The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

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LGC Alignment Guide
By ZekeBel
The goal of this guide is to thoroughly explain the LGC Alignment System and what it affects, while also providing examples to optimize the choices made during the playthrough.
What is the LGC Alignment System?
The LGC Alignment is a morality system that is affected by Van’s actions during the main story and 4SPGs. It receives its name from the three different elements that compose it - Law, Gray and Chaos. While it doesn’t have a major impact on the story outside of Chapter 5, this system provides several benefits gameplay-wise.

Each Alignment needs points to level up, which are obtained from 4SPG requests and certain story choices.
After completing a 4SPG, Van will automatically gain 1 point towards the Alignments that are shown when accepting a sidequest.

The ‘Investigate a Friend Who Stole’ 4SPG grants 1 Law and 1 Gray point upon completion

Additionally, Van's choices at the end of some 4SPGs will affect their outcome. These choices give 5 points to one specific Alignment.

’Confess to the store and return the money’ (Law) or ‘Return the money without telling the store’ (Gray)?

This is the cumulative amount of points required to level up each Alignment:

And lastly, the big question: is it possible to max all three Alignments in a single playthrough? According to the information presented in ‘The Complete Guide (日本ファルコム公式 英雄伝説 黎の軌跡 ザ・コンプリートガイド)’ book, the answer is no, it’s not possible. That said, there are several approaches to make the most out of this system that will be explained in more detail down below.
What does it affect?
  1. In-game achievements and rewards tied to leveling up each Alignment up to Lv5.
  2. Mare, Van’s exclusive Hollow Core, will get different upgrades upon reaching Lv3 for each Alignment.
  3. Van’s Alignment will affect the factions the Solutions Office can partner with during the events of Chapter 5.
  4. These different factions can also aid the Solutions Office right before entering the final dungeon during the Final Chapter if their respective Alignment is at Lv4 or higher.
  5. One optional boss per Alignment will appear in the final dungeon if they are at Lv5. These bosses drop Jet Black Steel, an alloy variant of the Zemurian Ore that can be used to create the ultimate weapon for every party member.

The most important thing to consider regarding your choices would be whether you want to focus on the story or the gameplay:
  • If you want to get everything story-related, then the goal is to get all Alignments to Lv3 by Chapter 5 (all Routes available) and then to Lv4 by the Final Chapter (full cutscene before the final dungeon). Note that doing this will make it difficult, or outright impossible depending on your choices, to get any Alignment to Lv5 for the optional bosses.
  • Alternatively, if you are more interested in the gameplay benefits, like unlocking a Mare upgrade early or obtaining extra drops of Jet Black Steel, it is feasible to get Lv5 for both Chaos and Gray while completely ignoring Law, or maximize Law while not focusing on the other two Alignments too much.
Mare Upgrades
Mare will synchronize with Van’s will once any Alignment reaches Lv3, unlocking new potential. While Mare's S-Boost —Multiple Works— gives Van a little bit of everything, these new Cores allow him to have a more defined role during battle.

“Boost to enhance multiple combat parameters”

“Boost to turn your unbreakable will into power”

“Boost to increase mobility and storm the battlefield”

“Boost to turn your impulse of destruction into power”

All versions can be obtained during the same playthrough and these upgrades share their Lv and Exp with the default Mare, there's no need to level them up separately.
Chapter 5 Route Split
Upon arriving at Oración, the Solutions Office may partner with a different faction to work together during the main events of this Chapter.
All factions and their characters are hidden to avoid spoilers.
  • Bracer Guild: requires Law Lv3
    • Elaine (playable character during Phase 1)
    • Fie (AI-controlled guest during Phase 1, playable character during Phases 2 and 3)
    • Zin (AI-controlled guest)
  • Heiyue: requires Gray Lv3
    • Rixia (playable character)
    • Cao (AI-controlled guest)
  • Ouroboros: requires Chaos Lv3
    • Walter and Lucrezia (AI-controlled guests)
  • Ikaruga: requires the sum of Law and Chaos to be 5 or higher
    • Shizuna (playable character)
    • Kurogane (AI-controlled guest)
Note that if absolutely no LGC requirements are met, the Solutions Office will join forces with the Bracer Guild by default.
List of 4SPGs and Choices
I hope you like tables because oh boy, there are a lot of tables in the next two sections!

All 4SPGs alongside their choices, if there are any, have been compiled and organized using 'The Complete Guide' and my own savefiles to double-check the information. These lists include the Japanese names of every sidequest and their translated name, which may differ once the game is localized.
The choices are only in English to save some space but they are ordered as they appear in-game: the first choice corresponds to the Y button while the second one is the X button.

Finally, the total amount of points obtained by completing 4SPGs has been added up, while the part of the table that corresponds to points based on choices is empty, so that these images can be used as a template for your own playthrough.
Update (15/8/24): There are four 4SPGs that award one extra Law point upon completion: Search for Annie's Cat (アニーの猫探) in Chapter 1, Bazaar Pickpocket Girl (バザールのスリ少女) in Chapter 3, Consult about Threatening Letters (脅迫状についての相談) in Chapter 5 and Son Who Has Gone Astray (乱暴になった息子) in Final Chapter. The images below have been updated to reflect this new information.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4


Chapter 5
To avoid spoilers, I have tried to be as vague as possible regarding the choices you would get after defeating some bosses.

Final Chapter
Sample Templates
So many points and choices can be overwhelming, especially since the game doesn't offer a way to keep track of your current amount of points per Alignment, but worry not! I have created several templates you can follow to make the most out of the LCG System and achieve specific results during your playthrough.

In a sense, this section is still a WIP since I'm currently playing through a fresh file while following one of these templates to check if my routing is correct or not. So far it tracks with the spreadsheet, but the information below will be updated if anything changes.

Update 1 (13/8/24): there are a couple 4SPGs that award one additional Law point compared to what appears on the templates down below. These sidequests are: Search for Annie's Cat (アニーの猫探), Bazaar Pickpocket Girl (バザールのスリ少女), Consult about Threatening Letters (脅迫状についての相談) and Son Who Has Gone Astray (乱暴になった息子).
So you would have 2 extra Law points by Chapter 5 (Edith, Nov 19th) and another 2 by Final Chapter (Edith, Dec 3rd). Note that these extra Law points don't change anything major from any template, although there's one minor tweak for the 'Lv5 Law, Lv4 Gray, Lv3 Chaos and earliest Mare (Law)' template.
Update 2 (19/8/24): all images have been updated.

As the name suggests, the goal of this template is to level up all Alignments equally. You will be able to team up with all factions during Chapter 5 and also get the full cutscene just before the final dungeon of the Final Chapter. However, no Alignment can reach Lv5.

  • Mare upgrade order: Chaos > Law > Gray
  • Law will reach Lv3 (63/60) by Chapter 4 (Basel, Oct 24th) and Lv4 (98/120) by the Final Chapter (Edith, Dec 3rd)
  • Gray will reach Lv3 (52/50) by Interlude (Edith, Nov 9th) and Lv4 (75/100) by the Final Chapter (Edith, Dec 3rd)
  • Chaos will reach Lv3 (33/30) by Chapter 4 (Edith, Oct 18th) and Lv4 (52/75) by the Final Chapter (Edith, Dec 3rd)

Lv5 Chaos & Gray, Lv2 Law and earliest Mare (Chaos)
Both Chaos and Gray can reach max level during the same playthrough at the cost of completely ignoring Law.

There are several benefits gameplay-wise for this path, namely getting 2 extra drops of Jet Black Steel and, most importantly, obtaining Mare (Chaos) as soon as possible, which is near the end of Chapter 3. Storywise, you can partner up with all factions but Law during Chapter 5 and you get 2/3 of the cutscene before the final dungeon of the Final Chapter.

  • Mare upgrade order: Chaos > Gray. It is impossible to obtain the Law upgrade
  • Law will be at Lv2 (39/60) by Chapter 5 (Edith, Nov 19th) and it will remain at Lv2 (56/60) by the Final Chapter (Edith, Dec 3rd)
  • Gray will reach Lv3 (51/50) by Chapter 3 (Tharbad, Oct 7th) and Lv5 (104/100) by the Final Chapter (Edith, Dec 3rd)
  • Chaos will reach Lv3 (32/30) by Chapter 3 (Tharbad, Oct 6th) and Lv5 (77/75) by the Final Chapter (Edith, Dec 3rd). Alternatively, it is possible to achieve Lv5 in Chapter 5 instead if you choose differently after defeating the Phase 3 Boss. I don't think there is any benefit in doing so but the option is there

Lv5 Law, Lv3 Chaos & Gray and earliest Mare (Chaos)
Since there are so many choices that grant Law points, you can invest in the other Alignments to obtain all Mare upgrades and be able to ally with any faction during Chapter 5 while still getting Law to Lv5. Sadly, it is impossible to max Gray like in the previous template as it would be 11 points short even while completely ignoring Chaos.

  • Mare upgrade order: Chaos > Law > Gray
  • Law will reach Lv3 (63/60) by Chapter 4 (Basel, Oct 24th) and Lv5 (124/120) by the Final Chapter (Edith, Dec 3rd)
  • Gray will reach Lv3 (51/50) by Chapter 5 (Edith, Nov 19th) and it will remain at Lv3 (64/75) by the Final Chapter (Edith, Dec 3rd)
  • Chaos will reach Lv3 (32/30) by Chapter 3 (Tharbad, Oct 6th) and it will remain at Lv3 (37/45) by the Final Chapter (Edith, Dec 3rd)

Lv5 Law, Lv4 Gray, Lv3 Chaos and earliest Mare (Law)
A variant of the above template that ignores Chaos until Chapter 5 to focus more on Law and Gray. With these extra points, Law reaches Lv4 by Chapter 5 so all factions but Chaos are available. Then, Chaos gets to Lv3 in one fell swoop during the events of Chapter 5 to unlock the last Mare upgrade. And finally, you can view 2/3 of the cutscene before the final dungeon of the Final Chapter since Gray reaches Lv4 by endgame.

  • Mare upgrade order: Law > Gray > Chaos
  • Law will reach Lv3 (65/60) by Chapter 3 (Tharbad, Oct 6th) and Lv5 (122/120) by the Final Chapter (Edith, Dec 3rd)
  • Gray will reach Lv3 (52/50) by Chapter 4 (Basel, Oct 24th) and Lv4 (83/100) by the Final Chapter (Edith, Dec 3rd)
  • Chaos will be at Lv1 (10/15) by Chapter 5 (Edith, Nov 19th) and it will reach Lv3 (32/45) by the Final Chapter (Edith, Dec 3rd). Mare will be upgraded during Chapter 5 (Oración, Nov 21st)
Kuro no Kiseki II - Crimson SiN Transfer Bonus
Having a Kuro no Kiseki/Trails through Daybreak Clear Save file in your system will grant you extra items at the start of a new playthrough in Kuro II. These rewards depend solely on the Solutions Office Rank (Alchemy Stones to strengthen a character's Crafts) and the level of the LGC Alignments (unique accessories). They are as follow:

LGC Alignments
  • Law Lv5: Amulet of Law (Max HP +500; All status ailment prevention +50%)
  • Gray Lv5: Amulet of Gray (STR, DEF, ATS, ADF, SPD, Evasion and Magic Evasion +7)
  • Chaos Lv5: Amulet of Chaos (STR, CRIT+10; CP +10 when acting)
Note that the only way to obtain these accessories is by transfering data.

Important! At the time of writing this section, the only PC version of Kuro no Kiseki II available is CLE's. Savefiles between the CLE and NISA versions are NOT compatible.

Information taken from the ‘The Complete Guide (日本ファルコム公式 英雄伝説 黎の軌跡II -CRIMSON SiN- ザ・コンプリートガイド)' book.
Ending Words
If you have any suggestions on how to improve the guide or extra information that I may have missed, just let me know down below.

In any case, I hope this guide proves useful and thanks for reading!

  • 22/10/23: Initial publication of the guide.
  • 1/1/24: Added information about Kuro no Kiseki II Transfer Bonus.
  • 18/5/24: Fixed the playable status of Fie in the 'Chapter 5 Route Split' section
  • 13/8/24: Updated the 'List of 4SPGs and Choices' and 'Sample Templates' sections with new information about a couple 4SPGs that award one additional Law point (Search for Annie's Cat (アニーの猫探), Bazaar Pickpocket Girl (バザールのスリ少女), Consult about Threatening Letters (脅迫状についての相談) and Son Who Has Gone Astray (乱暴になった息子)). These changes are in text format for now, I'll try to update the images soon.
  • 15/8/24: Updated the tables for the 'What is the LGC Alignment System?' and 'Mare Upgrades' sections so they're more consistent with the style/format I've used in my Connect Events guide, and to fix a couple typos. Updated the images for the 'List of 4SPGs and Choices' section to reflect the additional Law points mentioned in the previous update.
  • 19/8/24: Updated all images for the 'Sample Templates' section. There are no big changes overall despite the extra Law points, except for a minor tweak to the 'Lv5 Law, Lv4 Gray, Lv3 Chaos and earliest Mare (Law)' table.
ZekeBel  [author] 15 Feb @ 2:08pm 

Hi there! I do intend to write a guide like this one (and another one for Connect Events) for Daybreak 2 but, unfortunately, I'm kinda busy these days so I can't give you an estimate on when they'll be ready.

In the meantime, this Neoseeker guide seems to be fairly complete:
giga-ganon 15 Feb @ 2:17am 

Hi, was wondering if you planned to do a daybreak 2 alignement guide? If not, do you know where i could check to know exactly what amount i need to be able to see all choices? (like the first, don't care about maxing out, i just want to be able to see the most content possible)

ZekeBel  [author] 15 Sep, 2024 @ 1:53pm 

That's correct, Chaos reaches Lv4 during the second day of Chapter 5 (Nov 21st) and stays like that for the rest of the game.
I could clarify when you get any extra level ups, if there are any, before the cut-off point during the Final Chapter, since I guess the confusion comes from the "and Lv4 (52/75) by the Final Chapter (Edith, Dec 3rd)" line, right?
ZekeBel  [author] 15 Sep, 2024 @ 1:41pm 

Yes and no. Yes because you would have access to all three exclusive accessories, but no because they don't seem that impactful, especially the Amulet of Gray. That said, I'd focus on getting either Law (the Amulet of Law can be useful earlygame due to the extra HP) or Chaos (the Amulet of Chaos offers some CP recovery, which is always nice) to Lv5 to obtain the transfer bonus you prefer, if you don't want to do 2 playthroughs
Lightning_Scarf 15 Sep, 2024 @ 11:06am 
So I've been following the balance template, but I somehow have level 4 Chaos in chapter 5?
Weasel 15 Sep, 2024 @ 2:55am 
So essentially you need new game + to get maximum best possible carry over result for Kuro 2?
ZekeBel  [author] 29 Aug, 2024 @ 8:15am 
Yeah that's fine, you can select Law there and still get 5/3/3. Even if you're following the template, you can still change some things around if you prefer certain outcomes, as long as you keep the point requirements in mind
sathy_s 28 Aug, 2024 @ 8:17am 
Is there a reason to pick Gray on the lvl 5 law and lvl 3 others template in chapter 5 ,20th November during the boss fight. Since we wont get past lvl l 3 Gray anyway. Is it ok to just pick Law for that choice?
ZekeBel  [author] 13 Aug, 2024 @ 12:01pm 
No problem and I'm sorry I can't help you more, but let me know if you run into any other issues!

And also, thank you for pointing the points didn't add up between the guides, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed some sidequests give extra Law points ^^
Macona 13 Aug, 2024 @ 10:36am 
Thanks, I must have made a mistake then