit.

 Hacker You Hardly Know'er!.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Hacker? You Hardly Know’er!
Destroy the Cyber Core in each Cyberspace level
Achievement #32: After completing all ten cyberspaces you will unlock this achievement.

Modkit #14 – MK-84 Recharge Speed: Go towards the storage room door to find a modkit station inside as well as supplies, this needs less than 25% security level to enter.

Second Floor:
Weapon #11 – LG-XX Plasma Rifle: Go to the Experimental Room where the last firearm will be, you need to be less than 25% security level to remove the force field.

 This Is My Boomstick!.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
This Is My Boomstick!
Discover all firearms
Achievement #33: If you collected all 11 firearms then you will get this achievement, just progress through this level and make sure to explore hidden areas or otherwise get the same copies on later levels. Explosive throwables don't count but even if it says firearms I included melee weapons just in case.
 Weapons (3).png]

Outer Tower:
 Neon Annihilation.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Neon Annihilation
Kill two or more enemies with a single Plasma Core
Achievement #34: LG-XX Plasma Rifle is the weapon to use on enemies. It can one-shot Security-2 Robots in this case. You need energy and plasma core to insert it on your LG-XX Plasma Rifle then fire on two enemies. Remember to press T to use the plasma core. In here you can fight make a quicksave and try to kill the Security-2 Robots so be careful to not kill yourself via your own shot of plasma core.

Third Floor:
Audio Log #116 – KS-Meet up for dinner: Go in a counter clockwise to inspect each room, the first is shown on the map.

Audio Log #117 – KS-She left me: At the same room shown in map.

Audio Log #118 – KS-Kris Kris: At the same room shown in map.

Audio Log #119 – KS-True Crime: At the same room shown in map.

 The Inside Scoop.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
The Inside Scoop
Find all Audio Logs and Data Sticks on Citadel Station
Achievement #35: There are 119 Audio Logs and 13 Data Stick in total, E-Mails do not count.

Top Floor:
Skully Mask #9: Before the boss room, you will need to hover to the left where you are facing back, the Skully Mask should be inside the room. Watch out for the energy drain mines when hovering back to top floor.
Part 15: Confronting God Beyond
1) Levels: Security, Bridge
2) Cameras: 151/151
3) Modkits: 15/15
4) Skully Masks: 10/10
5) Achievements: 44/46

Lv. 8 – Security:
 Map - Level 8 - Security (2) #2 Edit.png]

Before fighting the boss, we should have 0% on all levels. Feel free to come back here but we searched everything so there is no need to. Before doing this boss, make sure you do not get locked while fighting him when realizing you miss some audio logs to collect.

 Finish Him!.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Finish Him!
Kill Edward Diego with the Laser Rapier
Achievement #36: Story Related. Have spare batteries ready just in case and more powerups such as berserker and reflex reflection to kill him easily. He can be found on very last Security area where it leads to the Bridge.

He will fire missiles so do not stay in cover and just use your most powerful arsenal, even before this you can safely drop whatever you do not need which includes weapons if you are a hoarder like me.

 Edward DIEgo.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Edward DIEgo
Kill Edward Diego
Achievement #37: Story Related. Along with Finish Him! Achievement, just save and fight him. Once you finally kill him this achievement will unlock.

Grab the PER5 access card and make your way to the elevator.

Lv. 9 – Bridge:
 Map - Level 9 - Bridge (2) #1 Edit.png]

Despite no point of return, make the last of this to earn many achievements if you miss kills etc. but it will be tricky until you reload saves. Our goal now is to just find the Isolinear chipset and clear every areas which will not take long, we need to watch out for the other new enemy types and also existing dangerous cyborgs and robots.

Upon completing the puzzle, force door 2 will open.

Skully Mask #10: Go to the direction of Northeast, finding the armoury will lead you to this spot. Next, you wanna hover up to the big gap which is not tall and then the last Skully Mask will be present.

 Head Hunter.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Head Hunter
Find Skully, the Nightdive skull, on every level
Achievement #38: Straightforward as it ends on Level 9. If you've been following my checklist guide you get this unlocked during your last time on the Bridge so interacting with it will grant you this achievement.

Modkit #15 – LG-XX Energy Efficient: Drop down and you will find a modkit station that you passed.

 Not Even My Final Form.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Not Even My Final Form
Find and install every Weapon Modkit
Achievement #39: After installing the last modkit on your weapon whether you saved it for some reason to the end or one being the LG-XX Plasma Rifle, you will unlock the achievement.

Another puzzle will unlock force door 1 upon completing it.

Cortex Reaver #2: Go to the South from the map where a small arena will take place, a Cortex Reaver will start to show up, similarly to the first just destroy it with ease should provide us the Isolinear Chipset.

Autobomb Maze:
Doing the puzzle will unlock force door 3 to access. Watch out for those Roomba bombers

Computer Room:
 Off The Grid.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Off The Grid
Destroy all of SHODAN’s cameras and CPU Nodes
Achievement #40: After the last camera destroyed, this achievement will unlock.

 The Key to Vector Sigma.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
The Key To Vector Sigma
Use the Isolinear Chipset
Achievement #41: Story Related. Once you insert the chipset into the slot, this achievement will unlock.

In this final fight before SHODAN, we will need to keep our energy supplied without losing the hazmat effect, make sure to flip the lever when there is error. Use what you have against the enemies and then move on after the fight.

Cortex Reaver #3: After fighting hordes of Cyborgs, you will be on the last arena fight in order to progress close to defeating SHODAN so this last Cortex Reaver should be like the others.

 Get Ahead.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Get Ahead
Defeat all of the Cortex Reavers on Citadel Station
Achievement #42: Story Related. Nothing much to explain here if you've made sure to not miss the first Cortex Reaver you can get this achievement.

Grab the last access card, CMD, to then get access to the last cyberspace terminal so you can confront SHODAN.

 It’s Over..jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
It’s Over.
Achievement #43: Story Related. You unlock this achievement after you defeat SHODAN through Cyberspace and thus ending the game. Plus they overhauled the ending so that is nice.

As of Patch 1.2 things are different now, first we can rapid fire our cyber gun instead of single shot dull moment. What we wanna do in SHODAN's cyberspace is now we need to destroy those crystal-like that blocks the rays connecting and we need to bait the orbital strike to one of the hexagon shaped, after 2-4 times we can move to where we will send the thingy to SHODAN's core tower. Additionally, you will find other cyber weapons, one can kill you if done incorrectly so that is cool. Repeat doing this until you are in the 4th platform where you can finally stop SHODAN and when exiting out cyberspace the achievement will pop.

 Look At You, Hacker.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Look At You, Hacker
Complete the game
Achievement #44: Story Related. Watch the credits and this should appear via main menu just do not quit the game the people names on the credits especially the OG System Shock devs are worth to thank for.
Part 16: 3/3/3/3
1) All Levels
2) Achievements: 46/46

3-Combat / 3-Mission / 3-Cyber / 3-Puzzle:
Set all components on the difficulty screen to tier III, we can begin doing this walkthrough in a different matter but it's still trivial if you know all items and locations. 10 hours is however to consider so find alternative routes and make it better. This should be done last as 10 hours no matter what will mean how you complete it faster. You will lose progress after 10 hours is finished so speedrun in a sense but with game knowledge. You can do a pause and quicksave anywhere to try making it perfect.

This difficulty walkthrough will consist of aggressive enemy behaviours, puzzles being complex, cyberspace will kill you if you fail and of course the 10 hour time limit. The saves do however never change so if you die and fail you can reload and try again, making memorising trivial.

If you have this as your second playthrough then you can enjoy the game on this difficulty because at least the past achievements are finished you can skip any sections and all things to worry.

The good way to tackle this 3333 challenge is to memorise and study the layouts and how are you going to deal with the enemies, save-scumming should work here. If you tackle harder sections make a save and plan on what to do with that.

Weapons should come in second consideration after layout planning, the way to find the best loadout is subjective but personally I'd go for the Laser Rapier, Magnum, Grenade launcher and Railgun (for bosses probably), Skorpion, and Mark III Assault Rifle. If you have enough ammo to spare then swap to that gun until you run out, the goal is to avoid too much enemies if you can and attack when they give you lots of trouble. Next, make sure to stock up a lot of health dermals, do not forget to destroy cameras.

Combat Loadout:
Laser Rapier, Sparqbeam, Skorpion, Magnum, Grenade Launcher, Assault Rifle, and Explosives.

I use the Sparqbeam a lot, backtracking to restore energy. Even if I got a surplus amount of ammo I still need to save them for the final levels, calculate how much with the help of videos.

This guide will show the possible best routes by recursor. I promise you this will ensure your time is well-spent just by watching them despite already played the game, remember we either play in easy or normal before starting on 3333. I will also link all Auto Mata's videos for 3/3/3/3.

- Bring all security level to 0%.
- Get the GP1, MED, PER1 keycards.
- Get Minipistol, Sparqbeam, Magnum.
- Complete one cyberspace terminal for CPU Node Room.
- Find a way into Alpha Quadrant.
Time: 09:27:00

- Bring all security level to 0%.
- Bring power back online and grab the SCI, ENG keycards.
- Get Shotgun & Sparqbeam modkit.
- Do your mission.
- Get the code for cyberspace.
Time: 09:07:00

- Optional: Bring security down to 0%.
- Enable Lifepod regen bay.
- Get the shield v1 ware.
- Optional: Solve puzzle.
Time: 08:56:08

- Disable the lasers.
Time: 08:54:15

- Disable all security available.
- Eliminate all enemies like the Omega Strains.
- Grab supplies available.
- Get the Sensaround v2, navunit v2 ware.
- Get Laser Rapier
Time: 08:45:15

Flight Deck:
- Destroy all security cameras (optional).
- Get Sparqbeam second modkit (optional).
- Go to areas such as Flight Bay 4.
- Get the target identifier v2, Boots v1 and v2 ware.
- Progress through story (Defeat Cortex Reaver).
Time: 08:22:00

You can finish a level without modkits, that is if you cannot afford them anymore then it's okay just be sure to save frequently before encounters.

- Destroy all security cameras.
- Magnum modkit
- Get Skorpion and Grenade Launcher.
- Get Enviropack v1, and inventory upgrade ware.
Time: 08:03:14

Travel through Maintenance (watch out for the strains spawning) to then enter Executive, we also get into the Groves.

Alpha/Beta/Delta Grove:
- Disable all 3 interlocks
Delta: Get Shield v2 and inventory upgrade ware.
Time: 07:52:56

- Get Ion Rifle (optional)
Time: 07:41:08

- Continue with the second mission.
Time: 07:26:52

- Destroy all security camera (optional).
- Get ADM keycard.
- Get Magpulse.
- Get Target Identifier v3.
- Unlock Beta Grove from Diego's Office instead.
- Loot and then defeat Diego Phase 1.
Time: 07:16:50

Maintenance (Eject Beta Grove):
- Use the demodulator (Alpha Maintenance for me).
- Get the Enviropack v2 ware.
- Use cyberspace to unlock the CPU Node room.
Time: 07:05:00

You can load back the previous save time after finding the code number.

Executive (Eject Beta Grove):
- Proceed to jettison Befa
Time: 06:59:35

Systems Engineering:
- Destroy all security cameras (optional)
- Get shield v3, sensaround v3 and boots v3 ware.
- Proceed with the antennae mission.
- Do cyberspace to unlock all antennae doors.
Time: 06:20:00

Travel through Maintenance and stock-up, bring what you need.

- Enter the code as always.
- Use what you have.
Time: 06:10:20

Travel through Maintenance, and Executive. The Flight Deck is skipped.

- Destroy all security cameras (optional)
- Kill Edward Diego but watch out for the enemies that emerge after.
Instead of going legit through the floors one by one, we will use the ultimate skip just with enough energy and our boots v3 we can reach to the last floor where Edward Diego boss fight is.
Time: 05:59:30

- Destroy all security cameras (optional)
- Fight all enemies with what you have.
- Move on with this level until you get to SHODAN's cyberspace.
Time: 05:34:44

Make use of your Sparqbeam, we can use our guns but do not ever exhaust most ammos. You should have around 4 hours to beat this level or more than that.

Finale – Cyberspace:
If you die in cyberspace then it's game over, use different cyber guns to your preference. Watch out for the death ray strike.

 Don’t Forget To Salt The Fries.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Don’t Forget To Salt The Fries
Complete the game on the highest difficulties
Achievement #45: Story Related. After stopping SHODAN via cyberspace, you will unlock this achievement. This is by far the hardest achievement but it is doable.

 I’ll See You Again, Hacker.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
I’ll See You Again, Hacker
Collect all other Achievements
Achievement #46: Story Related. If you got anything to clean-up do so at least you will get that done because you loaded a lot of saves, 45th will become 46th as usual so you are essentially done with 100%.
I am very impressed and glad I bought this game as a first-time player playing System Shock after hearing the name few times long ago. The game is the reason why I admire all games influence from it especially on immersive sims I only knew too much on Deus Ex yet haven't played further. All achievements are very straightforward and easy but there are soft-locks as always which is reasonable in here. I'd say this is a reasonable price.

Art Source[]

100% finished, keep it up people and good luck :)

If you want to consider donating, I have the link here so you can send your money. Otherwise if not then that is fine, continue using this guide at your own benefit I won't ask too much.

Other guides:
Division  [author] 3 Jun @ 2:32pm 
Oh thank you for the correction clauscj I must had forgotten that, I'm curious what video guide from another guy?
clauscj 3 Jun @ 4:41am 
Yesterday I've Platinum this game on PS5, thanks to your detailed guide (I finished 3/3/3/3 mode first using a video guide from another guy). I have some minor corrections for you to edit the guide later on:

Ware #18 – Target Identifier V3: Proceed Southwest... (not Southeast)

I'm very glad that you created this. Again, thank you very much :D
DrunkenEngineer 27 May @ 12:54pm 
Hey, thanks for the guide! I put about 10 hours in to the game at launch but put it down because of the bugs. With the latest patch would you recommend picking back up from there or just starting over?
Division  [author] 9 May @ 2:35pm 
Hello stanio, thanks for adding that but despite already putting those totals on my checklist thanks for trying.
stanio 9 May @ 2:36am 
The Inside Scoop

After finally getting the achievement, here are my numbers using current patch:

119 (a)udio logs + 13 (t)ext/data sticks + 18 (m)ail/communication messages = 150 total media

Reactor: 9 (a) + 1 (t) + 1 (m) = 11
Medical: 17 (a) + 4 (t) + 3 (m) = 24
Research: 19 (a) + 5 (t) + 1 (m) = 25
Maintenance: 12 (a) = 12
Storage: 13 (a) = 13
Flight Deck: 13 (a) + 4 (m) = 17
Executive: 13 (a) + 3 (t) + 1 (m) = 17
Engineering: 10 (a) + 4 (m) = 14
Security: 13 (a) + 3 (m) = 16
Bridge: 1 (m) = 1
Division  [author] 11 Dec, 2023 @ 12:40am 
Good thing that is done, for me I never used a depot and waited for a Patch 1.1 then loaded my save so I can grab the same audio log that was mistakenly placed on Flight Deck on Security then the achievement unlocks at least that is how it worked.
Pastytastic 11 Dec, 2023 @ 12:25am 
Rolling back to a previous depot version worked for me. Triggered after the 2nd log I picked up in Medical, so I'm wondering if the 2 logs in the drawer in Security don't get registered properly?
Pastytastic 10 Dec, 2023 @ 11:36pm 
@Division Yup, I got the audio log hidden in the wall in Security and ended up with 150 total:
R-12 1-24 2-25 3-11 4-13 5-17 6-17 7-14 8-16 9-1

Thanks for confirming we should be expecting 150 and not 151. Guess I'll try the rollback version workaround for the Inside Scoop achievement and then wait for the next patch to get It's Over. Thanks again!
Division  [author] 10 Dec, 2023 @ 12:07pm 
@Pastytastic If you hit 151 media mostly because of the same audio log from Flight Deck and Security issue but thankfully that is patched. I hit 119 audio logs not 120 and it unlocks The Inside Scoop achievement.

Have you check like the Security floor where after the elevator there is an audio log which is stuck inside the wall?
Pastytastic 10 Dec, 2023 @ 12:14am 
Thanks for the guide! Just to check - should we have 150 or 151 media at the end of the game? I didn't get The Inside Scoop, and not sure if it's just bugged, or if I missed a log somewhere?