Amnesia: The Bunker

Amnesia: The Bunker

94 ratings
100% Achievement Guide [Amnesia: The Bunker] 💯✅
By Division
This is a 100% comprehensive walkthrough of all 44 achievements for new players and will cover everything about this game in details from the basic, walkthrough, and step by step. I hope achievements you miss can be replicated by such from this guide.

Total Achievements: (44)
100% completion time: ~6-8 hours (Varies).
Difficulty modes:
  • Easy
  • Normal
  • Hard
  • Shell Shock
  • Custom
New Game+: Yes, on new save with only one change
Missables: Few
Mode: Single-Player

Achievement Types:
1) Story Related: (14)
2) Gameplay/Kill: (9)
3) Collectable: (5)
4) Miscellaneous: (10)
5) Walkthrough/Completion: (6)

I. What to expect:
Here, I will go over the game on my own as in normal > easy, all collectables I posted will be on normal but you can do easy. I spoiler tag all codes because well your codes can be different even story ones, I put needed because for me it helps to check which is for speedrun before. Next second walkthrough is all three achievements, Toot Sweet, Efficiency Expert, and Got It In One, which are trivalised by playing in easy I earned 17 achievements for that on my dummy account but I recommend playing through the game as you desired, otherwise feel free to follow this accordingly.

We need to burn a lot of bodies, luckily there are few ways but just around 12-16 should be fine. As for missables you can do them before leaving the bunker unless you mess up in this case on the last areas.

More guides won't hurt especially on easy achievements like Amnesia this game is no secret but it's not too linear so plan accordingly. This contains experimenting on obtaining achievements, save reloads is going to be heavily used since the devs did not add penalties on that.

II. Difficulty:
In easy, reason is for people to just collect achievements and experiment as such even though there are non-missables before the end-game should be considered collected but nonetheless you might earn more achievements so try to trigger some achievements in there. Another reason are the lantern save points so you might as well save frequently each collectables are found while normal/hard have one lantern, making it almost a hassle to collect and go back to the safe area. Use the map for help. In normal/hard with what I mentioned, I had to save a ton and messing up while progressing objectives can be something.

Lastly, there is Shell Shock difficulty and Custom too, Shell Shock is a whole different way to beat the game you need to know the game, memorising some areas and of course prepare to die few times hence the completion time adds up unless you are good.

III. Collectable:
I will be putting another section for collectables and also guide you on where to get the achievements. If I have typos or anything let me know. Collectables are static after all so you can be sure but not on Shell Shock they are randomised more not just numbers but locations of them this includes Lockers too.

Use my checklist for areas by names, dates, and items not the exact same dog tag names/code because one same name will be somewhere else (A Fortin) for example but regardless items stay where they are it's just codes and names are randomised but however you can load last save if you hear the code (Arsenal code then load last save and note it down). I will make frequent saves while doing achievements or alternates. Be sure to do that too if you find collectables or new to do.

As notes like the communication key is randomised for the key there are pocket bag spawn which is different only by listing possible locations you can be sure so I have to mention where they could spawn.

IV. Speedrun:
As for speedrunning, this game is fairly short and more to cheese on but the catch. To make it better earning this achievement, play on easy. Like I said you can make do in reloading save which will reload the timer to where you save so I was able to get the achievements with mess up. Find only key items is easy enough I think the order could matter either way but it should be: Central Bunker > Soldier Quarters > Maintenance > Prison > Arsenal > Roman Tunnels. My video however will be shown differently but you can do any locations as long as you know what to do.

2023/06/06 @ 18:15
Created guide

2023/10/25 @ 12:00
Halloween update added, two achievements and other few stuffs.

  • PowerPyx for his contributions to the game guide making process.
  • One Steam guide for collectables.
Achievements: (44)
I. Story Related: (6)
 Enlisted.jpg] Gave the All Clear.jpg] Chaplain.jpg] Signalman.jpg] Scarper.jpg] Napoo.jpg]
II. Items: (8)
 Flint & Steel.jpg] Memorialist.jpg] Toolist.jpg] Easy Breather.jpg] Munitions Expert.jpg] Canonnier.jpg] Toy Collector.jpg] Explosives Technician.jpg]
III. Gameplay/Kills: (9)
 Arsonist.jpg] Extreme Ratter.jpg] Cut It Off.jpg] Tinkerer.jpg] Roastmaster.jpg] Sentimentalist.jpg] Toy Fanatic.jpg] Improviser.jpg] Ratter.jpg]
IV. Collectables: (5)
 Cartographer.jpg] Cleithrophobist.jpg] Pack Rat.jpg] Codebreaker.jpg] Librarian.jpg]
V. Miscellaneous: (10)
 Nope. c'est trop!.jpg] Saboteur.jpg] Got Introduced.jpg] Chemical Weapon Expert.jpg] Pit Master.jpg] Chemical Culinary Specialist.jpg] Trickster.jpg] Life Preserver.jpg] Shell Shocked.jpg] Beast Master.jpg]
VI. Walkthrough/Completion: (6)
 Efficiency Expert.jpg] Got It In One.jpg] Toot Sweet.jpg] Croix de Guerre.jpg] Revisionist.jpg] In Recovery.jpg]
Part 1: The Bunker
1) The Trench, Central Bunker
2) Play the game on easy mode. collect many achievements before our second walkthrough.
3) Notes: 19/52
4) Dog Tags: 5/20
5) Maps: 1/5
6) Photos: 6/16
7) Pocket Bags: 2/7
8) Chains: 0/6
9) Vents: 2/7
10) Achievements: 6/44

The Trench:
Nothing much here just progress and follow tutorial. Level ends when you move after the gas and then attempting to bring Lambert with you. I play this on normal but you can start on easy or hard for the first playthrough. Photos may be optional but just in case I included them here.
 Image (1).jpg]

Central Bunker
You wake up here, free to explore and now finding notes as well as some photos. Refer to collectable list for more info. Remember, you can go back anytime unlike no point of return games so you won't miss any notes even small details otherwise I'd put much more in each sections so I'll keep it almost short. Refer to my Checklist for all collectables, keep in mind of key items needed to unlock all locked doors and point of interest.

You can take note of achievements on where I got this later on other levels, doesn't have to be in one area so your choice of exploring and naturally obtaining them will vary differently.

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Note 1
  • Note 2
  • Note 3 / Photo 1

 Nope. c'est trop!.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Nope, c'est trop!
Quit the game right as things got interesting.
Achievement #1: Exit the game after this encounter as long as you are in this room. However, you will need to redo the whole area before reaching this area.

Found the Adminstrator's office.
Achievement #2: Story Related. Move to this area to trigger the achievement.

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Note 4 / Dog Tag 1 / Map 1
  • Note 5, 7, 8 / Dog Tag 2
  • Note 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 / Photo 2, 3, 4

Blew up a door with a barrel.
Achievement #3: Find an explosive barrel from the Strategic Operations room, drag it to Reynard's room and shoot it.
 Gif (1).gif]
Explore as much and you can proceed to the Mission Storage with more to loot and collectables too. Also I haven't encountered the beast due to my shortages of ammo but reload if you want to save stuffs on normal and I frequently save to avoid time effort wasted.

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Note 15, 16
  • Note 17 / Dog Tag 3 / Vent 1, Pocket Bag 1
  • Dog Tag 4 / Note 18

You will need to progress to the Mission Storage.

 Got Introduced.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Got Introduced
Survived first encounter with the beast.
Achievement #4: Here you can trigger a trap despite using one grenade to have a monster present but a trap triggers the monster spawn instead, you can try shooting it but I prefer a grenade so whether you hit it or not as long as the monster does not kill you or runs away to the hole on the wall you will get the achievement. Now reload last save :)

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Chemical Weapon Expert
Used gas on the beast.
Achievement #5: Same as before from grenade against the beast, this time the gas grenade.

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Vent 2 / Note 19 / Dog Tag 5 / Photo 6 / Pocket Bag 2

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Gave the All Clear
Released the emergency lockdown.
Achievement #6: Story Related. Simply just use the valve you inserted and all areas will unlock.
Part 2: The Maintenance
1) Maintenance, Central Bunker
2) Notes: 27/52
3) Dog Tags: 14/20
4) Maps: 2/5
5) Photos: 7/16
6) Pocket Bags: 3/7
7) Chains: 0/6
8) Vents: 4/7
9) Achievements: 15/44

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Map 2 / Note 20 / Photo 6. Be careful with the flare trap.

 Pit Master.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Pit Master
Burnt a corpse to a nice char.
Achievement #7: In Maintenance when you arrive there you will find a rat and when it triggers a tripwire trap, near the corpse will be burned that unlocks achievement.

As always, find any code from the dog tags and go back to the Central Bunker, we will do this many times to get key items that we won't enter without.

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Dog Tag 6, 7 / Note 21 / Photo 7 / Pocket Bag 3

If you want to check what changes or anything the obvious part would be the code for fuel storage then here is the other guide which is why I put it here, in short the dog tag you wanna look for is by the name of Soldat S. Millard but this is only if the setting is set to yes for code lock of fuel storage in Shell Shock.

Central Bunker revisit I:
Revisit for some miscellaneous.

 Chemical Culinary Specialist.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Culinary Specialist
Used meat to lure rats away from a corpse.
Achievement #8: Make sure to bring one pack of meat or maybe find one in the Maintenance, saving won't make it a problem and throw it to the rats when you re-enter.

Use the code on A Giraud's locker, this is a needed key item to expand and deal with rats. The lighter will also help with the Roastmaster achievement so no need to use too much meat unless necessary.

 Flint & Steel.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Flint & Steel
Acquired the lighter.
Achievement #9: Use the code on A Giraud's locker, you acquire the lighter.

Hurt the beast by triggering a trap.
Achievement #10: You can save one trap and wait for the beast, preferably in the Central bunker. Set it in a perfect timing.
 Gif (2).gif]

Maintenance revisit I:
Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Note 22
  • Dog Tag 8, 9, 10
  • Note 23

Discovered the beast's nest in the chapel.
Achievement #11: Story Related. When you explore it will automatically trigger this achievement after you enter the Chapel.

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Note 24 / Dog Tag 11
    There may be a potential pocket bag spawn here. Now grab the pillbox key near the Father's corpse wall.

Central Bunker revisit II:
 Arsonist.jpg] –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Lit up a fuel puddle.
 Extreme Ratter.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Extreme Ratter
Blew up lots of rats with a single grenade.
Achievement #12-13: When I go back to the central bunker second time to save, there will be more rats and I got this where you throw a grenade against 4 rats and 1 corpse as well as more rats coming. The fire was lit. But as you progress more rats will appear and you wanna burn the corpses but at least in here you can do it.
 Gif (3).gif]

 Cut It Off.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Cut It Off
Blocked the beast's path out of a hole.
Achievement #14: This appeared first time and I block almost all holes from the central bunker. Boxes but chairs just in case are used, I think the beast got blocked by my box after making too much noise on the Strategic Operations room. This might take a couple of tries so I recommend finding an area with one hole.

Maintenance revisit II:
Go to the pillbox room. If you throw a grenade, make sure to stay at the top after climbing.

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Note 25 / Dog Tag 12, 13

Retrieved the Foreman's dogtag.
Achievement #15: Story Related. you will find it when finding collectables and it's on the ladder after the pillbox, watch out for the German sniper by crouching. I got it as my Dog Tag #13 named C Brilliant.

Central Bunker revisit III:
Use the code to the bunker to two lockers. Now grab the wrench and go to any areas with the locked vents.

Have the key item: Wrench.

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Vent 3 / Note 26, 27

Maintenance revisit III:
Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Vent 4
  • Dog Tag 14

When you are done collecting collectables from Maintenance, head to Prison now.

Before Prison
Part 3: Prison
1) Prison, Central Bunker, Maintenance
2) Notes: 33/52
3) Dog Tags: 14/20
4) Maps: 3/5
5) Photos: 8/16
6) Pocket Bags: 4/7
7) Chains: 5/6
8) Vents: 5/7
9) Achievements: 18/44

There is a one missable achievement so follow along.

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Map 3 / Vent 5 / Note 28, 29 / Photo 8

Go to the cellar door on the left corner where there is a Pocket bag waiting if it exists.

Have the key item: Bolt cutters.

Found the Cutters.
 Life Preserver.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Life Preserver
Got the cutters and locked the cell again without the German Prisoner dying.
Achievement #16-17: With this comes as a second missable, to do this is by using the wrench on the control room vent. Once you open the door leading to the German prisoner you want to shoot the beast 2 times since he spawns there immediately but either way is fine to get out. Once the beast retreats there is only the bolt cutters near him to obtain Toolist. Now close his cell door and then within few seconds you obtain Life Preserver.

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Chain 1 / Pocket Bag 4 / Chain 2 / Note 30, 31

Head back to the Central Bunkers/Maintenance and finish any remaining chains to use on/other miscellaneous.

Central Bunker revisit IV:
Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Chain 3
  • Chain 4 / Note 32, 33
  • Chain 5

Disarmed a trap.
Achievement #18: I saved this one in Maintenance with the bolt cutters.

Move on to Soldier Quarters if you are done.

Before Soldier Quarters
Part 4: Soldier Quarters
1) Soldier Quarters, Central Bunker
2) Notes: 49/52
3) Dog Tags: 17/20
4) Maps: 4/5
5) Photos: 14/16
6) Pocket Bags: 5/7
7) Chains: 5/6
8) Vents: 7/7
9) Achievements: 21/44

Soldier Quarters:
Following things will be mentioned here in Barracks B:
  • Vent 6 / Note 35, 36
    You need wrench in here. A potential pocket bag will spawn inside the vents.
  • Photo 9, Note 37 / Dog Tag 15 / Map 4
  • Note 38 / Photo 10
  • Photo 11 / Dog Tag 16 / Note 39
  • Vent 7 / Photo 12 / Note 40

Following things will be mentioned here in Barracks A:
  • Note 41, 42, 43
Watch out for the trap on your right and then the end of the hallway.

Burnt a lot of dead bodies.
Achievement #19: You will earn this naturally, make sure to make lots of molotov and have spare torches as well as making use of the fuel tank inside Maintenance and the bottles inside the Wine Cellar. You just need to burn 12 bodies and write down what you burned and where.

Following things will be mentioned here still from Barracks A:
Dog Tag 17 / Note 44, 45, 46 / Photo 13

After exploring, your next objective is getting to the Arsenal room, the key is located here on Tirel's bunk bed for me.

Following things will be mentioned here:
Pocket Bag 5 / Note 47, 48

Next you can unlock the communications room, there are things to collect (Pocket Bag is different for me after all so it spawned inside the room).

Heard the message on the radio.
Achievement #20: You will be able to hear the message on the radio. I will add the code in collectables but it is 6741.

Arsenal Code: Randomised but can reload last save after hearing the 4 number code which is good for speedrunning the game.

Central Bunker revisit V:
If you got all the three codes from the Soldier Quarters, use them on the two lockers and finally the Arsenal (unless you play second playthrough).

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Note 49, Photo 14

 Easy Breather.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Easy Breather
Acquired the gas mask.
Achievement #21: Enter the code on N Laval's locker and you will get this after grabbing it.

After exploring again you can go to the Arsenal.

Before Arsenal
Part 5: Arsenal
1) Arsenal, Central Bunker
2) Notes: 49/52
3) Dog Tags: 19/20
4) Maps: 5/5
5) Photos: 14/16
6) Pocket Bags: 6/7
7) Chains: 6/6
8) Vents: 7/7
9) Achievements: 24/44

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Map 5 / Photo 15
If you got spare grenades or explosive barrels then use it. Grab the last map for Cartographer. Additionally, a pocket bag may be here as well but for me not (example on Pocket bag spawn in Soldier Quarters)

Found all the maps.
Achievement #22: Refer to collectables in Arsenal.

Have the key item: Arsenal code

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Dog Tag 18, 19 / Pocket Bag 6

Proceed through the area linearly until you reach the explosives.

 Munitions Expert.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Munitions Expert
Found the Dynamite.
Achievement #23: Story Related. You got the dynamite then the achievement will trigger.

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Chains 6

You have to backtrack, stock up and heal before entering the Roman Tunnels. Also put in the codes on the Central Bunker lockers.

Opened every vent and cut every chain.
Achievement #24: Refer to the Arsenal collectables. At this point you are done with all vents and chains.
Part 6: Roman Tunnels
1) Roman Tunnels, Arsenal, Central Bunker
2) Notes: 51/52
3) Dog Tags: 20/20
4) Photos: 16/16
5) Pocket Bags: 7/7
6) Achievements: 30/44

Roman Tunnels:
Final area to explore, as always get collectables and do miscellaneous then you are done.

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Note 50, 51 / Photo 16

Acquired the shotgun.
 Shell Shocked.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Shell Shocked
Shot at the visions in the tunnels.
Achievement #25-26: If you want to make it easy go back to saving, there may be a lantern near you and wait. Shoot at it on the light ceiling in front of the statue and you will get this achievement.

Alternatively, I use a revolver instead of shotgun which makes this achievement appear so yes ignore those who tell you to not do it with revolver but with shotgun, it took 3-4 shots to get it on easy. Saving shells should be no problem but I had 2-3 shells saved just in case.

Now to progress, shoot the door to get the detonator near the statue.

Blew open a door with a shotgun.
Achievement #27: Grab the shotgun from him and then shoot the door lock to the next area.

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Pocket Bag 7, Dog Tag 20

 Pack Rat.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Pack Rat
Found all pocket bags.
 Explosives Technician.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Explosives Technician
Found the detonator handle.
Achievement #28-29: The last one is always by the detonator handle. As always if pocket bags don't spawn as mine did for you then find it somewhere else it will always spawn in another same spot when starting a new walkthrough.

Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Dog Tag 20

 Toy Collector.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Toy Collector
Acquired the rabbit doll.
Achievement #30: Story Related. Simply pick it up it is located where Dog Tag 20 is for our next achievements also.

You can backtrack to Central Bunker.
Part 7: The escape to surface
1) Central Bunker, Maintenance, Arsenal, Caverns
2) Notes: 52/52
3) Achievements: 38/44

Central Bunker revisit VI:
Following things will be mentioned here:
  • Note 52

Opened all the lockers.
Retrieved every note.
Achievement #31-32: Combine this when you open up the last locker assuming you did that frequently until the last being of Augustin Lambert's.

Showed the beast the bunny.
Achievement #32: Throw the bunny to the beast, this item is op but you would need to get it after this achievement.

Maintenance revisit IV:
 Toy Fanatic.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Toy Fanatic
Re-acquired the rabbit doll.
Achievement #33: Doll is always located inside the beast's nest (Chapel).

Arsenal revisit II:
Blasted a rat with a shotgun.
Achievement #35: Simply kill the rat with your Winchester Model 1897.

You can blow up the tunnel which will autosave your game. Continue forward

 Beast Master.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Beast Master
Sent the beast back into the screaming darkness.
Achievement #36: You have to throw the bunny to the beast on the wooden bridge and then throw the grenade as this is missable but you can reload to try again. if you destroy a bridge and it jumps over, there's a brief moment where it's vulnerable so you can shoot the beast one more time.

Escaped the bunker.
Finished the game.
Achievement #37-38: Story Related. Once you complete the game these two achievements will be given to you.
Part 8: Toot Sweet
1) Second Walkthrough
2) Complete the game under 40 minutes in easy mode without dropping and storing items, and saving the game.
3) Achievements: 41/44

Second walkthrough:
We will do this on second walkthrough. This is not that hard, only focus on key items so at easy it's a breeze.

Remember: Names, codes from dog tags and even that one note inside Soldier Quarters will be randomised. The key items never changes so make use of that.

Alternatively, do a third walkthrough on not saving.

Here is the in-order way of doing so:
1) Central Bunker - Code for Lockdown Wheel
2) Maintenance - Foreman dog tag for Wrench
3) Prison - Bolt cutters
4) Soldier Quarters - Code for Arsenal
5) Arsenal - Dynamite
6) Roman Tunnels - Detonator handle

Credit to this video, especially the last part where you do not kill the beast.

 Toot Sweet.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Toot Sweet
Completed the game faster than all developers at Frictional.
 Efficiency Expert.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Efficiency Expert
Never dropped nor stored an item.
 Got It In One.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Got It In One
Completed the game without saving.
Achievement #39-41: Doing the requirements below will grant us all of the achievements.

Toot Sweet: Beat the game under 40 minutes.

Efficiency Expert: Do only have items you need and will use, do not drop and store like it says.

Got It In One: There are two autosaves so make use of that effectively.

All this tested on my second account which means you can play the intro and still get it under 40 minutes. I mess up though but all it matters is running without worries, use items when necessary and avoid picking too much stuff up.
6:06 - Central Bunker
11:55 - Soldier Quarters
16:48 - Maintenance
20:46 - Prison
24:32 - Roman Tunnels
27:28 - Arsenal
30:54 - Final
33:58 - The Result
Part 9: Difficulty Walkthroughs
1) Second/Third Walkthrough
2) Complete the game in Shell Shock and Custom difficulties.
3) Achievements: 44/44

Second/Third walkthrough:
In here we will complete the remaining difficulty achievements related, the Shell Shock and Custom Difficulty. (Will be worked on in November). I believe you may die here few times but since you completed the game twice this should ease the worries but expect RNG spawns and swapped items and locations.

The following Shell Shock difficulty differences are:
  • Randomised corpse, locker locations and the numbers still are random.
  • New fuse box and goodies on the boxes.
  • Stalker spawn randomly or unpredictably.
  • Wooden door in the "Saferoom" Administration area.
  • Saving costs fuel.

 In Recovery.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
In Recovery
Completed the game on Shell Shock difficulty.
Achievement #42: In this difficulty, I mentioned the differences above but some few tips:
  • You can still use the save advantage since the codes do not change
  • Hiding in a good spot such as the venting hole at the Central Bunker is the best spot since the beast can't get you there, make use of closets.
  • There are still a good amount of resources but since I cannot find a revolver or did not get the shotgun make sure to manage your grenades and resources.
  • You can't go wrong with the bunny.

For more detailed informations on Shell Shock, this guide by Knight of the Order of Craig goes each ways to make your Shell Shock at your own likings.
 Shell Shock.jpg]

Completed the game on a custom difficulty level.
Achievement #43: This can be easily done if you modify the settings basically ultra-easy mode or ultra-hard mode either way.

 Croix de Guerre.jpg]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Croix de Guerre
Collected all the other achievements.
Achievement #44: Story Related. If you have followed this guide you will hit 43 achievements, ending up with this achievement automatically obtained.
Collectable Checklist total
My check mark is where I found it first playthrough. ✔

Note on new changes: Soldat S. Millard will be required for the Fuel Storage (As mentioned from someone) since the 2023 Halloween update of Shell Shock.

Map (reference): (5)

Note: (52) (One note randomised by name)
  • Dr. Josinski: (3)
  • Henri Clément: (4)
  • Q. Friloux: (1)
  • Unknown Author: (1)
  • Sdt. Boisrond: (3)
  • Sgt. Stéphane Joubert: (5)
  • M. Fournier: (5)
  • Major Sergeant Delpy: (2)
  • Major Blanchet: (1)
  • Sdt. LaRue: (1)
  • Sdt. Chanard: (4)
  • Foreman Stafford: (3)
  • Augustin Lambert: (2)
  • Sgt. Reynard: (4)
  • J. Renoir: (1)
  • Farber: (2)
  • Sdt. Marceau: (1)
  • Alex Noyer: (2)
  • Johannes Nicolay: (1)
  • Toussaint Beaufoy: (3)
  • Sdt. Tirel/RNG: (1)
  • Ozanne: (1)
  • Tremblay: (1)

Dog Tag: (20) (Names and codes randomised) (Fixed are spawns that never changes)
  • V Batiste
  • Q Friloux - code (needed)
  • J Delisle - code (needed)
  • H Boucher - code
  • G Travers - code
  • S Lebert
  • A Giraud - code
  • D Alphonse
  • E Dosier
  • G Chopin
  • F Auclair - code
  • F Stafford - code (needed)
  • C Brilliant
  • A Fortin - code
  • H Clément - code (needed)
  • N Laval - code
  • P Courcy
  • F De Hay
  • D Bardin - code
  • A Lambert - code (needed)

Photo: (16) - These may not contribute to the Librarian Achievement but they're extras so like the force of habit just collect them.

Pocket Bag: (7) - They are not the same as yours so find them by following accordingly be it there or not.
I. Central Bunker:
Officer Quarters, Delisle Room: On the hanger
Mission Storage: H Boucher’s Locker
II. Maintenance:
Foreman’s Quarters: Inside the cabinet
Chapel: On the altar
III. Prison:
Cells: Last cell on the left
Storage: First room on the left
IV. Soldier Quarters:
Barracks B: Inside a vent on the side
Mess Hall: In a wall cabinet
Communications: On the chained filing cabinet.
V. Arsenal:
Clerk’s Office: On the table.
Storage Area A: In the very back on a shelf just at the darkest area.
Supply Closet: Blow the door and it will be on the shelf.
VI. Roman Tunnels:
Before the crater: Near the Detonator Handle

Locker Codes: (11) (Randomised by codes but items stay the same with A Fortin's locker changes on second walkthrough)
1/11 - H Clément | Code: 9655
 Locker - H Clement (1).jpg]
2 Revolver bullets
1 Photo 14:
1 Note 49/52: Clément's Journal - Routine Patrol

2/11 - G Travers | Code: 5587
 Locker - G Travers (1).jpg]Consists:
2 Grenades

3/11 - F Auclair | Code: 0566
 Locker - F Auclair (1).jpg]
1 Medkit
1 Revolver bullet

4/11 - N Laval | Code: 5614
 Locker - N Laval (1).jpg]
1 Gas Mask

5/11 - A Giraud | Code: 3589
 Locker - A Giraud (1).jpg]
1 Lighter
1 Cloth

6/11 - J Delisle | Code: 2265
 Locker - J Delisle (1).jpg]
Lockdown Wheel

7/11 - Foreman Stafford | Code: 9590
 Locker - Foreman Stafford (1).jpg]
1 Wrench

8/11 - A Lambert | Code: 2126
 Locker - A Lambert (1).jpg]
1 Shotgun shell
1 Note 52/52: Lambert’s Journal – Part 2

9/11 - H Boucher | Code: 3212
 Locker - H Boucher (1).jpg]Consists:
1 Pocket Bag

10/11 - A Fortin | Code: 4177
 Locker - A Fortin (1).jpg]
1 Cloth
1 Fuel

Second Walkthrough:

11/11 - D Bardin | Code: 2643
 Locker - D Bardin (1).jpg]
1 Revolver Bullet
1 Bandage
Collectable - Central Bunker I
Includes other section on Central Bunker
- All dog tag with codes still are added to dog tag list.

Note: (25)
  • Dr. Josinski: (3)
  • Henri Clément: (3)
  • Q. Friloux: (1)
  • Unknown Author: (1)
  • Sdt. Boisrond: (2)
  • Sgt. Stéphane Joubert: (3)
  • M. Fournier: (4)
  • Major Sergeant Delpy: (2)
  • Major Blanchet: (1)
  • Sdt. LaRue: (1)
  • Sgt. Reynard: (2)
  • J. Renoir: (1)
  • Augustin Lambert: (1)
    - As you complete all lockers and get the last note.

Dog Tag: (5)
V Batiste

  • Q Friloux - 1166
  • J Delisle - 2265
  • H Boucher - 3212
  • G Travers - 5587
  • (Refer to other sections for codes on Collectable lists)
  • Administration code: Unmissable

Photo: (8)
Map: (1)
Pocket Bag: (2)
- Pocket Bag 2: Find a code for H Boucher and open it.
Vent: (2)
Chain: (3)

Note 1/52: Amnesia Cause
The very beginning of the Central Bunker.

Note 2/52: Clément's Journal - Agony
Left at linear path you will also find a flashlight.

Note 3/52: Autopsy of Reynard
Photo 1/16:
Turn left

Note 4/52: Note from Head Clerk re Dog Tags
Note 5/52: Rats and Burnt Corpses
Dog Tag 1/20: V Batiste
Map 1/5: Central Bunker
More collectables in here

Note 6/52: Keep the light on!
Note 7/52: Fuel and Fire
Dog Tag 2/20: Q Friloux (Code: 1166)
Find the generator down from the safe area.

Note 8/52: How to Get the Hell Out of Here
Unlock door with the code from Q Friloux then turn right.

Note 9/52: Joubert's Final Journal
Note 10/52: Joubert's Journal - Strange Sounds
Photo 2/16:

Note 11/52: Increase Security on Arsenal
Note 12/52: Shooting the Beast
Photo 3/16:
This image shows us Fournier's room location near Strategic Operations door.

Note 13/52: Roman Tunnel Update
Note 14/52: Prisoner in Custody
Photo 4/16:
Inside the Strategic Operation. I think after going inside this room the door on SO opened.

Note 15/52: Assumptions About Motive
Note 16/52: In Charge of Security

Lounge: The Vent 1
Crawl inside here.

Note 17/52: LaRue's Report
Dog Tag 3/20: J Delisle (Code: 2265)
Pocket Bag 1/7:
After all that, unlock the door. Pocket bag gives you +1 slot.

Dog Tag 4/20: H Boucher (Code: 3212)
Jump the tripwire and go to the corpse on the ground with the dog tag.

Note 18/52: Where's our Wine?

Before Mission Storage
Collectable - Central Bunker II
Mission Storage and other areas to revisit:
Here you can visit Mission Storage and when coming back from other sections we can use the code to unlock more lockers in Central Bunker for our achievement Codebreaker and others. Run out of space on the other section so this will happen.

Mission Storage: The Vent 2

Note 19/52: Clément's Journal - No Word
Dog Tag 5/20: G Travers (Code: 5587)
Photo 5/16:

Revisit here when you have key items: Wrench
Wine Cellar: The Vent 3

Note 26/52: List of the Guilty
Note 27/52: Noyer's Translation

Revisit here when you have key items: Bolt cutters

Chain 3:
Some items inside here to help you.

Chains 4:
Note 32/52: About Digging too Deep
Note 33/52: Toussaint’s Fate

Chains 5:
Basically, just cut the cell door on Wine cellar.
Collectable - Maintenance I
Note: (6)
Sdt. Chanard: (3)
Foreman Stafford: (2)
Augustin Lambert: (1)

Dog Tag: (8)
S Lebert
D Alphonse
E Dosier
G Chopin
C Brilliant

A Giraud - 3589
F Stafford - 9590
A Fortin - 4177

Photo: (2)
Map: (1)
Pocket Bag: (1)
Vent: (3)

To start, go to the right side entering.

Map: 2/5
Note 20/52: The Rats
Photo: 6/16
Be careful with the flare trap.

Dog Tag 6/20: S Lebert

Note 21/52: Note to a Dead Friend
Photo: 7/16
Dog Tag 7/20: A Giraud (Code: 3589)
Pocket Bag: 2/7

Save your torch on something else which is the upcoming 3 dogtags.

Note 22/52: It Can Hear Me

Next: Workshop

Dog Tag 8/20: D Alphonse
Dog Tag 9/20: E Dosier
Dog Tag 10/20: G Chopin

Note 23/52: Where's the Pillbox key?

Note 24/52: Lambert's Journal - Part 1
Dog Tag 11/20: F Auclair (Code: 0566)
There may be a potential pocket bag spawn here. Now grab the pillbox key near the Father's corpse wall.

Go to the pillbox room. If you throw a grenade, make sure to stay at the top after climbing.

Note 25/52: I Saw Its Face

Dog Tag 12/20: F Stafford (Code: 9590)
At the very top.

Dog Tag 13/20: C Brilliant

Revisit here when you have key items: Wrench

Break Room: The Vent 4

Dog Tag 14/20: A Fortin (Code: 4177)

Re-enter Central Bunker for other collectables and areas to explore to.
Collectable - Prison I
Note: (4)
Sdt. Boisrond: (1)
M. Fournier: (1)
Sgt. Reynard: (2)
(Refer to other sections for codes on Collectable lists)

Photo: (2)
Map: (1)
Pocket Bag: (1)
Vent: (1)
Chain: (2)

Map 3/5:
Grab the brick before entering the storage or cells then break the first door to obtain map.

Control Room: The Vent 5
Note 28/52: Wrench Location Note

Note 29/52: Update on Prisoner
Photo 8/16:

Go to the cellar door on the left corner where there is a Pocket bag waiting.

Have the key item: Bolt cutters

Chain 1:
By the first door.

Pocket Bag 3/7:
First door

Chain 2:
Note 30/52: Permission to Court Martial
Note 31/52: Reynard is Dead

Now go back to the Central Bunker to Prison
Collectable - Soldier Quarters I
Note: (15)
  • Henri Clément: (1)
  • Foreman Stafford: (1)
  • Sdt. Chanard: (1)
  • Farber: (2)
  • Sdt. Marceau: (1)
  • Sgt. Stéphane Joubert: (1)
  • Alex Noyer: (2)
  • Johannes Nicolay: (1)
  • Toussaint Beaufoy: (2)
  • Sdt. Tirel (RNGesus changes): (1)
  • Ozanne: (1)
  • Tremblay: (1)

Dog Tag: (4)
  • P Courcy

  • H Clément - 9655
  • N Laval - 5614
  • Arsenal - 6741

(Refer to other sections for codes on Collectable lists)
Arsenal Code - Unmissable.

Photo: (5)
Map: (1)
Pocket Bag: (1)
Vent: (2) ✔

Note 34/52: Daisy-Chained Switches

Barracks B/Other area:
Barracks B: The Vent 6:
Note 35/52: Fear and Paranoia
Note 36/52: Gathering of the Willing
You need wrench in here. A potential pocket bag will spawn inside the vents.

Photo 9/16:

Note 37/52: Clement’s Journal – Compelled
Dog Tag 15/20: H Clément (Code: 9655)

Map 4/5:
Note 38/52: Joubert’s Journal – Patrol Debriefing
Photo 10/16:

Photo 11/16:
Dog Tag 16/20: N Laval (Code: 5614)

Note 39/52: Farber's Last Note
Find the shortcut door and get to the corner wardrobe for a gasoline and note. On your left is a potential pocket bag on the closet.

Mess Hall: The Vent 7:
Photo 12/16:

Note 40/52: The Officers have Fled

Barracks A:
Watch out for the trap on your right and then the end of the hallway.

Note 41/52: Noyer’s Journal – Part 1

Note 42/52: Nicolay’s Unsent Letter
Turn right after the note 40.

Note 43/52: Toussaint’s Journal
Dog Tag 17/20: P Courcy

Note 44/52: We Whirl the World

Photo 13/16:

Note 45/52: I Have the Communications Key
To the security room. This is where names will change so yours won't be like Tirel.
Collectable - Soldier Quarters II

Note 46/52: Note to Farber

Pocket Bag 4/7:
Note 47/52: Noyer’s Journal – Part 2
Break the lock.

Note 48/52: Farber Dies
This is near the radio.

Arsenal Code: 6741 (Randomised but can reload last save after hearing the code)

If you are all done, go back to Central Bunker and use the codes.
Collectable - Arsenal I
Dog Tag: (2)
F De Hay

D Bardin - 2643
(Refer to other sections for codes on Collectable lists)

Photo: (1)
Map: (1) ✔
Pocket Bag: (1)

Map 5/5:
Photo 15/16:
If you got spare grenades or explosive barrels then use it. Grab the last map for Cartographer. Additionally, a pocket bag may be here as well but for me not (example on Pocket bag spawn in Soldier Quarters :) )

Dog Tag 18/20: F De Hay

Have the key item: Arsenal code

Dog Tag 19/20: D Bardin (Code: 2643)
Deal with them as you like.

If you find a pocket bag here then take it.

After reaching the explosive, blow this door up.

Pocket Bag 5/7:

Chain 6:
Collectable - Roman Tunnels I
Note: (2)
Toussaint Beaufoy: (1)
Sgt. Stéphane Joubert: (1)

Dog Tag: (1)
A Lambert - 2826
(Refer to other sections for codes on Collectable lists)
Photo: 14/16
Map: 5/5 ✔
Pocket Bag: 4/7

Map 5/5: ✔
Photo: (1) ✔

Note 50/52: Toussaint’s Madness
Note 51/52: Comment on Noyer’s Report

Photo 16/16:

Pocket Bag 7/7:

Once you grab the detonator, go forward.

Dog Tag 20/20: A Lambert (Code: 2126)

After grabbing the last item which is the bunny in the crater, head back to the Central Bunker and you can do anything for the rest of the game.
A short game and more WWI horror games is much appreciated. On top of that, I love how the stalker is similar to the Alien in Alien: Isolation and I cared much to be immersed into the game, learned fast and exploring so much made me spend more than 8 hours playtime (in-game) but the total is like +16 hours total by Steam.

Like other Amnesia games, this is fairly easy for a 2 hour experience. I do enjoy the gameplay and everything else, the story could of been expanded further as well as the Bunker itself.

 Hero (1).png]

100% finished, keep it up people and good luck :)

If you want to consider donating, I have the link here so you can send your money. Otherwise if not then that is fine, continue using this guide at your own benefit I won't ask too much.

Other guides:
Aniall8er1 24 Jan @ 6:10pm 
I got shell shocked when he shot at me in the roman tunnels
Division  [author] 27 Oct, 2023 @ 4:21am 
@Knight of the Order of Craig Yeah it is pretty annoying but however I got it out of pure luck or whatever you call it, even you see the Shadow it sometimes don't trigger instantly if you shoot at it but luckily the game is forgiving.
Division  [author] 27 Oct, 2023 @ 4:00am 
@Xegyas Thanks for the tip I will have fun with this mode when I come back from my vacation I have other guides to do also.
Pyramid Head 25 Oct, 2023 @ 7:03pm 
Shellshock is pretty fun, and yeah, you're probably totally gonna die a few times. The monster shrugs off bullets and buckshot like a champ. If you're injured early into the game, you're pretty much dead already
Blinks menacingly 24 Oct, 2023 @ 12:01pm 
Nevermind, it just takes so many tries, there is no way anyone got this one accidentally
Blinks menacingly 24 Oct, 2023 @ 11:58am 
I swear the shoot a vision achievement is bugged, no matter how much I try, it never triggers, neither with shotgun, nor with revolver
Division  [author] 28 Aug, 2023 @ 7:00pm 
@MYSTICVIBES28 I appreciate it but that is me whenever I forget at least I won't call it buggy but simply it is optional just note-writing heavily in general is my thing during first time playing. This game should had been not giving us a lot of resources especially that fuel tank with bottles included.
MYSTICVIBES28 28 Aug, 2023 @ 6:22pm 
Hey Division,
First off all thankyou for the detailed explanation + guides + acihvments !!
Well done!!
About the roastmaster acihvment, you don't need to write notes just burn 12 bodies and it's done !!
At least for me it worked... :badkitty:
Greg The Spider 19 Jul, 2023 @ 10:52pm 
I was doing a lot of achievements in one run but one was permanently ruined because the beast destroyed a door with a chain on it. Now im sad :( lol
Titanus Jormungandr 14 Jul, 2023 @ 8:54am 
Aw rip