220 ratings
PAYDAY 2 Secret Ending // Achievement "The End"
By Frond Fox and 1 collaborators
Here we will show and tell you in more detail how to get the "The End" achievement. Will talk about the messages that the obsidian plate shows in the player's safe house and how to decrypt them yourself + the translation itself from us. Will share tips and more.

I would like to start with the fact that in order to get this achievement, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. If you are not ready for this, then you have nothing to do here. It will be quite difficult to get an achievement, but if you are not afraid of difficulties, then let's get started.

In order to get this achievement, you need to go through the secret ending in Payday 2. But in order to start going through the ending, we will have to get special messages. These messages are part of the passage of the secret ending and it is impossible to bypass them. But let's talk about everything in more detail.

In order to receive the messages, we will need to steal FIVE ARTIFACTS to eventually assemble an unusual structure on which incomprehensible messages that we need for the ending will be displayed. All these artifacts are collected during the passage of the PAYDAY 2 storyline. But don't worry, if you have completed all the plot tasks, you should already have some of the artifacts, since they were the main goal of the entire list of tasks. Let's list them here:

  • The very first artifact that the player can get is called The Medallion of Perseids. It can be obtained during the passage of the robbery Brooklyn Bank on the difficulty of Overkill or higher. If you pass the robbery at a lower difficulty level, you will not get the medallion in your arsenal.

  • The second artifact is called The Healer's Coffer. It can be obtained during the passage of Golden Green Casino at any difficulty level.

  • The third artifact is called The Elephant's Coffer. It can be obtained by completing the task Breakin' Feds at any difficulty level.

  • The penultimate artifact is called The Scribe's Coffer. It can be obtained by completing the task Henry's Rock at any difficulty level.

  • And the last, most needed artifact is called The Obsidian Plate, on which the text will be displayed. It can be obtained by going through a robbery Shacklethorne Auction at any difficulty level.

You can understand that you have received these artifacts by looking at the Trophies in Safe House. After completing each of the above robberies, you will receive a notification about a new Trophy, which will give you a sign that everything is working out! If for some reason you did not receive a notification, then you either did not follow the requirements, or you already have this artifact. Once you have collected all the artifacts, you can move on to the next item.

Also, you will need to upgrade the Scarface room to the third level, so that you have a grand piano in your room, which we will need in the future. It is on the third level upgrade that this musical instrument appears in the room.

When upgrading the first and second levels, there will be only boxes instead of a musical instrument.

To upgrade the room, you will need to spend 36 Continental coins.

As soon as you upgrade room, a grand piano on the second floor will be available for you:
When you complete all the robberies, you will get all the necessary artifacts to assemble a special construction. To build it, you will need to go to your safe house and climb up. There you will find a table waiting for you, on which almost all the artifacts will already be standing.

Approaching the table, you will not be able to immediately bouild the construction, since there will be no medallion on the table, as mentioned above. The Medallion of Perseids you can find and pick up on the balcony from Duke's table. It is located on the balcony, on the second floor on the opposite side.

When you take the artifact, go back to the table and build the construction. You should end up with this result:

Let's go back to the room you improved. There is the same grand piano mentioned above. What do we need this piano for? After playing a special melody, shooting at specific keys, the game randomly selects 20 achievements from the required 57 that you need to complete to get a secret ending.

Here is the whole list of achievements:
1… 2… 3… JUMP!
In the Birth of Sky job, have the entire crew jump out of the airplane within 1 minute and 23 seconds on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
A Good Haul
In any Branch Bank job, secure loot bags for a value of at least $400.000.
A Rendezvous with Destiny
On the Brooklyn 10-10 job, reach Charon within 6 minutes on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
All Eggs in One Basket
In the GO Bank job, have the plane pick up all bags of cash with the skyhook.
All the Gold in Brooklyn
On the Brooklyn Bank Job escape with at least 12 bags of gold on the Very Hard Difficulty or above.
Attacked Helicopter
In the Green Bridge job, kill the helicopter turret before the plane picks up the prisoner on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Beacon of.. nope
In the Hell's Island job, Shoot out the light on the lighthouse.
Blood Diamond
On the Diamond Heist secure the red diamond on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Bring it Back Safe
Complete the Aftershock job on the Overkill difficulty or above.
But Wait — There's More!
On any Armored Transport heist, find the plans for the Train Heist.
Cat Burglar
In The Diamond job, complete the heist without triggering the alarm.
Clean House
In the Beneath the Mountain job, secure all of the loot from the vaults and mountain-top in the escape helicopter.
Diamonds Are Forever
In the Jewelry store job, steal and secure 4 bags without the escape car leaving the first time.
Doctor Fantastic
On day 2 of the Big Oil job, complete the heist with the first engine being correct.
Don't Bring the Heat
In the Big Bank job, complete the heist without triggering the alarm.
Dr. Evil
On the Counterfeit job, print and secure $1,000,000 worth of counterfeit money in the Helicopter.
Full Measure
On day 1 of the Rats job, cook and secure 7 bags worth of meth without blowing up the lab on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Full Throttle
Complete day 2 of The Biker Heist within 120 seconds on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Gone in 240 Seconds
In the Car Shop job, complete the heist within 4 minutes.
Hack This!
In the Henry's Rock job, destroy the security turrets instead of shutting them down on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Hazzard County
Complete day 2 of the Goat Simulator job within 4 minutes from when the escape car is available.
High Roller
Complete the Golden Grin Casino job under 14 minutes.
Hostage Situation
In the Diamond Store job, don't let any civilians escape, die or leave the Diamond store.
I Wasn't Even There!
On day 3 of the Framing Frame job, send the gold by zip-line without ever tripping the alarm.
I Will Pass Through Walls
In the Shadow Raid job, secure at least 6 bags of loot and escape without killing anyone.
I'm a Swinger
In the Election Day job, complete the heist in stealth and swing the votes to the republican favor.
It's Nice to be Nice
Complete the Heat Street job without killing any civilians on the Hard difficulty or above.
I've got the Power
In The Bomb: Dockyard job, don't let the enemies cut the power.
Keeping the Cool
Complete the No Mercy job on the hard difficulty or above without raising the alarm before reaching the ICU.
Let them Boogie
Complete the Nightclub job, without setting off the alarm on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Let's do th...
In the Ukrainian Job, complete the heist within 35 seconds.
The Pacifist
Complete the Murky Station job without anyone in the crew killing anyone.
Lord of War
On day 1 of the Firestarter job, steal all the weapons from the hangar.
Not Even Once
Complete the Undercover job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above without anyone in your crew getting downed or cuffed.
Out Of Bounds
On day 2 of the Watchdogs job, secure 12 bags without letting any law enforcer enter the warehouse on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
In the First World Bank job, solve the PAYDAY: The Heist secret on the Death Wish difficulty or above and enter the OVERVAULT.
Complete The Yacht Heist without killing anyone.
Yeah He's a Gold Digger
In the Four Stores job, find a gold bar in a safe.
Press [F] to Pay Respects
Press [F] to pay respects.
Pump It Up
In The Bomb: Forest job, do not let the cops disconnect the water hose while you are using the river water pump.
Making a Statement
Finish the Slaughterhouse job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above without anyone killing a single sniper.
Quick Draw
In the Panic Room job, kill all gangsters within 60 seconds after masking up on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Remember, No Russian
In the Boiling Point job, scan all 4 bodies without letting the mercenaries turn off the power or stop the scanner on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Santa Slays Slackers
In the Santa's Workshop job, keep all the elves alive for 30 minutes after the first assault starts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Self Checkout
In the Mallcrasher job, complete the heist and escape within 3 minutes.
Settling a Scar
Complete the Scarface Mansion job within 15 minutes in loud on the OVERKILL difficulty and above.
Silent But Deadly
Complete the Hoxton Revenge job without triggering the alarm.
Sound of Silence
Complete The Alesso Heist without your crew killing anyone.
In the Breakin' Feds job, have Commissioner Garrett marked at all time after he left his office, until you have opened his safe.
The Fuel Must Flow
In the Alaskan Deal job don't let the cops cut off the flow of fuel from the tank to the ship on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
The Grinch
On the Stealing Xmas job, secure all additional loot on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
They Don't Pay Us Enough
In the Meltdown job, secure all additional loot.
Walk Faster
In day 2 of the Hotline Miami job, reach the Commissar's apartment in under 210 seconds on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Waste Not, Want Not
On day 1 of the Reservoir Dogs job, loot and secure all available bags of diamonds and jewelry in the Garnet Group boutique on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Watch The Power Switch!
On day 2 of the Hoxton Breakout job, don't let the cops turn off the power while Hoxton is in the server room on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
On the Transport: Train Heist, steal and secure 20 bags worth of ammo.
What's in the Box?
On the White Xmas job open 40 packages before escaping on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

If you are unlucky with achievements, do not be discouraged. To update the list of achievements, you just need to play the melody on the piano again. The number of times is unlimited! You can update your list indefinitely, until you get the ones you need.

Getting all 57 achievements, or only a part of them, is your business. But the more completed, the greater the chance of success. But also no one forbids you to play a melody on the piano once, translate all the messages and get them, regardless of the complexity of the execution.

The image shows the sequence of keys that need to be fired (requires a cannon without scatter). As soon as you play the melody, you will hear a characteristic sound and the inscription saving data in the lower left corner. And this means that you have succeeded!

But how will we understand what achievements need to be accomplished? Here is the whole difficulty of passing the secret ending. All 20 randomly selected achievements out of 57 will be displayed on the Obsidian Plate in a language unknown to us. If you are too lazy or do not want to decipher this text, you can resort to mod[], which will highlight the desired achievements for the ending, in the in-game tab Achievements. But then you will lose all the charm of the research spirit and the interest of getting a secret ending!
How to decrypt text?
If you decide to solve all the achievements yourself, we have made for you a decrypt of each sign that you will see on the plate.

A little bit about decrypting the text. The text itself is written backwards, so do not try to translate it from the very beginning, otherwise you may simply get confused. We recommend that you translate the text from the bottom up, from the end. So, as a result, you will get words. I want to note that the entire text will be written together, that is, no spaces.

[Our decryption tactics]
To decrypt the text, you will need to take a lot of screenshots with each message on the plate. As soon as you have made them, take a piece of paper and rewrite the incomprehensible text itself from the end. You don't have to rewrite the whole text, just a part. It will be easier for you this way. Under the unknown text itself, write the letters of the translation, where you will eventually get the words. Next, you just need to search by translated words for this achievement in the list with ready-made sentences. When you find it, write the achievement number from the list next to your translation. This list can be found here

We highly recommend that when you solve the riddle, write the number of the found achievement separately to yourself also in a digital notebook (this is a more convenient option), so that later you can see how much you have left to find.

Solving and translating the text, you may encounter problems due to your own mistake. It means that many achievements have similar or identical last words that can confuse you. Therefore, as mentioned above, translate more words so as not to encounter confusion.
Ready-made transcript of messages
If you do not want to resort either to mods or to self-translation of the text, for this we have translated the entire text in advance. Here we have decrypted each message for you, so all you have to do is compare the pictures and determine for yourself what kind of achievement it is.

1. On the day they came in to the world flying through the heavens the four thieves all fell together.

1… 2… 3… JUMP!
In the Birth of Sky job, have the entire crew jump out of the airplane within 1 minute and 23 seconds on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

2. In the house of capitalism the four thieves stole a large amount of valuables before making their escape.

A Good Haul
In any Branch Bank job, secure loot bags for a value of at least $400.000.

3. The four thieves made their way through the abandoned building and quickly found their charge.

A Rendezvous with Destiny
On the Brooklyn 10-10 job, reach Charon within 6 minutes on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

4. The four thieves placed their loot in the street, then a large bird came and took it all in one single swoop.

All Eggs in One Basket
In the GO Bank job, have the plane pick up all bags of cash with the skyhook.

5. For every month in the year four thieves would take tribute from the institution.

All the Gold in Brooklyn
On the Brooklyn Bank Job escape with at least 12 bags of gold on the Very Hard Difficulty or above.

6. As the four thieves rescued the incarcerated man. They shot the large bird that tried to stop them from sending them into safety.

Attacked Helicopter
In the Green Bridge job, kill the helicopter turret before the plane picks up the prisoner on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

7. When the four thieves came to the aid of their long lost friend they knew darkness was their ally.

Beacon of.. nope
In the Hell's Island job, Shoot out the light on the lighthouse.

8. The four thieves overcame incredible difficulties in obtaining the blood stained jewel.

Blood Diamond
On the Diamond Heist secure the red diamond on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

9. As the earth shook the four thieves stole ten boxes of great value.

Bring it Back Safe
Complete the Aftershock job on the Overkill difficulty or above.

10. From a well guarded transport the Four Thieves found out about a secret shipment containing a valuable weapon.

But Wait — There's More!
On any Armored Transport heist, find the plans for the Train Heist.

11. The four thieves stole a rare rock of great value and importance without anyone noticing that they were there.

Cat Burglar
In The Diamond job, complete the heist without triggering the alarm.

12. The four thieves snuck into the mountain keep and they stole everything of value kept there.

Clean House
In the Beneath the Mountain job, secure all of the loot from the vaults and mountain-top in the escape helicopter.

13. When the four thieves stole precious rocks from the small store they left before the law could get to the scene.

Diamonds Are Forever
In the Jewelry store job, steal and secure 4 bags without the escape car leaving the first time.


14. The four thieves with all their wit could identify the mechanism they needed to steal with the greatest of ease.

Doctor Fantastic
On day 2 of the Big Oil job, complete the heist with the first engine being correct.

15. The four thieves robbed the largest bank ever built without alerting the law.

Don't Bring the Heat
In the Big Bank job, complete the heist without triggering the alarm.

16. The four thieves once created for themselves a large fortune.

Dr. Evil
On the Counterfeit job, print and secure $1,000,000 worth of counterfeit money in the Helicopter.

17. In an old abandoned house the four thieves made as much blue as they could with the resources available.

Full Measure
On day 1 of the Rats job, cook and secure 7 bags worth of meth without blowing up the lab on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

18. The four thieves attacked a train in motion they quickly made it to the last cars to see what they were after and made it back to their escape.

Full Throttle
Complete day 2 of The Biker Heist within 120 seconds on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

19. When stealing from the saddlers workshop the four thieves did so in a great hurry.

Gone in 240 Seconds
In the Car Shop job, complete the heist within 4 minutes.

20. As the four thieves emerged from the mountain they were met by a hail of bullets but they easily out matched their foes.

Hack This!
In the Henry's Rock job, destroy the security turrets instead of shutting them down on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

21. The four thieves stole goats and hidden treasures once the deed was done they quickly made their escape together.

Hazzard County
Complete day 2 of the Goat Simulator job within 4 minutes from when the escape car is available.

22. The four thieves attacked the house of smiles and fortune they quickly opened the vault and found their goal.

High Roller
Complete the Golden Grin Casino job under 14 minutes.

23. The four thieves guarded the innocent until they made their escape with the valuable bounty from the house of carbon.

Hostage Situation
In the Diamond Store job, don't let any civilians escape, die or leave the Diamond store.

24. Under the cover of darkness the four thieves quietly stole the valuable metal and replaced it with white dust.

I Wasn't Even There!
On day 3 of the Framing Frame job, send the gold by zip-line without ever tripping the alarm.

25. Under the cover of night and shadows the thieves stole many bags of valuables and not a single drop of blood was spilled.

I Will Pass Through Walls
In the Shadow Raid job, secure at least 6 bags of loot and escape without killing anyone.

26. The four thieves influenced the world around them and changed the course of society without anyone ever finding out.

I'm a Swinger
In the Election Day job, complete the heist in stealth and swing the votes to the republican favor.


27. The four thieves were surrounded in the street but they fought their way through the onslaught of enemies and not a single innocent was harmed.

It's Nice to be Nice
Complete the Heat Street job without killing any civilians on the Hard difficulty or above.

28. By the docks the four thieves went about their business without interruptions.

I've got the Power
In The Bomb: Dockyard job, don't let the enemies cut the power.

29. In a place of healing the four thieves stole a vial of vile blood with speed and threats they keep all the people under control.

Keeping the Cool
Complete the No Mercy job on the hard difficulty or above without raising the alarm before reaching the ICU.

30. As people were dancing to the music the four thieves crept through the shadows and stole what was locked away.

Let them Boogie
Complete the Nightclub job, without setting off the alarm on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

31. The four thieves stole a valuable head ornament so fast that no one had a chance to react.

Let's do th...
In the Ukrainian Job, complete the heist within 35 seconds.

32. While stealing a bomb from a train the four thieves did not spill a single drop of blood.

The Pacifist
Complete the Murky Station job without anyone in the crew killing anyone.

33. On the day that burned the four thieves absconded with all the elements of death.

Lord of War
On day 1 of the Firestarter job, steal all the weapons from the hangar.

34. The four thieves interrupted a deal of great value but even though they were surrounded and cornered no one fell in the onslaught that followed.

Not Even Once
Complete the Undercover job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above without anyone in your crew getting downed or cuffed.

35. The four thieves were surrounded on the docks but they kept their enemies away from the loot until it was all sent away.

Out Of Bounds
On day 2 of the Watchdogs job, secure 12 bags without letting any law enforcer enter the warehouse on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

36. The hidden vault was hard to find and difficult to open but the four thieves worked together and claimed the legendary treasure.

In the First World Bank job, solve the PAYDAY: The Heist secret on the Death Wish difficulty or above and enter the OVERVAULT.

37. The four thieves did not spill blood while on the boat.

Complete The Yacht Heist without killing anyone.

38. The four thieves strolled down the street cleaning out each stop they passed despite every effort the law couldn’t stop them.

Yeah He's a Gold Digger
In the Four Stores job, find a gold bar in a safe.

39. The four thieves found someone who deserved their respect.

Press [F] to Pay Respects
Press [F] to pay respects.

40. In the forest the four thieves kept the pipe from their river intact.

Pump It Up
In The Bomb: Forest job, do not let the cops disconnect the water hose while you are using the river water pump.


41. Surrounded, the four thieves overcame grave danger and escaped the house of massacre.

Making a Statement
Finish the Slaughterhouse job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above without anyone killing a single sniper.

42. A room full of riches, a house full of thugs. The four thieves were quick and deadly and before anyone knew it all the thugs were dead.

Quick Draw
In the Panic Room job, kill all gangsters within 60 seconds after masking up on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

43. As the liquid turned to vapor the four thieves watched over the dead never letting their power be taken away thereby staving off the darkness.

Remember, No Russian
In the Boiling Point job, scan all 4 bodies without letting the mercenaries turn off the power or stop the scanner on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

44. The four thieves guarded the packers as they prepared the next shipment even as the law came charging in.

Santa Slays Slackers
In the Santa's Workshop job, keep all the elves alive for 30 minutes after the first assault starts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

45. When the four thieves were asked to destroy a large store their actions were as fast as they were devastating.

Self Checkout
In the Mallcrasher job, complete the heist and escape within 3 minutes.

46. The four thieves attacked the mansion with great speed and ferocity.

Settling a Scar
Complete the Scarface Mansion job within 15 minutes in loud on the OVERKILL difficulty and above.

47. When the four thieves were betrayed their revenge was precise and quiet no one knew they had been there until it was too late.

Silent But Deadly
Complete the Hoxton Revenge job without triggering the alarm.

48. As the party was in full swing the four thieves went about their business and none ever knew they were there.

Sound of Silence
Complete The Alesso Heist without your crew killing anyone.

49. The four thieves understood the importance of never letting the quarry out of your sight until the task of destroying your nemesis complete.

In the Breakin' Feds job, have Commissioner Garrett marked at all time after he left his office, until you have opened his safe.

50. In a place of ice and snow, the four thieves made their vessel seaworthy without the guards being able to stop them.

The Fuel Must Flow
In the Alaskan Deal job don't let the cops cut off the flow of fuel from the tank to the ship on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

51. As the snow fell, the fours thieves attacked a large store and took everything of value.

The Grinch
On the Stealing Xmas job, secure all additional loot on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

52. The four thieves were asked to steal something very dangerous they took everything of value and left nothing behind.

They Don't Pay Us Enough
In the Meltdown job, secure all additional loot.

53. A house full of thugs and low lifes could not stop the four thieves from reaching their target.

Walk Faster
In day 2 of the Hotline Miami job, reach the Commissar's apartment in under 210 seconds on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.


54. In the famous store for rings and rare stones the four thieves took everything of value despite the best efforts of the law.

Waste Not, Want Not
On day 1 of the Reservoir Dogs job, loot and secure all available bags of diamonds and jewelry in the Garnet Group boutique on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

55. The four thieves held their ground as their friend worked and because of their efforts he was completely uninterrupted.

Watch The Power Switch!
On day 2 of the Hoxton Breakout job, don't let the cops turn off the power while Hoxton is in the server room on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

56. As the four thieves stole the valuable weapon they also took all the munitions they could find.

We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
On the Transport: Train Heist, steal and secure 20 bags worth of ammo.

57. Great value rained from the sky and the four thieves opened any packages in their quest for riches.

What's in the Box?
On the White Xmas job open 40 packages before escaping on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

How to start the secret ending?

Well, when you get all the necessary achievements, you will finally be able to start passing the Secret Ending. To do this, you will need to prepare and create a separate build for the passage. For what and why, be sure to read before starting the passing. This information is provided below.

To start, you need to run White House at the difficulty level «OVERKILL» or higher. If you want to go through this ending with a friend or friends (this way will make it easier for you to pass), make sure that he/they also have all the achievements on the Obsidian plate, otherwise you will not activate the secret. You can go through the secret ending both solo and with a team in any number.
Secret activation
When you have launched the contract White House, go through it as always before you reach the bunker. WE RECOMMEND GOING THROUGH STEALTH, IT WILL SAVE YOU TIME!

If you are not going full lobby, but only with a couple of players, when you reach the library, raise the alarm so that the bots come to you. They will be very useful to you, but we will explain why soon.

When you go down the entire command structure to the bunker, go to the room that is highlighted in the image.

In this room you will see a picture in front of you. If the frame of the picture does not light up, it means that you or someone from your team have not completed some achievement and therefore will not be able to activate the secret.

If it glows, then go to it and remove it, and then install C4.

After that, the wall will explode and give you access to a secret, abandoned mine.

Go down the shaft. When you reach the end, you will see an elevator, which you will need to go down a very long descent.

As soon as you go down, you will see a riddle in front of you in the wall in the shape of a wheel, in which there will be several rings with a language unknown to us, and levers near it. This room will be the key to getting the secret ending. Here you will spend a lot of time to solve the riddles that will be discussed later.

Build recommendations

Let's get back to the build topic. To pass the secret ending, you will need to create a separate build that will help you pass it. It is not recommended to go through the ending when you are fully empty, unless, of course, you really want to feel pain. Therefore, we have collected the most important things here, but no one forbids you to make your own assembly for this achievement.

You probably ask, what can go wrong? As soon as you get to the riddle and activate it, Demons will start appearing in the room. These are unusual demons, as you might think. This can be said to be Cloakers, only in the form of Demons. Yes, they can knock you down and very often, and they can also shoot with firearms. But if you make the right build, then they won't be so scary and dangerous for you either.

Don't ask why demons have firearms, we don't know. ಠ_ಠ

Weapons and equipment
Let's start with the simplest, weapons and equipment. Everything you see here is only our opinion. We have picked up those weapons that ordinary players can take without DLC. If you don't like something here, no one forbids you to make your own build, which will be better than ours in your opinion.

Primary weapon:

M308 Rifle
You will need this rifle to pass the White House, because it will be useful both against demons and in stealth. The main thing is, do not forget to put a silencer on it, otherwise there will be no benefit from it in stealth, and you can also set the shooting mode: Auto Fire (for the last point, you need DLC)

Any powerful shotgun
Shotguns will be very useful to you against demons, as it is this weapon that copes with them very well. There may be some problems in stealth, but it's playable. (The image shows just a shotgun, for example. You can take some other one)

Flamethrower Mk.1
Suitable for those who want to make a stealth gun secondary, not the primary. The flamethrower is no different from the MA-17 Flamethrower, it can just be in the main weapon slot. We recommend taking it if you have purchased DLC.

XL 5.56 Microgun
Not a bad weapon, but inferior to a flamethrower. You can try to take it as an alternative. Its effectiveness will be a little less, but it will still be able to cope with Demons.

Vulcan Minigun
Alternative XL 5.56 Microgun. If you put the right modifications on it and you learn how play on it, then it will be very useful. But if you don't have DLC with it, we don't recommend taking it.

Secondary weapon:

MA-17 Flamethrower
You will really need this weapon in the passage. It copes very well with demons due to the large damage zone and is suitable for those who do not have DLC for the second flamethrower.

Any powerful shotgun
As mentioned above, shotguns will be very useful against demons, since it is this weapon that copes with them very well. But these shotguns will already be in the second slot. (The image shows just a shotgun, for example. You can take some other one)

The Judge Shotgun
A very powerful shotgun that you can safely use in stealth mode. With it, you can kill opponents, where they will fly away very much in the direction of the shot. It is recommended to take it if you are doing stealth on a secondary weapon.

Deagle Pistol
A decent gun for your attention. This weapon will not disappoint you and will be very convenient in stealth. We recommend taking it if you want to play with a regular pistol.


Electrical Brass Knuckles
In our opinion, this is the best melee against Demons. Brass knuckles can be electrocuted, where after a powerful blow, Demon will be paralyzed for several seconds.

Any powerful melee weapon
If you don't want to play with electric brass knuckles, you can take something powerful in damage that can kill opponents with one or two blows.


Leech Ampule
This is certainly not a throwing weapon, but a perk that we'll talk about a little later. This is a very useful thing that will save you very often.

Any throwing weapon
If you don't want to pump the Leech perk, then you can take something to your liking. Anything that does a lot of damage will do.


Any body armor
It's already your decision which armor to take. My partner and I used the latest one that was available to us, because I remind you that Demons have machine guns and they will also shoot at you. Therefore, it is not desirable to be there without armor!


Sentry Gun
Sentry Gun will save you a lot from demons, automatically shooting at them, unless of course you will not forget to reload it.

Ammo Bag
You will need to take a ammo bag to Sentry Gun, otherwise you will not live long in a room with a riddle.

Doctor Bag
If you do not want to go through the ending alone, your partner is obliged to take a doctor bag, since you will not be able to stay there indefinitely.

Many do not know, but there is a limited number of falls in the game. There are two types of falls, when you are knocked down by cloakers, and when you fall from loss of health. In the first case, your drop counter will not decrease, but in the second case it will. This counter can be found near your health bar. It will look something like this: 1x>>, 2x>>, 3x>>. Therefore, pay attention to it.

The number of falls can only be recovered using a doctor bag, so use it only when you have only 0x>> or 1x>>.

First Aid Kit
A good option that will simply replenish your health.

But remember that using these first aid kits, you will not replenish the number of falls. One of your teammates can take this to save a medical bag.

Trip Mines and Shaped Charges
If you want to go through this heist/contract with stealth, this process will be faster with mines. It is recommended to take this to the fourth teammate for alternative assistance in passing.
Perk Deck
The next thing you need for the build is perks. Perks are a significant element of any build in Payday 2, which also affects the characteristics of your character.

Now we will talk about several perks that you or your friends can use in passing the secret ending. But you can use yours too.

1. The very first perk, which is very useful, is called Leech. You can read more about it yourself. But why is it so useful? When you fall, you can drink an ampoule and stand up for a couple of seconds. This time will be enough to shout at the teammate to get up.

2. The Ex-President perk will be useful to get to the room with picture if you start the contract by loud way. Increased health, accelerated armor recovery and automatic health replenishment, which depends on the number of enemy kills.

3. Also, if you will go this contract by loud way, the Anarchist perk may suit you. With it, you will become a tank in the team. You will not be invulnerable, but you will be much stronger than others. This can help you in a team game if someone is in trouble. (DLC required)

The next important point is skills. Without them, it will be very painful to go through this ending. But we will not discuss every skill here, but only the most important ones, because you can read it yourself if you need it.

It is required to take everything related to treatment. Choose for yourself, depending on the equipment that you will take.

The last skill needs to be upgraded to the second level so that you can raise your teammate or bot. IT'S A MUST! It's better to shout at a teammate than to pick him up, risking falling himself.

In the enforcer section, you can take a skill to your liking, or you cannot touch anything.

This tab is an important part of the build. Here you need to upgrade the sentry gun to save ammo and increase its efficiency.

Also, if you play the cannon M308 Rifle you will need to open the skill to the second level "Surefire". This skill adds extra ammunition to your rifle, which is very necessary against various opponents.

In this tab, we recommend that you upgrade "Duck and Cover" and "Parkour" to the second level. Speed and efficiency in passing will never hurt.

In this branch, we recommend that you upgrade hand-to-hand combat, as well as the ability to stand up on your own in case of a fall. Against demons, these are very necessary skills.

Crew Management/Bots
The last important point. If you are going through an incomplete line-up or decide to perform solo, you definitely need to pump up the bots. In an improved form, they will be very useful and in demand in a room with a riddle.

Primary weapons:
Choose the most powerful weapons for bots. We recommend giving them shotguns, because, as mentioned above, they are very good at dealing with demons.

Crew abilities:
It is required to take these skills:
  • Inspiring (one of the bot will be able to revive you with a shout),
  • Quick (you will interact with the equipment 25% faster),
  • Piercing (bots will receive armor-piercing rounds and will be able to pierce shields + any enemy armor).

Crew boosts:
You need to take these perks:
  • Distractor (chance to dodge increased by 5),
  • Healer (every 5 seconds, you will replenish 5 health units),
  • Reinforcer (your team's health increases by 60).

BUT you can also take these perks:
  • Invigorator (your stamina increases and you can run longer),
  • Accelerator (reload and weapon switching speed increased by 50%),
  • Concealer (you become more secretive by 3 points).

Let's go back to the riddles. When you went down the elevator, there will be a big wheel with rings in front of you, in an unknown language, which we talked about earlier. By approaching this wheel, you will be able to activate it. After activation, a riddle will start for you, and Demons will start appearing behind you.

Riddles will be displayed in the outer part of the circle after activation, and they will need to be read backwards as well as when you translating messages from Obsidian plate. In each riddle there is one keyword that does not occur in the text of other riddles. This word is always at the end of a sentence and we advise you to immediately start translating from it (remember that the text is read backwards).

To advance through the secret ending, you will need to solve 4 riddles. If you enter the wrong answer, you will start with the very first riddle. You will need to enter the answers again, but the solved riddles remain the same until the contract/robbery restart.

To enter the answer, 4 levers will be presented, which rotate their corresponding rings counterclockwise (except for one lever, it is used to confirm the answer).

1. The first lever rotates the outermost ring and the ring in the middle. (2 words)

2. The second lever rotates the ring between the first and third ring. (1 word)

3. The third lever rotates the ring that is closest to the center and the ring in the middle. (2 words)

4. The fourth lever checks the answer to the riddle.

The answer will consist of five characters. For you, we have written two variants of the Keyword in an unknown language. The first, the topmost, is not a mirror version. The second, the lowest is the mirror version, which you can see in the riddle in game itself. Choose a way to search for a word in a riddle that will be easier in your opinion.

There are 13 riddles in total. Here are their keywords and answers to them:

As soon as you solve all the riddles, your screen will turn white and you will switch to Casing mode. And as soon as you lose the white effect, a series of doors will open in front of you, which will give you access to a long corridor. At the end there will be a huge space and a pyramid structure/portal in the middle.

After walking to the center of the platform, a Dentist will talk to you after a while, where he will congratulate you, and then begin threatening to kill Bain. He will ask you to come and open the door to the platform where you solved the riddles. If you ignore his request, he will kill everyone and the mission will fail.

When you open the door, Bain will tell you to kill the Dentist, since he does not want to cooperate with him. The main thing here is to be careful when you get a weapon, do not get too close to the Dentist, otherwise he will become invulnerable and kill Lock, which will cause the Mission to fail and you will have to start all over again.

Keep your distance and kill the Dentist. After that, take the bag with the gold that you stole on OVERDRILL (it will be lying near Bain and Lock) and take it to the center of the platform. As soon as Bain is taken to the center, you will have the Point of No Return in 3 minutes and you will need to insert gold bars into special recesses in the floor in limited time. As soon as you fill in all the empty recesses, Bain will thank you by entering the portal, and then your screen will turn white and the heist will be completed.

The End
Complete the PAYDAY 2 Secret. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎

As a result, you will get the same achievement "The End" and finally your journey will be over. A new short film will be added to the Movie Theater tab, which Steam will automatically download, but we will leave this short film here especially for you.

Summing up
Well, we hope we helped those who needed help with the passage of the secret ending. We were glad to help the PAYDAY 2 community, and we are grateful to everyone who helped us in passing some achievements. We really liked the warmth and friendliness of the community. We will resort to your help more than once in the right situations.

We tried very hard to make this guide very convenient and informative for you, spending a lot of time and effort on translating messages and writing this guide. Therefore, we hope for your feedback and kind words.

bubby 17 Feb @ 6:35am 
oh ok
Frond Fox  [author] 16 Feb @ 11:58pm 
bubby, collect all the parts of the structure, play the piano and you can begin to pass the secret ending.
bubby 16 Feb @ 6:31pm 
what if i already have all the acheivements on the list?
Frond Fox  [author] 9 Feb @ 7:40am 
John, on his plate.
John 9 Feb @ 7:35am 
My friend needs to have same achievements that are on MY obsidian plate or he needs to have achievements that are on HIS plate (in his safe house) ?
TameCoot 27 Jan @ 12:05pm 
Man this is a lot more than I expected to get the good ending
Descole 27 Jan @ 10:26am 
Great guide, thank you :8bitheart:
DZUDMENS 4 Jan @ 10:24am 
Its ok thx for help i downloaded mod with all dlc! :)
Frond Fox  [author] 4 Jan @ 1:16am 
DZUDMENS, I don't quite understand what your question is about.
DZUDMENS 3 Jan @ 9:48pm 
Is their a way to get diferent achievements?