The Red Lantern

The Red Lantern

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The Red Lantern - Work in progress
By Lotreanca
This is a work-in-progress guide for achievements and basic game pointers.
Last update: 19.03.2025

What's new:
> Updated Iggy events
Tips regarding survival in game
Tips regarding survival:

- keep an eye on hunger meter and dogs energy as if you get hungry you die and restart from first point, same stands for dogs.

- camping restore both yours and dogs energy if you feed them or yourself. Is the only way to recover.

- random events will pop when you have a chance to feed dogs birds, which will mean more hunting food for you but events like that are one - two per one run.

- random events like hunting or sightseeing will lower your hunger and dogs energy by one.

- do not, for whatever reason, hunt from the sleight. Is a waste of bullets and energy since you will be too far to hunt :). Use the check it out option, even thou you will loose one energy bar.

- hunting is a mini-game where you have to match the moving comet-thingy into the circle to have max accuracy. have patience! as is enough time to match it.

Bullets needed for animals:
- 1 for Ox, wolf, rabbit or birds (assuming you resolve the mini-game from first).
- 2 for bear, elk and caribou (assuming you resolve the mini-game from first).

Food earned from hunting:
  • Rabbit - 3 pieces
  • Caribou - 5 pieces
  • Beaver - 3 pieces
  • Squirrel - 0 pieces
  • Ptarmigans - 1 piece
  • Moose - 5 pieces
- haw is left, gee is right as you will prompted in the start of the road.

- careful some event will pop where one of your dogs will be injured by an Ox (I think) and you will have to carry him on sleight which will slow your speed and lower energy bar.

- you can heal dogs with med-kits but think twice as there will be a random event where you will get injured too and might need it.

Keep in mind that dogs have some traits that can be helpful for achievements but for run too (still working on it):

> Fin is bad at sensing scents. He will lead you to a lot of skunks;
> Slayer do not like elk (might influence events);
> Gale do not like porcupines and will become patient. Also, as a leader, will put a faster pace for the other dogs to follow;
> Chomper like squirrels and eat cables (you can let him hunt squirrels which will add to all dogs energy refill) but never let him hunt rabbits. Will be a waste of energy for both you and dogs;
> Iggy protects the team and you against predators, however will get injured if predator is too big - ox and bears;
> Bodega does not like to share his food (keep in mind if you send him out to hunt) and will manage to scare off small animals;
> Stilton picks good trap spots when you camp. Will earn you an extra piece of food most of the times;

However, in order to get dogs story achievements you need to interact with them on specific events along the way. Keep in mind that achievement will pop out only if you reach Red Lantern!

>>> Stilton - you will get an option to see a herd of caribou spotted by the dog. Check it out and you will get an option to have Stilton hunt it or check it together. Both works from what I am aware.

>>> Gale - 3 events I counted for him that will lead to achievement. First, you will encounter a porcupine and Gale will follow without your choice. Will try to attack it but get sting and dogs will loose 2 energy slots. Second event will get a porcupine on your way again and in order to drag Gale out of the way, you will have to shoot it. Third event will involve first porcupine and Gale will not attack but instead watch it. Let him watch/stare and when you arrive at the Red Lantern achievement should pop up.

>>> Iggy - you will get Iggy achievement when the dog will fight mama bear (which will get injured) or an Ox.
***Edit: someone managed to get it just by simply shooing away a wolverine! Event was found by going Gee (left) for the whole run time with Iggy just as a member, no need for her to be a lead.

>>> Noodle - story a bit longer then the rest and to get the achievement you need to save the wolf not kill it! If you head south-west of first lake, you gonna see Noodle nervous. Follow him and will lead you to a trapped wolf. Save the wolf and it will leave. Later on, the wolf will leave a dead deer for Noodle which you can collect for extra food. Last part of Noodle story will be when you will get the option to let Noodle play with the wolf after passing half way of the journey.

>>> Bodega - the dog will hunt a weasel first which will provide with a journal entry regarding weasels (check journal section). Story related to achievement will start by going south near first lake where ice will crack under sled but Bodega, somehow, will manage to save you all. However, you will get frostbite and is kinda required for you to camp and rest to recover.

(will complete further as I found the rest of the stories)
Items you can find in the wilderness (what I found so far):

- Axe (used to chop birch tinder for fire)

- Fire starter (used to light fire). Once you found fire starter, you will not require birch but you still gonna need axe for other things.

- Trap (can be set before you go to sleep and harvest at least 1 meat chop).

- Fishing rod (can be used for fishing).

- Gun cleaning kit (increase meat drop - see map below for location where I found it)

Once you will collect all the items, achievement "Bigger sled" will pop.
Journal logs and events
Every little thing, tool, event will be added to your journal first time it happens or encounter. Once I will get it full will add it here.
Just to add here, some encounters with animals or statues will not yield achievements but however, at some point you will need to do it in order to fill in the journal.

Here is a list so far of all events discovered so far (events for journal), by cathegory:


  • 1. I've never met a tree I did not like (reference to birch used for setting fire).
  • 2. Felt small out on the plains (you get it after a bad event or sightseeing too much).
  • 3. Maybe I will see a narwhal.
  • 4. There's just so much ice (you will see it around lakes).
  • 5. Are there really a million lakes here? (you will have an alone discussion after seeing 2nd or 3rd lake).
  • 6. The cabin really is nestled between rocks (you get it after arriving at Red Lantern).
  • 7. One who is never lost, never is found (same as previous).


  • 1. Caught a fish. I am patient now (As description say it).
  • 2. Successfully identified a birch tree (As description say it).


  • 1. Fed the pups a feat for dog kings (Feed them a full bowl of meat / 3 portions).
  • 2. Love to pet my pups (pet all the dogs at the same camp).
    Rest of them will add as you finish each dog stories.

>>> ALASKAN ANIMALS (what are they really like)

1. The fox
  • A. That hunting dive is incredible (You need to follow the fox and wait to see it hunting by jumping in the snow - it will successfully get something after trying a second time).
  • B. But it takes a lot of patience (saw or followed a fox).

2. The bear
  • A. Bears need homes too (You get this by visiting the abandoned cabin and seeing the bear sleep there).
  • B. The cutest snoot boop (saw a bear cub, wait for mama bear to appear and touching nose with cubby).
  • C. There's always a mama bear somewhere (met a mama bear / event).
  • D. I wonder if I need a scratching tree (saw a bear cub scratching his back against a tree / event / achievement).

3. The weasel
  • A. Saw the weasel war dance. More cute than scary (you will see two weasels running in front of the dogs. If you have Bodega in your team, it will hunt one of the weasels while you see the other weasel trying to scare you off).

4. The owl
  • A. Examined an owl pellet (Follow an owl on daytime, choose to keep watching it and owl will puke a pellet. Check it closer and will get rewarded with a bullet).
  • B. Was that curse real (you see a owl at night but then a moose attacks you / event / achievement).
  • C. Owl vs skunk. A battle for the ages (you witness a small duel / event).

5. The rabbit
  • A. I still feel guilty about fluffington (see a rabbit killed by a bald eagle / event / achievement).

6. The moose
  • A. Was that a ghost moose? (you encounter a white moose / 50% chance to get injured).
  • B. But who "hooted"?! The moose or owl (event / achievement - see owl section).
  • C. Time for me to get moooving (When you meet a caribou walking, choose to watch it. You will get an option to mimic - moo - and a moose might chase the caribou).

7. The eagle
  • A. Eagles know the best prey zones (see an eagle).
  • B. Let's not talk about the bald one (event / achievement - see rabbit section).

8. The deer
  • A. How long was that deer out there (see a frozen deer statue, do not collect meat from it).
  • B. Great. Judgemental deer (encounter 3 deer who stare at you, do not hunt).

9. The caribou
  • A. Successfully learned to talk to caribou (pet them / event).
  • B. That wolf came out of nowhere (find a caribou stuck in ice / event - careful a wolf will attack you).
  • C. You have to finish what you start... (after you defeat the wolf, kill the caribou stuck in ice).
  • D. I can't believe I saw a whole herd! (dog event - check dog section).
  • E. Or else they end up suffering (seems this entry can be achieved when you encounter a lone caribou and fail kill it from first encounter. A 2nd encounter will happen and you have the chance to kill it).

10. The squirrel
  • A. Look up if squirrels actually have rabies (you get bitten by a squirrel you met in an abandoned house - have a med-kit / achievement).
  • B. I will learn to speak squirrel (wink to a squirrel).
  • C. Squirrels would not want meat, right? (You must follow a squirrel when you see it, choose to shoot it, and then stop Chomper from licking it. Later on in the run you will see another squirrel, follow it. And then this time let Chomper catch it, when prompted again choose the 3rd option).

11. The porcupine
  • A. I'll never forget the porcupine cone (pick up a cone that porcupine will throw at you / event).

12. The skunk
  • A. That spray smell like rotten gasoline (your dogs mess with a skunk and get sprayed).
  • B. Those skunk bombs are very effective (an owl got sprayed by the skunk).

13. The elk
  • A. Going to have to get used to that elk shriek (you hear an elk shriek - random event).
  • B. I PET AN ELK (event / achievement - careful is one of the hardest obtainable journal entry).
  • C. They are so majestic ( You get this when the elk moves away and calls out, after you either watch it or answer by grunting to it).
  • D. Night of the living shed (encounter an elk at night / event).

14. The ptarmigans
  • A. I almost did not even see them (random event when dogs pick up a smell on the trail).

15. The ox
  • A. Musx Ox (Izzy will defend the herd if you have it in the team).

16. The wolverine
  • A. I'd like to avoid fighting wolverines. They are have claws and fur (you will meet one eventually and you will have to restart the stage).
  • B. Got madeby a wolverine (you will encounter a dead caribou and if you choose to harvest meat from it, a wolverine will show up but not harm you).

17. The wolf
  • A. How do you know if a wolf is stalking you (you hear a wolf howling in distance).
  • B. I could not leave the wolf like that (event - if you save a wolf stuck in a trap).
  • C. Sometimes you have to feed the wildlife (part of Barkley story where you encounter a wolf and have the choice to throw a chunk of meat - careful, since if part of dog story, apparently can be done only first time when you do Barkley story).
  • D. They do not like it when you try to take their kill (a wolf will attack you when you find a caribou stuck in a frozen lake).
18. The beaver
  • A. Beavers will lead you to open water (you will meet a beaver who will make a hole for you to fish in the lake, if you have fishing rode. If you don't have it than you can hunt the beaver).
  • B. Narrowly escaped a beaver attack (you will meet a beaver who cut a tree and break the ice in a lake. Instead of fishing choose to stare at the beaver - do not hunt him after cutting 2nd tree).
Will try to add more as I go forward towards the rest of the achievements and journal.

* There are no bad dogs
Adopt your first 5 dogs. For some reason on my first run I rejected one dog and did not got the achievement and on 2nd run I got it after choosing first 5 that I came across.

* Alaskan Freegan
Encounter a tool left behind. Easy achievement earned when you will encounter the chance to get a tool.

* Finders keepers
Very easy achievement as can be earned when you find the axe (I took first two lefts and found it near a birch stomp).

* Live wildy
Encounter a wild animal. I got it by getting closer to an elk through an event.

* Cursed by an owl
I got the achievement through a random event when I took left, north side of the map, between first pair of mounts. There you will encounter an owl from close. However, be ready with some med-kit
as an Elk will injure you and you will require to camp.

* Tartare please
Eat raw meat. However, try to avoid this as much as possible as you have a chance to get sick and is quite an endgame.

* Discovered it just a dream (SPOILERS)
You will get this achievement when you die first. You will be revived back in the van on trail road getting ready to start the journey. There you will remember what happen and if you have found
any tool on the road, you will remember to take it from home so you will start the run with that tool in your pocket already.

* Feed dogs a full bowl
Give dogs 3 meat chunks at the same time.

* Complete all the dogs stories
Check section "Dogs" of this guide.

* See a bunny fly
You will encounter a rabbit and get the option to follow it. Follow it and wait. Eventually an eagle will steal your rabbit and leaves you with no food gained.

* They really do that!
Random event where you will have the chance to follow a baby bear. Do not hunt him just observe him and he will scratch his body against a tree.

* Squirrel problem (I did not found this event)
From what I read you will encounter a squirrel at some point and have the option to communicate with her thru winks. Well, squirrel will not like that and decide to attack you. Guess you gonna need a med-kit.

* Firestarter
Simple enough. Start 20 camps.

Reaching Red Lantern and after that
Reaching Red Lantern is not end game as you will have multiple options to go along and get missing achievements like journal entries and dog stories (check screenshot).

Lotreanca  [author] 19 Mar @ 11:57am 
Hi, ,will add to the guide. Thank you! xd
EvoFoxi6 18 Mar @ 7:09am 
100% the game myself and just wanted to give u my input regarding the iggy story achievement. I managed to get it just by simply shooing away a wolverine! I found it by going Gee (left) for the whole run time with Iggy just as a membber no need for her to be a lead.
Hope this helps your guide!:D
kelly.cameron42 4 Jan @ 1:05pm 
and I completed their stories AND THEY ARE SO ADORABLE ALL OF THEM BUNDLED UP and that was the first time I saw A response to A comment
kelly.cameron42 4 Jan @ 1:03pm 
I got the moose to chase the reindeer[caribou] first try
Lotreanca  [author] 4 Jan @ 1:12am 
Hi kelly.cameron42 glad this helped you but I have not done all dogs stories completely :D I will return at some point to the game to finish
kelly.cameron42 3 Jan @ 3:01pm 
by the way I came here looking for iggy and slayers' stories thank you because I have all dog and now I want all of the cute clothes they are the only ones I need to complete until I have them al IN ADORABLE CLOTHES
Lotreanca  [author] 22 Nov, 2024 @ 12:15pm 
Hi, sorry for late reply but from what I remember foxes are rare indeed. From what I remember it took me like 2 or 3 runs to find it. Encounters with animals are rare and some of them are strict to certain locations from what I read somewhere some time ago. However, do not really remember where foxes where found. Sorry
Lost 12 Sep, 2024 @ 1:17am 
Thank you for this guide! It’s been a big help.

In my 8 hours of grinding and trying to %100 this game, I have yet to even SEE a fox. And I am going a little crazy with trying to finish the journal as I feel like I do things right but they still aren’t working? Either I’m getting bad rng (as I presume that’s how the events are for the most part) or I’m doing something wrong.
Aki 26 Feb, 2024 @ 5:43am 
I can’t get the 3d squirrel one. Does it matter who’s the lead dog? I shot a squirrel and didn’t let chomper lick it then i got to the second squirrel and let chomper get it but nothing more happened after that someone please helpppp
Lotreanca  [author] 25 Feb, 2024 @ 12:09am 
I don't know if matter and is frustrating too. for some entries I had to do 3-4 runs to get it while experiencing the dialog options so yea, RNG and multiple options can delay some entries