System Shock

System Shock

29 ratings
Salty's System Shock Guide
By Salty Justice
A full walkthrough of enemies, weapons, bombs, levels, and fun things to do is this wacky space station.
After a long wait, Nightdive studios at last emerges with the System Shock Remake. If you are a returning player from the 1994 game or the Enhanced Edition, or a new player who wants to see what all the fuss is about, this is the guide for you.

This guide is structured around "Key points". System Shock is a great game to explore, get lost in, and think your way through. Doing certain things in a certain order will make your experience considerably more enjoyable, so this guide is about that. I will not give you exact step-by-step instructions, I will instead tell you what important items or areas you should be looking at.

A lot of the game is optional, and there are often multiple ways to approach an encounter. You can kill some enemies before they ambush you with traps, bypass large sections of the game entirely, and just not even get certain weapons - unintentionally! I will instead be making sure to tell you about the highlights and interesting stuff.

Story spoilers begin during the game walkthrough section. Weapons and enemies listings will obviously contain spoilers for what enemies you will encounter, but bosses will wait until the first area you can encounter them.
Drugs and You
The Hacker
Look down. Touch your toes. Wow, you have feet! 30 years of technological advancement have brought us the wonders of having feet.

Sadly your jet boots will not animate if you look down while using them. I guess I'll see you in 2053 for the System Shock Remake Remake when we get animated jet boots.

You've got a health bar and a power meter. You've also got a hidden stamina meter that depletes when you sprint or jump. If you get tired, wait a few seconds and you'll be fine you wimp. You can theoretically work out how much stamina is remaining by looking at the heart rate on the biological systems readout, or you could just listen for your wheezing lack of breath.

Getting Higher than a Space Station - Drugs
Unlike the 1994 game, application of drugs is no longer instant. You have about a 1.5 second wind-up before the drug is applied, and it's about 2.5 seconds for a medkit. Plan ahead.

"Apply patch to the wrist and think about your alimony payments". Increases your melee attack damage to an amount higher than a power attack, and also greatly increases melee swing speed. Allows you to tear through most opposition, you can pretty easily dust off bosses with a laser rapier and a berserk patch after applying an EMP grenade.
This stuff also litters the station, meaning melee is a completely viable approach to the game.
When it runs out you will start to hallucinate sprites from the 1994 game. Be sure not to smash anything important as you attack the ghosts of games past.

An orange patch that lets you run a lot, and when it runs out you get really tired. So it's coffee but without the taste. Not as useful as you'd think because stamina regenerates pretty readily and the station isn't that big. I usually dump them out to save inventory space.

Super Sight
This patch causes your sight to pulse infrared, allowing you to see enemies through walls! There's only a handful of spots where this actually comes in handy, particularly the Engineering deck, but it isn't as useful as you might think because most enemies are very loud and the really dangerous ones are the size of a linebacker. You also don't find a whole lot of them lying around, but some vending machines have them.
Doesn't reveal the invisible mutants in Maintenance so that's a bit of a missed opportunity. If inventory space is tight, you might dump these out.

Causes time to slow down to a crawl, though you seem to still move a bit faster than the bad guys do. Great for boss fights and big battles, as your vastly improved reaction speeds mean you can capably dodge plasma fire and score hits on weak points. Pop this right before the boss shows its face and charge in with confidence.

Only a handful are to be found around the station, and you can buy some more from a few vending machines. Keep some on hand!

The medical equivalent of a DEA agent, this removes all other drug effects as well as any contamination or radiation effects plaguing you. It won't do much if you're still *in* the radiation or poison gas, but as soon as you leave the value will quickly drop to zero.

Useful if you're the kind of person who thinks the environmental suit is for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, but not actually that critical.

Health Patch
Heals about 30% of your HP over about 10 seconds, always keep some of these around. Many players quickly become addicted, needing another hit after every firefight. Try to conserve these if you can, and build up a stock of about 20 for the last two floors of the game. The last two floors have no surgery beds or resurrection chambers, so you need to use your own health supplies to stay alive.

Originally an elongated blue candy, these are now little green boxes with a needle in them. They restore you to full HP when used but take a while to actually activate, so take cover. You start to get a ton of these later in the game and they take 2 inventory slots for a stack of 3. Stick them in a location and come back later if you need inventory space.

Missing Drugs
The genius mind enhancer drug is gone because the puzzles work differently now. What a shame.

Note: Put an image here of a lot of drugs.
Everything's For Sale When You Have A Gun (Pt 1)
First, a forward. Unlike the 1994 game, every gun in this one is useful in its own way, but stops serving its purpose at some point and you will have to ditch it. Don't feel bad, the guns are tools and the enemies will be getting meaner than what a minipistol can deal with.

I give some advice on this, but it's ultimately up to you. You keep getting ammo for all the guns up to the end of the game, though you will definitely run very low on shotgun ammo if you're using it a lot, and extensive magnum use will also burn through ammo fairly quickly. You will need to make decisions on what guns to keep in your limited inventory space.

Lead Pipe
Your first weapon and your mainstay until you find a Sparq beam, this weapon comes in two flavours: Bash, and Power Attack. It takes three power attack bonks to the head to drop a mutant, and several to a cyborg. Try not to use it on anything more dangerous than that.

You can take down cyborgs without getting shot by ambushing them around corners. They're pretty dumb, so make some noise to get their attention then hide and clock them when they come to investigate. Aim for the head and circle around them, as each head strike will stun them briefly.

You can use a berserk patch to make whacking mutants a much more viable process, especially when dealing with the ambush at the start of Research. You can also use the pipe to smack cameras (if you can reach them) and conserve your more valuable ammo.

The System Shock 2 wrench, you can get this on the medical deck. It has a similar profile to the Lead Pipe but actually does just enough more damage that two power attacks will top a mutant, though it has a very slightly shorter reach. Otherwise all the rules are the same between the two.

Sparq Beam
The dart gun is gone in the remake, so there's a decent chance this will be your first gun (or the minipistol, depending on your luck). It uses your power charge to fire and has 3 firing modes, toggle with T. Low is the most energy efficient, High does good damage, and Overcharge will blow most enemies to pieces but also immediately overheat the gun.
You can tell which mode it's in by checking the inventory, or just toggling the charge. When you see energy arcing off the top, it's in Overcharge mode. You can also see a very small indicator on the bottom of the gun - orange is low, purple is high.
Two headshots on High will kill cyborgs and mutants pretty efficiently. Don't use the overcharge unless you have another gun to switch to or a place to hide, and make sure you know where the nearest wall socket is because overcharge is very inefficient.

This gun is good and you should hang on to it until you get the Ion Rifle. You can conserve ammo by securing a power supply and recharging a lot, thus building up a stock of bullets for desperate situations.

Dead bodies have a 2% chance of having one of these on them, so you may find several more over the course of your journey.

These can get two upgrades. One will increase the efficiency, the other increases the heat charge maximum allowing you to fire two overcharges before it overheats, which can be quite useful against security robots (two headshot overcharges leaves them with a tiny sliver of health left).

An adorable 2x2 pistol that uses 9mm bullets. It has a mag size of 12 and ammo for it is everywhere once you're off the medical deck. It takes about 3 shots to the head to pop a mutant and more for a cyborg. Robots like hoppers can take quite a few rounds due to the low penetration, so use the Sparq beam to kill them.

You can press T to swap to non-stick Teflon rounds, which deal more damage and have better armor penetration. You can tell you're using Teflon because the pistol's ammo counter will have a blue border on it. Teflon is better for robots, but you should use the Sparq beam as much as you can and save Teflons for when you're cornered. Try to build up a big supply of them for later when you get the Skorpion.

The pistol has two upgrades. One gives it a magazine of 20 bullets and the other increases it to 3x2 and increases damage, and adds a toggleable burst fire. Burst fire greatly increases the DPS and keeps this gun relevant until you get heavier automatics, but reduces the accuracy.

Keep this around to blow out cameras until you get the Skorpion.

A bit of an odd gun, you get it first on the Medical deck and there are several more throughout the station. The gun does have an impact on all enemies but it's designed explicitly to screw up robots because it has a 100% armor penetration.

You can press T to spend some power pumping it, which will fire 2 shots and deal about 250% damage. This actually is more ammo efficient and does a real number on security robots. A headshot double round from the Magpulse will reduce a security robot to a sliver of HP, and if you get the damage upgrade you can one-shot them. Extremely useful when you're trying to find the broken demodulator on the Maintenance deck since there's dozens of robots there.

You can buy 20 more rounds in the Medical deck but otherwise it will be a while before you start to find more ammo for it. There's a bunch on the Flight Deck and Storage decks. The Magpulse is a good replacement for your Sparq beam or Ion Rifle if you want to spend less power per kill and therefore not have to run back to power stations to recharge as often.

Somewhat unfortunately, it actually has a fairly low total DPS because the shot flies slowly and must be aimed carefully, and you need to pump it twice between firing. I typically ditch it after finishing the Executive deck and you will probably run out of ammo for it if you keep using it on Engineering, though you do keep getting ammo for it for the rest of the game. You will want to leave it behind once you have the plasma gun.

The flechette gun used to be an SMG. Now it's a shotgun, and it will turn your enemies into silly putty. It comes in two flavours: Blue, and Dragonsbreath. The standard flechette shells are potent against all targets at close range, even robots, due to the sheer volume of damage even though the penetration isn't that high. Against mutants you'll blow everything except gorilla tigers into bits after a few shots (Alpha Mutants take 4+).

Dragonsbreath rounds are worse against robots but are about as potent against mutants. Their problem is that they deal most of their damage over time, while the flechette rounds deal it up front. Use them in the groves.

Once you're done the Beta grove/Executive part of the game, the number of mutants starts to drop off and you should have a bunch of guns with better range and DPS than the shotgun. It's not that the shotgun is bad, but the fact that it has to load each shell one at a time to reload cripples its damage and you're going to be fighting cyborgs that can take more than a full magazine of shells. Once there's no more mutants to toast, ditch it in favour of the Skorpion and Assault Rifle.

You can get a choke mod on the Storage deck that tightens the spread. You'll find shotguns all over the station but the first one you can get is on the Research deck. This is the last of the "early game" weapons.
Mid Tier Firearms (Pt 2)
The first of the mid-game weapons, you can actually find it on the Medical deck in a secret area but you won't have too much ammo for it until Maintenance (there is a shelf near the demodulators with several osmium round pickups). Unlike the 1994 game, you can't fire FAT SLAGS anymore, there's only one ammo type for it.

You should consider this to be more of a sniper rifle than anything else, as it's probably your most accurate long-range weapon other than the ion rifle (and railgun). When you get the damage upgrade, you can activate the laser sight on it, which will allow you to "lock on" to a target and deal extra damage.

The small magazine size and relatively slow rate of fire mean this isn't meant for close encounters. You also won't find enough ammo to use it exclusively. If you're looking to conserve inventory space, save up ammo for this and the Skorpion, and between them you have a loadout that can handle any encounter at any range. If nothing else it's a good weapon to use to blow out cameras because you didn't bring anything less powerful.

I typically ditch the magnum after spending all its ammo on the executive deck. The last two floors of the game, you should have enough railgun rounds to use that as your sniper rifle and the magnum will have severely dropped off in utility by then, particularly as the Ion Rifle has the same damage per shot on High and there are easy access power nodes on those floors.

It is extremely fun to blow an avian mutant's head off mid flight with this, though. It has a damage upgrade mod available, and a capacity mod that boosts it to 12 rounds from 8.

Laser Rapier
The best weapon for getting something stuck in your teeth out, it also has the highest DPS in the game when a berserk patch is applied. A charged shot from the Ion Rifle does 200 damage, while a single hit from the rapier with berserk is 180 and you can swing repeatedly.

The downside is that you have to be in close quarters to make it work, which is a problem in a space station infested with enemies who have guns. There are lots of various flying robots and enemies on ledges you will need guns for, but the rapier can kill everything else. It can even kill bosses in a few seconds.

It takes a small amount of power to use but is considerably more efficient than any of the other energy weapons, so you can justify using your shields to get close to enemies.

The first one you can find is on the south end of the Maintenance deck. There's also one on Executive which is special in that its color will match your UI color. It otherwise has no special effects. Keep this baby on hand, it's useful for the entire game.

Grenade Launcher
Our first truly new gun to the remake, this one is found on the Storage deck in the room with all the light bridges. It effectively launches your ordinary hand grenades much further than you can throw them, and makes them impact-detonate which massively increases their utility (but actually decreases their dps since reloading the launcher takes time).

You can load it with frag, gas, or EMP grenades. I recommend loading it with frag grenades and if you see two enemies bunched up, go ahead and use it. Gas grenades can be useful in the groves and executive deck and EMP grenades are useful in the last three levels (Engineering, Security, and Bridge) since almost every enemy there is a cyborg or a robot.

Whether or not you actually keep and use this is up to you, as it takes up a bunch of inventory space and doesn't actually give you anything you didn't already have. You can always chuck grenades with your hands, after all. There are a few spots where you can take out a cyborg assassin from below by firing a grenade into a ceiling, but is it worth 8 inventory slots?

It is extremely useful later in the game as a twitch weapon with an EMP grenade loaded. If an enemy ambushes you, you can quickly stun them and get to safety. It never goes out of style as you keep getting grenades for the entirety of the game.

It has one upgrade on the Flight Deck that increases its damage.

Throw away that minipistol because the new 9mm king is in town. The Skorpion can first be found on the Storage deck in a semi-secret area. There are a few more on the station after that but it'll be a while so get it on the Storage deck for a serious firepower increase.

It fires the same bullets as the Minipistol does but does so much more rapidly, with a base magazine of 30 and this can be upgraded to 50. It reloads fairly quickly and has a stunningly high DPS at close to medium range. At long range, fire single shots or switch weapons to something like the magnum.

Save up your teflon bullets for this thing and let loose all over the Engineering level with it. It can blast down security-2 robots and cyborg warriors with ease if you can get close enough. Everything weaker than that won't survive a full magazine. Use the regular 9mm bullets on mutants if possible.

It has two upgrades, one that increases magazine size and the other increases its damage. Keep it close because it will prove useful up to the end of the game.

Assault Rifle
Probably the best general purpose weapon in the game, ammo for it is fairly common and a lot of enemies will drop some, it does great damage and is accurate at range, it can go full-auto with an upgrade, has a decent magazine size, and it reloads fairly quickly.

Ammo comes in two varieties. The magnesium rounds deal flame damage over time to mutants and the penetrator rounds mess up robots, though both are useful against all enemies to a great extent. A few shots from the magnesium round can quickly drop an avian mutant at long range, though you may want to keep using the shotgun for a while so you can build up ammo for the rifle.

This one is just plain good. It's a good gun. Save up ammo for it and kick ass in the mid to late game.

Exactly where you first find this gun depends on the path you take. I believe the quickest way to get one is to access the elevator at the end of Research, sprint to the Flight Deck, and head into the secret area to grab the assault rifle in there.

Ion Rifle
The Sparq Gun round 2, you can find this on the Alpha Groves. It can be accessed pretty much as soon as you sort out the mining laser, and it's a very Good Gun. It does a lot of damage, has great armor penetration, is decently ammo efficient, and has three firing modes. Low power for efficiency, high power for DPS, and overcharge when you really want to shut up a cyborg.

It is also pin-accurate and has a decent firing rate. The high power setting actually bounces off the first target it hits and can score rebound kills, so fire it into crowds.

You can use this gun to kill basically everything, including security-3 robots if you've got some cover to work with. It is outclassed by the Plasma Gun towards the end of the game, but until then it is extremely useful so keep it around.
Lategame Firearms and The Missing Ones (Pt 3)
The endgame gun, you can find it on the Executive deck and there are a couple more scattered about, particularly one on the Security deck next to the plasma gun. You can find a handful of rounds for it, about two dozen if you find the various secrets.

Two dozen doesn't sound like a lot but this thing will blow away most enemies in a single shot. Cyborg elites get gibbed, mutant cyborgs will be left with a sliver of health and you can take a big chunk off a security-3 robot.

That said, it takes forever to reload and recharge. You can speed this up by pushing T to recharge it faster, but I recommend firing it and switching weapons to finish the enemy off. Reload when it's safe.

It is easily the best weapon to blow away cameras with, guaranteeing a one-shot kill on any dangling nuisances.

Plasma Gun
The last gun, this one is found on the Security deck and you have to reduce the level security to get it. It's basically a full-auto Ion Rifle and overheats pretty quickly, so back it up with a conventional firearm and make damn sure you have a wall socket or batteries on hand because it eats up juice.

Its secondary fire uses up a plasma core, of which there are only a handful in the game. And rightly so because that bouncing ball of death deals 300 damage and will turn anything it touches into ash, which is a problem because of how often it touches you. My practical advice is to fire it into a room and then close the door.

There is maybe one room that actually justifies firing that plasma ball into, and it's the robot recharge bay on the Security deck. Every other location will probably just turn you into glass or can be handled with an assault rifle and some plasma shots. Remember you can save your game anywhere you want. Consider that before firing it.

Missing Guns
A number of guns didn't make the cut, notably the Dart Gun. It shared a lot of functionality with the minipistol. Other things that didn't make it were the stun gun (largely useless except for making mutant conga lines), Riot Gun (hey a gun that does almost 0 damage but knocks bombs around without setting them off???) and the Blaster.

Most of the functionality of the missing guns got rolled into the existing lineup so you're not missing much in the remake.
Sadly, this game only has four bombs for you to play with. The original game had a number of fun explosives but they were a little redundant, just bigger and stronger versions of "Blows up good".

Gas Grenade
Uranium Dioxide gas, damages mutants a lot, cyborgs a little, and is worthless on robots. You get a lot of these early on and they can be effective when used with the grenade launcher. After you finish the groves, dump them out to conserve space.

EMP Grenade
Stuns robots and cyborgs, worthless on organics. If you get hit with one it will wonk out your vision. These are excellent, if a robot ambushes you you can just stun them and escape.
You get a lot of these and they are incredibly useful on the last two decks since everything is a cyborg or robot up there.
As of 1.2, bosses are stunned for less time by EMP grenades. They should still stun the bosses long enough to wreck with berserk/reflex/saber.

Frag Grenades
Explodes real good, can blow most low to mid enemies to gibs on a direct hit, and is still fairly effective on robots. Their tendency to bounce and roll can make them unreliable, so chuck them around a corner when an enemy is being lured towards you.
Using these with a grenade launcher is highly recommended. Try not to blow yourself up.
Fun fact: This game only has a few teleporters. One in research, one in executive, and one by biting down on a frag grenade (one way, leads to the resurrection bay).

Proximity Mine
Basically a frag grenade that blows up when you (or an enemy) gets close to it. If thrown by a cyborg assassin, they won't set off their own bombs. This does not apply to you, you will set off your own bombs.
You can get about 20 of these in the game if you search everywhere, they are often in armories. You can hold down the fire button to chuck them like a frisbee, and they can go quite far. They will also stick to an enemy's head, then explode.
If you throw a proximity bomb and hit a proximity bomb, they will both explode. When laying traps, don't accidentally hit a placed bomb!
Shodan's Lackeys (Enemies Pt 1)

Addiction can be a dangerous foe, but the best weapon you have is willpower. Just say no.


More of an irritant than a real enemy but they actually can and will alert nearby enemies to your position. Mutants can't hear SHODAN's calls but cyborgs and robots will (sometimes!) respond to the camera and come looking for you. This is fine because it means you can ambush them.
One hit from any weapon will destroy a camera. You can even hack it with your cybernetics to blow it up at the cost of a bit of energy.

Service Robot

A melee-oriented robot that you will encounter in the second room in the game. There are several on the medical deck and a few more on the executive deck and in the groves. They aren't particularly threatening and die after a few hits from low-level weapons. The gold-plated variants are slightly tougher but still slow melee fighters.


The first real enemy that might actually be a problem. Three charged headshots with the pipe, three headshots with the minipistol, or two hi-power sparq shots to the head will kill them. They move fairly slowly and only attack in melee but they have a minor lunge if they do get close.
You will encounter a few on the medical and research decks, after which they stop appearing.

Cyborg Drone

Hey they have guns now. These are SHODAN's actual soldiers and can deal some real damage to you, so use cover. They take a couple hi-power sparqbeam headshots or half a dozen minipistol headshots. The shotgun will blow them to chunks and is highly recommended.
They fire their sparqbeams at you in volleys of six when stationary, but can fire single shots as they advance on you. They're fairly slow, so you can pop out of cover to shoot them and then wait for them to stop firing to return fire.
You will encounter these guys throughout the game, but only in any real numbers on Medical and Research. The "Elite" variant has a magnum instead of a sparqbeam but the cure for them is the same.

Cyborg Doctor

Doesn't actually attack you. Apparently killing doctors is a war crime but if we're having a competition I think SHODAN is ahead by a lot. Kill on sight.

Cyborg Mantis

A security guard who got their limbs replaced with servos. They will rush you in melee after gibbering about jelly or something. Their head is their weak spot and they don't have a lot of health, they instead rely on ambush to score a hit before you kill them.
There are several throughout the game on various decks. Any weapon kills them just fine.

Annoying Spider Robot
A skittering maintenance robot which can shoot fire for some reason, probably used for pest control. They don't have much health but can be hard to hit since they're small. Use your sparq beam and aim for the blue napalm canister to make them explode.
You will encounter them first on the medical deck and there's a whole bunch in the room near the plastique on the storage deck.

Cyborg Assassin
"Searching" "Nothing"
Former Triop soldiers turned into cyborgs, they are armed with assault rifles that fire a high-power single shot that slows you down if it hits you. They have a decent amount of health and their bodies are armored, but their heads aren't.
They make a lot of noise, constantly repeating "Scanning" or "Searching" when idle. Listen for them and get the drop on them to make sure they don't deploy their most deadly weapon: A proximity mine. If you don't kill them within a second or two of them spotting you, they might throw it toward you. That bomb can one-shot you and can be placed somewhere really inconvenient.
They will not set off their own proximity bombs, but other enemies can which is extremely funny.
If they do deploy the mine, you can shoot it to blow it up. If they deploy it on a corner, roll a grenade to blow it up. They take about two hi-power sparq shots to the head to kill and usually drop some rifle ammo.
The first one is in a sniper spot on medical, but you will keep encountering them all the way up to the bridge. They are typically far away from you to take advantage of their rifles.

Presumably some kind of floating mining robots (why does a space station need mining robots?), hoppers are heavily armored robots that move by hovering. They can only fire when they are stationary, so you can pop in and out of cover and get free shots when they're floating around.
They actually have a lot of health. Use the magpulse or the sparqbeam, as regular minipistol rounds will take a lot of shots to kill them. At close range, a couple shotgun rounds will toast them.
You encounter one on the medical deck, and a ton in Research as they respawn there. There are a few on the other decks but they taper off in the midgame.

Security Robot

Okay these guys are actually dangerous! They are heavily armored floating robots armed with pulse weaponry that rips a chunk out of your health. Use high-penetration weapons like your energy guns or teflon rounds to kill them. EMP grenades will stun them if they catch you in a bad spot.
If you happen to have a magpulse, these are a good target for it due to its high armor penetration.
You will encounter them throughout the game, the first one is on the medical deck. Maintenance is absolutely lousy with them when you go to repair the interface demodulators.

Alpha Strain Mutants
Floating virus particle things that attack in melee. They are invisible until they get relatively close. They have a lot of health despite being floating meatballs, so apply shotgun. If you have space to move, you can use the minipistol or sparqbeam while retreating. They make a sickening squeezing sound when they appear, but fortunately don't deal a lot of damage.
You will encounter several on research and a bunch on the reactor floor in the zero-gravity research area. There actually aren't very many in the game, oddly enough.

Maintenance Robots
Floating robots with little grabbers, they will shock you if they get close enough to melee you. They have very little HP and usually drop some scrap and often drop logic probes to allow you to instantly solve a puzzle. Use your energy weapons.
They appear first on the research deck and will keep appearing in small numbers until the executive deck.

Portable Mining Laser
The Hopper Robot's surly dockworker father, he's drunk and armed with a corkscrew mining laser. They don't hop around like hoppers do but have the same basic design. The weak spot is the laser, which actually deals a devastating amount of damage so use cover or an emp grenade. The other weak spot is oddly the wheel assembly on the bottom if you can't hit the laser.
It takes a lot of bullets to kill them so use your energy weapons or the magpulse. There actually aren't a whole lot in the game, less than ten, and most of those are on the storage deck.
Shodan's Goons (Enemies Part 2)
Virus Mutant
A mutant whose features are now mostly glowing yellow pustules, they throw yellow toxic globs at you as they close for melee. They have a bit more health than the basic mutant but have no armor. Keep moving to dodge their shots and blast them with the shotgun, dragonsbreath rounds if you have them.
SHODAN sends four of them after you when you go to destroy the mining laser. This is a good time to use gas grenades to kill a bunch of them at once. You will see more of them in the groves area, and SHODAN sends a few to attack you on the executive deck when you're trying to jettison the beta grove.

Security-2 Robot
A gigantic block of metal with a gatling gun, do NOT mess with these guys. In melee they will use a shockwave to attack you, otherwise they unleash the gatling gun at range. They can fire while moving so you will need to keep backing up and using cover to avoid taking a ton of damage.
They have a lot of armor, so the magpulse and energy weapons are a good choice. If you have the laser rapier, use an emp grenade to stun them then slice them up before they wake up.
Later in the game, the railgun deals a lot of damage, and the plasma gun can almost kill one before it overheats.
The first one you encounter is on the reactor deck, after you blow the mining laser. It will be waiting for you near the elevator. After that, you will see a few on the flight deck, and they become quite common towards the end of the game.

A frag grenade in a little RC-car. Drives up to you and explodes. Shoot it a few times with an energy weapon so it explodes but not on you.
They start appearing on the reactor floor but exist entirely as ambushes.

Invisible Puke Mutant
The bane of Maintenance, these are similar to the alpha mutants in that they are floating virus particles (or maybe those things from Metroid Prime) except they don't need to get into melee, they can throw a blob of viral crap at you. They have a staggering amount of health, necessitating use of mid-tier weapons. It can take 4 shotgun blasts to drop one!
Worst of all, they are invisible until they are within range to attack you. You can still shoot them, but you can't see them even with a sight patch applied. You can use the target acquisition cyberware to lock onto them, though, so you can sweep a hallway with the alt key trying to spot one and get a few shots in at range.
Fortunately they only appear on the maintenance deck. Use your best guns on them and be ready to deal with reinforcements, they WILL respawn and repopulate empty rooms.

Flier Robots
A small green robot with three glowing blue hover thrusters. They have an autocannon which fires conventional bullets at you, and if they stop moving they will launch a blob of viral goo at you similar to the invisible mutants. They make a very distinct hovering sound when nearby, try not to get ambushed because they can deal a lot of damage if they get the first shot.
The weak spots are the blue hovering thrusters, but if you can't hit those it's fine to aim for the center chassis. They take several shots to destroy from a sparq beam, be ready to fall back or use teflon rounds.
They are absolutely everywhere on the storage deck, and the are several on the flight deck. They also respawn on the storage deck a lot, so be ready for them when backtracking.
On the security deck they return with a vengeance because SHODAN has swapped their viral globs for a missile pod that can one-shot you if all the missiles hit. Keep moving and use high-power weapons to blow them out of the sky. Fortunately there's only about six of them there.

Cyborg Enforcer
A woman who is now mostly loader robot, she makes a lot of noise about sockets and bone. She has a lot of health but the fleshy weak spots are still very shootable. It will take almost a full magazine of Skorpion rounds to drop them.
Amusingly, they can fire an EMP grenade at you. If you take cover they will frequently fire it into the wall and stun themselves, allowing for an easy kill. Otherwise, they tend to fire in volleys, allowing you to use corners to pop out and kill them.
The first one is on the storage deck at the very bottom, she will pop out of a door to ambush you. After that, you'll see a lot of them on the flight deck, engineering deck and more on the security deck.

Gorilla Tiger
Some sort of pet for Triop executives, it has all the brute strength of a gorilla and all the love of murder of your average housecat, tiger DNA optional.
They have a lot of health, it will take 4+ shotgun blasts to take them down. Aim for the head, and use dragonsbreath rounds if you have them. Automatics like the Skorpion and Assault Rifle are also good picks. Gas grenades have limited utility as they move out of the cloud quickly.
They will lunge at you and can be difficult to dodge, and do a lot of damage. Use your best guns to take them down quickly.
The first one you encounter is probably on the storage deck near the medbay. There are several on the executive deck, particularly in the beta area residences, and in the groves.

Avian Mutant
Not a particularly big threat but they may ambush you by attacking from above. They have no armor and a fairly short range spit attack. Use high-accuracy weapons like the ion rifle until they get closer, then use either a shotgun or something like the Skorpion.
There are some on the flight deck, mostly flying around the hangars, and several in the groves where they have more space to fly around. Be aware that they want you to focus on them while something more dangerous skitters over the ground to attack you.

Mutated Plant
A green insectoid plant creature, they have a short ranged spit attack. The real danger comes from the fact that they will hide in the foliage and try to ambush you when you approach unaware. Use your targeting software and pay attention, getting the first shot will basically win the battle. They can soak two shots from a shotgun and die quickly from the assault rifle with magnesium rounds.
They are found exclusively in the groves.

Mutated Gourd
A completely immobile gourd thing that spits biological contaminants. There's a lot of these in the gamma grove, which is already covered in biological contaminants so whatever. One shot from any weapon will kill them.

Executive Bot
A humanoid robot with pulse guns on each hand, they appear mostly around the executive deck, with a few on engineering. They have a surprising amount of health for what is supposed to be a secretary. Use your energy weapons or the magpulse. They can't fire on the move and fire in volleys so you can corner-peek them to death.

Cyborg Warrior
Basically a security robot with a human skull on it. A very dangerous opponent, they don't make a lot of noise other than stomping around, have an energy shield, and can fire dangerous beam weapons at you. Fortunately they are not quick.
Use your best guns on these guys, including EMP grenades to stun. Take them seriously as their shields can stop a lot of damage. The first one is on the executive deck near where the survivors were camped out, and there are several on engineering, security, and the bridge.

Mutated Cyborg
A heap of mutated flesh decked out with cyberware. They fire green lasers at you, but are fairly immobile so you can corner-peek them. A headshot with the railgun will often kill them at close range or leave them with a sliver of health at longer ranges. Otherwise, use the assault rifle.
You will deal with them towards the end of the game. The security deck is crawling with them.

Cyborg Elite
SHODAN picked the dudes with the best abs to get all the best cyberware. There are only a few of these and they are all on the bridge, but they can deal a lot of damage very quickly. Fortunately, they can still be killed with the cool guns you have. The railgun is a favourite, while a frag grenade can also get the job done.
Walkthrough: Medical
Do your dishes you wild animal. And clean your room! Hey who's that knocking?

Wake up, clear your head, and be glad you weren't the guy in the pod next to you. Or anyone else on the station for that matter.

Your starting kit is in the door ahead of you and to the left. Note that you don't actually need to pick anything up except the keycard, but you're going to be doing a lot of running away if you don't take the pipe, and you won't know some important passcodes without the media reader. Not taking the media reader won't stop SHODAN from yelling at you but it will stop you from getting audio logs which contain some passwords which are randomly generated, so you'll miss out on cool stuff.

Beat up the robots in the next room then junk the cameras. You can stand on top of stuff and then jump to swing the pipe. This room has a surgery bed to restore your HP and a recharge station to recover your energy, so be sure to dip back in whenever you're running low. Crawl through the low vent near the power supply to get the passcode (451) for the door.

There's a head mounted lamp unit near the power source. You may as well get it, but it's not exactly crucial cyberware.

Search all the bodies you come across. There is a 2% chance that one will have a Sparq beam on it, and that includes the one in this room. Getting one early allows you to take some more interesting paths through medical (or you can just bust heads with the pipe using ambush tactics) though there are guaranteed Sparq beam drops in case you're unlucky.

There's a mutant waiting to give you a hug outside the door so stove his head in with the pipe. The room immediately across from you has a cyborg doctor in it and a robot who will try to ambush you once you kill him. More importantly it has a GP-1 keycard in it which you will need soon. Kill everyone, vaporize all the junk, etc.

Head north (use the switch to open the large bulkhead) and kill the mutant. Take a left into the next room, there's a mutant gently petting a dead body in here. Kill him and get the Biological Systems Monitor cyberware. It's useless so you can turn it off unless you like the groovy chi waves or whatever. More importantly there's a berserk patch in here. If things are getting hot, pop one of these and start swinging.

There's a secret wall right outside of this room (see screenshot). There are a ton of these on medical and a few more in other parts of the station. See this other Steam guide for more. I'll point out a few useful ones along the way.

Continue down the hall and take the next left. The sign on this room indicates there's a cyberspace terminal in here. Kill the mutant and go into cyberspace. We want to do this to get the magpulse gun asap. There is also a MED keycard in here, which will open most of the rest of the doors on this level.

Go into the armory which is unlocked by completing the cyberspace area, and get the magpulse gun. You don't have any money yet so we'll come back later to buy more ammo. Keep using the pipe because magpulse rounds are going to be scarce for a while.

Back in the corridor, head north some more. You can't proceed past this bulkhead so go into the small room on the right (down the slope). Kill the mutant and take the minipistol.

You now have a firearm and hopefully some bullets. Back in the hall, head east. You should be able to hear the cyborgs talking to themselves. Lean around the corner to pop them in the head. There's two in this room, a third one on a catwalk above you, and a hopper robot on the far side of the central piller. The hopper is resistant to bullets but will go down after a while. If you found a Sparq beam use that, because there's a power resupply in this room. Use the magpulse if you really need to.

Go up the elevator and kill the cyborg if you didn't already. For some reason there's a secret wall here with another power resupply station. Okay.

Go into Dr. Nathan D'arcy's room. There's a guaranteed Sparq gun in here if you didn't find one yet, so now we have most of the guns on the floor and are ready to kick ass. There is also a PER-1 access card in here, and a Systems Analyzer cyberware which shows you the status of Citadel Station. Good for not accidentally firing the mining laser because you forgot to raise the shields.

Next we want to secure the recycling machine and maybe get a better melee weapon. Head back to the previous room. You can explore the other rooms in medical if you want, there's ammo, bombs, and drugs all over the place. When you're ready, head back to the starting area.

Go south down the hallway. If you took a beating, use the surgery bed. This area will periodically repopulate with mutants, particularly once you get near the elevator, so don't assume the area is safe. Otherwise, solve the puzzle and go down the lift.

There's a patrolling robot here which is a pain in the ass to kill with the pipe (attacks tend to hit the floor) but you now have a sparq gun. Kill it. The recycler is nearby, so you can turn all that scrap into money. Be sure to head back to the magpulse armory and get the extra ammo.

From here, you can search the many side paths in medical. Kill everyone and scrap lots of stuff to build up a big stash of cash. When you're done, your goal is to get to the energy bridge to the north of the room with the central pillar. You can take the roundabout way through the radioactive area, or mess with the paneling under the central pillar to shut off the forcefield.

From there, clear this area and be sure to turn on the resurrection chamber so you can get really reckless. You may also want to put the magpulse into the cargo lift for now to free up some inventory space (you'll need it more on the research deck). Your next goal is to go into the robot repair room near the med bay.

There are four cyborgs (with their guns suspended in front of them) in here. They will all wake up when you kill one of them, but if you just shoot them in the head once each they'll stay in dreamland. So do that. Then kill one and quickly finish the others off. Go into the cyberspace room next door and lower the forcefield.

In the next room is a Security Robot. These take several Sparq shots to the head and fire in a two-shot burst. You can pop out to shoot them once or twice and then take cover.

Lastly you will find four computer nodes. There's a cyborg here on watch so kill him first. Then blow up the nodes. SHODAN will get mad about this and send two cyborgs to kill you, but you can completely bypass this ambush by biting down on a frag grenade and warping to the resurrection chamber (or just kill them).

Once you've killed and looted everything on the level, make sure that you copy down the code in the computer room (it's random each playthrough) and head to the elevator. Get out your favourite melee weapon and a berserk patch.
Points of Interest: Medical
There is an armory (yes, you're on a perfectly safe space station when the medical deck has TWO armories) which has a magazine upgrade for your minipistol. The code is found on the audiolog "Many Paths" which is located near the radiation zone in the northeast. Or you can just punch in 705 and be on your way.
The armory also has a bunch of bullets you can buy and plenty of grenades.

There is a wrench on the western side of the level on one of the bodies. It's a slight upgrade in terms of damage over the pipe, with a slightly shorter reach. Up to you if you want to keep it.

Near the computer core is a room filled with radioactive barrels. The only thing of note in there is a Sensaround bit of cyberware. This highlights nearby items on the map. You can blow up the barrels to clear the radiation with a Sparq shot, or just run in and run out real quick.

There's a human resistance camp in the southeast. They're all dead but you can find a lot of food items and junk to vaporize. There's also a battery and a grenade if you're willing to soak some rads in the trench.

There's a secret room behind the mantis in the southeast corner of the map. It requires 0% level security (smash those cameras!) to open it, and it contains a Magnum and some bullets as well as 3 EMP grenades. The magnum is fun but a little overpowered for now, and bullets are scarce, so stash it in the cargo lift.
Walkthrough: Research
Starting Out
I'm going to give less of a play-by-play here, but I will make sure to get you off on the right foot by directing you to the resurrection chamber and energy recharge ASAP, as well as the shotgun (which you definitely want).

First, pop the berserk while on the lift and ready your melee weapon, because there's a bunch of mutants in here and you want to come out swinging. Be glad you don't have to clean this dump up when you're done.

Leave the room and take a right. Kill the mutant and proceed down the hallway. There's a cyborg assassin at the far end so blow his head off and proceed down the hall. At the end you will enter a large room with some more mutants. There are two doors in front of you, take the left one.

Hit the switch to activate the resurrection chamber. Hey, the pressure is off now! Climb up the sloped wall on the right and look left, there's a small room here. Hop in and hit the switch, and that will open the door so you can use the power recharge whenever you want. Great, you can now Sparq things and you can't die.

Backtrack a bit and go into the small radioactive room on the west side of this area. There's a shield cyberware in there.

Head north a bit and solve the puzzle on the wall to open the door. Crawl through the vents and you'll find another power recharge node. Continue through here and you'll find an ENG keycard. You won't be able to proceed further without a SCI keycard so backtrack.

Go back to the main hall and go to the room just west of the elevator. It has a distinct circular door. Crawl through some vents for a bit. When you enter a bigger room with a pillar in the middle, climb up it. There's a battery and some bullets on a ledge up there. Continue through, eventually you will reach an area where electrical beams are frying the room.

Time your movements and run between them. It's not instant death but don't dawdle. You will then crawl across some catwalks, and there are robots beneath you. They will probably notice you so kill them, but don't drop down yet. Keep crawling and you'll see a shotgun on the ground right around the corner.

Try it out on the goon who is standing five feet away. There's more flechette shells on the corpse.

From here, explore! You will probably want to head to the central concourse, a large circular area in the center of the level. The resurrection bay is here, and the cargo lift is right next to it.

Your goal is to get to the south end of the level. There is a large door there that requires an SCI card to open (the panel is to the left of the door).

You also need to get into the research library and complete the cyberspace terminal there to get a code you'll need later.

In addition, the power is out in the research library area, so none of the doors work. You therefore need to hit the circuit breaker in the northeast part of the level. It's in the room with the third power resupply node.
This room also tends to fill up with hoppers. They respawn here a lot and then path over to the node and stare at it.

Once the power is back on, you can head to Beta, the east side of the level. Find the room marked Admin Security and ask to see the manager all over the occupant's head. He has the SCI keycard you needed, so you can now access the south part of the map, Gamma. There's another SCI keycard on the desk if you think this is a Thief game or something and just want to leg it.

The cyberspace terminal is on the south end of Beta. Be sure to grab the target identifier cyberware on the shelf, you can use it to press Alt to bring up enemy information. This allows you to track an enemy through walls at short range.
The code is on the screen just to the left of the terminal. It's randomized every playthrough so write it down!

Now head to the south part of the map. The recycler is here, as is the elevator. At this point you can actually just leave and go to the other floors. You can go to the Reactor and Maintenance from here, and from Maintenance to Storage and the Flight Deck. The Executive deck is off limits for a little while.

Where you choose to go is up to you. There's a range of cyberware, guns, ammo, and enemies to slay available. You can clear most of the floors (you will not be able to fully clear Maintenance for quite a while) and once you deal with the reinforcements, they will remain clear for the rest of the game barring the scripted enemies SHODAN will spawn.

Options for the Future
Maintenance: A magnum (if you missed the one on Medical), Laser Rapier, Navigation Cyberware v2, Sensaround v2

Storage: Skorpion, Grenade Launcher, Magnum, Target Identifier v2, Boots v1, Boots v2 (clear the level), Inventory Upgrade, Environmental Pack Cyberware, Shotgun Choke mod

Flight Deck: Sparq Beam damage upgrade mod, Boots v1, Boots v2, Assault Rifle, Magnum

Reactor: Pistol Damage mod, a Surgery Bed

I will assume you're going to finish handling the mining laser job, but if you want to go spend a few hours adventuring on the other floors you absolutely can.

The Mission
Head into the room west of the recycler. This room is covered in radiation so hurry up. Open the door and sprint into the room directly opposite. The mutants will probably follow you, kill them. Then clear the cyberspace in that room, which will disable the radiation so you can explore in peace.
There isn't much to see in here, but jump into the pit and check the walls for a secret compartment with some bombs in it. Otherwise, head to the north end of the room, open the door, and then quickly hit the switch inside and get the X-22 from the case before your genome turns to ravioli. Good, one job done.

The other side of the elevator has some more fun for us. The computer nodes for this floor are right here. Head into the room and kill the three robots. Now, go back outside and get out some proximity mines. SHODAN isn't going to be happy with you messing with her stuff so we're going to give her a peace offering of two proximity mines. Save your game, then place them roughly as shown. Now go smash the nodes.

You'll hear an explosion. Wait a few seconds and you should hear another explosion. This means the cyborgs have received your trade offer and will deliver it on your behalf, leaving behind a tribute of meat. Remember to copy down the code before you leave!

There's a security robot back near the elevator so kill it and head down to the Reactor level.

Points of Interest: Research
There is a teleporter in the Beta section (take the first left) that will take you to a room with a bunch of goodies and an upgrade station. This will reduce the heat generation of your Sparq gun, allowing you to fire it more without it overheating. It even lets you fire two overcharge shots instead of one!

Near the CPU nodes is the robot maintenance room. If you solve the puzzle in here, the door right behind it... has another puzzle behind it, but that will stop more hoppers from entering the level. The code to the door is randomly generated and found on a USB stick that is very easy to miss in the southwest part of the level.
Walkthrough: Reactor
Exit the elevator and look left, there's a Hopper over there. Kill it, and there's another one behind it. Go back to the elevator and head east. Open the door, and at the far end of the hallway is an autobomb. Shoot it to blow it up. There is a door to your right that is the recycler for this floor. Continue through the east door. Suppress the local resistance and take a hard left. Open the door here to reach the medical bay.

There's two goons in here, so kill them. Solve the puzzle to access the surgery bed and the resurrection bay. There is also a radiation scrubber in here, in case you decide you're going to screw around in the reactor for a while.

Head north out of the medbay. There's likely a Hopper waiting for you outside the door. Continue down the hallway and take a left at the junction. This is the power recharge spot for the floor.

There's a lot to explore on this level but not a lot to actually find. There is a cyberspace terminal on the east side of the floor that will open an armory on the east side and give you the minipistol damage upgrade. Otherwise, it's just slaying enemies, taking their stuff, and clearing the place.

Notably, the wall just north of the cyberspace terminal is a secret wall. It doesn't lead anywhere particularly interesting.

Our goal on this floor is to power up the shields and deactivate the safety overrides. You'll be coming back here much, much later, so if you see any doors marked REACTOR CORE don't go in there because there's 128 points of ambient radiation that will guarantee you aren't having children anytime soon. There's also some very mean Security 2 robots in there, which your Sparq gun isn't particularly cut out for killing (though you can hit-and-run a lot and the resurrection chamber is 10 feet away).

Instead I'm going to tell you how to get the objectives done without wasting a lot of time.

From the elevator take a left and head west. If you went through the medbay you can unlock this door from the other side, otherwise you'll need to solve a puzzle to open it. Just west of that is the Radiation Shield Controls, and an autobomb just inside who can't wait to give you a hug so back up. Pop the X-22 in there and be sure to hit the switch so the radiation shield is actually on. You can double check this from the status tab on your inventory menu, the shield readout on the station will show that it's active.

We're going to take a quicker way to get to the safety interlocks. You can go all the way around the level, or you can take a more direct route. See that vent opening across from the radiation shield control room? Go in and make sure you've got a detox patch handy.

Partway down the tunnel you'll start getting sleeted by gamma rays, so hurry up. Blow up the barrels and keep going until you reach a repulsor lift. Pop that detox and you're now in the reactor core area. There's a bunch of robots nearby, including an executive bot and two fliers. Kill them, and head east to get up onto the catwalk. Don't ♥♥♥♥ around too much because the east part is where the reactor is, and the security-2 robot WILL notice you and start to chase you. Instead, run west and go up the repulsor lift. Punch in the code you got at the research library and throw the switch, and the interlocks are off. Now head back to the elevator to the Research floor.

Points of Interest
SHODAN has set a death trap up for you if you head counterclockwise around the circuit. You can deal with that if you want. When you enter a room with four security cameras in it, one in each corner, that's the death trap. You can put some proximity mines near the doors to deal with the robots, or you can just blow out the cameras. As soon as you blow up all four cameras, the robots will come after you, so you can be safely down the hall and bottleneck them.

Walkthrough: Research v2 (Waltz of the Virus Mutants)
Keep in mind that this level may not be clear, as some robots may have respawned while you were playing in the radioactive waste.

Your objective is now the central control terminal, which you can access from the door right next to the cargo lift. When you go in here, SHODAN will burst the containment pods and send a bunch of mutants after you. Gas grenades are effective. Shoot those little floating spheres first, as those will drain your battery power quickly.

Get into the main office and hit the switch. SHODAN is very Not Mad about this and says she's working on a mutagen in one of the groves. That's your next objective. You have now unlocked the Executive deck, which you can access from Maintenance or the Flight Deck.

Also, if you return to the Reactor level, there will be a Security-2 robot waiting right near the elevator to kill you. Pack an EMP grenade.
Walkthrough: Maintenance and Executive Detour
Prep Work
Before you head out, go back to the recycler or cargo lift and get your equipment squared away. Dump out any stuff you need to, and bring your magnum. If you've been exploring you should have a few more bullets for it.

Head into the elevator and hit the button. Get your magnum out. Stick your head out of the elevator and look left. There is already a mutant virus on the way to kill you.

These freaks are invisible and shoot gas grenades at you, and take a frustrating amount of shots to kill. 6 rounds from the magnum should do it. Don't step too far out because there's two robots around the corner to your right, kill them once the mutant is dead.

Fortunately, with a bit of distance you can spot them by using your targeting implant. Press the alt key when looking down long corridors, and use a low-power Sparq shot to suss them out. Blast them with the magnum when they're revealed.

You can't enter the medical bay without popping a few of the cameras, so explore this main room. Don't go into any side rooms. There are two more invisible mutants near the power node on the northwest side. Smash the cameras and then get Sensaround v2 in the top right.

You will get shocked whenever you use the power node here by the dangling cables. Price of doing business.

Note that a few more of these invisible viruses will periodically be sent as reinforcements. Don't assume the deck is clear!

The medbay is visible from the elevator. Go in, subdue the doctor with a magnum bullet to the head, and disable cyborg conversion. Now go into the central room on this level.

This is an excellent storage zone, right across from the elevator with a bunch of boxes. You're going to find a lot of crap in this game, and the cargo lift is way too small to store it all, so dump it in these four boxes. This room has quick access to every deck in the game except Medical (and the last two but those are a one way trip anyway) so you can stop in and switch guns at your leisure. You can also dump extra medical supplies here so they don't take inventory space. Are you going to use 30 health patches before the next time you visit an elevator? Probably not.

Put anything you might actually want to use on a given level, like the Magpulse, in the cargo lift and a few spare medical supplies.

So what now? As I mentioned earlier, there's a lot of game open to you now. You can go to Storage, Maintenance (clear the rest of this floor), the Flight Deck, and now Executive. The Executive deck has a lot of cool items so we'll be taking a quick detour over there first. We're going to get the Ion Rifle ASAP and then go put to the sword the rest of our enemies with it.

Note that, if you've been collecting all the scrap you come across, you probably have enough money to buy all the gun upgrades in the game by now, so you can be a little less kleptomaniacal. If you do run low because you love buying chips and bullets, you can find tons of high value stuff on the Executive deck.

Take the north elevator from Maintenance to the Executive deck. As you exit the room you should see an executive bot. If you wait it'll walk away from you, or you can kill it. Either way, take a left and follow the path to the entrance to Alpha Grove. Go in there. Enjoy the view of Saturn!

Alpha Grove
The groves are a good place to make use of your 9mm and Dragonsbreath rounds since the enemies are mostly organic and have no armor. Your shotgun is effective with either type of round.

The path is fairly straightforward, and the grove is small. Your objective is the northwest area, where you will find a conventional lift and a repulsor lift. There is a dead body here and the Ion Pulse Rifle is right next to it.

This baby is great, and a perfect replacement for your Sparq beam. It has excellent armor penetration and damage, and has three firing modes. Two high power shots will drop the plant mutants you've been seeing, and it will overheat but nowhere near as readily as the Sparq gun. Best of all, the overcharge can charge up to deal an impressive 200 damage in a single shot, blowing away dangerous security robots quickly. Keep an eye out for wall sockets, you're taking this baby to near the end of the game before you find something better.

You don't actually have to complete the Alpha Grove right now, but you may as well (unless you took a beating on the way in and need to backtrack). Your objective is to open the safety interlocks room. The switch for that is in a repair depot on the eastern side of the grove. There's a secret wall in there that reveals a charging station, which is good so you can have more fun with your ion rifle.

Next, head to the center-south part of the grove. There is a security robot in here, and 3 headshots at High from the Ion Rifle will put these guys down. Disable the safety interlocks and you're done. Head back to the Executive deck, and then to the elevator and down to Maintenance.

Remember, Maintenance is not safe. There are probably invisible mutants all over the place, so sweep the area again.

Alpha Grove Points of Interest
If you have the Boots v2, you can get on top of the central set of pillars near the middle of the level, and from there jet on top of the canopy to find some extra railgun rounds. You can see these from below with your Sensaround cyberware. There's also some ammo scattered around the grove in the foliage.
Walkthrough: Clearing the Flight Deck and Points of Interest
Take the elevator from the center of Maintenance to the Flight Deck, and be ready because there's a cyborg ready to shoot you straight ahead when the doors open. Solve the puzzle to your left to activate the light bridge and head across it.

To your right is a very angry loader robot who will Donkey Kong the nearby barrels at you. Hide when it throws and pop it with the ion rifle, you should be fine. Follow the concourse around the next bend and kill the security robot.

There's a secret wall here a lot of people don't know about. Pack heat because there's a cyborg warrior in there. It also has the last camera on the level if you're going for the achievement (thank me later).

You'll need the skates in order to get through the door before it closes. Luckily there are some in the pit just outside the door.

Inside this secret is a recharge spot and an assault rifle, and some bombs and patches.

To complete the flight deck, there's a single CPU node in the area south of the elevator. There's about 4 security robots in there, so come prepared. The medical bay is nearby and there's a power resupply node there as well. You don't actually have to help the resistance members or clear the other flight bays (yet) if you don't want to. Remember to get the node number before you leave.

Points of Interest
There is a DPS upgrade for the Sparq beam on the west side of the level. If you're not going to go to the Alpha Grove to get the Ion Rifle immediately, this might serve you well.

Flight Deck 4 is right across from the elevator. There's a bridge puzzle here. Keep in mind you don't need to make a solid bridge, just one you can jump across. You will need to climb the ladder in the main concourse and make your way around the deck to get up there and cross the bridge. The ladder is next to the light bridge near the elevator on the main concourse.

If you do go around there, there's a Boots v2 waiting for you. You can then use them to jump all the way across the hanger to reach the upgrade station (hold jump to jet!). The Skorpion damage upgrade is here, so pocket that because we'll be using it soon.

If you do decide to clear the eastern flight deck, there's a security-2 robot up top, a bunch of avian mutants, three flier robots, and an autobomb to deal with.

The resistance can be reached from the corridor near the CPU nodes and the medical bay. It's the one marked GREY on the walls. You may want to wait until you have the laser rapier before going there because there's a Cortex Reaver waiting for you.

To kill it, solve the three puzzles and save. Pop a reflex patch and then a berserk patch. Ready an emp grenade and go in. Chuck the grenade under the reaver and take cover. When it goes off, switch to the rapier and beat the ♥♥♥♥ out of it. It will likely die before it comes back online. Otherwise, you can zoom around and shoot it with guns. Take cover because its pulse guns hurt a LOT and it can kill you quickly. Even if the resurrection bay is active, if you die you get a game over so don't mess around.
If you don't have a laser rapier, you can get one on the south end of Maintenance.

If you clear out the resistance area, there's a damage upgrade for the grenade launcher, a bunch of ammo and bombs, and another assault rifle.

The executive area in the north doesn't actually need to be cleared, but there's some good stuff. There's a security-2 robot down the western path, and in the hangar beyond that, a cyborg patrolling the upper catwalk. You can get up there with the Boots v2 upgrade to find this level's Skelly.

When you enter the room just east of the elevator, SHODAN will spawn a robot on top of the stairs behind you. Place a proximity bomb as shown.

Now pop a berserk patch and pull out your laser rapier. Trigger the trap, run forward, up the steps, and go left. Slice the cyborg in two and go into that room, go right, and open the door and go down the hall. Slice up the next cyborg and then rush the enforcer. Nice trap, SHODAN, next time invent robots who don't suck.

Clear the cyberspace terminal to open the door to Flight Deck 2 (near Diego's office) and the armory. There's a bunch of ammo and bombs in the armory, and the Flight Deck 2 has a magnum on the platform if you somehow don't have one (or you can take the bullets out of it) and a whole half of a dude.
Walkthrough: Storage
Exit the elevator, look left. There are two loathsome pests flying around. This deck is chock full of these robots, and they launch gas grenades at you. 2-3 Ion Rifle shots will take them down. Watch your back, they make a humming noise and are difficult to hear. They respawn a lot so prepare to deal with them when backtracking.

Head forward and look right down the slope. The recycling machine is down there, and an avian mutant. Kill it, and a mantis will rush you due to the noise you made. Head down there and take another right, going down the slope. There is a Cyborg Enforcer in the room at the end of the short hall, and also the Boots v1 if you're doing this deck before the Flight Deck.

Head back to the elevator now that the immediate threats are dead and look left. Go down the slope, and through the small door on the left. Go straight ahead, down the repulsor lift, and there's the medbay.

If you go down the other repulsor lift, there's a Gorilla Tiger here. Throw a gas grenade at it and give it a few shotgun blasts. Their melee is painful!

The door here is locked and requires a security level of 20% to open. So let's go deal with that first.

Go back to the recycling machine and go east. There's a forcefield door with a switch nearby. Hit that switch and go in. As soon as you enter, some doors at the far end will open and a mutant, cyborg, loader bot, and a floaty robot will try to stop you.

Go back outside and hit the switch to raise the forcefield. The mutant and loader will walk up to you and stare at you, the other two usually lose interest. Lower the forcefield, then quickly raise it again and back up. The loader bot will pick up the nearby explosive barrel, throw it at the forcefield and take damage from the splash. Repeat this until it's dead. You didn't even fire a shot.

Now go kill everyone else and smash the computer nodes. Remember to copy the number down!

This opened the recharge station just outside, and smashing those nodes should get the security level down to near 20%. If it's not there yet, dot some more cameras. Now you can go back to the medical area and open the door. The code is found on various audiologs around the level, but only the first and last digits (which are both 8). The middle digit is not found anywhere, so you can just guess, or read the part where I said it's 838.

Inside is the environmental pack cyberware, which will reduce biological and radiation hazard damage by about 80% in exchange for some power. You'll need that eventually (it's actually skippable with some speedrun strats but c'mon). There's also a magnum, some ammo, and a magnum upgrade station. This will add a laser sight to the magnum and increase its damage. This means you can press T to toggle on its secondary fire and deal more damage. You should have some ammo for it now so feel free to start using it, it's effective for the next few decks.

There is also a plastique in this room. You'll need a total of four for a later mission, so stash this one someplace safe.

After this point, your objective on this floor is to locate three more plastiques. There are also some goodies like a grenade launcher you probably want.

The plastiques you need are in Storage 1, in the northwest part of the floor. First, go inside, stand atop the catwalk, and look down. There are robots all over the lower floor and they can't touch you. Kill them all!
Be ready for a fight when you enter the room proper. There is an invisible trigger halfway across the room that will open all the doors up above, and about 7 security robots will start coming after you once you make any noise. My advice is to trigger this and then head up the repulsor lift and out of the room. Bait them into the hall and kill them one by one, or bunch them at the door and throw a grenade.

The grenade launcher is in an alcove on the north end of the room, lower floor. You can grab it without upsetting the security robots. There is also a secret power node in this room on the southeast edge. You'll need to do a tricky jump (easier with boots v2) to get there.

The room with all the plastiques is at the far end of the light bridge section. There's also a ton of ammo and goodies in there, and a switch which opens Storage 4 (which contains nothing of real note except some robots who hate you and a lot of med patches).
Points of Interest: Storage
In the northeast is an area where two cyborgs will turn off a laser bridge and shoot you. Blow their heads off. If you got the boots v2 from the Flight Deck (or elsewhere on this floor) then you can just jump the gap. The shotgun choke mod is over there. Otherwise, you'll need to go down the lift and up the other side. You will get ambushed by some cyborgs and a loader bot at the bottom. Kill the cyborgs first and take cover whenever the loader bot throws something. A switch on the lower floor with reactivate the bridges as well.

Just north of the previous area is a big visible ramp, and a path next to it leading down. There's a mining laser robot down there, and a bunch of proximity bombs on the floor. Blow them up, then go back up top. Make sure your health is in order, switch on your skates, and skate down the ramp. You'll make a "Nice Jump" and be rewarded with two security robots trying to kill you.
This area is optional, you can blow up the cameras from below, but it's fun to skate around.

The very south end of the level (you will go down several ramps) has the inventory space upgrade and the Skorpion. To get the upgrade, find the power node and open the bulkhead nearby. This room has a couple zero-grav mutants in it who should be no match for your guns, and a floor cleaning robot for you to destroy with some well-aimed panic fire. It also has a bunch of freezers you can open, and there's nothing of note inside any of them!
The inventory upgrade (Micro Pocket Dimension v1) is on the southeast side of the room on the upper floor. It adds half a row to your inventory and costs nothing.

To get the Skorpion, we have to solve a little repulsor lift puzzle. Go north from the southmost power node and you should see the room in question, it's very tall. Hit the switch in the southwest and you'll open a door, a door you can't get in because of a lift right in front of it.
Go to the north end of the room and hit the switch. Now go up the repulsor lift next to the door and look up. The switch turned on some lifts on the ceiling, so you can fly through the air to the ledge.
Hit the switches here and you'll notice another lift on the north side turn on. Go there and go up that lift, then hit the switch at the top of the lift. This activates another up lift where you previously hit the two switches, so go up to the third floor. Hit the switch here and go down to the previous level, another up lift was activated on the west side of the platform.
Hit the switch there to open the door right below you, go through that door and hit the switch then back up, the lift behind you is now an up lift. Finally hit the last switch in the northwest and you'll turn off the lift in front of the door you opened at the start of all this. Go back down, into that door, and up the lift.
The Skorpion is next to the body (and there's goodies on the body so get those!) and be sure to kill the mantis and camera in this room. The audio log here also makes note of where the plastique is (vaguely). There is also a plasma core for a gun you'll get much later, stash it someplace safe.

Once you have gotten level security to 0%, there is a door in the southwest corner with Boots v2 (if you didn't get them from the Flight Deck yet), a reflex patch, and a grenade.
This is quite a complicated deck and you're going to be here a while, so square your stuff away. There will be several fights before you have the medical bay and a recharge station secured, bring some guns.

Note: Make note of the passwords on the screens outside the elevator. You will need one of them later.

Enter from the Maintenance elevator. If you didn't finish the Alpha Grove, go do that now. Head west from the elevator then north. You will see a scrubbing robot in a room with a pillar in the middle. Go west and through the first door, there's a conference room here with a Target Identifier v3 cyberware. Now you will highlight enemy weakpoints when you target them!

There is also a cyberspace terminal south of this room, do it now. Of note is that this is the cyberspace terminal with the dash upgrade in it (take a left in the first room, you need the ICE Breaker to open it) so get that to make cyberspace slightly less tedious.
This cyberspace also has a lot of enemies ambushing you at once, so it's a good place to deploy the decoy. Towards the end there is a sequence where you must dodge bombs in a booster passage, hold S to slow down so you can shoot them and not get blown up.

North of the cyberspace area is the passage to Delta Grove. You have to do it eventually so you may as well do it now.

Delta Grove
This is a fairly straightforward level. Kill everything that moves. It's mostly mutants, there's a cyborg and a few robots. When you enter the chessboard, kill the flying mutants but watch your ass. There is a gorilla tiger in the area and it WILL pounce on you while you're trying to shoot the fliers.

At the chessboard, go to and punch in the board state so it can tell you the next move. Playing chess against an AI isn't fun even for grandmasters. Also, remember you can cheat by saving your game. Once you win, head into the unlocked closet to get the second inventory upgrade.

The far east side of the grove has a Shield v2 cyberware and another assault rifle. Otherwise, go into the north maintenance room and hit the switch to lower a lift near the chessboard. Go up that lift and follow the path to the interlocks.

Now you can leave Delta grove.

Executive Again
Our next goal is to get the resurrection bay going, and get a keycard we'll need. Go back to the central hub and go east. You should pass an elevator (this leads to the Flight Deck) and approach a junction. Go south, there's the medbay. If the doctor looks at you funny, blow his head off.

From the medbay, go north and follow the path. There's a cyborg warrior and two exec bots in this area. There's also a pile of bodies at the end of it. There's a keycard you need near one of them, get that. If you need money, there's a ton of junk items here to recycle.

Next we need to get the power node for this level secured. Go back to the junction, head south and then west. You will enter a very large room, which has a vending machine on one side. Hey you can buy frag grenades in these things.

In the southeast corner of the room is a door at the end of a hall with some steps. The other exits to this room are optional and have goodies, explore them if you want. Otherwise, prepare for a fight and use your keycard to open that door. There are two security robots and two executive robots in here, and the only door that works is the one to the Beta section. There's a cyborg warrior and another exec bot in there, and more importantly, a power node.

You can explore a bunch of stuff now, but for your objectives, Beta Grove is nearby, just south of the power node. Pack a lot of meds and batteries. Beta grove is locked, and the door to open it is in Diego's office which is at the far end of the hall.

To reach it, proceed down the hall with the recharge station. The last door is locked. There is a vent in the large room to your left, the big room with the bank terminals. Go through the vent to Diego's office where several cyborg assassins await. One of the switches in there will unlock the Beta Grove door.

Beta Grove
Your goal here is to reach the security room on the southwest edge of the grove so you can open the interlocks room's door. There are multiple paths you can take, and they're all soaked in biohazard so keep an eye on your health. There are a lot of organic enemies in here, including virus mutants, avian mutants, and a gorilla tiger. Flame rounds for the shotgun and assault rifle are very effective. Be sure to reload your power supply as the envirosuit does drain power.

The entrance to the interlocks room is in the center of the grove, across a lightbridge. There's a security robot inside (and the magpulse upgrade) and another one next to the interlocks switch. Now get the hell out of this grove.

Executive Again Again Again
Our final goal is to hit the master jettison enabler switch so we can send Beta Grove out into space. There's lots to explore in the living quarters area so have fun.
There's an autobomb at the far end of this hallway, and there are two gorilla tigers in the southeast room and another autobomb. The northeast room has a gorilla tiger. This is a good place to use up your shotgun shells.

Your objective is the password terminal in the southeast room. Remember those passwords near the elevator? Yeah enter those, then head into the vent in this room. Crawl through it until you can take a turn, this room has the recycler and CPU nodes for this floor. When you actually try to lower the forcefield, a loader robot will try to kill you. Launch an EMP grenade directly at it when it picks up the first barrel, and the others will explode, which should blow it away in one shot. Remember to write down the code before you leave.

One of the closets on the upper floor has the upgrade for the assault rifle, allowing it to go full auto. This is extremely useful and makes the assault rifle one of the best weapons in the game, so get it and apply it when you next get the chance. You should think about ditching your shotgun around this point if you're still using it.

Get back in the vents and keep crawling west. An autobomb pops out to say hello. Get yourself squared away because we got a boss fight coming up. Kill the gold exec box and do any reloading or healing you need to.

Boss Fight With Diego, Round 1
Load up an EMP grenade in your grenade launcher (or get ready to chuck one by hand). Pop a Reflex patch, then a Berserk patch. Shoot Diego with the EMP grenade then wreck him with the saber. You may want to wait until he comes down off his platform before hitting him with the EMP. If done properly he won't even get an attack in.

Proceed into the next room. Hit the interlocks switch on the left. Uh crap, it's broken. Oh well. Loot the rest of this area. Hit the switch in this room to open a teleporter that will lead you back to the elevator, so you can quickly get back to maintenance. Load up on any gear you need and switch weapons if needed.
Points of Interest: Executive
From the vending machine, take the southwest passage. It loops around and then ends in a room with a bunch of serv bots. Don't go in the center, take the long way around. A Railgun is near a body on the west side. Once you have it, go into the center. A cyborg enforcer will pop out of the ground and you can kill her with a single railgun headshot.

If you find any bank credits chips, you can use the bank terminals on this deck to get a few credits out of them.

Once you get the Jet Boots v3 on Engineering, you can fly up to the upper floor in the theater area. There is an audiolog by the Mystery Science Theater guys (NOT JOEL) up there which gives you an achievement.
Interface Demodulators: Maintenance 2
Go to the repair bay in the southeast corner and use the machine on the wall. Apparently, one of the demodulators is screwed. Okay.

Head to the room on the east side (near the power node) and use the repulsor lift. Those big green things are interface demodulators. Take one, and only one. At this point I recommend getting out your Magpulse and as much ammo as you can, as well as the upgrade from Beta Grove. This upgrade makes it able to one-shot a security robot on a double-charge headshot, which is good because you're about to fight a lot of those.

The doors you were unable to open earlier are now open, and the mazelike corridors beyond are full of security robots. The exact location of the broken node is randomized, so check ALL OF THEM CAREFULLY. You don't want to miss it and come back later because the security robots respawn. A lot. You're going to be fighting a lot of them.

While you're at it, search the bodies in the offices on the west side of the level. One of them will have a severed head near it. You need that, so pick it up.

The only notable item in any of the mazes is a railgun in the west maze, with two more rounds on the nearby body. Also, each of these mazes has a camera in it, usually close to the entrance. You need to smash those to get the level security down.

Once you've fixed the demodulator, head back to the southeast corner. You needed to lower level security to open the door here, and now you've done that. You also need that guy's head, so stick that in the retinal scanner.

There's a cyborg in here, blow him away, and then inspect the wall under the security camera for an obvious secret with some more explosives. There is an armory in here with the environmental pack v2 (gee thanks, we already DID Beta grove!) and a bunch more goodies, and a Skorpion on the counter if you didn't get the one in Storage yet. Complete the cyberspace terminal to open the door to the CPU room.

Kill the local robots and take a look around. There's a turret hidden in the ceiling on the right side. As soon as you lower the forcefield, the turret will deploy. Hit it with a grenade or a railgun shot. Stupid thing. Now smash the nodes and copy down the code. Hey, we have all the codes to blow the reactor! But we can't do that now so go back to executive and hit the switch near the teleporter.

I Am Sick of Executive
One you hit the interlocks switch, a security robot is between you and the teleporter. Head to Beta Grove as usual from the main lobby. There will be some more mutants on the way, but nothing you can't handle. Jettison the grove into space by activating the switch in the lobby.

Rebecca calls you to congratulate you, if by congratulate you mean "Inform you of SHODAN's next scheme". Okay, so you blew up the mining laser, spit in her petri dish, and have been tombstoning her troops. She's decided this station sucks and is going to download herself into Earth's communications network, meaning she has to contend with the pure toxicity of 2072 Twitter instead of your Ion Rifle. Why you can't just spread some space static, I don't know. Instead we need to blow up the comms antennae.

If you haven't done the rest of the Storage level, do that now. Get 4 plastiques. Take this opportunity to grab any other stuff you wanted and switch your weapons around. You will be fighting a ton of high level robots and cyborgs from now on. The low DPS of weapons like the shotgun are going to cost you. You should now have the Skorpion, Assault Rifle, Ion Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Laser Rapier, and a bunch of handy cybernetics to even the odds.
Engineering My Limit
As per usual, I'm going to point you in the direction of the goodies rather than being ultra specific, and we want to secure the medical bay and power supply ASAP.

Stick your head out of the elevator and listen. There's a cyborg right above you, and a security robot in the hall to your right. Crawl out of the elevator and stick next to the right wall, so that the cyborg can't see you. Kill the robot, then fire a grenade into the ceiling to kill the cyborg. If you decide to kill him another way, be very careful because he likes to chuck proximity mines around. Don't get blowed up!

Head west and look for the Cyborg Enforcer. Kill her and go north a bit, there's a door next to a door marked Delta Antenna. You want to go in there, it's in the screenshot. Also, this is where the recycling machine for the level is.

Go ahead and kill that security robot in the room with the lightbridge. There's a power node in here, but more importantly, Rocket Boots v3. You can now jet to a lot of places on the station you couldn't before, including getting all the skellies on the earlier levels. If you like achievements, go get those now. Otherwise, head back to the elevator.

Now go east, down some ramps and through a door. You will enter a multi-level room with a mutant cyborg. These guys take a lot of bullets but aren't mobile, use cover. Climb up the ladder to where the mutant was. There's stuff above you but you can't keep climbing. This is why you got the jetboots!

There's a bunch of doors here but you want the Gamma door. Solve the puzzle to open it. Kill the robot on the other side. You can press the button on the desk here to cycle the forcefields. The button at the far end of the hall will open all the other doors in the previous room so you don't need to solve puzzles for all of them.

Cycle the forcefields until the close-left one is open. There's a proximity bomb on the floor at the base of the ladder, so chuck a grenade down there to take care of it.
Climb down and hey, it's the medbay and there's a power node here. Awesome, now you're unstoppable!

Note: You must cycle the forcefields to access the rest of the gamma quadrant. However, if you die and wind up in the jelly mould, there's a switch near the ladder that will lower the forcefield and allow you to exit the medbay. So, once you're done in there, leave the far left or far right fields down so you can get back into the core more easily.

From here, you can access three of the antennae easily, but we need to wreck the CPU nodes first, so let's do that. Coincidentally that's in Gamma so head through those forcefields. See the sign that says Gamma Antenna? Don't go in there, go in the other door that's unlocked. You can see the CPU nodes so kill everyone and blow the nodes up. SHODAN is clearly getting rusty as she doesn't even send a legion of robots to kill you. Oh, and there's a secret spot with two batteries in the ceiling above the middle nodes.

Go into the administrator's office and murder the cyborg. There's a keycard on the ground, and a cyberspace terminal. Do that now. There are a total of four doors you need to unlock in there, so this is a pretty long one. You can keep track of your progress by checking which forcefields in the main room are open. If one is open, and you look in the direction of that forcefield you can see where you've cleared (aka if the bottom forcefield is down, the section below you is done).

Once all those are done, there is nothing stopping you from blowing up the four antennae.

The Gamma antenna will lock you in via forcefield when you plant the bomb. This is a free trip back to the medbay, but you can also use a logic probe to solve the puzzle and run out, or even pop a reflex patch and try to solve it before things explode.

Beta's antenna is guarded by some proximity mines which is pretty pathetic, even for SHODAN.

If you're going to Alpha via the core, climbing down that ladder is very dangerous as it's surrounded on all sides by enemies. I recommend going around and taking the long way, or standing on top of the ladder and hucking grenades down. This is a great place to use a sight patch. There's about 9 enemies in the area!

Delta's direct route is blocked from the core but that doesn't matter because the elevator you came here on is in Delta. In fact the antenna room is right next to where you got the rocket boots. Should be a piece of cake. There's three security robots in there so blow them up.

Once all the antenna are blown up, SHODAN informs you that she's extremely Not Mad, even moreso than the last times she was Not Mad. Rebecca calls you and tells you it's time to blow the station (what? But I'm not done redecorating!).

Before we leave engineering, head back to the core. Head south towards the gamma antenna, except go west right before the antenna room. There's a mutated cyborg here, kill it and loot the Sensaround v3 cybernetics. This is also where the elevator to the Security level is. So now it'll be cleared for later!
Engineering Points of Interest
From the core, enter the Beta section and go down the ladder. There's a square room with a bunch of robots and a cyborg enforcer. Hit a switch on the second level to open the armory, which is full of goodies and has an Ion Rifle mod you can buy that increases its energy efficiency.

There is a radioactive room in the eastern part of the map (just north of the cyberspace jack) with a bunch of security-2 robots in it. There's a shields v3 in there.

From the elevator, go south. There's two exec bots and a security-2 robot in here, and more robots nearby. However, drop off the catwalk and head right into the small tunnel. There is an upgrade station here with a modkit for the Skorpion. There is also a secret door right next to it with an energy recharge station.

Bonus fun fact: Once you've blown the antennae up, you can't use the credits machines on the executive level anymore. They can't connect to the bank accounts because you took the network out. Adorable!
The Ending of Most Metroid Games (Blowing up a Space Station)
Prep Work
Head back to Maintenance. Now is the time to do your final prep work. Ditch any guns you don't intend to take to the end of the game. I recommend bringing with you: Skorpion, Assault Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Laser Rapier, Railgun, Ion Rifle. There is a cargo lift on the security level so you can bring along more stuff in case you have too many supplies. Bring medical items along, as well as ammo and grenades and the like. Batteries are optional, there are a ton of easy-access power nodes on the bridge and security has one fairly early.

If there is anything you want, go get it now. Want those achievements? You have the rocket boots. Forgot to kill a mutant on medical? Slice him into bits. Missing an audio log? You can get it now.

I recommend bringing about 100 credits if you want to buy the ammo and upgrades on the last two decks. You strictly only need 50 for the upgrades.

Head to the flight deck, we're going to make life hell for a certain someone. Go to the door that leads to the life pods on the eastern hangar. Save your game and place a "welcoming committee" in front of the door.

Note: As of v1.2, this bay will populate with a bunch of security-2 robots so placing the welcoming committee will not work if one of them walks over the bombs. You can kill the robots then chuck the committee into place if you want, OR place the bombs to blow up the robots. Someone's day is getting ruined and I don't care whose.

Head down to the reactor. There are a bunch of doors you can take to get in there, but make sure your enviro pack is activated because it's still radioactive in there. Kill the security robots inside and go to the north end, there's a big switch there. Hit it to lower the forcefield in the middle.

Go up the grav lift in the central chamber and punch in the six digit code you've been collecting over the course of the game. If you were a lazy ♥♥♥♥ and didn't get it, you can now run back to the CPU nodes on each of the floors and copy down the code. The code is in order, Medical Research Maintenance Storage Flight Deck Executive. Now hit the big switch behind you and hoo boy is everyone mad at you now, moreso than usual.

There is a mutant cyborg waiting for you by the elevator. When you head back to maintenance, security-2 robots will swarm the place. Don't get caught up fighting, just dash to the other elevator (either one, you can go Executive -> Flight Deck if you want) and get to the Flight Deck.

Despite the fact that alarms are going off, you can actually wander around as long as you want. Go take a break in the groves, or stare at Saturn for a while. The beeping is relaxing.

Get in front of the door to the life pods and Edward Diego will step out. He will immediately step on top of your bombs and die. I find about 11 bombs takes him out, but you can get by with fewer and then slap him with your rapier.

Head down to the life pods and punch in 001. Time to escape the station.

Now all you have to do is endure the credits. Well done, I hope you enjoyed my System Shock guide.
Security Deck

SHODAN loves you too much to let you go, so head back to the Engineering deck and go south to the Security deck elevator. There are some reinforcements waiting for you on Engineering, but nothing you can't handle. There are no surgery beds on Security or the Bridge so you'll need to rely on your health patches and medkits from here on out.

Once you go through the door in front of the elevator, there's no going back. Check your gear.

As soon as you go through the door, look up and left. There's a cyborg beading on you, kill him. Now look into the air. There are three flier robots except now SHODAN has armed them with rocket launchers that can kill you in a single volley. There is one on the left, one on the right, and one behind the central tower. The last one is high in the air, and will sneak up (or down) on you and attack you when you don't expect it. Prioritize killing them.

There are five fliers total, somewhere near the top of the level. They are hiding in small nooks on the tower and will attack you as you start fights on the way up. Keep an eye out.

Each corner also houses a mutant cyborg, so kill those too. The cargo lift is in the southwest corner behind the cyborg if you need to retrieve something. The door on the northwest has a power node and some batteries. There's an armory on the east side with some ammo you can buy, and more supplies in the central tower's other rooms.

Note: From the cargo lift you can use your boots 3 to climb up the shaft to reach the mess hall and skip the next two paragraphs. Great for speedruns!

Your goal here is to get a security keycard. Head to the north end and go up the grav lift where it says Extraction. There's a lot of cyborgs here so cut loose. The office in the north has a switch that will lower the forcefield on the lift, and there's a Group-B access card in the surveillance room which opens the supply closet (which has a bunch of bombs in it).

Kill the mutant and go in the experimental room. There's a railgun and some ammo in here, but the plasma gun is behind a forcefield and you need to blow up the CPU nodes to get it. Head up the lift and kill the cyborg in the mess hall, then go into the small room to the north. You'll find that security keycard you needed in here.

You can actually finish the level right now if you want to, here's how: Head back down to the start, and take the repulsor lift in the southeast. This leads to the robot room, but don't go in there. Look northeast. Use your boots to jump to that beam there. Climb up and use your boots to ascend to the next level. Kill the mutant and the flier (if it spotted you) and go north. Go down the lift and follow the path to a living area. Go north and west, kill another mutant, and enter the small room in the northeast part of the level. Hit the switch there to open the exit door. You can access it from the lightbridge on the west side of the level.
If you do this, you will miss the plasma rifle and the railgun upgrade.

If you don't want to miss that, from the mess hall continue counter-clockwise around the center. You'll fight a security robot and a cyborg, and find the room with the CPU nodes. When you lower the forcefield, two turrets will lower so take cover near the entrance. Blow up the nodes and the security level should go to 25% (if not, you missed some cameras). You can now go into the nearby armory and go back and get the plasma rifle. You also unlocked the cyberspace terminal, but you don't actually have to do that if you don't want since you can skip to the end.

The normal route now is to go to the robot recharge bay, fight your way across the east side of the level, and hit the switch to open the central shaft. Do that if you want, or skip it.

Check your gear before you climb the ladder and retrieve anything you wanted from the cargo lift. There's a boss fight coming up.
When you enter a room that looks like an obvious boss arena, get ready. Like before, pop a reflex and berserk patch, load up an emp grenade and get your saber ready. Diego isn't messing around but has learned exactly zero tricks to not die from an EMP grenade, so slice him up.

As of version 1.2, an additional mutated cyborg and two cyborg enforcers will pop out of the ground after Diego is dead. You'll probably be still under the effects of the reflex patch but be ready to kill them with your guns. It'd be a real shame to die now!

Pick the keycard off his body and hop in the elevator. Watch what happens to the station.
I don't know about you but I left a bunch of cyborgs alive on the reactor level. I'm sure they're fine.

The Bridge
There's a cyborg elite guard around the other side of the pillar in front of you, I like to use the railgun on these guys so they get splattered in one hit. There's also a cyborg assassin and mutant to your right. The power node for this floor is also near where the cyborg was, so you have lots of juice for your weapons.

First, you should head west to the end, then north where you find a radioactive room. This hallway has an armory in it, and the last weapon upgrade. This one increases the efficiency of your plasma gun. There's also a ton of ammo, patches, medkits, and bombs in here. Grab whatever you need.

From the armory, head north. There is a security-2 robot on the bottom of this little room, and a security-3 robot on top. Kill them using your preferred method and go to the central pillar. There is a switch here that will lower one forcefield, which then has a switch in it for the next forcefield. The last one will have a puzzle for you to do. There are three of these puzzles you'll need to do on this floor.

Head back to the central area and proceed counterclockwise until you see the room in this screenshot. There's a boss fight in here and it's another Cortex Reaver. The same tactics as the flight deck work here: Hit it with an emp grenade while berserked and reflex'd, then beat the ♥♥♥♥ out of it with your laser rapier. It won't get to counterattack. This one was carrying an isolinear chipset which you will need.

Continue around the concourse until you find a room you can go south. There's a power node in here and a lightbridge will appear when you get closer. Continue past it, either through the radioactive room or across the lightbridges. In the south part of the level is a large maze-like area with no enemies in it. Eerie, right? You can smell a trap.

Locate the puzzle on the north end of the room but don't solve it yet. Instead, plant some proximity mines at the various intersections directly south of you. You're going to get swarmed once you solve that puzzle. Make sure you're at full health and have an automatic weapon, then solve it.

Autobombs will spawn throughout the maze and zoom towards you, so putting down proximity mines will cause them to blow up. You may want to save/load to place the mines more efficiently. There will often be a few stragglers so listen for the RC car sound they make and don't relax until they're all dead.

If you're really struggling this is a good place to pop a reflex patch.

Go back to the central concourse and continue around it. You should come across a locked door with a purple symbol on the map. Remember where this is, this is the end of the level. Across from it is an optional area where a mutant cyborg is waiting. There's a power node in here. This was presumably one of SHODAN's prisons. A turret will try to kill you when you enter, so pay attention. There's some ammo in the area if you need it.

In the northeast area you will find a room with forcefields on the floor. There's loads of robots in the lower floor but they can't get you. There's a switch on the north wall that will lower one of the fields so you can drop it. A good strategy is to hit the switch and jet back out, then get the attention of as many robots as you can and lead them to the opened spot. You can then chuck grenades at the helpless robots or just shoot them. You can recharge at the power node outside if needed. Once they're dead, the last puzzle is in the maze.

Head to the southwest part of the level. There's a cyborg bravely standing in the way of the room where you can insert the isolinear chipset. Where hundreds have fallen, he shall succeed. Kill him and install the chipset. This will unlock the room I mentioned on the east side of the level.

Because SHODAN is a sore loser, the room is flooded with radiation. There's a switch on the north side of the level that will clear the radiation. Hit it, restock on energy and any items you needed from the armory. This is the final battle. Use all your best bullets and bombs!

When you enter this final room, there's a power node on your left and a small room on your right. That small room is a good place to hide, and there's a cyborg inside waiting to ambush you. Introduce her to your railgun. There should be another cyborg elite on the upper floor who can also be railed.

Once they're dead, take a look around this room. There is a green switch on the west side, and when you press it a few waves of weak enemies will spawn. Dispatch them and save. Now a switch on the north side is available, activate it and kill the enemies, who are mid-tier. One of them is an assassin so make sure he's not potshotting you while you kill the more dangerous cyborgs. Note that there are spawn points all over the room, it is possible for an enemy to pop up right next to you so pay attention and change cover if you have to.

Don't take any crap from the fluid transfer conduits. They show up as enemies on your scanner.

The final switch is under the object in the middle of the room and will spawn multiple tough cyborgs. Save your game and plant some proximity bombs around the room if you have any. Hit the switch and then run into the small room near the door, then pick off whatever enemies come near. There's 6 in this wave but they aren't exactly fast. Use an EMP grenade if they get too close.

Once they're all dead, heal up and reload. There's a lift on the west side that is now active, go up it and prepare the usual boss-killing loadout. EMP grenade, berserk, reflex, sword. A Cortex Reaver will show up and decide that this one has your number. Do to it the same thing you did to the other five bosses.

Amusingly, there is an unmarked power node in this room, probably there in case you need to recharge during the boss fight.

This is where that purple symbol was. Grab the keycard and enter cyberspace to finally put an end to SHODAN.
As of 1.2, this sequence is a bit more involved though still not challenging. Each platform around SHODAN requires you to break all the ice bits on it. Once the ice bits are destroyed, SHODAN will start blasting you with artillery. Stand in the tubes of rings when a shot hits the area, this will charge up the central virus deployer. Deploy the virus and move to the next area. Once all three are deployed, the fourth platform requires you to shoot the viruses to charge them up and cage SHODAN.

Enjoy the little song at the end from the cyberpunk movie Hardware and see you in 5 years for the System Shock 2 Remake.
Doing It Fast
So you want to do the game on Mission 3 difficulty? Maybe you want the achievement, or just to say you can. Well it's very doable, but I recommend beating the game once or twice so you have a good knowledge of the map. Getting lost and wasting time won't do when you're on a time limit!

Here's what you should do and the rough order to do it in.

Medical - Clear the deck as usual. You don't need to mess with the radioactive area, you can solve the puzzle under the pillar in the central room to open the path to the CPU nodes. Save up credits for upgrades, use your Sparq a lot to save ammo, and try to conserve meds for when a surgery bed is harder to reach.

Research - Complete the deck as usual. It might be a worthwhile detour to kill some more robots because the floating tentacle bots tend to drop logic probes that let you skip puzzles. Don't bother with stopping robot production.

Reactor - Follow the path outlined in the guide, most of this deck you don't need to explore. It probably isn't worth getting the minipistol upgrade.
Research - Fire the laser into the shield and be done with it.

Maintenance - Get the laser rapier and clear the main corridor of alpha mutants, remember they respawn so don't relax. If you're using a magnum, get the magnum bullets from the room near the demodulators.

Executive - Go to Alpha Grove and grab the Ion Rifle, complete the grove. Go to Storage.

Storage - Clear the deck, since you have easy access to the power node and can use the Ion Rifle to handle the robots. Use med patches and batteries to keep fighting so you don't need to spend time backtracking. Get the inventory upgrade and the Skorpion, secure four plastiques from the room with all the robots and get the grenade launcher too.

Flight Deck - Lot of optional stuff you can skip here. Go into the secret to get the assault rifle, then clear a path to the east hangar. Smash the CPU nodes. You don't need to clear the rest of the level, and you don't even need to go meet the resistance.

Executive - Clear Delta Grove, get the inventory upgrade. Clear Beta Grove with the envirosuit you got from Storage. Head to the Diego fight. You don't really need to get the railgun and most of the rest of the floor is optional areas. Bust Diego's head in and open the teleporter so you can get around quickly.

Maintenance - Remember you need that guy's head in the northwest. Replace the demodulator and finish the floor.

Executive - Send Beta Grove into the void, head to Engineering.

Engineering - Get the boots v3 and go into the core, giving easy access to the rest of the floor. Alpha Antenna has a lot of resistance so you may want to take a different path from the core. Remember to hit the armory in Beta for a lot of ammo and bombs. You only need to clear about 40% of this level to proceed.

Reactor - Punch in the code and make for the Flight Deck.

Flight Deck - Kill Diego (again) and do the lifepod stuff. Go to the Security Deck.

Security - Parkour up the shaft near the cargo lift and get the keycard from the body. If you want the plasma gun, you'll need to smash some cameras to get security down to 25%. You can get the railgun and plasma gun at the same time. Otherwise, once you have the keycard you can do the jump outlined in the guide and skip the rest of the level. Kill Diego again.

Bridge - Same basic plan as the guide, this deck only has one optional area and it's not exactly big. Kill the cortex reavers and ruin SHODAN, and you win.
Xkilljoy98 16 Jun @ 9:01pm 
Overall a very good guide. You missed a few things like the Loader-Bot and Sentry Turret, but overall a good guide