50 ratings
Special Log Yamato 4: Archipelago 100% Clear
By DerpSmashed
Clearing all Objectives for the Archipelago of Dancing Bubbles Special Log Mission for Yamato with Pathing and Objective Details.
Objective Only Results

These are the points you can expect to get just focusing on the Objectives for this map. I didn't try to get minion kills that weren't necessary (300 points for every 500), and I ignored the Treasure Chests (1000 points each). Cleared with over 3 minutes left on the clock, and ignored the Soul Enemies, so you can very easily get over 20,000 points if you go for those also, but you only need 15,000 to get the max end mission rewards, for this level being the Power Souls. The Soul Enemies will just give the other types of Souls as rewards after completing the level, so honestly best to just ignore them and focus on clearing with 15,000 points for the max Power Souls reward.

Land of Wano gives Stamina Souls.
Land of Confections gives Life Souls.
Navy Base gives Defense Souls.
Archipelago of Dancing Bubbles gives Power Souls.

That's the farming areas for Soul types, which is why you can ignore the Soul Enemies in each mission.
Part 1

1. Defeat the Commander. DO NOT KILL LUFFY AFTERWARDS! That advances the map search.

2. Defeat Urouge.

3. Save the Villager by Defeating 300 Pirates. This only spawns after defeating Urouge. He will have waves of Commanders spawning on him, so stay close to him. Once all 300 have been defeated, which will only take seconds, the Villager will retreat.

4. Defeat Bege.

5. Defeat Killer.

6. Defeat the Commander while having a HIT 500 count. This only spawns after defeating Killer. If you followed the pathing without killing too many little minions, you'll notice a horde trail leading towards where you encountered Killer. If needed, just kite the Commander back that way once he spawns and you'll have heaps on enemies to get the 500 hit counter going before defeating him.

7. Defeat Luffy. This will change the Map Search area and all previous objectives can no longer be cleared, so make sure you done all the previous objectives first.
Part 2

1. Defeat Commander and Law. Defeating Law is vital to starting the 6 objective. DO NOT KILL ALL 3 COMMANDERS! That advances the map search.

2. Defeat Hawkins.

3. Defeat Drake.

4. Defeat the Sentry's before time runs out (1 minute). This only spawns after defeating Drake, and clearing the 6 objective in Part 1. There will be 5 Sentry's spawn in the lower area where the shipping containers are, defeating them only takes seconds.

5. Defeat Kid.

6. Stop the Messenger from reaching the Destination (the Bridge North). This only spawns after completing the 3 objective in Part 1 and defeating all the Supernova's (if it spawns before, then Law is the trigger, so slightly change the pathing from the previous objectives to defeat Law after Kid. Not entirely sure as I defeated Law after Kid myself, as I noticed 1 objective hadn't triggered yet at that point).

7. Defeat the last 2 Commanders. This will change the Map Search area and all previous objectives can no longer be cleared, so make sure you done all the previous objectives first.
Part 3

1. Defeat Commander and Capture Territory. Wait until the objectives tell you that you can capture the territories before defeating the Commander, as that will speed up the process. So just run around in circles staying out of range of the Commanders attacks until that point.

2. Defeat Luffy.

3. Defeat Killer and Capture Territory. The area Killer is in has spawners, and since the Maps turn Green at this Point, Killer and Luffy both spawn as Red, so there are more red minions always spawning with them until defeated along with the green to make capturing it super easy.

4. Defeat Bege. His underlings will retreat after you defeat him.

5. Defeat Commander and Capture Territory. There will be a non-objective Commander in the back near a spawner too, so worth hitting that up after defeating the objective Commander to get the Territory Leader to spawn if it hasn't already.

6. Defeat Commander. This is to just give you 1 more minute plus enemies to kill on the way to the top of the territory.

7. Defeat Drake and Capture Territory. He spawns close to the bridge, so try to get on the bridge before he spawns so you can knock him back towards the spawner to capture the territory quickly while defeating him.

8. Defeat Hawkins and Capture Territory. He spawns with Underlings giving him lives like he does in the Wano Arc, so defeat his Underlings first, then take him out. You will spawn the Territory Leader during the fight, as Hawkins and Law are both in that zone and aren't on the same team as the territory holder like Killer and Luffy in objective 3, plus your territory right beside it also sending units in there to help capture it, also Hawkins and his Underlings spawn near a spawner.

9. Defeat Law. Every so often he will use Shambles to return to where he spawns, which is the circled area on the map. Be careful as it is kinda buggy, by that, I mean if you defeat him at the same time he uses Shambles, he will be back at his spawn, and back at 100% HP. Happened to me a few times while I was figuring out all the objectives for this Map.

10. Capture the Territory. Since that territory is surrounded by your territories at that point in time, sometimes the Leader will have already spawned, other times it is only a couple of minion kills away from spawning the Leader, thus the pathing for this final part to make that incredibly easy and consume close to no time.

11. Defeat Teach. Shortly after you defeat Teach, and only after ALL previous objectives have been cleared will the final objective appear. In this case, it is to defeat Yamato which happens where ever you end up after fighting Teach, so I didn't provide a Map Marker for it. Not sure what happens if you specifically choose to play as Yamato for this level, as I cleared it with Onigashima Kaido, which some people say he's bad at these missions, but he's not.

For those still struggling to get all the Objectives, here is my video showing you how to get the 100% Clear.
K1KO 23 Aug @ 4:31pm 
(if you choose to play as Yamato you fight Luffy as the final objective)
DerpSmashed  [author] 27 Feb @ 12:07am 
My pleasure. Glad they were helpful!
Whotson 26 Feb @ 2:17pm 
That's was very useful
Thanks for you hard work on doing this
I read all your guides and they were perfectly well explained and helped me a lot. Thanks again
DerpSmashed  [author] 25 Feb @ 6:29pm 
I did point that stuff out in a previous comment with this being the only Mission where the Enemies / Allies for objectives can change depending on the order you complete them in, mentioning Law and Kid, as well as Urouge and Killer. Since I primarily play Speed Types, someone else pointed out to me already about Luffy being the final Boss if you played as Yamato.
MarioChief 25 Feb @ 12:51am 
I followed this guide as Yamato and I found that
By beating Law first
1.Kid spawns where Drake does
2.Drake spawns where Law does
3.Law appears as an ally, which I assume Kid did for you
By being Yamato, Luffy is the final opponent.
DerpSmashed  [author] 22 Feb @ 5:53am 
Yes, you can upgrade your Power in the Soul Map, doing so will allow you to do more damage. Also upgrading Stamina helps a lot, so you can just fly between the areas quickly, going from objective to objective.
I mostly play Speed Types which get an attack speed increase during Full Force Burst, so playing them might help as you can do more damage quicker, especially if you use the skills that increase Full Force Burst duration, and Special Move Gauge recharge rates, so you can use it often, with little downtime, just until you get your power up high enough to do it with your usual characters, as this Mission drops the Souls needed for upgrading power.
Pancake 21 Feb @ 9:03pm 
im having trouble trying to beat everything within the time limit i get to about part 3 stage 9 or 10 and i time out is there anyway to help with this
Snorlax 14 Jan @ 10:20pm 
Ah ok I see, I haven’t played Coby’s special Log yet.
Thanks for the reply tho :)
DerpSmashed  [author] 14 Jan @ 4:24pm 
The ones where Large Souls are available as rewards, if you grab the "Bonus Souls" perk, you get extras for completing the set Days, and doing all Side Objectives also grants 1 Skill Soul of that level if it gives you the typing's, or x2 All for the All types as the Bonus for doing the Side Objectives of each Day.

Depending on what the final Special Log Mission will be about, it may or may not require a Guide, if it does, then I'll definitely be writing one for it.
DerpSmashed  [author] 14 Jan @ 4:24pm 
I was planning on it, however, Koby's Special Log Mission is pretty straight forward, so there aren't any Guides that need to be written about it, the only thing that needs to be mentioned is the defeating the 3 Commanders in a set order, which is the same each time, being Pirate Commander, then Chess Commander with Germa Commander being the final one, literally everything else is as it says, since you go between 5 days which are all maybe 2 minutes long each if you do the side objective also. They also rotate between the exact same set objectives and side objectives, they are just randomised, with the enemies being randomised too. Once you get past Day 50, you have technically "cleared" it, and all characters can then be used, and if you fail at any point past that, you can restart from Day 51.