Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

AK-47 | Omen V2 (CS2)
Weapon: AK-47
Finish Style: Custom Paint Job
File Size
134.221 MB
9 Aug, 2023 @ 7:14am
24 Oct, 2023 @ 3:51am
1 Change Note ( view )

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In 2 collections by Puffin (•⌔• )
Red Moon Collection
93 items
Puffin's CS2 Skins
9 items
Superstitious people can always interpret dreams as indications of good events ahead, underlying conditions on one's mind, or even symbolizing bad times ahead. Certain imagery has always been associated with bad omens, and this skin is inspired by that. Red skies, slithering creatures, watchers in the night with hidden knowledge behind their eyes.

This is a remaster of the original Omen, with a ton of improvements based off feedback. A new normal map that adds a wood grain effect, a reworked grip and many more tweaks. Main feedback from the community was centered around the front of the gun so we remastered it from scratch for CS2.

With a max wear of .65 it gets nice and grungy as well, with some seeds canceling out the eyes of the maiden. Check out the mini video showcase to see it in action as well! Thank you for your support and voting. <3