Arma Reforger

Arma Reforger

112 ratings
AK-74 Sights, why 440m?
By bong and 2 collaborators
This guide is for understanding AK-74 Sights and why its defaulted to 440m
When you first start playing as the Soviet Army faction, you'll notice on your AK-74 the default zero is set to '440m'
Rear Sight Slider

As you press the Page up key, you will see the Rear sight get lowered to '100m' but increase every 100 meters each time you press the key until you reach the max distance on the sight being '10' for 1,000 meters.

(Spare Rear Sight Example from BZ(A)-1000 meters)
Interesting Info about Zeroing
In real life, Soviet Doctrine of Zeroing AK-74 Rifle procedure is putting the Rear sight to '1' setting and carefully shooting a 3-5 shot group out to 100 meters on paper and adjusting windage and elevation on the Front Sight Post if rounds are landing Left or Right/High or Low.
(Example of AKM Front Sight Post)

Point of Aim is in Middle Bulls-eye, you gotta keep chasing the Front Sight to where the rounds are hitting, If rounds is hitting high then Screw the Sight up to bring Elevation down. If rounds are hitting right, then you push the windage to the right to chase your Point of Impact.
When you think you're zeroed for 100 meters at the '1' setting, you then move out to 400 meters with the 'BZ' setting (440m in game, Letter in real life) set on the rear sight and take aim at the Belt buckle position on your target to confirm Battle Zero.
Battle Zero (440m)

"Set it and forget it"
With the Rifle on the BZ setting or 440m, you will be able to engage Targets from less than 100 meters up to 400 meters with your Point of Aim on the Belt Buckle Area and rounds will hit in torso area.

It should be noted that if you want a more precise shot when engaging targets under 100 meters just use the '1' setting for clicking heads, your Point of Aim will be your Point of Impact in this instance.
Ending Notes + Facts
The Zeroing Procedure above is only for AK-74 rifles shooting the 5.45x39 cartridge, if you want to zero an AK-47/AKM Variant rifle shooting the 7.62x39 cartridge, then you lower the max distance on Battle Zero setting to 300m.

Rifle shown was Hungarian variant of AKM-s.

If you're OCD as hell and hate seeing a canted/adjusted Front Sight Block, buy a RPK rear sight, this will allow you to adjust windage on the rear sight instead of the Front Sight.

Mikhail Kalashnikov was a Soviet WW2 tank commander and Combat Veteran who wanted to design a rifle to protect his homeland.

Joseph Beyrle was an American soldier during WW2, he was captured by the Germans and became officially as a Prisoner of war, he then escaped two times but was recaptured, on his third attempt he escaped and headed East and ran into a Soviet tank Brigade yelling out in Russian "American comrade!" he then encountered the Battalion's commander Aleksandra Samusenko, The only Female tank officer of the Rank. He will then serve the remainder of the war in the Soviet Army. After the war, having his story shared throughout the Soviet Union, Mikhail Kalashnikov personally sent him an AK-47 as a thank you.

AK-47 meaning Avtomat Kalashnikova Model 47 (year date 1947) but came into service in 1949.

AK-47s started its journey as a Type 1 with Stamped receiver but the sheet metal stamping process was not strong enough, this was later changed to use a Milled Receiver(Forged Billet of steel milled down) on the Type 2s and Type 3s.

AKM is a modernized version of the AK-47 utilizing a perfected stamped Receiver, allowing ease of mass production and is the most common Rifle around the world.

The Soviets licensed many Countries of similar ideals to produce their own Variant of the AK Platform, while other countries reversed engineered and developed their own copy.

In Arma Reforger, the VZ-58 is a Czechoslovakian made rifle shooting the 7.62x39 cartridge, magazines between the AK platform and VZ are NOT interchangeable despite shooting the same round and similarities.

Since VZ-58 is in Reforger, its battle zero shouldnt be at 440m but rather around 300m-ish. (Changed in Update)

For RPK-74, if you want the battle zero effect and belt buckle POA/POI then zero it at 400m ingame

Abe Tweakin' 14 Dec, 2024 @ 8:18am 
Wow thanks for this informative read, this American tovarisch appreciates you.
OperatorJack 20 Sep, 2024 @ 9:53am 
Leitnat 8 Jun, 2024 @ 10:15am 
продолжение: которые имели съемный магазин для быстрой перезарядки и отсутствия проблем как у ленточных пулеметов (вес оружия, вес боеприпасов, габариты оружия и скорость переноса), так же имелись взводы на вооружении которых были пулметы ПК и ПКМ, так же СВД, которые закрывали собой нишу дистанции от 500 до 1000 м и даже 1500 м.
Leitnat 8 Jun, 2024 @ 10:15am 
[h1] продолжение: [/h1] а винтовки на километр, но были менее скорострельны, то например вооружение советского мотострелкового взвода имеющего на отделение АК 74, легко заполняли собой дистанцию боя о 0 до 500 метров, поддержку пехоты осуществляли с помощью РПК или РПК74 с дистанцией до 1000 м,
Leitnat 8 Jun, 2024 @ 10:14am 
440 м это дистанция прямого выстрела из АК 74 калибра 5.45*39, то есть на такой дистанции не нужна поправка на дистанцию, на прицельной планке ставится буква П - прямой, если дистанции известны то можно и поставить от 100 м до 1000 м, но вообще автоматы Калашникова под 7.62 и под 5.45 разрабатывались с тем смыслом чтобы вести эффективный огонь на дистанции ~500 метров, так как пистолеты пулеметы могли вести эффективный бой на дистанции 100-200 метров,
Бабайкаツ 15 Apr, 2024 @ 11:25am 
Так че такое 400 у калаша
Devolver Ocelot 8 Apr, 2024 @ 11:59pm 
An actually well written and informative guide, thanks OP!
Chadbear 9 Feb, 2024 @ 2:13pm 
Same concept at the M16/M4 300m battle zero
TERMINUS 6 Jan, 2024 @ 9:16am 
Accurate AKM battle zero info! I just wish they would add height over bore for the inside 25 meters.
Cpl Mac 4 Jan, 2024 @ 10:06am 
Beryl is actually made in two calibers:
- 5.56x45 as a regular variant
- 7.62x39 as an export version for "Africa"

Back in the day there was also Tantal which was chambered in 5.45 and had semi, burst and full auto selector.