Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

61 ratings
All Hidden Faces - Galena (Senua’s mother).
By ⎛⎝ Doggo ⎠⎞
This guide is about where to find all 8 hidden faces of Senua’s mother.
1st question
Do you need this for something?

Absolutely not, you don't get any achievement for it!
This is only extra conversations with her mother.

This allows you to get to know the story better.

Where to Find All Faces of Senua’s Mother?
Valrvn’s Path
After defeating Valrvn, the game talks to you about hidden faces as you return to the start of the level. Sure enough, when you reach a ladder to climb down, there is the face of Senua’s mother in the rock straight ahead of you. Focus on the face and the face will come to life and speak.

"Seuna. You have the sight. Just like I do. Once you can see into the underworld, the underworld and all the souls within it will see you. Don't be afraid when they speak to you. I will always be here to guide you."
Surtr’s Path
At the start of the level, instead of crossing the bridge over the stream, look to the left and you’ll find the face in a waterfall.

"Senua, we each walk these lands gazing towards different horizons, some of us further than others. Your father cannot see that you see, but there is nothing wrong with seeing the world the way you do."
Bridge to Helheim
After defeating some bad guys, you have to look for 3 runes to open the door ahead. Climb up the stairs here and go around to the other side of the building. Go through the first window you find (it’s on your left), there is a ledge to your left, walk all the way along it and go further around to the left, the face is on the roof.

"Oh, Senua, your taher does not hate me. He just fears the souls in the underworld. He cannot see that they are already afraid. But I am their healer and I must answer their cries for help if it displeases him."
Go over the first ramp where Dillion is dancing. Before the second ramp, go to your right where the cliffs are and find a cave with a face in it.

"Senua, there will be times, that you will feel alone and exhausted, like a strange little fish swimming against the tides of the big ocean. But have the faith to let go and let the tide carry you away. Because the whole ocean is your home and it does not ask you to swim against it."
First Trial (Labyrinth)
At the end of the labyrinth is a room with what looks like red neon lighting. Do not enter this room, but instead walk past it to the right into a dead-end, and light the torch here. The face will then be revealed on the wall.

"If only we could see life through each other's eyes, there would be no hatred. We only hate what we fear. And we only fear what we cannot see. Your father...and I will keep on trying...but his Gods will nnot let him avert his gaze. But if he could, he would know not to turn his anger on us."
Second Trial (Swamp)
In the swamp, stand underneath the jetty in front of the house and look at the water.

"Seuna, don't cry. The world needs people like us, because we reveal the secrets that they are blind to. Sometimes when we dream of a coming storm, they may think we brought the storm with us. What they say about me is not true. They are just scared. We must forgive them. We must forgive them."
Third Trial (Tower)
Use the second mask (in the garden on the right of the building) to switch from night to day, then run straight across the castle, out through the barred gate on the other side, and keep going straight. You’ll see the face between the bridge struts.

"We spend our lives searching for the meaning in life and we ask the Gods for guidance. But the truth to life is revealed when we can face death without fear. How can the Gods understand us if they refuse to die themselves?"
Sea of Corpses
Once you're done fighting in the sea of corpses, you have to find your mother’s face.

What's about with Galena? SPOILER
Galena was a Pict woman, the wife of Zynbel and the mother of Senua. Much like her daughter, she too suffered from a form of psychosis, causing her to hear voices and see faces in her surroundings.

Described as a priestess and healer, Galena attempted to assure Senua that her condition was not something to be treated as a curse. Her eventual death would act as a catalyst for Senua's own psychosis to worsen.

When Senua was at a young age, Galena would always try to encourage her daughter to not be afraid of her voices, calling it a 'sight into the underworld'. Zynbel and his druidic practices, however, disagreed, considering his wife's condition as a blight upon their village and a curse.

One night, when Senua was five years old, Zynbel tied Galena to a stake and burnt her alive to appease the gods. Galena implored her daughter to look away, but the sight traumatized Senua and forced her to repress the memory, believing that Galena killed herself instead to be rid of her darkness. Without her mother's positive influence, Zynbel's abusive behavior to control his daughter's curse shut Senua away from the world.

"Never forget what it is like to see the world as a child, Senua: where every autumn leaf is a work of art; every rolling cloud, a moving picture; every day a new story. We too emerge from this magic, like a wave from the ocean, only to return back to the sea. Do not mourn the waves, the leaves and the clouds. Because even in darkness the wonder and beauty of the world never leaves. It's always there, just waiting to be seen again."
~Galena to Senua

What's about with Zynbel? SPOILER
Zynbel is a druid, husband of Galena and Senua's father. A man who is devoutly fanatical in his beliefs, he saw both his wife and daughter as being infected with a curse that could only be redeemed through appeasement of his gods.

Zynbel later manifests during Senua's quest as the Shadow, a dark and overwhelming inner voice that degrades Senua and attempts to emotionally manipulate her, just like her father.

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