Secret World Legends

Secret World Legends

92 ratings
The Secret World's Ultimate FPS Guide.
By Sora^^
For the best experience and performance for those with low end PC's.
Hello , I will be showing you guys some commands that helped me increase performance in the game, before these, I couldn't play in my native resolution (1600x900) because lag was terrible, but after these tweaks, I have no problems at all and I can play with my original resolution, they are just some simple commands that need to be typed into the chatbox, lets get started...
Chatbox Commands.
Click the Chatbox in-game and type the following..

/option SpellEffect_DisplayLevel 4
This setting is used to decrease the particle level in the area
You can set this from 0 to 4 ,
0 =Shows All particles.
1= Shows only particles in your raid.
2= Shows only particles in your group.
3= Shows only your particles.
4= NO particles.

/option RenderSetting_EnableGrass false
I think this one speaks for itself, removes all the grass leaves in the level, the changes are barely noticeable.

/option RenderSettings_RemoveFoliageAroundCharacter true
Not sure what this does, something to do with tree leaves or trees in general, but it boosts up some performance, again, the changes are barely noticeable.

/option RenderSetting_HighQualityNPCRange 0
This option affects your character as well as other characters, the number changes the meters of which you can see hi-res and detailed characters, setting it to 0 will show no high quality in characters, but your character's weapon will be affected too and it will show all black, I recommend setting this to around 10 or 15 but if you want max performance, set it to 0.

/option RenderSetting_ViewDistance 25
Reduces the view distance of the game , you won't be able to see too far, but it will increase your performance.

/option RenderSetting_AnimationLODRange 0
Not sure what this does, but it doesn't hurt to toggle it.
Reverting the changes.
Here's the list of the original values for each one :

/option SpellEffect_DisplayLevel 0
/option RenderSetting_EnableGrass true
/option RenderSettings_RemoveFoliageAroundCharacter false
/option RenderSetting_HighQualityNPCRange 30
/option RenderSetting_ViewDistance 0
/option RenderSetting_AnimationLODRange 60
Known Bugs
-Some bugs can occur related to the /option SpellEffect_DisplayLevel command, such as invisible walls, invisble stuff that kills you, etcetera, it is very rare but it can occur,(I've only seen a problem with some lasers in a certain part of the game) if you happen to be stuck somewhere, not being able to advance properly, revert this setting's value to 0.
Advythe 5 May, 2023 @ 2:28am 
Anyway to set this permanently like a starup command/config.txt? can't seemto open chat in game
Peri Siggy 14 Oct, 2021 @ 5:48am 
Not all heroes wear cloaks!
Felicity 24 Jun, 2021 @ 11:33am 
the game just runs like shit regardless tbh
Magic Tofu Cat 14 May, 2021 @ 11:38pm 
it means you only have a i3 with 4gb ram and prob a gtx 1050 but you may actaully have a ssd
Survivathon 26 May, 2020 @ 5:37am 
What if I have an RTX 2080 ti and a i7-4770k with 32 gb of ram and the game is on an ssd? I dip down into the 20s fps range. Does this game only run on 1 core or something?
SunKenRockTaka 14 Mar, 2020 @ 5:51am 
Useful asf, ty !
p.vien1337 25 Jul, 2019 @ 10:12am 
Thank you Sora!
rundotrun 9 Dec, 2018 @ 12:17am 
what if i installed new (latest Nvidia) drivers as the game crashed when changing to every new instance or joining to new eserver, now i have silent crashes, when almost finished loading into server, so no chat to lower any settings :(((((((
TRINIOX 10 Jul, 2018 @ 2:18am 
open up ur task manager, and let it only use two cores, same performance but with less stuttering since it'll stop trying to spread the load around the cores which it doesn't do that well which ends up causing stuttering | got rid of the most stuttering I've encountered with my i5 8600k
GAGAR1N 5 Feb, 2018 @ 8:32am 
Hmm - play on ancient HD6570 - DX11 medium, 1920x1080, 54", FPS - 20 - 30 at Agartha. May be I did something wrong? :steammocking:
Try SSD?