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Votekick abuse and what to do when you encounter it
By PlsBuff
To be clear, I am neither an admin nor a moderator of this game. Just a player sharing his experience on how to deal with this issue.


Official Servers are subject to Official Server Rules. Votekicking someone for playing the objective is votekick-abuse and a bannable offense. Check the Rules here:

Official Server Rules displayed on r/Mordhau

Votekicking may only be used if one of these Rules is breached by someone. If you see someone Votekick-Abusing, you can report them to the Moderators via Discord. Sometimes it can take 1-2 days for an answer, sometimes it's done in under 10min, but the Mods care and take action based on reports.

Important for vk-abuse reports: You need Video evidence (Upload to YouTube or other video-hosting site) and you must open the console and type "playerlist" (without the "") and press enter to get the current playerlist on the server with the player's respective FabIDs so that the Mods can accurately identify the perpetrator.

From my experience reporting on this issue, it usually results in a temporary ban, but the punishment is ultimately decided by the Mods.

My reporting format:

[Screenshot of console+playerlist]


Playername - FabID


These are the Discord's reporting instructions:

Originally posted by Mordhau Discord:
Message the @ModMail bot in the sidebar. Click on the link the bot provides to verify your account, and then send your report.

Keep your ticket concise and include all of the following information:

- Video clip evidence (~2 Minutes), or screenshots of chat offenses.
- Include the PlayFabIDs of all reported players inside of the evidence.
- Any video and screenshots should remain unedited and uncropped to show the full context.

Important: Steam Accounts and SteamIDs cannot be accepted in reports as evidence in lieu of a PlayfabID. The PlayfabID of a player can be shown in either the console via the playerlist command, or using the "Copy PlayfabID" button and showing the output, or shown by placing your mouse over a players' name on the scoreboard. Reports that do not show the PlayfabID of the player being reported inside the evidence will not be accepted.

Chat Behaviour: Provide a video or screenshot(s) as evidence which includes the PlayfabID and the official server name in the console or scoreboard. The console also outputs chat and can be used to reduce the number of screenshots taken or display a larger section of text.

Cheating/Teamkilling/Griefing: Provide a video as evidence which includes the PlayfabID in console or scoreboard. The PlayfabID of the player in question must be shown in the same video clip as the one with the evidence in order to verify the identity of the players involved. Reports must display the server name in the evidence, either from the Scoreboard or from the playerlist console output. Reports for cheating will be accepted from official and non-official servers.

If you do not know how to open the console: Go to Settings and then Key Bindings. From there, scroll to the very bottom to locate the key bound to Show Console.
PlsBuff  [author] 29 Aug, 2024 @ 1:50pm 
you‘re welcome!
Roger D 26 Aug, 2023 @ 1:00am 
thank u
PlsBuff  [author] 29 Jun, 2023 @ 10:25am 
thx :D
I'm Candy 29 Jun, 2023 @ 5:59am 
well made and clear good guide>