System Shock

System Shock

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Storage Puzzle, Step by Step
A short, step by step video guide for the float-pad puzzle in Storage.
Where is the puzzle?
The puzzle is located in Storage Room #5.

What do I get by beating the puzzle?
You can find a KF-18 Skorpion, a pretty handy machine gun, as well as an audiolog, an Illudium-Cadmium battery, some teflon rounds, magnetic-pulse cartridges, a plasma core and a medkit.
Oh, and a Cyborg Mantis, just around the corner.

You can also find some cameras whose destruction contributes to the overall level security percentage - and if you manage to get 0%, allow me to congratulate to you for winning a free, upgraded pair of Turbo Boots in Storage 6.

Note: you can also find V2 Turbo Boots on the main corridors of the Flight Deck (LVL 5), in front of its Executive wing, or by solving the lever puzzle in Flight Bay 4 and getting across the activated platform.
Also, regarding the puzzle, once you have the door open, you can bypass it by tossing an EMP grenade and disabling the lifts to get through.
Shout-outs to CFW Magic and Si-DemoN for letting me know of these!
CFW Magic 28 Jun, 2023 @ 9:26pm 
No problem. And it's probably because I've been playing System Shock since 1995, hahahah. I had time to route this game.
LUCASG0LD  [author] 28 Jun, 2023 @ 12:40pm 
Even better, I believe I saw a V2 boots today on the corridors of Flight Deck, right in front of the Executive wing.
LUCASG0LD  [author] 28 Jun, 2023 @ 12:36pm 
That's a pretty good tactic and I don't know how I missed the flight deck boots lmao XD Thank you for these, I'll update the guide regarding the boots and credit you, if you don't mind!
CFW Magic 28 Jun, 2023 @ 12:12pm 
Oh and rocket boots are much easier and earlier to get in flight deck. You literally need to pass one bulkhead, trip three switches, then crawl through the assassin vent. And you get V2 boots. Usually better to go to flight deck before storage for that reason, the early V2 boots make the verticality much, much easier to manage.
CFW Magic 28 Jun, 2023 @ 12:01pm 
Even easier. Have any version of the rocket boots. Face the lift diagonally. Get something like 5 meters back, then sprint into the side of the lift in such a way that you only cross it's corner and immediately fly into the door. If done right, you will fling yourself into the door faster than the lift can stop you.
LUCASG0LD  [author] 17 Jun, 2023 @ 8:18am 
Wow, I didn't know they would have an effect on the lifts... that's cool, thanks!
Si-DemoN 17 Jun, 2023 @ 7:52am 
As soon as door to the last lift is open, you can just throw EMP grenade to temporarily disable all lifts and pass.