The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

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Kuro no Kiseki fan English Translation patch.
By Nalles
Hi there.
Huge thank you to FALCOM, Durante, and NIS for including the p3a_tool in their game and allowing us to do this. Hopefully this Kuro release can show that providing tools like this won't lead to a spree of piracy.
Creating a "Mods" folder.
The first step to all this is creating a folder to store the English patch, and other mods which may come out. To do this, you'll have to go into your game directory.
To do this, simply right-click "Kuro no Kiseki" in your STEAM library, hover your mouse over the 'Manage' section, and click the 'Browse Local Files'. It should look something like this:

After you've been brought to your game directory, you'll have to create your mods folder. This's literally as easy as creating a new folder, and calling it 'mods' or 'Mods' - the 'm' can either be lower or uppercase from my testing. At the end of it all, your game directory should now look like this:

Now it's onto the next step.
Deleting the "_jp" files
The next step is to go into your 'multilanguage' folder, and deleting two files called "message_jp", and "prompts_jp". Your 'multilanguage' folder' should look like this after your done:

Onto the next step.
̶D̶o̶w̶n̶l̶o̶a̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶P̶a̶t̶c̶h̶ ̶i̶t̶s̶e̶l̶f̶ RIP in peace sweet Link.
Two Steps forwards and one step back. One day, likely sometime this decade, providing links to this stuff won't be that big a deal. I know somewhere right now an office worker is cringing because they knew they took away a very accessible way for people to get into this game now instead of in the future, which means NIS gets money today and not tomorrow. Providing the tools will have to be enough for now.
I'm gonna have to delete the Discord too it looks like, so I don't get taken to Flavor Town by NIS. The patch is out there if you wanna find it, really not too difficult.
Everything in this guide still holds true for instructions so I'll keep this guide up, hopefully it doesn't get taken down.
Patching the game.
The next and final step is to simply put the "ENGPATCH.p3a" file into the 'mods' folder you created earlier. At the end of it all, your 'mods' folder should look like this:

And with that: you're done!
Have fun playing Kuro no Kiseki with the fan English translation. It's a really good game.
Closing Statements and things to Note.
1.) Every single time the game is updated, you'll have to repatch the English translation in. Just follow the same instructions as before and it'll work just fine. Keep a copy of 'ENGPATCH.p3a' somewhere on your system for when this happens.
2.) This works just fine for the STEAM DECK. Instructions are the same.
3.) This's a FAN translation, don't expect everything to be perfect. A bunch of people took time out of their day to give us a way to play Kuro no Kiseki in English for free, be grateful we even have that and don't have to wait 2-3 years for NIS to catch up.
Uninstalling Patch to play the Official Version.
If you scroll down to the comments, you can see where I recommended you validate your files after the Official Patch drops. Turns out, I was wrong. You must completely uninstall the mod to play the official version. Not only that, but based off my testing, you can no longer even play the game with the Unofficial patch; at least not without zany means that even I, being brazen and autistic enough to even post this guide to Steam, am unwilling to detail.
You must do two things:
1.) Uninstall the 'Mods' folder you created for the Unofficial Patch.
2.) Set your game text language to Japanese within the game options. Remember, this mod patched OVER the Japanese text, your game is still set to Japanese.

Your game folder should look like this after you are done. Take not of all the extra files now in there after the Official Patch.

Here is how to switch your game language to English. Launch the game, and go to the 'System' Menu.

Where it says 'Text Language', Left-Click on it once. It will switch the text-language over to English.

You will have to restart your game for this to work. It'll look like this.

You should be good now, my testing indicated as much. I did not have to validate my files after I did this, but you should do it anyway.
The fact this guide got so much traction is a good sign. I hope NIS do this for Kuro II. That hope is why I'm not buying the Chinese Version of Kuro II, because modding NIS versions are much easier. The NIS Version is coming out early next year, and it looks like they're going to have a Day One English Localisation. We've gotten so much Kiseki over the past few years, it's hard to believe it was a relatively unknown brand in the West five years ago.
Oda Nobunaga 9 Jul, 2024 @ 5:51pm 
Nisa's work isn't that bad.

So I would rather get a mod that only change's Beauty's Blade to Sword Maiden
Nalles  [author] 5 Jul, 2024 @ 12:48pm 
I edited the guide to include uninstalling the mod so you can play the Official Patch. As I said there, you can no longer play the game if you have the Unofficial Patch installed.
Have a great weekend guys. Considering doing a NG+ run myself.
SwingPunk 4 Jul, 2024 @ 2:43pm 
Just a heads up its a very wokalized the official eng patch.
Nalles  [author] 4 Jul, 2024 @ 11:45am 
I would HIGHLY encourage everyone validate their files after the patch drops. Have fun with the official translation. The voice actors they got are top class.
Have a great 4th of July today as well.
Rokkr 17 Jun, 2024 @ 2:01am 
@SecondLeaseGamer Not sure if you saw, but the official English patch drops July 5th as an update. Looking forward to this myself.
SecondLeaseGamer 5 Jun, 2024 @ 4:02pm 
Is there still an English patch or info on an English Release? I dont see any info on it in steam. Usually there'd be an alternative Link for the English Version, but if they just plan to update this version and offer modding tools for fan translations while we wait, I think I want to buy this now to show support.
digitalis 5 Jun, 2024 @ 1:49pm 
does it work on NiS version? and where can I find the link to download the patch?:steamhappy:
2Shadow 25 May, 2024 @ 5:30pm 
will this work even when the english release comes ( as in will we be able to downpatch it back to jp release so we can see the eng patch version
Edgar 31 Jan, 2024 @ 10:24am 
any working link?
Draco 6 Jan, 2024 @ 2:31am 