Kingdom Eighties

Kingdom Eighties

105 ratings
Kingdom Eighties - 100% Achievement Guide
By missiloon
In this guide I'll describe all the achievements for Kingdom Eighties.
Welcome to my guide for Kingdom Eighties.

I love the Kingdom series and I'm glad to see the achievement list for this new entry in the series has not that many challenging achievements. The most difficult ones will be to complete the game within 50 days and complete the game on cursed difficulty. I would recommend at least 2 different playthroughs because of those 2.

The game has missable achievements because you can't go back to previous areas. Gladly the game isn't long, so if you need to replay it, it doesn't take that long, but you might as well check out each level of this guide before really finishing it. Most of the time it is quite clear which action will finish the level, but if you trigger it, you can't go back.

It is up to you how to complete Kingdom Eighties, and maybe you are already playing the game and just looking up a specific achievement, but for those that would love to get a suggestion on how to tackle this. I would start with playing a section of level 1 on peaceful, just to unlock the only achievement that is achievable on the peaceful difficulty. This will give you a feeling for the game (and the differences compared to earlier entry in the series).

After that, I would suggest starting a new save file on the cursed difficulty. This can be quite challenging, but I managed to do it on my first playthrough. If things go horribly wrong, don't be afraid to lose your crown on purpose just to be able to load your old save, or to start from scratch on that level. This is the playthrough in which you want to unlock almost all the achievements, as you won't have that much time for them on the speedrun.

After finishing the cursed difficulty, start another new save file, and this time I would recommend playing on easy to beat the game in under 50 days. This means you have just a little over 3h to complete the game. Only work toward the main objective on each level, and try to leave each level with a full coin pouch.

Peaceful mode
It Still Counts
Destroy a portal on Peaceful
Play on the peaceful difficulty until you destroyed a portal. All the other achievements can't be unlocked on this difficulty.

Level 1
I would recommend doing the achievements for sawing all trees and completing this level with no more than 20 kids on this level as well.

Confidence is an Illusion
Find the missing trophy
Story Related

Recruit someone athletic
Story Related

Chief Technician
Recruit someone handy
Story Related

1st Down
Destroy a portal in a forest
Story Related

2nd Down
Destroy another portal
Story Related

Hail Mary
Enter a cave
Story Related

County Connection
Wait for the bus
Wait at the bus stop on the first level. I have seen also a bus stop at levels 2 and 3, so I suspect those might work as well.

BMX Model 3003
Uncredited professional BMX rider making it rain coins
Wait for a blood moon, then go pay the spaceship. Buy the bike, jump with the "speed" buff, and let it rain coins.

No Camp Pinewood!
Complete Episode I
Story Related
Level 2
I would recommend not making any new mechanics at this level to get the achievement for only having 2 workers. This isn't possible on level 1 as you need 3 workers to get the canoe out of the cave.

Falken's Maze
Recruit someone smart
Story Related

Recruit someone friendly
Repair the dog house on level 2 and then throw a coin at the dog.

Muscle Machine
Slap a monster truck
Get the birthday party within your borders, pay for the cake, and then have 2 kids without tools coming to your birthday party. After that, you can put some more money toward the cake to unlock the monster truck. When you're in the truck, throw money on the ground a few times to unlock this.
Thanks RaykiryReaper & ⛧Dante⛧ for helping out with this one!

George Burnett Had Twins
Complete a level with only two workers
This can't be done on the first level, as you need 3 workers to remove the canoe from the cave. I did this on level 2, just never make any hammers.

Calling Dr. Martha Lesh
Complete Episode II
Story Related
Level 3
3rd Down
Destroy a portal on the streets
Story related

The Force of Freedom
Defeat 10 greed with a machine gun
There is a very expensive building in level 3. After paying that amount you can buy a buggy that has a machine gun on it. With that you have to kill 10 greed.

Get eaten by a shark
On the third level (The streets), there is a place called "Shart Teeth". Repair it and a shark will eat you.

I Miss Hill Valley
Complete Episode III
Story Related
Level 4
Destroy a portal around the mall
Story Related

88 mph
Get something back from the past
Find the bone in the mall and then buy the car.

My Little Horsey!
Rainy day at Paradise Estate with Rainbows in tow
When it rains and you see the rainbow, in the forest there is this tree with a heart ornament that you can buy to unlock this mount.

An Excellent Adventure
Complete Episode IV
Story Related
Not tied to a specific level
It's Not a Wishing Well
Lose 80 coins to the waters
When your coin purse is full and you receive new coins, they will fall into the water. You won't have to grind for this achievement as it is bound to pop while working your way through the other achievements.

Lose the Crown, and take it back
Get hit by The Greed while having no coins, then quickly pick up the crown again.

Survive for 50 days in one level
I did this in the first area after destroying the cave, as it seems then there don't arrive any enemies, even with portals on the other side of the map left. Each day takes 4 minutes, so this means you'll spend a little under 3,5h on an island. It pops at the start of day 51 on that island.

Complete a level with no more than 20 kids
I got this when I just beat the last portal on the right of the second area, barely made it, and lost a lot of kids. So I guess the number of kids lost made it under 20 available at the moment of beating the stage. This might easiest be done on the first level, just doesn't require many.

Saw Boss
Clear all the trees on any level
Easiest on the first level but can be done on any level.

Complete the game on Hard
The difficulties stack, so if you completed the game on the cursed difficulty, this one unlocks as well.

Captain N
Complete the game on Cursed
The difficulties stack, so if you completed the game on the cursed difficulty, the achievement for hard difficulty unlocks as well.
Don't Smell the Flowers
Complete the game in 50 days or less
This achievement is much easier than it sounds. Just always go to the next level with a full bag of coins to be able to build up the next base quickly, and even if you don't do this, this is very very doable. I did this achievement on easy and only used 21 out of 50 days to beat the game.

Thank you!
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Edditoria 24 Dec, 2024 @ 7:00am 
Helpful guide specifically the BMX achievement. Thanks!
Sand5853 7 Jul, 2024 @ 1:00pm 
I got the BMX achievement after finding this guide. I got it again at the bus stop and just jumped and dropped coins and got the achievement. Maybe they took out the Blood Moon part, or maybe I wasn't paying attention to the time?
Luci 26 Feb, 2024 @ 12:21pm 
Great guide, thanks a lot for putting it together! :)

"Muscle Machine" wouldn't unlock for me while just throwing coins. Instead I had to go in speed mode until 'exhaustion'. When the car starts spitting fume and slows down due to exhaustion the character literally hits it. This unlocked the achievement for me.
[NR]Romicko 1 Jan, 2024 @ 11:31am 
@KronoKinesis Thank you, kind person! Live happily and may luck accompany you in everything! =)
KronoKinesis 27 Sep, 2023 @ 12:07am 
@RellKnur you have to actually drop coins while you are in the air for the achievement. Jumping doesn't give you coins, you drop them from your purse.
RellKnur 2 Sep, 2023 @ 9:03am 
I'm unsure on how to actually get the bmx one from the bloodmoon. I actually did get the bike during a blood moon, and made it fly, but didn't get coins or the achievement
Chora's 17 Jul, 2023 @ 8:48am 
Thank you :almu:
Sentinel Wolf 4 Jul, 2023 @ 2:22pm 
About the Bus Stop achievement: I just got this one, and I stood at the bus shelter for a couple in-game days. When I moved so that I was sitting right on top of the bus sign, then it unlocked. The achievement might be very picky about where at the bus stop you wait.
ᚦ GamingPillager ᚱ 4 Jul, 2023 @ 6:08am 
peaceful mode mentions achievements are disabled. Can only get the one achievement on it.
Alexa White 3 Jul, 2023 @ 2:21am 
How long wait bus?