Arma 3
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Arma 3 Campaign-Style ORBATs
By yoyomoy
This guide helps one create a campaign-style ORBAT system that you can view in the map and also open to see a full ORBAT breakdown.
I was inspired by the campaigns ORBATs to make my own, so I went on a looong journey to figure out how to do it myself. I went through tons of videos and forums and guides and wikis and I finally got a solid grasp on it, so I decided to make this guide to collect what I've learned for others who want to do the same map ORBAT markers.

All links will be at the bottom of the guide.
First, you'll need a mission to get this started on. Go to the Eden editor, place a player, and save your mission.
Next, you will need to go to the mission file. Personally my mission files are in "Documents > Arma 3 - Other Profiles > yoyomoy > (depending on where you saved it in the editor it will either be in 'mpmissions' or 'missions') > ""

Quick note: make sure you have the file name extensions and hidden items are checked in the file explorer settings.

Now, you will need to make a few files. Create a new text document and name it "description.ext"
Mission path should look like something similar.

For the following, I'd recommend using Notepad++ for file editing.
This section will go over all variables for your ORBAT.

Lets begin.

id = 0;
This variable doesn't really matter, you can leave it at zero. It describes the number of the unit.
EX: id = 101;

idType = 0;
Also can be left at zero, it is used for a later variable, but it really doesn't matter. It has a list of acceptable numbers which are: 0 (Normal Number) | 1 (Roman Numeral) | 2 (NATO Alphabet Word) | 3 (Color)
EX: id = 0;

type = "";
This variable shows the NATO unit symbol in the ORBAT viewer. There is a list of acceptable words including: "Airborne" | "Armored" | "Artillery" | "Fighter" | "Helicopter" | "HQ" | "Infantry" | "MechanizedInfantry" | "Maritime" | "Medical" | "Mortar" | "MotorizedInfantry" | "Recon" | "Support" | "UAV" | "Unknown"
EX: type = "Airborne";

insignia = ;
This is a very complex variable. This shows an image in the ORBAT viewer background. The image MUST be a .paa image file. The image must be in the mission file. (.paa image converter at the bottom)
EX: insignia = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15]) + "imagename.paa");

side = "";
This determines the side of the icon. Either BLUFOR, REDFOR, or INDFOR. This also has a list of acceptable words: "West" (NATO/Blue/Rectangle) | "East" (CSAT/Red/Rhombus) | "Resistance" (FIA/Green/Square) | "Unknown" (?/Yellow/Flower?) | "Civilian" (Civilian/Purple/Square)
EX: side = "West";

size = "";
Determines the size icon of the unit, also has a list of acceptable words including: "ArmyGroup" | "Corps" | "Army" | "Division" | "Brigade" | "Regiment" | "Battalion" | "Company" | "Platoon" | "Sections" | "Squad" | "Fireteam"
EX: size = "Division";

commander = "";
The name of the commander of the unit.
EX: commander = "Maxwell Taylor";

commanderRank = "";
The rank of the commander of the unit. Has a list of acceptable words: "General" | "Colonel" | "Major" | "Captain" | "Lieutenant" | "Sergeant" | "Corporal" | "Private"
EX: commanderRank = "General";

text = "";
This is the full name of the unit that will be shown when you hover over it.
EX: text = "101st (Screaming Eagles) Airborne Division"

textShort = "";
This will be the shortened version of the name that will be displayed below the unit icon in the ORBAT viewer. This is also where the id and idType come into play, but are still useless and I'll describe it anyways. This can be used to create an equation for the short name to be generated using id and idType. The id is the number, and the idType is the way the number is displayed.

%1 is the id number using the idType to format it
%2 is the type, chosen by the type variable
%3 is the size, chosen by the size variable
EX1: textShort = "101st Airborne"
EX2: textShort = "%1 %2 %3" (Outputting: "101st Airborne Division"
EX3: textShort = "%1 Word %3 (Outputting: "101st Word Division"

texture = ;
Similar to the insignia variable, but instead of being a background image, it replaces the NATO symbol for the ORBAT viewer. Must be a .paa file and the image must be in the mission file. (.paa image converter at the bottom)
EX: texture = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15]) + "imagename.paa");

color[] = {};
Defines the color of the texture. Usually you won't need to add this if you don't want to edit the texture's color but sometimes the game might recolor your texture for some reason and you can add the example to reset it to the default color.
EX: color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
(color[] = {R, G, B, A}) (A being transparency)

description = "";
This is the description of the unit shown underneath the commander when the icon is hovered over.
EX: description = "Involved in many major airborne operations, including overlord and market garden."

assets[] = {};
This shows what vehicles are included in the unit. It displays an icon below the description of the vehicle. It uses vehicle classnames.
EX: assets[] = {"B_Heli_Light_01_F", 3},{"B_MBT_01_cannon_F", 2};
(This would show 3 Littlebird heli icons, and 2 Slammer tank icons)

These are all the variables used, now let's get into setting up your description.ext file.
Making The ORBAT
This section combines the variables used above to forge your ORBAT symbol, and eventually your full ORBAT.

Open your description.ext file in your mission directory, the image below is a full orbat will all the variables.

Rename the "namehere" to something unique and recognizable. It cannot be the same as another class name or it will break.


(Here's a copy and paste for you)

class CfgORBAT
class group1
id = 0;
idType = 0;
type = "";
side = "";
size = "";
commander = "";
commanderRank = "";
text = "";
textShort = "";
description = "";

The first class will be the starter of your ORBAT, it will be at the top with all the subordinates below. In order to make it easier I'll simplify some parts for you.

This will be your unit, in order to make a subordinate unit, you need to repeat this code, and indent it inside of itself.

You can continue this indenting process until you have your desired amount of subordinates. You can also make multiple units subordinate of one.

Here's a code block that has everything we've explained so far.

Now I'll fill out this example ORBAT and move on to the ORBAT markers on the map.

ORBAT On The Map
Now that you have your ORBAT wrote out in your description.ext file, it's finally time to put it up on display on the map.

We'll need the ORBAT Group module to get started. It's located in the Strategic tab.

Place it where you'd like the icon to appear on the map (or sync it to a unit to have it move), then open it.

You'll see 4 inputs, only 2 actually matter.

CfgORBAT Ceiling
(Don't worry about the others)

The path input is the unit that you want to appear at that location on the map.
The ceiling is the top most unit that is displayed when you click on the icon and open the viewer.

CfgORBAT Ceiling

We'll start with the ceiling as it's the easiest. This is the unit icon that will be at the top of the ORBAT when you click on the icon and open the viewer.

I'd recommend you set this to the top unit in your description file (which if you are following along is group1).

In that input area type the following: missionconfigfile >> 'CfgORBAT' >> 'group1'


This is the slightly more complicated part. This determines what unit is displayed on the map in the module's location. This can be any top unit or subordinate you want.

If you have the same code input the following: missionconfigfile >> 'CfgORBAT' >> 'group1' >> 'group2' >> 'group2_1'

This will display the unit that has the class name attached to it. So, if you check the code from above you'll see what it should display.

(The top input is cut off, just make sure it's all there.)


If you have followed everything above and have done everything right, you can start up the mission and can see the ORBAT icon on the map.

And, if you click on it, it should open the full ORBAT viewer.

Advanced ORBAT Options
This section goes over more advanced options for those who have gotten a good grasp of the ORBAT viewer and want the extra stuff to add onto it.

Marking A Unit As Destroyed
It's actually decently simple to make a unit be marked as destroyed.
You will need a init.sqf file in your mission directory.

[, "mil_destroy", [1,0,0,1], 1.2,1.2,45] call BIS_fnc_ORBATAddGroupOverlay;

This is the code that you can copy and paste into that file. (Open the file with Notepad++)

Now, input the path to the unit you would like to be marked as destroyed here.
[-----, "mil_destroy", [1,0,0,1], 1.2,1.2,45] call BIS_fnc_ORBATAddGroupOverlay;

The path to the unit is the same as you would input in the ORBAT module.
missionconfigfile >> 'CfgORBAT' >> 'group1' >> 'group2' >> 'group2_1'

So, we put it all together and here we go.

[missionconfigfile >> 'CfgORBAT' >> 'group1' >> 'group2' >> 'group2_1', "mil_destroy", [1,0,0,1], 1.2,1.2,45] call BIS_fnc_ORBATAddGroupOverlay;

Now, simple copy that into your init.sqf and that poor unit is now marked as destroyed.

Making Seperate ORBAT Groups

I've gotten a few questions on how to make separate groups that appear on the map and are not connected to each other.

So we'll want to create two base units in the description.ext file.

This should create two completely separate ORBATs that can be seen on the map. Remember to adjust the modules correctly.
This section is for a bunch of extra stuff.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments. I'll try to respond to as many as I can and as quickly as I can. But before you leave a comment and ensure that you have followed everything and haven't missed anything.

Thank you to Haubi for making me want to make Arma missions, and for making me waste countless hours learning how to do so.


Arma 3 Wiki for the ORBAT creator[]. Gives full acceptable names lists for certain variables

This youtube video by TheReaperJay. It's a good video (but a little quiet) that helps alot.

And this really old youtube video by Bashkire. Also a good video that helps.

Insanely awesome online image to .paa converter[]. Makes it so easy and simple to make an image .paa, made by Gruppe Adler.
Kayien 8 Sep, 2024 @ 10:47am 
USIJN-Commander 17 Aug, 2024 @ 2:37pm 
@Thakillerkreeper rightclick on the ORBAT-Module and then the first Option to sync it with the Unit you want to follow
Thekillerkreeper 11 Aug, 2024 @ 5:04pm 
Does anyone know if you can move the ORBAT markers after starting the mission?
yoyomoy  [author] 11 Aug, 2024 @ 2:39pm 
@USIJN-Commander I'm not sure, I haven't played arma in a long while.
USIJN-Commander 11 Aug, 2024 @ 1:56pm 
how to scale the Markers on Map, there to big for useing
yoyomoy  [author] 20 Oct, 2023 @ 9:02pm 
Created a quick guide in the Advanced Options tab with an image.
yoyomoy  [author] 20 Oct, 2023 @ 8:47pm 
Yes, you will want to create a new base unit. It would be like the 3rd image. Make sure you end your first base unit before starting the new one.
Medic 1-37 20 Oct, 2023 @ 7:57pm 
Hey, is there a way to add an enemy marker? Like, if you want to fight an enemy platoon but be able to see them on the map without them being listed under your ORBAT?
yoyomoy  [author] 12 Oct, 2023 @ 2:29pm 
Glad to help
Murra 12 Oct, 2023 @ 12:30pm 
Hi, I sent you a friend request, I have a lot of questions about orbat. Thank you in advance for accepting the request