STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™

STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™

44 ratings
Knights of the Old Republic - RTX ON - 2023 Graphical Upgrade
By Madmonkey68
This is a collection of graphical and gameplay mods/tweaks I found essential to anyone playing "STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic" in 2023.

The use of this guide should provide your game upscaled textures, upscaled cutscenes, gameplay fixes and RTX graphical improvements using ReShade software.

The RTX mod used in this guide is very performance heavy and recommended to be used on newer high-end systems (further tweaking of ReShade settings may be required by user to achieve optimal results).

It's important to note that Ray Tracing support IS available for Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB cards and up, but with less ray casting done by the card compared to RTX series cards with dedicated RTX cores. On GTX 10 series cards Ray Tracing is processed by using regular cuda cores instead of dedicated RTX cores. The performance hit is certainly there and heavier on cards that have lesser cores to spread the load. Although you might get playable frame rates, even running ray tracing on lower settings instead of Ultra with a GTX 1070, 1080 or 1080Ti could end up severely hurting your FPS.

Tested with the following at 4K (3840x2160) resolution:

CPU: Intel Core i7-8700K
GPU: GeForce RTX 2080 DUKE 8G OC
OS: Windows 10

Performance: 20-30 FPS

I am not the creator of any of the mods/fixes found in this guide, all rights go to their original creators sourced below.
I cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that may arise as a result of the use of this guide, use at your own risk.

UPDATED: 07/15/2023
Getting Started

Install a fresh copy of Knights of the Old Republic and run the game at least once making sure to customize the video and graphical settings.
Test Launch - Before Mods
In order to utilize full graphical capability, set your videos settings to the following:

Default resolution is temporary don't bother touching it now, you will be able to change this later in the guide.
Before we apply any fixes, the game executable is required to be de-obfuscated using a software called "Steamless". This software essentially unpacks the Steam DRM-packed files so that we can get our hands on them and properly mod the game.

Visit the following link:

Download the file listed "/v3.1.0.3/".

Extract the archive to a folder on desktop, and run the file named "Steamless".

Open the game directory and select the file named "swkotor".
Path should be X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor

Mod creator atom0st
Patch V1.03
Next we will download a mod to patch the game to version 1.03, this restores and fixes various gameplay features which were originally missing.

Visit the following link:

Download the file listed "".

Extract the archive to a folder on desktop, open the file name "swkotor1_03" and follow along with the pictures below.

A full rundown on all the fixes within this patch are listed on the mod site above.
Mod creator Garrett
Universal Widescreen Patcher
Next we will install a mod to run the game in higher resolutions.

Visit the following link:

Download the file listed "".

Extract the archive to a folder on desktop, open the file "uniws".

Choose "Star Wars: KOTOR (1024x768 interface)" from the dropdown menu.

Select your game directory folder named "swkotor".
Path should be X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor

Enter your desired resolution below and click "Patch".

Mod creator Wogg
HUD Corrections
Our previous resolution fix moves the HUD in the game off centre, this mod will proceed to fix this.

Visit the following link:

Download the file listed "HUD Correction".

Extract the archive to a folder on desktop. Open the folder with your desired resolution and copy paste the files into your game directory folder named "Override" (If you do not have this "Override" folder, create it yourself).

Path should be X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override

Resolutions HUD fixes above 2560x1600 are NOT available.
Those with higher resolutions are recommended to use the fix for 2560x1600, for the time being.
I am using 3840x2160 resolution, from personal testing the HUD size is minimal and easy to ignore, despite still being off centre.

Due to crashing or a missing text issues, KOTOR can not be run at standard widescreen resolutions below 1440x900. For users of 720p HDTVs (most of which have an actual native resolution of 1360x768), I suggest creating a custom resolution of 1530x864 (a relatively uniform 1.125 scaling) and using video card scaling to downscale to 1360x768. You would then patch KOTOR to 1530x864, not 1360x768, of course. Files have been provided for this resolution. For 1280x800 users, the same solution of setting up a custom resolution and downscaling will work; 1440x800 would be an appropriate choice in that case.

Mod creator arctic
Widescreen Cockpit and Race Track on Manaan
Next we will install another widescreen mod to fix the default misaligned models for the cockpit and race track.

Visit the following link:

Download the file listed "ws models for swkotor".

Extract the archive to a folder on desktop.
To install the mod, copy all files to your game directory's "Override" folder.

Path should be X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override

Mod creator MadDerp
4K Upscaled Cutscenes
Next we will install a mod to upscale the default low resolution cutscenes to 4K.

Visit the following link:

Download the file listed "Resolution 3840x2160".

Extract the archive to a folder on desktop.
To install the mod, copy and replace all files to your game directory's "movies" folder.

Path should be X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\movies

All cinematics are brought to 60fps and are available in 4k, 1440p, 1080p, 768p, and 720p. The cutscenes were upscaled using Topaz Gigapixel AI, and interpolated to 60fps using SVP Pro 4. Black bars are used to maintain the aspect ratio of the content while bringing the videos to 16:9 overall.

Mod creator Naelavok

Widescreen Fade Fix
When fading, a portion of the screen fades out of sync with the rest of the screen while using widescreen resolutions. This mod will solve that issue.

Visit the following link:

Download the file shown below.

Extract the archive to a folder on desktop. Open the folder with your desired resolution and copy paste the files into your game directory folder named "Override".

Path should be X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override

Mod creator Naelavok
4x AI upscaled Textures
We will now install a pack of AI upscaled textures, they are still the original but of higher quality.
This is to preserve the original look and feel of the game.

Visit the following link:

Download the file listed "Selphadur's Kotor Texture Redux v1.1 Standalone".

Extract the archive to a folder on desktop. Open the folder inside there named "Override" and copy paste the files into your own game directory folder named "Override".

Path should be X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override

According to the developer, almost all game textures are upscaled. Most of them are tweaked by hand (cleaned and improved). All alpha channels in textures were checked and copied to new textures. In the final (v1.0) release almost all game textures (all except GUI, icons, effects and etc. which have problems when extracted or have no benefit from upscaling whatsoever) are replaced with upgraded ones.

Mod creator Selphadur
Disappearing Bodies Fix
Next we will install a mod which stops dead bodies from fading away (they will only disappear if you leave the module or load a savegame after killing a bunch of enemies).

Visit the following link:

Download the file listed there.

Extract the archive to a folder on desktop and run the file named "TSLPatcher".

Within the menu, navigate to and select your game directory folder named "swkotor" and click 'OK".

Path should be X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor

Mod creators Space Alex and j7
BlasTech E-11 Blaster Rifle (Optional but badass)
Purely optional but highly reccomended, we will install a mod which adds a new gun texture, more specifically a custom model of the BlasTech E-11 blaster rifle (Stormtrooper blaster) from the original trilogy. This version is based on the Return of the Jedi prop variant.

Visit the following link:

Download the file listed "K1_DP_BlasTech_E-11_Blaster_Rifle".

You have a choice between two versions that will replace existing blaster rifle models in the game and a third unique one that will only be available for the player.

Replacing blaster rifle 001 will make it available as a starting weapon for Soldiers, and it is a common loot/store item.

Blaster rifle 002 is commonly wielded by Sith troopers, so pick that if you want to see it used against you. Note that these two options are purely cosmetic, they don't affect the base stats of the weapons.

The third option comes with a mild base energy damage buff (1D4) and is fully upgradeable (energy cell/scope/beam splitter/trigger). It can only be added via console command or KSE.
Once installed (see below), in order to obtain the 3rd option in-game, you must manually add it to your inventory via a console command or KSE. The item ID is: g_w_blstrrfl083.

To install, extract the archive to a folder on desktop.

First copy the files named "" and "DP_E-11.txi" to your game directory folder named "Override".

Then choose which option you prefer (you can choose all 3 if you want) and also add those files to the Override folder. You will have to go inside each folder and copy paste the contents to your "Override" folder.

Path should be X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override

Notes from developer:
The way upgrades work in K1 requires that bonus properties be manually set for each upgrade type (rather than being predefined by the game like in TSL). I was unsure what to add without going overboard. The current bonuses are as follows:

Improved Energy Cell: Adds 1D4 ion damage
Scope: Adds +1 attack bonus
Beam Splitter: Adds massive criticals, 1D4
Hair Trigger: Adds on hit chance of stun, 25% for 3 rounds, DC14

KOTOR has a lot of problems with hand positions for weapons. Depending on what clothes/armour you are wearing, the hands may or may not be in the right position, potentially causing clipping issues. This is not a problem with the weapons themselves, and there is no fix possible on the weapon side of things. Changing it to suit one body model would just result in more errors for other body models. In short, your character (or NPCs), may not hold the weapon properly or their hands may clip through it. You'll have to live with it.

Mod creator DarthParametric
Final Touchups
Before proceeding to install Reshade and the RTX mod, there are just a few things left that we must do.

Navigate to your game directory.
Path should be X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor

Delete the file named "swkotor".
Rename the other file named "swkotor.exe.unpacked" to "swkotor".

Open "swkotor.ini" and set "Height=" and "Width=" to the resolution patched in "Step 5: Universal Widescreen Patcher". If "Height=" and "Width=" is not already there, feel free to add it yourself under the "[Graphics Options]" column and input your own resolution.
Make sure to save your changes before exiting.

Your text file should look like this:

[Sound Options]
Sound Init=0
Music Volume=85
Voiceover Volume=85
Sound Effects Volume=85
Movie Volume=100
Force Software=0
Disable Sound=0
Number 3D Voices=16
Number 2D Voices=24
Environment Effects Level=0.60
2D3D Bias=1.50
Environment Effects=1
Environment Effects Nonstreaming=1
Environment Effects Streaming=1

[Game Options]
Reverse Mouse Buttons=0
Hide InGame GUI=1
Use Small Fonts=0
Keyboard Camera Deceleration=2000.000000
Keyboard Camera Acceleration=500.000000
Keyboard Camera DPS=200.000000
Hide Unequippable=1
Tutorial Popups=1
Mini Map=0
Floating Numbers=0
Status Summary=1
Enable Mouse Teleporting To Buttons=1
Mouse Sensitivity=33
Auto Level Up NPCs=0
Mouse Look=1
Reverse Minigame YAxis=0
Combat Movement=1
Enable Tooltips=1
Difficulty Level=1
TooltipDelay Sec=1.000000
Memory Access=1
Memory Level=1

[Movies Shown]
Movie 0=112
Movie 1=0
Movie 2=0
Movie 3=0
Movie 4=0
Movie 5=0
Movie 6=0
Movie 7=0
Movie 8=0
Movie 9=0


[Graphics Options]

Frame Buffer=1
Anti Aliasing=0
Texture Quality=2
Soft Shadows=1
Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1

[Autopause Options]
Mine Sighted=1
End Of Combat Round=0
Enemy Sighted=1
Party Killed=1
Action Menu=0
New Target Selected=1


After you are done, we will proceed back to Step 5: Universal Widescreen Patcher" and reapply our resolution settings. Certain mods mess with settings so this is done one last time to permanently save our resolution changes.

Instructions are posted down below:

Choose "Star Wars: KOTOR (1024x768 interface)" from the dropdown menu.

Select your game directory folder named "swkotor".
Path should be X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor

Enter your desired resolution below and click "Patch".

Launching the game
The game has issues with the aspect ratio to where you might see parts of the game cut off on your monitor. This may only apply to users playing at higher resolutions like 3840x2160.

If you are one of those experiencing this issue, you will need to do the following each time BEFORE you launch the game.

On Windows 10, go Start>Settings>System>Display>Scale and layout>100%
(if 100% doesn't work, try others until the game fits fully on your screen)

Installing ReShade
We will now install the ReShade software necessary to be able to use RTX effects.

Paste following link in Google:

The file should auto download.

Extract the file to a folder on desktop.

Open the mod folder and run the file you just downloaded named "ReShade_Setup_5.1.0" and follow along with the photos and instructions below:

Find and click your game executable file named "swkotor".
Path should be: X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor

You can tell if you have done this correctly because when you launch your game, you should get a notification at the top of your screen showing ReSahde has installed, press "Home" key to bring up the menu or to make it go away and press "Skip".
Tweaking ReShade - RTX ON
Now we will get RTX working in ReShade.

Due to legal reasons I cannot post where you can find this ReShade RTX mod for free.
Visit the creator's Patreon here if you want to buy the mod:

Once you have this RTX mod, close the game if its running and open the RTX mod folder.
There are two sub folders located in there named "Shaders" and "Textures".
In order to install it, copy and replace both folders to path: X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\reshade-shaders

Proceed to launch the game, once in-game bring up the ReShade menu by pressing "Home" key and match the presets listed below.

To enable Ray Tracing support and achieve similar results, match these same settings.

In ReShade, check-off the following:

✔️Levels [Levels.fx]
✔️Vibrance [Vibrance.fx]
✔️Bloom [qUINT_bloom.fx]
✔️Curves [Curves.fx]
✔️Debanding [qUINT_deband.fx]
✔️RTGlobalillumination [qUINT_rtgi.fx]
✔️MXAO [qUINT_mxao.fx]
✔️SSR [qUINT_ssr.fx]
✔️Lightroom [qUINT_lightroom.fx]

Some options were turned off for certain scenery and screenshots, it may be necessary to further tweak these settings to achieve optimal results.

As mentioned above, Ray Tracing support IS available for Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB cards and up, but with less ray casting done by the card compared to RTX series cards with dedicated RTX cores.
On GTX 10 series cards Ray Tracing is processed by using regular cuda cores instead of dedicated RTX cores. The performance hit is certainly there and heavier on cards that have lesser cores to spread the load. Although you might get playable frame rates, even running ray tracing on lower settings instead of Ultra with a GTX 1070, 1080 or 1080Ti could end up severely hurting your FPS.

Those who do not have a RTX series card can still try to make use of the graphical fidelity this Ray Tracing guide offers. If performance becomes a big issue you can disable "RTGlobalillumination [qUINT_rtgi.fx]" and you should still benefit graphically.

I am personally using a newer version of the RTX mod but I have tested with multiple and visuals are nearly if not identical.

RTGI/Ray Tracing/Global illumination ReShade mod by Marty McFly/Pascal Gilcher, GTX/RTX Ray Tracing info by Rene from TechJunkies
Screenshot Album

DrMeatCack 23 Jul, 2024 @ 2:21pm 
This looks awful man
XxChozenxX 21 Jul, 2024 @ 5:49am 
Any ultrawide homies out there, look up Flawless Widescreen. works similar to this....but works
Paul 20 Jul, 2024 @ 8:40am 
I figured it out. It doesn't support ultra widescreen resolutions like 3440x1440
Paul 20 Jul, 2024 @ 8:06am 
I can't get the wide screen patch to work, after installing it it just displays the game at it's original resolution. Any tips with things to try to get it to work?
StarGamerDan 17 Jun, 2024 @ 2:28pm 
anybody have their mouse disapear when reshade starts up? I cant get it back
Sky Killa 19 Apr, 2024 @ 9:23am 
I cant enable Frame Buffer and Soft Shadows... someone know how resolve this problem ?
Stalin for Time 7 Apr, 2024 @ 10:42am 
I'm having an issue similar to <[WaS]>Gunder where my hud is pretty small, along with in game menus and dialogues. I actually can't even see my menu buttons that are supposed to be in the upper right.
Aaronavitch 6 Apr, 2024 @ 6:30pm 
The special RTGI reshade shaders downloaded from the patreon link you supplied have a suspicious ini file in the 'shaders' folder seemingly pointing to a google drive exe.... proceed with caution
Holland 21 Mar, 2024 @ 2:12pm 
I followed all the steps and it hasnt changed anything. It still opens up to the vanilla settings
<[WaS]>Gunder 21 Mar, 2024 @ 10:50am 
I still have very small in game menues and dialouge window, any suggestions?