One Way Heroics

One Way Heroics

412 ratings
[One Way Heroics] 100% Achievements Guide
By Auallonia
This guide aims at assisting players through the task of obtaining every achievement in One Way Heroics. It will cover a few strategies and provide insight on some advance tactics.
Welcome to the guide. You are obviously here for the guide and not the introduction so I wont waste too much of your time.

I managed to 100% the game in 21.4 hours but I was just messing around most of the time. I am willing to bet that a 10 hour completion is possible if you plan ahead. That's what this guide aims to do. When trying to 100% the game, I struggled to find information since it usually came scattered across many sources. That being said, some of these ideas are not completely my own. I would also like to mention that some of the seeds that I refer to in my guide were not discovered by me. Due to how scattered the information was, I am unable to give credit to any single individual.

Without further ado, lets get started!
Achievements Part 1
Into Darkness
Get swallowed by the Darkness.
-This is unlocked by dying to the darkness. Just run left and it will happen fast.

License on life
Survived until the start of the 3rd day.
-Time passes as you take actions. Just keep progressing, fairly straightforward.

Find a new jerb
Made Iris all pouty!
-Ignore Iris for about three days and then speak to her. You can speak to party members through an item in the inventory.

My First Vault
Expanded the Dimensional Vault.
-Buy your first Dimensional Vault slot. This can be done after you finish a run using points that you earn. It costs 5 for the first slot. Every slot costs 5 more than the previous one.

My First Perk
Unlocked a new Perk.
-Buy a perk using the previously mentioned points.

2 Legit 2 Quit
Reached past the 100km marker at least 3 times.
-If you are playing on easy mode (Walk in the Park), this is 1/4th of the way to the Demon Lord.

I Need More Power!!!
Reached past the 300km marker at least 3 times.
-If you are playing on easy mode, this is 3/4ths of the way to the Demon Lord.

Forbidden Arts
Intoned the forbidden spell only available to the Hero.
-Cast Zenura Weave. This spell is unlocked when the Hero class reaches level 3.

First Time Hunt
Unlocked the Hunter class.
-You can buy this class for 30P or you can unlock it by killing an enemy with a bow.

A Taste of Darkness
Unlocked the Pirate class.
-You can buy this class for 50P or you can unlock it by discovering the Dark Brotherhood. You can simply talk to the guard at the entrance on the Brotherhood for the unlock.

My First Treasure
Unlocked the Adventurer class.
-You can buy this class for 50P or you can unlock it by opening an Extravagant Chest. Extravagant Chests are red and gold.

Force Sensitive
Unlocked the Force User class.
-You can buy this class for 40P or you can unlock it by defeating an enemy using a force spell. You can learn force spells from fortune tellers scattered around the lands.

My First Friend
Unlocked the Bard class.
-You can buy this class for 50P or you can unlock it by recruiting a party member. An easy way to unlock this is by doing a daily mission that has a character to recruit at the start.

Medal for Heroism
Unlocked the Hero class.
-This class can be obtained by beating Afternoon Stroll difficulty or by beating Walk in the Park difficulty with 6 other classes.

Walk in the park
Cleared the Walk in the Park difficulty.
-I would recommend doing your first run using the Knight class as the starting shield will help make up for many beginner mistakes. I encourage you to beat this mode with every character to unlock the Hero class. You might want to store one or two Demon Coats in your Dimensional Vault for later use.

Afternoon Stroll
Cleared the Afternoon Stroll difficulty.
-This can be cleared very easily using the Hero class with 5 Pro Wrestler perks. Use Zenura Weave as soon as you hit level three and unequip your weapon. You can hit through the Demon Lord's barrier so just Awakening and have a go at him.

Grueling Campaign
Cleared the Grueling Campaign difficulty.
-Once again, this can be cleared fairly easily using the Hero class. I recommend clearing it on the following seed: QKC2LUGW. The King can be recruited in a town a few km from the start on the southern part of the map. You need 2 Charisma to recruit him but his extra damage makes up for using those 2 perk slots. You can take out 2 achievements with this one run. See "The Remaining Mystery" achievement for more information.

Inhumane Odyssey
Cleared the Inhumane Odyssey difficulty.
-Use Hero class. The King can be used once again to assist you on this run. You may have to reload the game a couple of times before you actually manage to clear this one.

A Real Walk in the Park
Cleared the Walk in the Park difficulty without utilizing the Dimensional Vault.
-You shouldn't be accessing the Vault this early in the game. You don't have anything there that's worth using yet.

The True Afternoon Stroll
Cleared the Afternoon Stroll difficulty without utilizing the Dimensional Vault.
-Don't use the Vault for the sake of getting this. It's not hard.

A Truly Grueling Campaign
Cleared the Grueling Campaign difficulty without utilizing the Dimensional Vault.
-Once again, you shouldn't need the Vault here.

The Really Inhumane Odyssey
Cleared the Inhumane Odyssey difficulty without utilizing the Dimensional Vault.
-You will be tempted to use the Vault but don't do it. You can clear it without any Vault items.

Mission Accomplished
Cleared the game by defeating the Demon Lord.
-This is an easy one. You have to beat him many times if you want to 100% the game.
Achievements Part 2
Swords are the best
Cleared the game with Swordmaster.
-Swordsmen have an increased combo rate so abuse those Agility perks.

Shield of the World
Cleared the game with Knight.
-The Knight starts with a shield and is a good class to learn the game with.

Career Hunter
Cleared the game with Hunter.
-This class is good at avoiding fights as it can sense nearby enemies.

The Pirate Messiah
Cleared the game with Pirate.
-Free access to the Brotherhood and can lockpick chests.

In it for the loot
Cleared the game with Adventurer.
-The weakest class in my opinion. Try to get a shield asap.

Taste my Force Power
Cleared the game with Force User.
-Force spells go through the Demon Lord's barrier.

Music Saves the World
Cleared the game with Bard.
-The Bard can identify buildings. Friendly building are blue, enemy building are red.

Don't show them your back!
Cleared the game with Hero.
-You will be using this class very often. You will clear the game many many times using his power.

Together Forever
Witnessed the Dosey Epilogue.
-You can find her through the daily quest or using the following seed: I008IU. Those are zeros, not Os and I (eyes) not 1s. She is at ~16km. You will need a Nayuta Fruit and 1 Charisma to recruit her. Like almost all other endings, you will need to have her speak to you 3 times in order to get her ending. She will transform into a wolf and you will need to use one of the Buddy Tablets that she gave you in order to make her friendly again. Like all other special endings, she needs to be alive when you beat the game. You need to be on Afternoon Stroll or higher.

A Merc's Homecoming
Witnessed the Panty Epilogue.
-You can find him through the daily quest or by using the following seed on Afternoon Stroll: QKC2LUGW. He is at ~10km and to the south. You will need 500 silver and 1 Charisma to recruit him. You will need to pay him an additional 500 silver every 24 hours. I recommend stacking the Piggy Bank perk atleast 2 times. Like almost all other endings, you will need to have him speak to you 3 times in order to get his ending. Like all other special endings, he needs to be alive when you beat the game.

Let's meet again
Witnessed the Queen Frieda Epilogue.
-You can find her through her daily quest or trapped in a dungeon. I don't have any seeds for her but she is a fairly common encounter. You can free her from captivity by breaking the wall behind her. This way, you don't have to clear the dungeon. You need one Charisma to recruit her. Like almost all other endings, you will need to have her speak to you 3 times in order to get her ending. Like all other special endings, she needs to be alive when you beat the game. You need to be on Afternoon Stroll or higher.

The Remaining Mystery
Witnessed the King Victor epilogue.
-You can find him through his daily quest or by using the following seed on Grueling diffuculty: QKC2LUGW. You need 2 Charisma to recruit him. Like almost all other endings, you will need to have him speak to you 3 times in order to get his ending. Like all other special endings, he needs to be alive when you beat the game.

The Soulless Knight
Witnessed the Duke Galtz Epilogue.
-You can find him through his daily quest or by encountering him randomly. He spawns as a hostile unit and you will need to use a Buddy Tablet on him before you can recruit him. You need 3 Charisma to recruit him. Like almost all other endings, you will need to have him speak to you 3 times in order to get his ending. Like all other special endings, he needs to be alive when you beat the game. You need to be on Afternoon Stroll or higher.

Sara's Bizarre Adventure
Witnessed the Demon Lord Epilogue.
-You need to damage the Darkness and then purify the Demon Lord by using a Buddy Tablet on him. You need 3 Charisma to recruit him. You will need to beat the Darkness Dragon or reach the end of the world to beat the game. See "The Real Adversary" and "To the Ends of the World" for further instruction. Unlike all other special endings, he DOES NOT need to speak with you three times to trigger the ending. Like all other special endings, he needs to be alive when you beat the game. You need to be on Afternoon Stroll or higher.

A Real Pro
Attained an overall Heroics level of 50 or above.
-Your Heroics level is based on your character level, km traveled per day, monsters killed and treasures picked up. This achievement will unlock itself through normal gameplay

A Hero to All
Attained an overall Heroics level of 100 or above.
-Your Heroics level is based on your character level, km traveled per day, monsters killed and treasures picked up. This achievement will unlock itself through normal gameplay

A Legend for All Time
Attained an overall Heroics level of 200 or above.
-Your Heroics level is based on your character level, km traveled per day, monsters killed and treasures picked up. This achievement will unlock itself through normal gameplay

To the Ends of the World
Cleared the game by reaching the End of the World.
-The world ends at 2000km. The best way to get this achievement is in Afternoon Stroll with the Hero class. Be sure to bring plenty of Save Crystals.

Heroic Maniac
Cleared Maniac Mode.
-Turn it on and select Walk in the Park with Hero class. Zenura Weave and wreck it.

Secret of the World
Discovered the truth about the Demon Lord.
-You can unlock this by puriying the Demon Lord with a Buddy Tablet. Save this one for when you are attemting to get his ending.
Achievements Part 3
The Real Adversary
Cleared the game by defeating the Darkness.

This one gets its own section because its a complicated achievement with so much to explain. Totally not because Steam's character limit cut me off. Anyways, the format for this will be different.

In order to defeat the Darkness, you will need to throw a holy weapon into the Darkness before you can start doing damage to it. Don't do this. Get a Neith's Holy Bow instead. Shooting any arrow into the Darkness while using a Neith's Holy Bow will initiate the fight. After the fight is initiated, you can damage the Darkness Dragon by shooting him or attacking him up close. Because the Darkness will continue to creep on you, I recommend getting a Holy Lance Longinus as it can attack from 2 squares away. Not only that, but unlike the bow, you can proc combo hits. More on this later.

You can obtain holy weapons from Holy Shrines but you need a Key of Seals or the Queen's power to enter. Use the following dimension to prepare yourself for the final battle. The seed is: Fsteak. Pay close attention to the uppercase and lowercase characters, enter it exactly as I did. This dimension has a town extremely close to the starting base. You want to start a game on Inhumane Odyssey difficulty with 5 Piggy Bank perks. Go to the shop and find any useful items. Then die to the Darkness and put anything useful in the Vault. Key items to look out for are: Key of Seals. Scroll of Swordplay, Scroll of the Sword Saint, Scroll of Armoring, Scroll of Phalanx and Bracelet of Destruction.

Once you get two keys, use this seed to get your holy weapons: BCDQ0MCS. That's a zero by the way. The shine is near the beginning at the top of the screen. If you do not get a bow or lance, die and DO NOT touch the Vault. Nothing will be saved and you will have your key to try again. Do this until you get your lance and bow.

Once you have your lance and bow, continue to farm the shops. Get your lance atleast 6 enchantments. The limit is 10 I believe. Any more than that and random stats will start to be replaced. Remember, you can always die to the darkness and not touch the Vault to try for better enchantments. I also suggest that you enchant a Demon Lord's Coat with the best enchantments you can get. Make sure you get a Ring of Destruction from the shop as it will help increase your DPS. Get other useful supplies from the shop. Items such as Save Crystals, Teleport Pills, Confusion Scrolls, etc are very useful. You need to be able to survive long enough and you don't want to mess up your final battle.

You will be fighting your final battle in the seed Fsteak. If the vendor does not sell any arrows, reset and try again. You will have one of two setups depending on how you are doing this. If you want to recruit the Demon Lord and defeat the Darkness Dragon all in one go, get 3 Charisma and 2 Agility. If you want to focus on just defeating the Darkness Dragon, get 5 Agility. You will be using the Swordsman class as combos are very important here.

If you are trying to recruit the Demon Lord, you want to initiate battle with the Darkness as soon as the Demon Lord spawns. Remember, you need to hit the Darkness once after the battle is initiated in order to get the recruit dialog on the Demon Lord. After you have damaged the Darkness, throw your Buddy Tablet at the Demon Lord and recruit him. You can then run away to level up a bit more or stay and fight.

Once the battle has started, you want to shoot the Darkness until it gets somewhat close to you. You then need to switch from your ranged gear into your melee gear. Once you are standing face to face with the Darkness, activate your Awakening and immediately afterwards, active your Berserk ability. Start to hit the Darkness and activate Awakening as soon as the previous one ends. If you have enough damage and enough luck with getting your combos off, you should be able to defeat the Darkness before your last Awakening ends. If not, keep dealing damage. You may need to reset to your previous save file and gain a few more levels but you will eventually win.
Thank you for reading my guide. This is the first guide I have written so any advice is welcome. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Good luck on your quest to 100% One Way Heroics!
Change Log
8/14/14 - Added a change to the unlock method of the Pirate class. The method was posted in the comments by the user DjEzus.
8/13/14 - Added another way to unlock the Pirate class. The method was posted in the comments by the user DjEzus.
Lanosa 23 Mar, 2024 @ 1:22pm 
Characters are not located in only one seed. I found Dosey in my 1st world without even trying.
Ren 'O Kyl 29 May, 2023 @ 12:41am 
I only started reading because I was mad that I couldnt use the training bracelet and arrows as hunter because rings and arrows use the same slot, but holy shit I learned so much.
Archer 26 Nov, 2020 @ 1:30am 
Needs updated, Plus changed the seeds....
Tomfried 10 Sep, 2020 @ 6:50am 
What about the achievements from the One Way Heroics PLUS DLC?
Haohmaru 1 Feb, 2019 @ 10:24am 
Thanks a lot for this guide‚ best one around for this great game :whiteflower:
Saanza 30 Aug, 2018 @ 10:43pm 
Please update your guide to include the plus achievements! My plan is to unlock all the achievements in the regular mode first before buying the plus DLC (so that the seeds actually work as intended). If you do update the guide, make sure to note that the seeds won't be the same once you get the DLC.
Icarus 26 Dec, 2016 @ 10:16am 
im doing a 10k run as a hero. i already used zenura. any tips for killing the dragon?
Connor 8 Nov, 2016 @ 1:14am 
The seed EQKWFAWD has 2 holy shrines very close to the start. Within a couple hundred km.
Kuliyamasan 18 Aug, 2016 @ 8:09pm 
trabunt 10 Jul, 2016 @ 9:20am 
For those of you who play OWH+ and need a good seed for getting Holy Weapons, the seed Youmu is extremely good for this. At around 325km, you find Frieda, and I think at about 500km, you find not one, but TWO shrines RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER. I did a full 2000km run of this seed and I found two more shrines much later after that, sometime after the 1000km point.