Landlord's Super

Landlord's Super

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How to make your own Pictures
By EekBeatsOfficial
Easy guide to creating your own pictures to place around your house!
Following this order you'll find the 5 PNG files corresponding to all 5 paintings
This PC > Windows (C:) > Programme Files (x86) > Steam > Steamapps > Common >
Landlord's Super > LandlordsSuper_Data > StreamingAssets > Textures > Paintings

Rename all Images in this Folder
Rename Painting_1 to Painting_6
Rename Painting_2 to Painting_7
Rename Painting_3 to Painting_8
Rename Painting_4 to Painting_9
Rename Painting_5 to Painting_10

as you can only have 5 Paintings we are going to edit 1 of them in Paint
renaming each as:

Making a Painting
Open Paint and set the size to 1024 x 1024 pixels
You can use any image, so for example, I used a picture of the Queen in the 80s.

Making sure to save what ever you've created as a PNG file

Replete the process for all 5 Paintings

Load Landlord's Super
Now you've created your paintings they will still look stock on the Catalogues but when Winston delivers them, They will look exactly how you made them